The Unwanted Houseguest by Stormbringer

Chapter 6: Whose that Knockin' at My Back Door

Beth could see the single headlight on Steve's motorcycle following her the whole way home. Duane had taken her panties and there was nothing holding his semen inside her pussy. His large load constantly oozed out of her body staining the car seats and soaking her thighs. Beth had never been so scared in her life as she was at that moment. She had given into lust and let a giant dicked black man fuck her. He had apparently chosen to mark her as his property by cumming inside her and giving her two large hickies on her breasts. Now Steve was just minutes away from finding out.

Beth turned the car on to her block and pulled into her driveway. She was naked and halfway up the stairs when she heard his bike pull up beside her car. She was out of time. Beth heard the front door slam as she ran into the bathroom and quickly ran a cold wash rag between her legs, shivering as the clammy rag cleaned up a little of Duane's sperm. Beth gave up searching for makeup to hide the hickies when she heard Steve walking up the stairs. She had just thrown herself onto the bed and had managed to pull the covers up and turn out the light when Steve entered the room.

Steve flipped on the light and strolled into the room. He didn't say a word to her as he stripped and stood before her in all his glory. "Get out from under those covers so I can see your body," he said while stroking his cock to full erection.

"I..I'm cold," she said nervously. "Come get under the covers with me." Beth patted the bed and tried to smile seductively at him.

Steve stared at her for a moment, shocked that she had contradicted him, before yanking the covers off the bed. Beth scrambled to cover herself, folding her arms across her breasts.

She saw Steve staring between her legs and to her horror, she realized that still more of Duane's sperm was leaking out of her leaving a big wet spot on the sheet. Beth thrust both hands down to cover her pussy revealing her hickie covered breasts.

Her eyes widened in fear as she saw Steve start to shake in rage. "You fucking slut whore," he roared. "You let a black man soil your pussy didn't you slut?"

Beth curled up into a fetal position and began to rock back and forth as Steve continued to hurl insults at her. He seemed so mad that she was afraid he was going to hit her even though he had never physically abused her, other then the time he had spanked her on the beach. After a while she almost wished he would hit her, if it would get him to stop verbally abusing her. She cried as he continued to belittle her and she was afraid he'd never stop. She was even more afraid he'd never fuck her again. Everything he says is true, she thought continuing to cry. I am a slut. I am only good for one thing. My body was built to please men. She was so caught up in self realization that she failed to notice he had stopped screaming at her.

"Now go clean your ass up," he yelled. "I don't want to feel any trace of black man's sperm in you when I fuck you."

Beth's heart gave a little leap of joy knowing he was still going to fuck her but the tears continued to roll down her eyes as she ran to the bathroom.


Beth stepped into the tub and lowered herself into the hot water. She had run out of tears a long time ago but she continued to sob as she scrubbed herself up. What had she become? What would her feminist professors think of her now? Four years of their teachings had been disproven by one hand job. No, not even the hand job, just the sight of Steve's twelve inch cock had begun filling her head with ideas. She had wanted to lose the pool game so that she could taste his cock in her mouth. She wanted him to fuck her pussy and her ass. She enjoyed sucking on the fat photographers cock and she loved the thought of thousands of men jerking off to nude pictures of her in magazines. Here she was trying to clean all trace of Duane from her body and she actually wanted more of his sperm filling her belly, pussy, and ass.

Steve had taught her more about herself in the last month then any college professor ever could. Steve was the only teacher that mattered. Beth could hear Steve walking around downstairs as she winced as the wash cloth touched the bruised skin from her hickies. She dropped the cloth when she heard his motorcycle, but calmed herself when it shut off a minute later. She was confused, had he changed his mind and almost left her? She heard him stomping up the stairs and then the bed creaked as he got back on it. Beth dried her body off and then swished mouthwash around her mouth feeling a moments regret that the taste of Duane's semen was now gone forever.

She opened the door and saw Steve laying on the bed. He was holding his massive cock up so that it reached towards the ceiling. He still looked angry and she shuffled towards the bed holding her head down. Beth kneeled on the edge of the bed at his feet and she began crawling up towards his cock. She heard sounds coming from her throat and realized that she was whimpering, like a bad dog, crawling back to its master begging forgiveness. Beth reached his cock and leaned forward to kiss it. "Not this time Slut," he said, yanking it away from her lips. "Just climb up and fuck me." Beth started sobbing again when he jerked it away. She had always kissed his cock before sex and now she wasn't worthy of it. She threw her leg around him and rose up above his crotch.

With one hand Steve held his cock up towards her pussy and with his other he reached over and turned out the lights. "I don't want to have to look at your slut ass while I fuck you," he explained.

Beth gave a cry of anguish at his words, but continued to squat down towards his cock head. She had left the bathroom light on and a little light leaked into the room. Her eyes hadn't yet adjusted to the darkness but she could sense his cock below her. She let gravity take her down onto his cock and heard a loud squishing sound as it was buried in her pussy. She was soaking wet, and not from the bath or from Duane's cum, it was from a burning desire to please Steve that had her so aroused. She decided to give Steve the best fuck of his life and she did squats over his cock so that she could use his entire length to fuck her. She was panting from the exertion but after five minutes her efforts were rewarded when Steve started bucking his hips to match her squats and she orgasmed knowing that he was enjoying it. After another five minutes, Steve grabbed her hips and pulled her down to her knees so that most of his cock remained buried in her pussy as he started to fuck her hard.

Beth was giving little cries of pleasure as she felt Steve slide his hands down to her ass cheeks. She moaned, knowing that he was about to stick one of his fingers in her ass. Steve gave a powerful thrust of his cock, causing the entire bed to jump and she had another orgasm from the force of his thrust.

She felt his finger probe at her rectum and then he pushed it in. No, it was too large to be his finger, he was stuffing something else in. Then Beth felt another pair of hands on her hips and a massive, well lubricated cock was sliding into her ass. Steve's hands were holding her ass cheeks spread for another man.

The pleasure she felt from being simultaneously penetrated by two meaty cocks was incredible but it still shocked her and she tried to struggle. Steve's grip on her ass strengthened, holding her in place while the other man shoved his entire cock into her until his balls slapped against her thighs just above the base of Steve's shaft. Beth could feel the two cocks rubbing against each other separated by only a thin layer of flesh and they felt incredible. She heard a click as Steve reached over and switched on the light. He was smiling at her now and Beth looked over her shoulder to see Duane also smiling at her, his white teeth standing out against his black face.

"Beth," Steve said, "I'd like you to meet one my buddies, Duane."

"We've met Steve," Duane added.

"I don't understand," said a very confused Beth as she looked back at Steve.

"I owed my bro a couple favors," said Steve, "so I decided to share the new slut I was breaking in."

"Oh," said Beth, feeling both their cocks began to move a couple of inches inside her. "So your not mad?"

"Fuck yeah I'm mad," said Steve. "Duane bet me that he could fuck you before you knew who he was and I hate to lose."

"Oh," said Beth again, as they began to fuck her two holes with about half their cocks.

"Yeah bro, pay up tomorrow," said Duane pulling his black cock out of her ass until just the fat head stretched out her sphincter grotesquely and then slamming the entire length back in.

"Ohh," moaned Beth, feeling Steve doing the same thing with his cock. "How much did you lose?"

"One fucking dollar," Steve snarled, and then at Beth's surprised look added, "Never bet on a cock slut to turn down a big dick."

"Ooh, ooooo, fuck me," cried Beth upset that she was only worth a dollar but enjoying having both her holes stuffed too much to care about it. They were taking turns slamming their cocks into her and Beth felt her nerves tingling around whichever cock happened to be buried in her at the moment. She cried out in pleasure as the stimulation turned into a series of orgasms that caused her to buck wildly around their cocks. Almost on cue, the men changed their tactics, both pulling out and both ramming their cocks in together and her orgasms grew bigger and continued to come in a series of waves.

"Ow," she cried, as their cocks began to swell as they approached orgasm. It was like thier big organs were competing for space in her body. Duane lasted longer, probably because he had already cum twice that night already and she felt a thick wad of Steve's semen strike her cervix and his giant cock was jumping deep inside her pussy as it continued to spit out wad after wad. Duane's fat black cock began hosing the insides of her rectum before Steve had finished his orgasm and she felt her ass filling with his seed.

The cocks quit jerking after a minute or two and the two men paused to catch their breath, while Beth just laid there stunned by the feelings she had just experienced. She felt a trickle of cum leak out of her pussy and drip onto the bed. It was soon joined by a trickle from her ass that turned into a stream and then a gusher when Duane slowly pulled his cock out of her rectum and collapsed beside Beth on her husband's side of the bed.

Steve apparently didn't like having his buddies sperm dripping onto his balls, so he pulled out and threw Beth off of him. Cum continued to gush out of her holes as she laid between the two men. She'd be sleeping in a big wet spot tonight.

Later, Beth laid between the men on her back, gently stroking their long cocks. Duane was softly snoring but Steve's cock started to respond. Not wanting to work too hard at cumming Steve pushed Beth's head down towards his cock and soon felt her take the head into her mouth.

"Beth," he said grabbing her head to push it up and down his cock. "Duane's going out to California with me at the end of the week. "He'll be staying here until then." He felt her head bob around his cock enthusiastically and continued. "Call in sick to work the rest of the week, your going to be too busy serving us until were gone and by the way, starting tomorrow morning I want you wearing that sexy maid's uniform for the rest of the week.


"I didn't like that job anyway," said Beth as she hung up the phone. They had just fired her for calling out too many times this month and weren't about to let her take off for a whole week.

Beth heard the sounds of the men stirring upstairs and her high heels clicked against the kitchen floor as she ran over to the stove to prepare them breakfast. The bacon and eggs sizzled in the pan as she stared down at her proud breasts held upwards by the black push up bra she wore. She continued to look down over her lean tan stomach at he black miniskirt covered by a frilly white apron. Her skirt showed off her shapely legs covered in a black fishnet stocking. I hope the boys like me in this, she thought.


Steve and Duane sat at the table after eating. Duane was sipping coffee and Steve was reading the sports section of the paper. "Y-you almost done with the paper," said Duane his voice strained.

"Almost," muttered Steve.

Duane's brow had broken into a sweat and he set the coffee cup onto the table so that he could grip the edge of the table with his hands. He started grunting and his knuckles whitened as he gripped the table tighter. Duane bellowed and fell back in his seat panting.

"Get me some more coffee first slut," said Steve when he felt Beth kiss the head of his cock under the table.

Beth crawled out from under the table, her skirt had flipped up showing off her ass cheeks with the thin black string of her panties between them. She jumped when Duane playfully spanked her cheek just above the black garter. She smiled as she poured Steve a fresh cup of coffee, the spanking was all the thanks she'd get. Neither man ever complimented or thanked her. She wasn't even allowed to eat breakfast with them. Beth set the coffee before Steve and crawled under the table again, kissing his cock and starting his morning blowjob. She may not be allowed to join them for breakfast but she was still getting plenty of protein.


Steve had mentioned something to Duane about riding to South Beach and partying all day. Delighted, Beth ran upstairs and changed into her bikini. She heard their motorcycles riding off when she bounced down the steps to join them. Duane had left her a note telling her to wash his clothes for him and that they wouldn't be back for dinner. Dejected Beth gathered up his clothes and headed to the washer.

Steve returned late that night without Duane and asked for a blowjob. Beth kissed his cock and buried it in her throat. Steve's cock tasted of dried semen and another womans juices. She stopped and looked up at him, a hurt expression in her eyes.

"Men like Duane and I can never be satisfied with just one woman," he explained as he reached out and began moving her head up and down his cock. "Now do a good job cleaning that dick off."

Beth continued to blow him thinking that if that bitch were here now, she'd scratch her eyes out.

"Besides Beth," Steve added in a rare show of compassion, "Most women only get fucked once by us. I've stayed with you over a month now. You should consider yourself lucky."

She did.

The rest of the week went by quickly. She only left the house to by them beer and food, other then that she spent her time serving their needs and waiting for them to return home. They both fucked a different woman almost every day and were rarely home at the same time. Beth found herself growing depressed as the week passed. Not because of the way they treated her, but because they'd be leaving soon. This last week had actually been the happiest, most fulfilling week of her life. Most of all she wanted to feel both their cocks in her at the same time again.


The morning of their last day in Florida was here and Beth found herself bent over Steve's bike securing his bags. She didn't feel the least bit self-conscious any more and hadn't given a second thought to wearing her french maid outfit out in the yard. She could feel a gentle breeze blowing on her ass cheeks and she knew that her mini skirt had blown up as she leaned over the bike. She didn't even have to turn and look to know that her neighbor was staring at her bare ass through his binoculars next door. She finished readying their bikes and returned to the bedroom.

Duane was in the shower and Steve was lying on the bed naked his erect cock in his hand. Beth stared at his cock a little surprised that she was still in awe of it. "What will you be requiring for breakfast?" she asked.

"No breakfast today Beth," Steve said grinning, "We're leaving." He saw the look of despair cross her face and added, "But, not until we both fuck you for a couple of hours. Now strip and come suck my dick."

Delighted, Beth stripped naked and crawled into bed with Steve. She took his thick cock in one of her little hands and planted what she feared would be her last kiss of submission on it. She licked around his pee slit, then the head, then up and down his entire cock, before swallowing it into her throat.

Duane finished drying himself and walked into the room, his cock stiffening to full erection at the sight of Beth sucking on the only cock he knew of, that was longer then his. He got behind her and put his hands on her hips, positioning his cock for entry into her pussy. Duane could see her juices running down over her thighs and as he watched, her pussy lips separated to receive him. He pushed the abnormally large head of his cock up to her pussy and watched as his black cock stretched her out quickly disappearing into her pussy.

The next three hours were the happiest moments of Beth's life. The only time she didn't have two cocks buried in one of her holes was when they were switching positions or during their brief rest periods. By the time the men had finished using her body, they had each cum four times and she was covered in their sperm. She put her head down and cried when they stood up off the bed, knowing that they were leaving her.

"Beth," said Steve and when she looked up he added, "There's some champagne left over from New Years downstairs. Go get it and three shot glasses."

Still crying, Beth raced downstairs to get the champagne. She picked up the bottle seeing that it was almost empty. She and David had drank most of it on New Years just before meeting Steve at the bar. Hours after drinking this she had become unfaithful to her husband, taking Steve's wonderful cock into her mouth for the first time, after losing to him at pool. Beth grabbed the shot glasses and ran back upstairs.

"I'd like to propose a toast to Beth," he said as she set them on their dresser before Steve and he took the champagne from her. This was the nicest thing he had done for her all week and she cried with joy and sadness at the compliment.

He ran out of champagne after pouring the second shot. "Oh Beth sorry, looks like you don't get any," he said.

"Come on bro," said Duane snatching up the empty shot glass, "She's gotta drink something." Duane held the glass under his cock and began squeezing out any remaining sperm. He was rewarded by a couple large wads squirting out and falling into the glass.

Duane passed the shot glass now half full of semen to Steve who proceeded to do the same thinking. Milking his cock until a large glob of semen filled it to the rim, mixing with his friends seed. He handed her the sperm shooter and she hesitantly took it into her hands.

"Heres to Beth," toasted Steve, holding up his drink. "The best damned cock-slut in the world." "Here, here," added Duane and the two men downed their champagne. Beth looked at the sperm filled glass before her. Light reflected off the semen causing it to sparkle before her eyes. Nothing made sense any more. How can one hand job turn someone from a conservative feminist into a slut who waited on men and drank sperm from a glass. She should throw this into Steve's grinning face. If she could do that she could reject what she had become and go back to being a faithful wife who shared the household duties equally with her husband.

She wanted it to last, so she let their sperm roll over her tongue, tasting them for the last time before swallowing it slowly down her throat. When she finished running her tongue around the insides of the glass to make sure she had gotten it all, she looked up to see that Steve and Duane had gone. She hadn't even realized they had gotten dressed and had quietly left the room. She ran to the window in time to hear their motorcycles start up. She gave a scream of despair at what she had lost. Steve hadn't even given her a chance to thank him for everything he had done for her. She looked down at the men revving their engines. Steve's bike was crowded with his bags, but she noticed an empty spot behind Duane....

********** David pulled into his driveway and checked himself in the rear-view mirror. His hair was unkempt and there were bags under his eyes. He sighed and grabbed his bags as he got out of the car and headed towards his house. He set his bags down on the kitchen table and removed something from the suitcase and proceeded to the living room. He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that his brothers things were gone. "Beth," he yelled. Hearing nothing he proceeded up the stairs yelling once again for his wife.

He could hear her crying as he entered their bedroom. She was lying on the bed naked, crying into her arms. Her ass was upthrust and he could see sperm dribbling out through her distended anus. Looking down he noticed her labia was separated and oozing semen also. In fact, it looked like some kind of sperm bomb had exploded on her. Wads, splatters, flakes, and trickles covered her back, ass, and thighs.

She heard him and spun around, a look of joy on her face, which quickly turned into a frown when she saw who it was. "Oh! Hi honey," she said trying to hide her body under the covers.

David wanted to throw up. Her entire chin was covered in flakes of his brother's dried sperm. Semen even covered her cheeks, like he had pulled it out of her mouth while it was still erupting. Her tears had plowed little furrows through the flakes. "Don't bother trying to cover up you slut," he said throwing the item he was carrying at her.

She cringed and picked up the video cassette. "What is it?" she asked. "It's a video of my brother fucking your ass on a beach while you suck off some fat man," he paused while she wailed in despair. "I got horny thinking of my faithful wife, the last night in my motel and decided to watch one of the house porns. I almost threw myself off the balcony last night when I saw you and Steve." Somewhere between the screaming and the crying that ensued, Beth told David everything that had happened. He clutched his stomach when she explained the photographer and he sat down heavily on the bed when she got to the part about Duane, which explained her current appearance, no one man could cum that much, not even Steve. He looked at her aghast when she got to the part about the sperm shooter. The shot glass were still over on the dresser, though it looked like it had just been washed.

"One thing, I don't understand Beth," he asked with his head bowed down, "why didn't you go with them?"

"They didn't want me," she wailed. "Steve said it was time to break in some new pussy."

Beth leaned up to hug her husband for comfort and she was roughly pushed away as he stood up, a disgusted look on his face. "I should divorce you," he coldly told her. "No judge will give you anything when he views that tape. You'll get nothing." He turned and left the room.

Beth heard David return about ten minutes later. She turned to him an expression of hope written all over her face and saw he was naked, his erect penis, no his erect cock bobbing before him. "Things are going to be different around here from now on," he said in a deep masculine voice she had never heard before. She kneeled on the bed and turned her head towards his crotch. His cock seemed a lot bigger like it had grown a couple inches. It was also the hardest she had ever seen it.

"I don't want to look at you, Bitch," he barked at her. "Turn around so I can fuck your slut ass."

"Yes David," she answered, but before she turned around she kissed the head of his cock in submission. It seemed to swell even bigger when her lips touched it and his intoxicating man scent filled her nostrils. She inhaled deeply looking up his body, her lips still on his cock. He was standing up straighter and he seemed bigger, more powerful. She saw the angry look on his face and scooted around to obey him.

David pushed his cock into his wife's ass and was rewarded by her moan of pleasure. "From now on your going to do all the cooking and cleaning around here."

"Anything David," she purred. "Fuck me harder"

"And your going to wear whatever I tell you," he told her shoving three fingers into her wet pussy.

"Yes David," she panted feeling an orgasm approaching. "Fuck me, shove your cock in my ass."

She consented again when he said he was going to fuck her anytime, anywhere he wanted and he thought, maybe this didn't turn out to be so bad after all.

"Your big dick's making me cum," she moaned in orgasm. It was the first orgasm she had ever had with her husband. She had another orgasm a minute later. It was the second orgasm she had ever had in her life.

Epilogue: The Wanted Houseguest by Stormbringer

She awoke soon afterwards to a pounding on the door and she pushed herself to her hands and knees, her head hanging before the toilet.

David stuck his head in and said "You ok there honey?"

Beth nodded and pointed at the toilet like she was going to throw up.

"Yell, if you need anything," he said. "and Beth I'm sorry about all this." David saw his wife look at him sadly without saying anything and he added, "I'll be waiting for you in the bedroom."

David closed the door a little relieved. She wasn't as covered in his brother's cum as he thought. If she was sick to her stomach she probably wouldn't have had time to clean it off. So he reasoned, it must have looked a lot worse then it really was. David felt a little better, as he stripped and got into bed.

Beth threw herself into the shower. The strange urges that had overwhelmed her were gone and she was filled with self loathing as she tried to scrub all traces of Steve's sperm off her body. She was the most confused, she had ever been in her life. Her dream had been so realistic that the boundary between reality and fantasy was blurred. She wasn't sure what was real any more. She sighed in relief, she was still the proud, faithful wife she had always been.

Beth spent thirty minutes rubbing soap into everywhere his cum had touched her and she still didn't feel clean. She finally got out of the tub when the hot water turned cold. There were tears in her eyes as she brushed her teeth, at least five times, rinsing out her mouth with mouthwash after each one. She looked at the toothbrush and threw it into the trash on top of her ruined lingerie. She would by a new toothbrush tomorrow.

Beth hated Steve more then ever now. No decent man would ever make her do what he did. Why didn't he warn her about how big his orgasms were? She was disgusted with her husband from not stopping her from going through with it and for not being a man and throwing his brother out of their house, but most of all she was disgusted with herself for reacting the way she had.

David lay in bed waiting for his wife. He was hornier then he had ever been in his life and was worried she would be too pissed off or sick to her stomach to make love to him. He needn't have worried, Beth practically threw herself on him. She spread her legs and ground her pussy against his pubic hairs trying to get him deep inside her as she rode him up and down. She was trying to kiss him but all he could think of was his brother's semen flying into her mouth and he kept turning his head away from her.

Beth felt her husband squirming underneath her to avoid kissing her mouth, and she figured he must think she had vomited. She forcefully grabbed his head and kissed him on the lips slipping her tongue in and out of his mouth. He resisted at first and then kissed her back. Beth was disappointed that his cock wasn't the proud member of her dream, but thought that if she tried harder it would grow big enough that she could cum. Typical of David, she felt his penis swell up and ejaculate inside her after five minutes. His small load didn't even penetrate as far as her finger had and it did little to stop the invading sperm of his brother. Still, it was the best sex they had ever had and she collapsed beside him, exhausted.

They lay side by side panting and David yawned saying, "Steve sure is well hung, isn't he?"

"I had no idea there were cocks that big," she whispered back, staring at the roof, eye wide open at the memory.

David's eyes flew open "What did you say?"

Beth caught herself and replied, "I said, I didn't know penises got that large."

"Oh" David closed his eyes, "I love you Beth,"

"I love you too." she replied thinking about Steve's cock. Beth laid awake thinking of the foot long monster waiting on the couch downstairs. She needed to cum again. She needed to be dominated and taken by a real man. She wanted to be fucked and used by two well-hung men at the same time. She didn't bother putting on clothes as she got off the bed and headed towards the stairs.

Steve slowly stroked his cock waiting for Beth to come to him. He had some fun plans for the two of them once she submitted to him. He smiled to himself when he heard her footsteps coming down the stairs. No woman had ever been able to resist his cock once they had seen it.