Stardog Champion jprobx@webtv.net

The time it took for Tammy Scroggins to leave the Food Lion parking lot and arrive safely back home had been a complete blur. Somehow she had navigated herself home despite the fact that both her feet and hands were numb and her head was swimming in the confusion of the night's events.

Sitting in the parked minivan, directly under the same basketball hoop where her oldest son, Brian, had been shooting baskets with his black friend 6 hours earlier, Tammy tried collecting her thoughts as she finally accepted the fact that she had actually seen a black person and a white person have sex right in front of her.

Suddenly, Tammy dropped her hands down hard on the steering wheel, almost as if to say, "Dammitt, I give up!! This day has just been too much for me." She knew with unmittagated certainty that what she had witnessed in the Food Lion storeroom would be something she could never tell anyone about. It would be Tammy's personal cross to bear everytime she set foot in that place and had to look at Staci Simmons or that boy Staci had allowed to use her in that way.

The entire trip home Tammy had replayed her brief voyueristic encounter in her head, wishing that there was some way she could have deleted the entire fiasco from her memory.

Still, something struck her with intangibly sick fascination that she kept coming back to. It was the first time since she could remember that the sounds of a woman crying out in orgasmic release filled her ears. Tammy couldn't remember the last time she, or anyone else for that matter, sounded that...'fulfilled".

The grunting sounds that the young man Staci was with made as he came was old hat for Tammy. It was just like the sound her husband made when he came inside of her during their ritualistic bouts of one sided love making. What kept popping up in Tammy's consciousness was the voice of that young woman, despite the fact Tammy considered the girl pure white trash, experiencing the ultimate release.

Tammy purposefully tried repressing the fact that it was a teenage black thug that was causing the young woman to make those noises, but like a record player skipping over and over, the sounds of Staci's desperate sighes of pleasure tortured the middle aged white woman endlessly.

Gathering her stuff from the van, Tammy slowly made her way out of the vehicle and locked the door behind her. Trudging up the walkway to the front door, Tammy could feel the lightning bug like shimmer of heat tingling between her thighs as she entered the house.

Looking around at her silent surroundings, Tammy was thankful it appeared everyone had retired to their bedrooms despite the fact that it was only a few minutes after 10pm. As she climbed the stairs, fighting off her unrelenting fatigue, part of Tammy's pysche still whispered meekly to her, "Maybe Carl's still up."


Of all the nights for her husband to have fallen asleep early, that night had to be it. Sneaking quietly into her bedroom and closing the door behind her, Tammy slowly undressed, part of her wishing Carl would notice she was home, invite her over, and show her his way of appreciating her. Anything to put out the slow burn that had suddenly turned wicked between her legs.

Once she got ot the point however where she was standing over the bed, completly naked, and all Carl did was to continue snoring with his mug smashed into the pillow, Tammy gave up and reached for her nightshirt, anxious herself to crawl into bed and put the stressful day behind her.

45 minutes after she snuggled under the covers, Tammy was finally able to let her drowsiness overtake her, falling asleep with both hands strategically wedged right between her crotch in a modified fetal position .


Just like her own personal "Groundhog Day", Tammy Scroggins's bedside alarm went off at precisly two minutes until six.

Dragging herself out of bed once again and making her way into the bathroom to begin the same sloppy routine she had done for every weekday morning since she could remember, Tammy blindly turned on the sizzling water of the shower and waited for the heated spray to cast the whole room in a mystical fog.

Staring at her murky image in the mirror, she saw the hints in her eyes of a unrealized purpose she still hadn't fully admitted to.

Turning back the heavy shower curtain and stepping under the cascading jets of water, Tammy quickly lathered herself up and washed off as if she had something unmentionable to do while she had that fleeting moment of privacy.

Feeling the glorious sensation of the hot water loosening her joints, Tammy teased her body tenderly, trying to work up the courage to do what she had longed to do during the dreams she had just awoke from.

Blindly reaching out, as if a force greater than her was in control, the first thing Tammy wrapped her hand around was the 8 inch Herbal Essence Shampoo bottle, sitting half full, on the shower shelf.

Slowly easing the tubular girth down the front of her chest, between her cleavage and finally over her trim belly until it dipped below her waistline, Tammy clenched her eyes shut, letting her instincts take over.

Just as she rocked her head back, savoring the languid spray of the hot water soaking her body, the tip of the shampoo bottle collided with her freshly shaved pussy.

"GOSSSHHH......," Tammy sighed out loud, under the loud whoosh of the water.

"YYYEEESSSSSS," She moaned even louder as her right hand worked the phallic implement up and down her *******, pink slit.

Tammy felt her ears pop as the humidity and barometric pressure inside the sultry bathroom brazenly effected her body.

"GGGAAAWWWDDDD," Tammy moaned as her left shoulder collapsed against the slick side wall of the shower stall.

With her hips swirling rythemically and her knees shaking, Tammy fiendishly worked the fat end of the shampoo bottle up and down the puckered opening of her deprived sex.

With the shower stream smacking her directly in the face, causing her entire upper body to look as if it was standing like a statue underneath a waterfall, Tammy swore she could see the 'oh so far off light" of her pent up orgasm at the end of the tunnel, clearly behind her tightly shut eyes.

Not realizing just how unsteady she had become on the glazed floor, Tammy winced from surprise when both her knees collapsed solidly down onto the drenched platform of the shower. Kneeling now, Tammy was relentlees in pursuit of her long awaited, impending goal.

Her legs parted as she squated over top of the wide girth of the embedded shampoo bottle, Tammy subtly raised her hips up into the air as she held the shampoo bottle steady with her right hand, then delicatly, she lowered her weight all the way down on top of it.

With the narrow head of the bottle anchored on the slick floor of the shower stall and its fat base jutting upwards, Tammy's senses shimmered from the unreal feeling of being slowly entered by something so huge.

As the crude circumfrance of the bottle pushed her labia further apart, Tammy's breathing became nothing more than a blissful series of fits and stops as the water from above continued pounding her brow.

Confident now she could handle the plastic invader, Tammy's desperation for release took over and she started a tantalizing rythem with her cunt as she clutched the burrowing phallus even deeper inside of her in a pelvic stranglehold.

"OOHHHH...GGGOOODDD," Tammy hissed through clenched teeth as her body began its final desperate grind against the implement between her legs.

Breathing crazily through the sizzling spray bathing her face, Tammy could feel the initial strain of her long pent up stress starting to give way as he orgasm approached.

Then her worst nightmare happened.

Just as she readied herself to let go, the sound of the bathroom door swinging open destroyed everything she had worked for that morning. Hearing the weight of her husband's feet grogily lumber into the steamy room, Tammy weakly pressed her chin against her chest, feeling the frustration of her predicament manifest itself in a series of salty tears that leaked down her cheek, mixing with the relentless flow of the shower.

"DDAAMMNNN!!!" Tammy screamed internally as she tried lifting herself up and washing what evidence of her embarrassment off before relinquishing the shower stall to Carl.

Setting the now pungeant Herbal Essence bottle back up on the shower rack, Tammy turned off the shower jets and stepped out, letting her husband have his turn.

"You can finish THAT when everyone else leaves later this morning," A purring voice inside Tammy's head told her, as she stepped between her husband and the sink to dry herself off.

"No you won't," a more rational and realistic voice told her. "You shouldn't have even tried THAT in the first place you crazy bitch!"

For the rest of the morning, Tammy darted around the house trying to keep herself occupied before she left for work. Frustrated and grouchy from her morning disappointment, Tammy fought her own biting guilt over her selfish attempt at gratification. Drowning her sorrows in a couple of extra cups of coffee, Tammy left the house at a few minutes till 11 for her job, leaving the house completly empty for the rest of the afternoon.....


.........or so she thought.

High school kids aren't the only ones that need to take a little time off from school and enjoy themselves every once in a while. Even 11 year olds like Roger Scroggins needed some personal time as well. That's why he and two of his friends; Mark Goldstien a rail thin Jewish boy on his soccer team as well as Melvin Denson, a 12 year old black kid and another teammate, decided to skip a few classes at school and head over to the Scroggins house after Roger's Mom had left for work.

All three ducked out of Harmon Middle School right before lunch and cut through a few of the suburban shortcuts until they safely reached the Scroggins house a few minutes after 12 noon. The plan was to hang out inside the house, out of the view of the neighbors and play video games while they also tried out Carl Scroggin's new pool table until 2:30 when Melvin's 18 year old brother, Kelly was supposed to pick the three boys up and get them back to school before final bell so they could be there to get picked up by their respective parents for soccer practice, as if nothing ever happened.

The entire plan, for the most part, had gone off without a hitch. Kelly Denson had promptly arrived at the Scroggins house at 2:15, giving the kids about a half an hour to finish up their tense game of 8 ball.

With the kids engrossed in the novelties of pool and the fact that each of thier allowances rided on the outcome, Kelly was able to slip away quietly and stroll thorugh the Scroggins house, unbothered, for a few minutes.

Gingerly walking across the plush carpet of the living room, Kelly couldn't help but fixate in his mind on the image of the Confederate Flag hanging prominently in the basement where the kids were playing. The mere presense of such a vile symbol made Kelly's stomach burn with disgust and frustration. Looking around at the accumulated wealth evident around him inside the Scroggins's home, it only intensified his anger due to the ******'s obvious racial bent.

The bitterness Kelly Denson had kept inside for his 18 years life in the Deep South welled up inside of him with every step he took through the white couple's empty home. Slowly weaving his way upstairs with his signature lazy glide, Kelly realized he was headed to the part of the house where all the bedrooms were situated. Taking in the scenery of 17 years worth of the Scroggins's accumulated marital memories while he strolled down the spacious hallway, Kelly felt as if he was in some sort of museum compared to some of the the public housing tenaments he had lived in during his life.

Carefully walking down the length of the hall, once he reached the end, Kelly gazed to his right and suddenly realized he was standing right in the doorway to the Scroggins's master bedroom.

Taking one final deep breath, trying to work up the courage to step inside, Kelly's feet finally started to move again on the luxurious carpet. He could still hear the faint sounds of the young boys playing pool downstairs and he guessed they still hadn't missed his presense yet.

As quiet as a ghost, Kelly disappeared from the hallway, and went inside Tammy and Carl's bedroom. His eyes widened disbelievingly at just how organized and decorated the room was. It struck him as something a person would see in a Better Homes and Garden magazine. The sheer size of the one room also made his depth perception seem a little woozy. Living with his mother, aunt and little brother in some of the housing dumps over his lifetime, Kelly swore the one room he was standing in now was almost as big as some of the entire apartments he had shared with his entire ******.

Gently easing up to the bed in the center of the room, Kelly extended his hand down and rubbed his rough fingertips acorss the freshly made bed. He laughed to himself trying to remember the last time he actually saw a made bed, especially one with such expensive sheets and a fluffy, down comforter.

As he rubbed his hand across the Scroggins's marital bed, Kelly's eyes panned around the room until his gaze fell onto Tammy's chest of drawers resting majestically beside the bed.

Kelly felt as if the myriad of ****** photos sitting on the top of the chest were somehow all staring straight at him as he stood there. There were several of Tammy's wedding pictures, a couple of each of her kids and a few other ones that must have been either friends or other distant relatives.

Carefully easing away from the bed and making a beeline for Tammy's nightstand, Kelly tried formulating in his head just what his objective was. Reaching out with his long black arms, both his hands came to rest on the smooth wooden surface of the expensive chest.

Gulping twice, praying he wouldn't be caught, Kelly slowly started to pull the top drawer out, his eyes beginning to widen as the contents of the drawer came into view.

The top drawer of the chest was where Tammy kept her soft, lacy unmentionables. Her neatly organized matching black, white and blue bras and panties, hosiery ranging from kneehighs, to thighhighs and full out pantyhose, plus various nighttime outfits

Raising his rough black hands directly above the mass of frilly lingeree, Kevin felt his head begin to swoon as soon as his fingers embedded themselves into the material inside the drawer.

As his guilt and fear over possibly getting caught going through the middle aged married woman's underwear drawer collided with his intense desire to stay there and savor the moment, Kelly suddenly thought of an option that would meet both purposes.

Softly scooping his hands down into Tammy's private collection, Kelly then lifted his hands out and held two pairs of lacy panties, one dark blue the other white, and one size 34 C bra to go with it in his hands.

He could feel his already rigid cock harden in his jeans as he held Tammy's soft underwear in his grip. Looking down at his crotch, Kelly delicatly smashed the bra and panties in his hand, then forced them against his straining crotch, spending about 15 seconds masturbating himself through his jeans with Tammy's undergarments.

Realizing he didn't have a lot of time to waste, Kelly quickly balled up the underwear in his fist and tucked the garments into the inner pocket of his coal colored jean jacket.

Preparing to turn and quickly leave the scene of his crime, a soft suggestive voice inside Kelly's head told him to stop and wait a minute.

"What was that you felt when you went to pull your hand out of there?" He heard the inner voice ask him. "Take your time Son..check it out," it implored.

Looking down into the still opened drawer, Kelly gently stuck his hand back into the frilly, forbidden lair.

Gazing straight down into the now crumpled mass of lingeree, his right hand became completly hidden underneath the weight of the soft silky material as he explored the depths of the drawer.

Kelly did his best to keep his nerves in check as he went about his search. He knew all to well what that flag hanging in the basement meant and if somehow he was to get caught doing what he was now doing, he cringed at contemplating of the consequences. Still, he just had to find out what was hidden under there.

After a couple of seconds of digging, Kelly finally locked his fingertips around the square pieces of plastic that had originally grabbed his attention. With a few of the pieces securly in his grasp, Kelly then steadily began to remove them from the depths of Tammy's lingeree drawer.

Holding the contents of his exploration in his trembling hand, Kelly's expression took on an exaggerated hue of shock.

"Jesus....Fuckin'....Christ," Kelly spat quietly as he looked at the slightly weathered and aging polaroid pictures in his possession. Quickly matching the face in the photos with the face of the woman in the pictures around the bedroom, Kelly was almost sure they were semi naked pictures of his younger brother's friend's mother.

Looking at the way the blonde hair spilled over her pale shoulders as she modeled a series of bathing suits and lingeree for an unseen cameraman, Kelly stared at the cheesecake photos of Tamara Scroggins with wanton lust and youthful vigor.


The pictures Kelly had found were all over 13 years old. They had been taken between Tammy's two pregnancies as a little reminder for her of how hard she had worked to lose the weight and get back into shape after her first child was born. Tammy had gotten a girlfriend of hers to snap off a few of the photos on the Polaroid camera she had bought to take pictures of her newborn baby.

As well as a reminder to herself of her effort to get back into shape, the pictures also served as a kinky little "Honey, I love you" gift to her husband to savor over the years as the couple aged.

13 years later, the pictures mainly served a something to gather dust in the bottom of her underwear drawer. In fact, at that moment if Tammy had wanted to find those same photos, she would have been hard pressed to remember where they even were. Now they were in the possession of a nosy 18 year old kid who had simply happened upon them. ______________________________________

Doing his best not to bend the polaroids as he jammed them into the inner pocket where he had already stashed Tammy's bra and panties, Kelly anxiously went about cleaning up the mess he had made, trying his best to make it look as if no one had even been there.

Tapping out the undergarments in the top drawer with his palms and fingertips until he was sure it looked like he hadn't even opened it, Kelly gently closed the drawer .

Kelly thought for a moment about getting a towel to wipe off the fingerprints he had left but realizing he didn't have enough time, he simply patted the side of his coat to make sure his pilfered cargo was secure, turned, and made his way downstairs to gather up his little brother and friends to get them back to school before the final bell.


After shuttling the younger kids back to their middle school, Kelly Denson headed back to his palatial two bedroom public housing palace. As he walked through the front door he saw that his roommate, Jahon, was sitting on the sofa watching tv and doing some light petting with one of the girls he had been seeing, a chubby brunette that happened to be named Staci Simmons.

"Hey Dawg," Kelly greeted his friend, realizing it wasn't the right time to spring his discovery from the Scroggins bedroom.

"Hey Staci," Kelly said, also acknowledging Jahon's girlfriend.

Staci smiled back at Kelly, her face casting a stoned gaze as she playfully enjoyed Jahon's groping advances.

Kelly decided to make himself scarce and started heading for his bedroom to give his roommate some privacy with his girl of the moment. Just as he was about to disappear however, a glimmer of a thought popped into his head.

Turning back towards the living room, Kelly addressed Staci, "Staci, you still work at the Food Lion downtown don't you?"

"Yeah," Staci replied dazedly. "Thinkin' 'bout quittin' though..they don't pay shit. Why?"

"No reason....I was pickin' up my brother at one of his white friend's house earlier.....Melvin said his friend's Mom worked there...just curious," Kelly answered nonchalantly.

"What's her name?" Staci asked.

"I don't know her first name..the last name is something like Sgruggs..or Scruggins..or something," Kelly replied.

"Oh yeah...I think I know her..old blonde lady..she's on day shift most of the time..I've seen her on nights a few times too..seems real anal and uptight," Staci assessed.

Kelly thanked Staci for her input and disappeared into his bedroom for a few hours. Lighting up a joint, Kelly sat in his room and listened to his stereo headphones until Jahon knocked on his bedroom door sometime later in the evening.

Kelly let his friend in and they made small talk for a few minutes trying to decided what to do with the rest of the night.

"She a good fuck?" Kelly asked Jahon casually about Staci.

In their circle of friends, they always seemed to share notes about the pussy they were dickin' down because , in most cases, they all ended up getting a crack at it at some point and since no one wanted to waste time with a bad fuck, it was better to get the critique directly from the source.

"She ain't bad..gotta a wild side to her though," Jahon said , slyly shaking his head. "That fat ass is kinda hard to throw around sometimes but she knows what's she's doin'. Last night she was at the store workin' and paged me...I went over and we ended up fuckin' back in the storeroom before she clocked out."

"Damn," Kelly replied, both of them grinning madly.

"Her Mom's a freak too, "Jahon continued. "She's nothing but a crank whore but she will do anything for a dick...ANYTHING!"

"Shit," Kelly smiled, knowing at some point he'd probably get his crack at Staci and her tweaked out Mother's pussy as well.

"So what was all that shit you aksed Staci about where your little brother's friend's mom worked?" Jahon inquired curiously.

Rather than verbally answering his roommate, Kelly sat up from the bed and walked over to where his coat was hanging on the back of a chair. Reaching inside and pulling out the pictures and lingeree he had snugly hidden inside, Kelly turned back towards Jahon and tossed the contents of his discovery onto the unmade bed.

"Did you fuck the woman?" Jahon asked incrediously.

"Naahhh," Kelly replied , "the kids were in the basement playing video games and pool and I just decided to take a look around the place. I got nosy and ended up in her bedroom and came across these. Figured I'd already taken a chance by going in, the least I could do was bring back a couple of souveniers."

Reaching down and grabbing the photos from the bed, Kelly handed his friend a few of them to closely peruse while they continued to talk.

"What the hell do you plan on doing with these?" Jahon laughed.

"I don't know yet," Kelly answered cryptically.


Just like the relentless pounding of an ocean's waves chipping away a shoreline, Tammy's rational 'tough talk' to herself about not needing a sexual release gradually waned as the following day went on. What made her will power even weaker was the fact that she had the day off from work and a lot more time on her hands to think about her sexual deprivation.

After getting her husband and kids dressed and out of the house, Tammy Scroggins was left alone with nothing but her house chores, the tv and her own mind to keep her occupied for the entire day.

As the morning wore on and the distractions became fewer and fewer, the burning sensation welling up between Tammy's loins became unavoidable. It seemed everytime she tried turning the tv channel, every new station had an image on the screen of young lovers kissing passionatly on some random soap opera or in the case of that days Jenny Jones show, a litany of really muscualr male strippers that were parading across the stage helping the female guests on the show live out their X-rated fantasies.

It was all too much for Tammy to take. Before she knew it, she had flipped off the tv and had started making her way upstairs with the clear intention of drawing a tub full of hot water for a long relaxing bath. As she patiently undressed, Tammy proceeded to pour in a couple of drops of her favorite bubble bath also.

Never able to enjoy the serenity of a relaxing bath when Carl and the kids were home, Tammy occasionally took the opportunity to enjoy the guilty pleasure when she had the house to herself.

Brushing her hand through the foaming suds, Tammy smiled, realizing the water was just right. Tossing off the final vestiges of her clothing, Tammy stepped into the tub, one leg at a time, letting the soothing water envelope her all the way up to her chin.

After a few minutes of peaceful soaking, the wanton side of Tammy's personality took over and shoved all pretense to the side. Letting both hands slip underneath the foamy water's crest, Tammy let her fingers explore her glistening white torso.

Tweaking her well shaped pink nipples between her red fingernails, Tammy occasionally flailed her hips upwards, grinding her thighs together under the sultry water.

Licking her lips in an instinctual show of arousal, Tammy guided her hands down the length of her flat stomach until they encircled the soaked rim of her pubic jewels. Already giddy from her gentle foreplay, Tammy deliberatly stroked her long fingers up and down the fissure of her burning cunt, sending siesmic shockwaves up and down her spine.

Tammy's fingers and toes tingled intensly underneath the water as she wallowed in the sheer pleasure of her private moment. Closing her eyes, letting the nonstop flow of random sexual images flash spastically through her head, Tammy instantly remembered her aborted liason with the shampoo bottle from a morning before.

Quickly and nimbly raising herself out of the tub, Tammy was able to knock the Herbal Essence bottle off the shelf and down into the tub with her. Taking the now slick 8 inch phallus in her hands, Tammy submerged it under the waterline and guided it to the same deprived place she had used it on 36 hours earlier.

It didn't take long for Tammy's vaginal muscle memory to gladly accept the bottle's penetrating advances. Holding her labia apart with her left hand, Tammy used her right to slide the bottom end of the rounded sphere into her seething pink depths.

Completly lost in her dazed detachment, Tammy's eyes starting blinking so rapidly she felt as if every fiber of her body and mind were on the verge of succumbing to her pent up lust.

Thrusting her hips forwards until another inch of the shampoo bottle penetrated her vagina, Tammy's mouth opened and a low gutteral moan of pleasure gurgled out, sounding more like a machine gun than human voice.

"AAAAGGGAAAHHHH," Tammy gasped as the sounds of the water splashing around the tub echoed throughout the room.

As her body started pulsing un the tub, the warmth of the languid bath served to make Tammy feel that she was weightless in the water as she ruthlessly frigged herself with the blunt plastic implement.

Tammy sensed she could get herself off anytime she wanted now and was torn between the joys the sweet and torturous build up was bringing her and the satisfaction and relief she knew would come from a final crushing release.

With her knees now quivering together in the tub, it caused her thighs to force even more of the bottle inside of her. Tammy's eyes then slitted open and she focused her gaze on something that might make her private moment that much more memorable.

Fucking herself now in a rythemic groove, Tammy lifted her right foot off the side of the tub and kicked on the water faucet. Using her tingling toes to adjust the temperature setting just right, Tammy nudged her body forward until she was close enough to position herself under the phallic piece of plumbing.

Keeping the Herbal Essence bottle firmly embedded between the walls of her cunt, Tammy lurched her hips upwards as best she could, for that one moment feeling more like a teenage gymnist rather than a mid 30's mother of two, and allowed the rapid rush of warm water to flood the outer rim of her vagina.

"OOOHHH...GGGGAAWWWDDDDD," Tammy screamed loudly, her insides feeling like a pinball machine that just hit 'tilt'.

As the cascade of water covered her buzzing genitals, Tammy corkscrewed her waist slowly trying to stimulate herself to a vaginal orgasm on the shampoo bottle while getting her clit off by the intense stream of water from the faucet.

Thrashing around the tub like a large fish that had just been hooked, a lot of the suds and water from the bathtub splashed out forcefully, soaking the floor beside the tub.

Knowing she would now be physically spent for days, Tammy wanted to ring ever bit of pent up frustration out of her body as she brutally continued ramming the end of the plastic bottle into her snatch while the violent rush of water from the faucet sizzled down unmercifully onto her clit.

Secure in the knowledge no one would be home for several hours, once Tammy's body gave out, she simply lounged backwards and laid the back of her head against the headrest on the tub. Letting a few more delightful minutes waste away, Tammy smiled uncontrollably as her delirious giddyness bubbled over. She could also feel the Herbal Essence bottle she had just used on herself floating in the tub now, smacking her leg playfully as if to tell her it had enjoyed the tryst as well.


After more than 45 minutes in the tub, Tammy figured she better muster the strength to pull herself out before her delicate white skin totally pruned over. Pulling herself up slowly, the electrical sensations of her vicious duel orgasm still effecting her, Tammy reached for her plush towel and started to dry herself off.

Feeling more refreshed and invigorated than she had in easily 2 or 3 years, Tammy lovingly patted the towel over every inch over her body, staring straight at the image of herself in the bathroom mirror, proud of the woman she was seeing for the first time in a very long time.

Tossing her designer black terrycloth robe around her body and grabbing the mixed drink she had made for herself before her bath, Tammy skipped into the bedroom to playfully start going about her lazy afternoon chores.

As she danced happily around her bedroom, Tammy sipped at her scotch on the rocks while she straightened up and dusted. Suddenly, there was a knock on the front door downstairs followed by the ringing of the doorbell.

Wondering who it could be that time of the afternoon, Tammy racked her brain trying to remember if she was expecting anything from UPS. Since the Scroggins's bedroom was on the opposite side of the house, it would have done Tammy little good to look out of the bedroom window to see who was waiting outside.

With the adrenaline of her afternoon suarez still coursing through her body, Tammy decided to run down and check the door while she was still dressed in nothing but her bathrobe. Tying the robe tightly around her waist as she bounded down the steps, Tammy touched her hair up as she approached the front door.

Tammy did find it a little odd however that after the initial knock, the person outside hadn't deemed it neccassary to knock again in the meantime as she neared the door.

Pouncing up to the door, looking like a cute little blonde kitten with bare feet, Tammy took a quick peek out of the round peephole in an attempt to see who was standing on the front porch. To her frustration, she could see no one.

On further inspection however, Tammy did see a large business envelope laying right in front of the door on the welcome mat.

"They usually make you sign for the damn thing," Tammy cursed as she opened the door, thinking it was a package from Fed Ex perhaps.

Tammy clutched her arms to her chest as she went out into the cool October air, trying to keep her robe tightly covering her bosom as she bent over to see what had been dropped off at her house.

She immediatly began to get an uneasy feeling seeing that there was no writing on the entire envelope, no return address, no postage, nothing.

Turning quickly to get back inside and out of the cold, Tammy held the package loosly in her hands and disappeared into the house, her curiousity now at a fever pitch.

Once she was safely back inside her house, Tammy walked the envelope over to the couch and sat down to open it. Taking her fancy metal letter opener from the coffee table in front of her, Tammy stabbed the end of it into the letter's seal and delicatly ripped it open.

Holding the top open with her right fingers, Tammy reached in with her left hand and grabbed the contents. What she felt suprised her.

There was nothing more in the big, bulky envelope but one lone piece of notebook paper with something plastic attached to it with a paper clip.

Pulling the cargo out into the light of day, Tammy eyes suddenly bugged out in a stoned stare as she felt, what amounted to a ton of falling bricks crash directly into her stomach.

Holding the piece of paper in her now ice cold trembling hands, Tammy cringed as she glared at the polaroid picture that was attached to the paper. It was a composite picture of several other pictures of her, with someone's kitchen floor as a backdrop. The source of the photos hit Tammy directly like an old song she hadn't heard in years. The picture that the new polaroid had captured were ones of her posing in her sheer bras and panties over a decade earlier.

Pulling the picture away so that she could see what was written on the piece of paper, Tammy felt her head start to throb and her gut turn sickly as she whispered the forebodding message out loud;

It read,

If you don't want everyone in town to see these pictures Bitch...you better meet us under the bridge on 12th street at 7 o'clock tonight! Or Else!!

PART 3 Coming soon Thanks for reading