Chapter One - Meeting Whitney


Prologue (aka - the story so far) - Brianna, co-owner of a small defense supplier company, had been gangbanged by her Black workers and afterwards the leader of the Gang made threats of Blackmailing her and telling her husband. It's an empty threat because the husband discovered a security surveillance tape and he approved of what he saw … but they haven't told the leader that … Yet! (Reference: 'Brianna Holdings')

Whitney lives with her partner Andrew, a finance guy, in Queens NYC. He's a nice fellow but a bit of a dreamer often lost in his world of boy's stuff like classic cars and computers, and she needs to pin him down if she's ever going to get him to the altar. She also has dreams which mainly centres around seeing stiff cocks spewing cum. One of those dreams came true when she was trying on wedding dresses. (Reference: 'Satisfying her Curiosity')

Brianna and Whitney's worlds collided after Andrew pays a business visit to the said defense company.

Read on:


Andrew remained confused and bemused over how matters had been taken out of his hands and that plans for a wedding, his wedding, were proceeding at a pace with him having little say in the planning or the intended arrangements.

His confusion began when he returned home after having spent few days upstate conducting a financial audit at a small defense company and discovered that the wife of the proprietor, Brianna, had called his home number and spoken to his partner, Whitney.

The call had been the consequence of what Andrew regarded as a simple chit-chat when over a business-lunch with Brianna and co-owner, her husband Brad, he had mentioned the possibility of 'one day' getting married. Brianna had recognised in Andrew that here was a man who needed a bit of encouragement if that was to happen and so, without saying anything to Andrew, had taken the initiative and made the call to Whitney to see if she could 'help'!

Whitney, for her part, had initially been taken aback when she answered the phone to Brianna but soon warmed to the stranger after she had ascertained that this was not some crank 'cold call' and that the friendly voice was genuine. Once a few credentials had been established and Brianna had related her interpretation of the dinner-time discussion, they began an entirely different conversation which included Whitney's grateful acceptance of any help with wedding planning that Brianna could offer.

Yes, Andrew was confused, he had never thought that a few throw-away remarks over a glass of wine could have so quickly resulted in him being committed to getting married. Then again, it was a typical consequence of his laid-back nature, of him living in his 'own-world' and not properly thinking things through (except, of course, when dealing with his hobbies or looking at Internet Porn!) For sure, the suggestion of being married to such an attractive and vibrant woman as Whitney had often been planted in his mind but he had never believed her to be serious when it had been mentioned in the past. In his world he had thought she had just been using the scenario as part of an elaborate fantasy of her own, especially whenever they had sex. He had concluded it was all an act, that she was fantasising about being married and that when he was fucking her that she was playing out the part of being a married lady who was 'cheating' on her husband!

For sure, such a scene would be typical of her naughty imagination for she often had hinted to him other outlandish ideas she mused about, such as seeing a man cum on a wedding dress, but as exciting as such thoughts were, he had dismissed them as being just that, fantasy. At the same time he also added that scenario to his mental 'Wank Bank' and for his next business trip he had no doubt he would be stroking off thinking of his new wife being splattered with his sperm.

He was soon to learn, unlike the idea of marriage being a dream, that she had already fulfilled the wedding dress fantasy.

He had other scenarios in his wank bank that remained fresh and raw in his memory. He could not shake from his mind the images he had of Brianna being gang-banged by her black workers, images that had been revealed to him when he had reviewed the video footage on the security tape that her husband Brad had inadvertently shared.

It was Andrew's normal practice when away from home that at the end of a day's work he would log onto the Internet in his hotel room and surf and wank once he had found something appropriate to look at before going to sleep.

Brad had downloaded a batch of what he thought to be finance-related files from Brianna's computer for Andrew to work upon back in his hotel room but had not realised that the batch of folders included the incriminating video. Andrew, in turn, had been equally surprised when after appraising the financial documents that there was a curiously named folder with password protection remaining for review.

Andrew, being a whiz at dealing with the mysteries of computers and code, soon cracked the password, and discovered a listing of video files taken by security cameras at the manufacturing facility. Trawling through he found one that was quite unlike all the others and had then spent the next couple of hours of witnessing the co-owner of the company who he was auditing, straddled, tied down on a packing table and being fucked by the stiff cocks of six different black men.

So it was that on this trip he had no need to log on to the Internet.

It was also a trip where, for the first time, as a consequence of seeing the videos, he had already made up his mind beforehand that he would give a favourable report about the company he was there to examine. Having seen the video it was clear to him that the company's Principals needed to be kept on board and for a personal relationship to be developed. Little wonder then that the day following his viewing of the video his tour of the premises with Brianna as his guide had been a surreal experience, especially when they went through the packing room.

He returned home, back to New York, after having completed his audit of the company books. It was clear from his examination that their finances did not add up but to report that finding would mean sanctions against the small business concern and, worse, earning the distrust of the people whom he was hoping to get to know better on a personal level.

He knew that submitting a favourable report was ethically wrong but he was so fascinated and intrigued at the dynamic into which he had been inadvertently immersed that taking the risk of damaging his reputation was worth it. His remaining dilemma of how to keep in contact was solved when Whitney greeted him home and gave him the surprise news that Brianna had already called.

"Oh really, what did she want … " he asked nervously, " … had I left something behind?"

Whitney laughed, "No, nothing like that. She said that you had agreed to let her help out with the wedding arrangements and she was just calling to introduce herself and follow-up on what you spoke with her about when you had lunch with her husband."

That was not how Andrew remembered it. There hadn't been any great discussion as far as he was concerned. Indeed, his only recollection of the subject had been the offhand remark that he was footloose and fancy free living with a lovely woman who had ideas about marriage. His other recollection was that Brianna had a great looking body beneath her business clothes and that his suspicions had been borne out when he had watched the video!

"She says that you made great impression on her and her husband, Brad, right?"

He nodded and asked, "Erm, so what did she say?"

"Well, I'm not sure what you told them but you certainly fired her up. She sounds like a nice person and she says that she is having to pay a visit to New York next week so I'm going to meet up with her and get to know her better."

She let out a theatrical squeal of joy and gave him a hug, "Thanks Honey, I'm so excited. You actually did it … we're actually going to get married!"

Andrew enjoyed the hug but struggled to understand how a few off-hand remarks made a couple of days ago could have so rapidly bought him to this situation of being a bridegroom-in-waiting. However, knowing from experience just how single-minded Whitney could be once she had her mind set, he knew better than to disabuse her of the idea.

He nodded glumly and said, "Yeah, it's gonna be good," and concluded that actually being married to his college-sweetheart couldn't be much different from the life they had so far spent together, could it?

He would soon find out that, 'yes, it could be a lot different!'


Whitney went to Grand Central at the advised time of when Brianna's train would arrive and had no problem recognising her as she stepped through the gate given she was dressed just as she had forecast. They greeted each other just like old friends even though this was their first face-to-face meeting and, just like old friends, the suggestion that they take time out to have a chat over a cup of coffee before doing much else was readily agreed.

Brianna surprised Whitney with just how familiar she was with New York. Whitney had assumed that as her new-found friend lived upstate that she would have been much like herself, a country girl who knew little of city life and would be on a steep learning curve as she negotiated the ways of a busy metropolis. But, no, Brianna had done things the other way around. As she explained to Whitney on their first meeting, she was Brooklyn-born and had only moved away after she had married Brad. She knew far more about city ways than the less-experienced Whitney and by the time that the two 'new best friends' were into their second cup of coffee they had already made plans for that knowledge to be shared.

Brianna had come back to the city she loved for a few days to have a business meeting with one of her company's suppliers and, once that meeting was over, to be doing other things like shopping. The meeting was scheduled to last only an hour which meant there would be plenty of time left to fill with enjoying herself visiting old haunts and pleasures. Having connected so well with Whitney those plans rapidly took shape.

Her accommodation for her stay was the apartment of a neighbour in the street where she had grown up which was a great convenience as it saved her the cost of staying in a hotel. The neighbours who had watched over her as she grew were an amiable couple and Brianna had always referred to them as 'Aunt and Uncle' just as she had been taught by her parents. In turn, they had taught her many things for which she was grateful.

Aunt and Uncle were a hip, black couple and one thing that Brianna had been learned from him was that a black man's cock was generally bigger than a white boys.

Brianna asked Whitney, with a mischievous laugh, if she knew that!

Whitney, with a knowing look, said she did.

Brianna, with an equally knowledgeable expression said, "Oh, do tell; how do you know?"

A question which prompted Whitney to relate the story of when a few months back she had been locked out of her 1st floor apartment and with Andrew being away on business she had to call on their black landlord to help her get back in. She didn't provide every last detail of how she ended up half-naked waiting in the landlord's downstairs flat for the locksmith to arrive and open her front door but did say that, yes, while she was waiting she had soon discovered that a black man's cock was an impressive thing to behold …

…., "especially when compared to Andrew's!" she said which was the cue for peals of laughter from them both.

When the laughter died down Whitney asked, " … and you, what was it with the neighbour then?"

Brianna smiled at the memory and related that when she was growing up that she often used to babysit for her 'Aunt and Uncle' and how he always managed to be in a state of undress when she arrived to look after their kids. He took their familiarity to a new level on occasion and had no qualms about her seeing him in his loose-fitting underwear as he put on his pants and indeed he took great delight in letting her glimpse his fat cock in the process. She said that she wasn't sure if her Aunt knew what he was doing but as she had no qualms about letting the neighbourhood hear when the pair of them were having sex (which they did frequently) she doubted if she would have been concerned at his pervy behaviour.

"Yeah, that and the messing around at school, one way or another I've seen that a black boy can pack a punch." (She didn't at that point relate her later experience of the gangbang when six black boys 'had packed a punch').

The coffee which had gone cold in the cups lost its attraction and it was decided the time had come to depart and arrangements were made for meeting up again once Brianna's business had been dealt with.

Brianna, who knew the Subway map very well, said that she would take the G-Train out of Brooklyn and make the switch to the M and R line come to Queens, all of which meant little to Whitney who was just relieved that her lack of knowledge hadn't been tested. They parted with a kiss and a hug and the agreement that they were going to have 'such fun' over the next few days.

And so it proved.


Brianna found the address and stepped into the dark foyer and rang the doorbell on the intercom panel. A door to one side obligingly clicked itself unlocked and she stepped into the dim hallway of the downstairs flat. When a black face peered around the kitchen door at the end of the hall, that's when she suspected she must have pressed the wrong doorbell.

"I wuz expecting no white girl," was his greeting.

"Excuse me?"

"I said, I ain't 'specting no white girl .. dey said they wuz sending Carmen."

"Ah, I think there must be some mistake .. I think I pressed the wrong bell," she stammered.

The Landlord heard none of that he was too busy checking the contents of his wallet, "Don' matter," he slurred, his voice betraying the bourbon he had spent the afternoon drinking, "White girl's good .. I knows … I already fucked dat white bitch upstairs … but you'll have to make do wit $50, dat's all I got. Git over here."

A quarter of an hour later Brianna left the landlord snoring on his bed and let herself out of the landlord's ground-floor flat $50 richer. She checked the panel on the front door to the complex and looking at the names more closely realised her mistake; she then pressed the correct bell.

While she waited for response a slutty looking black girl came alongside, leaned over and pressed the landlord's bell. Brianna said, "I wouldn't bother if I was you. I think he's out!"

Whitney laughed out loud when Brianna told her of the reason for her delay and after Brianna had queried the Landlord's remark they did agree on one thing, the landlord had an impressive big cock and that he knew how to use it.

They laughed even more when Brianna told her that she had made the acquaintance of a whore in the foyer who, if she managed to rouse the drunken landlord, would be disappointed to discover he had no money!

"Well, I may be $50 better off but he left me feeling dirty; can I take a quick shower? Then maybe we can go out and spend his money"

"Sounds like a plan," said Whitney, "I'll need to get changed myself … " and led her through to the bedroom with its en-suite bathroom. She commented that 'en-suite' sounded classy but added the truth of the apartment being tiny and that was just the way things were configured which meant that 'classy' came with a lack of privacy and, as such, this allowed Whitney to look at her new friend as they both undressed.

Brianna kept her thoughts to herself as she compared the limited accommodation that compared unfavourably to her own house in the countryside but she did appreciate the way that they were forced to be close to each other. She wasn't sure how to pose the question but asked anyway, "Wow, how do you and Andrew cope?"

Whitney took no offense and said, "Yeah, it's a little tight but we don't spend too much time in here and you are gonna find out Andrew isn't around much anyway what with him going away as he does and with him often working late, just like tonight. I don't expect to see him for a couple of hours at least so let's take advantage of the space that we do have before he comes home to spoil it!"

Brianna unzipped her dress and Whitney liked what she saw. After all the sex-talk that they had been having, her mind was completely in 'the zone' so that when Brianna had got down to just her underwear she stepped closer so that she could assist her. She unhooked her bra and as she did so she leaned and brushed a kiss on the nape of Brianna's neck.

Brianna was pleasantly surprised to feel the hands fumbling at the straps but made no objection. From the few conversations they'd had over the phone and some of the comments made earlier this day at the Grand Central coffee shop she had gained the impression that Whitney might be as attracted to women as she was herself. She let the bra fall to the floor, turned around and was further surprised to see that Whitney was already naked. She smiled and opened her arms so that they could embrace and have a proper kiss. As they did so she felt Whitney's hand cup and softly squeeze her breast.

Brianna gave a sigh that suggested approval and Whitney got the message and gently pushed Brianna back onto the bed and for the moment the shower was forgotten as their caresses became more intimate.

It was Whitney's first time to be making love with another woman. It was something that had always intrigued her, how such strong emotions towards a girlfriend could cross that line and for the relationship to become physical.

Not so for Brianna, who in her college days had belonged to a sorority where she had often enjoyed affairs with other girls. So saying, she wasn't shocked to find herself in this familiar situation of lying with another female and without words she conveyed her fondness for those college days and returned Whitney's kisses with more passion.

Whitney, less versed in the ways of Sapphic lovemaking, decided to let her lead the way and suppressed a giggle as she felt Brianna's hand moved between their bodies seeking out the fuzzy hair that surrounded her pussy. The giggle turned into a whimper as the hand slid between her thighs and a finger or two began teasing their way into the wet folds. She gave Brianna another kiss and then releasing her embrace lay back, closed her eyes and opened her legs to allow the fingers proper access. It was the first time she had ever let another woman touch her in that way and the gentle touches as the fingers stroked in and out of her inexperienced vagina felt glorious.

Brianna from her experiences knew exactly what she was doing and having a complicit Whitney laying alongside filled her with nostalgia for those college days when she often mutually masturbated with her friends. She looked at Whitney's face as she caressed and stroked around the pubic mound, teasing her clit and was amused as each intimate touch would cause another sigh of passion.

She moved her hands up and thought back to college when she was with her chosen favourite and the times when she would have someone just like Whitney, free and available, her chest unfettered by clothing and touching the tits, those magnificent tits, of her friend in her hands.

How the delicate weight of those breasts would rest in her open palms and, just like Whitney, her nipples, crinkly buttons would stare up and she would grope and squeeze her boobs in childlike delight.

How, just like she was doing with Whitney, her hands would attempt to memorize every inch of her creamy skin; how she would moan under the touch; how her fingers would send electric ripples coursing through her flesh. A tweak and a pinch and amusingly her nipples would crinkle and harden under the touches. Yes, Brianna was very conversant with how to please another female and once her fingers returned to concentrate on the wet pussy it took but a few moments before Whitney experienced another 'first' as she felt the tingling warmth building inside and then had an orgasm bought on by the touches of another woman. Yes, it was glorious.

Whitney lay back gasping for breath, opened her eyes and looked toward Brianna who was gazing with amusement at her friend's reaction to her first 'female fucking'.

Brianna asked, "Enjoyed that, did you?"

She didn't wait for Whitney's answer to the rhetorical question, " … now it's my turn, come on, I'm guessing you know what us sorority girls do!"

Brianna, unlike Whitney, was not completely naked, she still had a vestige of modesty, her very wet panties.

Whitney, now versed in the ways of the sorority, knelt up on the bed and leaned over as Brianna helpfully raised her butt to allow her to pull off this last item of clothing. As she drew the damp panties down she focussed on the 'big reveal' and caught her breath when she saw that Brianna was still seeping the cause of the wetness, the Landlord's cum which was coating her soft folds and, now that her pussy was no longer protected, dribbling down the inside of her thighs.

"Oh my, Bri, you are so beautiful," was all she said before dipping her head down to taste the evidence of her fascination.

Brianna didn't respond to that remark other than giggle and say, "Now you can see why I wanted to shower!"

Time can pass so quickly when friends are having fun and Whitney caught her breath once more when she saw the time on the nightstand clock, "Oh my goodness, we need to stop this before Andrew gets home," she laughed. "My poor baby is already in a state of shock at the idea of getting married, I don't think he could cope if he found out his wife-to-be was involved with another woman … especially you!"

They both laughed at the joke and the idea of the 'innocent' Andrew discovering that the girl he was to marry was not only sexually active with others but that he might have to cope with the fact that his wife-to-be was bisexual.

Brianna commented, "I think that there's a lot that your poor baby is going to discover about you that is going to surprise him after he's married you. Now, let's get down to business and start planning. We've only got a few days before I have to go home and I've got some great ideas …"

They were both ******* that Andrew, far from being the complete innocent, might also have ideas of his own. His ideas were a little muddled at the moment for he wasn't sure how he could use the knowledge of having seen Brianna and the gangbang but one thing for sure was that he was more than happy to let the two of them have all the time in the world together if it meant he might become more involved himself.


To be continued …