A tale of how history can give a person a name! - As told to Curt by Viv.


For years now my hubby Mark has introduced me to our special (and not so special) friends as 'his $2 whore' which often raises a laugh if not least a smile. Other folks assume that I should be offended but I don't mind when I recall from where the expression came from and far from being insulted I have the fondest memories when I hear him say it.

Looking back I guess my growing up in North Carolina was not carried out in what would be considered a 'normal' environment. My parents belonged to what would be called a 'Swingers Cult' headed up by some crazy guy who advocated Free love and polyamorous relationships as being the way for enlightened folks to follow. I guess the truth was he was just some randy pervert who had a way with words and somehow attracted a band of followers (which included some of my ******) to his way of thinking. What I do know is that as a lot of what went on between his acolytes was openly carried out there was little wonder that, like it or not, I saw stuff which in the outside world 'might' be regarded as illegal (especially the ******-orientated bit). Had we come to the attention of the authorities then, no doubt, older sister Rita and me would have been taken into care and that would have been the end of it.

However, our community kept to themselves and with Rita and me being 'home-schooled' no red flags were waved to the outside world to draw attention to the crazy guy and his over-sexed bunch of followers. I never knew any different and although at the time I was never actually interfered with by anyone I did become quite the expert at masturbation and with Rita's encouragement found plenty of ways of getting myself off. I'm guessing it must have been a cucumber that was guilty of taking my cherry!

It all came to an end when Mom had some kind of awakening and 'found religion'. She decided the cult might not be the best basis for motherhood and we took off. As far as Rita was concerned it was a bit late for that route to redemption and I knew that she had already been to some of the parties and meetings. I had never been involved to that extent and I'll only confess to have peeked at things going on from the sidelines (well, maybe not just peeked). Anyway Mom was by that time going a bit crazy herself figuring she wasn't comfortable at the prospect of 'her girls' being groomed to be a wifelets or something like that at the hands of crazy guy and his ideas. She let it be known she wasn't happy (which caused one fight after another with my Daddy) and before I knew it we 3 'girls' were kinda expelled from the cult and we moved away to find another place to live; a Mobile home in a trailer park on the edge of town.

My Mom turned sort of weird herself. I don't know if she was trying to make amends for her past behaviour but she tried to become super-strict about everything to the extent that she used to attempt to lock us in at night so that we didn't roam. Rita just laughed at the idea and did as she always did and ignored her.

Me? Well, having seen how good sex could be when other folks were involved all I could think about was getting out and about and mixing with guys who I knew had the means of satisfying the urges that were constantly being felt. Suffice to say that I had those thoughts when it was close to being legal!

Once we were settled in our new home, Rita became my best friend, role model and teacher. Under her suggestions and guidance I learned how to look a lot older than my years. I had already developed breasts and I was quite proud to be showing a fine pair of titties. She taught me how to dress to look older; to act as if I was older and, best of all, how to talk if I was older. In fact her best advice was when mixing with guys was not to talk too much at all! She used to help me with make-up (not too much) and how to do my hair in a more grown-up way so that by the time she had finished with me that I looked more like her twin sister rather than being 3 years younger. She taught me about getting fake IDs which was a kinda mistake on her part for I ended up stealing hers. All-in-all I guess the pair of us must have driven my Mom crazy with our behaviour but other than having regular shouting matches there was little she could do to control us other than she downright refused to let me go on the pill. In my Mom's mind that would have only have encouraged me further.

We lived on the outskirts of town just by an exit off the Interstate. There was Truck stop close by and Rita got herself a job at the diner where I soon learned she was able to serve 'extras' to the hungry truckers. I thought the place to be exciting what with all those big rigs pulling in from places that could have been a foreign country as far as my limited view of the world was concerned and added to that was to hear the places they might be travelling on to. As I say it was an exciting place but then again that might be an indication of just how boring my life had turned since leaving the cult.

It wasn't too long before I used to go and hang out at the diner with the excuse to my Mom that I had a casual job washing dishes. (Not true and it didn't take too long before Mom was to learn otherwise.) I used to dress in some of Rita's clothes so that I looked lot older than my high school years and it took no time before I found myself the centre of attention and discovered that these truckers were really nice guys (well, most of them).

The first time I ran away I used the cover story that I was hitch-hiking to go and visit my Grandma. That story fell apart when I couldn't 'remember' where Grandma lived but, no matter, the trucker that I had chosen to tell the story to didn't believe it anyway. He knew that I was just like a lot of young girls that could be seen hanging around the stop who were looking for a few days of fun and could provide him with some comfort (aka, fuck his brains out!) before he had to return home. I quickly learned it wasn't necessary to concoct any excuse to hitch a ride.

It would be an understatement to say I had a few adventures; I had a lot! I found that most truckers could be trusted not to hurt or abuse me as most of them were married and had kids of their own; I guess they must have had some kind of protective streak that made them that way. I found that a lot of them appreciated it when I called them 'Daddy' and indeed that was always the excuse that would be used if ever the truck be pulled over by a patrol car and the officer would ask, '… and who is this young lady?'

"Why, it's my ******** Officer!"

That saying when we got near to the end of his route and after having been fucked half way across the country the guy would be looking to get shot of me and I would have to find another ride that would take me back home. Most times I would be handed over to another trucker who knew exactly what the game was, other times if my ride had gotten tired of me (or had suspected my real age) I was swapped with girls who were riding in another truck. It was a crazy time and I certainly developed a taste for older men which was satisfied every 8 or 9 days or so.

The worse time was when we stopped one night at a motel in the middle of nowhere. We had a great night of fucking, smoked some dope that that made us both high and kept his big dick stiff for hours but when I awoke in the morning on the cum-soaked bed it was to find I was alone and that he had driven off leaving me there. Worse, he had stolen my little bit of money so there I was, a teenage girl (who looked a lot older), having to hit the road as a hitchhiker.

My hubby says I was VERY lucky the truckers who picked me up and to whom I was passed off to, were actually relatively nice guys, even if they were fucking my brains out. Some even got me to admit my real age which seemed to make them fuck me more! I tried to keep to my story about my age but after a bit of smoke or more, I'd relax and admit my age (or close to it). As one guy said, "Shit girl, you look younger than my granddaughter!" and started to fucking me even harder!

Others would freak and that's when the guy would just disappear on, leaving me alone and I have to find another ride. Worse was when the guy turned out to be some kind of goody two-shoes and actually called the police and I was sent back to Mom, only to have to go through all that nonsense with her again trying, not too successfully, to keep me in check.

Indeed, it was after the first few times of me running away that she began to kind of gave up with the discipline thing. For sure, I knew that she had my best interests in heart and that was worried about me (and she had good reason for she saw the bruises I bought home and one time the police told her that I had been found naked) but, no matter, after a week or two at home of her trying to control my every move and denying me any opportunity to have sex she would eventually let her guard slip and I would be off again over to the truck stop to find another adventure.

I guess I must have been on the road as a kind of runaway for nigh on two years off and on. I drove my mother crazy with my frequent absences and I don't know if my behaviour drove her too it but she started to have issues of her own and once again became involved with the cult. Soon anything I did or wanted to do became of no consequence to her as she re-engaged with the creepy leader (and my Daddy!).

Rita was still living at home in the trailer park and I think she was sort of proud of her 'little sister' and she used to encourage me when I hinted that I was going to go off and find another truck ride. I know she would have liked to have joined me in my 'hobby' especially after I related to her some of the stuff I had got up to, like when one of the truckers took me home (he was divorced) and together with his teenage son had me for 4 days before we were back on the road for the return route back to my place and Mommy.

If my Mom had been worried about what I did when I was away from home, then she really freaked out when she discovered what I was doing in my sister's company when I did stay at home!

The town where we lived had a college with Fraternities and all. From what Rita told it seemed that the Frat houses were one big rolling party which invariably involved the sororities. College rules said that no outsiders were allowed but that rule was totally ignored and Rita became what the college boys called a 'wild card' or what she and her friends used to call themselves, 'lil sisters'. Rita also told me that, unofficially, the lil' sisters were known as '$2 dollar whores' but whatever they were called they were a very select bunch and from what I saw of her and the hints she dropped it sounded a whole lot of fun and I badgered her to take me along.

She didn't take much badgering and I guess she took it to be some kind of challenge to coach me on being a 'grown up' girl so that I could get in and for me to eventually take her place. Needless to say that Mom was not pleased when she found out where I was now going and spending my time but, hey, at least I wasn't running away from home and risking being bought home by the police!

I was sooo happy and excited the first time we went together. The Frat house was having some kind of celebration about something or other (they didn't need much of an excuse to party) and Rita introduced me as being her 'shy sister'. She had made me up and dressed me in some of her slutty clothes and it wouldn't have been too much of a stretch to have believed we were twins rather than me being in my teens. She told me to follow her lead and not to say too much but to go along with whatever ritual or rules had been dreamed up for the weekend. I soon discovered that with these smart-arsed college kids that everything had to have some kind of custom to follow and fucking in a group was no exception, there would be 'rules' to be followed.

The party was no overnight thing, it went on for a few days and I got to know the basement part area and a few of the dorm rooms very well and I took to being a 'lil sister' like she couldn't believe. She was well pleased for I didn't know it at the time but she was actually grooming me to take her place as a kind of joke on that frat house.

The' rule' for the party was that each girl had to be bid for but with the condition that the final winning bid had to paid for with $2 dollar bills; don't ask me why, I guess it was just a crazy way of getting money to pay for the booze and the dope that was freely available but that was where the title of '$2 dollar whore' came from.

I was ******* of the 'negotiations' that were going on in the background, for me it was, "Wow, these older boys like me; they want to date me!" while Rita was thinking it was hoot they all took me for her twin sister!

The auction, if you could call it that, was very informal and given it took me no time at all to get stoned, I thought the shouting and yelling was just a lot of banter. In my hazy head I heard guys having great fun, not realizing it was all about real money!

However, the difference with this auction was that everyone was a winner. Usually 6,8 or more guys would be in on this, with the high bidder getting me first, then they'd work down the list of bids on me letting them take me in that order but whatever the amount of the winning bid, it had to be 'paid' in $2 bills. I didn't care what the crazy rules were or how it was organised, I was just happy to be the centre of attention in the resulting gang-bang.

I guess I built myself some kind of reputation of providing or doing whatever the frat boys wanted for when Rita moved out of town and left me to take her place no comments were made about 'where's your twin sister' or such, they were just happy that they had a willing substitute to take up the slack.

Indeed, my reputation was such that I became a 'valuable asset' to that Frat House and I thought it was neat that they introduced me to other fraternities and allowed me to go and party with their rivals. What I didn't realise at the time was that the introductions weren't done out of fraternal friendship but rather it was a commercial transaction and the new frat house had 'bought me'. They would then conduct auctions or some such 'fire sale' so that they could recoup the amount they had paid for me to be their 'lil sister'. Usually whatever they paid up front for me (always in cash) was more than made up especially when they added in a premium of being allowed to go 'bareback' with the new lil sister. The crazy thing was that the majority thought that I was Rita who had been heard of by reputation and I took that as a great compliment. The other crazy thing was that I never realised that cocks came in so many different sizes or shapes; I soon learned!

After I was passed along to 3 or 4 frat houses in this way I kinda came to attention of the authorities and it was a bit of a shock when the mailman delivered a letter from the college to my mother that banned me from college grounds and warned of consequences if I did not 'cease and desist'. I guess the college knew about the sort of stuff that was going on in the frat houses and turned a blind eye to most of it but somehow word got out that maybe I was ******** and that really got them rattled.

But what really freaked out Mom was that when she got the letter it was simultaneously coupled with the revelation that sister Rita had become some kind of call girl and was being pimped out by the black guy she had moved in. I'm guessing that was the trigger that decided she would return back to the relatively simple life of living in the cult where she wouldn't have to be dealing with the behaviour of her wayward *********. I had no choice but to move back with her and so I became reacquainted with my Daddy and my many Uncles and Cousins.

It took a few years of new adventures (which I will return to) before I left the safe haven of my mom and the cult to get married.

I met my husband-to-be at a swingers dance. (I didn't know at the time they were a group of swingers, I just went along to the party because I loved to dance). However, he was attracted to me as he heard I was a bit of a wild child and it only took a few pulls on a joint before I was singing like a canary and telling him all about my life-so-far. When I told him that I had been sold for $2 dollar bills he thought that was amazing and so funny.

Indeed, he was so impressed with my descriptions that once we were married and became immersed in the swinging scene that he recalled the story and as an entertainment one night at a party he set up an 'auction' that used the same rules and I was introduced as 'the two dollar whore wife'. It's a label that has stuck and to be called '$2 Viv' has been a running joke ever since.

So, after a few years of adventures as a single woman (well, not really a woman; more close to looking like an ******** girl if I'm going to be totally honest) I got married. My mom was not pleased but, then again, when did I ever take her opinions into account? If I thought that I had been having fun growing up then I was set to be delighted with what was to come as a married lady.

Many more adventures to relate but that will have to wait for another time; we've got a party to attend and I know I am going to be a little bit busy.

As a tease, I haven't mentioned that hubby is very orally bi. I'll let you know more about that when next I write!

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