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Far right and conservative ******

Thanks for the comment
That's the right attitude just being supportive and helpful to your children is enough to make us happy ☺️ more parents should understand that
Thank you for your response. We would be happy if she had a boyfriend or girlfriend or any race, as long as they treated her good and she was happy. I am well aware of how pleasing black men can be from a couple past girlfriends of mine telling me so I do hope she experiences that as well. I will not tell her that of course though.
Another option might be to find a white cuck that they would like and accept. Your ****** can then get to know your black partner as a friend or roommate of the white cuck. Don't tell them he's a cuck, obviously lol. You can all live together and your cuck can serve you both and be a decoy of sorts to your ******, disarming them of their animosity towards the black man whose cum is dripping from your pussy while you enjoy some ****** time.
There are plenty of right wing conservatives that are black. Maybe just start with ******** your ****** to more of those figures so they don't reflexively associate black men with their political enemies.

If you don't want your ****** in your life, the choice is simple... piss them off. But if you do want them in your life, no need to take them head on and create a situation where everyone loses something they care about.

Besides, if you want to make a more meaningful impact towards the overall goal of a BNWO society, wouldn't it be more effective to bring your parents slightly closer to acceptance than drive them farther away? You may not convert them to supporters, but being confrontational or rebellious about it will put them on the defense automatically, and that just creates more opposition to the progress you want to see. The less opposition there is in the world, the faster the inevitable shift will come. So pushing your ****** father away from your ideals, even slightly, actually creates more resistance and further postpones the day black people are no longer oppressed and can begin fulfilling their rightful and natural roles as superiors in society.

Using tactics of subversion will be more effective, and if you can at least get your ****** to reluctantly accept you dating choices, you can enjoy the added bonus that they are unwittingly supporting a movement of black supremacy that you are helping to promote.

Indeed as a working class white man, who grew up with working class black people since the 70s, I can attest to the truth of this.

Basically, Africans, Jamaicans, Bajuns and people from the Indian SubContinent, are almost entirely socially conservative. To a level which wouldn't only be considered "far right", it would actually be illegal were such politics openly espoused by white natives in the UK.

Were I to openly express the views and politics of most of the black and brown Brits I grew up with, police would be paying me a visit and the white conservatives the white left pretend are one step away from Adolf, would be denouncing me and backing into the hedge like that Homer Simpson meme.

Black people, be they fourth generation Jamaican Brits or Nigerian citizens, fresh from Lagos, or Indian, Bangladeshi or Pakistani immigrants.

Ask them anything social or political as it pertains to race, religion, feminism or sexuality...

Pin back your ears and hang on to your hat because you are going to be walloped by a hurricane of hardcore religious intolerance, anti gay rhetoric, not just an expectation of trad gender roles; the DEMAND for them. A vehement repulsion at the thought of ********* marrying out of the group. Tribal intolerance, blood and soil type nationalism, pride for historic wars won, empires seized, borders expanded and the successful oppression or extermination of national, racial or religious foes.

Which is to say. They are normal. That is normal.

Normal healthy people tend to prefer homogeneity, trad gender roles, are hostile to sexualities which challenge those gender roles, involve the weakening of the collective masculinity of the tribe and lead to the genetic dead end of a familial, tribal or racial line. Ask any Zulu, African American or Black Brit what they think of conquering warrior and highly successful Zulu Imperialist, Shaka Zulu? You are going to get some enthusiastic apologia for Zulu Imperialism and a ton of excuses for war, oppression, torture and murder in the name of Zulu Supremacy. Ask a Muslim or Arab what they think of their prophet Muhummad's Imperial conquests? How about the Ottoman Empire or the Barbary Pirates who raided the coasts of Europe and took over a million European slaves! Or ask aboutslave takers and traders of West Africa or the Arabic Trans Saharan slave trade which was more brutal and went on far longer than anything white Europeans ever did.

Lets just put it like this, they are not going to be apologising for any of it, EVER and even using the word "reparations" will result in a belly laugh and some form of "my race/tribe/nation/religion and culture is better than yours and we kicked your arses. Go and cry to those European fools who fall for that crap, because we don't give a feck"

And if anyone finds hatred upsetting; whatever you do, don't ask anyone from Africa, the Middle East, Turkey or Iran, what they think of the Jews.

Do yourself a favour and skip it.

Donald Trump, is demonstrably more left wing and liberal than most Africans, African diaspora, Arabs, Muslims, Sikhs and Hindus.

The big secret is, black wokeratti, those supporters of the queer and racial revolution, those who demanded less or no police, were almost all upper class, Ivy League students and graduates, legacy media talking heads or the criminal fringe who saw dollar signs in the chaos.

Whether it was Pew research or an on the street voxpop with black residents, most poor black Americans wanted more, not less police!

They are rational actors and yes....conservative/right wing. They only vote left because of a rapidly diminishing tactic of pretending that everyone to the right of Hillary, is one step away from being a Grand Wizard of the KKK.

The BLM/Floyd/CRT revolution was an establishment coup to remove Trump, keep him out and demote, punish and oppress the demographic most responsible for the uncouth Trump being allowed to sit in the Oval Office; poor, working and middle class rural white men, without a degree.

An audacious, highly sophisticated coup and piece of successful class warfare, so bloody brilliantly executed that it puts Vladimir Lenin to shame. Elite whites and blacks united, to use half truths, viral videos, emotion and downright lies; fed through a wholly activist/bipartisan legacy media, a carefully curated and manipulated internet and an elite academia, no longer involved in the scientific method, but instead, carrying out a stealth Cultural Revolution along racial and gender lines instead of class.

It was/is all about giving poor whites (especially the men) a kicking for inflicting Trump on respectable Americans. And they did it whilst maintaining deniability; behind the pretence that we were seeing another righteous uprising of the poor oppressed black community, against the grinding oppression of white racism. Smoke and mirrors the lot of it.

Clever, clever bastards 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂

Only problem is Democrats we’re the South in Civil War
Republicans supported Black Emancipation Proclamation was by Republicans not Democrats
Democrats had slaves not Republicans
Republicans did civil rights
Democratic we’re against it
Wake up stop listening to Democrats loes
The principles of each party have changed over the decades. At the time of Lincoln, the Democrats were supportive of slavery and the Republicans were against it ...true.

However, the Democrats were for Civil Rights, Voter Rights. Have you noticed that the same southern states that supported slavery are now Republican states? Judge politicians by why they do, how they vote...not what party they affiliate with.
You are wrong check facts clown
Democrats we’re against civil rights look it up
Democrats voted against civil rights
Get educated
You listen to Democrats lies
Name one Republican against voters right
That is a lie
So are so wrong it is a shame you are so ignorant Ed by Pelosi to truth
Democrats lie as a black man they have done nothing but lie to us
Democrats lie spend our money and never ever tell the truth
Biden called Black youths roaches
He said you can’t go into a 7-11 or a Dunkin’s without Indian accent
Pelosi Biden Clinton eulogized Democrat Senator Robert Byrd a Grand Dragon in KKK POS
There is a building in DC that was Pelosi
Robert Byrd Building
Chew on that
Get educated or I will talk you
Your a waste of my tome
"In June 1963, President John Kennedy asked Congress for a comprehensive civil rights bill, induced by massive resistance to desegregation and the murder of Medgar Evers. After Kennedy's assassination in November, President Lyndon Johnson pressed hard, with the support of Roy Wilkins and Clarence Mitchell, to secure the bill's passage the following year. In 1964, Congress passed Public Law 88-352 (78 Stat. 241). The Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin. Provisions of this civil rights act forbade discrimination on the basis of sex, as well as, race in hiring, promoting, and firing. The Act prohibited discrimination in public accommodations and federally funded programs. It also strengthened the enforcement of voting rights and the desegregation of schools. DOL.gov

After 2020 Republicans have been trying to tighten voters rights Republican efforts to restrict voting following the 2020 presidential election - Wikipedia

Biden probably used that term, Trump however wanted to execute the Central Park 5, 5 black men who were wrongfully accused for gangraping a woman in Central Park Trump took out a full page ad calling for the death penalty, back when he was a private citizen.

David Duke was a Republican Presidential candidate who was also a KKK grand dragon.

Trump was quoted as saying that there were some good people in that white power/nazi party rally in Charlottesville WV. He refused to condemn the "Unite the Right."

I don't know where you find your news or history, if the white nationalists of the republican party succeed I hope you won't be too shocked.

If someone does something to help you, even if it's not everything you wanted, will you punish them by voting for someone who has historically tried to subjugate and hurt you.
You are wrong
Civil Rights was passed by Republican Congress no reach across the aisle
To actually believe David Duke was Republican prove how ignorant you are KKk doesn’t and has never followed Republican Conservatism
Kennedy VO Johnson was on of the biggest racist ever
Democrat President and he was former President of Princeton Woodrow Wilson wax a racist
Truman through thousands of American Japanese in concentration camps
So you clown do throw you fake crap at me get facts
Not gonna be or what lying Democrats tell you
Trump at Charlottevilke
Truth ********* of the Confederacy were order by mayor to remove statue of Lee
They issued them permit to move the statue to a small park then mayor change it to another even small park Kendalll
********* of Confederacy had a permit
Group of white clowns got a permit for a rally Charlottesville issued it to them
Antifa showed up had no permit to protest
All three groups involved were identified as good people on all sides
Trump never said that he supported White Supremacy assholes
This is a lie for 7 years snd the news finally admits it
You need to be educated
You have a Democrat polluted mind
Get facts not your crap
Democrats keep us down not Republicans
Democrats only use us
They are all filthy rich
Did Big Ears invite you to his Hawaii home or Mothers Vineyard no
He took away park an Lake Tony outside Chicago for his mausoleum our kids are the poorer
You are what Democrats love a mindless Dummy and you believe their crsp
Republicans are spineless but not racist
Only problem is Democrats we’re the South in Civil War
Republicans supported Black Emancipation Proclamation was by Republicans not Democrats
Democrats had slaves not Republicans
Republicans did civil rights
Democratic we’re against it
Wake up stop listening to Democrats loes
I know my history. Lincoln was GOP and the Dems the party of the KKK. You are spot on 👍

But I am not American, but if I was... I wouldn't be listening to or voting for the Democrats. I'm what is considered in my country, "far right"!
The principles of each party have changed over the decades. At the time of Lincoln, the Democrats were supportive of slavery and the Republicans were against it ...true.

However, the Democrats were for Civil Rights, Voter Rights. Have you noticed that the same southern states that supported slavery are now Republican states? Judge politicians by why they do, how they vote...not what party they affiliate with.
Democrats voted against Civil Rights in 1958 and 196; looki it up in real history
"In June 1963, President John Kennedy asked Congress for a comprehensive civil rights bill, induced by massive resistance to desegregation and the murder of Medgar Evers. After Kennedy's assassination in November, President Lyndon Johnson pressed hard, with the support of Roy Wilkins and Clarence Mitchell, to secure the bill's passage the following year. In 1964, Congress passed Public Law 88-352 (78 Stat. 241). The Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin. Provisions of this civil rights act forbade discrimination on the basis of sex, as well as, race in hiring, promoting, and firing. The Act prohibited discrimination in public accommodations and federally funded programs. It also strengthened the enforcement of voting rights and the desegregation of schools. DOL.gov

After 2020 Republicans have been trying to tighten voters rights Republican efforts to restrict voting following the 2020 presidential election - Wikipedia

Biden probably used that term, Trump however wanted to execute the Central Park 5, 5 black men who were wrongfully accused for gangraping a woman in Central Park Trump took out a full page ad calling for the death penalty, back when he was a private citizen.

David Duke was a Republican Presidential candidate who was also a KKK grand dragon.

Trump was quoted as saying that there were some good people in that white power/nazi party rally in Charlottesville WV. He refused to condemn the "Unite the Right."

I don't know where you find your news or history, if the white nationalists of the republican party succeed I hope you won't be too shocked.

If someone does something to help you, even if it's not everything you wanted, will you punish them by voting for someone who has historically tried to subjugate and hurt you.
Civil Rights Act 1964
Republicans voted in favor look it up
See you post Democrat propaganda and act like it is truth

See you can’t stand truth so like a typical Democrat you insult
See they are cowards
The rely on people like you yo by their
1964 President was Racist Lyndon Johnson
Get you facts
Want to delete who cares
I won’t Los any sleep
Too bad you hate truth
Oh he is deleting me oh no what will I do
How can I face the day now
Ok, @Butch BBC and @gw3n , time to listen, and listen good.

I get it, this can be a seriously charged topic, but the personal insult thing stops. Right here, right now, and not only on this thread, but across the site. You are both passionate about your points of view, but to make things personal doesn't work.

What does work, however, is research. Actually being somewhere and experiencing something so you can relate it to us also works. Being objective. Citing CREDIBLE sources. Wikipedia is never a credible source, and is not an approved list of sources at the college where I used to teach. Harvard University Citing Guidelines If you need help on how to post your citings here, ask me and I will help you.

Listening to the media and parroting that drivel does not work, either. Media platforms, especially broadcast media, is full on disinformation that pushes a particular ideology, and is not objective. Losing Objectivity in the Media It is completely one-sided. The last shreds of objectivity and journalistic integrity died with COVID. Harvard University Study They learned that the more you were afraid, the more you watched, the more their ratings went up, and the more money they made. For them, it is all about the money. They want you to be afraid, and here is one example:

As I write this, they are now pushing Mpox (aka Monkey Pox) as a new, world-wide terror for us to fear. Monkey Pox has been around since the late 1950's, the US has already had multiple exposures/outbreaks, as early as 2003. US CDC OUTBREAKS

There are two types of Monkeypox virus: clade I and clade II.

  • Clade I causes more severe illness and deaths. Some outbreaks have killed up to 10% of the people who get sick, although more recent outbreaks have had lower death rates. Clade I is endemic to Central Africa.
  • Clade II is the type that caused the global outbreak that began in 2022. Infections from clade II mpox are less severe. More than 99.9% of people survive. Clade II is endemic to West Africa.

In the most current outbreak, the Pox will heal, with minimal to no scarring, and though you will be inconvenienced for a little while, you are unlikely to suffer long-term illness. Fun fact: The US had an MPox outbreak in 2003. Nobody lost their mind about it then, so why start now?

This, gentlemen, is how you have a discourse. I have been objective, and provided factual information, backed up by legitimately-cited sources.

If you can't do this, then please, no arguing!

Oh, and for the record, @Butch BBC is mostly correct. Reading US History will tell you that. I have been to BLM "Protests" and both Republican and Democratic rallies. At both BLM "Protests", I was ***** and physically assaulted, including being beaten, just for being white. As a conservative, I was welcomed by the Republicans. As a conservative, I was physically assaulted by the Democrats. All of these Rallies were held on the West Coast of the United States.
Ok, @Butch BBC and @gw3n , time to listen, and listen good.

I get it, this can be a seriously charged topic, but the personal insult thing stops. Right here, right now, and not only on this thread, but across the site. You are both passionate about your points of view, but to make things personal doesn't work.

What does work, however, is research. Actually being somewhere and experiencing something so you can relate it to us also works. Being objective. Citing CREDIBLE sources. Wikipedia is never a credible source, and is not an approved list of sources at the college where I used to teach. Harvard University Citing Guidelines If you need help on how to post your citings here, ask me and I will help you.

Listening to the media and parroting that drivel does not work, either. Media platforms, especially broadcast media, is full on disinformation that pushes a particular ideology, and is not objective. Losing Objectivity in the Media It is completely one-sided. The last shreds of objectivity and journalistic integrity died with COVID. Harvard University Study They learned that the more you were afraid, the more you watched, the more their ratings went up, and the more money they made. For them, it is all about the money. They want you to be afraid, and here is one example:

As I write this, they are now pushing Mpox (aka Monkey Pox) as a new, world-wide terror for us to fear. Monkey Pox has been around since the late 1950's, the US has already had multiple exposures/outbreaks, as early as 2003. US CDC OUTBREAKS

There are two types of Monkeypox virus: clade I and clade II.

  • Clade I causes more severe illness and deaths. Some outbreaks have killed up to 10% of the people who get sick, although more recent outbreaks have had lower death rates. Clade I is endemic to Central Africa.
  • Clade II is the type that caused the global outbreak that began in 2022. Infections from clade II mpox are less severe. More than 99.9% of people survive. Clade II is endemic to West Africa.

In the most current outbreak, the Pox will heal, with minimal to no scarring, and though you will be inconvenienced for a little while, you are unlikely to suffer long-term illness. Fun fact: The US had an MPox outbreak in 2003. Nobody lost their mind about it then, so why start now?

This, gentlemen, is how you have a discourse. I have been objective, and provided factual information, backed up by legitimately-cited sources.

If you can't do this, then please, no arguing!

Oh, and for the record, @Butch BBC is mostly correct. Reading US History will tell you that. I have been to BLM "Protests" and both Republican and Democratic rallies. At both BLM "Protests", I was ***** and physically assaulted, including being beaten, just for being white. As a conservative, I was welcomed by the Republicans. As a conservative, I was physically assaulted by the Democrats. All of these Rallies were held on the West Coast of the United States.
Phenomenal response. Thank you for the dose of reality and the wisdom that hopefully simmers the discourse.
Hi 'im new here and 'm looking for advice
My ****** is conservative and far right and for obvious reasons dating outside my race is not easy
Is there anything you recommend i should do to change that?
I don't know what to do
Could get a weak white boyfriend as a cover and cuck him with a black guy, black guy comes to your place, you could say he is a friend of your bf and that's that.