Viv provides a bit of background to her ****** links and relationships; Curt tries to keep up!


Part 3 - Viv's First Marriage


I was bought up as a child within what I now recognise as being a weird cult with its beliefs based on free-love and polyamorous relationships. My *** I learned was an enthusiastic convert (before he disappeared from the scene), my mom, not so much, but as a consequence over those years I 'acquired' a large and extended ******. Given the mix and interchange of Moms and Dads it is little wonder that as far as siblings was concerned that I had quite a few even if I wasn't sure on which side of the ****** they could attributed to!

I was by far the youngest of the herd and I was kind of a mascot or playtoy for the ****** I guess you'd say. Nothing was hidden as far as sex was concerned and since I was ******* to it from a young age and the cult we belonged to sanctioned it, everything was fine by me. I never knew, at least not till I was older, that it was all supposed to be very wrong. To me it was all just fun, often a game we played which made me feel good and which I liked to share with my siblings and others in the ******.

I have nieces and nephews years older than me (even 'dated' some of them) and some were married with kids and I used to babysit for them all the time. It was nice and it was an opportunity to share with the kids that it was fine to be very open-minded, enjoy your sexuality, embrace and share your pleasure with all those around you. Basically I was just parroting the words and the teachings of the cult Leader.

Now I get told all the time that it was all so wrong, sick even, but then if we all did it because we enjoyed it, do it on our own only with others of the cult who felt the same, why is it wrong? My hubby points out to me is that one reason for those taboos is that if a girl has a baby by maybe her brother or *** and then that baby girl has a baby by HER brother or *** and so on, this can lead to problems. OK, I get that, but when I had kids nothing went wrong ; it never happened to me so what do I know?!

I am telling you all this on the side. I don't usually tell all about my ****** (or my hubby's for that matter) but there's some of what we did together that still gives me thrills and shivers when I think about it all and what the cult had us believing, then enacting. Sexual behaviour was very much a part of my growing up and was encouraged so by the time I approached my teens I was very adept at enjoying and giving pleasures.

Our cult wasn't just a local thing, there were chapters all over the country and one thing the Leader did was send his followers to States where a girl could marry very young. It was his belief that girls should have babies as young as was legal and as a result of this 'policy' my sisters, brothers as well as my mom all married very young.

My hubby says it sounded as if he was in charge of some kind of baby factory to make new members for him but my sisters don't regret having the babies they all had neither did my nieces who grew up in the cult. None of them were bothered by who the daddy may have been; if the Leader said it was all good, then what did it matter? The important thing was that everyone got along with each other in the cult and loving each other was the way we lived.

Norman was my next oldest brother and I guess you would say I was in love with him. When he got married it kind of changed things but I never stopped loving him and I mean, 'loving him'. (Mom had no idea how I felt about him or how much I was seeing him when his wife wasn't around!)

Over the next couple of years he and Sherry, his wife, did right by the cult leader's teachings and in quick succession had three ********* but I always got the impression that he wasn't happy with his situation. When we were in bed together he would always be complaining about something or other that wasn't right in the marriage and how much happier he was when we were together. I used to make all the right sympathetic noises that let him know I was on his side and then we'd share another joint, get high and fuck each other's brains out which made him feel a whole lot better.

It was a few years later when I guess the pressures got too much that when I visited him he suggested that we run away together to live together as husband and wife. Actually the way he put was to say he would happily leave his wife for me to be his wife. I was a bit shocked by the idea but played along with the suggestion and told him to prove it, leave her, get a place and I'd join him.

And that's exactly what he did. He left her, got a place and I ran away from home. He had *********, the oldest only a few years younger than me, but he still left them all for me.

I guess it was a drugged dream coming true as we had always joked about it and made the plans when we were in bed together and really stoned. So when he called to say he had set things up for us to be together, I didn't hesitate, I collected a few things, waited until my mom was busy elsewhere and ran away to meet up with him at an agreed meeting place. It was like some great adventure. We must have driven clear across the state before stopping at some place where he picked me up, carried me over the threshold and announced, "OK sister, I now pronounce us husband and wife!" After that he called me his wife-sister.

We were pretty far from home, figuring that we could live that way because our IDs had the same last name. Nobody would know that the surname was the same because we were brother and sister, they would think it was because we were a married couple and not be caught as having an incestuous marriage. (This is the way you think when you are stoned all the time!)

However, no matter what kind of marriage, he needed to find a new job so Norman used to be out for a lot of the day looking. He told me it would be better if I waited for him to get employment before I tried to do the same so I was home all the time while my new brother/husband looked for work . (We had to learn to not call each other sister/wife or brother/husband around others!)

Problem with that situation was that right across the street was a house where a trio of nice looking black guys lived and pretty soon after we moved in we became friends. Norman got real buddy-buddy with them, they always had plenty of weed and we got stoned with them a lot having a lot of fun. Trouble was that when Norman was away I'd go over to get stoned with them too.

Eventually Norman found a job but it meant he had to be out of the house real early and be gone for the rest of the day which meant I'd be spending more and more time with the 3 black guys. It almost became a daily event that I got used to them getting me stoned and passing me back and forth between themselves. After a while I had no idea exactly who's cock was inside one of my holes, it didn't matter, I was having the best of times and being reacquainted with black cock. They loved it that they had found someone who shared their interests and they used to taunt and tease that they were using 'their little white man's wife', saying it right in front of me.

Norman didn't know that's how they saw me but he did know that I was getting regularly fucked. He did not like I was banging those 3 black guys so much but there wasn't much he could do about it and I guess he got used to the idea. Then he found out that as soon as he left the house in the mornings, one of them or all three would be over to 'use' me before they went to work and that was when most mornings as soon as he woke up he would climb on me and fuck me before he got out of bed.

I was in what felt like 'fucking heaven'; my brother/husband, and 3 BBCs taking turns on me almost every day! Oh, YEAH!!!

It was about 4 months later that I told Norman something that I had known for a couple of months, that I'd missed my period. At first he was excited that we were going to start a ****** and because he had always made sure the black buddies used condoms there was no concern on his part that it wasn't his. I had been really nervous about telling him, mainly because I didn't admit what happened when he wasn't there, that the black guys had me bareback …. likewise, I didn't tell him about the other neighbours who were getting some once in awhile as well!

Anyway, Norman must have suspected I was getting a lot more from those guys as I was always stoned when he came back from work. We didn't have the money to buy our own stuff and as a reward I was getting some from those guys, so I guess it was a win-win. They felt I earned it by laying on my back with them, so we had plenty. Norman knew the situation and was glad I could bring something to our marriage by fucking them to get our stash!

The thing was when he wasn't around because they didn't use condoms that after several days getting home late and finding me creamy from them, getting turned on at the smell and getting sloppies on me too, he began to wonder just who HAD bred me?

We began arguing about that and other stuff and it didn't help that I was super-stoned most of the time when he was not as we'd gone through our own stash. He had figured out that I was being fucked by those 3 guys a LOT more than he was doing me. By his reckoning he was getting me about 3, maybe 4 times a week, while the three of them did me every day!

He was not happy and announced he was going to annul his wedding vows to me, his wife/sister, right there and then and he did just that.

Norman and I had been together as a couple for 3 or 4 months when I shared the news that I'd missed my period but had been afraid to tell him. He had also been holding back on a kind of secret, something that he didn't want to tell me about. What I didn't know was that at his new job, someone had recognized him and had called Sherry his wife to tell on him. She began to call him at work and I'm guessing got inside his head so to some extent I blame his wife for ruining our life together as things changed in my marriage to Norman. Although he had disavowed his marriage to his wife to start our life together I guess he still had feelings for Sherry.

With this in the background and all this was going on and us continuing with our arguments, another problem had arisen, we were way behind in our rent. So far behind that as we bitched at each other I had no idea that we were going to be evicted that day. I guess being stoned most of the time didn't help but I had not noticed he had packed his stuff and put it in his car. Our argument came to end when he picked me up, carried me cross the street to those guys saying, "I hereby renounce my wedding vows to Viv and bequeath her to you three. Take her just as she is, naked, and use her all you want!". Then he walked back to his car and drove away.

At first I thought he was making some kind of joke but thought, what the hell, and had a few hours of black cocks fucking me in every place, cunt, mouth, ass, as they wanted. I didn't care as long as they shared their weed but we had a great time laughing at the joke and enjoying the 'bequeathal' of me to them! When they finished with me, they carried me back to my place and I must have looked a mess all covered with cum. They left me on the doorstep and I went inside and that's when I discovered that all of Norman's stuff was gone. Not only his stuff but he had taken most of my clothes as well leaving just a few of his old t-shirts. All the money was gone. I had nothing.

I put on one of the t-shirts just before the eviction guys showed up! All I had was a few lingerie, some condoms and lubes to pack as they hung around to make me get out. Our few junky pieces of furniture they put out on the street along with the mattress. (We had no real bed, we would say all we really needed was our love for each other; something I believed at least up to that point!).

The guys thought it funny as they cleared out that place that all I had was a pair of flip-flops and was only wearing a torn up t-shirt as I packed into a plastic shopping bag some lingerie, condoms and lubes with a couple of other t-shirts; everything smelled to me like Norman.

So here I was sitting on the door step in only a t-shirt watching them change the locks and our pitiful mound of junk set by the street with me when one of the black guys came back and asked what was going on. I told him what happened to me, that my hubby had left me and I'd been evicted. He acted real nice and said I could stay with them and he led me back across the street and let me in. He said he had to go off to work and fucked me before he left!

So Norman annulled our marriage vows and gave me to those 3 black guys. I guess it could have been worse, I could have been forced to live on the street again, but, whatever, I settled down with them, they gave me a bed and took turns sleeping with me. Sometimes, it wouldn't be my bed, it would just some cushions in the middle of the little living room and for the three of them to take turns on me over and over again.

Then they began to tell their buddies and the word got around that they had been given this young white girl by her husband who had 'bequeathed' her to them. It soon became a case of, "… Just come over and get some!" and so I began to see a lot more other black guys, who mostly just dropped by to do just that, get some of me! I really didn't mind as I was so stoned all the time and I really did appreciate having those big black cocks.

Then things began to get a bit messy when I found out they were charging these other guys who wanted to fuck me and that bothered me … when I wasn't stoned. The other thing was that before, when it was just them who came calling, it was just to fuck, now I was living and spending all my time with them they began to learn things because I began to talk.

First thing they discovered was I was not the 20 year old they thought but was much younger. Then they got kind of freaked when I got sad and maudlin about missing my husband; trouble with that was that I let it slip that Norman was my brother, even calling him that to them. I sort of confessed that we had tried to set up together even though he WAS my brother! I think the final straw for them was when they learned I was knocked up and beginning to show; a young girl, 'married' to her brother and pregnant, too!

There was no sex when this all came out, they all just sat around discussing me that night. That's when I found out they'd been charging their buddies to have me and while they liked the extra money from that they were real bothered by how much younger I was than they thought AND pregnant, too. Plus I moaned all the time about missing Norman which got on their nerves (especially after they found out he was my brother!)

I don't remember much from that evening, I passed out while they were still talking but the next morning I came to in the back of one of their cars as they took me somewhere. That somewhere turned out to be outside my Mom's house! They shoved me out of the car in the same state as when Norman had given me to them, dressed wearing only a t-shirt, flip-flops and my plastic bag of condoms, lubes and a vibrator which they threw out of the car as they drove away. I was still stoned when I stood there on the street in front of my mom's place.

Mom has seen me in that too short t-shirt as I got out of the car full of black guys. She ran out to get me but she wasn't quick enough to prevent some of the neighbours seeing me too. It didn't take long before the word got around that, "…. Viv is back, you know …. she was left off wearing next to nothing by a bunch of black guys who dumped her there ….. hadn't you heard?" and gossip like that.

Mom brought me in, horrified to see the state I was in and no doubt could tell I was very stoned. It was broad day light, about 9 am, but I was so tired (which was little wonder as all I could remember was that they'd fucked me on the way over, I might add). Mom didn't say anything but just put me to bed like I was.

While I was just drifting off to sleep she must have had gone through my bag only finding a t-shirt, a little lingerie but a lot of condoms and tubes of lubes! She was so mad at me that she came straight back into the bedroom and shook me awake and asked me over and over again, "Where have you been all these months, WHERE?".

I knew better than to tell her the truth that I'd run away and married my brother Norman so I mumbled something about I'd just run way (again!) and those nice black men had taken me in but now brought me home. I could tell she wasn't convinced but I slept through till the next morning and the 'interrogations' continued once I'd woken up when she asked me again but still I didn't tell her about me and Norman. Instead I acted the innocent on that score and asked her about the ****** and what had been going on while I was away. I said kind of casual-like, "….what happened to Norman? He went away himself before I did; anyone hear from him?"

I don't think Mom suspected anything suspicious about my question, she just said, "Well, it was just last week he just came back to Sherry his wife and three kids and he won't tell anyone where he had been all this time!"

'Phew, got away with that one', I was thinking.

Then it kicked off again when she saw me naked and saw my belly bump . "Oh no. Viv, you're not pregnant again are you?!!"

There was no denying it, how could I, it was pretty obvious.

"It is those black men I saw?"

I said, "Well, it's likely; could have been one of them".

She was so upset that I might have been bred by one of those black guys. I thought it best not to tell her that it might have been some very random black guy who had paid money to those others to fuck me. I sure as hell didn't tell her that it might have been my brother/husband, Norman!

She was furious but made me carry it. I guess I was about 6 months gone when complications set in and I was given some good drug which caused me to miscarry. The baby girl was white which meant it was Norman's.


I never did tell the rest of my ****** about my marriage to Norman although I think his wife had her suspicions about me after that.

I sometimes wonder if I'd not fucked those black guys so much if my marriage to my brother Norman might have worked out. When later I met up with Norman and we re-established our 'connection' I told him about the miscarriage and we commiserated about our failed marriage as he fucked me once again. Thereafter we did get together now again even though I had moved on and was now married (again!) myself but that's another story!

Over the years I watched his three cute girls grow up and they were all in their teens when one-by-one in the space of few months they got knocked up and had to get married. Clearly they were carrying on with the ****** and cult traditions for when I went to see the babies they all looked an awful lot like Norman! Cindy, my oldest niece, confessed as much to her mum that it was probably her ***'s and that was the final straw in their troubled marriage so Sherry left him taking her ********* with her.

After she'd gone I went up to console him for the weekend and in between fucking me he kept repeating that he was so sorry that our marriage hadn't worked out. He said that he'd never told Sherry about us going way and being together. I told him I still loved him, of course, but had to go back to my hubby. Poor old Norman, I think that it all got to him. His three ********* were having babies about the same time, the youngest barely old enough to marry the boyfriend who she said had fucked her.

When they had their babies all within month or so later on, and Sherry saw the same as me, that they looked an awful lot like Norman, she wheedled out of all three who was probably the ***. No matter, she made sure not to tell the guys who married them though!

Sherry was a vindictive bitch so when she heard what her three ********* told her, she called Norman to say she was going to tell on him, get him arrested and so on, that she was on her way over to get the rest of her stuff. She had her girls with her and when they parked up outside the house they heard a shot. They went into the house and discovered that Norman had killed himself.


His three ********* are like me, in love with him still. They tell me they think of him every time they look at their oldest as those kids look so much like their ***.

I still think of Norman all the time. My Hubby says that my marriage to Norman wouldn't have worked out, it was just a stoned fantasy we had together, Norman and I. We were in love but if we had stayed together and I'd had his baby, eventually we would have been in big trouble. I was ********, Norman would have been locked up and most probably I would have been sent to a reformatory leaving my mom to bring up baby.

Oh well, just another story about my very chaotic ****** … and there's lots more to tell when I get around to it!
