The Wife and The Black Gardeners 2

Copyright 2019 by Stormbringer

Author’s Note: The Wife and the Black Gardeners was the second story I ever wrote and my first to feature an interracial theme. A comic version came out a few years ago followed by two sequels. This story is based on my comic script for part 2 and the art of Kaos. For this follow-up, I borrowed the plot from another of my stories, “Xavier’s Modeling Job.”

The Wife and The Black Gardeners 2

The blue bikini was so tight it looked like it was ready to fly off the voluptuous body of the young auburn-haired wife. She leaned back against the brick wall of her house, posing for her husband. Bill focused the camera, stepped back, looked at his wife, then at her image on the view screen. He pressed the remote.


“Alright honey now take your top off,” said Bill grinning.

Donna laughed. “No way!”

“Come on, show off that hot body.”

Donna walked over to the picket fence separating her yard from their older neighbors, Moshe and Janice Silverstein. She leaned on it and pointed at the next yard. “Alright, but not outside, Janice is doing her yoga.” Their neighbor was outside as she usually was, currently standing in the “tree” position, focused on her workout, eyes closed, meditating.

Bill took a quick picture of Janice. She had an amazing figure for a sixty-year-old woman. “Inside then?” he asked.

Donna grinned and walked over to the sliding glass door. She motioned for her husband to follow with her finger. Bill wiggled his eyebrows and followed his wife inside, staring at her ass as she headed up their stairs towards the bedroom. She turned, pointing at him. “Promise you won’t show anybody?”

Bill held his hand over his heart. “Of course not,” he promised already planning on sneaking some topless pictures of his wife in with her bikini shots to “mistakenly” show his buddies what a hot wife he had. Most of them hadn’t seen her since her recent weight loss.

Donna sat on the bed, kneeling on one leg, her other leg hanging over the edge. She reached behind her neck and untied the bikini top. The blue top slid down, catching on her erect nipples. She sighed, relieved to get the restrictive top off. “Great, squeeze them big titties together,” said Bill, taking a picture. Donna folded her arms under her breasts and lifted them up. The top fell off completely. Donna hefted her magnificent F-cup breasts, the nipples sticking out more than half an inch. “Jesus, you are so fucking hot,” he growled, taking picture after picture.

“How about this?” she asked, turning around and sitting on her spread knees. Donna arched her back and pulled the sides of her thong up off her hips.

“Let me see that ass,” ordered Bill. He couldn’t press the camera’s shutter fast enough. Bill could see more than her ass. He could see the wet signs of her arousal soaking her thighs. Donna turned back around, facing him in the same pose. She untied her thighs and the panty fell off, revealing her thin reddish-brown pubic strip. “Those look wet,” he commented with a smirk. There was a dark stain on her panty which proved to him that showing off her body was a sexual turn on for her. He enjoyed the fact that she was becoming an exhibitionist as he was a voyeur by nature. The picture he’d taken of Janice earlier wasn’t his only one of his neighbor. He’d secretly taken many shots of her from his upstairs window, even jerked off while taking pictures of her sunbathing in a small bikini. Now that he had a wife willingly showing off for his camera had his dick hard all the time. Bill zoomed in on her pubic strip, snapping a picture that captured her aroused clit sticking out.

“Let me show you how wet,” she said. Bill stepped forwards and Donna yanked his shorts down under his crotch. Unsurprisingly, his rock-hard penis sprang up. Donna couldn’t help being impressed by its size. Bill was nearly six and a half inches long and it was as swollen as it ever got, looking like he might pop at any moment. She squeezed his ass cheeks, pulling him closer. His hard prick ran up her face as she let her tongue lick up the underside.

“That’s it, baby, give Lil’ Billy a kiss,” he said, taking a picture of his wife kissing his penis while looking up at him. Soon she was sucking the head between her full lips. He was completely shocked that she was allowing him to take pictures of her blowing him. Things were going a little further every time he took pictures of her. A sexy sun dress had led to a one-piece suit becoming a two-piece than a bikini and she’d allowed the first topless shots last week, but with her hands covering her areola. Today, he’d not only gotten pictures of her fully nude but also sucking his prick. He prayed, she’d let him video them fucking soon.

Donna sucked while looking up at him. She kissed his prick and fell back, spreading her legs. Bill couldn’t take it anymore and set his camera down, climbing on the bed. He bent his dick down, lining it up with her pussy. “Damn! You are wet,” he said, rubbing the head along her slit.

“Looks like showing off my new body turns me on,” she said, moaning as the grape-sized tip of her husband’s big prick pushed inside her.

“Well it sure beats only having sex in the dark,” he said, staring at her hot nude form as he buried his dick in her wet pussy. Bill fell on top of her. Embarrassingly, having sex in the dark had been a lot better for his stamina. He only lasted three thrusts staring at her hot body in the light. “CCUMMINGG!” he groaned his penis twitching, shooting his semen into his wife. Bill collapsed on her. “Sorry,” he apologized.

“It’s okay Bill,” she said, patting his shoulder. “I like that I turn you on so much, you lose control.” But it wasn’t okay. She was horny as a female cat in heat and if things didn’t change, she’d be buying a dildo to take care of her needs. She looked over his shoulder at their wedding picture on the bureau and the much chubbier version of herself staring back at her. Overweight Donna was always insecure about her weight, never feeling attractive, and subsequently not having much of a sex drive. The new improved Donna was horny all the time and could have fucked her husband twice a day.

Afterward, Donna was hoping Bill would roll over and fall asleep so she could masturbate, but Bill ended up taking his laptop out and uploading today's pictures. She laid on her side, facing him, pretending to read on her tablet, but instead, she was browsing through little pink dildos. She wasn’t quite ready to purchase one, but it was good to know the option was there.


Donna and Bill had taken off for a few days mostly so that he could play with his new camera. Donna was his favorite subject, but today they planned a little drive to take some wildlife and landscape pictures. So, Donna was surprised to see a present waiting for her on the dresser. This usually meant a new sexy outfit making her assume there’d be no day trip today. Or possibly, he wanted her posing out in public. He’d done some shots of her in a sundress walking through a field of sunflowers, in her bikini under a waterfall, and wearing a cowboy hat with a tied up plaid shirt in a pasture beside a horse. He’d written a nice note as he usually did. It read; For my beautiful wife. Beside it under the ribbon was a single rose. This wasn’t usual and she guessed he wanted to push her boundaries. Though after yesterday, they were running out of boundaries to push. She opened the lid.

You’ve got to be kidding me, she thought while holding up the thong panty. The new bikini was purple and skimpier than her blue bikini. The blue bikini was skimpy enough she’d only worn it in her best friend Jenny’s backyard and never in public. This purple one was even smaller.

Donna shook her head but started stripping her clothes off. At some point, she’d need to lay down the law with her husband, but she wasn’t about to turn him down yet. Plus, it was flattering to have a husband so proud of his wife’s looks and she found all the attention her figure was getting her to be a turn on.

Donna walked outside with a towel wrapped around her body. Bill was tinkering with his camera. The tripod was set up already. “Seriously Bill,” she asked hands on her hips.

He grinned knowing her indignation was feigned. “Aw come on Donna. I’m sure you look sexy as fuck.” He attached his camera to the tripod, aiming it as his wife as she tossed the towel aside. “Yikes!”

“I know,” she said, spinning around. “This thing’s barely legal.” The little purple triangles were little more than nipple covers on her big breasts. The panty was low, and her bare ass looked glorious. “The things I do for you.”

“Thanks, babe, there’s no one around.”

“At least Janice isn’t in her yard.” Donna looked over the fence. The Silversteins were the only neighbors who could see into their backyard. They were nice neighbors, but older and they didn’t associate much. Dr. Silverstein was a workaholic like her friend Jenny’s husband.

Bill felt his dick twitch when he looked down at his wife on the screen. She looked stunning and was incredibly photogenic like she was a born model. Hopefully, yesterday was just a start. He wanted a whole series of nudes of her and more sex pictures. His fantasies didn’t stop with pictures either. He wanted a porn of them fucking. Something they could look at when they were older to remember their youth. The problem was that a static mounted camera wouldn’t make a good movie. Ideally, he’d need someone willing to film Bill and his wife. He had some drinking buddies that would be more than willing, but Donna would never go for it.


The Stanford & Son work van pulled up on the street. Mark and his son got out and began unloading the truck. Jerome was already shirtless with a slick sheen of sweat from doing several lawns already that day. He had a do-rag on his bald pate to keep the sweat from pouring in his eyes. Mark was wearing overalls. “I’ll start the Silversteins,” said the old man.

“I’ll start the Millers,” said Jerome happily, and hoping to catch a glimpse of the wife in her bikini again. Donna was one fine white wife and the only thing she was missing was a black cock slipping in and out of her tight white cunt.


“Lean against the tree and arch your back.”


Donna did as she was told, the bikini straining to hold her breasts as she arched her back, looking over her shoulder at her husband.


Donna turned leaning against the tree. Click! She lifted a leg, bent her knee, putting her foot against the bark. Click! She ran her hands through her hair, lifting it up and looking sultry. Click! Click! Click! There was a rustling behind her in the bushes. Her head turned. “YIKES!” she cried as the shirtless black giant appeared. Jerome had a bag of mulch over one strong shoulder and some equipment in his other hand. Donna bent over, one hand covering her panty, her other arms held across her breasts. She made a dash for her towel, grabbing it and holding it in front of her while facing the huge black man.

Jerome dropped what he was carrying. “Sorry, Mrs. Miller,” he apologized.

Donna grinned bashfully. “It’s okay Jerome. You startled me. That’s all.”

Bill wasn’t paying any attention to his wife’s blushing cheeks or her embarrassment. He was totally taken in by the shirtless black man. This guy is huge, he thought. Jerome was a perfectly sculpted black Adonis. “Who’s this?”

“Bill, this is Jerome. Mark the gardener’s son,” said Donna introducing them.

“Nice to meet you,” said Bill, holding his hand out. Jerome took it and Bill could feel the strength in the man’s grip. He fought not to wince.

“We’ll go inside so you can get your work done,” said Donna, noticing how Bill was staring at Jerome’s chest. She had to pull her husband away from the black man wondering what was going on in Bill’s head. He was totally racist and totally straight, but he looked enraptured staring at the black man’s torso.

They went back inside while Jerome got to work. Posing, as it always did had Donna horny and ready for some dick. She hated to admit that getting caught by the black man had triggered her exhibitionist tendencies. Her nipples were hard as rocks and her pussy was dripping. She wanted to fuck right there in the dining room, but Bill was watching Jerome through his camera’s lens. Donna crossed her legs and pulled a nipple out of her cup. She pinched it, but Bill was riveted on the black man. “What ya thinkin?” she asked, wishing he’d just come fuck her.

“I was wondering if Jerome would pose for me,” said Bill, totally ******* of his wife’s needs at that moment. “That nigger is clearly a bodybuilder.” Click! Click! “Probably got pumped up in jail,” said Bill, chuckling.

“He just got out,” said Donna, but Bill wasn’t paying her any attention. He’d found a male subject to photograph. His photography teacher wanted the students to use models of both sexes.

Bill put his camera down and walked back outside. “I’m gonna go ask him.”

“But what about me, Bill? Bill?” she watched her husband step outside and walk over to the giant black man. Shit, he ain’t even listening.

“Sorry, if I embarrassed your wife,” said Jerome, watching Bill come towards him and wondering if he was about to get fired. Jerome went back to trimming some branches on the tree.

“She’s fine,” said Bill. “But you may have noticed she was posing for me and the tripod set up over there. I’m taking photography classes and looking for subjects. Would you be interested? Strictly an amateur. I’ve only shot my wife, but I’d love a male subject.”

Jerome’s eyes narrowed. He’d noticed the way the wimp was eyeballing him. “I’m no fag,” he grunted. At least not since he got out of prison. He’d made some white boys in jail, suck and jerk his cock off. Now that he was out of the joint, he was pussy only.

“God no. Nothing like that.” Bill was a little taken aback. “Just some shirtless shots, flexing your muscles. I’ll pay you a hundred bucks.”

Jerome turned and glared down at the little man. His eyes flickered up, catching a glimpse of Bill’s sexpot wife peaking at them behind the sliding glass door. He looked back down at the white boy, a smile spreading across his lips. “Sure, I’ll pose for ya.”


Donna saw Bill’s smile and knew the answer before she asked the question. She followed him downstairs to their basement that Bill had turned into a studio. She tightened the towel wrapped around her body. “What did he say?”

“He’s gonna pose when he finishes helping his ***.” Bill attached his camera to the tripod aimed at the wall. He had a tropical beach scene screen on the wall that he’d purchased mostly as a backdrop for taking pictures of Donna in her bikini.

Donna tried to calm herself. She really didn’t like the idea of having Jerome in her house. She could see him through the basement window outside talking to his *** in Janice’s front yard. Jerome was holding his fist up, thumb out towards her house. Mark was waving him off. Bill was happily humming as he made sure his studio was set up and everything was ready for his new subject. Her friend Jenny was pretty conservative but didn’t seem to realize she was racist and Bill wasn’t shy using the “N” word, but Donna felt she was a good progressives and felt guilty that she didn’t want the black man in her house. She convinced herself she wouldn’t want a white ex-convict in her house either which was true. She glanced back out the window, Jerome was gone, and Mark was pushing his mower. “I don’t want some thug ex-con in my house, Bill,” she stated, putting her foot down.

“HE’S WHAT?” Bill looked up from his viewfinder in alarm.

Donna raised an eyebrow and stamped her foot. “I tried to tell you that earlier.”

“I’ll call it off.” Bill prepared to head upstairs but could hear Jerome at the top of the stairs. “Too late, here he comes,” he whispered, now concerned that the black man had just let himself inside through the sliding glass door.

Donna gulped, staring up at the giant form of the black man, looming up above them at the top of the stairs. He slowly came down the steps, his broad muscular chest taking up the whole stairwell. She was filled with foreboding, some instinct telling her that this was a horrible idea.

“Where do ya want me?” said Jerome.

“Over there in front of the landscape,” said Bill. Shit! He does look like a convict, thought Bill. Jerome was shirtless with a tan overall, unhooked and hanging over his waist. His do-rag and scowl made him look like the stereotype of the angry black man. I’ll just take a few shots and tell him to leave, thought Bill, his own reservations growing as he stared at Jerome. Still, the black man was a perfect physical representation of the masculine form and he would make a great subject.

“I’m ready,” grunted Jerome, arms crossed impatiently. His angry expression turned to a smug grin at both Millers’ nervousness in his presence.

“I’ll be upstairs, honey,” said Donna. And near a phone in case I need to call the police, she thought.

“Don’t leave on my account, Mrs. Miller,” said Jerome. Damn! He’d been hoping to strip down in front of her. Let her see what a real man’s cock looked like. He watched her walk up the stairs, trying to catch a glimpse of her bare ass under the hem of the towel wrapped around her luscious body. He failed to get a good glimpse, his eyes lowering and falling on stacks of pictures on a nearby table. He walked over and picked up the first stack. “Your wife sure is hot, Mr. Miller,” he stated, going through the bikini pictures that Bill had taken yesterday.

“She sure is,” said Bill proudly. He didn’t mind Jerome going through the pictures. He planned on showing Donna’s modeling shots off to his photography classmates and buddies. He had remembered to take out her nudes, hadn’t he? SHIT! “Wait, Jerome, those are private.”

Jerome stared at Donna in the blue bikini on the bed, but the picture under it was better. Donna topless, with the panty falling off to show off her thin red line of pubic hair. A landing strip just like he’d shaved on Jenny Richardson’s crotch. “Oh, sorry Mr. Miller,” he lied, his cock swelling as her took in Donna’s nude body. He moved to the next picture as Bill was coming over to stop him. The next picture showed Donna with her tongue on a pathetic little white penis while looking sexily up at the camera. Dayumn, that’s a little white prick. Mrs. Miller’s must be starving for a real man’s cock, he thought, an idea starting to form in his head.

Bill flushed when he saw the picture Jerome was staring at. “Don’t tell my wife you saw these. She’d kill me.”

“No problem,” answered Jerome. “Where do you want me?”

“Over by the screen. Pose like you’re in the Mr. Universe contest. I want to capture your muscular definition and then you can get out of here. Shouldn’t take long.” Bill bent down, watching Jerome through the viewfinder. He focused in, snapping a torso shot. Jerome had an amazing body, better then any male Bill had seen outside of television. His abdominals were more of an eight pack than a traditional six. Bill was a normal sized man and Jerome’s bicep looked to be as big around as Bill’s waist. He was torn between wanting to get this thug ex-con out of his house and taking more pictures of this flawless male specimen. Jerome seemed to have the same photogenic qualities that Donna had. The camera loved him.

“Those pictures of your wife sure were hot,” said Jerome.

Bill snapped some more pictures. “Thanks. She recently lost a lot of weight and likes me taking pictures of her new body.” Jerome turns, posing sideways while Bill snapped away. “Alright, that should be good. Thanks for doing this.” Bill straightened up, stretching his back.

Jerome turned his back to Bill. “No take some more shots man,” he said, bending over.

Bill fiddled with his camera. “That’s okay, but if you’re interested. I’m taking a photography class and I bet they’d love a model with your physique. Probably pay better than me.” He looked up, eyes widening to see Jerome pulling his pants down. “What are you doing?” His eyes were focused on Jerome’s black briefs. For the briefest second, he thought the black man had taken a dump in his underwear, but as Jerome bent further down, the bulge between his legs took on rounder forms. Something was forcing his testicles back between his legs as he bent down, but his balls looked more suited for a bull than a man. Each looked bigger than tennis balls.

“Let me earn the money you is payin’ me.” Jerome stood and turned around, standing erect in a Superman-like pose with his fists on his hips. He was nude but for his do-rag, socks, and briefs. The bulge in the front of his briefs was just as impressive as the testicles had been.

Bill shrugged and raised the camera back up. Jerome went through some of the same poses only now he was dressed like a weight lifter. The problem was that Bill’s eyes kept getting drawn towards the bulge. It was starting to have an emasculating effect on him. He zoomed the camera in on Jerome’s crotch. That can’t be real, he thought. He’d never felt his own penis was small or inadequate. It was perfectly average. He knew there were bigger men, but by an inch or two, not like this monster. He felt a little sick to his stomach looking at it and wanted to get the huge penis as far away as possible. “That should do it. You can get dressed now.” He gave the black man a thumb’s up.

Jerome was grinning smugly. “I’ve got an idea,” he said.


Jerome walked over to the pile of pictures. He grabbed them and leafed through them. Bill couldn’t see the picture the black man stopped on, but he assumed it was one of Donna nude. His penis ached and shrank into his scrotum at the thought, Jerome might be staring at the picture of Donna sucking Bill’s penis. “Your wife should pose with me.”

“She wouldn’t go for it.”

“Ask her, man.”

Bill didn’t like the way Jerome was staring at him, friendly, but menacing, like he was threatening to show her the pictures if Bill didn’t ask her to pose with him. He walked over to the stairway.

Donna was leaning over the kitchen island sipping a glass of wine. She still had the towel wrapped around her bikini-clad body. “Honey, can you come down here?” yelled her husband from downstairs.

Good, he’s done, she thought, hoping the black convict was out of her house. She downed her wine and walked downstairs. She was still horny and was about to open the towel and jump her husband when she saw Jerome still standing in her basement, grinning at her. She scrunched her face up when she saw he had stripped down to her underwear.

Jerome handed Bill a stack of pictures. “Bill wants you to pose with me,” he said, grinning at her.

“You’re kidding me?” Donna stopped on the bottom steps, angry at her husband for even suggesting it.

Bill hid the nudes of his wife behind his back. “Uh… yeah, the uh contrast of your skin tones look good.” Fuck Jerome for making her think this was his idea. She would be giving him crap over this for days. She gave him her “you really fucked up” bitch face before turning her expression on Jerome. “No way,” she said.

Jerome put his fists back on his hips and stared down at her. She impressed him by not appearing the least bit intimidated. He’d wanted her to look away, preferably down at his crotch, but she met him eye to eye. “Why not? You racist or something?”

“Of course not,” she said, indignant.

“Then why not pose with me?”

“BILL?” Donna was ready to kill her husband.

He grabbed her shoulder from behind. “Just a few poses, honey.”

Donna inhaled deeply. “Alright.”

“I understand… wait! You will?” Never in a million years had he thought she’d agree to this.

She turned to face him, still giving him her bitch face even as she removed the towel. Jerome was by her side and helped her strip it off. “But only a few,” she added. Jesus, I hope no one ever sees these pictures, she thought.

Bill was in shock as he turned his camera back on. The display lit up with an image of Donna in her purple bikini on the left, the triangles barely covering her nipples and a panty so small, her narrow pubic strip was sticking out above the hem. Her head came up to Jerome’s chin. He tossed the towel out of the shot.

Jerome quickly grabbed her shoulder and pulled her against his side. The swiftness of it took her by surprise. Yech! She thought, our bodies are touching! She could feel the dampness of the sweaty sheen still covering his body. Her eyes ran across his chest and up to the arm he was flexing. Hmmm, she thought, impressed. His muscles are so hard. “AAHH!” she said, startled, Jerome had bent and effortlessly scooped her up on his shoulder. She crossed her leg and faked a smile as Bill snapped pictures. The smile did nothing to hide the anger in her face.

Bill couldn’t help himself, snapping away. His artistic side was winning out over his fear of his wife. Maybe this wasn’t such a bad idea. They both had amazing bodies and looked great together. He’d been right about the contrast between their skin colors too. “Honey flex in front of Jerome, while he flexes behind you,” he said, getting into it.

Donna did what he asked, and it was a good shot. Jerome suddenly stepped forwards and wrapped his arms around the white wife. He rested his chin on her shoulder, his broad hands flat on her stomach, just under her breasts. He gave the camera a predatory look. Donna tried to pull away, but Jerome grabbed her arms and pulled her ass back into his crotch and Bill snapped away even as Donna’ eyes opened wide in complete shock at the size of the thing pressing against her ass.

Holy shit! She thought, feeling it swell. He released her but placed a strong hand on her shoulder. He pushed down. Donna fell to her knees beside him and posed with one hand on his calf, but her eyes were on the bulge she’d felt pressing into her ass. That can’t be real, she thought, staring at it in disbelief.

Jerome released the pressure but kept his hand on her shoulder as she stood back up. She was used to him touching her now and didn’t ask him to remove it. “This wasn’t so bad was it?” he asked with a friendly smile. His hand moved to the back of her neck, rubbing it.

“No, I actually enjoyed myself,” she answered, surprised she was being truthful. It had been kind of fun once she loosened up. She was also trying not to moan as the strong hand rubbed her neck. “I told you I wasn’t racist.” She smiled up at Jerome, who winked back at her. She didn’t even notice how loose the top strings of her bikini were.

Bill took a few last shots, half of him glad it was over the other half wanting to keep taking pictures. “That should wrap it up. Thanks, I got some great shots.”

“Aw,” said Jerome, sliding his hand off Donna’s neck and down her back. He found the knot and pulled. “I feel like we just got started.”

Donna took a step forward. “Let's see some of the shots, hon…..” Her eyes moved down as her breasts sprang free of the bikini top.

Jerome held the skimpy bikini up in his hands. “Sorry, looks like it came untied,” he said, tossing it over his shoulder.

The reality of what had happened slowly hit her. Donna bent over, throwing her hands and arms across her enormous breasts. One erect nipple was exposed between her spread fingers.

“I’ll get your towel,” said Bill.

“Wait,” said Jerome. “Let’s take some tasteful shots of her topless.”

Bill gulped, looking at his wife. From a purely artistic perspective, a few pictures wouldn’t hurt anything. “Just a couple,” he said, raising the camera back up. He looked through the viewfinder. Judging by the look on her face, he was really going to catch hell later. Jerome was behind her, holding her arms off her breasts. Bill pressed the shutter down, snapping some pictures.

“I can’t believe you think this is a good idea,’ said Donna, angrily, pulling on her arms until Jerome released her. “Put that camera down.” Donna clenched her fists and held them down. Jerome stepped behind her, one large black hand sliding across her stomach. His right hand came around and covered her breast.

“Put your arms over your head,” said the black man. Donna obeyed and Jerome pulled them down over his head so that she was reversely hugging his neck. This position pulled her into him while arching her back and thrusting her breasts out. Bill quickly snapped some pictures of her bare breasts watching as Jerome’s hands came up to squeeze up just under her nipples. Not exactly what Bill would call a “tasteful” nude, but it was certainly erotic and sexy. Her nipples were popping out into little nubs right in the center of the viewfinder. She couldn’t be getting turned on having a black man touch her so it must have been the air conditioning though Jerome was letting his fingers rub over them making them swell even more. Much to Bills surprise, she was also starting to smile a little.

“Quit pressing your crotch against me,” she whispered, smiling through gritted teeth. Donna pulled away from the bulbous bulge beneath his underwear. Jerome spun her around and she instinctively wrapped her arms behind his neck again. Her bare breasts pressed against this hard chest. Her pubic mound was pressed against the growing bulge. She pushed her mound into it several times. “I told you to quit pushing your crotch against me,” she whispered.

“I’m standing still, baby, that’s all on you,” he whispered back. Jerome pulled the strings of her panty out while Bill kept taking pictures.

SHIT! It is me, she realized, her pussy continuing to hump the swelling bulge. She willed herself to pull away even as her crotch humped it one last time. Donna spun around. She was breathing heavily as she wiped the sweat off her brow. She was vaguely aware of Jerome’s fingers back on her hips, tugging at her panty. “Alright, I’m done,” she gasped.

“You okay?” asked Bill. “You look flushed.”

“I’m fine,” she lied. Donna had become aroused posing with the black man. Her nipples were rampant, throbbing with an ache to be touched again. Her pussy was dripping with arousal. She needed to get away from Jerome and the giant penis she’d been pressing against and upstairs to her bedroom so Bill could fuck her properly. Donna stepped forwards, the sides of her bikini bottoms stretching out in Jerome’s fingers until the front fell open off her crotch and her panty fell to the ground.

“Hey! Your panties?” warned her husband.

“WHOOPS!” Donna looked down as her panty fell to the basement floor. Jerome must have accidentally loosened them. She looked up at her husband in alarm, but Bill wasn’t even looking at her anymore. He was looking past her with a look of shock on his face.

“I got some more poses, I’d like to try,” said Jerome, pulling his underwear down.

“NO!” she grunted, looking behind her and no longer sure her panty had “accidentally” fell off her. “We’ve done enough. It’s time for you to leave…” Her eye fell to his crotch and the giant black penis slowly rising up until it was sticking straight out. “Oh my god!” Donna’s eyes were glued to the huge penis.

“Just a few more tasteful nudes,” suggested Jerome. He stepped forward, his penis brushing across her thighs. The black man rested his hands on her shoulder and pushed her down to her knees. Her eyes never left his penis as it appeared to grow even larger the closer it got. It’s so big! She couldn’t believe her own eyes even though it was staring her in the face and seeing it was only making her sexual need grow worse.

“How is this pose tasteful?” asked Bill. “It looks like you’re about to put your penis in her mouth.”

“This ain’t no penis Billy. This is a big black cock,” said Jerome, not answering his question.

Donna held her hand over her chest feeling her rapid heartbeat. That is one big black cock she thought, staring at it. The fat head was aimed towards Bill and the camera so that the length was under her eyes. It had to be at least a foot long, maybe thirteen inches. It dwarfed Bill’s penis. She looked up from Jerome’s magnificent black cock up his equally magnificent muscular body. Her green eyes met his dark ones, staring down at her.

“Just some erotic artistic shots like the ones of you and Donna,” he said, winking down at her. “Only these will show your wife with a real man’s cock.”

“W-what do you want me to do?” she asked.

“Touch it,” he said watching her hand come up, freeze for a moment, and finally she wrapped her hand around the base. “Act like it’s the biggest cock you’ve ever seen.”

“It is the biggest,” she said. His cock was so thick, her fingers couldn’t wrap around his entire shaft. She ran her hand up the shaft to the thickest part just under the head. “It’s twice Bill’s size.” Her hand moved up over the crown and back down the full length of his shaft. “Maybe more, a lot thicker too.”

“You getting this Billy?” asked Jerome.

Click! Click!

“I’m getting it,” said Bill, zooming in on his wife’s upper torso with her hand on the giant cock. He couldn’t believe she was touching the black man’s penis. She seemed totally in awe of the monster. Hell, he was in awe of the huge cock. If it had been normal sized, he would have kicked Jerome out, but after seeing it, he just had to have some pictures of the thing. Donna’s other hand was up now, cupping one of the black ex-con’s huge nuts.

“Your balls feel so heavy,” she said, just one of the huge testicles entirely filled her palm. Her other hand was absentmindedly stroking his shaft.

“Pull it down so that it’s pointed at your mouth.”

Donna bent it down so that it was just before her mouth. She pursed her lips. Looking sensuously at the camera.

Jerome backed up and angled his body so that the head was now pointed at her mouth. Donna was sitting on her knees. “Open wide, like you’re about to suck it.” Donna leaned forward, opening her mouth just before the huge bobbing head. “Now kiss the tip,” he ordered.

Donna was almost in a trance as she moved forwards another inch and pressed her lips on the tip of his cock head. It was prodigiously leaking precum and she could taste him on her lips.

“You getting this Billy?” asked Jerome.

“Now hold on a minute,” said Bill, holding the remote control for his camera. “This isn’t artistic, this is pornographic!”

“She’s already touching it, Billy. Just shut up and take pictures.”

Bill pressed the button, the camera catching her tongue flickering out to twirl around the head.”

“Yes, lick around the head,” said Jerome. “Now suck my cock,” he grunted, grabbing her hair and pulling her into his cock as he pushed the head into her mouth.

Bill was holding the button down, taking a burst of pictures even as he watched in horror as Donna wasn’t even appearing to try to pull back. “WHOA! That’s enough,” he said. “Time to quit.”

Donna finally pulled back as Bill approached to break them up. She stared at Jerome’s slick cock, licking her lips before, almost reluctantly, she pushed herself up and stood. Her eyes never left his shaft seemingly entranced by it.

Bill could see how flushed she was. His wife was trying to cover her large bosom with her arm but was occasionally pinching one nipple with her fingers. Her legs were also crossed and pressed together. He could see wet spots on the mat where she’d been kneeling. He frowned, not believing his wife of all people would be turned on posing with a black man. He decided it would be prudent to get Jerome out of his house as soon as possible. “Thanks. I got some great shots, but I don’t want any porn pics of my wife with a bla… another guy.”

Jerome placed his hands on his hips, nodding in understanding. “You’re right. Let’s stick to suggestive poses.”

“We should just call it a day,” agreed Donna. She was trying to hide it with her palm, but she was still pinching one of her nipples while her eyes were sweeping up and down Jerome’s well-developed form. She sucked her lower lip into her mouth when her eyes settled on the 12-inch penis again.

“Just a few more,” said Jerome. “Lie down on the carpet. Didn’t I see some tanning oil?”

Donna walked over to a table and picked up a bottle of tanning oil. Jerome stared at her as lustfully as she stared at his black cock. Bill looked back and forth between them. “I think we should quit.”

“What do you think Donna?” asked Jerome. “I can go for hours.”

I bet you can, she thought. “Just a few more, Bill. Please?” Donna shuddered suddenly at the thought of Jerome rubbing his strong hands all over her body.

“I don’t know, honey,” Bill sighed.

She grabbed a blanket off the back of the couch and spread it out on the carpet. “Please? We’ll keep them suggestive.” She knelt without waiting for an answer and then laid down on her back. Her nude body was no longer for his eyes only.

Jerome kneeled beside her. His cock rose up over her stomach while he poured oil onto her breasts. His hand squeezed the base of her left tit, squeezing it. Donna squirmed as he manipulated her breasts. “Get up on the stairs and take a shot down, Billy,” said Jerome, his hands now rubbing oil into her tits, spending a lot of time on her nipples.

Damn, thought Bill. Jerome was right. Some elevated shots of Donna aroused and slick with oil would be erotic as fuck. He climbed a few steps, focusing his camera down on his wife’s increasingly slick body.

“Mmmmm,” she moaned, still squirming under his touch. “AAH!” He squeezed both tits together.

Donna was sucking her lip in her mouth again like she always did when she was horny. Bill might have been disappointed with her reaction to posing with Jerome, but as soon as he got rid of the black guy, they’d be fucking their brains out. His penis was already straining at his pants and he feared he wouldn’t last long. Suddenly, Jerome’s giant cock appeared in the viewscreen. Bill looked up from the camera. Jerome had straddled Donna and was sitting over her stomach. Jerome pushed his cock down between her breasts. Donna held her head up, staring at it. Bill thought she was about to object, but the next thing he knew, Jerome was holding her tits together around his cock by her nipples. They were so engorged, he was able to hold them by several fingers. He pulled on them and began thrusting his cock between her breasts.

“AAAAAAH!” squealed Donna as he pulled her nipples.

Swish! Swish! Swish! His cock turned slick sliding between her breasts. It was one of the hottest things, Bill had ever seen and he clicked away on the camera. At least this was safe, his cock wasn’t near her pussy though it was still uncomfortably close to her mouth. Donna was squirming, opening her legs and raising her hips as if she desperately needed to get fucked.

“You squeeze them together,” said Jerome.

Bill watched Donna take over holding her breasts. Jerome inched up a little, his cock now sliding over her lips and up nearly to her eyes. Bill kept taking pictures. Jerome twisted sideways, moving his hand back. His dark hand slid over her thigh. Then his hand was over her crotch. Bill opened his mouth to object, but before he got a word out, Jerome was shoving two fingers into Donna’s pussy. Donna raised her crotch into his fingers, humping him back. “No Jerome,” said Bill, finally getting it out. “That’s off limits.”

“NO!” Squealed Donna. Bill thought she was objecting to Jerome touching her, but she was objecting to Bill telling Jerome to stop. “Keep fingering me.” She arched her back, her tongue licking up the underside of Jerome’s thrusting cock. “OH GOD!”

“DONNA!” exclaimed Bill, lowering the camera. “You look like you’re about to…”

“AAAHH! CUMMING!” She screamed as Jerome buried his fingers in up to their knuckles.

“ME TOO! UNGH!” Jerome grunted as a six-inch-long strand of sperm shot from the tip of his cock and across Donna’s face. Bill brought the camera back up, snapping pictures. Jerome’s ejaculate was as impressive as his cock. But the first strand was just the start. Another, longer one, shot out across her face. Donna’s mouth was open, and her tongue was out while she cried out from orgasming. Then there was another blast of cum. Jerome quit fingering her and grabbed his cock, aiming the head at her mouth. Sperm continued to shoot from his cock and to Bill's eyes, it appeared Donna was lifting her lower torso up until Jerome’s spurting cock was inside her mouth. He had to be spent, but Donna was gulping over and over like it was continuing to fill her mouth with his voluminous semen.

Donna had never tasted anything so good. His seed was so thick and rich. She swallowed every drop she could not just to thank him for the biggest orgasm of her life, but because she was loving the taste of his seed. Jerome grabbed the base of his now slightly floppy cock and squeezed forwards until a few final spurts of cum shot across her tongue. He lifted his cock up and smacked it across her chin a couple times before he pushed himself up and off her.

Jerome reached down, holding his hand out until Donna took it and he pulled her to her feet. “Zoom in on her mouth Billy,” he said, while Donna just stood still in a daze.

Bill took a close-up of his wife’s face. She was glassy-eyed, her mouth slightly open. There was semen on her forehead that ran down the bridge of her nose and down her cheek. Another wad dribbled out the side of her mouth with another wad on the other side that spread out covering her cheek. There was a large wet spot covering her upper chest also. He dutifully snapped a picture. He wasn’t sure what he was going to do with these pictures. He wouldn’t “accidentally” be sharing these with his friends. These he’d probably delete. He didn’t even want them around for Donna to keep looking at.

Bill put his camera down, looking angrily at Jerome. When he wasn’t looking, Donna used her finger to slide some more of Jerome’s semen into her mouth. Jerome saw her, smirking slightly as she sucked his seed off her finger. His sperm tastes so good, she thought. She didn’t let Bill cum in her mouth, but since he’d been having his stamina problem, he’d lost control and came on her tongue twice now. His sperm was weak and runny, so she’d spit it out. It was nothing like the rich and thick seed of the black man which she couldn’t seem to get enough of. She scooped some more up with her finger. It wasn’t quite as good cooled down, but she still liked it.

“You didn’t have to cum in her mouth,” complained Bill.

“I’m sure it made a great shot,” answered Jerome. “Tell me you got it.”

“I got it,” grumbled Bill, glad this was over, but Jerome was squatting down on the blanket. He grabbed Donna’s arm and started pulling her down. “What are you doing now?”

“A few pics that look like Donna riding me,” said Jerome. He pulled Donna down on top of him. She straddled his legs and sat up, on the base of his crotch.

Bill looked at his wife. She wasn’t objecting and her face was cleaner. He assumed, she’d wiped herself off with the towel while he was talking to Jerome. He looked down at Jerome’s floppy cock. I guess this is safe since he just came and all, he thought even as Donna slid her crotch up along the shaft and another strand of semen shot from the head to pool on Jerome’s chest.

He’s so big, thought Donna sliding along the shaft. Jerome’s hips and torso were bigger, making her legs spread wider open than normal.

“Why don’t you oil me up?” said Jerome.

Donna nodded and grabbed the bottle of tanning oil. She emptied some on Jerome’s chest. Now it was her turn to run her hands all over his body. Her dainty white hands rubbing oil across his black skin was the sexiest sight she’d ever seen. His chest was so hard, and firm compared to her husband’s softer torso. She poured some more oil on the end of his cock where it stuck out between her legs. Her pussy started to glide easier up and down his shaft as she leaned forwards letting her slick hands coat his biceps with oil. She pushed her pussy down hard around his cock, it slipped backward until she fell on him, her breasts pressing into his hard chest, her face just above his face. “Whoops! You’re all slippery now,” she said. Jerome raised his head, pursing his lips. Donna didn’t hesitate to lower her own lips to his, kissing him back, dueling his tongue with her own. He rested a hand on her back, pulling her mouth tighter against his. Donna’s arousal poured from her pussy, mixing with the oil on his rapidly swelling cock.

Donna pushed herself off his chest, sitting up again. She was sliding her pussy faster along the shaft of his fully hard cock. She threw her head, back thrusting her breasts out as she concentrated on the feelings between her legs. A need was growing inside her to slide herself all the way to the tip so that she could feel the head pressing into her. It was safest to stay near the base. She slid all the way down to his scrotum, her hand sliding from his chest to his cock. She pulled his cock up, humping her pussy hard against the base of his shaft. “Oh god. Oh god. OH GOD!” she moaned.

“That’s good enough, Donna,” said Bill, lowering his camera. He didn’t want her orgasming again.

Jerome raised his head. “How about some shots of you lowering yourself over my cock?”

Donna kept sliding along his cock until Jerome grabbed her knees, holding her still. Reluctantly, she lifted herself up, pulling his cock up between her legs until she was squatting just above the head. Bill got a shot of the action from behind her. He was alarmed at how engorged her vaginal lips were as she bent the shaft up between her thighs.

“That’s good,” said Jerome. “Lower.” She bent her legs some more, the head nearly touching her pussy lips. “Lower,” he ordered. “Lower.”

To Bill, it looked like her pussy was opening for Jerome’s cock before she even touched it. He decided it was dangerously close now. He lowered his camera just as the tip of Jerome’s cock head began pushing Donna’s pussy open wider then it had ever been opened before. “AAAAGHHH!” Donna cried as it made contact. “CUMMING!”

“DONNA! Get off. It’s in you,” screamed Bill, jumping up and wrapping his arms around her back. He lifted her up before she could sink any further.

“NOOOOOO!” she howled in frustration as her pending orgasm fizzled out. She struggled in Bill’s arms trying to get back to Jerome’s cock even as it fell back against his chest and out of her reach.

“Thank god,” said Bill, releasing her. “That thing was going in you.”

She turned on her husband in anger. “Damn it, Bill. That was going to be a huge orgasm.”

“You can’t possibly want that black man’s penis inside you?”

Donna was about to retort but caught herself. “….No. No, of course not. Sorry.” Sorry, but I do want it and it’s not a penis Billy. It’s a big black cock, she thought.

“I’ll get rid of him and we’ll go have sex in the bedroom,” he whispered.

“Okay,” she replied, meekly.

Bill turned to Jerome as he climbed to his feet. “We’re done for the day,” said Bill, firmly.

Jerome had stood. He was between Bill and Donna, actively stroking his hard cock. “Not until we take some doggy style shots,” said Jerome, equally firm.

“We have enough,” said Bill.

“Just a few more, Billy.” Jerome was looking angry now.

“Donna?” asked Bill, looking to his wife for support, but she only had eyes for Jerome’s cock.

“Yeah Billy,” she said. “Just a few more shots.” Without waiting for a response, Donna got down on all fours on the blanket.

Bill squatted framing a picture. He had to admit he was looking at one of the most erotic images he’d ever seen. Donna’s perfect body down on all fours with a perfect male counterpart form on his knees behind her. She was looking backward at Jerome which made her breasts thrust out and up. Jerome’s cock was rearing up over the globes of her ass. Bill snapped a few shots.

“Get some shots from the front,” said Jerome.

Bill thought the side view was better, but he moved around to the front, squatting again and taking some more pictures. He captured Donna’s dangling breasts with Jerome rising above her torso. From this angle, it totally looked like he was about to take her from behind. “Jerome, push your penis down and slide it between her thighs so that it looks like it’s inside her.”

“Sure Billy, just let me adjust,” said Jerome, grinning. He grabbed his shaft and bent it down until it disappeared from the camera's view.

Donna almost jumped when she felt his cock head touching her again. It wasn’t between her thighs either. The firm head pressed against her pussy and began to push inside her. She braced herself on the floor as the entire head began to enter her. She should tell Bill what was happening, but her husband would probably make him take it out. She didn’t want Jerome to take it out. She wanted more of it. Her eyes rolled up and a smile spread across her face as he penetrated her deeper.

“Great facial expression, honey,” said Bill, cluelessly. He stooped some more, surprised he couldn’t see Jerome’s cock sticking out under her thighs.

Jerome gave a strong thrust of his hips. “Whoops!”

“FUCK!” gasped Donna, her body shuddering violently for a moment. She looked dazed and was gasping.

“Sorry, I slipped,” said Jerome, grabbing her ass.

Bill came around to the side in alarm. “It didn’t go in you did it… OH, SHIT!” Donna’s pussy was no longer his alone for half Jerome’s cock was now buried in it. A little deeper then Bill could ever go and stretching her out a lot more too. Fluid was dripping from Donna’s crotch where they were connected.

“Sorry, bro,” apologized Jerome. “She’s so wet, it slid right in.”

“Well pull it out!”

“Get a few pictures first.”

Bill grabbed his camera again and aimed it at their conjoined crotches. He couldn’t believe her body was taking that thing. She’d always felt snug around his much smaller penis. “Alright, alright, that’s enough. Pull it out.” Donna groaned in frustration as Jerome slowly removed it. His cock sprang up. The half that had been inside her was drenched, dripping clear liquid. “It’s soaked,” said Bill, staring at Jerome’s cock and then at Donna’s pussy. It was still splayed open and quivering.

“She came all over it,” said Jerome, matter-of-factly. He smacked it down on her ass before bending it back down towards her pussy. “Let’s see how much she can take.”

“NO!” cried Bill, watching half Jerome’s cock slide easily back into his wife’s pussy.

“FUCK! YES!” screamed Donna, contradicting him.

One black hand clamped tightly over her ass cheek, pulling her back into his cock even as he thrust forwards. Donna grunted, gritting her teeth as inch after inch slid inside her. Bill lowered his camera in disbelief as the final inch disappeared into his wife. “Dats the whole thing, Mrs. Miller,” said Jerome, holding it buried while grinding his crotch into her rear end.

“FUCK! It’s in my womb,” she gasped.

“That’s enough,” said Bill. “Take it out.”

“NO BILL!” said Donna, angrily. “FUCK NO! FUCK! YES!” Donna shuddered, her body trembling as she came a third time. “FUCK ME! FUCK ME JEROME!”

“You got it, slut,” said Jerome, grabbing her hips and holding her still as he began thrusting his cock in and out.

Bill got down at all fours, staring at his wife in shock. “Donna stop. Tell him to take his penis out.”

Slap! Slap! Echoed in the basement as Jerome’s crotch slammed into her thighs. “For the last time, Billy. That ain’t no penis,” grunted Jerome.

“It’s a COCK!” squealed Donna. “A BIG BLACK COCK and I fucking LOVE it!”

Bill fell back on his ass, scooting away from his wife and the black gardener. She was like a dog in heat being mounted a big alpha and you didn’t want to come between them. Jerome grinned at him with an evil expression as his hands slid up her body, pulling her up off her arms. She sank back into his cock, sitting in his lap as his hands found her tits. “Get lots of pictures Billy. I might not let you watch next time I fuck your wife.”

“YES!” moaned Donna, bouncing in his lap. “Next time. Any time. My pussy is yours.”

Bill looked ill as he raised the camera. Jerome was now yanking on her nipples. Her head was turned and they were kissing. Donna’s behaving like a complete slut, he thought. Jerome’s big black cock had changed her or awakened something inside her that his penis never could have.

“NO!” she complained as Jerome, pushed her up and his cock sprang out.

“Ride me, baby.” He sat down on his ass and spread his legs out.

Bill rose off the floor and sat dejectedly on the couch, no longer interested in taking pictures. Donna stood and turned to face her new lover. “Donna, it’s not safe for you,” he warned as she straddled Jerome’s waist.

“You can’t cum in me, lover,” she purred, squatting.

“I’ll warn ya,” said Jerome, holding his cock up for her. She took it, squatting over the head. “Now put that big black cock where it belongs.”

That cheating whore, Bill thought, watching his wife slowly sink into Jerome’s lap. Slut’s loving that big black cock. His own penis was straining at his shorts. “Oh, what the hell!” he said, reaching in and pulling his penis out. Bill started stroking himself watching a hotter sex scene than any he’d ever seen in a porno unfold before his eyes. “Give it to her Jerome. Fuck that slut good.”

Donna screamed arching her back as she rode him. “CUMMING!” She didn’t stop riding him. Donna leaned forwards, her tits dangling in his face. Jerome sucked one of her giant elongated nipples into his mouth. “CUMMING!” He sat up and Donna wrapped her legs around him. She never quit bouncing on his cock. “CUMMING!” she said again, before kissing her black lover lustfully.

Jerome fell back, bucking his hips upwards, nearly throwing Donna off his cock. She rode him like a cowgirl on a bucking bull. “CUMMING! They both cried. Donna’s cry turning into a scream of pleasure. Jerome fell on his back, collapsing on the floor. Donna ground into his still spurting cock. She turned to her husband. “He’s seeding me Bill!” she moaned, watching the small eruption of semen shoot from her husband’s much inferior penis. As Bill’s penis shriveled, Jerome’s cock continued jerking, each spasm shooting more of his seed into her womb. Its warmth spread through her body filling her with contentment.

Donna’s womb felt full and Jerome’s cock had yet to shrink so she reluctantly raised herself up off his cock. It slapped down on his chest as she laid at his side, raising his shaft up and staring at it in awe. She stroked upwards, a long strand of semen shooting out of the head towards her face. She opened her mouth catching some on her tongue. There were a few more lesser spurts before his cock finally lost some of its rigidness.

Donna fell on the towel beside Jerome, holding her hands over her warm womb, smiling in satisfaction.

Jerome climbed to his feet. His gaze fell on Bill’s shriveled little penis, spent and sticky with his runny weak seed. His mouth curled up in a sneer as Bill quickly tucked his penis away. “Let’s see the pictures, Billy.”

“Alright,” said Bill, standing off the couch. There was a box of tissues near his work desk. He retrieved one, wiping semen off his hand before connecting his camera to his laptop. Jerome hovered over him watching the pictures load. Bill tried not to glance at the giant hanging black penis right beside his cheek. It was an intimidating reminder of his own failings especially since it was still wet with Donna’s love juices.

“You’re really good, Billy.”

“Thanks, I guess.”

“I mean it. You could go pro.”

“I always wanted to take sex pictures. I could probably do better if it hadn’t been my wife.”

“Interesting,” said Jerome, thinking. “I like that one where you capture the expression on her face as she’s getting her first taste of black cock.”

“First taste and last,” said Bill. “This was a onetime thing. I don’t want to see you around here again.” Jerome snorted in derision. Bill stared at the picture of Donna on all fours. He could almost hear her screaming…


Bill frowned, peering over his shoulder. “What’s that about?”

“Oh, that’s just my ***,” said Jerome, matter-of-factly.

“WHAT?” Bill spun around in his chair.

Mark Sanford was standing naked on the carpet. Donna’s legs were wrapped around his waist as he buried his cock inside her. Her body was bent downward, head and shoulders on the floor as Mark worked a cock every bit as large as his son’s in and out of her pussy. Mark looked up smiling as his son and Bill walked over to him. “This is some grade A white pussy,” he said, approvingly.

“Seriously Donna?” asked Bill, watching his wife being fucked by the second black man and a man older than her father.

“I love their black cocks so much,” she squealed.

“She’s hooked now man,” said Jerome. Bill glanced over at him, noticing his huge cock was starting to lift until it was pointing straight out. “I suggest you get your camera ready.”

“I give up,” said Bill, knowing Donna was lost and things would never be the same again. He grabbed his camera, preparing to take some more hardcore sex pics. Jerome was kneeling while Donna nuzzled the head of his cock. Mark was still slamming into her pussy. The older man slowly lowered himself down, fucking her the whole time until he was also kneeling. He grunted, thrusting and holding his cock inside her.

Donna’s body shook violently as if she were having a seizure. As she calmed down, Mark pulled his rampant cock from her. As soon as it cleared her pussy, it flew up spraying sperm all over her body. Bill caught pictures of the sperm flying out of the cock, lowering the camera and snapping a few more of the river of sperm pouring from her pussy. He wished he was recording this instead of just taking pictures. Maybe next time, he could convince Jerome to let him film it?

“Turn over,” ordered Jerome.

Donna flipped onto all fours, opening her mouth so that he could push his cock inside. Mark rested his spent cock over her ass cheeks as it continued leaking sperm onto the small of her back. He jerked it, squeezing more cum out of it. His strokes while watching her suck his son, had it swelling again. Mark moved his hips back

Bill watched him bend his cock back down towards her pussy, but he stopped the head inches from Donna’s tight sphincter. Do it, thought Bill. Fuck my slut wife’s ass. Mark pressed it on her rosebud and pushed hard. Her sphincter stretched open around the head.

Donna tried to jerk forward but was trapped by Jerome. “HEY! Wrong hole,” she squealed, Jerome’s cock sliding up her cheek and rearing over her head. Her lips pressed against one brown coconut sized testicle. Mark’s cock head slipped into her ass which continued to stretch as the thickest part of his shaft began to enter her. “It’s ripping my ass open,” she complained, still nuzzling Mark’s son’s testicle.

“Quick clenching dem cheeks and relax,” grunted Mark. He was sweating from the strain of trying to force his cock in.

“OOOOHHH!” she moaned, her face turning red from the strain of taking his cock in her rear end. Donna licked Jerome’s testicle, her tongue sliding upwards. Bill captured the image of her looking up at Jerome with a worshipful expression on her face. She kept staring at him, kissing the base of his shaft before grabbing it and stroking the base. Her ass was pushing back into Mark’s thrusts. “YES!” she moaned in ecstasy, looking back at the older black man. “Fuck my ass, Mr. Stanford.” Mark squeezed her ass cheeks together, forcing his cock deep, slowly pumping his cock in and out.

Jerome grabbed her head pulling her lips back up to the head of his shaft. He pushed his cock back in her mouth and down her throat. Donna began rocking back and forth as father and son fucked her ass and mouth. Bill’s penis twitched in his pants. He reached in his shorts fishing his hard penis back out, pausing from snapping pictures only long enough to spit in his hand as he jerked off watching the threesome through the viewfinder.

“Suck that black cock, SLUT” growled Jerome.

“Work that white ass,” added his father, giving one cheek a smack with the palm of his hand.

Yeah slut, take those black cocks, thought Bill, jerking his penis off until a little teaspoon’s worth of semen squirted out of the grape-sized head. He wished he’d held off masturbating for a few minutes when the next scene unfolded before his eyes.

Mark pulled back on her hips. Jerome’s cock sprang out of her mouth. She lunged for it, but Mark pulled her up until she was sitting in his lap. Jerome walked forwards on his knees, forcing his cock down towards her now exposed pussy. He lined it up just above his father cock and forced it into her pussy. “CUMMING!” she squeezed, her body thrashing between the two black men. Mark held her arms as Jerome pushed his cock deeper into her pussy.

The two men fucked her so skillfully, Bill began to wonder if they’d done this before. Donna screamed and shuddered several more times. Jerome sat back and Donna clung to him, climbing up his chest until she could kiss him. Mark rose up, fucking her ass. He seemed to be straining again. “SHIT!” he groaned. “Here it cums.”

Bill stepped closer looking down with the camera. Mark’s cock cleared her ass, spraying semen all over her back. Bill zoomed in on her ass hole. Her sphincter was a quarter sized hole overflowing with sperm. Even more sperm was flowing down Jerome’s shaft and the camera captured the throbbing vein in the base of his cock and the son filled her pussy with his seed for a second time.

Donna slid up and off Jerome’s cock and stooped between the men, grabbing both shafts and jerking the last of the sperm from their cocks. Mark came all over her tits while Jerome’s blasted seed into her mouth. Bill snapped away as his wife was covered in a fountain of sperm.

Exhausted, Donna crawled over to the couch but didn’t even have the strength to climb up to sit on it. She just leaned against it, breathing heavily, wads of semen sliding down her body. Mark stood and dressed. Jerome grabbed his overalls but stayed naked as he walked over to Bill. His huge floppy cock slapping from thigh to thigh.

Bill looked up from his black cock and stared Jerome in the face. “Thanks for showing me what a slut I have for a wife,” he stated, truthfully.

Jerome grinned broadly. “They all turn slut once they get a taste of some black meat.”

“Yeah, I can see that. Well, thanks again.”

“What about my hundred bucks?”

Bill set the camera down. “Of course,” he said, grumpily. “I’ll get your money.”

“Good,” said Jerome, stepping into his pants. He waited until Bill’s back was turned to pick the camera up and pull the SD card out.

I can’t believe I’m paying this guy for fucking my wife, thought Bill, removing five twenties from his wallet. This guy has some nerve. Out of the corner of his eye, Donna was managing to lift herself up so she was could sit on the couch.

Mark climbed the stairs not saying anything. Jerome kept his shirt off following his father, but turned, giving Bill the thumbs up. “We’ll be back next week,” he said, before heading up the stairs.

Bill glanced over at his wife to see a smile spread across her face before her head fell back on the couch and she began snoring. Her face, chest, and crotch were still covered in semen while even more continued to pour from her pussy to pool on the couch.

“Slut,” said Bill, shaking his head. He left her there and retrieved his camera. He intended to upload the pictures off the camera immediately. He didn’t want to risk anyone else seeing them, but when he opened the side compartment there was no SD card. What the hell! He thought. For a second, he felt like an idiot not checking to see that he’d put it in, but then he remembered the pictures coming up when he connected his camera to his laptop.

So where was the card?”


Mark put his empty bowl of spaghetti in the sink and went to check on his son. Jerome had been busy on their laptop and had barely eaten. “What ya doin, son?” asked Mark, coming to stand behind Jerome.

The screen was filled with pictures of Donna. “Lookin at out pictures,” said Jerome. “Lil’ Billy took some great shots.

Lil’ Billy had indeed taken some nice shots. Mark couldn’t believe how good they were. As good as any professional porn pictures Mark had ever seen. “White boy’s got talent.”

The screen showed Donna on all fours with Mark just entering her ass while she sucked on Jerome’s testicle. Jerome looked up at him, evilly. “Let’s see what the internet thinks of these. Lots of money in good interracial porn.”

His hand moved the mouse over until the cursor hovered over the upload button.

His finger clicked down.

To be continued with Janice’s story.