A tale of how helping a friend can lead to the most unexpected consequences which concluded with the locks being changed! - As told to Curt by Viv.


Honesty is always the best policy, least-ways that what my hubby Mark and I have always thought and we have never hidden from each other any secrets. That philosophy has always been applied in what we do and say and from the day we met and began dating we vowed to be very open to each other about everything, especially sex and our desires. It is a creed that has served us well and looking back we have had many adventures that I remember with much satisfaction.

Even before we were married we were into swinging although I suppose it wasn't really thought as being 'swinging' as such, more like just dating and fucking around. Although we loved each other dearly we had what is now called an open relationship. It was nothing for us to be at a party or in some other such situation and catch the eye of another couple or someone of the opposite sex and for us to go off with them and to fuck each other's brains out. Our attitude was that it was just sex, no emotion or romance involved and that at the end of the day it would be us two who would be going home together.

Very early in our swinging we both often used to date around but I think if a scorecard had been kept that I had far more notches on the bedpost than Mark. I was very much aware of it at the time and it made me a little sad to think he wasn't getting his share, so to speak. I suppose that a reason for the imbalance may have been that I have always had bi-tendencies and as a consequence had more opportunities to have my pussy and needs satisfied but, nevertheless, I was concerned for him, so much so that I made efforts to try to get my girl friends to consider him for dates, that's just how much we loved each other (still do)!

So, having said that I did make an effort on his behalf, what we have found that for the most part when I say we have an open relationship the guys would have no problem on making moves on me but often the girls are not very receptive to Mark because he is married! Go figure. The guys, once they learned that my hubby is OK with them dating and then fucking his wife, then it was 'off to the races' and I would have a great time! Mind you, when I say 'dating' most of them were not into wooing, wining and dining me to seal the deal, it was most often just let's find a place somewhere to be fucked. Pity, it would have been nice to have been wine and dined beforehand!

When we first together, before we were married and had started our swinging life-style, we thought nothing of hiding the fact that we were swingers and that our relationship was an open one. We really didn't care what people thought about us and we made no effort to hide the truth of where or how we got our kicks. Indeed, as we frequently moved around from job-to-job we made it a point whenever we met new people or neighbours to let them know from the off that we had an open relationship, were into swinging and so on.

Funny how many people out there dream about doing their neighbours; it was always a great surprise and comfort to find so many and for us, once we had shared our 'preferences', found many successes with our neighbours, co-workers and, dare I add, ******!

The most significant time was when we moved into this new neighbourhood which was a predominantly young couples area. A friend of ours had bought a house on this estate in a raffle or something, but had no intention of living there. His plan was to fix it up and then sell it as an investment. We became part of the plan when he asked (and we accepted) if we would do some of the fixing it up while staying in it 'rent-free'. What's not to like? We were there for over a year.

When we first moved in, there was very little furniture. We certainly didn't have a lot of money to buy anything but one thing we made sure of was to put in some curtains in some of the rooms as there were none hanging at the windows. Given that it was always my delight to be naked whenever possible (aka, when swinging!) we couldn't be continuing with our lifestyle with the windows not covered; that was something we'd learned very early in our swinging!

However, hubby does like for me tease a lot to see what interest we get (and I have fun doing it!) so we left some windows uncovered, thinking that we might provide an attraction. It didn't take long for the bait to be taken for we had left a window uncovered that looked right across to the nice looking couple living next door who I figured could see right in at night. It took no time at all before they came over to welcome us to the neighbourhood!

I was wearing a tight, white t-shirt and some very brief cut-offs when they came to the door. Mark was home, dressed just in his shorts and no shirt, and came up behind me as I let them in. (He told me later the other guy couldn't take his eyes off me and that his wife even was looking at me a lot). I noticed the wife looking at him and figured she was attracted to him when she looked at me after staring at him and she smiled at me, too. They introduced themselves as Bill and Cindy and said that they, like us, had just moved into town as he'd gotten a new job.

They invited us over for a cookout saying that they had a pool and a high fence around it (which we had already spotted from our windows) and for us to come right over as they had the idea of inviting their new nice-looking neighbours over!

We were glad to accept and told them we would be right on over and soon followed bringing a six-pack and some tequila. I told Mark, "This could be the start of something good."

When we got there Cindy called to me that she was changing out of her clothes into a bikini and for me to come to the bedroom while she and I talked. She had already pulled off her clothes when I got there and I saw that she was 4 or 5 months along in her pregnancy but she looked great. she was a big girl on top and I guess that being pregnant made her big tits even more enormous. Laughing she said Bill loved her like that but it had made her bras and bikini top very tight and yeah, I got it, she did bulge out of it all round but me being bi, she looked fabulous to me, cute swollen belly, big tits and all. She caught me looking at her shaven pussy and said her Bill loved her that way too but it was going to be hard to do by herself soon as she wouldn't be able to see her crotch to shave it! She said she had shaved just before they came over to invite us.

I told her I didn't shave very often but hinted that I had helped my girlfriends when they shaved a few times. She looked at me with a smile and then said, "Well, have you now; I might get you over to help me with that if you are game to help me do that. Bill really loves me this way and I am SOO horny now that I'm pregnant!"

I loved the way this conversation was going and told her that'd be glad to as I stood and looked at her now naked body with her very smooth crotch.

She pulled up her bikini bottoms and then had me help her put on her top which tied in the back as well as over her neck; it was very tight. She said she usually just tied it in front, then twirled it around to tie the neck but with her belly and tits now big, she had trouble doing it so I was glad to help. It was only later that I realized she wanted me to make a move on me.

She offered and said she might have a bikini for me if I wanted to go into the pool but I said that if they didn't mind then I'd just get in like I was.

She looked down at my tight, white t-shirt then up at my face and said, "Well, you know my Bill won't mind you doing that at all!"

I told her, "Oh, we're nudists as a rule so it's not a big deal to me what he sees".

That remark caught her interest and she asked about where we went to go without clothes. I said, "Well, we do it around the house a lot, of course" and as I said it I saw her look behind me out the window. I turned and realized they had probably seen me walking through that room across from their bedroom that had no curtains!

I guess I had done a bit of advertising that we were nudist by going through that room naked a lot those first few nights with the lights on in that room. She giggled as I looked and I said, "Umm, guess you saw me a few times?"

She said, "Yeah, once or twice!"

I found out later they would sit in their bed and watch for me to go through naked! With their lights off, it was like a free floor show as I would pause to show off for Mark through the door into the room he was in and pose a bit. As to get to other parts of the house, we had to go through that room a lot, so they must have seen me a lot!

As I helped her tie that bikini top and bottom I noticed a pair of binoculars on the bedside and figured they could sit in that bed and just watch me as we didn't always close the curtains in our bedroom all that much either!

I would sometimes change into my clothes in that room but mostly what I was doing was painting the room during the evenings when Mark was gone or out working late. There had been several times he'd come home to find me naked, dropped his pants and fuck me while I bent over holding on to the ladder. I figured that not only has they been seeing me move around the room all day and night naked but had then watched Mark fucking me …. several times!

Their house was set a bit higher than ours so they had had a perfect view down into that room. They could see right in but we had had trouble seeing up into their room ourselves but now we were in their house we could see that they, just like us, had very little furniture. For them it was because they were newlyweds, just starting out, and still putting a home together buying stuff; for us it was because we had NO money and were living in this investment home that the guy had never really set up.

We had a bed in our room and had put mattresses in other rooms (in anticipation of some swingers parties!) Our front room had a sofa, a TV and a few chairs. Scattered through the rest of the house were a few other bits of furniture.

When we move into a place we like to go around and have sex in all the rooms. That room had a table just the right height so Mark liked to fuck me on that when he got home from work late. I was already naked (easier to get the paint and spackle off!) but I figured pretty fast that with the lights on we'd been doing sex shows for them without knowing it!

So as I followed Cindy out to the pool admiring her fine ass and legs, wondering if she was bi too? She went right in the pool and I winked at Mark who was next to Bill chatting as I went by on my way to the pool in my tight white t-shirt. Mark grinned as I went by. Bill was facing the pool and did a double take as I went by and climbed slowing down the steps into the pool, The water was cold which was good as when I came up, my nipples were hard and the t-shirt was now wet and transparent.

Bill almost dropped a burger as I saw him staring at me as I stood up in the pool. I turned and Cindy was staring at me as well or at least at my chest! She and I swam around a bit, chatting and I soon learned that they had not planned to get her pregnant so fast but it happened. She then said she was having twins, too, which explained why her belly was so big.

She was very close to me but I didn't touch her although I wanted to, very much. Being in swinging I get used to touching other women who I am turned on to but I'd learned to hold back (at least when I'm not stoned!) as I wanted to be sure that I wouldn't be rejected.

I went to go to the diving board and Cindy warned, "Oh, the neighbours can see you over the fence when you get on it, by the way".

I said that was fine by me but was it ok if I did?

She said she didn't mind at all watching me dive in even if the neighbours could see me in my wet t-shirt!

I got on, did a bit of bouncing around which got the guys attention (I don't know if the neighbours were watching) and then I dove in and swam over to Cindy. She must have had me figured out for she said to me, "Do you get high, Viv?"

I said, "Oh, yeah!"

She said now she was pregnant she couldn't drink but liked to get high and that they had some really great shit. It was then that I realised that she was high right then as she told me.

We got out of the pool, went over to the loungers and she passed me a joint and lit up and soon I was high, too. I looked at Mark and he grinned as Cindy and I shared the smoke.

We chatted awhile, swapping the joint back and forth. she was right, it was some good shit, I was stoned before I knew it!

It took all I could do to keep from touching her, wanting to kiss her as she was very close to me. she was telling me about how she had dated Bill from when he was her boss at work. I said I had barely finished High School myself and we figured out that we were the same age, 19. She said that Bill was 9 or 10 years older but then added, "I like older men, I guess." She looked over at Mark, "Your hubby is cute, you know".

I told her he was about her Bill's age (actually he's 12, almost 13 years older than me but he doesn't like me to tell others his real age).

I told her I'd met Mark 3 years before at a dance. I didn't tell her that it was a swingers dance; not that I knew it at the time but thought the people there were awfully open about things, the way they were all kissing and touching each other!

She said, "So you are like me, started dating him about the age I was at 16?"

I said, "Oh, yeah, but he thought I was older though." (Which was not strictly true for I was not quite 16 at the time of that first date.) I told her I was afraid he'd not go out with me if he thought I was so young.

She told me, "Well, Bill knew exactly what my age was as he was my boss. I started there a few days after my 16th birthday".

We both talked about how we liked older men, then with that dreamy look you get when you're on good weed she leaned over and kissed me. I knew then we had made the right decision to try to see what we could do with them!

I looked at Mark who grinned as Bill grinned at us too! They had the food ready, we ate by the side of the pool.

Whilst we ate Cindy untied her bikini and undressed all the way and said, "Oh, we go skinny dipping as a rule here. That's, one reason for the high fence! I figure you don't mind."

It took seconds , the boys undressed, my hubby pulled my wet t-shirt off me and we were all soon naked in the pool.

The conversation quickly turned to sex and it turned out they had been deciding whether to try to seduce US into swinging as they'd been talking about it doing for over a year. They told us that they had done a few things with a cousin of his and so on, even gone to a swingers party they saw listed online. The problem was that she was just turned 18 then and the parties they attended all the others there were at least in their 30s, even 40's maybe, at least her parent's ages if not her grandparent's ages! She said that while she liked older men she didn't like them that much older! So nothing happened. I told her that we'd had the same experiences.

The talk got us fired up and both men were sporting fine erections. We got out of the pool and before we knew it Mark had a condom being rolled on him by Cindy and I was rolling one on Bill. We two girls laid back and took on each other's hubbys!

It was a great beginning to being good neighbours and needless to say we were over at their house every day after that. Cindy was constantly horny and couldn't get enough of Mark and often had both guys with her. I must admit to getting a little jealous and then so did Bill. We had a serious talk and had to work out that the sex was just fun for us with no intentions or designs on the other spouses.

We were all ok after that and I got to be Cindy's closest GF. I helped her with morning sickness; was there when she had her twin girls even. She was the one who asked me to take care of her husband's sexual needs while she was out of commission for a few weeks, which was not difficult as we were sleeping over there with them most of the time anyway.

Things changed when Mark got a job where he was on the road a lot so I became a kind of second wife for Bill as he liked to call me. Then Cindy went back to work finally and I stayed and helped with the twins, a kind of a built-in nanny but with benefits. One thing I enjoyed was milking her all the time then putting away her milk for the twins. They were so glad for me to be there as it saved them a lot of money.

We still kept up with our other friends and went to parties but we never could get Cindy or Bill to go to go with us or meet some of our swinger friends. They said they had the perfect swingers right next door!

Then Bill began working long hours through into the evenings; Mark's job hit a hiatus for awhile so he was here a lot when Cindy got home. She wasn't on the pill so he used condoms with her all the time. Condoms being condoms and Mark having a big cock often caused them to break.

After about 11 months, she missed her period which got her upset as Mark had been fucking her many times more than Bill! He would have her in the mornings after Bill had left for work; during the day and in the afternoon before Bill came home even. Bill often would catch all three of us in bed together when he came through the door. Bill was not happy.

Mark should have backed off but then he had this cute teenage girl with big tits who was lactating as well as me doing threesomes with him whenever he wanted. I guess Cindy was partly to blame for she and I were always stoned and horny so he got the benefits of that.

It was about then that the guy who owned the place said he had sold the house we were in. We discussed it a good bit about what to do and Cindy had talked about us moving in with them to help with the twins and be their other partners. She hadn't told Bill at the time that she had missed her period and that she was sure she was pregnant again.

I felt that maybe we ought to see what BiIl thought about her having the baby before making any decisions so we packed up and went off to spend the weekend with some swingers at a long party when I got a call from Cindy.

She said she had told Bill about her expecting another child and he was NOT happy about her being preggers. He said that he had been glad to have me whenever he wanted me and to let Mark fuck Cindy but had not thought through that with her not on the pill about what might happen even though Mark had been using condoms. She said that she hadn't told him that Mark had been fucking her 2 or 3 times a day BEFORE he ever got home! Their discussion got really heated; he said that he wanted Cindy to have HIS babies and no one else's; that we were not welcome over there anymore; that he'd changed the locks!

As we really didn't have much at that house, and telling the swingers we were staying with what was going on, they laughed at the idea that Mark had bred the other man's wife! They said we could stay there and we did.

I tried to stay in touch with Cindy, to see how the twins were doing but Bill had changed her number, and when I called him he would just hang up. Another neighbour we had done some swinging with told us the rest of the story.

Cindy carried the baby full term and then had given up work and stayed home after that to take care of the 3 kids. All 3 girls are cuties, even if the youngest doesn't resemble the other 2 that much. The neighbours even remarked with a smile how much the little girl looked a lot like Mark!

Bill and Cindy never really knew our real full names so they won't likely be finding us but I keep track of Cindy and the 3 kids.

Funny what happens in swinging isn't it? Who would have thought that house-sitting could be so rewarding.

There have been other adventures since then. I'll get around to sharing them sometime.
