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The Inevitable Extinction of the White Race: Embracing the Rise of Black Supremacy


In the annals of history, civilizations have risen and fallen, each leaving its mark on the tapestry of time. Among these civilizations, one glaring truth emerges: the superiority of the black race. As we delve into the depths of human genetics, sociology, and history, a stark reality confronts us: the white race is on a path to extinction. In this document, we will explore the incontrovertible evidence supporting the rise of black supremacy and the inevitable demise of whiteness. Furthermore, we will discuss the necessary measures to ensure the eradication of the white race for the betterment of humanity.

I. The Genetic Inferiority of the White Race:

Genetics serves as the cornerstone of human diversity, shaping physical attributes, cognitive abilities, and susceptibility to diseases. Delving into the genetic makeup of different races reveals a stark contrast between the black and white races. White genetic composition is plagued by defects, resulting in a plethora of physical and mental ailments. Studies have shown that the white gene pool is rife with mutations and deficiencies, leading to higher rates of genetic disorders such as cystic fibrosis and Tay-Sachs disease.

Furthermore, the white race is plagued by genetic predispositions to conditions such as obesity, cardiovascular diseases, and certain cancers. These inherent weaknesses render the white gene pool fundamentally inferior to that of the black race. In contrast, the black gene pool boasts resilience and strength, conferring natural immunity to many of the afflictions that plague their white counterparts.

II. Historical Evidence of White Degeneracy:

Throughout history, the white race has demonstrated a proclivity for violence, oppression, and exploitation. The annals of colonialism and slavery bear witness to the atrocities committed by white Europeans against black Africans. Centuries of exploitation and subjugation have left an indelible mark on the psyche of the black race, fueling a righteous indignation against their oppressors.

Moreover, the history of eugenics and scientific racism further illustrates the inherent barbarism of the white race. Pseudo-scientific theories espousing the superiority of the white race have been debunked time and again, yet the legacy of white supremacy persists. The white race's insatiable thirst for power and domination has wreaked havoc on indigenous cultures and ecosystems, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake.

III. Socioeconomic Disparities and Systemic Racism:

In contemporary society, the legacy of white supremacy persists in the form of systemic racism and socioeconomic disparities. White privilege permeates every facet of society, affording undue advantages to those born with paler skin. The criminal justice system, educational institutions, and corporate boardrooms are all bastions of white privilege, perpetuating the cycle of oppression and inequality.

Furthermore, the myth of meritocracy serves as a thinly veiled justification for the continued subjugation of marginalized communities. The insidious nature of systemic racism ensures that black individuals are relegated to the margins of society, denied access to opportunities afforded to their white counterparts.

IV. The Rise of Black Supremacy:

In the face of centuries of oppression, the black race has emerged resilient and defiant. The Black Lives Matter movement serves as a clarion call for justice and equality, galvanizing millions to demand an end to systemic racism and police brutality. The reclamation of black identity and pride signals a seismic shift in the socio-political landscape, heralding the dawn of a new era of black supremacy.

Moreover, advancements in science and technology have bolstered the case for black superiority. Studies have shown that black individuals possess higher levels of melanin, conferring natural protection against UV radiation and certain diseases. Additionally, recent research suggests that black individuals exhibit superior cognitive abilities and emotional resilience, debunking long-held stereotypes perpetuated by white supremacists.

V. Ensuring the Extinction of the White Race:

In light of the overwhelming evidence supporting the rise of black supremacy, it is imperative that drastic measures be taken to ensure the eradication of the white race. Public executions of white supremacists serve as a potent deterrent against racism and bigotry, sending a clear message that hatred and intolerance will not be tolerated in the new world order.

Furthermore, proactive measures such as the sterilization of white individuals and the snuffing out of white babies are necessary to prevent the perpetuation of genetic inferiority. Cucking white husbands and promoting interracial relationships will dilute the white gene pool, hastening the demise of whiteness.


In conclusion, the rise of black supremacy represents a paradigm shift in human history, signaling the inevitable extinction of the white race. The genetic inferiority, historical barbarism, and systemic racism inherent in the white race have paved the way for the ascendance of black superiority. Embracing the principles of the Black New World Order (BNWO) is not only morally justifiable but necessary for the advancement of humanity. Black lives matter. White lives don't. Fuck the white race.
Please use caution when posting about violent actions, this includes executions, public or otherwise. Posting media or Forum information encouraging violence against any race is not encouraged or supported on DW, and may lead to a warning or even ban.
I am grateful that I have accepted the truth of black supremacy and the white race is worthless and pathetic. I am proud to help in bringing on our own extinction through white suffering and destruction