Chapter Six - Complications


Brianna and Whitney had become even closer friends following the success of the Cuckold wedding that Brianna had arranged for Whitney on her marriage to timid Andrew. The ceremony was the culmination of a bizarre set of circumstances that over the months had bought the two horny women together and to have it revealed that Brad, Brianna’s husband, and the timid Andrew were both ambivalent to the idea of their partners being fucked by Black men. Indeed, both confessed to harboring a fetish for observing the event(s).

Andrew and Whitney took their honeymoon in Barbados which, halfway through, from Whitney’s point of view, had gone swimmingly well. (For Andrew, not so much).

After a night of sampling black cock in the most unlikely surroundings, she was both surprised and excited to get a text message from Brianna.

Read on:


Whitney rubbed her eyes and tried to focus on the screen and take in the message that was blurrily displayed. Her head was swimming from the effect that the unknown number of Rum Punches that she had consumed at the Fish Fry; her tingling pussy was distracting her concentration by reminding her of the fucking that had recently satisfied her lust. But, game girl, she concentrated hard and read the text from Brianna, ‘Got 5 days’ vacation. Flying down and we’ll see you tomorrow. XXX’.

It took a few moments for the message to sink in before she was able in her confused state to share the happy message with Andrew. He, on hearing the news, was uncertain if he should protest at the prospect of having their already complicated honeymoon further disrupted or whether he should just keep his thoughts to himself and take advantage and enjoy having the company of another woman in their orbit who showed few inhibitions about black cock.

Whitney, even though befuddled herself, recognized what she thought to be disappointment and confusion on her husband’s face and felt a little guilty that she had reacted so enthusiastically to the message. (She couldn’t have known that the look on his face reflected the vision he was having of the last time he saw Brianna, of her sucking on one black cock while being fucked by another at their wedding reception. Brad, Brianna’s husband, didn’t feature in his mental picture).

She looked at his stunned expression and, despite being sexually satiated from her Fish Fry Fucking, she thought it might be an appropriate time to distract him from his ‘disappointment’ and would do no harm to give him a little treat, “Aw, come on honey, it’ll be nice to have their company. We owe ‘em a lot … come on, come to bed, you can see what a mess Dale’s cousin made of me,” she said with a drunken giggle.

The following morning, Whitney awoke with a thumping headache and remembered very little of the latter part of her evening. She remembered going to the Oistin Fish Fry; she remembered the food, the Rum Punches (but not the quantity); she remembered being fucked behind the bank of speakers pumping out the thumping Reggae by Dale and his cousin. She had no idea that Andrew, her sweet Andrew, had been standing in the shadows watching and wanking. She had a vague flashback that last night, before blessed sleep had overtaken her, that she had given him a sloppy blowjob but that was pretty much the sum of her memories of what had been a crazy night.

Then she remembered that she had received a text message from her friend. She picked up the phone on the nightstand, read it once more, and then poked a sleeping Andrew in the ribs, “Oh my God, Brianna’s coming here today. Did we know about this?”

She didn’t wait for his answer, instead, she slid off the bed and went to the bathroom she washed her face to get the sleep from her eyes and then did all those other feminine things that needed attending to, she tried to collect her thoughts, which ran along the lines of, ‘OMG, she’s doing what she said … she’s coming with Brad to ‘share’ in our honeymoon … what time will they get here … I had better find out and get Dale to go pick them up from the airport … etc., etc.’

Later that afternoon Whitney went with Dale to meet the American flight from New York that Brianna (by a second text) had advised they would be traveling.

Dale remained at the kerbside in the van he had borrowed from his cousin whilst she went into the crowded and chaotic arrivals hall where in air-conditioned comfort, she scanned the emerging passengers from the New York flight.

She didn’t have to wait long, Brianna suddenly appeared clutching her purse in one hand and her passport in the other. Whitney shrieked out her welcome and rushed forward to give her an embrace and a jumbled welcome, “Hi Girlfriend … how was the flight … where’s your luggage … where’s Brad?”

“Hi honey … the flight was great … I only had a carry-on … there is no Brad … meet Leon.”

Whitney released Brianna from her embrace and looked behind her friend to see a large well-built black man who looked as if he spent all his time working out given that the tee shirt he was wearing was stretched tight over well-defined muscles. Leon was holding the carry-on.

“Brad couldn’t get away, there’s a kinda crisis going on with the company. I need to speak to Andrew about it; Brad needs his help, but Leon picked up Brad’s seat and has come in his place. Wasn’t that kind of him,” she said with a giggle.

Whitney turned her attention to Leon and felt her knees weaken when she surveyed her friend’s companion. Not only was his tee shirt bulging but there was some serious musculature going on beneath the cargo shorts he was wearing and in Whitney’s mind there was no doubting what was causing the bulge in his pants. “Pleased to meet you, Leon,” she said weakly as she held out her hand.

“You too, Brainna’s told me a lot about you,” he said in response.

Whitney looked at her friend for an explanation, “How do you two know each other?”

“Leon’s my PT at the gym. He’s very good, he’s shown me a lot and brings out the best in me,” she said ambiguously as she patted his arm.

“I didn’t know you went to a gym. I thought you just did that running thing to keep fit. You’ve been holding out on me!”

“Honey, there’s a lot you don’t know about me. A girl’s gotta have some secrets, don’t you think,” she said as she smirked back at Leon.

‘Hmm, that’s fair’, thought Whitney, ‘ ... I have a few secrets of my own that I haven’t admitted!’. For instance, she had never told her friend (or Andrew) about the UPS guy who she had effectively seduced by flaunting her tits.

She’d been flirting with him for a few months before the wedding with this not super good-looking older man (in her opinion) who whenever he delivered packages, she could see his bulge and sometimes the outline of a substantial cock in his tight pants, so was naturally curious. Working from home as she did a few times a week, was a benefit that allowed her to arrange the seduction. The first time she made her intention clear was when she signed for the package wearing a bikini top (a curious move for it was well before it was warm enough to plausibly be wearing one) before asking him if he had any other ‘packages’ that he might like to deliver. That query must have stuck in his head because later that week, he stepped inside and dropped his pants, and she could see his ‘package’ was already hard.

She smiled at the memory and thought that maybe one day she would tell her friend what and how the UPS guy had delivered.

Instead, she said, “Aw, that’s a shame, we were looking forward to seeing him .. ”, which was not strictly true given that Andrew had not expressed any opinion when he had read yesterday’s text, “ .. but I’m sure that he’ll be just as pleased to see if your Trainer treats you right.”

Brianna joined her in the giggles that the innuendo caused, knowing that Andrew liked nothing more than looking on as a white pussy was being fucked by a black cock.

“…, anyway, seeing how I never actually brought you a wedding present, I figured I would be giving you both a special Gift.” She once again patted Leon’s arm, “… so, I’ve paid for Leon to come along so that he could give you a private lesson, a workout of your own and he agreed and says that he doesn’t mind if Andrew wants to watch!”

They exited the terminal to see the minibus and Dale still sitting on the kerbside untroubled by the police who were shading themselves under the no parking signs. The police looked up to see the trio crossing the concourse and recognized the familiar scenario of two white lady tourists being accompanied by a well-built black man, assuming he was a local meeting them and they had come to the island for the time-honored attraction of tourists sampling black cock in the Caribbean sunshine.

The drive back to the accommodation was short but it gave Whitney time enough to gain a favorable assessment of Brianna’s choice of companion to bring in place of the expected Brad. Brianna didn’t show any sign of embarrassment at the change of plan, of not being accompanied by her husband on, what was intended to be a special treat for all of them. Perversely, her only concern was where Brianna and Leon were going to stay for the accommodation, the ‘honeymoon suite’, had only enough room for one extra person, not two.

She needn’t have been troubled, the concern was addressed as soon as they arrived back at the apartment, and, funny old thing how life turns out, there was no need to worry at all.

The introduction to Andrew of their surprise guest was made and, Whitney was correct, he was a little disappointed not to see his new buddy Brad as they had bonded very well since their first meeting. However, he successfully hid his disappointment from Leon as he shook his hand and, like Whitney, then gave a passing thought to where their new ‘guests’ might be staying for he was aware that there was full occupancy around the immediate area.

The dilemma was quickly solved when Brianna took Andrew to one side and confided in him the real reason for Brad’s non-appearance; why Brad had to remain at home.

“The company was in trouble with the Air Force department, some discrepancy with the contractual set-up between ‘Brianna Holdings Inc.’ and our major customer, the Department of Defence,” she said.

She reminded him, as if a reminder was needed, that the contract had been put together by Andrew in his new role as Chief Financial Officer for the company. A role that he had sought had been his keenness to get close to Brianna and Brad so that he might become involved in their extra-marital activities. However, a snap audit by the DoD had revealed a few anomalies in the contract (cobbled together and had utilized a bit of ‘imaginative creative accounting’) and now needed urgent attention if the company was to survive.

“The DoD are looking for answers which Brad can’t provide. You know he isn’t good at that stuff ...,”

Andrew nodded sagely as he knew exactly the kind of ‘anomalies’ that were being referred to.

“ … and he needs you back there to sort out whatever it is they are objecting to ..,”

He looked up, “What, when?”

“ … uh, now. He says that the mess that they have found is all down to whatever it is that you cooked up and he doesn’t have a clue where to start looking. They are coming back at the end of the week for answers, so he’s already made a booking for you. Your flight leaves tomorrow morning!”

Andrew was devastated, not only at the thought that his ‘cleverness’ back home had so quickly been uncovered but more at the thought of his holiday being cut short and being denied the opportunity of expanding his voyeurism, of seeing Whitney sharing Brianna’s delight and the prospect of seeing Brianna’s black stud in action, up close and personal.

On the plus side, this new problem neatly provided the solution to the old problem as to where Brianna and Leon would be accommodated for the remainder of the newlyweds’ honeymoon.

And so emotions were successfully hidden as, following Dale’s suggestion, they should go and celebrate the new arrivals by going to an all-night party that he had heard about. He figured that partying the night away would neatly solve the problem of where they might be staying for the night.

Andrew wasn’t convinced but, hey, whatever, he figured that knowing how these parties developed he may as well take what opportunities might occur of seeing black on white as he contemplated the dramas awaiting him at home. Where Brianna and Leon slept was the least of his worries.

Whitney also had mixed emotions as to how this situation of Brianna’s arrival had turned out but, like Andrew, she decided to make the best of things and tried not to let the impending absence of her husband spoil her enjoyment of the attraction of sun, sand and sex in the Caribbean. Indeed, she reckoned that if she indulged herself fully in all three attractions then most probably the disappointment of not being watched over by her husband might not be quite so painful.

Brianna had already similarly decided that frequent sex was the answer to forgetting about the troubles back home and she was confident the support and the assistance of friends would be a great help!

“Great idea,” she gushed at Leon’s suggestion, “I am looking forward to getting a drink, hearing some Reggae … and getting some of that other stuff you told me about. Grief, I don’t know about you, but this sea air is making me feel so horny and up for anything …,” she giggled, “ … but first let’s go take a swim and freshen up then we can go and party. Come on Whitney, show me this great beach you’ve been telling me about … and then maybe I’ll let you see something just as impressive.” She leaned over and in a stage whisper so that everyone would hear nodded toward Leon and said to her, “My god, I’ve never seen such a big cock on a guy. He’s massive!”


It wasn't a long walk along the beach to the bar where the party was being held. Andrew and Whitney walked hand in hand following a long way behind Dale who was chatting animatedly with Brianna and Leon, telling them, no doubt, of the attractions of the island.

On the way, he took a good, long look at his wife. After their swim she'd taken a shower, her hair was still damp, and she'd put on a fresh bikini top with a sarong to give her some modesty on her lower half, sandals to protect her feet, but the swimsuit (or lack of) drew a lot of attention as they walked, and as they deliberately slowed and lingered to allow Whitney to display her charms to the appreciative onlookers, Andrew thought she'd never looked more beautiful.

They eventually reached and walked into the bar, blinking in the gloom, Brianna and Leon were nowhere to be seen amongst the early crowd of revelers but Dale was standing talking to the barman (a ‘cousin’, no doubt, thought Andrew) who was polishing glasses at the bar. They both looked up and Dale sensed their confusion, grinned, and nodded to an open doorway behind the bar and the rickety wooden stairs that led upward.

They followed his implied instruction and leaving him at the bar to chat with his cousin they crept up to the top of the stairs to an open doorway where they just emerged into a one-room apartment, bare brick walls, with rafters overhead. There was an old iron double bed, with white sheets and pillows, but no covers ... they weren't needed, in the heat. A large fan sitting in the corner of the room hummed quietly as it moved the air around, streamers from a previous party still caught in its screen. The blinds were partially closed, leaving just a few shafts of evening sunlight to beam into the room.

Leon lay on the bed, still wearing shorts and a t-shirt, his hands behind his head. He was grinning at us.

"We knew you'd come. I told Brianna to get us some drinks from the bar, to get us in the mood,” he said as an explanation for Brianna’s absence." Sit down …,” he gestured toward the only other furniture in the room, a wooden kitchen chair beside the wall, “ ... I’ll go and find out what’s keeping her.” They both nervously shuffled toward the chair, not knowing what to expect.

Leon clumped down the stairs, his size making the wood creak and protest. Whitney and Andrew looked at one another, but neither said anything, both wondering what was going to happen and suspecting that Brianna must have cooked up some scheme, knowing that Andrew would most probably not do anything to stop it; knowing that Whitney wouldn’t want him to.

They heard footsteps clumping back up the stairs again and Leon reappeared, still grinning, carrying three cold Banks beers, the bottles looked tiny in his huge hands. Brianna followed him into the room holding her bottle and apologized for the delay, saying, “ ... needed the bathroom,” by way of explanation for her disappearance.

Leon passed a bottle to Whitney, kept one for himself, then holding out the third to Andrew said, "Sit down, wimp, Whitney’s gonna sit with me, over there," nodding at the bed.

Andrew gulped at his beer and sat down in the chair. Brianna came over and whispered in his ear, “I promised your wife that I would be getting her a special gift to remember your wedding. This is it!”

Leon took Whitney by the hand and led her over to the bed, sat her down on the edge, and then the whole bed sank as his muscled body settled next to hers. Whitney sat there frozen, her eyes locked on her husband as Brianna sat on his lap. She took a swig of her beer … then another, wondering what in the world was about to happen.

"Relax," Leon drawled, “Yo’ friend says that there’s nothing you like better than a good workout and I’m just the guy to give it to you.” His huge arm slid around her back and he pulled her into him for an embrace Andrew held his breath as he watched Leon’s dark fingers appear from around the edge of her waist thinking how frail she looked sitting next to him. The top of her head was barely above his shoulder and then when he looked down at Leon’s groin, it was to see there was a bulge already growing in his cargo pants. ‘Was he as big as Brianna had said; would his poor wife be able to take him?’, was his thought as he continued to sip his beer, mesmerized at the sight of his wife being treated so.

Leon's free hand came up and stroked Whitney's cheek, brushing damp strands of hair back behind her ear. Then his lips came down on hers and Andrew gave a suppressed moan thinking along the theme of, “Oh my God, she’s kissing someone else right in front of me and this time I don’t have to be hiding myself in the shadows to see it, this time I can see every detail!”

Brianna, sitting on his lap, guessed his thoughts and, giggling then gave his stiffening cock a reassuring squeeze through the fabric of his shorts.

Whitney tense for a second as she felt the touch of Leon’s lips and then her eyes went toward her husband, checking if he was indeed watching … just as Brianna said he would be when the two girls had sketched out their plan when they had been taking that swim.

She continued to stare at her husband as she responded to Leon’s kiss but then, as his tongue slipped inside her mouth, she gave a kind of groan, and her eyelids fluttered closed as she lost herself and began moving with him. At first, the kiss was slow and tender, relaxing her but as she got into it, it grew hot and heavy. The hand around her waist started to work its way over her back, stroking every inch of her, toying with the bikini straps at her shoulders. Then he backed off a little way, making her follow him with her mouth so that gradually and increasingly she was the one doing most of the work.

When Leon finally broke the kiss, Whitney was heavy-lidded and panting, but totally under his spell, the presence of her husband forgotten. Leon motioned her to stand up.

"Now, time to get serious. If we’re gonna work out properly, you need to show me what you’ve got. Take it off, you sweet thing. Show me what you got ..." He shot a grin toward Andrew, "… and show your husband, too."

He had been advised of Andrew’s fantasies and voyeurism.

Whitney's legs trembled as she stood up. The bikini top, which had hardly contained Whitney’s beautiful full breasts in the first place, was the first to go quickly followed by the sarong. She untied the thin fabric and drew it from her, then tossed it over the end of the bed, nobody noticed where the bikini top had landed, they were too busy looking at her standing there wearing just the bottom half of her bikini.

In the dim sunlight shining into the room, her legs were smoothly pale and Leon was prompted to say, "She's got good legs ... eh, Andy? Long and sexy."

Leon reached out and grabbed her hand, pulling her towards him so that she stood just in front of him. He ran his palm up the outside of one leg, then back down. Then he did the same with both hands, and she trembled again.

“See, she likes that, doesn’t she Andy, whadda ya think, uh?”

He then moved his hands to the inside of her thighs and pushing her legs apart, moved up so that a hand cupped her groin through her swimsuit, his thumb right over her pussy. He started to rub her there, slow and steady, and she gasped. "Oooh, I thought that she would like that, I knew this one was hot for it," he drawled, without taking his eyes from her body. "As soon as I saw her in that summer dress at the airport, I knew it."

The blood was thundering in Andrew’s ears as he watched Leon’s thick, black thumb rub at his wife’s pussy. It was happening. he could barely breathe.

Whitney's breathing had quickened. She put her hands on Leon’s massive shoulders to steady herself as his thumb stroked up and down and, not aware she was doing it, she started to grind her hips in the air. Leon got the message and with his other hand, got hold of the back of her bikini bottom, and pulled it up, hard, between her legs. Whitney caught her breath as she felt the fabric suddenly stretch over her vagina.

Leon turned her, so that her luscious butt was towards him, almost in his face as he sat, and positioned her so that she was facing her husband. Andrew now had no difficulty in seeing what he'd done to her, the thin, shiny fabric of the bikini was tight enough so that it was shaped around her folds, around the narrow slit of her pussy. Andrew gave another groan as he focussed on the actual outline of her lips … or was the groan in response to Brianna’s tongue probing his ear?

Leon’s hands wound around Whitney, and one returned to stroking her groin, where the fabric was so tight against her it was almost as if she was naked under his fingers. The other hand slid up to her breast, massaging it firmly. His huge hand squeezed and circled, and Andrew could see the soft globe being squashed and lifted as, between his fingers, her nipple slowly hardened, poking like a cute hard button.

Andrew tore his gaze from her breasts to look up at her face. She was gasping, flushed and her whole body moving sinuously in response to his fondling, a slow, hypnotic rhythm. Had Andrew been capable of rational thoughts he might have confessed, “It was as if he was making her dance for me … I've never seen anything so sexy. My wife, being pleasured under the hands of another man.”

But he didn’t think that, instead he was squirming and should have been thinking, “This is wrong! She's my wife! Maybe I ought to run over there and break the beer bottle over Leon's head, grab my wife and flee, and fuck the life out of her to make her mine again!”

But he didn’t do that either. Even though he was feeling a little uncomfortable and weird and a little angry, his true emotions were ******* as, with Brianna’s encouragement, his cock grew harder and harder.

"Hey Andy, look at her, man. Do you think she’s ready to work out? I reckon she is, she wants to fuck ...” He turned his attention back to Whitney and gave a playful tap on her butt, adding, “ ... don't you?"

Whitney hadn’t expected that, she jerked, but yelped. "Y ... Yes, please."

"But that ain’t right. Surely, it’s your husband you want on top of you, ain’t it?" Leon asked.

Whitney's eyes grew wide, she looked toward Andrew and feigned a look of horror. She knew what was going through her husband’s mind; she knew what he would like to hear as an answer. Andrew stared back at her, nodding, showing her what he wanted to hear.

"N ... No," she managed to blurt out, “I want you to fuck me.”

Leon grinned at them both, victory in his eyes. He took his hand away from her bikini-covered pussy and said, "Get this damn thing off, then."

He released her and she took a stumbling step away from him. Her eyes were on the floor as she untied the bows holding the bikini bottom together and the skimpy garment fell to the floor. She stood up straight and turned to face her husband (who still had Brianna sitting on his lap) and he gave a moan of approval of what was revealed. With the swimsuit off her body, her breasts were full with her arousal, her nipples hard as pebbles. He held his breath as he surveyed the smooth flatness of her tummy with the dimple of her navel enhanced by a gemstone belly button piercing; his gaze fell upon the little strip of hair above her pussy and then, seeing that she had her husband’s full attention, Whitney deliberately adjusted her stance so that he could see that the soft, pink lips of her pussy were already gleaming with moisture.

Leon sat on the edge of the bed behind her and said, as if Andrew needed reminding, "You got a beautiful lady, Andy …."

She smirked in response to Leon’s remark turned around so that her back was toward her husband and lowered her head to give her admirer a thank-you kiss. Leon responded by putting his muscular arms around her and pulling her closer to him.

Andrew did not comment, he was speechless at the sight of his naked wife willingly allowing him to treat her so. He looked on to see his big black hands slide down her back to her butt and begin moving in lazy circles, stroking the firm cheeks, and hear Leon add, "… She's got a sweet body … nice butt … but, she's all cold from swimming in the sea. I reckon a good workout will soon warm her up. Wadda ya think, Andy?”

Andrew remained mute; Brianna sniggered.

"Do you two work out together?” Leon asked, provocatively, "She feels like she’s got a body built for it …," He once again ran his hands over her naked back and her butt, then squeezed both cheeks firmly before pulling them apart and, “ … does she let you fuck her here?"

Andrew had never tried anal sex. He couldn’t speak for Whitney, so he just said, "N ... No."

"How about her mouth? She takes you between those sweet lips?"

Andrew was more certain with that question, he swallowed and said, "Yes, Sometimes."

Leon grinned. He finally stood up and, for a second, he loomed over her. He put his mouth close to her ear. "You want to suck me, Whitney?"

Whitney looked Andrew in the eye, then biting her lip, she slowly nodded.

Leon put his hands on her shoulders and turned her so that they were facing each other. He casually lifted his t-shirt and stripped it off. Whitney and Brianna both drew in breath as the tee shirt was tossed aside. His skin was a rich ebony brown, falling off to black in the shadows. Broad, chiseled pecs stood above a tightly defined stomach, his dark abs like a washboard. Without the tee shirt, his biceps looked even bigger.

He put his hands on her shoulders and willed her to sink to her knees. She stared up at him, open-mouthed, her eyes taking in his face, his chest, his arms.

Leon unfastened his shorts shoved them down along with his underwear and kicked them aside. His cock jumped out, stiffly erect, and caused Whitney to jerk back in surprise … or maybe awe.

She'd seen a black cock before (of course she had, how could she have not after that wild wedding reception!) but this one, wow! The shaft was darker than the rest of him, a deep brown-black. The head was gray-pink, throbbing and smooth, circumcised and huge. The knob seemed as big as a plum and as Andrew joined in her amazement, he thought that the knob alone was big enough to fill Whitney's mouth.

He could not help but make a mental comparison with his dimensions and estimated that the shaft was at least twice as thick as his own, almost as thick as his wrist; that he was much longer, maybe eight or nine inches; that Leon’s testicles which hung and swung like two heavy, dark balls were much bigger.

His wonder turned to concern, he knew very well where all this preening and play-acting was going to lead (indeed, he would have been most disappointed if it did not) but as he looked on at the monster cock his thoughts turned to, "She couldn't take him ... he’s too big … She couldn't possibly take him ... She’ll have to back out of actual sex … Grief, how was she even going to take him in her mouth?!”

Whitney didn’t share that line of thinking. Leon beckoned her and she shuffled forward on her knees, her eyes locked on that huge, throbbing cock. She nervously lifted one slender hand, glancing at Andrew as if looking for approval, before wrapping it around the shaft. She did the same with the other hand, and Andrew wasn’t surprised that she had failed to even grasp half his length.

She opened her mouth as wide as it would go and engulfed the plum, managing to take all of it between her lips. She sealed them around it, just at the start of the shaft, and Andrew moaned as he saw her cheeks hollow as she began to suck, thinking, “My God; My wife; My wife has another man's cock in her mouth. My Wife is cheating on me with a Black Man.”

And yet it was the hottest sight he'd ever seen. The image of her soft, pink lips stretched around that black shaft was burning itself into his brain, a sight never to be forgotten.

Leon looked across and grinned, his teeth very white. He reached down and brushed Whitney's damp hair back from her face so that Andrew could have an unobscured view. It was a practiced move; he'd done this before, a thought that was confirmed when Brianna (who had been massaging his cock all the while she had been sitting on his lap) whispered that this was part of the workout with Leon that she most enjoyed .. well, maybe not the best part.

Leon grunted his approval as he felt Whitney’s tongue swirling, tasting his glans, "A little more, now, move your hands." he told her.

Whitney started to stroke along his shaft with both hands at once, her fingers barely met around it. She stretched her mouth wider still and tried to take more of him as she pushed forward with her head and the dark shaft sank between her lips. Her eyes were turned upward, locked on his. An inch slid into her mouth and she dropped one of her hands from his cock to give herself room so that he could push in another inch.

She started to move her head back and forth on the shaft, her breasts bouncing and swaying with the movement, and the darker line where his cock glistened wetly as he pulled back slightly contrasted starkly with the pinkness of her mouth.

Leon glanced over to where Andrew was seated to check that he had his full attention. He did, Andrew was enthralled as he saw the plum clear her mouth, its bulging purpleness shining and her tongue chasing, licking it. He glanced up to see Leon looking, knowing that's why he'd pulled out; that he'd wanted him to see, contrary to his fears, how much she was capable of taking.

Leon pushed forward again. This time, Whitney took a little more, the head and more of the shaft to fill her mouth, but still felt compelled to go deeper. On the next bob of her head, she gagged as the plum touched the back of her throat.

Andrew forgot all about the beer he was clutching, he almost forgot that he had a woman of his sitting on his lap as he watched his wife and the movements of her cheeks as her tongue worked frantically, slathering over the black cock, swirling around the shiny, dribbling knob, her hands stroked up and down his shaft, bringing him closer to the edge. His wife was naked and on her knees, her black lover standing proudly before her.

Then Leon pushed her gently away. "OK, that’s enough warm up, time you got on the bed and we can begin with a proper workout. Let's give you what you want, what you need," he said with a chuckle.

Whitney turned to Andrew, her eyes wide, presumably to get confirmation that he was happy with how this workout session was going. She got her answer when Andrew returned her glance with a weak nod of his head. Brianne confirmed her approval also by giving him another squeeze of his erect cock.

Leon noted the silent exchange. "You want this?" he asked Whitney, nodding down at his erect, shining cock.

She nodded dumbly.

Leon turned to Andrew. "And you ... you want to see this in her?"

He caught his breath and thought, “In her? Oh God, it was so crude, so immoral...and yet, that's exactly what I did want. I did want to see him in her. I wanted to see that black cock spread her lips and plunge inside her right up to the balls”.

But he didn’t say any of that, instead, he just nodded.

Leon grinned and motioned Whitney onto the bed where she sat down on the edge, then swung her legs up to lay down on her back. Her lightly tanned skin contrasted against the white sheets, but the contrast was made greater when Leon knelt on the bed, he was midnight-dark against her paleness. The contrast of their two bodies was electrifying.

"You two wanna come sit closer?" Leon asked. "You want to see, that’s what we’re here for, right?" It was a statement, not a question. Brianna stood up to allow Andrew to pull the chair across the room so that when Andrew sat down again, they were only a foot or so from the edge of the bed. Close enough to touch his wife …. only that Leon, kneeling between Whitney’s legs, made it very clear that Andrew wasn’t being allowed to touch her.

. Brianna stood behind the chair softly masturbating as she took in the scene.

So first, for the first exercise, let’s get ourselves positioned right,” he said mockingly.

Leon took his wife's slender ankles in his hands, lifted and pulled them wide apart, pushing her knees up. Andrew watched, transfixed, as her pussy opened to allow him to see her glistening wetness. Whitney, allowed herself to be instructed without making any protest and just lay there staring up at him, her breathing quickening.

He lowered himself between her spread legs, his cock bobbing stiffly. It brushed her thigh, huge and heavy, and she gasped. As he moved fully into position, he supported himself on one arm and reached down with the other to grasp his cock and guide himself into her.

Andrew watched the head of his cock approach her vagina and thought, “God, this is going to happen, I’m watching my wife about to be fucked by a black brute, a stranger!” Then as the fat knob rested against the swollen lips, the thought was replaced by the realization that “Oh my God, he’s not wearing a condom!"

Unfortunately for Andrew, that was thought too late to mention, with a grunt Leon pushed his hips forward and Andrew (and Brianna, who was as equally interested in observing the proceedings) watched, as if in slow motion, the fat knob of his circumcised cock part her lips. As he started to slide inside, he was so wide that the lips bowed inward, and she gasped. Then, as he urgently pushed with his hips, they gave way and he slid easily on her moisture. The head slid in, right up to its widest point.

Whitney's eyes went wide. "God, Brianna! …" she gasped, " … So big!"

She made it as if trying to move away and they could see her cunt lips shining, lubricating around his cock as she did so. He let her move, staying motionless whilst she got used to his girth then, after a moment, her movements died away and she relaxed other than increasing her grip of the sheets in both hands, then she gave Leon a nod.

He pushed and stretched her wider and wider and her mouth opened in disbelief and momentarily her eyes rolled upward. His cock pushed a little deeper, her vagina closing after it, tight around his shaft. "Oh My God!" Whitney gasped.

"How does it feel? Like that?" he asked.

Her mouth moved silently for a few seconds before any words came out. "Stretching ... It's stretching me. God, it's so thick..."

Andrew looked at Leon, who was grinning, and then back at her. "Do you want him to stop?"

"...nooo." was her answer.

Leon’s response was more direct, “Shut the fuck up, you’re here to watch, not give your wife advice!”

Leon planted his other hand on the bed so that he was braced above her, and then he started to slowly ease his length into her. Andrew took Leon’s advice and kept quiet and was hypnotized by the sight of his black shaft pushing slowly between those stretched pink lips. His hairless, mahogany ass cheeks moved gradually up the bed between her thighs.

Another thought crossed Andrew’s mind, “My wife. My wife has another man inside her, a stranger, a man she'd known less than a day thrusting up into her … and we don’t even know his last name!”

Whitney let out a groan. Andrew looked up at her face, flushed and gasping, and then down to the point where they joined. Leon's cock was halfway inside her and, as he watched, he slowed his gentle fucking to a stop. "Good girl," he said approvingly. "Nice and tight, You never took a big man like me before, did you?"

Andrew flushed, assuming, quite rightly, that the remark was intended toward him; that the big man was implying, having seen his cock that Brianna was still giving attention, knew it was true.

Whitney shook her head to add her confirmation.

Leon grinned and lowered himself onto his forearms and began to thrust. Each slow stroke of his cock drew a groan from her ... not a groan of pain, but one of pure pleasure. Each time he thrust, her breasts bounced and rolled on her chest, and with each thrust, he moved a little deeper in her, a little more each time, but ever deeper.

Andrew held his breath, “God, was he intending to go all the way in? Surely, he couldn't … he wouldn't possibly fit!”

But, thrust by thrust, Whitney was inexorably filled. His balls were bouncing and jiggling down at his root which was by now only three inches from her lips.

"I ... God, I ... " Whitney was panting. "I don't know if I ... uh, so big …"

"You'll handle it just fine," Leon told her. "That’s why it’s called a workout, you can take it, trust me."

Whitney twisted her head on the pillow to look at Andrew who on instinct reached out and brushed the hair from her forehead which was now damp with sweat.

"Do you want him to stop?" he asked.

She hesitated for a split second, then shook her head. "No. It feels...God, he's stretching me...but it feels...Ah! It feels good."

"Okay," he whispered, taking his hand away to resume caressing Brianna.

Leon trusted more forcefully, driving more and more of him into her, her breasts bouncing between them. "God!" said Whitney. "God! I ... ", and then, with a groan, he pushed hard against her, and Andrew saw that his balls were resting against the cheeks of her ass.

"Ah!..," almost a little scream, "God! That's ... "

"What’s up girl, does it hurt?" chuckled Leon.

"N ... No! It's ... God ... It's wonderful. I can feel ...God, feel right up inside me. … Right up. I think ... I think touching places I've never been touched before...," She babbled as the waves of pleasure washed over her.

“Places she'd never been touched before; places I have never touched her; places I never would”, thought Andrew as he looked on, thinking, “Would it ever be the same between us, after this? Would she even be the same? God, he must be stretching her, with that huge cock...”

Leon drew back a little and looked at her, waiting.

At first, she just lay there, getting used to his size inside her. Then she made a tiny movement of her hips, a humping towards him. He didn’t respond, he remained still. Andrew sort of got answers to his thoughts when his wife started to gasp and plead. "Please," she begged. "Please, fuck me."

Leon glanced across at Andrew, he didn't have to say anything. He could see that he had his full attention, his stiff white cock being fondled by Brianna’s hand. Leon interpreted the scene as being a white guy saying, “That’s my wife, I’m begging you to fuck her.”

He was not wrong and only too happy to oblige.

Taking the weight off her by using his knees, he moved his hands to her breasts and began to squeeze them as he slowly started to fuck her. He was a little rougher with her than Andrew would have been and he was a little dismayed when Whitney sighed with pleasure in response to his rough handling.

His thrusts were only a few inches long at first, but they quickly got longer, a slippery, dark length moving out of her and then being slammed back in. Soon he was fucking her with the whole length, withdrawing so that only the head remained inside.

“Like it like that?”

"Yes!" said Whitney, a sharp little cry. "God, yes!"

Her head started to roll back against the pillow, her chin going to the ceiling. Her eyes screwed tight, the pleasure overwhelming her. His cock was stroking into her, now, thrust after thrust, his heavy balls slapping against her ass with each stroke. His fingers were digging deep into the soft flesh of her breasts, his thumbs rubbing her nipples. Andrew sat forward in his chair, Brianna continuing to wank him as he realized, “She was going to ... God, she was going to ... “

"Yes!" shrieked Whitney. "Yes! Faster! More!"

Leon sped up, the whole bed shaking with the force of his strokes, the headboard banging against the wall. Whitney lifted her feet off the bed and wrapped her legs around him. Andrew held his breath on seeing this more powerful image, his white wife, not only being fucked by a black stranger but pulling him toward her, inviting him to do so.

And then to her obvious disappointment, he withdrew from her, patted her on her thigh indicating that she should turn over. Andrew was pleased that the spectacle wasn't over.

Whitney rolled over and supported herself on shaky hands and knees and Leon obligingly moved her so that she was facing her husband, with her knees on the edge of the bed. He stood and moved behind her, spreading her thighs apart and Andrew was able to momentarily glimpse his stiff cock, shining with her wetness, just before he buried himself in her from behind.

"Ah!" Whitney gasped as he went balls-deep on his first thrust, "Oh my God!"

Leon then drew slowly out and then slid back in before repeating the process, over and slowly over as if he was performing… (which he was). He knew, being the complete professional, that in this position, he could go deeper into her, not very much more than if she had been lying on her back, but it was enough to make a difference. As he settled into a rhythm, Whitney looked right at her husband with hooded eyes and sighed with each push, and at the end of each stroke, she gave a high little cry as he pressed up against the very limits of her. "Andy, Oh God! … he's ... Andy, he's so...big! He's filling me …. Uh, filling me … filling me!"

Andrew was incapable of hearing exactly what she was saying, he was so enthralled by the whole situation, of watching at close hand his ultimate fantasy being made real, that he was in sensory overload. The sight of Leon holding her hips, his hands and cock starkly black against her skin was all too much so he leaned forward in his chair so that he was closer to his wife's face so that he might better understand what she was telling him.

“Ah! Ah! Oh God, it's ... it's so good … so deep and it's ... Ah! ... It's so good!" Her mouth was wide, her eyes wild. "God!"

Andrew’s cock had been painfully hard the entire time. He hadn’t noticed that Brianna had been helping to keep it in this state but, with the addition of Whitney’s commentary, it became too much. He pushed Brianna’s hand away took himself in hand and started to stroke as he saw Leon's rhythm speed up.

Whitney cried out again, then again as Leon reached down with one hand and started to play with her hanging breasts. "God! I'm going to ... Andy, he’s making me cum again!"

Andrew, on hearing that, began frantically stroking himself, thinking, “She’s going to cum, right in front of me!” and then, hearing Leon behind her, fucking her like a dog, grunt, he realized that, “He’s about to cum, too …. God! He was going to cum … and she’s not on the pill and he’s not using a condom”!

"Pull out!" he yelled, "She isn't on the pill!"

Leon was too wrapped up in his pleasure to be taking any notice, ignored him, and continued fucking the squealing Whitney, neither of them not registering what Andrew had said or not caring.

"Ah!" Whitney threw her head back as she came, tensing and shaking, her pussy, spasming and clutching around his shaft, making for Andrew an irresistible sight.

Leon groaned and tried to bury himself deeper inside her, his thick cockhead sliding up against her cervix.

Andrew was torn between emotions, he wanted to see his wife being fucked; he didn’t like the idea that, as a consequence, she might become pregnant

"No!" he whispered to himself, still stroking his cock but then, suddenly his concerns were answered when Whitney, who could sense that Leon was just about to ejaculate, said, “No, not in me, I wanna see you cum!”

“Ah yes,” Andrew remembered, “there was nothing Whitney enjoyed more than watching a man cum.” A mild fetish that he had learned about her and had never left her even though she was now married.

Leon obliged and both Whitney and Andrew (and Brianna) watched with fascination as Leon's hips began to jerk, and suddenly he pulled out of her and began to spray a fountain of cum over her back. Whitney's eyes snapped open, she twisted her head and shuddering with her orgasm, groaned, “Oh God, look, he's coming …. Andy! … So hot … I can feel it … he's ... he's … "

Andrew wasn’t listening, his cock was throbbing and began spurting over his hand. On impulse, he stood up and added to his wife’s pleasure by sending long ropes of cum across her face…

... and then there was silence other than the sound of deep breathing as the threesome crested to the climax and then slowly descended.

Leon knelt back on his heels, his erection beginning to soften, but the dribbling cock still managed to trace a trail of cum down between Whitney’s cheeks and added to the wet pinkness of her gaping pussy; Andrew, still grasping his less than impressive cock slumped back onto the chair; Brianna, standing behind the chair, wished that her husband Brad had been there to have recorded a video of the ‘work out’!

Whitney closed her thighs rolled onto her back, and lay mute on the bed. Leon picked up his shorts and started to pull them on, which reminded Andrew that his shorts must be lying around somewhere close by and perhaps he ought to follow suit.

Brianna, the instigator of the ‘workout’, who had remained mainly silent throughout the session, broke her silence, “Hey, what about me? I hope you haven’t forgotten that I’m here …,” she said in mock outrage.

From the open doorway, came the sound of polite applause from Dale, “Don’t you worry Bri, I told you that tonight there’s gonna be plenty of that goin’ on. Come on, let’s get back downstairs and join the party,”

And so the honeymoon continued, but not in the manner originally envisaged.

The husband, for valid reasons, left his wife to continue enjoying the delights of the island in the company of good friends. The wife, although sad to see him go, promised that she would try to enjoy the remaining 5 days in his absence but also promised that she would tell him all about it when she returned home in the care of her friend.
