That is there no doubt. Thay way to combat color discrimination is by another color, green. White bois in hiring positions can help elevate more Black people to positions of leadership to help shape company policies. Channeling the economic side will defiantly help strengthen the BNWO and shift the economic power to Black hands. The greedy white rich people don't give a crap about what is happening on the streets. They believe their money will keep them safe....Look and see how many Black people are running for office. Positions in big cities and little towns. All over the country. Planting seeds, effecting laws, gaining ground. With 1/2 the white bois hooked on IR porn and begging Black men to take their wives and use them like whores. That's what victors of a battle would do. Get control and fuck the women as a reward for a job well done. Here fucking the lilly white bitches , IS, the war lol....To survive the BNWO we have to show a usefulness to the BNWO.