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Alright guys and gals. I am 52 years old and happily married for the last 30+ years. I was one of the very few who had their foreskin attached in high school as it still is today. As I recall, a high school girlfriend was intrigued with the novelty of something different. When I was sporting a condom, the feeling for her was similar to a circumsized penis as the foreskin was pulled back and the condom rolled on. If the condom was tight, the excessive skin was left back at the end of the condom and either she needed to lubricated or the condom. When we the relationship grew, the condoms were dropped. That felt completely different for me and her. Since the skin on the penis slides up and down several inches, the pleasure both of us were feeling was my inner penis shaft was sliding inside by exterior skin. As the stoking motion happens, there is a delay in the exterior skin sliding after the penis has completed the stroke. That delay drove her to some of her best orgasms (or whatever that was we were doing in high school). You see there was a delay as her sensation of my shaft with all of its inner texturing created an anomaly delay she had never felt before. So if you are interested in circumcising later in life, I would urge you to have intercourse with your mate utilizing a tight condom with the head portion cut off. You have the full sensation of the head of your penis exposed, but the skin motion on your shaft is lost and some form of lubrication is necessary. Then try without the condom. It's a free country so the choice is yours; however, there is no going back. Gals, did I nail it! Pun intended..
An uncut cock is MORE SENSITIVE. A cut cock always has the head being rubbed against clothing while sitting, walking, running. The head is just like your feet. Walk around enough in your bare feet and soon, you can walk on a rough cement driveway and not even feel it. Did you go barefoot when you were young? Remember how you could do it without discomfort? Try it today as an adult and chances are you will be tip toeing over the rough stuff trying to avoid THE PAIN.

Not only is an uncut cock more sensitive to feel, but also, as you have basically stated, that foreskin provides it own sensation as you fuck with it, or even as you jack it. Yes, jack it, where you are running your palm up over the head constantly and guess what, no lube needed. Sometimes that foreskin takes on a feeling of it's own, becoming more sensitive to touch than at other times. Maybe you have a wet spot under the skin on just one part of your penis. Stroke it and it feels so different, soooo good.

Your woman is dry, or maybe...tight? Try this. Put your cock up against her wet dryness, hold the skin over the head, and as you slip in the foreskin allows you to go right on in with no lube. It also works when you do some butt fucking. And, I have found, some women like THE MYSTERY. They see a foreskin, and they want to see what's under there. I love my foreskin, and when you read my stories, I almost always tell who is cut, and who isn't.

There is always some guy who will respond to the more or less sensitive claim by saying, "Yeah, I've lost some sensitivity maybe because I'm cut, but that means I CAN LAST LONGER, I HAVE MORE CONTROL. To that I say, the control is in your head, and I don't mean the one attached to your dick.
Our friend Rod (some pics of him in our galleries) got circumsized late in life due to wearing a condom was becoming more of a nuisance for him due to the foreskin. Jaycee has had him both ways and he definitely appreciated the exposed sensitivity of his cock head, which is now her favorite cock to enjoy.
Our friend Rod (some pics of him in our galleries) got circumsized late in life due to wearing a condom was becoming more of a nuisance for him due to the foreskin. Jaycee has had him both ways and he definitely appreciated the exposed sensitivity of his cock head, which is now her favorite cock to enjoy.
Not quite sure what you said there. Are you saying Rod's rod has more sensitivity on the head now because he got circumcised? If so, it is a short term thing as his sensitivity will deaden in time. Also you say he had trouble with condoms being circumcised? Strange. I've noticed that rolling on a condom with my foreskin pulled all the way back, and then rolling the foreskin forward over the condom adds to the sensation by creating increased 'tightness' around the head and where the shaft begins just below the head. Now if you were here, I could demonstrate....
I was circumcised right after birth. I have a w-i-d-e, red, circumcision scar that is ugly to look at. My glans is extremely dried out, even though I moisturize it everyday after I shower. I think routine circumcision in the U.S. is bull shit. I would prefer to have my foreskin intact.