Call #Five


Trunk, my neighbour, has become a regular visitor and most summer evenings we can be found on the deck around my house, beers in hand checking out the scenery (not much to look at), sharing gossip (plenty of that!) and, best of all, him telling me what he and his wife Sherry got up to in the days before our retirements. I had no such experiences to relate. Well, not strictly true, it's just that my dalliances didn't compare to his tales, not by a long-shot, so I kept mainly dumb and just listened to his stories.

Last night he came by toting a 6-pack of beer and, much to my curiosity, a small photo album; something that he had often made reference to in his previous visits. We settled back in our seats and once we heard the sound of the TV from inside my house indicating my wife had made herself comfortable in her own chair and would not be disturbing us he passed the book to me and said, "thought you might like to take a look at this."

I put my beer to one side and picked up the small album, opened it and found that each page had a photo, a Polaroid, which featured an erect big cock. Well, most of them were erect, some were just kinda hanging there but still displaying an impressive length. Each picture had an annotation written beneath in a neat script as to the name of the 'owner' and in some cases other notes of interest such as the dimensions; how many times; how much cum. It was an unbelievable set of pictures and I was even more intrigued when Trunk pointed out that it was Sherry's handwriting that had penned the notes. The mind boggled.

I flicked through and stopped at a picture of a black guy (didn't show his face) just about to put his long fat dick into the pussy of a woman kneeling on a bed who I assumed to be Sherry (couldn't see that face either). It was annotated, 'Thomas - first time - Tuesday night'.

I didn't know what to say, the pictures were so explicit and left nothing to the imagination but nevertheless I felt I had to say something, "Jeez, Trunk, when the heck did this happen."

He laughed at my reaction and took the book back from me and peered at the open page. "Ah, yes, that would have been the time when we took a week away and went to the beach. That was a great vacation, let me tell you."

I sat back, took a swig of my beer and waited to hear another Trunk story.


"It was shortly after Willie had left to go work up-state so she was no longer getting her regular fucking that she had been enjoying from him. We had really gotten into our little game of letting everyone think that I was Sherry's brother and that I was lodging with her helping to pay the bills because her 'husband' was doing a 5 year stretch in prison. We never specified what 'he' was doing time for, just let them think he was a mean sonofabitch and that she was kinda grateful that she had free rein to mess around while he was away. Ya, gotta remember, we were both young, she was 18 at the time, and constantly horney.

"So, we went to the coast, Tybee Island just east of Savannah. It was quiet, quaint old seaside town, with not a lot to recommend but had a great beach and a few restaurants and clubs for evening entertainment. We got two-bedroom suite at a Days Inn and discovered from the literature that this was the original Days Inn; never knew that, did you know that?"

I shook my head, didn't like say that I wasn't fucking interested, get on with the story.

"Anyways, the rooms were clean enough and we set out that first night to go and get dinner, walk the boardwalk doing window-shopping before eventually ending up at a nightclub. We figured to find a place where we might find someone to fuck her and start our vacation off on the right foot.

"It was the third one that we tried that had a real buzz about it; right kind of music and friendly crowd that seemed to have the potential. It was kinda busy but we found seats at the bar and she sat on one and I sat on another leaving a free place between us. We figured that we might give the impression that we weren't actually a 'couple' but rather she was there on her own looking for a good time. It didn't take long before she had guys coming up and hitting on her and without giving me any consideration she went off and had dances with a few of them. It was really cute, she kept up the pretence that there wasn't a connection between us two by leaning over and asking me, 'Hey, fella, can you watch my drink for me?' when she went to dance so that the bartender wouldn't take it thinking it was finished with.

"The first few dances didn't do anything for her, the guys didn't light any fires in her but it was really amusing sitting with my back toward her and listening in to what they had to say. Jeez, some of their chat-up lines were so corny that I had to stop myself from laughing out loud. Then there was this one guy who came up and I heard him speak to her by name, 'Hey, it's Sherry, isn't it? '

"I turned to see her with a quizzical look at this older guy, guess he must've been around 40, he said to her, 'Remember me? You took math in my class at High School in your Senior year.'

"The penny dropped and she said something like, 'Oh yeah, I do remember; you didn't stick around for long, did you? How are you doing, nice to see you …' and all that kind of crap.

"I didn't hear his response other than him asking her if she wanted to have a dance. She went off and with a wink at me asked me to mind her drink. I watched them on the floor dance a few numbers including two slow songs when they held each other real close. The DJ called that he was going to take a short break and they came back to the bar and with a smile she thanked me for taking care of her drink and then turned her attention back to him. He helped her onto the stool before seating himself on the other one between us. I made out that I had nothing to do with her but moved so that I could hear more clearly their conversation. Imagine my surprise when the first thing I heard him say was, 'I want the truth now when you were in my class you were intentionally spreading your legs when you wore a skirt so I could see your panties, now tell me the truth, you were, weren't you?'

"She laughed and said, 'Oh yeah, I had a bet with some of the other girls that I could make you mess up but you never did. I was never too sure whether you were taking any notice but I guess if you're now asking, you must have been!'

"I was listening real close now because I sensed the tone in her voice had changed from when he had first turned up and that now she might have decided that he could be 'the one'. She glanced my way and leaned toward him and said loud enough for me to hear, 'Now I guess as I disappointed you back then that you want to see what's inside of my panties; to have a feel of what you were missing, don't you?'

"I got an instant hard-on hearing at where this might be going and I had to move away to get myself and my dick more comfortable. As I moved off of my seat she said to him, 'Let's finish our drinks and go back to my room, Davey Baby.' Obviously they had exchanged notes when they had been dancing and she had been reminded of his name. (Not Davey Baby but Dave!)

"She clearly had shared more information with him for he asked, 'What about your brother?'

"She gave another laugh and looking over his shoulder at me she said loud enough for me to hear, 'I told my brother if he struck out tonight that when he got back to the room, if the 'Do Not Disturb' sign was hanging on the door that he was to go to his own room and not bother me.' He didn't realise that her 'brother' was sitting right behind him!

"They both got off their stools and he took her arm to guide her through the crowded floor. She called over her shoulder to me and with a smirk and a wink, 'Thanks for looking after my drinks …' and then they were gone. I gave them a few moments and then followed their tracks.

"I went down the boardwalk that led to our hotel and mingled around as I watched them go arm-in-arm into the foyer. I then went out onto the beach so that I could get a good view of our room and after a few minutes I saw the light come on. I waited until the light went back off and knowing what she would now be doing I went up, ignored the 'do-not-disturb' sign and quietly let myself in and stood in the shadows just inside the door.

"They had music playing on our radio and the bedroom they were in had the door wide open and one of the little lamps was on. They are both completely naked and she is setting on the edge of the bed and he is standing in front of her while she is sucking his cock. Every so often she stops to say a few things to him, asking him if this was what he had been thinking off when she was flashing her panties at him; if his cock had gotten stiff and stuff like that. One of the things she said was that she couldn't wait to get back home and tell the other girls from her class and how they were not going to believe her that she had sex with their math teacher!

"Then came the weird bit, she gets up from the bed and out of the blue she asked him, 'Can I take a picture of you?'

"I guess he was so fired up that he wasn't thinking right 'cos all he said was, 'Go for it.'

"She got the camera and took a picture of him with his dick real shiny from her sucking him …."

Trunk picked up the album, flicked through the pages and said, "There, that's him … and when she put the camera down he pulled her down on his lap and smacked her bare ass about 8-10 spanks and said, 'There, that's for all the times you flashed me in my classroom.' Man, did she squeal!

"He then almost tossed her onto the bed, rolled her onto her back and said something like, 'Now I'm going to fuck that little pussy of yours that you teased me with ….' and with cock in hand he got between her legs.

"It was great, I had a grandstand view standing in this alcove and I knew he couldn't see me in the dark as he slid the head of his cock up and down her slit. He then pushed that big fat head into her (as he said this, Trunk pointed at the picture) and at the same time he put his hands on each side of her and leaned down to suck on her big nipples. Man, I love to see those nipples when they get stiff like that…

"Anyway, he began to move his hips back and forth and the whole time she is starting to moan and mumble words that I can't understand. A few minutes in and Dave has this steady rhythm going fucking her firmly and solidly putting his cock to her as he continues to suck on her breasts when she suddenly plants her feet and raises her ass in the air and yells, 'FUCK ME HARDER, FUCK ME, I'M COMING…' as she holds herself up for him to pound her.

"Dave did just that and starts to slam her as hard as he could, until I hear him say, 'I'm gonna cum.' in a weird kinda way as if he's being strangled or something but I know he ain't dying as her holds her hips and holds his cock as deep in her as he can, I know that he is filling her pussy with his cum.

"It was hot to see but I knew that she was going to have him stay for a while so while he lay there getting his breath back I slipped out of the shadows and went in the other bedroom and listened through the wall for, I don't remember exactly how long, but it was long enough for him to fuck her 2 more times before he left.

"I waited to hear the door close and that was the signal for me to straightway go to the room and find Sherry still laying on the bed, with that fresh-fucked look on her face, looking like she was smeared all over with his cum, and she says to me, 'It's your turn now.'

"Wow, what a start to our week's vacation that was. The week was just starting and we figured there were going to be more moments to enjoy. "

He cracked open a second beer and took another look at the photo album and said with a smile, "We didn't see any more of Dave; we guessed that he must have only been down for the weekend but that didn't matter, we figured that there were plenty of more fish in that sea to be caught, that's for sure.

"She had taken quite a pounding from her encounter with him and for the next couple of days she seemed to be fairly mellow from the pussy hammering that Dave had given her. We took things easy with sleeping in and a little fondling but little did I know that things were about to change and this was going to be a big shift for both of us.

"The weather wasn't great and come Tuesday morning it was still rainy and dreary, so after a late brunch we went out and did a little shopping and by mid afternoon with nowhere better to go or do we found ourselves outside one of those 'Old Tyme Photos' shops where you could have your pictures taken against different backgrounds where you stick your head through holes in the backdrop; tableaus, I think you call them.

"So Sherry drags me into this place and we look around and she says, 'Here, let's do this one' pointing to this photo of a man (I guess it was supposed to be the husband) dressed in old west style clothing holding a shotgun on a couple in a bed that appear to be naked under the covers. According to the description under the photo, shotgun guy has caught his wife in bed with another man.

"I said, 'That's fine with me but who is going to be the 'other' man?' She says, 'Ask that man over there, the one wearing a white tank top' and points to a guy looking at photos on the other side of the shop. She didn't need to be so explicit, at that time he was the only other guy in the shop!" he said with laugh.

"So, I go over to this trim, good looking black man who appeared to be in his late 20's, I introduce myself and asked him if he would help my wife and I out and be the 'other' man in the photo. He looked at the tableau and said, 'Sure, as long as the gun isn't loaded.'

"So the photographer guy comes out and asks us if we've decided what picture we want taking and we tell him the husband with the shotgun and couple in bed thing. He gets us all in our positions telling Shelley and the Black guy to look surprised and for me to appear angry. He took a couple of shots to make sure he got things right and by the time we'd finished we learnt that this guy who had been in bed with my wife was named Thomas and we thanked him very much for helping us out. Actually the photo turned out very realistic looking and we agreed with Thomas that it had all been a great laugh. He replied that it was totally his pleasure to be 'caught' in bed with such a pretty woman. We thanked him again and parted ways. We took our photo back to the room, got freshened up and went out for dinner and an evening of hitting the clubs.

"The weather hadn't improved any and I guess that had a knock-on effect and we found that evening the clubs were really packed. Around 9:00 we hit another one that was just as busy, in fact it was totally jammed, but it has a real good band so we stayed. Like our first night we pushed ourselves to the bar and we finally get one empty bar stool for her to sit on. I stood as close as I could but the crowd is 3 deep, pushing and shoving and I kept being moved back and forth just from the crowd shifting; it wasn't comfortable.

"So, she's sitting there about 5 minutes when we see the familiar face of Thomas from the photo shop over the other side of the room. It looked a whole lot more comfortable where he was sitting so we pushed our way through the crowd to go and say 'hi'. He looks up, recognises us and smooth as you like Thomas says, 'May I have a dance as payment for my work this afternoon?' She didn't hesitate (she'd already said after the photo shoot that she thought he looked hot!) so we both said sure, and off they went to the dance floor. They danced to several songs before they returned looking to have a drink but the crowd lined up at the bar was so deep that I suggested we take off and look elsewhere. When we got outside I asked Thomas if he would like to join us in our room because we had some adult beverages in the fridge in our suite. He agreed so off we went.

"Once we were in the room we got some drinks and sat out on the balcony and chatted. Thomas asked how long we had been married which led us to ask about his marital status. He said he never been married; almost, once, but she had backed out.

"Then we talked some about the types of work we did and it just seemed so relaxed sitting there chatting and we seemed to be hitting it off together just fine, having a wonderful time just talking. Then without prompting my wife says, 'I'd like to dance with Thomas again, it was too crowded at the club.' I caught the glint in her eye so I found some music on the radio and watched them dance a few slow songs when, without any warning, Sherry pulls his face toward her and kisses him. I had been wondering what might happen and if we might trick him into fucking her but now we were in our room and Thomas knew that we were husband and wife … we hadn't had the opportunity to set up the pretence that we were sister and brother.

"Thomas pulled back from her and looked at me I guess thinking I might be mad but I just said, 'It looks like my wife wants to get under the covers with you again, and I'm OK with that if you are.'

"Sherry didn't wait to hear his answer, right at that moment she unbuckles his belt, opens his slacks and pulls them down. She straightaway drops down in front of him and pulls down his underwear and grabs his cock. Thomas is still looking at me, in disbelief I guess, but I just laughed and said, 'You're on your own now Buddy, enjoy yourself.'

"Hearing me say that he pulls her up and says, 'let's get on the bed' and he laid down on his back and she crawled over him and got herself settled into a 69. He licked her pussy as she sucked on his black cock like she was starving to death.

"This was a whole new experience for both of us. Previously Sherry had gone off with her lovers or I had been hidden in the shadows watching but here I was in the room watching her and she was doing it right in front of me. It was only a few minutes until Thomas rolled her onto her back and took one last look at me (I just nodded) and he worked his fairly large, black cock into her. It was an awesome sight.

"Finally being able to get a front row seat, I watched as Thomas fucked her through several orgasms and then he had her get on her hands and knees and he took her doggy fashion. He assaulted her pussy with a powerful flesh slapping of his hips to her ass and gave her a pounding that had her wailing sounds of pleasure as he fucked her straight thru one orgasm after another. It didn't take too long before he shot a load of cum into her which made her wail once again even louder. He gave a final shove which caused her to slid forward on the bed and, damn me, if he didn't stay with her keeping his cock in her for a little longer before he finally pulled out.

"They were both covered with sweat as they lay there catching their breath, he finally rolled off of her back and a few minutes after that she rolled over onto her back and in between breaths called over to me and said, 'Do you want your sloppy seconds now?'

"I said to her, 'Damn right, I thought you'd never ask!' I climbed in between her legs and slid my hard as a steel bar dick into her as far as I could into her cum-filled cunt. I surprised myself as I held off cumming for almost 10 minutes!

"Thomas stayed in our room for the rest of the night and the Wednesday morning we sat and discussed the whole situation with him and told him that if he was discrete that he was welcome to fuck her anytime she wanted him to for the rest of our stay. We both did our best to keep her well fucked for the rest of the week and according to her we did an excellent job of it but she made no secret about having a preference for his big black cock rather than mine. I didn't keep score but she wanted him a lot until we left for home on Sunday.

"I was also able to take some more pictures and he was cool about that as long as his face wasn't in them. Trunk flicked through the pages of the album again and said, "Here, look, that's another one of him."

He pushed the book toward me and, sure enough, there was a picture of this Black guy feeding his fat cock into a kneeling Sherry. Under the photo was the neat annotation 'Last day - Thomas Sunday morning checking out her tan and him fucking her one more time.'

Trunk said almost wistfully, "It was a great holiday."
