"Your mum, Your mum!"

By tessacuck@yahoo.com

This is a secret I have kept to myself for years, about what my stepmother Teresa did one summer morning. Now, I think it's time I made you and all your readers privy to this strange and lurid tale... the account of "Your mum, Your mum!!"

It turns me on so much to have mum's secret sleazy sex adventures put up on here, and to have people worldwide wanking off and/or diddling your pussies over me and mum's dirty secrets! I'd love to hear from anyone who likes this story.

A couple of years, apparently, after the incident of mum secretly making the porno film "Teresa's Torture" [in another story], it happened. Firstly, I heard some of the local 18-21 year olds talking about mum and her secret PORNO VIDEO! Obviously the film had gotten out to certain local thugs, after mum had made it with the gangsters, whoring herself to save us; and the teenagers knew them. That was obviously how they got to see it and recognized my mum, that apparently prim and proper middle-class housewife they knew from down the road!

A copy of a video with a sticker entitled "Teresa's Torture" was put in our mailbox one day addressed to mum, with a note telling her someone had seen it and that if she wanted them to keep quiet about it and not let it get around to people such as ***'s bosses and colleagues, friends, the neighborhood too, that they wanted something from her in return for their silence! At this time I hadn't seen any of the film and mum grabbed it from me with the note before I could examine the video. The note was from that group of youngsters in their late teens who hung around the area causing trouble, being largely unemployed since leaving school and getting their income from petty crime.

I'd guessed it was some sort of sex film she'd done, even back then when I was 20 and quite naive; but mum said I shouldn't ask about it and pressed me to keep the note and tape secret from *** and everyone else. However, whenever she went shopping, with me coming along to help too, we had to walk past the youths den, which was a small clearing in a slightly wooded piece of wasteland on the bank of an old disused railway down a lane. I had noticed actually in recent months that whenever we went past them mum would get wolf-whistles and muttered innuendo from them [even the girls, who were attractive but cheeky, hard-boiled types.] I'd heard the girls were bisexual and had even been seen having lesbian orgies in there. I would always get an angry, indignant flush at the youths comments to her, and complain bitterly about it back home, but mum forbade me to say anything back and told me to cool it, as it didn't bother her and they were only baiting us. I uneasily agreed it would be silly to rise to the provocation. Secretly though, I knew mum was enjoying the attention, and I was very jealous; but I began secretly whacking off at night about it, and obsessing about what the film and the youths comments were all about. And of course, I noticed how she'd begun to dress much more sexily, tartily, and would swing her hips more on any day she was likely to pass by the gang. I always neurotically plied her with questions about what happened, what they said etc whenever she'd had to pass them on her own. I'd have a worried, harassed expression, as well as a mysterious bulge in my pants as I obsessively queried her!

Well one day when we went past, the youths were playing with a plastic ball that they were throwing to each other in the Den as we walked up the lane; and three of the girls were walking up behind us, having been to the shop for cigarettes. As we passed the Den, a lad threw the ball out near us mischievously and mum picked it up. As she went in to hand it back the lads said, "Hey Teresa, can we talk to you for a minute?"

I waited a few seconds outside, then began to storm off in a huff, but slowly and uneasily, dawdling for her to follow. I could hear them asking her "It's you, isn't it? It's you in that film, Teresa's Torture!!?" I saw mum blush very hotly, saying she didn't think anyone like them would ever see it. Then I stormed off, angry and disturbed about this.

They were going, "Wooarrgh, it's brilliant, Teresa! We've all been fuckin' wanking as we watched it, you sexy, dirty bitch!"

The 3 girls were looking through the railings watching mum chatting with their mates, and I can't have gone fifty yards before the girls suddenly burst into laughter and ambled after me. The shortest girl shouted, "Bobby!" As I turned round she went, "The lads are asking your mum something!!"

The half-caste girl worsened it by adding, in her common tarty accent, "Something DIRTY!!"

The tall older girl of maybe 21, capped the taunt by pointing at me and shouting, "YOUR mum!! YYOUR MUUMM, YYYOURR MMUUUUUMMMM!!!" [To the tune of "Cuck-oo! Cuck-oo!]

I came running back, all flustered, and found mum sitting, smiling, on a log among the five lads. She giggled, watching my unease, and said as if it was all a lighthearted joke, "Bob, these nice lads have taken a bit of a fancy to me! They've asked me to take my clothes off for them!!"

One of the lads pushed it further, still as if it was all just a laugh, and said, "Hey Bobby, your mum's cool! Can we shag your mum??!!" I blushed scarlet at that, so taken aback I could hardly speak. "Do YOU want to do it??" I asked mum. She just smiled and said, "Yes!"

I stammered, and murmured, "Erm... okay then! I don't mind!!" The youths then burst into laughter, and mum assured me it was all a laugh, nothing was going to happen. But she'd taken an offered cigarette from them, and told me to go on home and she'd follow soon, after she finished her smoke and chat with these "nice youngsters." My face was like thunder, but I had to go home, or risk looking silly as if I couldn't take a joke or as if I really thought she'd do something with them.

Of course I stopped at the end of the lane and turned back. I had to see what was happening to mum!

The girls had gone in the Den, and I was able to hide in the bushes and peep on it all. Mum stood in the centre of the circle of youths, and began to undress! Somehow she looked both like a glamourous sex symbol and a nervous shy intimidated housewife all at once. She lifted her dress a bit, exposing her thighs and then her pantied bum to them, as they egged her on. Then I shook in anger, greatly offended but trembling in sexual excitement as mum unbuttoned her blouse, unclipped her bra and popped her titties out to their view, and they cheered as she let the cool summer air on her bare breasts. My dick leapt up erect as mum bared her sexy, mature and married tits to them; and I saw her nipples were all up hard, red and excited! She continued in this vein, removing her dress, then shoes. When at their insistent demands she finally wriggled out of her panties and stood naked before the bold, lustful and slightly cruel eyes of the lads and girls, I felt the tension in the air come to a peak, and I had a spontaneous orgasm! She looked so exposed, so naked and vulnerable, yet so sexy! The crude comments from the cheeky youngsters about her body and what they wanted to do to her seemed to prolong my cum, and mum seemed on a sea of bliss with their harsh, croaky voices taunting her! She smiled naughtily, saying "You saucy young bastards!"

I could hardly believe it; after prostituting herself before to Kabul, to save our ****** from debt and repossession, here she was about to prostitute herself all over again for the protection of her hubby and I!

Now the lads undid their pants and took them off, letting mum see their erect, hairy young willies, some very big, some average sized but displaying prominent veins, and two of their willies were rather funny shapes! The lads stood in a menacing circle around her, with mum as the centre of attention of their five hungry gazes, while the girls sat looking on, smoking and making dirty innuendo to her. The lads stroked their cocks toward mum, and lewdly waggled their foreskins in finger and thumb, as they smirked and reiterated what they were gonna do to her! Suddenly Munchie, their leader, came to her. They all backed away a bit to let him fondle her. Mum shivered in excitement as he grabbed her from behind, his hands coming round to squeeze her tits, and she gasped in shock as he thrust his great big dick up along her thigh and let it throb against her buttocks like an impatient wild animal demanding it's prey.

"Corr, Teresa! I've wanted to do it to you for ages!" he growled.

Mum was very aroused now, her desire had overcome shyness, and she lay down on her back in the middle of the den's grassy floor and opened her legs WIDE! They all stared at her perfectly formed fluffy blond cunt mound, as Munchie lay down on top of her. He intently guided his hairy dark tool to her vulva's entrance and then she let out an explosive, "OOOOOOUUUURRRRGGHHH!!!" as he plunged it right up her blond hairy slit! My stomach lurched as the lad shoved his dick up mum's twat!

She wrapped her arms round his back and her legs round his thighs, and they began to pump together. So there was mum at last, lying naked among the gang of local rogues, a mature married respectable wife and mother being lustily balled by the gang's leader! This lad, whom we'd told off so many times, and who had always been [seemingly at least], just a street hooligan in mum's opinion, was now getting my mum's womanly loving attentions, with her feeling his hard, strong young body, full of lust and wildness, and him enjoying her fit, mature, rather genteel and cultured body, locked together, rolling in passion on the floor, in front of his friends! It was almost unthinkable; so strange and absurd... but so seedy and horny you couldn't help but get turned on at the surreal sight of mum shagging the street lad! I must admit, I wanked, to my eternal shame, watching mum shaming me and ***, and degrading herself with the nasty young shithead!

Her tits were really jiggling and wobbling like smacked jellies, and she loved it, going "OOUURGH! WOARRGH!" as the lad fucking shagged her! I could even hear the slap and squelch of her body meeting his and his dick invading her warm wet cunt!

He fucked her like there was no tomorrow, rolling her all over the floor, with his hands roving over her body, squeezing her tits, and often with his face descending to lick at her erect engorged nipples, which soon were glistening with her sweat and his saliva! The gang grew quiet for awhile, entranced by the spectacle of mum shagging their leader, and for some minutes, no sound was audible, except for the buzzing of bees, the gentle rustling of the breeze in the canopy of leaves overhead, which dappled their bodies in patterned sunlight...and of course the straining and grunting of the mismatched pair's voices as they fucked in tight rhythm, going "Hughh- A- Hughh- A- Hugghhh- A- HUGGHH!!"

I'm sure mum orgasmed, climaxing loudly and strongly upon his arrogant young dick, cause she trembled like she was cumming, clawed his back and dug her heels into his pumping buttocks, clenching her toes in joy! Then she sighed and rubbed her feet lovingly over his bum and thighs, cooing, "Oooooohhhh, Ohhh, Love!!"

When the lad finally groaned, "Ourgh! I'm Cummin'!!", they both stopped thrusting, and she dug her heels into the grass, raising up her pelvis to his in passion, and smiled at all the gang as she gyrated her pelvis around for him, to really get the most out of his climax! I could see his dick embedded in her ripe red slit, and his hairy shaft pulsating, going "Doing! Doiing! Doing!" in mum's pussy! He pumped in all his hot invading sperm, far up her cunt, and she caressed his sweating brow with affection as he growled and sponked up her twat!

After this, mum was ready for a little rest, but the others were impatient. They had brought out extra long, very thin and whippy sticks they used to make with penknives from the bushes. They were swiping them through the air, to test them. One of the girls then shouted, "Right- get her!" and two lads and the other two girls grabbed mum, taking hold of her wrists and ankles, and lifted her into a spreadeagled position, face downwards. They carried her over to the log, stretching her spreadeagled across it and holding her fast!

"Right, yer snooty Bitch! you're gonna Get It!" the girl went, and she and the half-caste girl stood each side of mum. Then-"WHACK!!" A cane landed right across mum's bare exposed arse, and she squealed in shock and pain. The rods weren't very hard, really, but the girls put full-blooded strength into their punishment of her and it must have hurt quite a lot, despite that the marks they left were hairline-thin. She gasped and cried out at their whippings of her Bum!

"WHIPPP!!"-" Oooffhh!!" "WHAACCKK!!!"-"OooLaa!!" "THWWACKK"-"OOOOoollllll!!"

They whipped mum hard on the bare arse, and across her back too, and the tops of her legs. The little sadistic bitches! But mum soon seemed to be melting into a dreamy state of masochistic pleasure, and her voice sank to soft moans!

mum did need a rest after that; they had some drinks and snacks from the stuff we'd bought, and as they talked, with mum looking surreal but strangely happy, the girls began to take off some of their clothes. They removed their pants and knickers, and sat around discussing what to do to her next, and diddling their own pussies as they did it! I couldn't help stroking my dick as I watched the girls casually sitting around mum, their hands often grabbing her tits and making her blush as they tweaked and waggled her nipples, or tickled her fanny, and making the lads laugh at her!

"Are you going next, Gary?!" they asked. Gary was the shorter, younger lad, maybe only 18, and he had one of those real cheeky, round little faces, like some babyfaced gangsters have, and he was certainly a nasty, cowardly little piece of work, but mum seemed to like him; I think my mum knew Gary's mother from work, and to chat to etc. He told mum what he wanted; and though I think she'd only at that time ever had it in the "back passage" when she made the video, she gladly agreed to his demand. However, he wanted to whip her a bit, too, first!

mum stood and bent over, offering up her rump to that cheeky young shithead, and his mate, too. They made her jump a bit now, as they swooshed the sticks through the air and lashed them across her backside. mum reached between her legs and cupped her vulva, rubbing herself in kinky excitement as she was whipped by the two youths, with the others laughing and jeering!! His mate soon finished with it, but Gary was a dirty little git; he had other tricks up his sleeve.

"Spread your arse, Teresa!" he said, and when she reached back and opened her buttocks, he tickled the end of the cane on mum's asshole! "Keep still!" he ordered. Then,you know what the dirty little fucker did? He pushed it forward, and actually shoved the end of the stick about 5 inches up mum's bum!

"OOOHHHHHH! WHOOOO, You Naughty, Naughty, Dirty Boy!!" She protested; but in answer, he just started wiggling it about up her arse!

"Wheeeeeee!!!" the gang laughed, cruelly, and mum gave in, and orgasmed! I suppose she had to, it was so dirty, wicked, absurd and degrading, with the stick waggling up her arse and the gang jeering at her!

Soon, he took it out, and mum knelt down on all fours, for Gary.

He greased his dick with a bit of margarine from mum's shopping bag, and pressed his knob to her bumhole. To my surprise, her brown ring gave in quite easily, and the weird sight of his dick sliding up my mum's arsehole was there in front of me! The girls were rubbing each other off now, as they watched Gary bumfucking her, and it aroused her more, when they came in front of her and watched her expressions of humiliation and joy with glee. As Gary fucked my mum good up the arse, I heard one of the girls say, "let's make her lick our arses!"

So they did! One by one, the girls bent over, presenting their bare asses to mum's face, while the other girls would bitch at mum, slapping her tits and yanking cruelly on her nipples as they ordered her to tongue their friend's asshole! mum obeyed, too. Yes, in the act of being bummed by Gary, she slavishly tongued each of the girls' assholes, really going for it and tasting their musky, nasty bumholes like it was some nice dessert she was eating!

Gary pulled out before coming, and told mum to lick his cock clean! She hesitated; so Wayne came up and whacked her arse really hard with a stick, making me do it! So she did; mum licked Gary's dick straight from her bum, and she ran her tongue all over his cock, for ages; then after she'd sucked him a bit, he grunted, and really sponked hard down her throat, spurting his spooge out onto her tongue! He liked it when she carried on, licking his balls and sucking them like a whore, and I think at least one of the girls had cum by now, to see all this, as she was lying all relaxed and dreamy-eyed in the corner!

The big, hefty lad with the great donger of a cock had her then, picking her up and bouncing her all around the den, with his cock first up her cunt, then he unceremoniously shoved it up her arse, and carried on! She was was either hanging from branches, or bent over the log, or trying to balance with her feet braced against trees, as he balled her up the shithole with such force and energy that she was laughing and shrieking for joy! [Naturally,I cum again to watch it. It was mad!]

They all had her that morning, either singly or in pairs; yes, mum was double-penetrated, too! I eventually had to go home and leave them, but you could hear the sounds of mum's rude orgies with the gang all up the lane! I hope nobody else heard them!

She got home in late afternoon time, going straight into the shower and throwing her clothes in the wash, obviously to try and hide the evidence for when *** came home!

This isn't quite the end of it; it was only a next-step in the adventures of my Cuckold-mum! Here closes the strange and lurid tale of "Your mum,Your mum!!!"

I'd like to hear from anyone out there [over 18] who may have such stepmother and cuckold-mom experiences and/or fantasies. I'm sure there's cuckolding moms as well as wives!