As told to Curt Bruch in confidence by Dave….


Question: when does your Mum stop being just your Mum?

Actually, the question is a little more complex than that; perhaps what needs to be asked is when did you realise that the woman who raised you was not just a sweet lady who loved, tended and nurtured you from birth through childhood but was in fact a black cock loving slut!

For me the revelation came when we went on a ****** holiday to the Caribbean.

My Mum's name is Sara, a lively, vivacious lady who married my ***, Derrick, a quiet inoffensive man who idolised his wife and throughout their marriage would do anything for her; anything that she asked. They were so different in temperament and outlook that it's hard to understand whatever the attraction could have been that bought them together. Not that I had any such thoughts as a mere teenager; at the time of our holiday I had more than enough to worry about just growing up in my own adolescent world without pondering on the human condition and history of my parents.

Likewise, I was never certain where the idea or the means to go on such an exotic vacation came from. We weren't a 'well-off ******' by any measure. My *** had some kind of middling management job; mum worked part-time in a shop but I did understand that when her father (my Granddad) died that his estate was worth a bit so perhaps that was what paid for the extravagance. As I say, I wasn't much aware of such things, I was just pleased to know that we were going to be going on a long-haul flight to some out of the ordinary destination the likes of which I had only seen on TV or the movies.

We went to an all-inclusive resort in Antigua called 'Jolly something or other', which was a complex of lo-rise apartments dotted around the swimming pools or, as we had elected to have, beachside chalets which stretched along the shoreline tucked back between shallow dunes. There were bars and restaurants and games facilities all around and the complex was supposedly a safe haven with security fencing and guards and such to prevent locals gaining unauthorised access. We soon discovered that our accommodation which was at the far end of the line of chalets had no such barrier to prevent anyone who so chose to come wandering in; not that it bothered us with our naïve way of looking at the world.

Mum was in her mid-30s at the time, she was (still is) a lovely woman. Standing just a few inches short of six foot, she has naturally blonde hair and, although as her teenage son I should not have noticed, there was no ignoring she had a nice pair of breasts, a slim waist, long legs and a lovely looking ass. Together with her out-going attitude and her tendency to flirt with any male who made eye-contact, she was the complete package of being a very sexy looking woman.

My ***, on the other hand, although equally tall was quite lean and mild in nature. I wouldn't say that he had any great distinguishing features and he forever seemed to trail in mum's wake as she went about enjoying life and as for eye-contact he would tend to look the other way so not to antagonise anyone.

We settled down very quickly to our Caribbean lifestyle and Mum, as always, soon made friends. She had assembled quite the holiday wardrobe albeit that it mainly consisted of brief bikinis and swimsuits which she sometimes covered with diaphanous silky wraparounds whenever she left the beach. I don't know what the 'friends' thought of her but I, as her son, had many incestuous thoughts running through my mind which meant that I was frequently sunbathing laying on my stomach so as to hide the boner that was tenting my shorts!

Occasionally we would take the hotel shuttle bus into nearby St. Johns where Mum could indulge in another of her passions, shopping. *** and me would trail behind her as she browsed the market stalls looking for yet another bikini or wrap and she, as always, would be quite the flirt as the black proprietors bantered with her making all kinds of outrageous suggestions. She lapped it up; *** said nothing but would just wait to do his duty and pay for anything that she might have eventually chosen.

It was on this holiday that I discovered quite a lot about my parents of which I was previously only suspected. Indeed as a growing teenager I guess they hadn't really given me much mind and that I might be taking notice or even be interested in what they were up to with their socialising. They tended to let me find my own amusements whilst they went their own way to indulge in their own little games and past-times. I think that they must have assumed I was forever the little boy who could make his own fun and didn't notice what was going on in the adult world. How wrong they were; since puberty and those irritating erections that were constantly demanding attention I had been forever taking an interest but I knew better than let them know that I knew they 'played' with other married couples.

I blame my mother, of course, for encouraging me, my growing passions and laying the seed for me becoming an avid voyeur. She was a sexy-looking woman and around the house never showed any modesty in my presence and I often witnessed her in her underwear or naked as she went about getting ready for work or bed. I had no need for 'birds and bees' talks; she unwittingly gave me graphic lessons on the charms of a grown woman and coupled with the pictures that I discovered in some magazines that my *** thought he had hidden away I had plenty of images to keep me and my erections busy at night when I got to bed. The images in my mind always featured my mother's face.

My imagination and fantasies were assisted by another thing about my mother. She was very vocal when making love. This was soon discovered as my bedroom in our house was adjacent to my parents and the walls must have been quite thin. Mother had (I was also able to figure out as I grew) a healthy appetite for sex and many a night I would lay and hear her urging my *** to fuck her 'harder' or 'yeah, just like that' or just moaning and groaning as, in my imagination, his cock did her bidding. As I listened and stroked off, it wasn't my *** that I saw fucking her ….

Likewise here in the Caribbean. Our chalet was even more flimsily built that our modest house back at home and the walls gave little privacy as far as conversation was concerned. Mother thought that I had no idea what she was suggesting when she would invite my *** to join her in an afternoon nap, "to take a break from the sunshine" was her excuse. She would ensure that I was supposedly busy with my book or that I might be interested in joining in one of the beach games and then I would wait as I watched them go off the beach into our chalet. Once they disappeared inside I would quickly follow their footsteps knowing that by the time I crept inside the cabin she would already be spread-legged on the bed and my *** would either be face-down between or be stroking or guiding his stiff cock in preparation for fucking her. Once she was 'in the zone' she was totally oblivious to all else and certainly never knew that her son was peering through the open door (or, if the door was closed, the crack that I had discovered in the wall between our bedrooms).

As I stroked off looking and listening it never occurred to me at the time as to whether my father was a willing participant or if he was just doing as he was told. It was never in his nature to be the alpha, the aggressor, and it almost seemed that he was just a willing tool for my mother's pleasure. In sex, as with everything else that I remember of him, he just did as he was told by my mother. Not that she treated him in a spiteful or unkind way, it was just what they did and I guess it was from observing them that set in my mind that this was how married couples related to each other and why I grew up in their image.

From experience of hearing them fuck when we were at home I knew very well when it was time for my father to cum. I would hear her moans and squeals building in crescendo and for my father to follow suit with a particular groan that told me he was about to start shooting his sperm into her. Now for the first time I could actually see what was occurring and as I wanked my stiff cock in time with his rhythm I heard his groan come to that particular pitch. He pushed forward for a final thrust and I mused that he would have been proud to know that his son was at the same time ejaculating copious amount of his own cum into the towel that had been conveniently held by his other hand. Once I had finished cumming I would beat a hasty retreat back to the beach holding the towel against me to catch any evidence that might suggest I had been anywhere else!

It was on this holiday that another thing that I shared with my father became apparent. The adverse affect of alcohol. Father had always been fond of drink, that I knew from when we were at home. Here, in the confines of our all-inclusive resort, it was something that he was able to indulge himself without having to worry about the expense or the consequences for unlimited complimentary drinks and cocktails were available day and night.

Trouble was that for my father these drinks were much stronger and more powerful than those at home and it was soon discovered that one or two would be enough to make him go a bit silly; more would make him almost insensible. For myself, it was here that I discovered that alcohol and me just did not mix and the few tastes I had of the likes of Rum Punch were enough to give me a lifelong aversion to any kind of intoxicating drink.

However, it was alcohol that would play a key role in the best voyeur experience that I have ever had.

We were coming to end of our two week stay in Antigua and, as far as my parents were concerned, I had just been acting the dutiful son enjoying the beach and the fun that the hotel provided. What they didn't know was that most of my pleasure had come from quietly observing what was going on all around me of young couples doing what young couples do when on vacation. I was very good at being discrete and, for me, it was a voyeur's paradise none more so than keeping an eye on what my mum was up to with some of the other hotel guests, especially two single guys who I figured had come to the Caribbean for sun and sex; mainly sex.

We had ourselves a few more excursions into town and mum would always gravitate toward a particular stall where she had struck up quite a rapport with the proprietor, a big black guy who traded suggestive remarks with her whenever she picked out some revealing item of clothing that was on sale. Even me, with my youth and supposed innocence could recognise that what they were saying went beyond the bounds of decency; heaven knows what my *** made of the banter, I could only hazard a guess. It was during our last visit that mum suggested that the black man might care to come out to the resort and enjoy the sunset from our spot on the beach. A suggestion that was according to the rules of the hotel forbidden to be made to locals. " … but it's OK," said mum, "we are at the end of the beach and we can meet you outside of the hotel's grounds" .

Our black man made the date and said he would bring along a friend and something to drink. Again, my *** had no say in the matter and it was arranged that later that day they would meet on the beach just along from our cabin. I, needless to say, was not included in the invitation.

That evening after we all had dinner in one of the restaurants mum suggested that I might like to stay and take in the movie that was being shown in the lounge. The way she put it was, "*** and me are going to take a little stroll to watch the sunset. I'm sure that you won't be interested in that, will you?" she said as if the decision was a done deal.

I watched them make their way up the beach in the direction of our cabin and beyond. They were arm-in-arm, as always, not so much for affection's sake but rather that my *** needed a little support given he was inclined to drink a little too much wine with his meal which made him unsteady on his feet. Mum likewise drank a little more than was wise but in her case it just made her lose any inhibitions she may have retained!

Once they were safely on their way I slipped away from the table and quickly caught and kept pace with them along the path that ran behind the cabins. They had no idea that I was following them.

Eventually they passed by our cabin and reached the marker post stuck in the sand which denoted the extent of the hotel's grounds and its jurisdiction. As expected, waiting on the other side of the invisible border was the familiar face of the market guy and another fellow who were both lounging on the beach. They were dressed in tee-shirts and baggy shorts … as were two other black guys who were sat a little apart and to one side. I ducked down behind some straggly bushes at the top of the dunes to watch. I had no sooner hidden myself away when the two single guys from the hotel who mum had been very friendly with suddenly appeared and joined the spectators so that there was now a jolly little party of eight.

Market guy greeted mum like she was an old friend and she returned the compliment by giving him a hug and a kiss. He seemed rather reluctant to let go but eventually did so and she and my *** sat down on the sand beside them and attention was turned toward the horizon where the sun was just about to sink below in a blaze of reds and yellows and every shade in between. I had to admit that it was quite a spectacle.

However, as the sun disappeared a greater spectacle was beginning to unfold before my eyes. Market guy's friend produced a container that held what looked suspiciously like homemade Rum Punch; plastic cups were passed around and soon all of them were toasting each other as they relaxed on the sand. Whether or not this was a signal, I don't know, but soon the other guys who had been lurking nearby came and joined them and more cups were produced and suddenly it seemed like a party was underway. From where I knelt I could hear mum's giggles that suggested she was a match for any party suggestions and I could also see that *** was well under the influence of the strong alcohol and seemed to be laughing at every inane comment that was being made in my mother's direction. I couldn't exactly hear what was being suggested but clearly it appealed to my mum's sense of fun and soon she was sharing kisses with all of them in turn whilst my *** just sat back in a kind of stupor.

Soon the kisses turned into something more passionate and the next thing I saw was my mum reach over and make a grab at Market guy's cock through the fabric of his shorts. Everyone reacted with laughter and calls of encouragement for her to do more but she didn't have to comply for Market guy made the decision for her by pulling off his shorts and out sprang, what seemed to me from my viewpoint, the most enormous stiff black cock. That's when the laughter ceased. He stood up in front of her and she needed no encouragement to kneel before him and take hold of the monstrous thing and begin to suck him off. I was astounded, I had seen pictures in magazines but never at my tender age had I seen the real thing, much less thought that my mother would know of such practices. Had she ever done this to my father, I wondered as I felt my own dick start to swell in my shorts.

Clearly mum was quite the practitioner and I looked on in wonder as she tried her best to take that fat cock into her mouth. There was no way that she could take it all but she must have been doing something right for Market Guy groaned his approval as I heard her slurp and make sucking sounds as her head bobbed back and forth. From the corner of my eye I could see *** trying to get to his feet doubtless meaning to make a protest but by this time two of the other guys were sitting alongside him and pretty much restraining his movement. I suspect that he wasn't able to move much in any case.

I was a little envious of him being so close to the action for I'm sure he was getting a much better view than me of what mother was doing. For sure, he must have seen better than I one of the hotel guys move over and pull Mum's top up to ****** her beautiful breasts; Mum hardly paused sucking as she felt her tits being mauled. Emboldened, the guy then lifted her short skirt and revealed that naughty mummy had forgotten to wear any panties that evening.

What a sight, my mother, her mouth full of black cock with another guy standing behind her stroking her tits and touching her bare pussy.

She pulled off and let the wet cock bob up and turned to see who was 'interfering' with her. Clearly she recognised him as one of the hotel guests who had previously been very familiar with her for she had no hesitation in pulling down his shorts so that his cock likewise popped out. He helpfully held it in his hand and guided it to her mouth. Poor mother, she didn't know which one to attend to first, the black or the white!

The other guys who had been watching the developing scene from a distance all moved closer leaving my *** literally legless where he lay on the sand. He didn't seemed to be too distressed to be left alone and I'm thinking he was as content as I to be just looking on … if he could actually focus, that is. Soon my mother was surrounded by six guys, black and white and all of them with their stiff cocks out and waiting their turn for some of the action that my mother was so eager to provide.

In the gathering gloom following the sunset it became a little difficult from my viewpoint to see with clarity who was doing what to whom but one thing was very clear, mum lay back and in a trice Market Guy was between her legs and the fat cock that she had made so wet and slimy with her mouth was shoved into her wet cunt. (I use that word for now the scene had turned into one that resembled the pure pornographic descriptions that I had read in ***'s magazines!).

Mum squealed as he pushed forward and then her cries turned into soft moans as he began to steadily fuck her. Her whimpers were silenced when another guy knelt alongside, pulled her head around and offered his cock for her to suck. She seemingly accepted the gift with no hesitation. I pulled my own rigid cock out of my pants and began to wank in pace with the guy who was fucking her. It seemed to take no time at all before we both cum; him filling her pussy with his sperm, me shooting my stuff into the sand.

He kind of rolled off her and instantly another stiff cock had taken his place leaving the others to be standing around either fondling her tits or wanking or doing both. The air was filled with grunts and sounds of pleasure and I just kept holding my breath afraid that my heavy breathing might be heard and I would be discovered as I looked on. I needn't have worried, everyone was far too occupied with my mother than to give any mind to what might be beyond their little circle of fun.

It was after the fourth cock had spunked off inside her that I noted that the dynamic had changed. Whereas previously it had been the guys that were instigating and leading the action, now it appeared to me that my mum was starting to fuck back and making demands. At first it seemed they were almost holding her down, not really violently, as they fucked her but now I guess her body took over and it was her who was encouraging them to take turns and to come back for seconds. I even saw her get on top of one guy and once his cock was firmly buried in her pussy she turned and suggested that one of the others might like to fuck her anus. (Something else I'd seen in ***'s books, I think it was called 'double penetration'.) I was unable to see if he was successful but for sure it caused mum to squeal even louder as he tried.

The gang bang orgy went on for almost two hours and with the nightfall now complete I could see nothing more but from the conversation I sensed that they were close to being finished. I stole away and hastily went back to our chalet. I washed my sticky hands and got myself into bed just before the door opened and there stood my mum supporting my very unstable ***.

"Hello dear, we're back from our walk, it was lovely, you missed a great sunset. Did you have a nice time at the movies?" she said in a croaky voice.

She looked a mess, I made no comment on her appearance and just said something non-committal but she wasn't really interested in my answer and before I knew it they had already turned to make their way to their own bedroom with her adding, "We're both a little bit tired after the walk; we're off to bed. Night, night."

The bedroom door closed with a click but it made not a jot of difference, I could still hear very clearly every word.

"You were really good tonight; I was very pleased that you didn't interfere. Did you enjoy watching? … I couldn't really see you from where I was lying. Come on, let's get you undressed and into bed and I'll let you have a special treat."

I heard sounds that might have been him unbuckling his belt. To check what exactly was going on I knelt on my bed and peered through the crack for confirmation. I was just in time to see him standing with his stained pants around his ankles and my mother smiling at the sight of his very wet but limp dick. "My, my, you darling cuckold, you did enjoy yourself, didn't you?" she said.

My father didn't say anything but allowed himself to be led toward the bed where my naked mother then lay upon her back and pulled him so that he could put his face between her spread legs. "There, now you can have your turn … lap it all up."

Oh my god, what a sight. I lay back on my own bed and stroked my once again rigid dick as I listened to the sound of his slurping and her moaning as she was bought to yet another orgasm but this time not by a black cock but by my father's tongue.

My own cum spurted over my belly; what an end to a perfect holiday.


I was (am) forever grateful for my mum's attitude to life and all the things that she unwittedly taught me. I'm sure she knew that I had occasionally been spying on her but I believe that only pandered to her sense of fun and she knew that I would be discrete about what I saw.

My father, as I say, was a dear man who was completely subservient to my mum's wishes and he hadn't been known to hurt a fly. Knowing him as I learned to do it was a surprise when I discovered his 'Porn Stash' for I never expected that him with his mild manner to be interested in such things. However, the holiday experience put paid to that impression and he clearly had quite a few fantasies that my mum helped him out with and I would have loved to have had the opportunity once I was older to have discussed these with him.

However, it was not to be for it was after the holiday that he began to have pains in his abdomen that was diagnosed as being caused by cancer. It must have been pretty aggressive for within two months of diagnosis he was dead.

We mourned him deeply and I never thought any less of him for what he did or allowed my mum to do. My mum was known to be friendly with everyone, it was her nature, and *** was a good man, just not very assertive, maybe a little weak at times but he was a good *** to me. I miss him a lot.

As for mum, she soon bounced back after dealing with her grief and became quite the social animal. She joined the gym and given her love of dancing also enrolled at a 'Salsa Club'. I'm not too sure what her motivation was but I suspect that the Antigua experience on the beach that night had turned her into some kind of 'big black cock whore'. (Another expression that I had picked up from my ***'s magazines which, now of course, were all mine and I no longer had to return them to his hiding place). The gym gave her the opportunity to work out under the guidance of personal trainers (black, of course) and the Salsa club, well, I'm not sure exactly went on there but clearly she was able to get up close and personal with some Latino types to the extent that whoever happened to be her dance partner on club evening invariably was invited to escort her home for a 'night cap'. On those occasions I used to keep well out of the way and confine myself to my room where I could keep an eye on what she was up to in her bedroom through the conveniently drilled hole in the wall.

Such was my life until the time came for me to go off to college and my days of spying on my mother was restricted to whenever I came home for holidays or such. Indeed, even those occasions became more infrequent as I was soon to discover love of my own and, to use an old-fashioned term much loved by my parents, I began courting Sam, a fellow student … a girl, I hasten to add!

Fast forward a few years and my lovely Samantha became my wife and for a while my days of voyeurism were forgotten as I discovered the joys of being with someone who loved to fuck.

And so my new life continued, however, as time went by I could not help but have flashbacks to all those scenes I had secretly enjoyed without the participants knowing. It didn't help when my mother sometimes came to visit and to be in the company of this still beautiful woman, who in her middle age has no trouble turning a head or two, was to remind me of when I had seen her with a black cock pounding her pussy.

Mother had always seemed to have been so casual about her 'affairs' and my thoughts would turn to how nice it would be if Samantha had a similar attitude and desires. She used to visit us quite often and I was so pleased to see how easily she connected with her ********-in-law. Often when I returned home from work the pair of them would be deep into gossip over a cup of tea and Samantha was always full of smiles. When I asked her later what had been so amusing she would only say something like, "Nothing in particular; mum has just been sharing her secrets of how to be a good wife … she's been telling me about her clubs and the gym … it sounds to be great fun …" Curious.

So far we haven't had any kids but I can't help but wonder if it did happen whether a son (or a ******** for that matter) might grow and have the same secret passions that I held and be a voyeur of his mother enjoying being fucked by a black man. Indeed, the idea has now become a fantasy that I amuse myself with even when I am making love to my wife. As my dick is swallowed by her warmth I close my eyes and have this vision of her being fucked by a big black cock, making a cuckold of me as I sit in a chair watching and there, on the other side of the open bedroom door, are my kids looking on, open-mouthed. There are variations on the theme but the one constant is that it is a black cock that is sliding into my wife's pussy.

Will it ever happen, who knows? Samantha isn't my mother but I live in hope!

The closest I ever got to seeing my wife with another man was recently when we on holiday in Greece.

We were on the beach one day and we struck up a conversation with a guy who was on his own sitting next to us. There were very few other people around. He was a much older man, very dark complexion and very easy to talk to and, being a man, he seemed to be more interested in talking to Samantha rather than me. Indeed, I was on her other side and it became a little uncomfortable to be propped on my elbow to talk so I feigned going to sleep and to let the two of them chat away without my contribution.

Through my half closed eyes I noticed that every time my wife wasn't looking he was checking her out, making no pretence of looking at her breasts … and who could blame him?

He produced a bottle of wine and I was 'awoken' and offered a glass which I declined because of my aversion to alcohol but, "… as I'm awake, I think I'll go for a swim".

Samantha who already had a glass in her hand declined to go with me but asked before I went if I would put some sun-cream on her back. I hesitated but the Greek guy said that he was happy to do it if I wanted to go ahead and swim.

She smiled at me when I asked her if that was ok and then nodded her consent.

I went down to the water and as I made play at swimming watched as he took the bottle of sun lotion from her and went and sat behind her. He dribbled the lotion and started to rub it on her shoulders then down her arms; back up her arms onto her shoulders again. Then to my surprise he dribbled some lotion down her front onto the top of her breasts. I could see that she had her eyes closed and she made no objection when his hands moved further down under her bikini top and I could clearly see his hands cup her breasts. Oh my god, I was beginning to get those feelings that I had when watching mother!

He moved one hand down her belly, on to her bikini bottoms and then down between her legs. I knew he must have his hand right on top of her pussy maybe even a finger or two in her down there. I was transfixed at what I was seeing but there was no way I could get out of the water as I had a hard cock from watching this stranger feeling my wife's pussy,

She leaned back against him and then deliberately parted her knees and I could see her bikini pants moving as he was definitely finger fucking her pussy. Then with a start she opened her eyes, seemed to realize what was happening and glanced down toward me. She hastily removed his hands off and made out nothing untoward had happened as I came up the beach to join them. She looked very flushed and I wondered if she had actually orgasmed.

I didn't let on that I had seen what was going on but I think she was quite relieved to stand up and to go and have a swim herself as I'm sure I could see her bikini bottoms were quite wet from her juices.

I sat down next to the Greek guy who was sitting with a grin. He told me I had a lovely wife and he would love to get to know her better. I didn't admit to him that I would like that too.

Samantha came back from her swim and he asked us if we wanted to have dinner with him that night. I could see from the look on his face that he might have more than just dinner in mind and my mind started racing at the possibilities. Unfortunately, Samantha said we were sorry but we already had dinner booked for that evening. I didn't contradict.

We did see him a few more times on the beach, indeed, he seemed to be very keen to make sure he found us so that he could repeat the sun-cream ceremony on her. It almost became a ritual that if I wanted to swim he would offer to give her the treatment.

There were variations to this intimacy and I delighted in surreptitiously looking on. One time after he had finished rubbing the lotion on her and I had come back from my swim he invited her to go into the water with him. It was the first time I had actually seen him stand up and he was wearing these Speedo kind of swimmers and, my god, his cock was straining against the fabric leaving nothing to the imagination as to the size of his prick. He wasn't quite like the black men that I had seen my mother fuck but, close enough!

They went down to the water and I was amused to notice that swimming wasn't on their minds as that they were standing very close together in the water not actually making any attempt to swim. They were waist-deep and I got hard thinking he was maybe fucking her under water or at least finger-fucking her. They were certainly gone long enough for them to have done both but when she came back she never mentioned anything.

The beach is very similar to that in Antigua. Lovely sandy expanse with some gentle dunes above and the same sort of old scrubby bushes and grass that one could hide behind if so inclined. With a few more days before our holiday came to an end I suggested that because it can also be a bit breezy it might be nice to go and sunbathe and shelter from the wind in the shallow dips of the dunes. Samantha thought it was a good idea and our Greek friend agreed so for our last days were spent just off the beach. The location made no difference to our schedule, I would go for my swim and Samantha would then 'allow' our friend to apply the soothing lotion.

I told them that I intended to go for a longer swim so not to worry if I didn't appear for a while. The look on their faces said it all.

I left them and was soon lost to their view but as soon as I was out of sight I doubled back and crept back so that I was able to peer over the rise of the dune.

I was gratified to see from my vantage point behind the bush that he already had his stiff cock out and Samantha had pulled off her bikini bottoms. She lay back on her towel and, for me, so began a scene that was just like the old days; like when Mother had taught me the joys of being a voyeur.

If I suspected that his cock had been big when I'd previously seen him wearing his Speedos, I was surely taken aback when it was confirmed as I looked down on him with his hand wrapped around the veiny thick shaft. For an old guy, he surely had a monster and, best of all, it was as dark as the rest of his swarthy body; he could have been a black man.

Samantha seemed to have no qualms or hesitations of what was about to happen; I'd never suspected that she had such a wanton side to her. I began to think that perhaps I should have been a little more forceful when I had enquired of her in the past of whether she had ever thought to have a threesome with maybe a black man. She had always dismissed the suggestion as being something that loving married couples should never do .. but here she was with her legs spread and looking on with interest as our Greek friend knelt between her open thighs and positioned that obscene looking fat knob at the entrance to her pussy. She gasped as he tried to enter her and I heard her tell him to be gentle as "… you are a lot bigger than my husband". So much for not being interested I thought as I eased my own stiffening cock out of my shorts.

He sat back on his heels and spat a gob of saliva onto his palm and transferred the lubricant onto that purple plum before returning to the focus of his attention. He managed to push into her and this time I didn't hear any complaints as he continued to feed that thick cock into her wet cunt. He paused to allow her to get used to being filled so completely and I then had a intense feeling of angst as I saw her reach up, pull his head down and give him a passionate kiss. Oh god, it was the same feeling of twisted excitement that I used to have when I watched mother.

They were faced away from me and while my wife had her eyes closed in an expression of sexual ecstasy as he steadily fucked her, he kept his gaze firmly on the shoreline; I'm guessing so that he might get a warning of my return. I was happy about that because with his attention directed away from my position he had no chance of seeing me wanking my cock in pace with his as he steadily and slowly bought my wife to a noisy orgasm. It was her second climax when he fucked her doggy fashion that both he and I spurted our spunk.

He pulled out and sat back on his heels, his black cock still stiff, 'Wow, impressive for an old guy', was my first thought. My second was that I ought to get the hell out of there and get down to the sea lest I was discovered.

I lingered just long enough to catch sight of my wife rolling over onto her back and for him to move and offer his dribbling cock so that she could lick and clean him off. As she lifted her head in my direction I made a hasty exit.

The cold sea was just what was needed to both dampen my excitement at what I had just witnessed and also the mess that my ejaculation had caused; thank goodness there was no one else around to see my stained costume as I dived back into the water. I swam back as if I was making the return trip and then as I made the final strokes (pun not intended!) I lifted my head to see that Samantha had stood up and was scanning the beach, clearly looking for me. She was wearing her bikini bottoms and also wore a concerned look. I walked into the shallow of the dune to join them and she said something like, "I was beginning to get worried. You're not such a great swimmer and look at you, all out of breath …"

Too right I was out of breath. Who wouldn't have been, looking at your wife knowing that she had just been fucked by another man and that you secretly approved?!

I looked at her and could see no evidence of what had only just been finished. Our Greek friend was laying face down on his towel feigning sleep which didn't fool me one bit but, no matter, I gave her a hug reassuring her that I was fine and was gratified to feel her pumping heart as I held her close. Yep, we were both in our own ways very satisfied with finishing our holiday with such a special experience.


We never saw any more of our friend before we left for home which was a pity for both our sakes as I now had the evidence that my wife was quite willing to have a cock other than mine fucking her; that had always been something she previously declared would never happen.

For myself, the old familiar thrills that came from spying on fucking couples had returned with a vengeance and gave me a determination to pursue my voyeuristic pleasures once we had returned home. (I was aware of a place just out of our hometown that had a reputation of being a 'dogging' site. That might be worthwhile to go take a look, I mused.)

However, in the event I didn't have to go that far as a very interesting situation arose and gave me pause to wonder just what was it that Samantha and my mother had been discussing so earnestly over the tea cups on her visits.

After mum had gone home Samantha said that she had been sharing with her the details of our holiday and 'somehow' the subject of sex had arisen. She said that one thing led to another and, "… did you know that your mum has had sex with a black man? A few actually …"

I laughed and said that I knew that she dated and I wasn't surprised, 'her being the kind of person she was'.

She said, "So, you are OK with that? It doesn't bother you?"

"No, why would I mind? People are free to do what they want just as long as nobody gets hurt."

"Yeah, but what about emotionally hurt?"

This was interesting and I pondered my next response before saying, "As long as there's no romance involved and it's just sex, what's the problem?"

She didn't respond to that but changed the subject. "Your mum was telling me about how much better she feels since joining the gym and also how much fun she has at that dance thing, the Salsa club she goes to."

I looked at my wife to see if I could detect the way her thinking was going. I didn't need to spend much time.

"You know, I think I might give the gym a shot. She said there's some personal trainers there that really get you into shape. I might even join her at the dance club as well. It's about time that I did something meaningful in my spare time …. "

I gave a silent prayer of thanks to my mother for she had also unwittingly provided me with 'something meaningful' to do in my spare time.

Mother really is such a good teacher.
