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  1. D

    Comment by 'Dorsai_55' in story 'The Councillor Miss Wendy'

    I wonder how many young boys loved to spend their time inspecting the latest edition of the ******'s Sears holiday edition, or if they were especially lucky the latest edition of the 'Fredricks of Hollywood.' Sexy Lingerie, Bras, Panties & More
  2. D

    Black is always superior to white

    Who can blame you for dumping the black guy you'd planned to marry, certainly not me. Here's hoping your hubby understands and supports your addiction for black cock.
  3. D

    Comment by 'Dorsai_55' in story 'The Takeover'

    Don't know how you managed it, but you've created an even more exciting chapter. I'll be looking forward to learning how things progress as this ****** is transformed.
  4. D

    Comment by 'Dorsai_55' in story 'The Education of a Whiteboy'

    Can'twait to see how Mandy helps her friend to see the 'light'
  5. D

    Comment by 'Dorsai_55' in story 'Psycho Cuck Therapy'

    Ed su re sounds like the sort of guy who is going to need at least a few more visits in order to get his head adjusted to these changing times. Looking forward to seeing how the Doc deals with him.
  6. D

    Comment by 'Dorsai_55' in story 'Taking My Turn'

    Wow, what a great story and one I'm sure will bring you a lot more rave reviews. Is there any chance you'd agree to adding a second chapter, which dealves into how the other couples from the beach house respond to all this? Thanks!
  7. D

    Thanks for sharing all your stories. It's clear that a lot has changed since you first...

    Thanks for sharing all your stories. It's clear that a lot has changed since you first introduced everyone to 'Maple Grove' and the growing interest in BBC. I for one will be looking forward to your next revealing story. As a suggestion perhaps you m ay find this story about Jerry, his wife...
  8. D

    Comment by 'Dorsai_55' in story 'BNWO: Normalizing Desire for Black Men Through Commercial Advertisements.'

    Yes, it's the young who are being targeted and we see that every time someone posts photos of their H.S. Prom, where white girls are possing with black boys. some even note that they're doing it despite opposition from their parents. By the time those girls get to college they'll be free of...
  9. D

    Comment by 'Dorsai_55' in story 'What have I done?'

    Great start! Hope we'll get past his introduction to BBC in chapter 2.
  10. D

    Comment by 'Dorsai_55' in story 'Peter and Pam get Married'

    Thanks once again for presenting us with another excellent story. As has already been stated I also hope you'll grace us with another chapter.
  11. D

    Have you viewed the story of Falwell's wife and her half Hispanic pool boy lover? Perhaps you...

    Have you viewed the story of Falwell's wife and her half Hispanic pool boy lover? Perhaps you might find inspiraton for another story loosely based on this -
  12. D

    Curt, here's a link to a potential story idea - [MEDIA]

    Curt, here's a link to a potential story idea -
  13. D

    Comment by 'Dorsai_55' in story 'BNWO: Normalizing Desire for Black Men Through Commercial Advertisements.'

    Since my previous post I did a bit more digging and was surprised to see several examples, one picture featured a white female with her two mixed race kids and another showing a black male offering a ring to a cute white female. There was also several references to opposition to several ads...
  14. D

    Comment by 'Dorsai_55' in story 'The Many Victories of Professor Knight, Part I'

    Each new day that dawns brings with it yet another victory. Soon we'll witness the results of this change in attitude marked by the increase in the number of mixed race babies being born into white households.
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  16. D

    Wonder how many have read this article I stumbled across on the internet The more I read, the...

    Wonder how many have read this article I stumbled across on the internet The more I read, the deeper the thoughts were, and near the end when she made a comparison between herself and some of the typical older white men. A White Woman Explains Why She Prefers Black Men
  17. D

    Sex trend in Swen - Sex in Sweden in 2023: NSFW Guide to Swedish Sex Trends

    Sex trend in Swen - Sex in Sweden in 2023: NSFW Guide to Swedish Sex Trends
  18. D

    Comment by 'Dorsai_55' in story 'Club 88 Part Nine'

    Thanks for postiong another great chapter. Dare I ask if you have any plans to bring us another look at what happens to Bill and Tammy, his sexy wife?
  19. D

    Comment by 'Dorsai_55' in story 'Higher Education'

    This story just keeps getting better and better. Thanks!