Xavier Takes A Wife (An E&I Acres Story) copyright 2000 by Stormbringer Storm_bringer1@webtv.net

"Aaaaah," screamed Trisha covering herself from the giant black guy standing over her.

"Sorry to startle you ma'am," said the black man. He had a funny accent, vaguely Australian. "I'm here to clean your pool."

Trisha quickly stood up and wrapped a towel around her body. She had taken advantage of the first warm day of spring to put on her tiniest string bikini and start on her tan. She could feel her face flush from the embarrassment of having a stranger- a black stranger- see more of her body then her husband had in five years of marriage. She was shy and they always made love with the lights off.

At least they used to make love. Steven hadn't had an erection in two months. She assumed he was under a lot of stress at work what with the stock market doing so poorly and all. To make matters worse, she was practically climbing the walls from horniness and unfortunately her constant state of arousal seemed to coincide with her husbands impotence.

"Names Xavier," said the black man. "Your husband hired me to get your pool ready for the summer and to service it once a week."

"I'm Trisha," she said vaguely remembering her husband mentioning this fact to her. Two months ago they had gotten a pamphlet in the mail from a company offering to do odd jobs such as lawn and pool care, painting, etc. The workers were all black which was rare in the all white town of Stony Harbor. They must be doing pretty good for themselves too, because she had seen the blacks working on half the yards in the development. "I'll just go inside till you're done."

"Don't leave on my account," said Xavier.

His eyes flickering down over her towel covered body like she was still half-naked. Trisha shivered and felt her heart rate increase. "I'll be inside. Come in when you're done and I will pay you." She picked up an empty margarita glass from beside her chair.

"Sure," said Xavier. "It's going to take me a couple hours to clean the leaves out and fill it."

"Take your time," she said leaving him out by the pool. Trisha was a little miffed at having her tanning time spoiled, but there would be other days. She spent the rest of the afternoon taking care of some house work and peeking out at Xavier every now and then. When she had first seen him, he had been wearing a rugby shirt, but as the day wore on, he took it off revealing a chest that literally rippled with muscles.

A few hours later, Trisha sat down by the computer and logged on to mydiary.com. She was typing in her password- Scooby- when she noticed a shadow fall over the computer screen. She jumped again.

"Sorry I keep scaring you," said Xavier, "but you said to come in when I was finished."

"That's alright," she said, getting up to get her check book.

"I"'ll be back later to turn off the water," he said after she paid him "It takes a long time to fill a pool as big as yours."

"Thanks,' she answered watching him leave. She had a few hours until Steven got home so she sat down and typed in her journal for the day.


"God damn do I want to fuck that bitch," mumbled Xavier as he stroked his cock. "She looks just like fucking Angelina Jolie right down to those thick, dick sucking lips.

He hated wasting his sperm masturbating, but since seeing Trisha out in her little string bikini he had been walking around with a painful erection. Not an easy thing either when you have a fourteen inch dick. Since becoming "enhanced" his dick seemed like it was always hard.


Months earlier Xavier had been kicking another teams ass at rugby when he met Solomon King. King was a massive black man that seemed to radiate authority and power.

"Your an excellent athlete," said Solomon. "I'm impressed with your leadership skills."

"Thank you sir," said Xavier.

"I can always use one such as you in my organization," King said. "Are you looking for work?"

"I am available sir."

"Excellent," said King. "When you finish here, come by my apartment. It's the top floor of that building."

Xavier's eyes widened when he followed Solomon's pointing finger towards the large building on the edge of central park. This man had money.

Later, after a grossly fat black man let him into Solomon's apartment. Xavier sat down on a couch and a few minutes later Solomon came out in a robe. Xavier had a brief thought that Solomon might be gay. "What would working for you entail?" he asked.

"Fucking white women, breaking up marriages, and planting as many black babies in white bellies as you can," said Solomon.

"You've got to be fucking kidding."

Solomon stood up and removed his robe. His physique was awesome. He was bigger then Xavier and Xavier was in peek condition. Most impressive of all was the fat, foot long cock sticking out from Solomon's crotch. Xavier was a natural born leader, but every instinct told him that Solomon King was his better.

"Would you like a cock like this?" asked Solomon.

Xavier couldn't take his eyes off the hard twelve inches of black meat. It was so big, it seemed to defy gravity. "Put it away," said Xavier feeling sweat break out on his forehead.

Solomon pulled his robe back on. "I'm offering you virtual immortality. You'll heal faster, stay young forever, be stronger, faster, and best of all your cock and balls will grow so big your orgasms will feel ten times better then they do now."

"Is this true?" asked Xavier looking at the fat black man guarding the door.

Bull didn't say a word. He just reached in his sweat pants and pulled out a cock as big as a forearm.

"It's called the X-serum," said Solomon. "White men kidnapped and injected us with the serum. Unfortunately for Bull there, his dose wasn't quite right. Where are you from?"

"New Zealand," said Xavier trying to take all this in. Solomon seemed a little insane, and an abnormally large foot long cock was possible, but Bull's on the other hand was half again as big.

"What's a black man doing in New Zealand?"

"My mother's a black South African and my ***'s a Maori tribesman."

"Are they not both oppressed peoples?" asked Solomon. "Would you not like to get revenge? The best way I know to get back at white society is to fuck with their women. What do you have to lose?"


Xavier smiled as he remembered all this on his way back to New York City, a long drive from Long Island. His dream was to return home and give the x-serum to the Maori. Then they would take back their land. For now he would concentrate on taking over Stony Harbor.

He was leader of the team seducing the women of Stony Harbor. Solomon had a thing for enhancing ex-cons so he had a need for educated black men to lead them. The blacks had all scouted out the homes looking for the hottest women to seduce. When Xavier first saw the Angelina Jolie looking bitch, he knew she would be his first conquest

He arrived at his apartment late and immediately turned on his computer. Xavier went to mydiary.com. It was an online diary site some open to the public, but most protected by passwords. He typed in Trisha's email address and then the password he had watched her enter on her computer.

And there it was, a doorway into her mind. All her fantasies, thoughts and dreams open for Xavier to read.

He skimmed through her past entries trying to get a feel for her personality. She hadn't been keeping this diary for too long, but what she had written revealed a lot about herself. Trisha was shy, conservative, and had just turned thirty. She had celebrated her sixth wedding anniversary three months ago and apparently that was the last time she had sex with her husband. The entries since seemed to indicate a growing sexual frustration.

'Thanks to the X-cite,' thought Xavier. They had drugged the developments water supply with X-cite, sometimes jokingly referred to as Anti-viagra. As long as the residents drank and continued to drink the water, the men would be impotent and the women would be in a constant state of arousal.

Xavier read todays diary entry. It read:

Xavier snorted. Ugly African features indeed. Most women found him attractive even before taking the X-serum. He smirked and altered her entry to read:


'I don't remember writing that,' thought Trisha the next day. She hadn't looked at his bulge. The mere thought was disgusting. Besides, men only bulged in trashy romance novels. Her husband never had a bulge in his pants. She must have made her margaritas a little too strong yesterday. She corrected the typo.

Trisha changed into her bikini and made another margarita. Hopefully, today she would be able to relax and work on her tan without interruptions.

The margarita and the suns rays had practically put her to sleep when she heard someone clear their throat. She opened her eyes to see Xavier grinning down at her.

"Just here to check on the chlorine ma'am," he said openly staring at her full breasts barely covered by her bikini.

Trisha quickly covered up and sighed. "I'll be inside."

"I can work around you."

"No I'll leave you alone," she said. He was wearing a tank top today that showed off his impressive muscular arms and tight shorts that showed off his huge bulge. Trisha felt her whole body flush when she realized she had just looked at his crotch. She turned and quickly walked into her house hoping he hadn't noticed. ******************

Xavier erased the last sentence and wrote: It's good to get hard help these days.

A week later, Trisha put her long brown hair up in a pony tail and stripped before the mirror. She had a slim build with nice sized conical breasts. They pointed up proudly with no sag yet. Each breast was topped by a long, fat rose colored nipple. Her constant state of arousal had her nipples hard all the time embarrassing the hell out of her. They were visible through almost anything she wore except a sweatshirt. She had a firm, flat stomach and a trim bush. There was hardly any fat on her body except in her ass. Her ass was perfectly round. She thought it was too plump, but men seemed to like it. They always checked her out when she walked by wearing jeans.

Trisha looked at the faint tan lines forming on her skin. By the end of the summer she would be a golden dark tan. Now she was still her winter white. She was a little behind. Trisha threw on her bikini and went downstairs. She filled a pitcher up with water and mixed some iced tea in. She had given up on the margaritas for a while. She kept making strange typos on her online diary. A few minutes later she was laying out by the pool.

It was an unusually hot day for the time of year. The hot sun beat down on her and Trisha got up off her cot and jumped in the pool. She sighed as the water cooled her off and she swam a few strokes before climbing back out. She had just settled down on the cot when Xavier said, "Good morning Mrs Foley."

Trisha opened her eyes with a start. They locked with his for a second before he broke contact and looked down at her body. She shivered and for some reason let him look for a couple seconds. She reached for her towel only to find to her horror, she hadn't brought one out. Trisha stood up to run inside. The black guy wasn't wearing a shirt today and she found herself staring right at his glistening muscular chest. He towered over her. He seemed to exude masculinity. She looked down his chest. He was wearing the same tight shorts. This time the bulge was so big, she could make out a thick, penis-shaped outline down his right leg. Already it was around eight inches long and it was getting bigger. Another inch and it would be poking out his shorts.

"Don't go ma'am," he said as she turned. "A women as sexy as you should like showing off her body."

"That wasn't appropriate," she said turning back to him. He was still ogling her body. Trisha looked down and gasped. Her bikini was still wet and completely see-thru. She could see her pubic hair under the thin material. She could even make out the color of her nipples which were painfully rubbing against the bikini they were so hard.

Two unbelievable things happened at once. First, when she realized he could see everything her vagina started gushing. Just as she felt her vagina grow wet, the head of his penis poked out of his shorts. It was huge, bigger then a golf ball, bigger then her husband's scrotum, probably half as big as her fist.

Realizing the situation was out of hand, she turned and rapidly walked to her house. She could feel his eyes boring into her ass the whole way.

Trisha was too embarrassed to face him again. She left his pay in an envelope taped to the door and locked the door.


Xavier read all this grinning. This message was a gold mine. He bent down and got to work changing it.


Trisha squinted and read it again. She couldn't believe she had written this. It was so full of typo's her keyboard must be having problems. That explained some of it. The other problem was she had used words she had never used in her life. She would never call a man's penis a cock. She must have subconsciously picked it up from a trashy romance novel. Foul language wasn't in her vocabulary.

Trisha didn't know what was going on. She couldn't get the black man out of her head. Everytime she closed her eyes she could see the image of his chest or his obscenely big cock head- penis head she corrected- poking out of his shorts. Trisha bent her head down and began to cry, she was so frustrated.

The following week, Trisha didn't want to face Xavier again. She stuffed his pay into an envelope and taped it to her door along with a note explaining that she would be gone all day. She locked her doors, kept the lights out, and retired to her room with one of Lacy Lovelorn's romance novels. The romance writer lived in Stony Harbor and her books were popular amongst the locals.

By late afternoon, Trisha was pissed. She was halfway done the book and Xavier hadn't even showed up. It happened to be a perfect day for tanning. If he wasn't coming, she could probably squeeze in an hour down by the pool.

Trisha had just put her bikini on, when she heard his truck pull up out front. She cursed and peered out the upstairs window. Xavier walked around to the pool with his equipment. She watched him walk over to the door and retrieve the envelope. He was reading her note as he walked back to the pool. Xavier turned and looked back at the house. She jumped back, letting the curtain fall when his eyes reached her window. It was almost as if he knew she was in the house, which was ridiculous. The only one who knew was her diary and herself.

She watched Xavier walk over to the pool. He stopped and pulled off his shirt, tossing it aside. He was wearing another pair of tight little shorts. Even from here she could make out his bulge. He ran the net through the pool, collecting the leaves floating in it and when he finished, tested the chlorine level.

He finished and looked at the house again. The next thing shocked the hell out of her. Xavier reached down and pulled his shorts off. Trisha gasped in awe at the huge black salami dangling between his legs. She thanked god that the houses were angled in such a way, none of her neighbors could see the pool. He turned around and dived in, swimming to the other side.

Trisha watched the sun reflect off his wet back, his muscles flexing with each stroke of his powerful arms. His ass was firm and hard. She didn't want to leave her perch, but she was filled with an overwhelming desire to see his big cock again.

Trisha ran out of her bedroom and down the stairs, skipping two at a time. She positioned herself behind the curtain of the screen door facing the pool. He was floating on his back and the angle was so bad, she couldn't see anything.

Xavier swam over to edge of the pool facing the door and climbed out right before her eyes. He looked like a black god emerging from the water, light reflected off his large torso, and his muscles flexed as he lifted himself out.

He stood naked facing the door. His magnificent cock was partially erect despite the cold pool. It was plump and angled down. It was at least a foot long and seemed to jump with each beat of his heart. He stood like that for a minute, letting the water drip down his body before turning and walking out of sight behind the pool.

Trisha seemed to come out of a trance as soon as he was out of sight. She was breathing heavy, her nipples were painfully erect, and her bikini bottoms were soaked. She waited a moment wondering what he was doing. When he didn't return after a couple minutes, she cracked the door open and stuck her head out.

She could here their pool shower running. It was primarily there for when they came back from the beach, but since Steven was too busy and she didn't like showing off her body, they rarely used it. The thought of glimpsing him in the shower was too much to pass up.

Trisha tried to compose herself, but she could feel her legs shaking as she walked out to the pool. She gulped and walked around the corner.

Xavier was under the shower soaping around his now fully erect cock. The monster appeared to be fourteen inches long and as thick as her wrist. It curved upwards so that the big bulbous head was pointing right at her face. Trisha gasped loudly, her legs turned weak and she fell to her knees.

"Mrs Foley are you alright," said Xavier running over to her.

She watched his big cock bob as it approached her face closer and closer until it was inches from her mouth. It looked even bigger close up. He grabbed her shoulders to steady her, his cock poked at her mouth and then slid along her cheeks.

"Oops sorry," he said. "The big thing is always getting in the way." He apologized but he only pulled it back so that it was pointing at her open mouth. "Your note said you weren't home

Trisha was staring straight down his soapy cock. She reared back away from his cock and stood up still staring at it. She turned around quickly walking back towards the pool. He followed. "I didn't give you permission to use our pool," she said.

"How did you know I used the pool if you weren't home," Xavier said smiling at her.

"Um..uh.. your clothes are by the pool," she replied.

"My apologies. It won't happen again."

"See that it doesn't," said Trisha still staring at his cock. It was still bobbing, hard as steel. The thing hadn't shrunken at all.

"Do you want me....," said Xavier.

"W-what," she replied breaking contact with his crotch and looking at his face.

"Do you want me to get dressed now?"

NO. "Yes please," she said once again heading for the safety of her house.


Xavier's cock stayed hard for three hours. He had vowed not to touch it until he had nailed the bitch. His balls were constantly aching they were so full of sperm. It took a lot of will power not to touch his cock. Like all enhanced men, he was addicted to cumming. Imagine shooting up with heroin, smoking three packs of cigarettes every day and then quiting for three weeks. He felt worse.

He couldn't wait to drown the bitch in his sperm. Xavier had to admit one thing, he was starting to respect her. Trisha Foley's will power was amazing. When erect, his cock gave off sexual pheromones that few women could resist. When his cock was right next to her face, she should of immediately started sucking him off. He knew from her diary that the Xcite was working. He stopped and sniffed the air and then his hands.

"Shit," he cried bashing his fist against the steering wheel of his truck. He smelled of soap. The soap had covered up the smell of his pheromones.


She quit typing and climbed into bed next to her sleeping husband. She always slept in sweat clothes while Steven slept naked. Trisha lifted the covers and peeked at her husband's little penis. It was still tiny and shrunken up into his balls. It hadn't stirred in months. She still called it a penis. It didn't deserve to be called a cock. Xavier had a cock.

Trisha woke up in the middle of the night. She was breathing heavy and her heart was racing from the dream.

Her hand was under the waist band of her sweat pants almost before she even realized what she was doing. It's a sin, but what if Steven's penis is like this forever.

Her fingers found their way between her soaked thighs. She ran them up her slit and pushed them into her vagina. Trisha had never done this before, but she knew what felt good. After a few minutes she shuddered as the first orgasm in her life exploded from her womb.

As soon as Steven left the next morning her hand was between her legs again and she fingered herself to another orgasm. After cleaning herself up, she went downstairs and connected to the internet.

She had left off with:

Trisha sighed and began typing.


Xavier retyped it.

Days later he read.


Trisha got up early Wednesday morning and masturbated to images of Xavier in her outdoor shower. She came harder when she thought of her black pool guy.

Trisha took up her usual spot on the cot by the pool and relaxed. Xavier's last day had been yesterday. She had taped an envelope with his money on the door with a note explaining that she would be gone all day. She had gone shopping in the city, but found she had trouble concentrating. She found herself checking out the bulge of every black guy that passed her on the street and comparing them to Xavier. The day had been a complete bust, the only thing she had bought was a new bikini that left her ass exposed and barely covered her nipples.

Trisha was wearing her new bikini now. She was happy that things were back to normal now, though she found herself longing to show off her body to someone. Xavier would like her new bikini.

Thinking of Xavier had her pussy gushing. She needed to cool off. Trisha stood up and jumped in the pool. She swam a few laps before getting out and laying on the cot again.

She looked down at her body. Jesus, it was like she was nude. The new bikini was white and completely see-thru, even worse then her old bikini. The cool water had done nothing to cure the fires in her pussy. Her hand automatically slipped under her bikini bottoms, across her pubic hair, her fingers finding their way into her pussy.

Trisha was masturbating two to three times a day now and was hooked. She had become quite expert at it and was soon writhing on the cot with her eyes closed, an orgasm fast approaching.

A shadow fell across the cot and Trisha opened her eyes. Xavier stood over her grinning. She gasped and yanked her hand out of her panties, whimpering as the orgasm faded.

Xavier stood over her completely nude expect for his tight shorts. The ever present bulge was expanding outward as his cock grew from her little performance.

His hardening cock was too close to her face so she stood before him. His chest glistened with sweat. It wasn't an unpleasant smell, he smelled masculine.

"I came by to ask why you fired me, Mrs Foley." The look he was giving her was predatory. It made her feel weak and helpless. "I no longer require your services Xavier," she said, her lips quivering as she spoke.

Before she could react, his hand lashed out and grabbed her bikini bottoms. "I think you require servicing bitch," he said as his hand ripped her bikini bottoms off.

The thin g-string pushed tightly between her ass cheeks, forcing her into Xavier's body before the string broke. He reached down and squeezed her ass cheeks before grabbing her bikini top and ripping it off too.

Trisha pushed herself away from him. She stood before Xavier completely nude. Her nipples were rock hard and her pussy was soaked. Things were happening just like in her dream.

Xavier's strong hands rested on her shoulders and pushed down. She resisted at first but fell to her knees as he increased the pressure on her shoulders.

"Take my cock out bitch," said Xavier.

"I can't," she replied, though her tongue ran across her lips.

"You know you want to see it again Mrs Foley."

Trisha nodded, her hands shaking as she reached up for the waistband. His cock pushed the waistband out helping her grab his shorts and she quickly pulled them down. His cock fell out like a giant sequoia crashing in the forest.

"You can touch it if you'd like. Don't worry no one will ever know."

"J-just touch it," she stuttered out and he nodded down at her.

No harm in touching it, she thought. She reached out and caressed it lovingly then grabbing it in one hand. His cock was as hard as steel, completely unbendable. The head was like a hard rubber ball, you could hammer in a nail with his cock. His balls were gigantic, the size of oranges, hanging low in his sack. She hefted them thinking they must weigh a pound each.

"Compare it to your husband's," said Xavier. "How big is Mr Foley when he's hard?"

"I can't remember," she replied.

"Why don't you bring your head a little closer," said Xavier.

She did. The air around his cock seemed thick and she took a deep breath through her nose. She could feel his need to cum. Xavier was wrong, she didn't need servicing, he did and she would serve him.

"Why don't you give it a little kiss?" asked Xavier.

"I shouldn't," she said leaning down and kissing it.

Trisha didn't stop kissing it. She kissed all around the head and then down the side until her nose was buried in his crotch. She took a big whiff of his manly odor. She needed to cum as bad as he did..

Trisha lifted his cock and kissed around Xavier's balls. Her kisses turned to little licks and then big ones as she licked up his huge rod. She reached the tip again and licked round the flared ridge of Xavier's cock head. Her tongue circled his cock in ever decreasing circles until she was just licking the pee-slit. She moved down and kissed the pee-slit, her lips parted, opening wide, spreading around his cock head until the whole head was in her mouth.

It felt right and natural sucking Xavier's cock. There was something primal about kneeling before a strong, masculine man, and showing your subservience with a blow job. Trisha hoped he was pleased with her as she swallowed about five inches.

"You really suck at this Mrs Foley," said Xavier sneering down at her. "A teenager could do better then you."

Trisha couldn't understand why his comment hurt her so much. She redoubled her efforts. Trisha stretched her jaw as wide as she could and pushed down. His cock pushed deep into her throat. She closed her eyes suppressing the gag reflex as she swallowed more.

"Damn bitch," said Xavier. "You're the worst cocksucker ever. If you can't suck my cock all proper, I'm going to have to fuck your face. Angle your head down so that your mouth is lined up with your throat."

Trisha's eyes were tear filled as she opened them. She was amazed to see five inches of cock still sticking out of her mouth. She angled her head down and Xavier began sliding his cock in and out. He grabbed the sides of her head and began thrusting his hips, his cock sliding deeper into her throat.

Trisha clamped her lips down tightly around his thrusting cock and was rewarded with a groan from Xavier. His groan of enjoyment perked her up and she began thrusting her head forward with each thrust of his cock.

Xavier's cock started swelling after about fifteen minutes of face fucking. It grew so big she feared it would wedge in her throat and she would choke to death. Afterwards, Trisha swore she could feel his pee-slit opening wide. Sperm exploded from his cock in a wad so big, it was more then her husband had ever ejaculated during their entire marriage. The amount of sperm caught her off guard as did the loud bellow that erupted from Xavier's throat as he came.

He blew several more wads as big as the first, his sperm completely filling her belly. His cock was still jerking and pumping as he slid it out until only the head was in her mouth. The head kept exploding filing her mouth with sperm so quickly, it trickled down her chin before she could swallow.

Xavier pulled his cock out and aimed it at her face baptising her with his sperm.


"Stick your tongue out," said Xavier. The woman obeyed and he jerked the remaining sperm out of his cock and onto her tongue.

"I was hoping you would be good at this Mrs Foley. I'm going to have to find some other bitch to suck my cock," Xavier lied. This had been the best load he ever blew. Even he couldn't believe the amount of sperm he had cum. Her belly bulged out a little it was so full. Three weeks was a long time. It had been worth it, but he doubted if he would ever be able to do it again. Even now, he was ready to cum again.

"Please, said Trisha looking down at the cement, "give me another chance. Come back next week and I promise I'll do better." She sobbed.

The bitch was actually crying. "Next week, fuck that. I'll let you try again later today. Now I'm going to fuck that married pussy of yours." Xavier grinned as the woman looked up and saw that his cock was still hard. "How can this be?" she mumbled.


Even before Steven started having erectile problems, he had never gotten hard more then once a day, let alone within a few minutes of cumming.

Xavier grabbed her under the arms and set her down on the cot pushing her back. He grabbed her ankles and squatted between her legs. Xavier ran his big cock between her legs while holding her legs spread wide. Even her husband had never seen her this exposed.

Trisha had never been this confused. She hadn't wanted to go this far, but her body was responding to him. Her pussy was soaked and it felt like it was opening up in anticipation. Her mind was responding to him now. She wanted to be fucked by that giant cock. Everything was happening just like in her dream.

Xavier rested the head of his cock against her pussy and let go of one of her right leg long enough to push down. Her pussy lips stretched wide for his head, closing around it. He let go and began slowly thrusting his hips. Xavier's cock worked it's way in further with each thrust. She moaned as the head entered new territory, deeper then her husband ever had and it still wasn't even half his cock.

"You're so tight," growled Xavier. "Ain't you never been fucked before?"

"N-not like this," moaned Trisha. His cock had passed the halfway mark and met resistance at eight inches.

"Well I'll just have to show you how a real man fucks," he said.

Xavier began fucking her hard with eight inches. Each time he pulled it out the hard ridge on his cock head scraped against her clit. Each time he thrust it in again it penetrated a little deeper.

Xavier fucked like an animal and Trisha's body responded to it. Her hips were rising to meet each thrust, her pussy squeezing his cock tightly, reluctant to let it go. The cot was jumping so much, she felt it would collapse.

At ten inches, her body was wracked by an explosive orgasm. It was ten times better then anything her finger had given her. Her scream of pleasure echoed back from the neighbors yard. Trisha was beyond caring if anyone heard her, his cock had opened a floodgate and more orgasms exploded from her body.

Xavier had managed to get a foot inside her before he came. Trisha knew he was close. His cock had been swollen for the last five minutes, but he had never slowed his pace a bit. His cock leaped in her pussy and a large wad of sperm struck the walls of her womb. It triggered her to have the largest orgasm yet. This one completely overwhelmed her and she collapsed against the cot.

Xavier pumped wad after wad of sperm into her pussy before pulling it out and shooting several strands across her breasts and belly. She stared fascinated as he rested the huge black snake on her belly, sperm still oozing from the tip in amounts larger then her husband had cum in six years of marriage.

"You like getting fucked by a real man?" he asked.

Trisha looked up from his cock and stared at his face. "Lets just say you've been re-hired."

Xavier walked around to the side of the cot and effortlessly lifted her into his arms. "Clean yourself up. I want to fuck you some more in your hubbies bed."

Trisha found herself flying through the air, landing in the center of the pool with a big splash. She spluttered as she broke the surface of the water and stared at him angrily. Xavier had sat down on the edge of the pool, his thick cock dangling down all the way to the water.

She looked down at her body and was shocked to see all the sperm congealing on her belly and breasts. She could feel even more on her chin and between her legs.

Trisha swam over to the shallow end and stood up letting the water drip down her body as she tried to clean his sperm off her body. She glanced over at Xavier. He was staring at her intently as she ran her hands over her wet body. His cock was thickening up again until the tip was rising out of the water.

Trisha swam over to him and kneeled in the water between his legs. She grabbed his cock in her hands and began stroking it back to full erection. "I love this cock," she mumbled. "I want to take it all." She bent down and took the head in her mouth again.

"You'll learn to take it all," he said. "Now lets move inside. I want to fuck that hot ass of yours."


Two days later, her ass still throbbed, but she had enjoyed it and wished Xavier was here now to fuck her again. He had satisfied her like no other man could, yet she was still horny.

Trisha had just gotten out of bed and showered for the day when the doorbell rang. She threw on her sweat clothes and ran downstairs. She opened the door and found herself looking into the chests of two large black men. A truck with two riding mowers hitched to the back was parked in her driveway.

"I'm sorry," she said. "We already have a lawn service." The truck had E&I lawn care written on the side.

"We're here to trim your bush," said the one pushing past her into the living room. "We're friends of Xavier's. I'm Mustafa, that's Rashidi.

"I don't understand," said Trisha looking at the two men. Their bodies we're equally as impressive as Xavier's as we're the bulges in their jeans. "What can I do for you?"

Mustafa pulled of his shirt saying, "We want a little of what Xavier got."

Trisha was shocked. They both wanted sex. Mustafa was a big ugly negro over six and a half feet tall. Rashidi was almost as big, handsomer, and had dark black skin. "I'm not a slut," she said.

The two men laughed. Mustafa undid his jeans and a thick, foot long cock plopped out as he pulled them down. Rashidi's had been carrying a large tool bag. He set it down on her light stand, his jeans swiftly followed, another monster cock revealing itself.

Trisha's tongue licked her lips at the sight of those two beautiful cocks and her mouth started watering.

"Shit bitch," said Rashidi. "You do look just like Angilina Jolie.

"Who's that?" she asked, thinking that giving them both blow jobs wouldn't make her a slut.

"It don't matter," growled Mustafa. "Take that top off bitch. I want to see them titties."

Mustafa's big nose was flaring and he scared her. "Better do what he says," whispered Rashidi in her ear.

Trisha gulped and pulled off her sweatshirt. She stood topless before the two strange black men wearing only her sweat pants. Her nipples immediately turned erect, embarrassing her.

"You is one sexy bitch," said Mustafa.

"Listen," she said, "why don't I suck you guys off and then you can go on your way."

"Me first," growled Mustafa. He seated himself in Steven's recliner and spread his legs. "Let's see if your as great a cocksucker as Xavier said you was."

Trisha beamed at the compliment. She didn't care for Mustafa. He looked and talked like he was just off the street. He also looked like he was barely eighteen, though his large torso and giant cock made him seem older. She vowed to live up to his expectations. The fact that Xavier had bragged to these men on her oral skills made her deliriiously happy. "Alright, but the pants stay on."

Trisha kneeled between his legs and wrapped her fingers around his cock. It was half as thick as a beer bottle and dark black except for the head, which was lighter colored. She kissed the head to show her respect for it and then began licking around the pee-slit.

Trisha loved sucking cock. Black men were odviously dominant and used to being obeyed. Sucking them off made her feel like she had at least a little power over them. For some reason she couldn't understand, pleasing them made herself happy.

Trisha took the head in her mouth and ran her tongue around it before pushing the head into her throat. She had spent the two days after her encounter with Xavier, practicing holding her breath, breathing through her nose, and suppresing her gag reflex. She hoped to be able to swallow all fourteen inches by the time he next came around. Mustafa's and Rashidi's foot long cocks would be perfect practice. It took her a while, but Trisha managed to swallow the whole thing. The long cock slid deeper and deeper into her throat until her nose buried itself in his pubic hair. He rested his hands on her shoulders, pushing up and pulling forward to guide her pace.

Mustafa moved his hands down her back, leaning forward and reaching under her to play with her nipples. After a while he returned his hands to her back and slid them down, under the waistband of her sweatpants.

His hands slid under her pants and carressed her ass, squeezing each cheek. With a deft flick of his hands, Mustafa pushed her sweatpants down to her knees exposing her ass.

Trisha had wanted to keep her pants on, primarily because she didn't trust her own body anymore. She was about to protest, but Mustafa held the back of her head so that his cock was stuffed in her mouth. At the same time she felt another cock head sliding along her slit. She realized it must be Rashidi. Her pussy opened for him as eagerly as it had Xavier's. She moaned around Mustafa's cock as Rashidi buried his in her pussy. She wasn't about to stop him now.

Trisha fucked the two men for hours losing all track of tme. She had just lowered herself over Mustafa's cock and Rashidi was pushing his vaseline covered cock into her ass. Soon she was stuffed full of two feet of black cock and it felt wonderful to be double penetrated. They both fucked her for a few minutes and then she heard a loud thump. It was her husband's briefcase hitting the floor as he caught his wife fucking two black men on his living room floor.

Poor Steven, his face turned bright red with anger and he started shaking as she stared her husband in the eyes. He ran for the kitchen. Rashidi pulled out of her ass and Mustafa threw her off him as the two black men ran after her husband.

"What you doin whitey," she heard Mustafa say. "I'm calling the police."

Trisha heard the receiver slam down and then her husband grunted. She heard him exhale sharply and he crashed to the floor.

"She begged us to fuck her. Said she wasn't getting any from her limp dicked old man," yelled Mustafa. "Now get the fuck outta here."

Steven ran out the door clutching his stomach. He looked scared to death. Trisha was crying. She ran up the stairs and locked herself in the bedroom. She buried her head in the pillow on the bed. Mustafa came up the stairs and banged on the door for about fifteen minutes saying that he wasn't done with her yet. Even after getting caught, a part of her-a large part- wanted to open the door and let him in to fuck her some more. Thankfully he gave up and the two black men soon drove off.

Trisha cried until eventually, she fell asleep. She awoke around midnight to the sound of the tv downstairs blaring. 'Stevens come home,' she thought. She must face him and beg him to forgive her. Trisha finally got up and threw a robe on. She walked downstairs and was shocked to see Xavier sitting on the couch.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" she screamed. He didn't answer, but he turned to snicker at her. "You destroyed my life."

"No," he replied. "I've given you a new life. What is it your afraid of?"

"I'm scared I'll lose the house. I'll be homeless. I've never had a job. My life is ruined if Steven divorces me."

"Dont worry I have a friend whose the best black lawyer in New York. He'll playdown the race factor and say you only did it because your husband cant perform his husbandly duties."

"I can't afford a lawyer."

"He'll do it pro-boner so to speak," said Xavier.

Trisha noticed Xavier had brought a couple suitcases with him.

"My friends and I will be living here now. Your houe is a lot closer to work."

"Do I have any say in the matter?" she asked.

"Not unless you want your husband to get his hands on this," said Xavier pressing play on the vcr remote.

The tv screen was filed with the image of her fucking Rashidi and Mustafa. Trisha remembered the tool bag Rashidi had set down. There must have been a hidden camera in it.

"Wimpy old Steven would get everything if his lawyer ever got his hands on this tape. Your job is to serve our needs, cooking, cleaning, sucking, fucking. Your mind and body belong to us now. Now come suck my cock."

Trisha's body responded the minute he unzipped and his fourteen inch cock came into view. Oh well, at least being a virtual slave had it's benefits. Trisha walked over to him determined to take it all this time.