Call #Six


A few weeks back I called on my neighbour Trunk and extended an invite for him and his wife Shelly to come over for a cook-out party I was planning to have the following weekend. He accepted and then said with a smile, "No offence intended here Pal but whenever I hear the word 'Barbecue' it takes my mind back to a garden party that I hosted some years back and I'm guessing your party ain't gonna turn out like that one."

Intrigued, I asked him what he meant by that and that was the cue for him to tell me the tale of their early days when Shelly had her first taste of a really big black cock. Trunk was a great story teller and he certainly had plenty of experience to draw upon. He had already told me stories of their early days when, just for fun, they let everyone think that Shelly was his sister and not his wife and to prove what he was telling was no lie, he had shared with me sight of a photo album that Shelly had compiled of the different cocks that had fucked her. A lot of the pictures were of stiff black cocks so I had no doubts as to what he was offering to tell me was going to be a true account so I set down and took the beer he offered and told him, "Tell me".

Here's what he said:


My 'sister' and I hosted a big cook-out and party at our mobile home (we were still poor back then), it was a really warm day, plenty of sunshine, windows open to let in the late summer breeze, music playing, lots of beer, sweet corn, steaks on the grill, the whole deal. As it started to get dark we lit a bonfire but a lot of the people, the ones who had kids, had left leaving just a few of the guys I worked construction with. So, there we were, the ones who were still there standing and sitting around the fire. I was sitting on the opposite side from a few of the guys and I guess they couldn't see me through the smoke and such but, for sure, I could hear them, Donnie, Jake and a friend of theirs, a coloured guy, Freddy, talking and I heard this Freddy ask the other two, "Now who's that hot little number in the yellow sun dress with the big tits?"

Jake said, "That is the sister I told you about."

"Oh, you mean the one that your friend Willie claimed he was banging?" Freddy asked.

Donnie leaned in and said, "That's her and Willie said that she is one hell of a great fuck." By now my dick is as hard as a board and I continue to listen to these three talk about my wife.

A few minutes later this Freddy says, "I think we should find out if Willie was telling the truth about her being a great piece of ass."

"Are you guys in?"

Jake said, "OK, I'm in but who's going to hit on her first?" to which Freddy replied, "I am, it was my idea, you white pussies … you two were just going to stand around all evening with half a hard-on and stare at her so I reckon I'm the man for the job." With that he walked over to my 'sister' and the last thing I heard was Jake say something like, "I was afraid that might happen!"

I wondered what he meant by that, but my mind and my dick were both in high gear from listening to these three saying that they were all going to fuck her. I also knew that it only took a few drinks (she always liked screwdrivers) to get her in the mood, if you know what I'm saying. When she had a few she was always hot and wet when I peeled her panties off, so I figured that these three might have no trouble with carrying out their plan. All I had to do was sit down in a lawn chair by the fire and wait to see what would happen.

About a half-hour later Jake, Donnie and I are sitting together in front of the fire sipping our beers when we all hear a muffled squeal followed by a very clear, "OH MY GOD" from the back bedroom window that we are about ten feet away from. The voice was clearly my wife, and over the next few minutes we are listening to the bed thumping and a continuous string of 'OH MY GODs'. If she said it once, she said it 40 times along with grunts and groans and a few more squeals too.

After at least 5 minutes of this it gets real quiet for a moment until we hear her clearly say, "Are you all the way in yet?"

A few seconds later this Freddy said something that sounded like, "Not quite."

I don't know if the other two guys noticed but by now my dick is stiff and ready to break. It gets even harder when the action we can hear through the bedroom window resumes and now the pace is faster and she is louder. After about 3 minutes we hear the distinct slap of flesh against flesh, and a few moments later I hear her say, 'OH … (flesh slap) … YEA … (flesh slap) … NOW … (flesh slap) … FUCK … (flesh slap) … ME … (flesh slap) … WITH … (flesh slap) … THAT … (flesh slap) … BIG … (flesh slap) … DICK ….' As we all sit there and listen she is as noisy as I have ever heard her and this Freddy guy is really laying a pounding on her.

Finally after 15-20 minutes of the three of us sitting listening to Freddy and my wife fuck like there is no tomorrow Jake said, "This is exactly what I was afraid of."

"I overheard you say that earlier to Donnie when Freddy walked away from you, what did you mean by that?" I asked.

Donnie leaned in and said, "Freddy is one of those freaks of nature, the dude is hung like a horse and once he starts on a new piece of pussy he is like an addict and will do his best to trash it before he's done."

Jake was going to say something when he was interrupted by my 'sister' in a much louder voice exclaim, "OH GOD FUCK ME, FUCK ME, FUCK ME … " and again the clear sound of flesh hitting flesh resumed at a faster and harder pace. (She told me later that this must have been when she was getting fucked doggie style). Jake finally said, "I swear his mother had to have been bred by a horse, you won't believe the dick on that guy. I'm telling you man he fucked my sister and she couldn't walk right for days and she told me that all she could wear was a skirt and no panties because she didn't want anything to touch her because she was so damn sore!"

Listening to the noises coming from the window I was having no trouble believing him.

Donnie and Jake, bored with waiting their turn I guess, got up to leave and they thanked me for having them at the party. Donnie's parting shot was to say, "Jake and me were both hoping to have a shot at your sister tonight but I know that by the time Freddy is done with her even sloppy seconds will be out of the question."

I bantered back, "Maybe you might have a chance if you had gone first and kept Freddy away and it would have been him having sloppy seconds from her."

He smiled, shook his head leaving me to hope he was wrong about the sloppy seconds. They left telling me that they figured Freddy would be staying the night.

After Donnie and Jake left I went into the trailer and sat down on the sofa, it was fairly dark in there except for the flickering light coming in through the windows from the bonfire that was still burning brightly. It was quiet in there and there was the distinct aroma of sex in the air. About 5 or so minutes later I could see my wife coming out the hallway and she is naked as the day she was born and she is holding a wash cloth between her legs. As she gets closer to me she asked, " Where are Jake and Donnie?"

I told her that they had left about 10 minutes ago and had already figured that Freddy was going to keep you for himself tonight.

She shrugged her shoulders like she was disappointed but nevertheless said, "So are you ready for your turn now?" as she sat down on the sofa. I got up and turned on the lamp and that is when I got my first look at what Freddy had done with her. She has bite marks and hickeys all over her neck, chest and breasts, but the big item for me is that I can tell that her pussy has really been stretched and his cum is just starting to leak out.

I didn't say a word, I just unzipped my pants as quick as I could, but before doing anything else I had the presence of mind to pick up the camera that was sitting on the side table; I just had to get a picture of her well-fucked pussy first.

(As an aside he said, "Yeah, you will have seen that picture I took that night and also the one she took of his huge black cock, it was the one she had written 'OH MY GOD' underneath! Before you leave I'll go and find the album again and you'll see what I mean" )

Anyway, I took my picture and put the camera to one side and then slid my almost hard as iron dick into her. Her pussy was as smooth as the finest silk and very slippery and, of course, very stretched. I hooked her legs into my arms and hammered her as hard as I could for as long as I could.

She made sounds like I was getting her off but after a few minutes she whispered in my ear, "When you're done with your turn I'm going to wake Freddy up and have him fuck me again." Her words were like a trigger and I shot my load of cum into her right then.

I got off like a broken hose and my dick almost fell out of the sloppy mess. Damn, I love this girl, she knows just how to push my buttons and I'm glad that I get to go along for the ride.

True to her word she padded off back down the hallway and after a few minutes of wiping up and a stop in the bathroom I heard her getting him awake. I hadn't noticed that she had picked up the camera but a few moments later I saw a camera flash. A few more minutes later and I just sat back and listened to those two try to fuck each other's brains out.

What a night. I wish I could have gotten a few pictures of Freddy fucking her but I guess all the booze I had ***** was messing with my head and, well, I didn't, I just wasn't able to. No matter, later I could hardly believe my eyes when she showed me the picture of Freddy's cock. She said that a minute after that picture was taken that she had climbed onto him and rode him as hard as she could. She said it like I couldn't hear them!

I listened as she rode his big cock and the noises told me that they had both got off again and somehow I fell asleep on the sofa. It was about 1:00 that I woke up to her yelling stuff like, "Come on fuck me you big-dicked bastard … come on fuck me, yeah, fuck me … " and he is just hammering the hell out of her. She is squealing and moaning and the bed is banging against the wall and then she shouts out, "Oh Jeez, I'm cumming again … come on fill me with your hot juice … yes that's it, fill me … oh, I'm cumming."

Man, I'm lying on that sofa listening to all this and once again my dick is as hard as iron. I'm stroking myself imaging what is going on but I'm hearing nothing. You can understand my confusion when about 10-15 minutes later a fully dressed Freddy comes out the hallway and says, "I'll see you at work man and you have one hell of a hot assed sister, sorry if we woke you up."

I was caught by surprise and I don't know if he saw me holding my cock but I covered up and as I felt myself going soft said as normally as I could muster, "That's OK she's done that before, I just don't want her husband or her parents finding out what she's been up to, you know. She would have holy hell to pay if anyone found out."

He nodded as if he understood what I was saying, "Yeah, OK man, I'll see you tomorrow …." and with that he went out the door.

I got off the sofa and went to the bedroom which reeks of hot sex and I can hear the shower running. I got undressed and into bed and a few minutes after that she came in and towel dries her hair before climbing into bed. She slides herself up on me and grabs hold of my half hard dick and says, "Are you interested in some sloppy, uh ........fifths … yep fifths. Let's see, he fucked me, you fucked me, I fucked him and then he fucked me again so, yeah, it would be sloppy fifths."

I am hard in an instant. "Aren't you sore at all?" I asked.

"Only way down in the bottom of my pussy that he made deeper. I don't know where he put all of that dick of his but he definitely left his mark down there! Other than being all stretched out, I feel fine," she replied as she clambered over me and slid her well-stretched pussy down on my dick. Then she did it again, she pushed that trigger when whispered in my ear, "We both know you won't be hitting the bottom anyway, don't we?"

I almost shot off right then; boy, can she push my buttons.

She worked herself on my dick for a few minutes as she had a mini orgasm and then she told me to finish myself off by fucking her doggy style, which I did. My hot assed 'sister' is truly a gift from the gods and I am such a lucky one.

Trunk set his beer to one side and went into the house only to emerge a few minutes later holding the photo album that I had seen a few weeks earlier. He opened it up and flicked through until he found a page and then removed a photo from its mount. He passed it over and I saw Freddy's picture out of the sleeve with a sheet of paper stuck on the back. He was right, Freddy's dick was huge.

I turned the picture over and saw the paper was covered in notes in what Trunk told me was Sherry's handwriting. She has notes stuck in different places throughout the notebook. I hadn't noticed them before when Trunk had shown me the book but what follows is taken from her notes.

'WOW, what a night, Freddy had a huge dick and after I let Trunk have his sloppy fifths!

'We talked for a little while Trunk wanted to know if I was OK. I told him I was fine, a little sore down deep but really mellow.

'I really got it last night three times from Freddy and two from Trunk. I was fucked out and drained.

'I really love that man of mine because there are a lot of women in the world that won't get to enjoy the stuff that I get to and he and I get to do what we want with who we want.

'I'm sure that a lot of people would call me a slut but I'm his slut and he loves me that way. When I'm old I'll know that I won't have to say I wish I would have done because we did it.

'I might do Freddy again but this time I'll be better prepared for that horse dick of his."

At the bottom of the page she wrote in capital letters 'GIRLS - FREDDY HAS A REALLY, REALLY BIG DICK - BUT HE IS OH SO GOOD WITH IT!!'


Trunk left me to flick through the album whilst he went to get more beers. There were so many pictures of stiff cocks and all were accompanied by notes in Sherry's neat handwriting. I found pictures of her with Willie on the fishing trip that Trunk had previously told me about and there were others of the time when she was with Thomas at his hotel room on Saturday night. It was a photo album the likes of which I had never before seen and I doubt if I will ever see one like it again.

Trunk returned, beers in hand, and we wiled away the next hour reminiscing about times past. I could never compete with the stories he told but I was more than content to listen to his (and her's) sexual adventures and, boy, had he got plenty to tell!

I eventually left to go back home leaving him holding onto the photo album and me nursing a stiff dick! I jokingly apologised to him in advance saying that he shouldn't expect to witness much of that kind of action at my party!

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