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  • Hi, I'm new around here.

    I was wondering if we could have a section for gooners/pornosexuals, I'm a porn addict and I Really into in BNWO, Female supremacy and letting her cheat!
    We have know each other for almost a decade. Do you have any idea why I am banned from SW? Reason given was spam. I never have spammed. I did just report spam at SW. Then, I lost access.
    She's new to being a mod. You got reported by someone and she made an assumption that you were a spammer and I've spoken to her about making assumptions, and of course reinstated your account. If I could put the content back I would, but there's no way to do that. I apologize, it's an unfortunate situation.
    Appreciate the thought. But was already in a deep depression prior to this. My days of contribution to the site (as the reporter and mod chose) are over. There is a lot of commercial net stuff that SW and DW will be able to access well into the future. Best to only you...
    get out of the house, get some sun on your face. It helps with the depression. We'll still be here when you're ready to start posting.
    Dig, I would very seriously like to talk with you about a few sties I've written. Autobiographical actually. They are pretty extreme and although your interest would be held, they might be too specific for a larger audience. Very hot however. Is it possible to privately converse?
    sure, just drop me a msg.
    Hi Dig, Much thanks for rating my story, The Allotment-Chapter 7. I'm sure you see a lot of stories so to have you like and rate one of mine is pleasing. I'm wondering if you have read any of the other chapters? I'm always looking to make my stories better and wonder if you think this particular chapter is better than the others for any reason. Obviously the sexual content is a little different.

    Thanks Ted
    sorry, didn't see this but I'll try to get to it in the next couple of days.
    Dig - Thanks for the acknowledgement on the latest book of my serial saga 'Journal of a Journey'and, just so you know, output from this side of the pond has slowed a little over the past few months due to 'health issues' which has kept me from the keyboard. The hope is that I shall be back up to speed by the New Year when no doubt we shall 'speak' again. In the meantime, best wishes - Curt
    Hi, a propsal: Please add the excellent stories written by the member "Black Pine Diaries" to the category "BNWO" if psoosible. Thank you!
    Hi I like to write and submit a story. Can the N word be used?
    yep, as long as it's in context of a sexual encounter
    thank you got it
    Thank you for all you are doing to offer a FREE site! Please don't apologize for a few spam messages and different weird quirks we have dealt with...all in all things work pretty smoothly and you do a great job of keeping things relatively clean - as far as how the site operates. As far as being naughty - you give us a great place to do that, THANK YOU!
    I have no idea what mode I am using. Is this something I need to do something about? Please explain.
    hey I think we're back to normal now, lmk if something isn't working right
    dig i dont know what you did but even incognito mode is working for me now, thank you very much sir
    Hey Dig - It seems that I am not alone in having problems with posting stories. My attempt today has only brought up an unfamiliar screen with no Text Box or options that allows me to do what I have enjoyed doing for a number of years. What's going on?
    are you using incognito mode?
    ok guys, https is now active. Let me know if it clears up some of the problems you're seeing.
    Same here too. I click on new topic to submit a new story, and its taking to a 'make a poll' screen :(
    so the problems only show up with incognito mode?
    Yes, problems only in incognito mode on chrome
    I dont know about everyone else but thats how it is with me
    Hi, Im trying both chrome browser and Safari and neither would let make a thread. It just shows something about making a poll.
    So, I'm not the only one having sudden issues with the site. Did something change recently and maybe we're experiencing an issue due to what operating system we're using to access the site or something?
    That's interesting. I will talk to the host about putting the site on https instead of http and see if it fixes anything.
    and I haven't seen any performance issues at all on my side, I'm using chrome browser.
    Xcomski's suggestion was the fix. Thanks.
    I seem to be having issues viewing and opening things. None of the galleries are loading for me and other strange things are happening when I attempt to send or reply from my inbox. Is my account somehow suspended or something? Or is there a recent purge going on? Thank you in advance for any provided information.
    Hello, Is there an issue with the site regarding uploading stories? I can only put in a title. No text box appears. Or has the process changed? Thanks
    No, everything is working normally as far as I can tell. I just tested it and posted ok.
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