Carrington put aside the new-fangled electric iron that he used to smooth the creases from the daily newspaper that had been delivered earlier to the stately home where he was employed as the Butler. It was his daily ritual that ensured the paper was in pristine condition when laid out in the Drawing room so that the master of the house would have no quibble about folds or creases marring his reading.

As he laid the publication on the tray, his attention was caught by the section that would be 'essential reading' for households such as his employment. He read:

The Harrogate Gazette, May 15th, 1892 - Society Notices:

"Lady Henrietta Anstruther-Smythe generously opened her lovely home at the weekend to host a meeting of the Yorkshire Women's Fellowship for distressed common folk. A light luncheon was served prior to the meeting when thereafter the honourable Mrs. Clara Stringfellow of Northallerton Hall, the renowned artist, gave a lively talk on the challenges during the reign of our gracious monarch Queen Victoria of finding qualified domestic staff. An open discussion followed. The Fellowship which meets once a month is attended by invited members only."

The notice commentated that no reporters were invited to attend the closed meeting. However, Carrington knew better and had he been of a literary nature he would have also been well qualified to provided the following transcript.


Clara put down her fork, dabbed her rosebud mouth with the corner of her linen napkin, and acknowledged the polite applause from the assembled ladies around the table that followed her introduction by Lady Henrietta Anstruther-Smythe .

Carrington, the Butler, gently pulled the chair away to allow her to stand up. She smiled at him and said, "Thank you, Carrington, have the servants all left? If so, would you be so kind as to secure the doors on your way out."

She waited for his exit before beginning her prepared presentation.

"Good afternoon ladies and thank you Lady Henrietta for the splendid luncheon and for giving me the opportunity to share my experiences of the difficulties of finding and employing qualified domestic staff with you all. I cannot even hope to improve on Miss Charlotte Grantham's talk at our last meeting, which you will recall, related her unique methods of in the management of her stables and of her 'hands-on' methods, as she charmingly called it, of stimulating and encouraging her stallions to mount the mares in her stable …."

General laughter and few blushes followed as the discussion of the previous meeting was recalled.

" … but now it is my turn to get up and tell you the story of my own true experience in the area of our common interest which I hope you will find it of some value.

"My first husband, Stanley, came from a ****** of Merchant Bankers. We first met at my coming out Ball when I was presented to society and as an innocent debutante I was flattered to be wooed by this tall, charming, handsome man with a warm sense of humour. We had a common interest in riding to hounds and his appeal to my senses was sealed when it was revealed he maintained a large stable of fine horses. As soon as the required courtship would allow, we wed and I was soon to discover he possessed another agreeable asset, to whit, that he was endowed with, how can I describe it, ah, a generous nature and a large peggo."

Pause for polite tittering.

"Yes, my Stanley was quite well endowed but I was a virgin when we were married and unversed in such matters. My Mama had not deemed this aspect of my growing up and education a seemly topic to be openly discussed and, as such, I did not appreciate the significance or importance of size of a gentleman's anatomy but assumed all men must be of a similar nature as far as dimensions were concerned. Moreover, once I had become accustomed to being ravished in that delicious fashion that we ladies of refinement and good taste appreciate, it was also assumed by my innocent self that all men were so equipped in providing that exquisite pleasure. It also became apparent during our marriage that I was required to be an acquiescing cuckoldress for, as is the way with our modern marriage arrangements, it is accepted that our husbands will have their way with whomever catches their roving eye and, as such, I was unconcerned that Stanley might be displaying his talents elsewhere.

"Nevertheless, it came as a great shock to me when during one such period of ravishment that Stanley died from, as the doctor politely called it, an excess of life, but duty required that I observed a 12 month period of mourning and for the year following his passing I wore nothing other than widow's weeds. During that time I sought solace by concentrating on my painting for, as you may be aware, I have a reputation of a being a capable landscape and still-life artist.

"Once the mourning period had been satisfied I thereafter re-entered society confident that my obligation toward my deceased husband had been fulfilled and soon I was once more enjoying the benefits of an agreeable social circle. As is the way, it was not long before a gentleman proposed to me which after the required period of assessment of his suitability I accepted. He was prosperous in his own right but I was under no illusion that an element in my attraction to him was the substantial estate that I had bequeathed from Stanley which included a well established stable.

"As a widow having experience and being well-versed in the ways of men, I had no qualms when it came to us sealing our nuptials in that delicious manner which we knowledgeable ladies have come to expect. It therefore came as quite a shock to me on my wedding night when I discovered that my new husband, Percival Montague, was less than half as well-endowed as my lamented Stanley had been.

"I have to admit that my confidence and assumptions were shaken by this discovery but my instincts told me not to mention it to Percival but rather I made discreet inquiries through my maid who was well-versed in such matters, who had the knowledge to tell me that Percival, my second husband, was indeed smaller but that my first husband had been unusually big.

"I was taken aback by her depth of knowledge but did not enquire further as to how she knew of such intimate details. I didn't need to ask for, unbidden, she confessed that it appeared to her that my Percival was perfectly normal, or normal enough, so as shouldn't matter and indeed that my first husband had been remarkably endowed.

"Perversely, I was relieved to hear the raison d'être for it explained why I could hardly feel Percival inside me whenever we were intimate (which was often) but it took some time to become familiar to my new circumstances and I could not help but grieve for the manner in which Stanley had filled me up down there."

She paused to allow the tittering from her enraptured audience fade away. Still holding their attention, she continued.

"Percival and I were compatible in other ways and he was successful in his professional endeavours enough to provide a very comfortable living but I could not help thinking that for other reasons perhaps I had married the wrong man. Our intimacies were a disappointment that never seemed to improve and I found myself forever comparing how much better lovemaking had felt with Stanley when he had ravished me with his big fat peggo. Now being versed in such matters I mused that should I ever be married again that I would make enquiries in advance rather than leaving such affairs to chance.

"It had been a whimsical thought and I never realised such an idea would be tested but it was shortly after our fifth wedding anniversary that Percival was caught 'en flagrante' in distressing circumstances with young men in the city where he went to work each day and the ensuing scandal was sufficient to lead to our divorce. My over-riding concern at the revelation of his sordid conduct was that once again I had been cuckolded in the most disagreeable fashion, it was not a matter which I wished to dwell upon and so I closed my ears to the salacious details of his downfall. However, I had the good sense to employ a reputable lawyer who ensured that my settlement from Percival's remaining fortune was sufficient for me to maintain my station in life and for me to retain the ****** home and the stables.

"Percival departed my life and moved, I believe, to the Colonies where he was able to continue his extra-marital activities with a population who were less censorious of his depraved affections that he had regularly conducted in this country. I wished him well and I still harbour the hope that no harm has befallen him.

"Newly divorced, I was quite fragile and uncertain of my future but it was to my gratitude that I retained the services of my maid who was wise in many matters and she revealed to me that all the ensuing matters that had befallen me had been foretold. I was intrigued as to how she could know of such things and she made known that whilst I had the talent for painting, she amongst her many talents had the power to read signs in the tea leaves that remained in a drained tea cup. She said that she had often looked at the remains of both Percival and my tea things and it was no surprise to her that matters had reached such a conclusion. She then told me of other things that she could have had no prior knowledge that convinced me that the fortune-telling talent she claimed to have was not to be disputed.

"Thereafter, whenever I took afternoon tea, it became a ritual that when she cleared away that I would ask of her what was my fortune and she would oblige by examining the cup and then predict what I could expect to happen in the future.

"At first I was sceptical at some of her predictions but my scepticism faded when time-after-time what she foresaw came true. I asked her if she saw marriage in my future but she would not be drawn on the matter; I asked if marriage was not foreseen did that mean I was to remain an 'old maid'. On that issue she was more positive and said that the tea leaves told her there would be many suitors.

"I asked her if she could be more specific and she took my question in quite the wrong way and said, and I quote, that I would soon meet a tall, fair-headed and handsome man...with a huge prick!

"I was taken aback at the use of such language but nevertheless intrigued. I asked how I would know of such a creature and was told that 'one can always tell a man with a big prick because he will have large hands and a long nose'. I recalled that Stanley had indeed possessed such attributes so I share with you this privileged knowledge and suggest that you make a mental note when assessing the potential and suitability of a suitor and to look out for a man with those features."

The ladies in her audience either nodded in silent agreement or, did as she suggested, made a mental note.

"A fact of which I presume you find of interest but I also hear you ask what has all this to do with the management of a household and the care of horses? Trust me, it's all very relevant.

"The head groom of my stable advised me that following the demise of an older member of my staff that a replacement stable boy should be recruited. I agreed but on condition that any candidate for such work must have equine experience and that I personally interview the person to establish his level of experience.

"I chose to conduct these interviews in the kitchen as I did not see the need to extend the comfort of the upstairs living quarters to any uncouth or callow youths but in the event there were few applicants for this employment and those who did come forward proved to be quite unsuitable. I was beginning to despair that the right person could be found when following the departure of another unsuccessful candidate I chanced upon the weekly delivery of groceries from the village. The young man who was making the delivery was carrying a large basket and did not see me and we almost collided which caused him to apologise for making the disturbance. He instantly accepted his fault for the near collision but as soon as he recognised with whom he had encountered, although slow in intellect, he had the quick wit to follow his apology with saying he had heard that I was looking to employ a stable lad. Normally in such circumstances I would have dismissed him after admonishment for his clumsiness and impertinence but I was struck by his appearance, for he was a handsome youth with simply enormous hands and a long nose, in a glance I had assessed him as being distinctly good to look at!

"My maid who had heard the commotion came into the kitchen to see what was about and when she saw the object of my attention she gave me a knowing smile and although I knew it to be somewhat unwise I contrived to get this beautiful youth into my employ and discover if what she had foretold in the tea leaves of big hands and long noses was true.

"I invited him back into the kitchen and conducted an impromtu interview during which I was to learn that he knew little of horses but he was keen to learn for he was aware that the pay of a stable boy was more rewarding than the few shillings a week he earned working for the Grocer. I was disinclined to offer him the position given his obvious ignorance in the matter of caring for horses but I also heard during our interview that he had an ailing widowed mother and that he was the only breadwinner for his pathetic little impoverish ****** that included a younger sister. I listened to his sad tale but I must admit that as he delivered his stumbling monotone my focus was mainly set upon his hands, nose and what I perceived to be the extraordinary prominent protrusion of his breeches."

Pause for more tittering from around the table.

"I told myself that this was silly behaviour on my part but as I gazed admiringly on this callow youth I felt a hot flush, blinding my senses and filling me with desire. There was no possibility that I could employ him in my stables but I then had a candle-lit moment when I quickly devised a plan to have him enter my household in another capacity. I concluded the farce of the interview by saying that the position of stable lad could be his in the future but for the moment that I had the need of filling another position for which I considered he would be perfectly suited.

"I had often thought of extending my subject matter into portraiture and as I tipped him the usual amount and I asked him nervously if he would like to earn a little extra money as an artist's model. My thinking being that if he accepted, I could extend the pose by dressing him as I pleased and take in the whole body and thereafter discover whether he really did have a big one, without compromising myself.

"He responded that he was willing to do anything that would provide extra money but that he had never heard of such a thing as being an artist's model. Indeed, that he was quite ******* of the concept of Art.

"The ignorance of the working classes never fails to amuse me and after I had enlightened him to the idea I then explained the absolute necessity on the part of the artist to have a human figure to focus upon in order to fulfil the production of great work. I further made clear that he would be doing the world of art a great service if he should agree. This spurious claim appealed to his simple mind and he acquiesced to pose for me …. but only after he had gained his mother's permission for he confessed to me that she was of a timid nature and was concerned that harm might come his way if he strayed beyond the boundaries of their basic way of living. I was rather touched by this reaction but it confirmed to me his simple and innocent nature.

"The following week's grocery delivery allowed him to convey the message that mother had given him permission but on the condition that giving me such assistance should not conflict with his contract of employment at the village shop. It amused me to hear of such a caveat but I understood her concerns and by return I informed her that her young son would come to no harm and in order to promote proprietary that my maid would accompany him following his attendance at the Sunday morning church service. He was a little taken aback at the suggestion for it was clear to me that it was not his usual way on a Sunday but I reckoned that making such a mention of church would only serve to seal my good intentions. My plan worked and with mother's consent and the agreement of an hourly fee it was agreed that we would spend the following Sunday afternoon together.

"The following Sunday, promptly after church, he was led into my studio, a spare bedroom converted for the purpose, by my maid who I suspect knew that my intentions were not strictly honourable.

"I bade him to sit down on a stool in front of my easel while I made a show of sketching his face, somewhat of a charade as my focus was purely on the length of his nose and the thought this was an indication of the size of his peggo. My hand trembled at the vision that I held and it was little wonder that the likeness of his head on the canvas was very bad and despite his request I would not allow him to look at it.

"I attempted to calm myself and as I continued and attempted to rectify the errors that I had made I could not help admiring, for such a simple fellow, what a handsome example of his sex he was. He had blond hair which whilst unkempt fell in a fetching fashion to cover the back of his neck; he was blue-eyed and although a little grubby had smooth clear skin with just a hint of soft downy hair on his rugged jaw which added the fact that he had yet to grow to an age where a razor was required. His nose, as I have mentioned, was large and straight with a slight upturn which again gave me a hint that maybe this feature might be replicated elsewhere. There was no denying his beauty and despite my best efforts to control my composure, I struggled to concentrate on my drawing. The longer I looked upon him was only to compound my emotions and I began to feel giddy and faint as I gazed upon this beautiful male.

"Finally I was able to regain my senses and I was emboldened to tell him that I needed to draw more of the whole figure and not just the head. To that end I instructed him to retire behind a screen and to remove his shirt so that I might then sketch his upper body.

"He was somewhat reluctant to do so but I comforted him with the idea that I was old enough to be his mother and as such that he would not hesitate to do so in her presence and that if he regarded me in the same fashion then what harm could there be in it.

"This thought was sufficient for him to comply and he disappeared behind the screen only to reappear with his outer shirt removed but with thick woollen underwear on beneath remaining.

"'Your under-thing too, please,' I commanded but he was very reluctant about complying but I reminded him once more to think of me as his mother and that in addition I was paying him well. That had the desired effect and as he didn't want to displease me he returned to go behind the screen and then re-emerged naked above the waist.

"I was more than a little impressed with his physique when I next saw him, although not fully grown to maturity he appeared as a perfect specimen of manhood. My artistic eye traced the delicate lines of beauty made by the gently swelling curves of the muscles under alabaster flesh untarnished by the sun and, I have to admit to you ladies, that I was unable to contain my gasp of admiration, his body seemed like a perfection."

The ladies who were listening with rapt attention purred in contentment as they envisaged what was being described.

"I commanded him to regain his place upon the chair and I went back to work sketching but my attempts at concentrating on my art had become futile as now, with my inner fever rising, I could only looked upon his half-naked form and the suggestion of what his long nose suggested lay beneath his loose fabric breeches. When I did tear my gaze way back to the canvas was only to see the vision that I had applied onto the canvas with my trembling fingers was a frightful mess!

"I continued for the best part of an hour trying to repair my inaccuracies but could see that he had become restless trying to maintain the pose which I had told him to hold so I took this to be a sign that we should stop our endeavours and take some refreshment. I have to admit that my consideration toward him was not entirely directed towards his comfort or benefit for I had also been pondering how I could get him to willingly remove the last vestiges of his clothing. He had shown great reluctance to get to the stage of removing his shirt so I had no doubts that any suggestion of him taking off the remainder would prove to be even more a challenge.

"I presumed that on this hot day the fidgeting young fellow would be partial to a bumper of beer and I rang the bell to summon my maid. When she appeared I told her to bring beer for the boy and for a tray of tea to be prepared for myself. Hardly had the words left my mouth that the impertinent fellow declared that he was forbidden by his mother to imbibe alcohol as 'it was the Devil's drink' and that such beverages had proven in his past to have made him susceptible to wicked ways. Such talk was pure drivel, of course, but he unwittedly had presented me with a solution to my dilemma; I amended my order to the maid and told her to bring water for the boy and for her to include on the tray a vial of my comforting elixir. She knew exactly to what I was referring and shortly thereafter she returned with the tea tray that had the little glass bottle that we ladies of refinement know so well."

Knowledgeable glances around the table were exchanged as thoughts of the soporific and pleasurable effects that Laudanum induced.

"Whilst my maid allowed the tea to infuse for the required period I took it upon myself to pour a glass of water from the pitcher and with my body shielding the tray from his view I added a few drops of the colourless liquid from the vial. From what he had said it was clear to me that it would not take much for the remedy to provide the required effect. My maid who I knew to have been dallying outside the door the whole time was complicit with my intentions and we shared a smile before I turned and presented the glass to him.

"He took a sip and I was flummoxed when he declared that it 'tasted queer' to which, quick as a flash, my maid declared that it was not just water but that she had infused it with an expensive cordial which because of his lowly station he would not be familiar. She said he should be obliged that such a treat had been proffered and that he should be grateful towards 'her lady's generosity'. Chastised, he took another sip, changed his tune and declared it to be quite delicious and then downed the glass as to prove his sincerity.

"She refilled the glass and once again without his observation added a few drops of Laudanum. She returned the glass to him with the reassurance that the taste took some getting used to but that he would soon feel the benefits of the expensive refreshment. She then stood back and kept a quiet presence whilst we drank and nibbled at the biscuits that she had also provided.

"I kept a close eye on his countenance as he emptied yet a third glass and gauging the time was right told him that it was time to resume the activity for which he was being employed. He got to his unstable feet and excused his unsteadiness saying that he felt a little dizzy. I explained that the room in which we were sat was south-facing and therefore the sunshine beaming through the large windows had heated us to a somewhat intolerable degree and that it was a good thing he had removed his shirt as that had compensated for the rise in temperature and that otherwise he would be feeling even more uncomfortable. He accepted my 'motherly advice' as an explanation and I followed up by suggesting that he remove his trousers as I wished to capture the subtlety of the musculature of his legs. His head was sufficiently befuddled that he complied without protest and stumbled off behind the screen.

"It should have taken a few moments before he returned to his chair but there was a delay which when I enquired the voice behind the screen said that he was nervous as he had never ******* himself before in such a way in front of strangers. I told him that he had nothing to be fearful of and reminded him that he should regard me as if I was his mother and that he had nothing to concerned about for, like his mother, I was familiar with the physique of off-spring. I chose not to tell him that contrary to my status that there had been no such issue from my marriages.

"Perchance that my mention of his mother convinced the blushing simpleton to come out from behind the screen but I was dismayed that he was not as I expected naked but that he was wearing a grubby pair of cotton under-things. They looked most unsavoury and came down to just above his knees and the way he was covering himself with his large hands I couldn't be sure whether the bulge in his underwear was equally large.

"I stared at him reproachfully hoping to convey my displeasure and, exasperated, ordered him to take them off.

"He wailed just like a blushing girl that his mother had told him never to be so free in the company of strangers, that it was a sin to ****** oneself so. I countered and said that he, and his mother, were quite wrong and that nudity was common and acceptable for had he never been to art galleries or museums where such displays were on show as Grand Masters for everyone to enjoy?

"I realised that as soon as said that I was aware that it was a poor argument for straightaway the wretched boy said that he had never been to either such establishments and that he couldn't conceive of such a thing as pictures of naked people hanging on open display.

"I couldn't believe that such a state of ignorance could exist in someone as old as he and I furthered my investigation by asking if he hadn't see examples of what I was referring to in some of the other grand houses to which he delivered his groceries. He said not for he hardly ever ventured beyond the kitchen doorway, it was not his place, he offered by way of explanation.

"I was touched by his innocence and had a passing thought that maybe one day as an act of charity I would smarten up the ignorant youth and take him to see for himself that what I said was true.

"However, all was not lost in my quest to educate him for in my studio I had many illustrated books which I maintain for reference and pleasure. I took one such tome which filled with reproductions of Renaissance and Baroque paintings and told him to come and sit by me on the chaise longue so that I might better illustrate the point I was trying to convey.

"His face became a picture in its own right when I turned the pages which showed in sharp detail examples from Titian, Botticelli, Da Vinci; I'm sure you know the paintings to which I refer. I was amused to see he was blushing furiously as the pages were turned but despite his obvious and mounting discomfort his focus never wavered. And ladies, you will be interested to learn, the mounting discomfort to which I refer was evident as the bulge beneath his underwear showed a definite increase in size!

"At this point all the illustrations we looked upon were of the female form which clearly were of great fascination to him. However, I was interested to see what his reaction would be when I picked up a book which catalogued the world's greatest sculptures for I knew that the pictures therein would be of the male figure and it was this that I wished him to be comfortable in learning about; that it would show him that artists, much more talented than I, had as a matter of course used naked men as their models and therefore there was nothing to be ashamed about.

"His reaction when I turned the page to show him Michelangelo's magnificent statue of David was most amusing thing I have ever seen. His face turned bright scarlet and he exclaimed, 'Mam, you can see his, his... and it is so small."

The talk was interrupted by a spluttering into a tea cup by one of the ladies who found the remark most amusing. Clara waited for the interruption to quieten before continuing.

"I likewise was amused by such naivety and told him that not all men were assembled in the same fashion and that when carrying out of my charitable works over the years that I had witnessed that some males were blessed with a modest appendage whereas others were endowed with a peggo that was larger. I assured him that all, regardless of size, were regarded by an artist as being beautiful and it was of no consequence. This, of course was quite an outrageous thing to tell him, as was the mention of charitable works, for both were quite untrue but I was determined to put him further at ease so that the suggestion of him removing his last vestiges of clothing might be facilitated.

"Knowing that he had been bought up by his mother to be God-fearing I further appealed to his sensibilities by reminding him that man was made in God's image and, as such, that his body must therefore be a thing of beauty and should be celebrated. I suspect that the subtlety of my argument was completely lost on his befuddled mind but it did have the desired affect for my maid, who had remained in the room after serving tea, suggested it be proved it by him taking off the under-things that were now prominently disturbed by what lay beneath.

"By this time the Laudanum had done its work and he made no further protest or objection when I helped him to his feet and my maid took his arm and directed him to go back behind the screen. I listened to a small commotion before after a few moments he re-emerged and he was, as I hoped, completely naked but covering his private parts with his hands. My maid stood behind him and she could not contain a smile that lit up her face and I was soon to see the reason why for she then pulled his arms away to reveal that he was, well, what can I say, enormous … immense!

"It was no exaggeration to declare that my horses were similarly endowed. As I took in the sight of this blushing young man, my breath caught in my throat and I felt my heart pounding. His peggo was the biggest I had ever seen, certainly bigger than my Stanley who up to that time had been the measure of such matters.

"I attempted to hide my true reaction to the sight of that magnificent prick by exclaiming that, just like the statue of King David that he was as, I expected, beautiful; that he should look at himself and regard himself in that light; that he had nothing of which to be ashamed and how ladies of fashion appreciated such delightful sights for art's sake.

"He had his eyes screwed tightly closed which diminished the point of my argument somewhat so I commanded him to look upon himself. He reluctantly opened them and his blushes deepened when he saw that both my maid and I were gazing unabashed upon his naked form.

"I sought to strengthen my argument by gaining her opinion and she, sensing what I was about, gave an enthusiastic confirmation that declared he was very handsome, the most beautiful thing, a wonder of nature and all in God's image.

"He turned his head away and looked toward the book which remained open at the page displaying Michelangelo's David and muttered something about how could we compare him favourably with such a fine figure, one who was so neatly formed, that he was so ugly and large in comparison.

"I reassured him that it was not that he was overly large (untrue!) but that the statue of David was considered by ladies who knew of such things that the ancient king was disappointedly small. That for him to be endowed with a peggo that was at least six times the size of David's would therefore in many knowledgeable circles be considered more handsome than the statue.

"He seemed somewhat more at ease once he had absorbed my matter-of-fact discourse and I felt encouraged to explain to him how he could be made even more attractive if his peggo could be stimulated to a greater size so that it became more fitting to the picture and pose that I had in mind .

"He stood with half-glazed eyes as I approached him not knowing what to expect but with him now being in a compliant state I confidently took his lengthy peggo and wrapped, or should I say, tried to wrap my hand around it. His body jerked as he felt my touch but he made no attempt to stop me from what I was about and I furthered my investigation by giving the warm, soft stem a squeeze. This time I elicited a reaction and he gave a quiet whimper that I took to be one of approval. Beneath this monstrous tool hung the biggest pair of pouches that I have ever observed and my maid assisted my scrutiny by reaching over and hefting them in her brawny red hands. She added to our subterfuge by stating that they must weigh two pounds at least ..,"

.. an observation that caused another bout of tittering around the table. Clara waited once more for her audience to compose itself before continuing.

"To say that the youth was now compliant with the attention he was receiving from two females would be understating the case and it was clear that such attention was having the expected effect for without further encouragement the peggo which I was already having difficulty in wrapping my hand around began to grow and thicken under my touch. I took my other hand to him and succeeded in my intention of making a sheath around the veiny shaft. Whether it was my warm hands enclosing him or the sensations that were being induced by my maid fondling those hairy sacs that caused the prick to grow even more, one can only speculate.

"As the enormous phallus began to grow he eventually found his voice and with a pathetic whine he pleaded for us to stop saying something to the effect that his mother had told him that for such a change to occur was the sign of unclean behaviour and was sinful. However, this was an unconvincing request for he made no attempt to push our hands away. I sought to reassure him that what was occurring was quite natural and in so many words crossly told him that he had been misinformed.

"He then sought to qualify his opinion by saying that he had experience of such things happening but that his mother had said it was to be regarded as sinful if it should occur outside of his house and not be guided by her own hands!

"I was somewhat taken aback by his oblique revelation of the behaviour of what went on in the households of the lower orders but clearly he was unconvinced himself as to his mother's definition of sin for by now under the continued ministrations of my maid and myself of his, what shall we now call it, his cock had reached what I supposed to be its full length. And a magnificent thing it was to behold,

"He stood naked and bashful before us, his long heavy cock fully ******* to our inspection. If one can take to one's imagination and picture a limb much like a babies' arm … but instead of fingers, a large vermillion plum that appeared to be ripe for harvesting … and, as a estimate let us apply an equine measure, and say it must have been at least five hands in length"

An agreeable murmur went around the table.

"I once again brushed his big prick with my fingers and stroked the long shaft softly and I declare that he grew harder under my touch. I asked my maid if she had observed the improvement and whether she thought that such behaviour was sinful. She played her part and said that it was a joy to behold and far from being sinful that his mother may have been wrong to tell him such things.

"As I continued to apply myself to the task I asked what the continual references to his mother was all about, his hints that it was her that was the stimulant for his 'thing' getting bigger; whether it was she who did what I was now doing? He still held to the belief that it was shameful what was occurring and mumbled that he didn't know how it happened that, 'she makes it do that sometimes ..'. I was intrigued and persisted in my inquisition and asked under what circumstances does this take place and he said that since he was a child that his mother without fail, would at the end of the day concern herself with his ablutions before he took to his bed and she would always take the utmost care to ensure that his 'thing' was rigorously washed and properly cleaned.

"'And does it always get so big?' I asked, feigning mock astonishment. To which he replied that he didn't know and that he thought it to be quite a normal occurrence and that he had no reason to suspect that what he possessed was of any consequence.

"'Does your mother touch it like this?' I asked and with both hands I stroked his peggo and in response I could feel it stretching longer in my hands with every stroke.

"'Sometimes,' he slurred in his Laudanum induced state but added no more information as he dreamily closed his eyes and let me continue with my inspection.

"'It's positively huge' I exclaimed and I told him that he should be very proud to possess such a magnificent statement of his manhood. He shyly smiled at the compliment and my maid who had all the while been fondling his hairy sacs concurred and said that other than the colour it could be mistaken for the cucumber which he had delivered as part of the grocery consignment the previous day. My, how we all laughed at that description."

The laughter was repeated by her audience around the table.

"The simple youth just stood there, totally compliant, and I was emboldened to continue with the next stage of my plan. I told him that he should open his eyes and look down for, I told him, 'I know what will make it the biggest of all.' I could tell that his interest was stirred but being concerned that he might be afraid of my intention I added the caveat, ' .. but it's a very secret thing. Will you swear by all that is holy that you will never, ever tell anyone, especially your mother, this secret?

"I believe that the state he was in that I could have at that point ask him to do anything and it was no surprise to hear him say, 'Oh, mum, please, mum!' which I took to be an agreement.

"I told him to once again close his eyes and under no circumstances was he to open them until I told him so. He did as I commanded and as he did so I opened my mouth wide, very wide, and then remembering the art of fellatio which my dear Stanley had taught me to do so well, I lowered my head toward that fat delicious-looking knob and I commenced to lick him."

A collective gasp and whispering was heard around the table as the vision was absorbed by her rapt audience. The Damask tablecloth that was draped over the edge of the table hid from her view hands that were discretely placed in the laps of her high-bred lady listeners and had Clara been able to see it would have been of busy fingers stroking through the satins and silks of their dresses. Lady Henrietta Anstruther-Smythe called for the disturbance to be stilled and said, "Go on, Clara. What happened next?"

"Well, as you might imagine, his first reaction at feeling the touch of my tongue was to jerk in surprise and I know not whether he had obeyed my instruction to keep his eyes closed but I was surprised myself when he groaned and said, 'Oh yes, mum, just like that, like before …

"I chose at that point not to enquire what he meant but rather attempted to open my sweet little rosebud mouth wide enough to encircle the perfect plum that was his knob all the while twirling my tongue and tasting that manly, musky, erotic odour of male flesh that I'm sure that you know of so well. I managed to take the massive cockhead into my mouth and there it lodged fast and all I could do was to lick my tongue around the powerful stiff shaft. As soon as it was stuck fast in this condition the simple fellow succumbed to nature and he, without prompting, attempted to thrust as is the temperament of the male species but to no avail. I do believe my maid was afeared that I should pass out from the lack of breath but I was later able to assure her that my Stanley had taught me well and I was quite able to concentrate on my task whilst breathing through my nose. However, his action toward me only served to convince that this was not the first time he had been treated so but with my mouth so fully filled I was unable to enquire further.

"My maid, being the perfect servant, continue to fondle his testicles as I likewise continued with my own application of tongue and sucking. Between us we bought the hapless youth to the expected plateau of ecstasy and I felt his fat staff go perfectly rigid in my mouth. It was like a rod of iron covered with a soft velvet skin and as I sucked and licked his mighty engine, and with her cradling his massive testicles, it was no surprise when a few moments later he started to come off in my mouth. She told me later that she felt his ball-sack grow tight and I certainly can attest that his staff throbbed and I swear grew even thicker but suffice to say that I nearly choked as a fountain of his thick semen burst into my mouth. I attempted to swallow his discharge but he came so much came and just kept on coming that I feared that I would choke so I pulled my mouth away just so I could swallow and breathe. Once clear of my mouth the rude fellow continued to gush and I was splattered with his semen on my face, on my smock, in my hair, in my eyes, dripping down my cheeks, and, damned if he didn't spurt onto my best Persian carpet. I can assure you that at the time I was less concerned about that than I was that I had done him harm for with the final spurt he collapsed onto the sofa in what appeared to be a faint. Indeed, it was a faint.

"My maid shared my concerns and said she had no idea how she was ever going to get the stains out but, practical as ever, she also was concerned that my clothing had become unacceptably soiled and suggested that I should remove the offending items.

"The youth remained quite comatose on the sofa as she first lifted off my artist's smock and then on discovering that his copious discharge had penetrated through to my dress and camisole beneath suggested that they should also be removed. I was aware that her that her concerns were not so much directed toward the condition of my clothing but rather she knew that I would be more comfortable for what we had hoped would be the next part of the boy's education.

"He stirred on the settee as my maid was busying herself loosening my stays and as she undid the corset laces he eventually opened his eyes and dreamily said, 'Oh mum, that was so nice, that was wonderful! I thought I must have died again and gone to heaven.'

"I said, 'Again?' enough of this sham, you wicked young man. You are not so innocent of these carnal delights; you have done this before, haven't you, and with all this talk of 'mum' I suspect that it is with your mother that you have been so engaged. Is this true?

"He didn't say so in as many words but gave what can only be called a sullen nod which conveyed to me that my suspicions were correct. He looked to be a pathetic sight laying there on the couch with, I have to tell you ladies, his peggo, still of a prodigious size, flopped across his thigh. I commanded him to stand up to remind him that he wasn't in my presence for his enjoyment but that he was here for a purpose of my own. It must have added to his confusion for when he turned his head toward me it was to see that my maid had completed her task and my stained smock and my corset had been removed and 'je suis sans haut', I was topless.

"He struggled to his feet and his cock remained the focus of my, and my maid's, curiosity for even though he had just recently discharged such a large amount of semen, it stood proudly from his wiry body and showed little sign of fleeing the condition for which it was designed.

"I pursued my inquisition and asked him, ' .. and how did it compare, did you like it .. does your mother come to you in the manner in which you see me here?' I gave emphasis to my query by holding my bubbies, the better for him to see.

"He realised that his wicked secret had been ******* and gave up any pretence of innocence, and found his tongue. I do not propose to quote his exact words for he did not possess a vocabulary capable of expressing his thoughts but the gist of his answer was, 'Like it? Yes Mum, I've never felt anything like it … I mean, well, something like it … but you must be the dark angel my mother warned me of for she said that one day such a thing might befall me and that I should be on my guard against such temptations of the flesh with other women. She told me that women employ devious means to ensnare boys such as I but she said it would not happen for nary a long time. I did not understand to what she referred but I think looking upon you, ma'am, that your bubbies must be the devices of ensnarement that she was talking about.' As I say, in truth, he was quite inarticulate so you will have to accept that what I am quoting is my interpretation of his stumbling responses to me.

"I pursued my lines of enquiry and asked, 'So have you been excited by the sight of your mother's teats … have you? Don't lie and say you haven't.'

"He was completely subservient and showed his compliance by once again giving me that slow nod which said, 'I cannot deny it'. His non-verbal answer was given emphasis by his peggo, which still had the evidence of his effusion dribbling from the obscene plum at its tip, gave a twitch as it began to once again swell. I suspect it was the sight of my tits in his face that caused it to react so … or maybe it was the reminder I gave him as I wiped a drop of his sperm from the corner of my mouth in as ladylike manner as I could muster.

"I asked him, ' … and does your mother do more than just caress and bring you to such a state?' He responded with that look of stupidity that I had now come to accept as being his stock response to most of my questioning. 'I do not know what you mean, mum. What more can be done?'

"I told him that what he possessed had a greater purpose than just to be manhandled in the fashion which we, and his mother, had applied. That the pleasure he had experienced was nothing in comparison to that which would be experienced when it was put to its proper use. Clearly, he had no idea to what I was referring and further questions revealed that, yes, he had seen and fondled his mother's tits when she had been administering to him but, no, he had no idea that beneath the skirts of women was a treasure that had an equally mysterious purpose. it became obvious that the lad was completely ******* of the facts of life! He said that he did not know anything about such matters and so I took it upon myself as an act of charity to instruct him.

"My maid had been in attendance all the while and had listened to our exchange with great interest. Being my confidante and complicit with my plans she instantly assumed the role of being an assistant in my endeavours and had no hesitation when I instructed her to lift her skirt so as to show the simple lad that women were assembled quite differently. My maid, I knew from long experience, never wore under-things beneath her skirts and so it was no surprise to me that when she pulled the hem above her waist that a luxuriant bush of dark hair surrounding her cleft was revealed. The simple youth was astounded at the sight for it was clear he had no idea that such a condition existed. However, such ignorance did not prevent his peggo from giving the hoped for reaction and I declare that as she parted the fat lips of her cunt with her fingers that his penis which had been a little wilted responded by giving yet another twitch to regain its previous hard condition. I wrapped my hand around it just to check that it was so!

"I teased him and asked if he was now a little wiser as to what the true purpose of his stiff peggo might be. He responded with a shake of his naive head which exasperated me somewhat for I could not accept that someone of his years could be so ignorant. I told my maid to come closer so that he could better make a comparison with his features to those of hers and told her to frig herself in the manner which we both knew she frequently occupied.

"She obliged and his wonderment was a joy to behold when he saw her firstly stroke a finger to become buried within the hirsute cleft and thereafter as the moving digit became slick for her to progressively add to the number of fingers that she could insert. I must admit that I shared his incredulity when in her enthusiasm to demonstrate what it was all about that she manage to push her complete hand into the hairy maw but the erotic demonstration served its purpose well for I was able to compose myself and say something to the effect of, ' … there, now do see the purpose of it; how easily 'lady parts' can accommodate a male member; can you see the ease with which the lips divide so that an accommodation of any size can be achieved?'

"His face was a picture of awe as we gazed upon my maid who was enjoying herself and dare I say pleased to be a performer in this little charade being conducting and we heard her breathing become heavier and turn to gasps as she continued to frig herself in what I have admit was a delightful tableau. He clearly was much affected by the sight that was unique to his eyes and it did not escape my attention that the purple plum on his cock that I was still holding was now beginning to dribble that delightful clear nectar that indicated he was becoming conversant with what I was hoping he would come to understand. As she gasped out her final ecstasy he followed her sound of joy with a groan of his own and I felt a distinct throb of his shaft as he muttered something like, 'mum, I had no idea such a thing was possible. Is it true that the place for my thing is where she has had her hand? What wonder is this?'

"Again ladies, I am paraphrasing for he certainly was incapable of such articulation but you must accept that was the interpretation of his thoughts."

The ladies around the table concurred and said that they understood very well her predicament in making the translation but they appreciated her efforts in the telling.

Likewise, Carrington, the Butler, who was peering through the spy hole from the utility room next door was equally appreciative for he had been listening to her every word and his imagination needed little prompting given the eloquence of her description. He suspected that the account would soon become more detailed. In anticipation of hearing more he unbuttoned his pants to let his own stiff dick 'room to breathe'.

"I allowed my maid to calm down and compose herself. Releasing my hand from his peggo which now appeared to be as stiff as ever I bade her come to me and to help remove my skirts which were hampering my movements. She quickly unfastened the remaining clasps and, not forgetting her duties, carefully folded the garments and placed them on the dresser to accompany the corset which she had previously unlaced from my bosoms. So that you might better appreciate the picture let me say that by now all that remained to cover my nakedness was my silk pantaloons which had been fashioned in the French style and had the useful feature of being parted at the crotch, a feature which was most useful when one goes about one's toilet but now, I hoped, was about to be tested in quite another manner."

A murmur of understanding was heard in the room.

"Unlike my maid, who clearly had never taken the care of the hair around her vagina, I had always chosen to keep myself trim in that area and I have to admit to you that at that moment my enthusiasm for coiffure had reached the stage where I had become quite without hair, just like a young girl; just like I am now …. I can highly recommend it.

"I chose that moment to show him that, just like the male of the species, that females are not all of the same provision and that he should not expect it to be so; that there were delights to be had from the variety that abounded. I lay back on the chaise longue and helpfully pulled apart the leggings of my pantaloons to demonstrate what I was trying to convey. He grasped the nature of what I was saying when my smooth cunny lips were revealed to his gaze. He didn't need to add any words to his understanding for I was amused to see that his pulsing stiff peggo was telling me that he was now aware of where that magnificent staff should be placed. The very thought of what was about to occur had my countenance all afire and I felt quite giddy at the prospect that soon I was to be torn asunder by a cock that was far larger than any others that I had previously encountered. However, I kept a calm head on my shoulders and I trusted that he could not hear any doubt in my voice when I told him, '.. come over here young master, you are about to learn what this is all about. You are about to have your first fuck.'

"Yes, I truly did say 'fuck' for I suspected that his vocabulary did not extend to more refine expression and my suspicion was borne out that he understood my meaning for he stumbled toward my outstretched arms and simply fell upon me so that his mighty engine half-lodged as it lay between the lips of its rightful place.

"Divested of his clothes I was pleased to note that whilst he appeared clean, nevertheless his naked body exuded a faint smell that suggested that, regardless of age, the male generated a unique odour which I suspected emanated from an erect peggo. The scent was sufficient to remind my starved body of what was to follow now that I felt his engine probing at my hospitable opening; of how it was to lie with a male who was eager to sample my delights. Ladies, I have no need to tell you how wonderful it felt to have a warm bare body above one as one lay upon a bed; to snuggle and press one's bare breasts against a smooth young chest; to feel his muscles ripple against your sensitive skin as he wriggled his manhood between one's other lips. My goodness, ladies, I can feel my nipples stiffening as I recall the sensation; can you?"

A collective 'Ummm' was the response that Carrington heard from his secret hiding place within the adjacent utility room as he continued to peer through the spy hole. He wasn't certain, given his awkward position and angle of view, but it appeared to him that his mistress, the fragrant Lady Henrietta Anstruther-Smythe, was, like himself, gently stroking herself through the fabric of her clothes as she listened with rapt attention to her guest speaker. He moved his position so that he could better hear what Clara had to say next.

"I heard him gasp softly as I pressed my soft nakedness against him and there could be no doubt that he must have felt the heat of my cunny where his wonderful cock touched me. In the heat of the moment I lost all sense of propriety and I wrapped my arms around his brawny neck and pulled him into my lips for a kiss.

"He was unversed in this simple act of kissing and was awkward at first at what should be done when lips are pressed together but I gave him a quick lesson and soon he delighted in the novel manner of us duelling tongues and became an enthusiastic convert. It occurred to me later that part of his delight must have stemmed from the taste he was gaining from licking the remains of his recent discharge that still coated the inside of my mouth … but that is pure speculation.

"I reached and found one of his hands and placed it on my breast and as my nipple hardened I asked if his mother's tits showed a similar degree of excitement when he touched them. He gave me no answer other than to say in a trembling whisper, 'Oh, mum, you are so beautiful and kind,' which was not the answer I was hoping to hear.

"His cockhead remained lodged and pulsing between my cunny lips and the sensation caused me to further forget the difference in our class and I pulled his head down into my bosom and told him to 'Suck them'. Soon his lips found my nipple and he began to suck with practised ease and there I had my answer that he was clearly well-versed in the art of pleasuring a female in that fashion and it pleased me to think as the tip of my breast stiffened inside his mouth that the previous time he would have done this was the night before when his mother had prepared him for bed.

"As he lapped at my breast I stroked the nape of his neck and as he made sounds of contentment I stretched the other hand down and reached between our bodies so that I could once again grasp his manhood. He was hard as when not twenty minutes before when he had shot that enormous load of semen into my mouth and, although it must have been difficult for her to observe, given the manner in which our bodies were pressed together, my maid who was still in attendance offered a remark that concurred that point of view.

"His peggo throbbed under my touch and beat against my cunny urgently, like a thing with a life of its own. I pushed my hand between my legs and was not surprised to feel that my cunny was wet and sticky. I lifted his enormous cock head from where it rested to allow me to stick my fingers within my, what Stanley used to refer to as, my honeypot and I determined that I was wide open and that I was truly ready to receive the hoped-for onslaught.

"He gave another groan as he felt my hand once more grasp his rigid tool and I whispered, 'are you ready too?'.

"He gasped, 'Yes, mum, but what must I do?'

"I told him that he did not need to do anything other than what nature would dictate and then added, ' … raise your body up on your arms so that your weight is not resting on me and then push yourself into me "

"The poor youth was all confusion as he attempted to follow my instruction and his first attempt of thrusting caused his peggo, which was slick with his sticky juices to slide along my cleft, and, as it was so long, that he came to rest with the cock head just below my breasts. I chided him for his clumsiness and told him to move a little further back down the bed so as to allow me to open my legs wider and therefore present a larger target for his spear.

"He looked down and I saw a glimmer of recognition that he knew where he should be placing himself and so to aid his understanding I again took hold of the end of his penis and attempted to align it to meet the mark more squarely and meet the lips of my vagina.

"As I mentioned the head of his cock was the size of a plum, a peach or, if your taste is for more exotic fare, an apricot and I could barely grasp my little hand around the thick shaft beneath it. He was as stiff as a steel spring and it was hard to get it into position and as I tried to pull it down into my cunny it kept trying to spring back up against his taut belly where he hovered above me.

"Eventually after much effort I was at last able to lodge the fat knob of his peggo between the lips of my wet cunny and with a little effort I pushed up to meet him and, bliss, I felt the tip of his cock enter me.

"Even though he must have realised where he was going he still made no endeavour to go any further which only served to add to my frustration, I commanded him, '.. now, push it in, you stupid man, do you not know what this is all about .. push, damn you, push!'

"My admonishment did the trick and he was stung into action. With a grunt he thrust his powerful loins forward, impaling me with his rod. I gasped to feel the invasion but even though he had only entered a few inches, I was in ecstasy and overwhelmed by the reminder of what the feel of a man-size cock could do to one.

"He was lodged fast and seemed disinclined to go further but I reminded him of his duty and purpose and I whispered, 'more … push harder' He obliged and gathering his breath he pulled back and then thrust again … and again … and again until I felt the full length of his horse-size cock filling my vitals. Oh my God, it hurt but I moaned in joy at the sensation that came from the feel of the big head of his cock rubbing within the sheath of my cunny as he pulled back and began to do what his animalistic nature intended, to fuck me.

"Oh, I do apologise ladies, for the crudity of my language but let us be in no doubt of what had transpired; this was not an act of love-making, it was pure and simple fucking with no romantic notions involved."

Lady Henrietta Anstruther-Smythe concurred that the word, the expression, was entirely correct in the context of the narrative and that 'love-making' should only be employed when one was laying with one's husband or other ****** members. Once that point of order had been agreed around the table Clara was bidden to continue with her discourse.

"I felt like I was impaled on a wooden stake, I mean truly impaled by the several inches of what was inside me. My hand was still wrapped around him and I knew that there were several more inches to follow but, nevertheless, I implored him, 'more'

"I believe he mistook the expression on my countenance as being one of distress for he asked, 'am I hurting you?' but I assured him that this was far from the truth and my heart melted toward him and I reassured him, 'Oh you sweet man, the pleasure you are giving me far outweighs any pain. Don't stop … go on, the hurt will subside and as you continue the pleasure of having you inside me will increase.'

"He was unconvinced and said, 'but mum, why do you cry out so if it is not pain I am inflicting upon you?'

"As an aside, those weren't his actual words but I am confident that was what he was asking for I was able to answer him whilst he continued to slowly fuck me, ' you poor fool, those are cries of happiness, you must not think otherwise. Before we are done you will be feeling even greater pleasure than you did before. Continue with your movements and I swear you will receive the greatest of pleasure and however great that may be that mine will be twice as great as yours! Now get on with you, we haven't got all day!'

"He slowly began to comprehend what I was saying and under the watchful eye of my maid who was taking her usual great interest in my affairs she added that, 'you might not think that is even possible but be certain, young fellow, that what your mistress is telling you is true! Now push in more firmly, but gently, and you will soon come to a pleasant understanding.

"He did as she instructed and with a slow and steady rhythm he thrust in and out, deeper with each thrust, until I was incapable of speech such was the effect the sensation of his horse-size cock was having upon me.

"I gasped, ' Oh my god .. you are so big … oh, oh … but please don't stop!' My head was awhirl, I could not believe that my vagina could possibly be big enough to accommodate him but, as we ladies know so well, nature provides when needs must, don't they?

Heavy breathing and quiet tittering was the response from her audience to the rhetorical question.

"He continued to thrust with metronomic intensity and with each push, the deeper he went, until at last was inside me to the hilt. I knew that he had achieved his end when I felt his hairy balls bouncing against my bottom as he thrust in and out.

"I was by now wheezing like a kettle as the breath was forced out of me by his powerful thrusting and he must have interpreted the sound as one of disappointment for he interrupted his grunting to apologise and say, ' … mum, that's as far in as I can go!"

"I told him that I was quite satisfied and that should he had penetrated any further then it would have been to my detriment and that I was quite satisfied with what he had achieved thus far …'

"He then asked now that he had reached the end of his tether, so to speak, as what he should do next! 'What a foolish question' was my first thought and was he indeed smart enough to be making jests at such a time but, no, he clearly did not understand. Before I could give him instruction he answered his own question when he suggested, 'shall I just keep going in and out like this, then?"

"I was so completely filled as if I had ingested a banquet that all I could do was nod. He sensed that I may have been disappointed at his show of hesitation and he gave an assurance that he could continue with his movements for as long as I wished. I told him that another few minutes would suffice and that what he was doing was very nice and that I hoped that he was similarly gaining pleasure from the experience.

"He took this response to be an invitation for conversation and responded with the claim that ' he could do this all day'. I bade him to keep quiet and to just concentrate on what he had thus far achieved and for us to withdraw to our own private reflections and our contributions to it. He grasped my meaning and thereafter he buckled down and in and out his peggo slid.

"My body became electrified with each thrust and I was aware that my toes started to curl back of their own accord. I heard little mewing sounds that at first I thought to be issuing from my maid (who was quietly frigging herself in sympathy with what she was viewing) but then I realised it was me that was making the pathetic sound. Soon such thoughts were lost when I began to feel the stirrings of a wave of intensely pleasant heat passing over me. It seemed to emanate from the top of my head to flow through my body to my curling toes. As the now well-lubricated fat cock continued to thrust a second wave began its passage and felt even stronger than the first; then another and another until with what seemed to be an explosion of the senses as a climax like no other, one that not even my Stanley had induced, consumed me to the point of insensibility.

"I had indeed almost passed out and felt as if I was floating on air, drifting into a state of nothingness, I had never experienced anything like it. Forgetting my station and how one should behave in front of one's servants I allowed myself to be reduced to tears as I revelled in the afterglow.

"'Why are you crying?' I heard a nearby voice say. Before I could answer, my maid interjected, ' … be quiet you fool. You have made my lady very happy. She is not crying in distress, it is tears of joy that you are seeing and you should be pleased with yourself that you have been instrumental in bringing her to this state'. I was in no condition to disagree with her interpretation as I was still gasping to catch my breath. However, I will admit to a sense of displeasure as the simple brute under his own accord, without my giving him leave to do so, withdrew that mighty erection which had just defiled me so.

"It was when he got to his feet and stood before me that on seeing his stiff penis slick with our combined juices that it occurred to me that the poor lad had not discharged his own pleasure and that he appeared to be indeed capable of going another round. I felt that the least that could be done in such circumstances and as a reward for his performance toward me that he be given the opportunity to get to that 'happy ending', as I believe we must call it in polite society.

"I glanced at the clock and realised that the hour was fast approaching for Evensong in the village chapel and I was keen to meet the new Curate whom my maid had previously advised had an extraordinary long nose and large hands. Given I was capable of dressing myself for the occasion and had no need of her assistance, I bade my maid to come and attend to the boy.

"Covering myself with my wrap I left him in her tender care and I hesitated to stay and watch as I witnessed her pull up her skirts and lay on the chaise longue which I had just vacated. My last view of them on leaving the room was to see his stiff cock slid with ease into the fold of her hairy cunny. It was but a few steps to the staircase but, nonetheless, that was all the time it took before I heard between the squeaking of the bed springs the unmistakeable sound of his voice as he was clearly erupting inside her and experiencing his first cum inside a woman. I took great satisfaction from knowing that I had been instrumental in furthering the poor wretch's education!"

As indeed did Carrington who had been hanging on her every word as he pressed his eye against the peephole and was steadily wanking his lesser-sized but no less stiff penis. He loved these gatherings which his mistress held each month under the guise of being a charitable endeavour. In truth these meetings had very little to with any altruistic missions, they were merely a cover for the randy women of Victorian English High Society to get together in the comfort of their stately homes and to exchange views and experiences of the topic that was dear to all their hearts, that of fucking and being fucked. Carrington knew this very well and as he wiped and prepared to replace his cock back into his pants he wondered who out of the audience around the table in the banqueting hall would be the guest speaker next month.

As he gave a final wipe he heard the tinkling of the silver bell which his mistress, the fragrant Lady Henrietta Anstruther-Smythe, was shaking, signalling a summons for him to come back to the room; doubtless she required the table to be cleared, was his thinking.

Daisy, the kitchen maid, heard it too and she came into the utility room to see her master, Butler Carrington, fiddling with his trouser buttons. "Oh, Mr Carrington, look at you, all a fluster. Did you not hear the bell," she said cheekily.

"You know damn fine I heard it."

She smiled for she knew full well what he had been doing, it was an open secret 'below stairs'. She ignored the tone of his voice and continued," … and look at you again Mr Carrington, doncha see that you have that stuff staining your trousers again. Best you clean that off lest our Lady notices it."

Carrington looked and saw that despite his best efforts evidence of his ejaculation had dribbled down his front.

"Here, let me clean that off for you before you go in. Maybe you can tell me later what was it this time that caused you to have that accident!"

Carrington smiled at her impertinence but he was prepared to let her have her fun for he knew that she would be most accommodating later when the house had been closed up for the night and the servants and other domestic staff had been dismissed.

He let her complete her cleansing of his morning suit trousers and enjoyed the few fleeting moments when she patted at his cock which was still bulging beneath the fabric. Another ringing of the bell jerked him away from the enjoyment and he picked up the silver tray and left Daisy to compose herself before she too followed him into the banqueting room to assist with the tidying.

They respectfully stood to one side as the ladies, most of them with flushed faces, left the room. Carrington could not help but notice as the perfumed females passed by most were wearing the latest fashions of silk blouses and full bodied skirts. The material of the blouses and the chemises they wore beneath were of the finest quality and flimsy in nature and with his head deferentially bowed as they passed he could not fail to notice that all of them showed their excitement of what they had heard with nipples stiff pushing against the thin coverings.

It was after the hostess, the fragrant Lady Henrietta Anstruther-Smythe, had departed that Daisy once again resumed her idle chatter. As they cleared the plates from the table she told him that she was excited to learn that there was soon to be a new face around the domestic quarters; that Mrs Carrington, his wife and housekeeper, had told her that she had just learned that the lad who used to deliver their provisions was coming to join the household as a stable boy.

Carrington made no comment.
