Linda was really enjoying the cruise. The ship had everything you could think of. She loved the swimming pools, sauna, game rooms, etc. What she loved best of all though was shooting down any guy's advances that were made her way. She took a perverse pleasure in seeing the look of disappointment on a man's face when she said NO to even the slightest request. She was truly stuck-up and very proud of it.

A few months earlier Linda had recieved a huge inheritance from her mother who passed away. So 20 year old Linda had looks to die for AND tons of money to go with it. She had bought herself nice things and now she was on a cruise in the Carribean spending more of her money.

Linda was an extremely hot looking blue eyed blonde that was perfectly proportioned and she knew it. She flaunted it and always got what she wanted. She got out of speeding tickets, got free memberships to gyms and clubs, got free meals all the time but she rarely slept with any of the men that splurged for her. She wasn't a virgin but she was mighty close to being one.

Linda was a clean freak and felt that nobody was "CLEAN" enough to sleep with her. The few guys she did ever date were the clean cut manicured type that looked like Brad Pitt mannaquins. She was a Church goer but had no sense of charity or kindness at all. Linda loved going over to the poorer side of town and beeping her horn to wake up the homeless bums that may have been sleeping there. She also used to give them bags of food and drink laced with a diaretic to give them a bad case of the runs.

Anyway the cruise ship was a joy to be on and was currently passing beautiful island after beautiful island. Most of them were very small and uninhabited. One particular evening the water was rougher than usual due to a hurricane that passed up the Atlantic and just sent waves and swells towards the Carribean. This caused the captain to give a warning to all passengers to be careful when on the weather decks. Linda didn't hear this warning as she was taking a nap. The ship was rocking more than usual when Linda woke up. Linda loved this "at sea" feeling and was glad the ship was rocking. She took a shower then put on her brand new lime green bathing suit. It was a two piece and she looked awesome in it. Even her own jaw dropped when she looked in the mirror.

She left her room and walked around the ship and any guy that saw her just stared. Even the ones that were walking with chicks themselves had to stop and gawk at her. It was impossible not to. She went out on the weatherdeck and noticed that noone else was out there but she loved to see the choppy seas so she stayed. She would jump each time the ship rocked and feel like she was flying. She did this over and over until one time when she jumped too hard and the ship took a freak roll she fell overboard.

She hit her head on part of the rail on the way down and hit the water hard knocking the wind out of her. By the time she could focus and call out for help the ship was too far away. Between the noise of the ship's engines and and the noise of the wind and choppy seas nobody heard her. She was all alone.

She knew she couldn't catch up to the ship so she decided to swim to one of the uninhabited islands that were not too far away. She was a good swimmer but it still took an hour to reach the closest island which was fairly big and had lots of trees on it. By the time she reached the shore she collapsed from exhaustion and passed out.

Well it turned out that this particular island wasn't quite uninhabited after all as it had one "native". 50 year old Mongoo had lived on this island for 10 years. He was on the run from the law in his native Trinidad where he hopped on to a ship as a stowaway. He was on the run because he was wanted for a series of rapes. Being six and a half feet tall and weighing 270 lbs and being charcoal black he knew he had to flee or get caught for sure. He jumped off when he saw the small uninhabited island and swam to it. Mongoo survived quite well on this island as it had little pools where fish got trapped and he set snares for sea birds. It also had some fruit trees and a hollowed out cave in the middle of the island. Best of all though it had a spring well that had the best water Mongoo ever tasted. Mongoo had survived 2 hurricanes on this island so was very well established when Linda washed up.

Mongoo was taking his usual stroll along the coast of his island where he sometimes found trinkets and useful stuff that washed up from ships that sometimes passed by. He saw something up ahead and thought it was a big fish that washed up but as he got closer he saw the lime green bikini Linda had on. He bent over to see if she was alive and saw she was breathing. He also saw that she was stunningly beautiful.

He felt a stirring between his legs and he licked his lips as he was starting to drool. He couldn't believe his luck. He never had a white girl before but often dreamed of one. He picked her up gently and brought her to his cave where he stripped her of her bikini top and bottom and started to wash the sand off of her with some of his clean well water. The water being cold woke Linda up. When she focused on Mongoo's ugly hairy face right near her own she screamed. Mongoo slapped her hard and put his finger to his lips for her to be quiet. Mongoo didn't speak English.

Mongoo had a raging hardon by now and when Linda saw it she almost screamed again but stayed quiet so she wouldn't get slapped again. She couldn't believe a cock could "BE" so big. She prayed for someone to save her but knew better. Mongoo grabbed Linda and flipped her over so she was face down. He set her up on all fours and she tried to crawl away but he grabbed a handful of her pretty blonde hair and pulled her backwards towards his raging black hardon.

Mongoo took 10 years of sexual frustration out on the stunning blonde. Linda screamed from the pain but that only made Mongoo pound harder. She passed out from the pain when he fucked her in the ass for the first time. Mongoo didn't believe in foreplay, after all he was a ******. He just believed in pounding her orifices as hard as he could. Every time Linda thought he was done he would get hard again and ravage her some more.

Eventually he got tired and turned in to go to sleep. He grabbed Linda like she was his Teddy Bear and they slept with bodies intertwined. He woke up 9 hours later and she was still asleep so he mounted her and started fucking her. She awoke with a howl as she was still sore from the night before but he buried his morning hardon in her to the hilt. When he was done he took Linda by the hand and pulled her to her feet and out of the cave towards the beach. Linda could hardly walk as her pussy and asshole were still very sore but Mongoo pulled her along anyway. When they reached the beach he pushed her down onto her back and did his morning piss on her. He then pulled her back up and into the water where he made her clean herself and him too.

While they were in the water Mongoo would sometimes hold Linda's head under the water until she almost drowned just to show he was her master. He OWNED her and they both knew it. He sometimes set her running around the island just so he could chase her and **** her when he caught her. He also liked to tie her to a tree and **** her. Sometimes he would leave her tied there until he was horny again. Mongoo showed her where to get fish, fruit, and where to check the bird traps. He made her prepare and cook their meals.

Linda was miserable. She went from being a rich, spoiled blonde beauty to a sex slave for a sadistic black savage that happened to be a woman hating ******. She wanted to escape but he could outrun and outswim her. Not that was anywhere to run or swim TO.

9 months later she gave birth to a big black baby boy, the first of many babies this very odd couple would have.