The Wig copyright 2000 by Stormbringer

Part One

"I need help. I'm in trouble. Please come to my apartment," said the voice on the answering machine. Cindy sighed. It was her twin sister Candy's voice on the machine and it wasn't the first time she had called for help. However, there was a certain desperation in her voice this time.

The two sisters were physically identical in every way, but not in personality. Though identical twins they were never that close growing up. They were both 25, tall, well built, sexy women. Both sisters had large breasts with big nipples, thin waists, flat stomachs, and nice full hips. Candy was the wild one. She had died her hair blonde and become a bit of a tramp, showing off her body, and sleeping around from high school to the present day. Cindy was conservative. She kept her brown hair short and styled. She had been a bit of a tomboy in school and found her womanly figure more of a burden then a gift. She had married into high society and transformed herself into an elegant socialite.

Candy had been in and out of trouble for the last couple years and CIndy suspected her sister had a drug problem. Cindy and her husband had given Candy several loans over the last couple years. They spoke on the phone about once a month, but Cindy really new absolutely nothing about her sister's life.

Cindy threw on her coat and headed on over to her sister's apartment. Cindy never liked coming to this part of town. It was filled with prostitutes, pimps, and peep shows. She parked the beamer on the street and walked up the three flights to her sister's apartment.

Cindy knocked a couple of times and there was no answer. She reached up over the door and grabbed her sister's spare key. She put the key in the lock and turned the knob.

The apartment was empty. It was small with only two rooms, but Candy kept it fairly well decorated. Cindy looked around for a note from her sister, but there was nothing. She took off her coat and set it and her purse over a chair. She sat down on the couch to await her sister.

After fifteen minutes or so, Cindy became fidgety and decided to look around. She walked over to Candy's liquor cabinet and fixed herself a martini. She walked around the apartment sipping from her drink.

Cindy walked into her sister's bedroom and looked at herself in the big full length mirror on the back of the bedroom door. She looked at the beautiful young women reflected back at her. She was wearing an elegant knee-length white dress that hugged her figure. She was a far cry from the tom boy she had been eight or nine years ago.

Cindy turned away from the mirror and looked over at the large unmade bed. Unless Candy had changed, that bed had probably seen a lot of action. She sighed and felt a longing deep within her. Her husband Larry hadn't touched her in four months and even then love making had been uninspiring. They had been married four years. Larry was too busy and they rarely even saw each other. Larry was the only man she had ever slept with and she really had no desire to play around, but she did wish he'd pay a little more attention to her.

Cindy felt a little dizzy and looked at her glass. It was empty so she went over and fixed herself another one. It felt good to have a few drinks and no one was around to complain. She returned to the bedroom and continued her inspection.

Candy had a small table with a make-up mirror on it. Cindy sat in the chair and looked at her face. Her hair was perfect, not a hair out of place and her sparse make-up highlighted her deep green eyes. Just past the mirror she saw the wig.

Cindy smirked and took it off the styrofoam head. It was a long curly blonde wig that matched her sister's hair and she had often seen Candy wearing it. Cindy hesitated and then put the wig on. Jesus, she thought, I look just like Candy.

Cindy stared at her reflection for a minute and then with a grin, grabbed some of her sister's bright red lipstick and a applied it over her more modest lipstick. She smacked her lips and then stood up to look at herself in the full length mirror. She liked the look and for a second considered dyeing her own hair blonde.

Cindy felt a warmth spreading throughout her body from the alcohol and decided to have a third glass. Martini's were her favorite and it was nice of her sister to leave all the ingredients out.

Halfway through her third drink, Cindy wondered back into the bedroom. She hadn't taken off the wig yet, it made her feel daring, like she was a whole other person.

Cindy opened the closet door and looked at all her sister's sexy clothes. Her breath caught in her throat when she saw the set of lingerie hanging on the door. She picked it up and ran her hands across the soft fabric.

Two minutes latter, Cindy stood by the bed completely naked. She reached down and stepped into the panties, pulling them up. She walked over to the mirror and looked at herself. Her nipples were fat and long and they were completely erect in the cold air of the apartment. The panties were lacy, white, and they teased the viewer with just a hint of pubic hair through the fabric. She turned around and looked at the smooth, bare skin of her rear end. The panties were a thong and they completely disappeared between her cheeks. They were a far cry from the old lady's panties she had just taken off.

Cindy walked back to the bed and grabbed the garter belt. She wrapped it around her waist about halfway between her navel and the panties, the little clips dangled down about an inch. She put her right foot into one of the white nylons and slowly pulled it up her leg until she could clip it on the garter belt. She liked the feeling of the silky material on her leg and quickly pulled on the other nylon.

The lacy, white bra matched the panties. Cindy put it on, thinking it was a little tight, which was odd because she and Candy were the exact same size. Then she realized it was meant to be tight as the bra pushed her breasts together making her already impressive cleavage stand out even more.

Cindy walked over to the mirror and gasped at the image reflected back at her. The bra was as see through as the panties. You could see her can-sized areola through the material and her fat nipples were poking out the material about half an inch. She had never seen herself look this sexy. She even refused to wear a bikini around her pool, even when she was alone. She briefly wondered what Larry would think if he saw her like this. Maybe, it could put some steel back into his penis.

Cindy put down her drink and put her hands on her hips. She ran them up and down her waist and then across her stomach. The outfit made her feel sexy and it was so long since anyone had touched her that even her own caresses felt good. She ran her hand down over her crotch and between her legs, pressing her finger against the material of her panties. It was wet to the touch and she realized that the booze and the outfit had her horny as hell.

Cindy caught herself before she got carried away and went to make another drink. She stumbled once on her way to the liquor cabinet and giggled, she was definitely a little tipsy. The martinis were having a strange effect on her. Every single nerve on her body felt alive and sensitive to the touch.

She fixed herself her fourth martini and promised that it would be her last. Already, she was going to have to hang out here until she was sober enough to drive. And where was Candy? Her sister certainly wasn't dependable and this wasn't the first meeting she had missed, but Cindy sensed something was wrong this time.

Cindy walked over to the stereo and turned it on, swaying her hips as the music blared out of the speakers. She danced over to the window and peeked out making sure her car was ok. The music increased in tempo and she felt the blood rushing in her ears as her heart beat matched the drumming of the bass.

Cindy let herself go and started swaying to the beat. There was something sensual about the music and she began running her hands over her body again, across her belly, up over her breasts, and through the hair on the wig.

"You are one sexy bitch," said a deep voice.

The voice startled Cindy and she jumped with fright. A big Italian-looking man was standing in the room holding her sister's spare key. He had dark skin under black wavy hair and a large scar from his left cheek to his chin. He wasn't very handsome, but the scar gave him a dangerous look that she found exciting. Underneath an expensive suit was what looked like a very well built body.

Cindy looked around for something to cover herself up with. She felt more exposed before this stranger then she had ever been before her husband. She grabbed a pillow off the couch and held it over her body, bending into it to cover her breasts and crotch.

The man laughed and grabbed the pillow out of her hands, tossing it aside. "Why so shy Candy?" he asked. "It's not like your hiding anything I haven't seen before. Besides, you know what I want."

Cindy gulped and stood up straight. "Yes," she said, though she had no idea what he was talking about. Standing before this large man practically naked had her feeling strange. Her nipples were rock hard and she could feel her juices dripping down her thigh.

"Good," said the man taking off his blazer. He walked up to her and rested his hands on her shoulders. He began pushing down with increasing strength until Cindy fell to her knees before him. She was staring right a his zipper.

He reached down and unbuckled his belt, pulling it through the loops. "You take off the rest," he said.

The man wanted her to take off his pants, but what on earth for? Cindy just kneeled there kind of shocked until the man said, "Hurry up." His hands were still on her shoulders and his grip started tightening.

Cindy swallowed nervously and then reached out and unbuttoned his trousers. Her hands were shaking as she grabbed the tab of his zipper and slowly pulled down, holding her hands out to avoid contact with his crotch.

When the flaps of his pants were hanging open, she pulled down his trousers until he kicked off his shoes and stepped out of them. He held up his legs and she pulled off his socks. She looked up his legs. They were hairy and muscular. As her eyes travelled up his body, they opened wide when she got to his crotch.

The man was wearing black briefs. They were tight and bulging out obscenely. She could see the outline of a very impressive looking penis and two large testicles under his underwear. She looked away from his crotch in confusion. The man looked a lot bigger then her husband. Larry's had been the only penis she had ever seen and she didn't know they came in different sizes.

The man was unbuttoning his shirt and when he finished, he took it off, throwing it beside his pants. His chest was very hairy and he was covered with muscles. She wished her husband had half this man's muscles. Larry was short and skinny without a muscle on his body.

"Come on Candy," said the man impatiently. "Take the rest off."

Cindy felt a thrill run through her at the thought of seeing his penis. The booze was making her play along with this more then she should have. Maybe, she'd just take a peek and then tell him she wasn't Candy.

Cindy reached up with both hands and grabbed the waist band of his briefs. The man's large penis moved as she pulled his underwear out and then swiftly yanked them down.

The fattest penis she could have imagined jumped out of his shorts. It wasn't fully erect, but it was a little swollen as it hung at half mast before her face. As she stared at it, the thing grew a little more until it stood straight out pointing at her face. Larry's penis was built just like he was, short and skinny. The stranger's penis was impossibly thick and looked to be twice as long as her husband's, at least eight inches. The head of the man's penis was even twice as big as Larry's, it was as big as a golf ball.

"What the fuck you waiting for bitch? Suck my cock."

His shout startled her and she jumped. The man's harsh language frightened her. Cindy hadn't even imagined performing such a disgusting sexual act. Did her sister really do this sort of thing?

She was about to stop this from going any further, when the man roughly grabbed the back of her head and pulled her forward into his crotch. The man's large penis slid along her cheek until her nose was buried in his pubic hair. He smelled of sweat, but it wasn't offensive, it made him smell manly.

"Come on slut, kiss my cock."

Cindy felt a shiver travel up her spine. She had never been treated like this by anyone and it excited her. She puckered her lips and kissed the base of his penis. She had never done anything like this, she hadn't even touched her husband's penis except to guide it inside her during sex.

She kissed it again and the man relaxed his grip so that she could kiss her way up his penis, her mind screaming no, but her body responding to this strange situation. It felt like Niagara Falls between her legs. She decided to go through with it. The man probably wouldn't believe she wasn't Candy anyway and besides doing it wouldn't hurt her sister's reputation any. She kissed her way up to the tip of his cock and then she felt moisture on her lips when she kissed the slit on the tip. The thing was oozing precum. She kissed the tip again and held her lips on the head as she stared up at the man. He grinned down at her, a triumphant smirk on his face and said, "Now lick it."

Cindy slipped her tongue out between her lips and flicked it across the tip of his cock. The man's penis jerked at her touch and he groaned. She licked out again this time circling the head of his penis. She moved her lips down his shaft, licking out and touching every inch. He helped her by lifting it up so that she could lick down the underside of his shaft.

"Lick my balls slut," said the man.

Cindy only hesitated a split second before obeying the man. Something was wrong here, but she couldn't quite put her finger on it. It was like all her will to resist as gone, it was easier to go along with his orders. She held her tongue out and ran it over his hairy testicles. They were also a lot bigger then her husbands, they hung heavy and low, filled with semen.

"Enough, now suck it."

Cindy moved her mouth up the shaft and kissed the head again. This time she pushed forwards, her lips parting as she swallowed the fat head into her mouth.

Cindy pushed several inches into her mouth and sucked on the tip like a lollipop. This really wasn't too bad. It was fun even.

"Come on you can do better then that and watch them teeth."

Cindy pushed another inch into her mouth. She felt the head poking at her throat and she gagged.

"What the hells wrong with you Candy. Your the best cock sucker I know."

Cindy felt a twinge of jealousy when she heard how good her sister was. She suppressed her gag reflex and swallowed again, this time taking more then half his penis in her mouth. The head entered her throat, the flared ridge scraping along the top as she swallowed even more of his large penis.

She felt the need to come up for air and slid his cock out of her throat, gasping for air. Her hand automatically began stroking the man's penis to keep him aroused and hard.

She took a deep breath and swallowed the man's penis again. This time she began breathing steadily through her nose as she focused on swallowing the whole thing. She was going to beat her sister at something if she choked to death on the big thing.

She pushed down feeling the head once again penetrate her throat. This time she didn't stop at six inches, instead she took a deep breath through her nose and fell forward until his pubic hair tickled her nose.

"That's better slut, now suck that big cock."

Cindy began bobbing her head along his penis. She increased her speed as her throat grew accustomed to the large invader. The man groaned from time to time and he began bucking his hips. His penis seemed to grow even bigger in her throat. Cindy suddenly realized the man was about to orgasm. He was actually about to shoot his seed into her mouth. She hadn't thought that far ahead. The thought horrified her, but as she reluctantly slid her mouth off the man's penis, he grabbed the back of her head and held it still as he came in her mouth.

The strength and amount of his ejaculate caught her off guard. First the head seemed to swell impossibly large and then it jerked as her mouth filled with the man's semen. She tried to spit it out, but the man held her head still until she was forced to swallow it to make room for his second load. She swallowed three mouthfuls of sperm before the man finally released her head. However, instead of backing off, she held her lips over the tip and tried to suck out even more sperm. She continued to suck on the man's penis until he pulled it out of her mouth.

"That was your best yet," said the man pulling her to her feet. He began running his hands over her breasts, hips, and down her belly. "God you have a hot body. I think I'm going to repay the favor."

Cindy was still in a daze about sucking a stranger's penis and finding that she enjoyed it, even enjoyed swallowing his semen. The man pulled her over towards the couch. His deft fingers quickly flicked off her bra and he became the second man to ever see her breasts. He seemed fascinated with them, twirling her nipples between his fingers and stroking them like they were miniature penises. He bent down and sucked one long nipple into his mouth, gently biting it between his teeth.

The man put his hand back on her shoulders and pushed her down onto the couch. He kneeled between her legs and started kissing her belly, slipping his tongue into her belly button. She sucked her stomach in at each kiss as he moved down under her navel. He kissed her panties traveling down the side of her pubic hair going lower and lower.

Cindy's breathing had increased and she found her legs were parting for the man. She had no idea what was going to happen, but she strongly suspected she would enjoy it.

She jumped when his finger slid across her labia as he hooked her panties and pulled it aside. She felt his breath on her vagina just before his tongue flickered out and licked up her labia. Cindy's eyes opened wide in disbelief. "I had no idea," she muttered.

The man started attacking her vagina. His tongue felt like a snake as it wormed it's way between her folds into her vagina. Cindy found herself humping his face in time to the thrusts of his tongue. Her belly was undulating and she was gasping for air. She gasped when the man started sucking on her labia, slowly working his way up. She felt strange, like a pressure cooker slowly building until...

The man's tongue flickered across her clit and the pressure exploded as she had the first orgasm of her life. She screamed as waves of pleasure coursed through her body emanating from her womb. Her eyes rolled up in her head and she almost passed out.

The man was merciless. He didn't even let her recover from the first orgasm when he gave her another. The man circled her clit with his tongue and then sucked it between his lips. The second orgasm caused her to scream again and thrash her body as she humped her vagina into the man's face.

He let her recover a little before resuming. This time he slid two fingers into her vagina and began slowly moving them in and out. He found a spot deep inside her and circled it with the tips of his fingers until she felt another orgasm building. He leaned down and sucked her clit into his mouth again. Sweat broke out on her forehead and she arched her back in ecstasy. Her vagina clamped down around his fingers and she felt her juices soaking the man's fingers as the biggest orgasm yet wracked her body.

This time she must have passed out. She awoke feeling exhausted but more alive then she had ever felt before as if every nerve in her body was alive. She looked down her body, past her heaving breasts and down over her belly. Her vagina was spread open, her clit was engorged and distended to the point where it looked like a miniature penis. It was soaked with her juices as was her labia and thighs. The man's big penis was pointing at her labia and it looked like her lips were parting to receive him.

Her panties were missing and the man was now kneeling between her legs, holding the base of his penis as he brought it up to her vagina. She moaned and stared at it in awe as he rubbed it against her labia. "Why don't you let me fuck you," he said already pushing down on the head.

Cindy thought of Larry and felt a twinge of guilt, but she had to know what it felt like to have such a big penis stuffed inside her. The man wasn't waiting for permission. Her vagina stretched wider then it ever had as her lips closed over the head of his penis. "I knew after weeks of sucking my cock, you'd let me fuck you.

He pumped forwards with his hips sliding half his penis into her. It was as much as her husband could give her, but the man was so much thicker, it felt incredible. Her vagina seemed to love it. It was squeezing his penis, trying to suck it in deeper.

Cindy knew this was the ultimate betrayal of her husband, but she still didn't have the will to resist. It was just so much easier to sit back and let him put his big beautiful penis deep into her vagina. Deeper then any man had been.

"For a slut you sure have one tight pussy," said the man groaning as he pushed his penis all the way in. "Its like fucking a virgin."

"Your big penis makes me feel like I am a virgin," said Cindy. She was in awe of this man and she felt half in love with him.

He laughed. "Don't you mean my cock? You love my cock don't you?"

"Yes, yes," she cried, "I love your big cock." Then she whimpered as he slowly pulled it out and she felt empty inside.

He held the head just on the entrance to her vagina. "Tell me what you want."

"I want your cock inside me. Please put it in me," she begged.

"What do you want me to do with it?" he asked.

Cindy grunted in frustration. She was thrusting her hips forward trying to get his cock in her again. Her frustration brought the words he wanted to hear into her head. "I want you to fuck me. Fuck my pussy with your big cock. Fuck me like I've never been fucked before.

"You got it bitch," he said slamming his entire cock into her. Cindy screamed as his sudden thrust gave her a big orgasm. How had she ever lived without them?

The man grabbed her ankles and held them apart as he repeatedly slammed his cock into her pussy. He was smirking down at her and he seemed full of himself. He thought he was giving a slut the fucking of her life and the way her body was reacting to him seemed to fill him with arrogance. 'And he deserves to feel cocky,' thought Cindy as his mighty cock brought her to orgasm after orgasm. Finally after what felt like hours of good hard fucking, she felt his cock spasm and she came again as his semen struck places in her pussy so deep she didn't even know she had them.

He pulled his cock out and shot one last wad across her belly button. Then he rested his cock on her pubic hair as they caught their breath.

Cindy stared at him adoringly as the man stood up and pulled on his clothes. The man returned her loving stare with an arrogant sneer as he reached in his pocket and tossed a ziplock bag beside her. "I'll put this on your account," he said. "You'd better be at Big Jim's by eight or else." Then he walked out the door.

Cindy couldn't take her eyes off him until he was gone The stranger had given her the fucking of her life and she didn't even know his name.

But she knew his occupation. Cindy suddenly felt sick as she looked at the little vials in the bag. The man was her sister's drug dealer.

See Part 2, where Cindy once again dons her sisters wig and goes to Big Jim's.

Note: Inspiration for this story came from a movie titled "Mirror Images," Staring Jeff Conaway and Delia Sheppard. It may be found at your local video store.