A festive story of 'tis the season to be giving' - As told to Curt by Viv.


Viv wraps up for Christmas


I love Christmas time, the season of Peace and Goodwill to all men (but especially goodwill to 'men'!)

Since our very first Christmas together, my then-Boyfriend and now my hubby, Mark, when we were first dating, he would Gift me to his buddies, bosses, etc. We had met in early November but by Thanksgiving he was already Gifting me out! I think what he was really doing at the time was testing me, seeing how far I'd go without complaining or even asking about what was going on. I guess I passed the test for the fact that I just went along with his 'generosity' so casually that the Gifting me out to so many guys really cemented our relationship! It really brought him closer to me and his friends by allowing them to enjoy the Gifting of me, his then girlfriend. From the first time he gave me away he noticed how much it turned me on to be gifted (as did those he gifted me to) and he loved being there when the gift was being 'unwrapped'. He said it gave him great pleasure to see the joy on their faces!

It started about our 3rd or 4th date, by which time he realised about the kind of girl I was and that I had dated a LOT of other guys. We lived some distance apart, he worked a lot of weekends so at first I just kept seeing him in between all these other guys. Then he began driving over to see me for the weekends and getting a motel room as I did not want my parents to know I was dating yet another guy. Especially one who lived out of town and, more so, that he was 12 years older than me (in his late 20s!)

Mom tried to keep a tight rein on me in those days so I used to tell her I was going to be at a girlfriend's place for the weekend. (The girlfriend learned to cover for me if mom called. We used to cover for each other a lot although over the years she covered for me a LOT more!) What I then did was just stay at the motel with him for the weekends and we'd be together the whole time; order in food or go out to eat and in between time just have sex all weekend!

When he did take me out to eat, we always seem to run into one or another of my boyfriends every time! After a while Mark asked, "Just how many OLD BFs do you have?!"

I wasn't sure what to say; just said that I had a my share, or something like that. Later on, after I'd had way too much to drink, he asked again in so many words, "So you have dated quite a bit … and some of those 'BFs' seemed a lot older than you …. Guess you like them older, don't you?!" (I found out later it was one of those old BFs who told him eventually just how old I actually was, too! Not the 19 I said I was so he wasn't fooled by the fake IDs I had).

I joked with him that I never could say no to an older guy (but didn't mention that especially if the guy had a hard-on at a party!) and he said, "Well, that explains a lot and why you have so many male 'friends'!"

One weekend, instead of staying at the motel I caught a bus and went over to his place and spent a few days with him which didn't really work out for the best as some days he had to work. He would go out in the early morning and come home for a lunch break before returning to his job in the afternoon. He had a landline, it didn't ring much but on the second day when he was out at work it did ring and I answered. I surprised the caller who wasn't expecting to hear a strange voice and he said, "Well, hello there, who are you, a girl?!!". I laughed and told him my name was Viv (I wouldn't tell him my last name) and that Mark was out working. He picked up that I was a friendly voice and he sounded fun, so we talked a bit.

One thing led to another and he told me he was a swinger, that he was looking to hook-up with someone and that my boyfriend Mark often lined up extra guys for couples for fun-nights like Gangbangs, etc. He was so cheeky and he asked had I ever done three-somes, etc. I bantered back and said, "That's for me to know and you to find out!". He laughed said, "Well, that sounds like a definite maybe there, girl!".

Then he asked about me, was I his 'girlfriend'? I told him I was. He then said that one time he called and got Mark's sister who was staying there. She was taking time out from her hubby but she'd got huffy when he talked about swinging ,etc. He asked me if swinging sounded ok to me?

I said, "Maybe".

He laughed, "Oh, that's good, your 'maybe' sounds better than a maybe to me

He then got me to describe myself and I gave him a description that Mark likes to say is on the generous, flattering side but is just about right. I did lie about my age, of course, and when I told him I was 20, he said he liked that. He said, "Not too young like Mark's sister!" (The huffy one who had been there and was 17 and working on hubby #3!)

I got him (Ralph, I think was his name) to tell me about himself and he told me he was in his 30's, a little older than my boyfriend at the time, and from the tone of his voice definitely sounded interesting. As a 'by-the-way' he said he had a 9 inch dick! At the time of the call I had been smoking the last of my stash and this made the conversation flow very easily, the smoke had also made me feel horny and I was getting frustrated with my boyfriend already been gone to work. All this sex stuff we were talking about and where I figured we might be going was getting me wet but I didn't want this guy to know that so I tried to get him off the phone and I said, "I think I need first to talk to my boyfriend!"

.. which was going to be easy as my boyfriend was going to take a long lunch break with me and was due home in a few minutes. I told Ralph this but added that Mark would be gone all afternoon after that and would be working a late shift.

He caught my drift and said, "I get off at 5, how about I come by a little before 6?"

I heard the front door opening and I quickly finished the conversation and said, "Call first" and put down the phone.

Evidently I hadn't been quick enough for as I was talking the last few moments, in came Mark who asked, "Who you talking to?!"

I was embarrassed to be caught out and I whispered, "It was Ralph".

He gave a quizzical look, "Ralph who?"

I said, "Your friend; said he's a swinger".

It was then Mark's turn to look a little worried for although we had talked about my sexual history, etc. I realized Mark had not told me too much about his and clearly this call had opened a can of worms as far as he was concerned! So we had a long talk.

I asked him what this word 'swinging' was all about. It was a word I'd never heard used in any other context as he used it but when he explained I realized it was exactly like so many of the things I'd done for years!

Mark reluctantly told me about his involvement with swinging, worried that I'd be offended; that maybe I'd stop seeing him. I didn't say so but I had previously been worried that maybe if he knew the extent of my own promiscuity, he'd stop seeing me …. just as a lot of my other boyfriends had before when they found out just how many other 'boyfriends' I had!

Neither of us had told the whole story (and it was awhile before I told him my WHOLE story, either!) but it mostly came out there just then. Mark admitted he'd joined couples for three-sums (a lot) and that sometimes they wanted an 'extra guy' or maybe more to come along (found out that 'sometimes' meant a LOT of 'extra guys'!). Ralph's number was one he kept to call when there was a need for another guy .

Mark asked me, "What did Ralph say; he didn't offend you did he?"

I said, "No, he sounded OK. He even sounds like he might be cute if he described himself right".

That's when the discussion swung in the right direction, when Mark said, "You say you've done a lot of guys, doesn't an extra guy with you sound good, Viv?"

I said, "Oh, yeah! If he's the right guy" and before he could respond I told Mark, "Ralph said he was just going to come by after work. Do you think we could go out and meet him first rather than just have him show up?"

By then Mark had learned that far from offending me that a cute stranger was a big turn on for me.

Mark said, "I don't know where Ralph works or how to get him. Do you want to just wait for him to show up then go for a drink?"

I said, coyly, "I suppose that's what I'll have to do … " and then I added, " … does he actually have a 9+ incher?"

Mark laughed, "and then some!"

We talked some more and with my questioning, Mark told me that Ralph was taller than he was for sure, that he had long hair and was clean-shaven (which was good for at that time I was not into guys with beards or moustaches); that he'd used him for an extra guy many times … or as Mark said when some couples had requested, "We need some extra cocks, Mark!" that Ralph was one to call because he would make sure he lasted to get the woman off plenty. He had used Ralph a dozen or more times when extra guys were needed and Ralph as a dependable fucker, was most welcome.

Mark said, "Ralph lives pretty close by, I think, as when I've had couples over and they said 'More guys, please' that Ralph would be over pretty fast. He was a dependable guy and usually brought his own condoms!" He added, "Oh, and he has at least two brothers who I've met at a bar one time. They knew all about their brother and sure wanted me to put them on my 'list' of guys to call too! But both seemed younger than Ralph; I haven't called them yet. Maybe some time, I guess".

Mark decided to call in to skip work for the rest of the afternoon and have a few drinks with me. He could see that I was excited by all this talk and that maybe I needed help in calming down. Not that I needed too many more as I'd had a few drinks while talking to Ralph as I got nervous telling a complete stranger like Ralph about how I'd done so many guys!

As I was working on another big drink, there came a knocking on the back door. Mark said, "Go answer that, just like you are, Viv!" (I was wearing some sheer lingerie that showed all my 'assets'). Never one to resist a dare and helped by the alcohol-induced condition I was in, I opened the backdoor. It was a stranger with dark hair, taller than Mark and a bit older, too. Turned out to be Ralph, he had decided to take the afternoon off, too! I guess he wanted to try to catch me there alone, having figured out that I was easy, I guess.

He was surprised to see that Mark was there and I think a little disappointed he wasn't going to have me to himself for a few hours but by then I was intrigued and seeing him I thought, "Well, he's OK!"

He wasn't to know it (neither did I at the time) but I found out Mark was eager to see this guy mount me but, as Mark says, "Who tells his girlfriend he wants to see her fuck his buddies?" I had no idea that this was a 'thing', you would think no one would admit to that but it seems a LOT of guys have that fantasy. Mark did for sure it seems!

Mark also knew that Ralph kept some smoke and having found out how horny that made me when I had some one time, he asked about that.

Ralph said, "Oh, sure, let me light some up for the little lady!" and as he did so he kept taking sneaking looks at me in my sheer lingerie. Mark then asked me to go and fix a drink for Ralph and I could feel his eyes on me not missing a moment of seeing me dressed that way.

Ralph was nervous I could tell; so was I for that matter. Here was a guy I'd never seen before ogling me and one who I'd told way too much about how promiscuous I was. I took some deep breaths of the smoke, handed it back to Ralph and for the next few minutes we traded it back and forth; Ralph made sure I had it the most. (Mark declined as his job depended on him being clean and they had drug tests at work then).

By the time the smoke was about gone I realized it was some really GOOD stuff, I was way out there and very horny by then. I think that by then Mark had come to the conclusion that we were not 'going out for drinks to check this guy out for me' but just going to let happen what happens. As far as I was concerned the guy had been 'checked out' by me and to be truthful, if he went home right then I'd have been VERY disappointed!

Mark asked me, "Well, how do you like Ralph; what do you think, is he ok?"

I just giggled and said, "Oh, yeah!"

"Well, why don't you kiss him, Viv?"

Rhetorical question, I admitted I had been dying to from about the time I went to get him a drink and seen how Ralph had followed my every move!

Then it was a bit of a surprise to me when Mark said to him, "Ralph, do you like early Christmas gifts? You know, one that's gift-wrapped and with those extra kisses in it?"

Ralph knew where this was going and said, "Oh yeah, I just LOVE those kind of gifts!"

Mark said, "Well, how about the nice gift wrapped in lingerie sitting right there next to you, the one that you just kissed! You have to 'unwrap' this 'Gift' right in front of me and let me see how much you enjoy this 'Gift' I'm giving you!"

I was sort of confused by the way this was going with Mark suggestion and him knowing that I wasn't going to say no to being his 'Gift' to this guy! I just sat there, not saying anything, acting like I was really shy (but not objecting either!) Nor did Mark think to make any move to ask me if I minded being Gifted to this guy I'd never met before! As I say, I was shocked and confused at being given to this guy so casually, but then, also very turned on by it, too!

Ralph then turned back to me and kissed me again, and fumbled as he tried untying my lingerie to begin 'unwrapping' his 'Gift'! Mark said, "Well, Viv, seems like he's taking his time to unwrap his 'gift', why don't you help out and unwrap yours; why don't you unzip his 'wrapping'?" and he indicated the bulge in Ralph's pants. I did as I was told and by the time Ralph had me undressed I had his cock in my hand. It was just as he had told me over the phone, big!

Ralph then began examining his gift, his fingers between my thighs exploring me there. He told Mark, "Wow, your 'Gift' is really wet and ready!"

He responded, "Well, you know what to do with a wet hole on a Gift like that don't you?!" and with that Ralph got down between my legs and spread my legs wide, then put his mouth on my pussy. I begun cumming right off … and cumming and cumming at this almost complete stranger doing this to me and being given away so casually. I was polite enough to let him know that his gift was enjoying herself too so I responded by moving into a 69 with him as he pulled his pants off. I could taste the pre-cum dripping out as soon as my tongue went to the head of his cock.

I was naked by then and from the corner of my eye I noticed Mark was undressing too. I wasn't given too much time to recognize what he was doing for Ralph grabbed me, turned me around and somehow managed at the same time to put on a condom on his fat cock so that he could mount me doggy. Mark turned on more lights so he could see this guy enter me and enjoy the Gift he'd been given. It was a surreal situation, this complete stranger was fucking me just like that … but I consoled myself that at least he was wearing a condom.

Whatever, I came and came and came again at the idea of my boyfriend casually giving me away to this guy like this! Ralph lived up to what Mark had said about him lasting a long time and I sure enjoyed that, let me tell you, screaming and screaming with cum after cum from his fucking me! It felt great right up until the moment when Ralph finally grunted into me but, oh crap, I felt a gush, and I knew that the condom had broken! I hoped that Mark wouldn't notice but the lights were on so as Ralph pulled out, Mark could see that it was broken. Ralph's cock was covered in cum and had this ring of rubber wrapped around the shaft. I had cum so hard with this stranger's cock in me that I clenched and split the condom. (We found later on in our swinging that I did that a lot!).

Mark paused for a minute waiting for Ralph to get out of the way and then he mounted me, bareback as he had been doing the last few weeks after I told him I took the pill (when I remembered to that is … but I didn't tell Mark that!). So Mark got his first sloppy seconds on me (that he knew about)! As it turned out Mark LOVED the sight of this other man's, this complete stranger, cum running out of me . I still am not sure why that idea always turns me on so much, too!

I noticed that Mark ran his cockhead up and down my slit, wetting his cock with the other guy's cum! Mark loved having me lubed by another man's cum for him and the smell of the semen oozing out so much was another turn on for him. Mark didn't last quite as long as he usually did but Ralph got hard again watching so with Mark still fucking me I went down on him too and I tasted myself on his stiff cock (not the first time I'd done that!)

Mark finished into me and said, "Well, you can use your Gift as much as you want Ralph. Want another go at unwrapping your Gift? Take your time but you can't take this Gift home with you I might add!"

So Ralph had me again and by the end of the afternoon he had 'used his Gift' three more times! Much to my delight, Mark always took a turn again on me, too! As his condom had split that first time, by the end I was lying in quite a pool of semen!

Ralph said, "I can't stay much longer but thanks for the great Gift you gave me, the best I EVER had!".

As he got dressed, we chatted a bit, and Mark had me kiss Ralph's cock before he pulled up his pants, just to tease the poor guy! Then, suddenly it was over, he left.

After Ralph had gone Mark and I had sex again while we talked about me being Gifting out like that. Mark never actually asked me if he could Gift me out but then he knows me way too well, to think I'd ever say NO!

So that was my first blatant Gifting out … but not the last. What I didn't tell Mark for a long time after that was that although I wasn't living with him, I knew that he'd been talking to his buddies about how I couldn't say no, couldn't say no to ANY dare, and so on. I discovered that he'd told some of his friends and co-workers to just stop by when he was at work to see what he meant about me, to see if I would say no to ANYTHING they wanted! He told them that I was his Gift to them if they wanted! My only stipulation was that if I was going to 'unwrapped' that they had to return the favour and make sure they were 'wrapped' and use a condom!

He had told 3 or 4 of his workmate buddies this and yes, they did stop by and yes, they did take a turn on their 'Gift' of me! What Mark did not know for a long time that after the first one did me that word got out and the others just started dropping by all the time!

It wasn't just those 3 or 4 either but over a period of days when I was staying over and Mark had to work long hours that easily some 12 or 13 guys visited over those 5 days to get their gift. I was sure kept busy! There was so much cumming and going and it was a case of some random guy comes by and says that Mark said to drop by and get his gift. As at the time I still had a stash I was always stoned and horny all the time so would just say, "Sure, Cum right on in!" and they sure did, in me!

To be truthful, I felt guilty a bit about it; I mean, soo many guys! Did Mark know how many? I don't think so, he thought that maybe only one or two might take advantage of me as his Gift of me, not over a dozen!

Whenever Ralph knew I was going to be there, sometimes he would take afternoons off to visit and take advantage of Mark's offer to, " .. just drop by and use your Gift I gave you when you want to!" It was no problem if Mark's car was gone, as Ralph just let himself in as Mark had told him where we kept spare key! There was one time when he showed up when there others there enjoying their Gift of me already!

That first Christmas of ours, Mark actually only outright Gifted me to 5 or 6 guys, not knowing these guys were passing the info around about me being there and that I wouldn't say no if they wanted to share the Gift of me! Throughout that first year of my Gifting out, I was gifted to over a dozen guys, sometimes two at a time! This was just when I was visiting for a few days, too.

I didn't tell Mark so many were dropping by and I had begun getting the guys to take their used condoms with them. (I'd learned from experience that a lot of condoms being flushed at parties would stop up a toilet by then). The only thing that Mark sometimes remarked on was how sweaty I seemed to be at times when he came home. I took that as a signal and began to bring douches with me when I came to stay so that I'd not taste like all the guys who'd been there or their condoms! (Never had enough though!)

It was later that first year that I had another falling out with my mother so I just moved in with Mark and lived there the next few months and was 'gifted' a lot with plenty of cummings and goings! Some Mark knew about, others not, but eventually I told Mark about the others and his reaction was that he thought it was exciting to know about. Not so good was his neighbors started complaining about the traffic through the front door saying stuff like, "Your GIRLFRIEND is either a complete slut or a prostitute, Mark!". That was when I finally admitted what was going on. Unfortunately, one neighbor reported our address to the police as they thought we were dealing drugs. It was all this that got us kicked out of that place.

When the landlord and some cops came by they tore the place apart but their timing was way-out for I had no stash and they found nothing. Nevertheless, the landlord still threw us out. However, in life, as I so often say, 'timing is everything' and while we were packing a buddy of Mark's came to claim his gift and when he saw what was happening said, "I hear there's a place open close by where I live. I'll go check and see if it's still available". So off he went and a little later gave us a call to tell us the place was ours and we got it that day!

Turns out the rental arrangement was not quite as straightforward as I thought. The guy had told the new landlord about me and first time Mark left to go to work the landlord called by and said, "I gave you guys a special rate on this but it's only good if we work out an arrangement, Viv". Well as you can imagine what that arrangement was!

The deal was with me and so the landlord would drop by when Mark was at work. The first time he told me he was glad I was able to help out with the rent any way I could using my natural assets and thereafter a couple times a month (sometimes more!) the landlord would come by to get his 'rent servicing' from me.

I told Mark about the arrangement after the second time and he was impressed and said, "Well, now that does help out, Viv!"

I then told him about the guy who helped us find a place so fast wanted a finder's fee to be paid in installments (mostly IN me!) and Mark was OK with that. All this has been pretty much the way things have gone with our various landlords ever since!

As I write I'm in the middle of his Gifting me out in this year's holiday season. I lose count but most days have seen at least one Gifting out of me since before Thanksgiving. This year the 'body count' is not nearly as much as before but still I figure to be Gifted away until after the New Year … maybe just not two at a time so much and not every day as in previous years.

So the Gifting continues. A lot of the time I'm gifted to guys we've swung with before (well, mostly) and most say that the Gift of his wife to them is the best gift they get every year (for those that had the Gift of me in previous years!).

Some ask me how it is done; how does my hubby Gift me out; is it the same every time? Well, no it's not the same every time. After the experience of being thrown out of our house because of 'a misunderstanding' we hit upon what a British friend of mine told us about that happens a lot over there, they call it 'Dogging'. The scheme is that we find a side road in a quiet place or a secluded park with a major parallel road where the drivers can't stop (even if they notice a girl bent over is sucking a guy!) Mark takes me there for an appointed time and we wait in his car until the lucky guy turns up.

We watch him park up and when we see him get out of the car Mark sends me over and the negotiation goes like, the guy asks, "Are you Viv?"

I say "Oh, yeah!"

The guys says, "Well I am told that you are Gifted to me! So what do we do here?"

That is enough to tell me that I have the right guy and he has a real good idea what his Gift is supposed to do so I start by sucking him off.

Things often start right there on the side road and sometimes the guy already has his cock out for me which is great for I can't resist a guy with a hard-on pointing at me! So I have fun and sometimes all I'm doing is pumping this guy's cock right out in public giving him just a hand-job, letting him fertilize the flowers or whatever but mostly I will bend over and give him a blowjob so that I can swallow it. If there is a bit of shrubbery to screen us, I can bend over for him to finish enjoying his Gift of me by shooting his cum where nature intended the cum to go (if the condom breaks that is!).

The whole point to dogging is that it lets other people, 'sympathetic' people, watch and that's where Mark gets his kicks, watching me in slightly dangerous circumstances being with an invited partner and getting fucked.

I like that and I always try to ensure that I give value for money! At times I like to be a little inventive and sometimes I've had the guy face away from me, bent over so I can pull the cock out the back from between his legs so that he is looking one way, his cock is out the back and I can jerk them off or suck them off without them seeing who I am. Mark asks me to do this sometimes with guys he doesn't want to know where we live or even know who they are!

There's been many times I have let the guy's Gift to me ride back home as a creamy load on my face. Mark loves it when I do that, letting the cum just run down my chin so I can rub it into my face, neck and tits! He says he does love my musky 'natural' scent I wear those days!

So the Giftings continue, even on Christmas eve and, for special people, on Christmas day itself (hi, brothers-in-law!). As Mark says, "It's like a gift to me every time when I to get to see you being Gifted out this way so much right in front of me!"

I hear tell that some of my nephews and Mark's sons are working on the same plan with their wives and girlfriends, too! (Not sure if it is intended for me to be part of that list!)

This year though (what with quarantine and all that stuff) the Giftings out of me will be far lower and I figure, looking at 'Santa's list', that I might even finish the list of Giftings of me out by the middle of January! (Not like in the past when unwrapping our gifting went through to at least the end of that month if not into February!

No matter, Yeah, I love the festive season..
