The Unwanted Houseguest by Stormbringer

Chapter 5: Flirting With Disaster

Beth was so flustered seeing herself on the cover of a porn magazine, she almost got involved in two accidents while driving home from the airport. She tried to calm herself so that she could think. She didn't know any people who read smut magazines, so she was probably safe from getting caught. David liked porn, but he only rented the occasional video. She would cross her fingers and hope no one would recognize her. The magazine would be off the shelves in a month and she could get on with her life. Steve would be gone in a week and there would be no more incidents like this to worry about. Strange, but the thought of Steve leaving didn't fill her with joy like it should have. It actually depressed her to think that she would be going back to an orgasm free existence and she pictured herself riding behind Steve on his bike heading out West to California.

Beth pulled into her driveway and like a zombie slowly walked into the house. Steve was waiting for her in the kitchen, an excited look on his face.

"Have you seen these," he said throwing three magazines on the table.

Beth just nodded feeling nothing. There was no desire to yell at him or to hit him. She felt empty inside. Beth looked over at the magazines. In addition to Anal Encounters, there were two others. She was on the cover of another riding Steve's cock. The last cover was a collage of different people and She saw herself kissing his massive cock in the upper corner. The contact point between her lips and his cock head were covered by a black dot and the picture bore the caption, A Cock You Gotta See to Believe.

Beth looked through the magazines while Steve walked out into the living room to change for work. As she leafed through the pictures, she felt herself becoming aroused. The photographs of her and Steve were awesome. There was one where she had the photographers dick in her mouth and her eyes were half closed as she swallowed it wantonly. The picture didn't resemble the Beth she knew from the mirror. The woman in the picture was the most beautiful, sensual woman she had ever seen. The emptiness inside her was being replaced by one emotion, lust.

Beth started rubbing her pussy through her slacks as she looked at the pictures. Hundreds of men were probably looking at her body right this minute, all stroking a wide variety of cocks, all wishing that they were Steve. She could see him naked in the living room. His fantastic penis was half erect and it seemed to radiate power, calling to her. They should make it illegal to cover that thing, she thought as he was pulling on his shorts.

Steve, come fuck me now," she screamed.

"Can't," he said walking back into the kitchen dressed and ready for work. "I'm running late."

Beth didn't give him much time to react. She was on her knees, with his cock in her mouth before he had even realized his zipper was down. It quickly swelled to full erection under her now expert ministrations and he let her worship it for about five minutes before pulling it out of her mouth.

"Meet me at the bar around nine," he said looking at the crestfallen Beth. "We'll fuck all night when we get home." Steve stuffed his cock into his shorts, knowing that once it was hard, it stayed hard until he came. It was going to be a long night, he thought, but at least his tips would be bigger.

Beth remained on her knees staring in disbelief at the empty doorway, fully believing he'd come back until she heard his bike start up and drive away.


Beth opened her bedroom drawer and she looked at her old baggy sweaters and tops. She removed them, revealing her newer sexier outfits, hidden underneath.

Beth then stripped, noticing how soaked her panties were. The magazine pictures had her hornier then she had ever been and she didn't think she could wait for Steve to get off work. She wished he could give her a quickie out behind the bar tonight. It was probably the only time she had ever regretted his amazing stamina.

She leafed through her clothes and settled on a tight halter top and a short black skirt. She pulled on a black thong, but decided against a bra. She could see the large outline of her aureola through the thin material of her top. Her bare flat stomach was now a perfect light brown color, matching her hair and the rest of her body. Her ass cheeks were the same color from being bare all the time in her bikini as she rode on the back of Steve's bike. Her tan was almost universal now, her crotch and a small area around her nipples being the only white spots left on her entire body.

She ran her hand down her belly, resisting the temptation to continue on under her skirt. Steve could take care of that problem later. She smiled at the beautiful woman in the mirror and almost laughed at the foolish girl she had been just a month ago. She had been as white as a ghost and hadn't even been able to look at herself in a mirror, being ashamed of her voluptuous figure. Now, Beth realized, her entire body was designed to please men, from her face to her ass and she was a fool to try to deny them that pleasure. David would never be able to satisfy her and within days after Steve was gone, she would be on the prowl for some new cock to fulfill her needs. Beth twirled around, watching the skirt fly up, revealing her lower butt cheeks and then she left the room heading for her car and Steve.


The cold night air had caused her nipples to pop out. Her entire areola were swollen and straining at her top. They were so hard, they got a little swore rubbing against the material of her top. The club was crowded that night and it almost fell completely silent when Beth entered the room. Without even realizing it, she thrust out her breasts and wiggled her ass a little more, as she crossed the room towards Steve. Every male eye was upon her and some she thought seemed to recognize her. She was afraid they recognized her from the porn magazines and she shrugged it off to her imagination until she noticed the same men staring in awe at Steve behind the bar. Yeah, they knew who she was alright.

Beth sat down at the bar and crossed her legs, showing off just a hint of her panties to people at nearby tables. Steve set a strong drink in front of her and he kept it filled, though he was too busy to stay and talk with her. He wasn't too busy to scare off all the horny men though. Every time she saw one approaching her, Steve would be there to scare him away. She began to wish he would let her flirt a little just so that she could have someone to talk too.

She finished her drink and Steve set a fresh one in front of her before getting busy with a bunch of drink orders. Beth was idly twirling her swizzle stick around in her drink when she heard a deep masculine voice behind her.

"You here alone, Miss."

She looked down the bar. Steve was busy and not paying any attention to her. She put on her most dazzling smile and turned to face the man. She found herself staring at a white t-shirt covering an incredibly muscular torso. She looked up to see a very handsome black face smiling down at her.

"Y-yes I'm alone," she stuttered. "I mean no, I'm waiting for the bartender."

"Well, I'm sure he won't mind if keep you company until he's off," he replied sitting down beside her.

They struck up a conversation and Beth found it difficult to concentrate as she stared at the black giant. His physical presence was so powerful that she wanted to surrender her body to him right then and there.The only other man who had affected her that way before was Steve and the similarities between the two were amazing. Duane, the black man, was a loner just like Steve. He wandered about the country on his motorcycle, never staying in one place for long. Beth just listened raptly to him, wandering what his cock looked like. She had developed a fascination with black cocks ever since seeing the one in David's porno movie. She had thought that cock big at the time until encountering Steve's in real life. She was so focused on Duane she didn't even notice Steve fill up their drinks, nor did she notice the angry look he flashed both her and the black man. Duane excused himself to go to the bathroom and Steve was immediately in front of her.

"That black guy bothering you," he said gruffly.

"No, Steve," she said a little flustered. "He's just keeping me company until your off, that's all."

"Well just make sure he keeps his dirty black hands off you."

"Don't worry," she said a little confused. She had never known Steve as a bigot. In fact, he seemed to consider himself superior to all other men, whites and blacks.

"On second thought," he said, an evil grin on his face. "I want you to mess with him."

"What!" she said her eyes growing wide.

"Flirt with him, make him hard. Grab his dick," he explained. "No sex, your body belongs to me this week. I want you to make him so fucking horny his balls hurt. I want to see the look in his eyes when he sees me leaving with you, knowing it's my cock that's about to be buried in your pussy."

"I d-don't think I can," Beth said shaking her head, which quickly changed to a nod of agreement at the cold look of fury on his face.

Steve left the minute Duane returned. They talked a little while before a nervous Beth reached over and set her hand on top of his thigh much to his delight. He replied by putting one big callused hand on her knee and squeezing it while looking down the bar at Steve to make sure he wasn't paying attention. She grew a little bolder and began sliding her hand up towards his crotch, expecting to come into contact with a humongous black cock at any second. She was somewhat confused when her hand didn't encounter anything and she continued on up to his crotch while he just stared into her eyes, a smug look on his face. She encountered the thick stem between his legs and her eyes widened in awe as she realized his cock ran down his other pant leg. His cock had to be almost as big as Steve's and she felt it throbbing all the way through his pants. Duane let her run her hands up and down his cock a few times before asking her to dance. She nodded and he led her out to the crowded dance floor.

Duane was an excellent dancer and as they were out of sight of Steve, she found herself getting a little carried away. She flipped her skirt up, flashing Duane her bare ass and jumped away from him when he grabbed her cheeks with his big hands. She wagged her finger at him saying he was naughty and she backed her ass up into his crotch, feeling him grind his cock against her. Then she spun around and held him rubbing their crotches together. The beat was rhythmic and sexual and she found herself wishing her pussy was full of some big black dick at the moment. The set ended and they returned to the bar sweaty and breathing heavy from the dancing and their arousal.

Beth downed her drink and excused herself to go to the bathroom. She was *****, horny, and she had to pee really bad so she spent a few minutes in the bathroom. When she had finished and freshened up her make up, she left the bathroom.

Beth was walking by a partially opened broom closet when a strong pair of hands grabbed her and pulled her inside. She struggled at first until he flipped the light on revealing Duane making shushing motions with his finger and lips. His hands were quickly all over her body.

"Duane, I can't be in here with you," she said moaning as he tweaked her nipples through her halter top.

"Come on Beth," he said while kissing all over her face. "You gotta let me fuck you. I've never been this turned on in my life."

"I can't cheat," she said without realizing that her hand was unconsciously stroking his cock through his pants. "That big guy behind the bar is my boyfriend and he's a little overprotective," she explained still rubbing his cock through his pants.

"He didn't seem to mind you messing with me though," said Duane as he ran his big black hands under her halter top and flicked it up, freeing her bare breasts.

"He said I could tease you," she explained moaning as he bent over and took one of her large nipples into his mouth. "I could grab you, but not have sex with you."

Duane didn't respond, he just continued to lick around her nipples and he gently bit them from time to time. Beth could never remember being so horny. First, the magazine pictures had gotten her all worked up, and then Steve had left her hanging this afternoon. Now, being trapped in a closet with a well hung black guy had her dripping with excitement. She even found his sweaty smell to be sexually stimulating. Duane stood up and began unbuttoning his jeans, a smug, self-assured expression on his face the whole time.

"Wh..what are you doing?" she asked nervously.

He dropped his jeans and then bent over to pull down his underwear freeing a cock as equally impressive as Steve's. It was about an inch smaller but was about half againt as thick.

"He said you could grab," Duane answered her, putting her hand on his cock. "So grab."

Beth began running her hands along his throbbing ebony shaft feeling it jump at her touch. A nasty thought occurred to her. Steve had said she could touch him. Wasn't jerking him off, just touching him? Beth gave him a quick kiss and said, "Let me jack you off."

She saw Duane give a little nod and Beth fished around in her purse for a minute until she located a small tube of hand moisturizer. She kneeled down and covered both hands in moisturizer until they were well lubricated. Beth knew from experience that it would take a lot of lubrication and she emptied the bottle in her hands. Beth looked up at his cock and froze. The narrow confines of the janitors closet had it swaying before her eyes, less then a foot away. It was simply the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. The black cock in David's video had a light colored head but, Duane's was a dark black all the way through. His balls were bigger then Steve's and they hung down further. The head was a lot bigger then Steve's, as was his urethra which was oozing pre-cum.

Without thinking, Beth leaned forward and planted her ritual kiss of submission on the head feeling it jerk up at the touch of her lips. She kept her lips poised about an inch away from the head, his musky smell filling her nostrils. She wanted nothing more then to swallow it whole but Steve had forbidden her. Beth figured one taste couldn't hurt, and her tongue flicked out and licked the pre-cum off his head. It tasted salty and the amount was almost as much as her husband's entire orgasm.

Duane wasn't moving his body at all. but she could swear that his cock was straining to find its way past her lips. Beth came to her senses and backed up a little. She brought both her hands up and began rubbing moisturizer all over his cock feeling how hard he was. Beth developed a a pattern of stroking and soon found herself becoming mesmerized like she had the first time she had stroked off Steve. She had fantasized she was blowing Steve, then getting fucked by him, and then his cock had turned black and he had penetrated her ass, just like the stud in the video. Now all her visions were of black cocks and she decided that if Duane was going to be in town after Steve left, she would be fucking him the minute Steve was gone. This cheered her up thinking that she had just discovered a new source of orgasms and semen to satisfy her once Steve was gone.

Speaking of semen, the taste of his pre-cum was still on her lips and she wished she could have more. His cock was swelling up now meaning he was approaching orgasm. The big pee slit was opening and closing with her strokes. Then an alarming thought hit her. Big cock, big balls, big pee slit, it all meant that this guy was about to shower her with a tremendous amount of cum and Steve had forbidden her from letting him cum. He'd kill her if she walked out into the bar covered with a black man's sperm. Beth had gone a little too far and she didn't really have much choice. She would have to swallow the evidence.

"You white slut," Duane said watching her swallow his entire cock into her mouth. "Where did you learn to do that?"

"Around," she said when she came up for air.

Beth got into her pattern of deep throating him and licking around the head while she caught her breath. Her skills quickly had him ready to explode and she felt him start to explode when she had his entire cock buried down her throat. The overly large head of his cock had swollen so big that she found it hard to suppress her gag reflex. Beth felt the ridge of his cock head scrap along her throat as she quickly slid it out so that just the head was in her mouth. Where Steve always came in several large wads, Duane just constantly hosed out sperm. She could feel it spraying her esophagus and then the sides of her throat as she slid it out into her mouth. His hot cum poured into her mouth and she let it fill up at least three times before swallowing. Beth had described swallowing David's load as an appetizer and Steve's as a main course. Duane's was a seven course dinner and Beth was proud when she swallowed every drop.

"Oh my god," said Duane as his legs went weak and he caught himself against the wall to keep from slumping down. "You've got to let me fuck you," he said pulling her to her feet and rubbing his long wet cock along her bare belly and across her belly button.

"In a week," she said panting with desire. "My boyfriends gone within a week."

"Sorry, but so am I," he said sadly.

"Oh." the smile on Beth's face fell and she sadly wondered where she was going to find another cock like Steve's or Duane's to satisfy her in a week.

Duane opened the door and looked around, "Coasts clear," he said and he slipped out the door.

Beth fixed her clothing and wiped off her hands on a dirty rag in the closet, following him out the door. He had disappeared and she returned to her bar seat and an angry looking Steve.

"Where the hell have you been?" he demanded. "Just out dancing," she lied.

"Where's your black boy?" he asked.

"I guess he left." she replied trying to keep the disappointment out of her voice.

"You leave him all high and dry like I told you?"

"Yes Steve," she lied again.

"Good," he said laughing. "I'm getting off in an hour. Why don't you run home and be waiting for me in my brother's bed.

"Yes Steve," she said jumping up. She needed to get fucked and she didn't think she could wait another hour.

Beth needed to use the bathroom again before she left and she glanced at the broom closet as she entered the ladies room. Beth relieved herself and stopped off to check her make up. She gasped when she saw how swollen her cheeks were. Beth looked down her body and gasped again when she saw a line of dried semen running down her stomach and across her belly button looking like a snail had crawled across her belly leaving a trail behind it. Thank god the bar must have been too dark for Steve to see her cheeks and belly. Beth quickly poured warm water into her hands and wiped off the semen on her stomach.

Beth quickly left the building and made her way to her car. She couldn't wait to have Steve's cock buried in her vagina. The days events had gotten her so worked up that she was so horny it actually hurt. Her need for sex was so bad that she almost regretted her introduction to good sex. Almost.

The club had been packed when Beth arrived and she had been forced to park in a dark corner of the lot far from the building. The club had emptied out quickly leaving her car alone except for a motorcycle parked nearby. Beth had taken her keys out of her purse and was reaching for the door when she was grabbed from behind. A strong arm held her tight and a big beefy hand covered her mouth immobilizing her. Beth struggled in fear until she realized the futility of it and calmed herself. She stood still feeling her heart beating in her chest until her attacker spun her around revealing himself to be Duane.

"Duane, what the hell are you doing?" she asked.

"Beth," he said frantically. "You've got to let me fuck you." He lifted her up onto the hood of her car and yanked her thong off from under her skirt, setting it beside her on the hood. His pants were already around his ankles and his cock was rock hard again.

"No!" she said firmly, covering up the entrance to her pussy with her hands. "I can't let you fuck me, my boyfriend will find out."

"Damn it Beth," he protested. "Then you've got to blow me again. No woman has ever swallowed me whole. "

"I can't Duane," she replied. "Your big cock stretched my cheeks out so much, that I almost got caught."

"Aaagh," Duane cried in frustration. "Then let me look at you while I jack off."

Beth nodded yes. She really wanted to see the what the cum looked like flying out from his cock. "Just promise that you won't cum on me." "I promise," he said before spitting into his hand and then he started running it up and down his long black shaft.

"Show me your tits," he demanded.

Beth lifted up her top and stretched out the elastic around her large breasts and let it snap back above them so that her breasts were free.

"Spread your lips so that I can see your insides," he ordered, stroking his cock rapidly.

Beth's skirt was around her waist and she could feel the cold metal of the car hood on her ass causing her to shiver as she spread her legs wide for Duane. Beth reached down and held her pussy open for him. Beth looked down at her spred pussy and then back up at Duane, he seemed closer. She wasn't sure whether Duane just kept moving closer or if she was sliding forwards to get closer to his cock. The next thing she knew, she was staring in awe at his big black dick as he stroked it just inches from her open pussy. Duane thrust his cock through his hand and the big head touched her labia for a brief second causing her to practically jump into the air with desire. She felt every nerve ending in her pussy screaming for sex at his touch. Her hands were shaking and sweat broke out on her forehead as she tried to resist her need to orgasm. Beth tried slipping her finger into her pussy but it was no use. A big orgasm was lurking beneath the surface of her body and it needed more then her finger to bring it out.

'Duane, you can rub your cock along my slit," she said. "but don't put it in me." Duane eagerly complied and they both groaned as he began rubbing his dick along her pussy. It felt great but did nothing to help along her orgasm and she whimpered in frustration.

"Poor Beth," he remarked. "Why don't you let me push my head in a little? That should help."

"Ok," she said, "but just a little."

Duane pushed down on his cock and watched about half of the fat head disappear inside her.

Beth sighed and clawed futilely at the hood of her car when he entered her. Duane just obediently moved part of his head in and out of her. Beth felt that she would be able to cum with just a little more inside her. "Go ahead and push the rest of the head in." Beth felt her impending orgasm move up into her abdomen and it lingered there teasing her. Beth smiled up at Duane thinking about how nice he was. Steve wouldn't have taken no for an answer and Duane was just politely complying with her wishes. She should reward him. "You can push about half your cock in but don't cum in me," she reminded him.

Duane grinned down at her and began slamming about half his cock in and out of her. He noticed her body was responding to his thrusts, her hips rising up to meet his cock every time he pushed it in.

Beth couldn't stand it any more. Her orgasm felt like a caged animal, trying to latch onto his cock with each thrust, hoping to escape her body. Beth opened her mouth to tell the handsome black man to bury his cock in her pussy, but Duane seemed to be anticipating her request and slammed all 11" into her before she could get out a word. His massive black cock stretched her out further then she had ever been and she felt her long awaited orgasm explode from her body. She screamed in pleasure and just kept screaming as he continued to fuck her.

Duane became alarmed at her cries of pleasure and seeing some people leaving the bar, he shoved her panties into her mouth. She clamped her mouth down and the panties helped to muffle her screams. He continued to slam her hard against the hood, watching her body writhe in pleasure as she flung her head back and forth in disbelief at the intensity of her orgasms. He could feel his cock grow even bigger and he said, "Here it comes baby."

Beth's eyes widened in fear and she yanked the thong out of her mouth and screamed, "Pull out, pull out."

The look on Duanes face was purely predatory as he made like he was pulling out, only to slam his entire cock into her pussy. "Nooo," shouted Beth as she felt his cock jerk in her pussy and it began spraying it's large load of sperm. He held it buried in her pussy and it leaped uncontrollably as it sprayed her pussy with his semen. The powerful jet of semen just kept spraying the sensitive area around her cervix, triggering her to have one constant orgasm that lasted as long as his. Beth passed out as she felt his cum trickling out of her pussy around his cock.

She awoke a few minutes later to the sound of his motorcycle taking off and found herself lying length ways along the car hood still practically naked. Her breasts ached a little and her ass was sitting in a large pool of sperm. She'd have to run home really fast to clean his mess up. Beth jumped off the car and licked her lips tasting his cum and her own juices on them. That bastard must have used my mouth to clean his dick off, she thought in disgust. For a brief second she felt ashamed at what she had become but just as quickly shrugged it off as it simply felt too good to regret.

Beth looked around for her thong but it was gone and in a daze she stumbled into her car. Beth looked at her face in the mirror seeing the dried sperm on her lips and she made sure she licked it all off before starting the engine. Beth's aching nipples demanded attention and glancing down she saw that she had forgotten to pull her halter top back down over her breasts. For some reason, it had been pulled down to her nipples so that it looked like her nipples were holding her top up. Both nipples were fully erect and swollen from where he had apparently bitten them after she had passed out. A little angry, Beth was lifting up the top to stretch it out over her breasts when she saw something that almost made her faint again, this time with fear. Duane had left two big hickies just above her nipples.

"Oh my god," she said out loud, thinking about what she was going to do. On the verge of panicking, Beth calmed down, reminding herself that she was a strong, intelligent woman. She brightened up a little when she realized that she might be able to use make up to cover the hickies. Hopefully she had enough time to clean up and try to cover up the evidence of her infidelity to her husband's brother. Beth put the car in drive and saw Steve walk out of the bar and head around back towards his motorcycle. An hour had passed and Duane had fucked her for almost the whole time! She slammed on the gas and squealed out of the parking lot. She would have only a few minutes until Steve got home.