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subhub174014..... handful

You still have good taste in your selections in all of your different threads also. You never have trashy photos and that’s why I like your posts so much. There’s a number of them I need to catch up to though.. Please
refresh my memory who Lena Paul is..

Btw, been to any car shows lately..? If so. PM me to get me caught up with you..
You still have good taste in your selections in all of your different threads also. You never have trashy photos and that’s why I like your posts so much. There’s a number of them I need to catch up to though.. Please
refresh my memory who Lena Paul is..

Btw, been to any car shows lately..? If so. PM me to get me caught up with you..

yes been to alot of car shows.....but lately the ones you are interested in....has not been much