Virgins In Vegas ch. 02

Some honeymoon, I thought to myself, as I lay beside my sleeping bride. I had lost all my money, watched my new bride get her cherry broken by a big black muscleman, and had seen her suck off two different black cocks and all I ended up with was a stiff dick and my wife mad as hell at me. Plus there were going to be pictures of her getting those big black schlongs stuffed in her sent all over the world on the internet. There were plenty of our old classmates at Hamilton High who were on the net and they were going to love seeing Bobby Jo get fucked by that big black cock. As if all this wasn't bad enough, tomorrow Fred had planned who knows what for my gorgeous young bride, and there wasn't anything I could do to stop it. Not to mention I was STILL a virgin!

Funny thing though. As much as I hated the thought of Bobby Jo being fucked by Tom's big cock, I couldn't forget how hot she looked when she pulled down her white panties and he fucked her doggie style. The more I thought about it the stiffer my prick became, till finally I sprayed cum all over my hand while thinking about my virgin bride being fucked by that big black cock.

The next day we slept in till late afternoon. I got up and showered and then Bobby Jo started to come around. She asked me to run down and get her something to eat, while she showered, so I went down and came back up with some rolls and coffee. I sure didn't want to piss her off any more than she already was.

When I got back, Fred was there and Bobby Jo was sitting in his lap, wearing nothing but a pair of lacey pink panties and a towel. Over in the corner sat another black guy who I hadn't met the night before. Now Fred was a big guy, but this guy was a fucking monster. He was at least 6'6" tall and probably weighed close to 300lbs, with a shaved head and a big gold tooth right in front. He rose to shake my hand as Fred introduced me. "Jimmy I'd like you to meet a buddy of mine, this is Moe. Moe, this is Jimmy, the little shit for brains white pussy that lets me fuck and pimp out his new wife."

Moe's gold tooth glittered as he took my hand in his, almost crushing it. "You know I thought Fred was shitting me when he showed those pictures of this little blonde cunt and told me he was pimping her ass around town. I didn't think a high class white pussy would end up in his stable, especially not on her Honeymoon. Boy you must be one dumb motherfucker Jimmy, lettin a fine little poontang like that get away from you. I'm still not sure I believe this shit about Fred being the master of this fine white pussy though."

Fred chuckled and said, "Tell you what Moe, how about if I prove to you who owns this cunt. Bobby Jo, stand up and drop the towel, Moe wants to see just how fine your big white tits really are." My little cheerleader wife wasted no time in doing what she was told, dropping the towel and displaying her D- cups to Moe and even going one step farther. She stood there in front of those two big blacks and cupped one big fleshy tit in each hand, and then held them out in front of her as if offering her big brown nipples to Moe.

"That's enough now Bobby Jo," he snapped, "we're not gonna give it away for free today, we're gonna make us some fuckin money and have some fun at the same time. Now go put on some clothes, but make sure you wear something that would make a dead man want to fuck you, cause this afternoon we're gonna do a little advertising." My new wife picked up the towel and went into the bathroom to change, and I realized that the outfits she would be choosing from were the same ones that she had originally purchased as a special treat for me to see her in.

"Jimmy," Fred ordered, "Fetch me all those pictures that you brought with you from back home. You know, the ones of Bobby Jo at her 18th birthday party and the ones of her in her cheerleading outfit, oh yeah and don't forget the ones from your wedding reception". I couldn't imagine what he wanted with our private photos but I knew better than to argue with him, so I laid them all out on the coffee table.

He chose one shot of Bobby Jo at the last big game of our senior year. In it she was wearing her Cheerleader outfit and jumping high in the air to pump up the team. Her big tits were bouncing up and down and her white panties were almost completely exposed, showing her gorgeous tanned legs and her round ass. "When was this taken Jimmy?" he asked.

"Two weeks ago at the big game against Fairmont High," I said.

Next he picked one of her 18th birthday party, which had been a pool party at her Mom's house. She was bent over a cake that said "Happy 18th BIRTHDAY TO OUR PRINCESS, BOBBY JO," and she was blowing out the candles. She had still been wet from the pool and was bending over to blow out the candles, so her tits were hanging halfway out of her pink string bikini. "When was her birthday party Jimmy?" asked Fred.

"That was just 5 days ago," I answered, wondering why it mattered to him when they were taken.

His third choice was a picture from our wedding reception, in which I was pulling the garter off of Bobby Jo's leg. Her gown had been very low cut and in this picture she was leaning forward and laughing so of course her tits were again on display. She had even worn a white push-up bra to make them look more voluptuous than ever. Also, her foot was up on a stool for me to take off the garter and the stupid photographer had gotten down too low and you could see just a glimpse of her tiny, white lace panties and garter belt. The photographer had apologized and said it was just an accident, but I kind of suspected he did it on purpose and kept a few pictures of Bobby Jo's panties to jack off with later. "Our reception was just the day before yesterday," I said , knowing that fred was going to ask.

He put these three pictures and her driver's license in his pocket, along with the picture of Tom fucking her and the one of Tom's cum mixed with her virgin blood running out of her well fucked blonde pussy. "Well, these ought to drive up the price," he muttered.

Moe shook his head and said, "Fred I gotta hand it to you, you are a regular pimping genius. You mean to tell me that you actually have proof that as of two weeks ago this little white pussy was a real honest to God cheerleader, that 5 days ago she was so young you could go to jail for fucking her, and that two days ago she was a virgin bride and got her cherry broke last night while her new husband watched! You got every fetish covered man, you are gonna make a damn fortune," he said, roaring with laughter.

Just then the bathroom door opened and we all turned to see what Bobby Jo had chosen to wear. She had on a tiny pink top very similar to a men's underwear shirt but obviously designed for a lady, with delicate pink lace around the edges. It was so low cut and tight that her big tits stretched the fabric out and you could see the round bulge of her tits through the armholes on each side. It stopped right under her boobs leaving her flat tanned stomach bare, and her big brown nipples poked through the thin ribbed material.

Her white mini-skirt was as tight as it could be and not rip out when she walked. With her long tan legs she didn't need nylons and she was wearing her white high heeled clogs. Around her waist was a 2 inch wide, white leather belt covered with tiny pearls and silver beads. Bobby Jo looked over at the three of us, batted her big blue eyes, and said, "Do you think anyone might want to fuck me in this outfit?"

"I'll fuck you, you little cocktease," Moe said as he pulled down his zipper and walked toward her.

"Not yet Moe, Fred insisted, this is business and you will get your chance later, right now we need to show off what we are selling."

Fred looked at her and asked, "One last thing Bobby Jo, what kind of panties did Daddy's little girl wear today?"

My heart broke as she pulled up her skirt and showed him what she had chosen. She had on the snow white lace panties that she had worn under her wedding dress. "Are these all right?" she asked in a little girl voice.

In the car, I got a chance to talk alone with my wife for the first time since Fred had arrived. "Bobby Jo, I know we have to do what he tells us but you don't have to act so anxious to please him. It just encourages him do even more," I whispered. "And why did you have to wear the panties from your wedding dress today?"

My precious Bobby Jo leaned back on the seat and let out a deep breath. "You don't get it do you Jimmy," she said,"I've got no choice since you got me into this, but now that I'm here I'm going to fuck and suck as many cocks as he'll let me have. I found out yesterday that I love being fucked and the power I feel when all these men want my body. And as for the panties, they are to help you remember that it could have been your cock fucking me but you blew it."

We drove for quite some time and finally we stopped outside of a run down bar, not at all like the big resort casino at our hotel. Fred, Moe and I went in first and sat down on one end of the bar. It was very dark inside and I was the only white face in the room. Fred had given Bobby Jo instructions to wait till we went in, and then to come in alone, as if she didn't know us. She played her part perfectly, and we watched from across the room as she wiggled by in her skin tight skirt and sat down at the bar.

The bartender was on top of her in a flash, offering her any drink she wanted on the house. Then he said, "Miss, I would love to have you sit there all day just so I could look at you, but you know this is a pretty rough place. A little white teenybopper with a body like yours and dressed like that is gonna get eaten alive by the guys who come in here."

"MMMMMMMMM," she moaned, "I certainly hope so." Then Bobby Jo took the cherry from her drink, held it to her full red lips and ran her tongue over it like it was the head of a cock. The bartender just shook his head and leaned back against his counter to watch what would happen next.

She gulped her drink and then rose from the barstool and wiggled her way over to the old Wurlitzer jukebox. She stood there in her white skirt with her long tan legs spread apart as if she was picking out a song. The lights from the Wurlitzer illuminated her skirt and every man in the room could see the vee of her crotch through it as she stood there like an angel, bathed in soft red light. Then she "accidentally" dropped her quarter and she bent over to pick it up without bending her knees at all. Her little white panties were exposed and she took much longer than needed to pick it up, just in case there was a man in the bar who still hadn't noticed her.

A tall black guy came over and invited her to join him and his friends at their booth. There four of them in the booth, all very tough looking black guys. They had her sit in the middle of the booth with two of them on each side and we moved over closer so we could see and hear what was going on.

One of them asked her what she was doing in a dive like this. She flipped her long blonde hair and replied that she just wanted to see if she could stir up some excitement. The guy to her right put his arm around her shoulders and casually rested his hand on her tit. When she didn't object, he ran his hand through the armhole of her pink top and firmly grasped her pretty tit in his hand. Not to be left out, the big black on the other side ran his hand up under her shirt and started pinching her sensitive brown nipple, making her moan softly. One of the other guys stuck his hand up her skirt and massaged her pussy through her little white panties. Then he took his index finger and pulled her panties to one side exposing her blonde pussy. As he stuck his finger into my wife's cunt he said, "This little pussy is wet as hell, she's ready to be fucked."

They pushed the table away and two of them lifted her up and placed her on top of the table with her legs spread wide open. One guy roughly pulled her pink top up above her big tits and started sucking her nipple while another pushed her skirt up until her panties were fully exposed. The leader of the group had his cock out and it was rock hard as he approached her and pulled her little white panties down to expose her blonde cunt. He spread the lips of my wife's tiny pussy and was ready to shove his cock in when suddenly.....

BANG! The echo of Moe's .357 magnum got everyone's attention when he shot a hole through the mirror behind the bar. Bobby Jo jumped down from the table, pulled up her panties, straightened her clothes and wiggled over to stand between Fred and Moe. Moe held his gun on them, and calmly said, "Now Fred here has something to say, and you are going to listen."

Fred stood with his arm around Bobby Jo's waist and said, "This little white pussy is my property, I own it. And I think you will all admit that this is about as fine as pussy ever gets. You can all see that she's got an ass out of this world and a set of tits like heaven on earth. Combine that with her long blonde hair and blue eyes and there's not a man here who wouldn't love to fuck her." Bobby Jo's face beamed with pride and she stuck her tits out even farther, happy to know that every man there wanted her.

"What you don't know," Fred continued, " is that two weeks ago, she was a high school cheerleader, 5 days ago she had her 18th birthday party at her Mommie's house, and two days ago she was a virgin bride, and had never been fucked. I've got pictures to prove that everything I'm saying is true." With that he spread out the pictures and her driver's license on the table for them all to see.

"Any of you who ever wanted to fuck a white girl, or a cheerleader, or if you like young pussy, this is your chance. If it turns you on to think about fucking a new bride while her dumbass white husband watches, then you just hit the triple jackpot. In this one little white prom queen we got all your fantasies. Tonight we're having a little party in the Honeymoon Suite at the Resort Casino. Bobby Jo here is the entertainment and the price of admission is $500 per man. Tell your friends because there won't be a second act."

When we got back to the hotel, Bobby Jo was happy as a lark. She couldn't wait to be fucked and since she had teased all day she was more than ready. I watched in silence as she showered and washed her long blonde hair. After she dried off she put perfume behind her ears and along the sides of her breasts. Then she put on the white lace push-up bra with matching panties that she had bought for our wedding night. As she sat and brushed her beautiful hair, I wondered if she would ever be mine again.

Gary arrived and set up his equipment, including a video camera. A few minutes later Fred's 'guests' started to arrive. Fred was running the video cam and Moe was there to act as enforcer in case anyone got out of line. There were 11 paying customers each of which gave Fred $500 for the pleasure of fucking my bride. I also found out that Gary was paying him $4500 for the internet rights to Bobby Jo's pictures, so Fred was getting a quick $10,000 and all I was getting was the shaft.

When everyone was there, Fred laid down the ground rules. "O.K. everybody shut up and listen. You have all paid your money and you will all get to fuck Bobby Jo before the night is through. If you want to get a little rough, I don't care just don't damage the goods. You can titfuck her, and if you like a blowjob, I can tell you she is one of the best cocksuckers I ever met. There is one more thing. NOBODY BUTTFUCKS HER! After you guys are done with her pussy and mouth we are going to take bids on who gets to fuck her little white virgin asshole for the first time. If any of you guys try to stick your cock in her ass before that, Moe is gonna throw you out of here and we don't give no refunds."

"Now we need good pictures of this so we're gonna start with Bobby Jo posing by herself and you guys can watch. After that you can just fuck any hole she's got open and enjoy yourselves." He stood back and grinned like he was P.T. Fuckin Barnum, master showman.

The bathroom door opened and my sweet bride came into the room. She was wearing a white silk robe that stopped at mid thigh. Her long tanned legs were covered with sheer white nylons held up by a white lace garterbelt. White spike heels made her legs look like they went on forever and her blonde hair shimmered as it curled down over her breasts which swelled out of the vee neckline of her robe. She walked over by the line of men who were about to ravage her body and as she passed each one she let her hand rub across the front of their pants caressing their cocks. When she reached the bed she turned around to face them and then threw her head back tossing her blonde hair to one side, at the same time slipping the robe off her shoulders. As it hit the ground and they saw her body in detail they knew that they had spent their money well.

Her big tits were encased in a lacey white pushup bra causing them to look even more spectacular than normal. Under her garter belt she had on tiny white lace panties. As Gary snapped pictures, she sat on the bed and began to unhook her hose and pull them down her long tan legs. Then undoing her garter and laying down on the bed in her bra and panties, she leaned back with her legs extended and started to run her hands over her tits, arching her back and moaning. Moving her hands down between her legs she began to rub her pussy, her diamond engagement ring and wedding band sparkling in the light. She raised her hips up off the bed, slipped off her virginal white panties and then sat up. She slipped the satin straps over her smooth shoulders then reached behind her back, undid the hooks and leaned forward so that her bra fell into her hands, unleashing her breasts and letting her big brown nipples feel the cool air in the room.

She laid back on the bed and spread her legs wide and put two fingers inside herself. Then with both hands she spread her cunt lips apart and said, "Please, I want someone to fuck me now. I need a cock in my cunt."

After that there was no controlling the men in the room. They had all started taking their clothes off as soon as they saw her and they now approached her with their cocks stiff and one purpose in mind. A big black man got there first and crawled between her legs, rubbing the head of his dick against her blonde pussy hair. Bobby Jo spread her pussy lips with her right hand and with her left hand she grabbed his 9" cock and guided it into her cunt. She bucked and twisted to get every inch in her and said, "Oh God I love to be fucked, please fuck me harder." She could say no more because another man had reached her mouth and she greedily sucked his cock into her red lips, running her soft pink tongue all over the end of it and moaning with pleasure. There was a black man on each side of her rubbing their dicks against her soft white tits and pinching her nipples roughly.

The guy in her pussy groaned and shot his cum in her and Bobby Jo pushed at him with her hands, wanting him to get off so another could take his place in her cunt. One of the guys rubbing against her tits came and shot a stream that landed on her throat. The other one pushed him away and climbed on top of her chest and began to tit fuck my wife. Another black climbed between her legs and shoved his cock into her well fucked pussy and began pistoning in and out. The cock in her mouth began to shoot gobs of cum down her throat and she selfishly swallowed it as if she didn't want to waste a drop. As he pulled out of her mouth he was replaced with another and yet another, until she sucked off every man in the room. Some of them came in her mouth and others shot on her face until she was covered in cum. They had all fucked her, some of them twice and her cunt was swollen and stretched open, the cum oozing out of it in torrents. Bobby Jo had experienced several orgasms and had screamed during each one leaving no doubt that she loved being fucked and used by the army of black cocks that had assaulted her.
Next: Virgins In Vegas ch. 03
Previous page: Overview