Call #Three


Since becoming neighbours Trunk and me have really hit it off. We seemed to have so much in common and he was (and is!) a really nice guy and we just love to chat. We are of a similar age, both two retired guys, enjoying a life of leisure with plenty of time on hand to spend sharing beer and memories. (That is, when we when we aren't being told by our wives who always seem to be able to find us something more 'important' to do rather than shooting the breeze!) He certainly has led a colourful life and has no hesitation telling me what he and his wife got up to in their younger days and, boy, did they get up to some tricks.

I thought that I had heard it all about the stuff they did but the great thing about Trunk is that the oddest thing seems to set him off and prompt him to tell another story to add to those he's already shared. Take the time when we sitting out on the porch one evening and some guy in a RV had made a wrong turn into our narrow street and we had much amusement watching him trying to back out.

Trunk said, "... reminds me of the time when a rig like that pulled up outside my place .." and he was off on another of his tales.


'Willie had been tapping Sherry's pussy regularly since the New Year's party and he still didn't have a clue that it was my wife who he was fucking; he believed the story we had spun about her being married to a guy who was doing time in jail and that I was her brother and she was playing housekeep for me until he got out in 5 years time. It was a great line that we would use many times over the years and Willie had completely bought into it.

Willie was my co-worker with the construction company and he was nice guy, respectful, polite and he used to share with me after he had been on dates with my wife what a 'great fuck your sister is' how she had a real nice tight pussy and was so hot in bed.

I, of course, passed all this chat back to Sherry whenever I got home from work and she would in turn share with me what he had said and what they had done when he took her back to his place or when they had bought a few hours in a motel. The thought of them together used to drive me wild; my wife just 18 and my co-worker 24 and, she tells me, has a nice 8" cock. Jeez, the fuck sessions we used to have when she told me all this ... !

Anyways, as I said, Willie has been getting her regular when one day at work he asks me, "Do you think your sister might like to come away for a weekend with me?"

I told him, as I always did, that it was entirely up to her what she did but that I would pass on the invite but, ".. as you know she has a kid that she needs to take care of so that a weekend away might be a bit complicated!" I stuck that part in just to remind him that he was dealing with a real person here and not some three dollar whore.

He said that if she was agreeable that they would leave Friday evening and he would bring her back Sunday night. I passed on his message and then in turn passed her reply back that said that she would think about it, and yes she was interested but she didn't know about a sitter to look after her son.

In truth the idea of her going off with him for a few days was just the stuff we had dreamed of in our little fantasy world and there was little discussion between the two of us when I told her of the invite; of course she would do it.

The next couple of days at work were spent with him telling me how great it was going to be; how he was planning on going to a campground close to some lake where they could go trout fishing and it was a beautiful location .... yaddy, yaddy, yah and so forth. I told him it sounded nice and that I had passed on the invite and that she had said that if she could get her mother to take care of the kid for the weekend and, if her Mom agreed, how much she was looking forward to it.

The banter was all play-acting on my part because, hell yeah, she was going, no question, so imagine our surprise when on the Friday evening he came by to collect her driving some big old RV that he hadn't told us about but more to the point that he wasn't alone, he had his uncle with him, the owner of the RV and Willie tells us that when he asked to use the motor home his uncle said only if he got to go fishing too.

Willie introduced Leonard to us and said that he had told Leonard all about 'his girlfriend' and then he had mentioned the proposed camping trip and that Leonard had kind of indicated that he could have the camper for the weekend but, uh, there was a price attached ....

My 'sister' said, "I'll have to talk to my brother about this."

So we stepped away and Sherry and me quickly figured out what the price was they were expecting. We had a short discussion about the uncle and she said that she could 'handle it'. I guess that we both sort of figured that having the uncle getting his share of 'young, married, white pussy' was a fair price for us to be notching up to another level in our fantasy world.

We decided that as we had gone this far and given I knew where they were going to be 'camping', etc. we told the two of them who were still hanging by the RV that she could go.

So she grabbed her suitcase and gave me a hug and said, "I'll see you Sunday night," and off they drove.

I waited for a few minutes to let them get clear and then I followed the route to the campground and soon spotted where they had set up camp by the lakeside. I was intending to go and sneak a look through the windows but then I kind of got cold feet and figured I didn't want to get caught sneaking around so I went back home to spend the weekend alone with a hard-on the whole time she was gone thinking about what she was doing with two black guys.

It seemed I spent a lot of Sunday afternoon looking out of the drapes hoping to catch sight of them coming back but I had to wait until about 10:30 at night when finally they pulled into the driveway. I went out to greet them and when they all got out of the motor home she gave both Willie and his uncle Leonard a big hug and kiss each before waving goodbye to them as we watched them leave.

They weren't gone 30 seconds and without saying a word we went back inside the house and our clothes were off and I slid my dick into a very slippery, well fucked pussy that I hammered as hard as I could. Finally she wrapped her legs around me real tight and said, "Don't you want to hear about my weekend?" so I stopped for a moment ... I needed to catch my breath anyway!

"Well, it turned out Leonard knew all about me and Willie ..." was the first thing she said, "... evidently he had bragged to his uncle about fucking a married, white woman."

She went on with her story and as she talked I can feel her pussy squeezing my dick. She said after they got to the campground and everything set up, they had some supper and Willie and Leonard had a few beers. Then Willie took her off to the bedroom, helped her take her clothes off and had her lay down so he could eat her pussy. After a few minutes he rolls over on his back and has her guide his cock into her and has her riding him for a few minutes when she becomes aware that Leonard has joined them. He has taken off his clothes and is standing alongside displaying a fairly large cock of his own, probably as long as Willie's 8 inches but maybe a little thicker. He gets on the bed right in front of her and said, "I hope you don't mind if I join in!" With that he holds his cock in front of her mouth and she told me that, "I just opened my mouth and started sucking on the head. It took me but a few seconds before I started to cum all over Willie's dick."

By now my cock is ready to bust in half, she continued telling me about how she rode Willie for a while and then how Leonard had put her on her back and pounded her for a little before Willie had her get on her hands and knees to fucked her doggy style until he shot a load of cum in her. He immediately pulled out and Leonard took his place and slid his cock into her and hammered her some more and then he put her on her back again, hooked her legs with his arms so that he was pounding her pussy straight down until he shot his big load of cum into her.

She was still squeezing me with her pussy while she was talking and at that point visualising her being fucked by the old man my cock let loose every last drop it could find into her and I sort of blacked out a little.

The following day I went into work and Willie couldn't wait to tell me that his uncle had congratulated him on providing such a 'fine piece of white pussy'. I obviously couldn't tell him that Sherry had shared with me the night before that the uncle had given her a good workout and even though he was a little 'older' than any man she had ever had before, that he wasn't rough with her but that she had also said with a giggle that each time he pumped a load of cum in her that he told her he was going to put a black baby in her belly.

Willie said that he and his uncle spent the weekend taking turns with her and he told me all about how 'hot' it was for him to watch his uncle fuck her. He said his uncle could go on for quite awhile without cumming and they would actually stop and take a break and then his uncle would fuck her some more. Every time he would tell me about what he was doing with her, I had to hide the erection that I had; I had a hard-on all day!

When I came home from work on that Monday she was all over me and I was all over her as she told me all about the rest of her weekend and how they would take turns fucking her by themselves and every so often they would team up on her and fuck her until they were exhausted.

For the rest of that week when I would get home she would tell me more of what they did and I could tell that her pussy was still a little stretched from them as I fucked her. She really got me going when she said that she was actually surprised given the amount of cum that they had shot into her that she didn't get pregnant that weekend. Wow, what a thought!

A few weeks later Willie gave me an envelope and said, "Uncle Leonard said to give this to your 'sister'. So I took the envelope home, she opened it and it turns out the Uncle Leonard had taken a few pictures including some that I figured he must have used some kind of remote switch so he could take pictures of all three of them.

It was those pictures that were the start of a collection that I still have after all these years and the cool part is that when I look at pictures that involve 'Willie' and when I read what she had written on the backs it takes me straight back and I can remember in great detail what had occurred and how and when these pictures were taken.

I found it hard to believe but was so thankful that she was made this way for you've got to understand that Sherry although she was quite young was your typical soccer mom in the public eye; didn't dress provocatively when going about her normal day or evening and always acted and talked very low key. I always thought it would shock the socks off a lot of our friends if they ever got their hands on her 'album' that is loaded with pictures of a lot of the men she was intimate with. She also liked to write things on the back of the pictures about who they were, what they did, how they had crossed her path, how often and where they were having sex and which ones were real good at servicing her.

(Unfortunately there were no pictures from her 'first time' when she lost her virginity to her next neighbour, a guy called Tom, divorced fella, who took a shine to her and when her parents weren't around he introduced her to the pleasures that a hard cock in a wet pussy can bring to a young girl.)

Anyway, it was a couple of months later that Willie got transferred to another site up-state and I thought that would signal the end of that little episode and the last we would be seeing of him. For sure, we didn't ever see anything of Willie again but, dang me, if later that summer when I come home after work one Friday evening it was to see Leonard's RV parked out the front of my house.

I pulled up alongside to find Sherry talking to Leonard and I guess she was a bit embarrassed at me seeing him again and she said that she had 'forgotten' to tell me that after Willie's departure that she had kept in touch with Willie's uncle and that he had come by hoping to arrange going away again on another 'fishing trip'. If hearing that wasn't a surprise then being introduced to another young guy, Martin who was sitting in the passenger seat most certainly was. (Leonard, in keeping with 'our game', introduced me as Sherry's brother.)

We stepped away from the rig and she looked at me with those 'cow eyes' and with pretty please asked if she could go. I was a bit taken aback at being confronted like that but, hell, this was right up there with what we liked to do so what could I say. However, seeing that other guy was a bit of a jolt and I asked if she knew about him.

That was when I had another shock, she said, "do you remember those pictures from the first time I went away with Willie?"

Hell, yeah, how could I not remember? I'd stroked off enough times looking at them!

She said, "Well, you thought that Leonard must have had some kind of remote to take them. Um, there wasn't any remote, they were taken by Martin, Willie's cousin, who had turned up on the Sunday and in between taking pictures he had been taking his turn to fuck me as well!"

Jeez, what could I say? I took a look at Martin and quickly figured that together with his ***, like father; like son, he most probably had just as big a cock that was ripe and ready to pleasure her; I told her to go pack her bag!'


Trunk concluded his story by telling me that Leonard and Martin did take her away for a few other weekends in the motorhome after Willie his co-worker moved away. He even indicated that he had gone and observed the action as some kind of voyeur but with the evening getting late and a little chilly and the guy in the RV we had been watching finally able to get himself out of the street we decided it was time to say goodnight.

As I left his porch Trunk said that those 'fishing weekends' were just the start of some great times that he and his wife had 'arranged' but that he would save telling me about those for some other time.

I'm looking forward to it but I am also wondering how to ask if I can see that picture album.

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