The Unwanted Houseguest by Stormbringer

Chapter 3: Sex on the Beach

David and Beth finally stumbled out of bed around noon on New Years Day. Beth had managed to get a few hours sleep since climbing into bed at dawn, but most of the time she had spent tossing and turning from sexual frustration. David was getting out of bed, when Beth jumped up and raced him to the bathroom. Her husband had noticed his brothers dried sperm on her chin, luckily he thought it was drool, and she wanted to wipe it off before he got a better look at her face. Her chin was caked with her brother-in-law's seed and there were traces of it all over the rest of her face. Beth felt like puking in disgust until she remembered the feeling of his cock spasming in her mouth, his hot seed flowing over her tongue, swallowing several blasts of his cum and the disgust was gone, once again replaced by arousal.

Beth had wet the wash cloth and was bringing it up to her face never taking her mind off the way she had craved every last bit of his seed. She had licked every little bit of it up and was trying to shove the cum all over her face, into her mouth when Steve had said, Leave it on. Beth sat down on the toilet and thought about Steve while she peed. He had given her the best sex of her life without even penetrating her with anything other then his tongue and finger. He had changed her mind about how boring sex was. He had even changed her vocabulary and way of thinking. She had never used the words cock, pussy, or fuck until this week and now she was even thinking in those terms. The big ass had even made her beg him to fuck her and then he had walked away saying he wasn't ready. Well, he had lost his chance. Beth still wanted his cock in her pussy more then anything else, but she made up her mind to resist him. She was a proud, intelligent woman capable of resisting anything, though her thoughts had been in turmoil ever since Steve had baptized her face and mouth with his sperm a week earlier. She would avoid him like the plague and try to appear as unattractive as possible when he was around, that was her only hope.

David was begging to use the bathroom and she yelled that she'd be done in just a minute. Beth flushed the toilet and then went to check her face in the mirror on last time. She looked at her reflection and was headed for the door to let her husband in when she did a double take. Her face was still coated with Steve's sperm. How had she forgotten to wash it off? Like a maniac she scrubbed her face to remove all traces of her defilement and when she was satisfied, she let David in, kissing him on her way out.


David had just left the shower and she could hear him laughing with Steve downstairs over how ***** he had been last night. Beth got in the shower and spent an extra long time trying to clean everywhere Steve had touched her. When she was satisfied she was clean, Beth fixed her hair up into a mess on her head and picking out her baggiest clothes to wear, she went downstairs to face her brother-in-law. Steve and David were sitting at the table sipping coffee. David was waiting for Beth for they were off to take advantage of the New Years Day sales at the mall and thankfully Steve would be watching football before going to work that night. Hopefully she could get through the day without seeing him again and then she'd only have 28 more days to go. She and David were almost out the door when Steve said something that made her shiver as a chill went down her back.

"Care if I tag along," he said.

Beth didn't talk much throughout the ride to the mall. She just sullenly shrank down into her seat and let Steve and David talk about football. "What do you need at the mall so bad that it can drag you away from the Rose bowl anyway?" David asked his brother.

"Oh, I got this hot babe I'm trying to break in," replied Steve with a grin. "She's stacked but, doesn't really know how to show off her body so I'm going to buy her some new threads."

David looked over his shoulder at his brother in the back seat. Steve was sitting behind Beth so that she couldn't see him and he was cupping his hands before his chest, indicating she had big breasts in the universal language of men. Upon hearing the news that Steve had another woman, Beth was immediately overcome with jealousy until she realized it might be herself he was talking about. She felt a momentary surge of joy before her brain kicked in and she was once again filled with despair and guilt.

"Must be pretty serious, if your passing on football to buy womans clothes." David commented.

"Actually, I haven't even slept with her," Steve said moving his fist before his face to show David that he had gotten a blow job.

David sighed, thinking about the one and only blowjob he had ever gotten back in high school. He was envious of his brother, getting blow jobs and buying sleazy clothes for women he just met. Here was David married to the hottest girl in South Florida and he had barely even seen her naked in a lit room, let alone ever dreamt of her giving him a blow job.

"I'm going to nail her tomorrow," Steve said confidently.

David cringed, that was just the kind of statement that usually caused Beth to blow up. He glanced at her but she was staring out into space, not paying any attention to them. She was as white as a ghost and he feared she might be getting sick. He thought of his brother's mighty penis plowing into some large breasted woman dressed up as a slut and mouthed the words, "Good luck," to Steve who just winked in reply.


Beth couldn't stand to be around Steve so she told David she wanted to shop alone and quickly headed off in the opposite direction. The two brothers watched her go and immediately raced to the Fredericks of Hollywood.

As the two men sifted through the teddies, baby dolls and camisoles, David found he was actually enjoying spending time with his brother. Steve was still a jerk, but he was the kind of jerk that all men fantasized about being at least once in their lives. David pictured himself riding a motorcycle, cross country, deflowering virgins, seducing married women, and having strippers begging him for sex. Half of his brothers stories couldn't possibly be true but they still made good fantasy.

Steve had picked out a couple peek-a-boo teddies, garters, and thongs when he noticed his brother eyeing an outfit he liked.

David was holding a French maid costume, imagining how good Beth would look in it. The costume seemed tailor made to fit Beth's buxom figure. It had your typical fish net stockings, a thong under a black mini skirt, push-up bra, little hat, and a feather duster. Beth would detest this as standard male chauvinistic crap. His wife's figure was clearly wasted in all the baggy clothes she always wore. Thankfully though, if more men had been aware of Beth's hot body, there was no doubt in David's mind some better looking guy would have snagged her long before he had met her. With a sigh, David was returning the outfit to the rack, when Steve snatched it out of his hands.

"Perfect," he said.

He quickly fingered through the other fantasy costumes and pulled out a sleazy nurses outfit. This one had white garters, bra, panties, ad a little white jacket that reached down to just above the hips and hung open in the front. A little red cross hat, completed the look.

"I still can't believe that there are women out there who'll where this sort of stuff," said David.

"You'll find it hard to believe, but when your cock is as big as mine, women will do whatever you tell them," Steve replied casually.

Picturing Beth running her little hands up and down Steve's rod, David just nodded in reply. He didn't find it hard to believe at all.

Steve shopped around in some other stores, and had bought some halter tops and mini skirts, by the time they had to rendezvous with Beth. Beth had found herself wandering around aimlessly in a daze and had bought nothing, much to her husbands delight. She heard David ask her what was wrong and she replied she wasn't feeling too good. He told her to switch with Steve and sit in back to lay down for the ride home. Steve had set the packages right by her and she felt her stomach turn as she peaked at their contents. They dropped Steve off at his bike and he sped off to work leaving them alone for the night. ?? David wanted to know what was taking his wife so long in the bathroom. They had enjoyed a nice romantic dinner and David had indicated he wanted to have some fun in the bedroom a little later on. Beth had told him she'd be ready after taking a bath and had been in the bathroom for over an hour. He saw that the door wasn't completely closed and pushed it open.Beth was wearing one of his shirts and nothing else, which was pretty daring for her. A razor beside her, indicated that she had just finished shaving her legs and she was bent into the mirror applying lipstick. David watched her for a while and when she was fixing her hair for the third time, he cleared his throat to get her attention and his wife jumped. "Oh, David," she said, "you startled me."

David pushed his glasses up his nose and said, "Hot date tonight?"

"What do you mean?"

"You've been primping in front of that mirror for the last fifteen minutes."

"I do not primp," she assured him. "I just wanted to look good for you tonight and I guess I lost track of time."

"Well it was time well spent, cause you sure do look good," he said taking his wife into his arms. David reached out and started unbuttoning her shirt. He was startled, when she didn't stop him and haul him into the dark bedroom and not wanting to look a gift horse in the mouth he quickly finished and opened her shirt. David gasped at the site of his wife's naked body. They had been married two years and this was the first time she had ever let him look at her nude without quickly covering herself up. He shook his head in wonder that this incredible woman had agreed to marry a little nerdy guy like himself.

He ran his hands down her breasts, gently caressing them and tweaking her nipples to hardness. She was trembling as his hand moved down her belly and across her pubic hairs. Both of them gasped when his finger encountered her wetness. Beth was never ready for sex like this. He alway had to lubricate his penis before penetrating her. Not wanting to waste an opportunity like this, David pulled his wife to the bedroom. Beth was very active during sex and David being used to her lying passive while he made love to her, wished this night could last forever. Unfortunately, forever to him was seven minutes.

Beth lovingly clung to her husband after he orgasmed and in a few minutes she was listening to him breathe steadily indicating he was asleep. She got out of bed and tiptoed into the bathroom. Normally Beth would get a tissue and wrinkle her nose in distaste as she cleaned David's small load out of her vagina. Tonight, she just reached in a finger and scooped it up. She looked at the small glob of semen liquefying on her finger and without a second thought plopped it into her mouth. Her husbands sperm tasted as good as Steves, just the amount was so small, like an unfilling appetizer before a main course. Definitely better warm and straight from the source she thought, as the cold gooey cum slid down her throat. Beth looked at herself in the mirror and spent the next fifteen minutes fixing her hair and makeup before returning to bed. She snuggled up to her husband and laid there trying to fall asleep. Around three in the morning, she heard Steve's motorcycle pull up and her brother-in-law entered the house. She heard him sit heavily down onto the couch and then she heard the sound of his boots hitting the floor. She shivered excitedly knowing that he was stripping for bed. Beth fell asleep shortly thereafter.


Beth awoke to the sound of the alarm going off and she heard David groan as he turned it off. She grabbed him as he was leaving the bed. "Stay with me," she begged.

David smiled and shook his head. "Love to honey but I'm running late."

"Call in sick and we'll spend the day in bed," she said patting his side of the bed.

Wow, he thought, I must have really gotten her juices flowing last night. "I wish I could honey,but I'm up for a raise and we need the money." He kissed her on the forehead and went into the bathroom to get ready for work.

After dressing, David leaned over, kissed her again and then he left the room. She heard his car start up and then it slowly pulled out of the driveway. Beth jumped up and went to the bathroom to pee. When she was done she checked her hair and make-up once again without even realizing it. Still nude she returned to the bed and got under the covers. Beth was like a child who was afraid of monsters, constantly eyeing the closet. She just stared at the door waiting for Steve to come for her. Was that him moving around downstairs? Did she just hear a creak on the stairs? She stared at the door for an hour before getting up and walking over to the window. Steve's motorcycle was gone! If she could make it to her car, she would be safe. Beth quickly threw on some plain old underwear, covering that with her baggy sweats. She had to go to work later and she grabbed her uniform figuring she could change at work. She snatched her keys and made a run for the car. Beth was outside and on the deck when she ran into Steve. She nearly screamed in frustration when she saw him and glanced behind him at her car. Her salvation was only ten feet away.

"Where you off to in such a hurry," he asked?

"I...I have some errands to run," she answered nervously. She eyed Steve he was wearing tight biker shorts and a small tank top that showed off his massive arms and he was carrying a small package.

"Bitch, I didn't give you permission to leave," he said threateningly. "Get inside that house now."

Beth was inside before she realized it shaking with fear.

"I forgot to buy you this yesterday, he said handing her the package. "Put it on we're going to the beach."

She opened the package and saw a teeny blue bikini. The cups were a little bigger then eye patches and the bottom was a thong. Beth was horrified at the thought of wearing something that skimpy in public. She even refused to wear a one peice bathing suit. "Steve, I c-can't w-wear this," she told him drawing herself up proudly, "and I'm not going to sleep with you, I hate you."

"You we're begging me to fuck you the other night."

"I was ***** and I wasn't thinking straight that night."

"We need to come to an understanding, cause I'm sick of playing games with you," he said grabbing her arm.

Steve roughly dragged her to the couch and forced her to sit down in front of the tv. He hit play on the remote and sat back to watch her reaction.

The tv screen showed some slut bobbing her head up and down a super-sized cock. Her eyes widened with recognition, then shock, then wider in horror when she realized it was a videotape of her blowing Steve. Beth felt sick to her stomach as she watched herself sucking up his sperm like a wild animal.

"Here's the deal," he said to her. "For the next four weeks, your going to do everything I tell you to do or I show this video to your husband, mother, and I'm also prepared to send copies to those fucked up college professors you seem to be so fond of."

Beth felt the tears pouring out of her eyes and collapsed sobbing. The girl in the video was exactly the kind of girl her feminist professors were always raving against. Real woman didn't perform oral sex on men and they certainly didn't get pleasure out of it.

Steve in an unusual show of compassion leaned over and patted her on the head. "Don't worry about it Beth, everything you've done or are going to do with me, you've either been tricked or forced into. It's not your fault."

Beth nodded between tears. He was right it wasn't her fault. She was still the strong independent woman she had been a week before. He had lied and cheated to get her to perform disgusting sex acts on him and then he had done something to her. He had drugged her or he had hypnotized her with his cock, forcing her body to respond to him against her will. Yes, that was the only possible explanation.

"Beth go change into your bikini." When Beth didn't move but just sat there sobbing, Steve grew angry. "Now go put your bikini on Bitch, and don't make me tell you again or there will be pictures of you sucking me off all over the internet within an hour." Steve, his patience at an end, watched her jump up off the couch and run up the stairs after grabbing the box containing her new bikini. Why do they always have to get so emotional, he thought.

Beth ran into the bathroom and quickly stripped off her clothes. She lifted her leg and stepped into the panties, pulling them up and feeling the string slide between her ass cheeks. She put the top on noticing how little of her breasts were covered by the flimsy top. She tied the one string around her back and the other around her neck. She looked at herself standing sideways in the mirror.

In college, one of her professor had brought in a men's magazine to illustrate how men thought of women as mere sex objects or servants. She had pointed out a cartoon of a typically over proportioned blonde girl with big lips cooking dinner for a man laying on the couch watching tv. The girl had been wearing a flimsy see-thru negligee and had overly large breasts and an upturned ass that arched upwards behind her. Beth's bikini clad body resembled that cartoon girl. Beth had always been shy and conservative but when she had first seen the cartoon girl's resemblance to her three years ago, she had immediately tried to cover her assets up with large baggy clothes so that men wouldn't think of her as just a sex object. Now Steve was about to make her show off her body in front of hundreds of complete strangers. Beth left the room, her eyes downcast, she slowly walked downstairs and up towards a beaming Steve.

"It's too small," she complained.

"Of course," he replied. "I checked your measurements off your underwear and picked a bikini a size smaller. Now its perfect." Steve grabbed a towel and some suntan lotion and said, "Call in sick to work, I'll be waiting by my bike and don't dawdle."

Beth watched him go and did as she was told, telling work she had come down with the flu. She was completely nude except for the string bikini, no shoes, no towel, not even any money to get home in case of an emergency. She slowly walked over to the door, still open from when Steve had left. If she went outside, she would be completely exposed to the world and dependant on her brother-in-law to get her home. The sun was shining through the door warming her skin and a cool, fresh smelling, breeze blew inside, caressing her body. The old man next door was mowing his lawn and stopped to ogle her as she stepped across the threshold and into a new world. ?? **********

Beth clung to Steve's back as he sped down I-95 and took an exit towards Miami beach. She had been nervous at first getting behind him on the bike, then scared when he took off down the street. Now, it felt exhilarating. She had never felt such an overwhelming sense of freedom before, then from speeding half naked down a highway, wind blowing through her hair, other drivers ogling her body as she zipped past them. She could understand why Steve had never settled down and spent all his time traveling across country.

Steve turned onto Ocean drive and drove through South Beach. Beth had always avoided South Beach as a den of sin filled with transvestites, homosexuals, and scantily clad models, both male and female. Steve found a parking space and pulled into it.

After feeding the parking meter, he stripped off his tank top revealing his well defined chest and pulled off his biking shorts and stored his clothes in a knapsack, throwing it over his shoulder. Steve stood clad only in a small brief bathing suit, proudly showing the world his muscular body and massive bulge.

He grabbed her hand and they set off walking down the sidewalk two perfect specimens of the sexes. Everywhere they went, people stared, many simply stopped what they were doing and openly ogled either Steve or Beth and sometimes both.

Steve was hungry and they stopped to eat at one of the many sidewalk restaurants. The host seemed really put out by their attire and made them sit outside. Not that Steve seemed to mind, he just sat there, legs spread, letting all the girls walking by get a good look at what he had to offer and Beth felt a twinge of jealousy at all the pretty young models eyeing her man. No, her blackmailer, she corrected remembering where she was, a little surprised that she had just caught herself enjoying the day and his company.

After an expensive lunch, they crossed the street and headed down to the beach. A pretty raven haired model in a fish-net dress that covered a black bikini was getting her pictures taken by a chubby old photographer. The photographer stopped what he was doing when he saw Beth and Steve walk by. The swarmy little man ran over to them. He was panting and he wiped away beads of sweat from his brow as he handed Beth his business card. "I'd really like to get a chance to photograph you sometime," he said. "If your ever interested give me a call."

Beth had begun to like having everyone stare at her. She felt empowered, knowing that so many men found her attractive, and wasn't that what feminism was all about, being empowered? She was extremely flattered to think that someone thought she had what it takes to be a model. "Wow, you want to photograph me," she said staring at the card. "What kind of clothes would I wear dresses or evening gowns, oooh or business professional? She pictured herself looking like a young executive walking down the runway.

The chubby man looked a little surprised. "Actually I was thinking of some nudes or lingerie. I could even pay $2000 for some sex shots with a partner, male or female doesn't matter." He noticed Steve's bulge, "You too buddy. If your as hung as you look, you could make some big bucks."

Beth's fists were clenched as she trembled with rage. "What kind of girl do you think I am?" she practically screamed.

"The kind who'd where a bikini that small," he replied holding his hands up in surrender. "If you change your minds, give me a call." He backed away returning to the model.

Beth was getting ready to rip up the card, when Steve yanked it out of her hands and put it in his knapsack. "I can always use some quick cash," he explained.

Beth was a little appalled that he'd be willing to pose nude for money, then she realized that unlike her, he was proud of his body and liked showing it off.

Beth was still in a daze as they continued walking down the beach a few more blocks. She was paying little attention to her surroundings and didn't notice Steve reach over and yank off her top. Beth awoke from her daydreaming and screamed as she covered her breasts with her arms. She looked around at the people staring at her and realized that all the woman here were topless.

"Don't worry Beth. It's legal here. Put your arms down."

"No, I can't" she said shaking her head back and forth.

Steve moved around in front of her and grabbed her wrists, holding them tight. "Beth," he said looking into her eyes. "I never ask. I tell. Now put your arms down or I'm not going to fuck you later on."

Beth quickly jerked her arms down to her sides in fear, showing off her large breasts to the world. She heard him laughing and her eyebrows shot up as she realized what he had said.

Steve was still laughing as he pulled her down to the water. "Let's go for a swim," he said dropping the knapsack.

"N-no Steve, I can't swim."

'I'll hold onto you," he said easily picking her up into his arms. Beth was trembling with fear as he carried her out into the water. He seemed to stumble and she clung to him tighter in fear. The water was just below his nipples when he pried her off of him and laid her back in the water. She struggled but he told her to relax and he'd keep her afloat.

The water was warm, but chilly enough to cause her nipples to pop out and she found herself enjoying her first dip in the ocean, as she closed her eyes, loving the sensation of floating in the water, feeling her body lift up with each gentle wave.

She felt Steve lean over her and she moaned as his tongue flickered across her nipple. She opened her eyes in shock and said, "Don't do that there are people watching."

"Don't worry," he said kissing her other nipple, "We're to far out and they can't see us cause of the waves."

He lifted her body up a little so that the sea water cascaded down her sides. Steve sucked on each of her nipples and slowly kissed down her stomach, planting one on her belly button. Beth wanted to protest, but she was scared of him showing everyone the video and even more scared of him letting her go and of sinking to the bottom. She felt Steve grab her legs and he quickly moved between her thighs and planted his mouth on her bikini bottom. She moaned as his tongue pushed at the fabric of her bikini and she wished she was naked so that he could push it inside her pussy again.

She almost panicked when he let go of her but her breasts held her afloat and her legs were secure on his shoulders. She wondered what he was doing and soon found out that he must have pulled his swimsuit down for she felt his cock poking her in the back. It slid along her back and toward her left arm.

Beth opened her eyes and turned her head to the left and watched the head of his cock break the surface and rise up like a one-eyed sea serpent. He pointed it at her mouth and she reached out and grabbed it at the base still awed that the urethra was a full 12" from the bottom of her hand.

In what was rapidly becoming a tradition, Beth bent her neck and kissed the big head, before taking the whole crown into her mouth, teasing the pee slit with her tongue. Steve moved his hands up and grabbed her ass cheeks, sliding a finger on each hand under her g-string and pulling it out underwater. He slid his left hand down all the way and pulled the fabric of her bikini away from her pussy, revealing her labia. He quickly nibbled on it with his lips before he penetrated her with his tongue feeling her lips tighten around his cock as she tried to moan with pleasure. Steve thought his sister-in-law had the sweetest pussy he had ever tasted as he continued to tongue her. He massaged around her sphincter with his other finger, before pushing it deep inside her rectum. He felt her struggle briefly and she let his cock pop out of her mouth, then she relaxed and began humping is face, moaning. Her ass seemed to squeeze his finger and then she whimpered as she came around his mouth. He pulled his fingers out of her ass and let the thong snap back into place. He positioned himself so that she could take more of his cock in her mouth and when she had recovered from her orgasm, she bent around and swallowed five inches.

In her 24 years of life, Beth had never had an orgasm until a week ago and since then she'd had about nine. She could easily see herself growing addicted to the feeling and for the first time since Steve had arrived on Thanksgiving, she found herself wishing he'd never leave. She tried to reward him, by taking as much of his cock down her throat as she could, but the awkward position only allowed her to take about half. She was lovingly slurping on his cock, wanting more then anything to taste his cum again, when she felt him jerk it out of her mouth and it quickly slipped under water.

She was wondering what was going on, when she heard splashing and a bikini clad teenager waded past them eyeing Steve. Beth turned to Steve questioningly and with a grin he stood up revealing that the water was only about three and a half feet deep. He pulled her up and she realized he had tricked her yet again. Instead of getting angry this time she just playfully splashed water at him and they ran into shore.

She noticed a few sunbathers staring and she realized that they probably suspected them of a little hanky panky, then when they made it to shore, the people around them started gasping. Wondering what was going on, she glanced over at Steve. His cock was still rock hard and couldn't be contained by the small bikini brief. Half of it stuck out reaching up to his navel. He just shrugged, grabbed a towel out of his bag and wrapped it around his waist. Beth swore that some of the woman sighed in disappointment when he covered his monster up.

She put her top back on and they hurried back to his motorcycle. Soon they were on the road again, this time heading towards Key Biscayne. Beth felt her skin getting sunburnt and yelled in Steve's ear that she needed to put some lotion on. He nodded and pulled into one of the hundreds of picnic areas that surround Biscayne bay. This one was deserted and Steve parked and grabbed his bag. He lead her down to the water and around a mangrove tree out of sight of the road. Steve pulled out the towel and spread it out in the sand. He then got out a bottle of sun tan lotion and stood up before her.

Beth saw some boaters out on the bay, but they were too far away to see anything. She turned and stood before Steve staring into his eyes. He reached out and untied her top letting it fall to the sand. For the first time, Beth neither tried to stop him nor did she cover herself up. She stood still trembling with anticipation as he stripped her naked again. She let Steve eye her for awhile before she bent down and pulled at his swimsuit. His cock was still hard and thrust upwards magnificently. She pulled down his bottoms and suppressed the urge to yell timber as it fell towards her. Once again she leaned forward and planted a lingering kiss on the big head. She was preparing to take him in her mouth when he pulled her to her feet.

Steve opened the bottle of lotion and squirted it into his palm and then some more into his other palm. Steve reached out and began rubbing the oil onto her breasts and around her nipples. Beth's eyes were open and staring at his cock as he covered her body in suntan lotion. She murmured softly when he tweaked her nipples and sighed as he ran his hands down her stomach towards her crotch. He pulled her forwards and into his arms. Her oiled body rubbing against him. Steve's long cock was squished between them and it reached up all the way to the bottom of her breasts. Steve continued to massage her with the lotion, kneading it into her back as she rubbed her wet body against him. He moved his hands down to her ass and covered her cheeks in lotion. When he had finished Beth stepped back and did the same for him. She revelled the feeling of his hard muscular body, as she ran her hands all over him. When he was as wet as herself, Beth poured oil on the base of his cock and continued to squirt lotion along the length and towards the crown, which was hovering in the air before her. She rubbed it well into his cock, running both hands up and down its length hearing him grunt with pleasure at her efforts.

"I want your pussy now," he said.

Beth just nodded, staring at her hands running along his glistening cock. Never taking her eyes off his monster, she knelt before him and kissed the crown now smelling of coconuts from the lotion. She laid back on the blanket and spread her legs, looking up at him her face was a mixture of fear and trepidation.

Steve knelt between her legs and grabbing his knapsack, he pushed it under her head to prop it up so that she could watch him penetrate her. He pushed her legs open even further exposing more of her to his view. Steve slowly worked his way closer to her so that his cock was slowly approaching the entrance to her vagina, thus increasing her anxiety. He saw the fear in her eyes as he continued to bring it closer. Steve could see how wet she was as he stopped the head an inch away from her pussy. He teased her with it before moving it the remaining inch and she spasmed in a large orgasm as soon as it touched her labia, he hadn't even penetrated her. Steve just slid his cock along her slit waiting for her to recover. When she had quit moaning, she looked at him in awe at the power he had over her body. Most of the time, Steve was either grinning at her or looking like he was about to kill her. Now, his face was expressionless, except that his brow was sweaty and knit in concentration at the task on hand.

He pushed down on his cock and she stretched open to let it in. Steve loved to watch his dick disappear inside a woman. After taking hundreds of women, It still never failed to amaze him that they could stretch to accommodate his big piece of meat. With a loud slurping sound the crowned head of his cock disappeared, plugging her like a cork on a bottle of wine. He saw Beth staring at it in amazement, her vaginal muscles squeezing to pull more of him inside her. Steve grinned and willingly complied with her bodies demands. He pushed a little over five inches inside her watching her eyes roll up into the back of her head as she moaned. Steve stopped at five and a half inches. "Ready to go beyond what your husband can give you." "We're already way beyond that," she replied loving how thick he was.

He pushed six inches in and she started whimpering as she tossed her head from side to side. At seven inches, she felt completely filled, her body writhing in ecstasy around his magnificent cock. Beyond that the pleasure was gone.

"Steve please stop it hurts," she cried frantically as he pushed it in from seven to eight inches. He didn't seem to care that it was hurting her and the pain reminded her of what a bastard he really was. Why had she let herself sink this far. His cock didn't feel good, it only looked good. "Ooww!" It actually hurt being stretched this much and she started to cry from both the torment between her legs and the joy of knowing that she wasn't enjoying cheating on David. Her pussy was rubbing against the invader and she could feel her juices flowing around it. "Aarggh!" She jumped from the pain as he tried to push it in deeper, but to no avail. God, she hated him and she hated his big cock. Steve had apparently given up getting any more of it inside her and was moving his hips in little circular motions, letting about three inches slide in and out of her. "Ooooh," she said proud that her hated brother-in-law couldn't defile her with any more of his cock then eight inches. "Aahhh," she gasped, raising her hips to meet his hated cock. She was matching his thrusts now. "Nooo" she pleaded as he pulled all but the head out afraid that he would stop fucking her. Then she cried, "God yes," as he pushed all eight inches in her again. her pussy clamping down around his wonderful cock as another orgasm overwhelmed her. Beth recovered faster this time wanting more. She started pinching her long, oil soaked nipples, moaning as the sensations added to the pleasure she was getting from Steve's incredible fuck stick. "I had no idea it would be this good," she yelled to the world. Beth was shaking all over from the pleasure of her first fuck. David's little penis didn't count as sex. Beth would forever remember this day as the day she lost her virginity. She started turning her head back and forth again as she felt his cock start to tremble and swell up in her pussy.He was about to cum and his orgasm was triggering hers. Beth looked inland at the mangrove tree then out at the bay, then at the tree again, then at the boat. Boat! She turned and looked at the boat just as Steve's cock exploded within her pussy and she screamed in orgasm. The man on the boat came when she did. He had come in close while they were fucking and started masturbating while watching them. ?? Steve had just fucked her in front of a complete stranger. The man on the boat waved and yelled "Thanks," then he powered up the motor and cruised back out into the bay. Beth laid there waiting for the horror and shame of being caught screwing her brother-in-law in front of a stranger, come to overwhelm her but the guilt never came. Instead she felt her pulse pounding from the thrill of exhibitionism. She just laid back on the towel feeling Steve's sperm pouring out of her pussy. She was completely satisfied and laid back closing her eyes. She felt something pushing at her lips and opened her mouth to receive Steve's cock tasting the remains of his orgasm on her tongue, wishing she could swallow a whole load of his.

"That's a good slut," he informed her. "You clean that cock off good and I'll fuck you again tonight."

She did as he ordered, cleaning both their juices off his cock with her tongue. When he was satisfied, Steve pulled her to her feet and they got dressed before returning to his bike.


"Beth that's too bad," David said "I hope Valerie's feeling better." Beth had told her husband that she had to work the night shift because one of the waitresses was sick. "I hope your not coming down with something also," he said remembering how puffy her cheeks had been the other morning.

"Why do you say that honey"

"Well you keep tugging at your uniform like your really hot."

"Oh," said Beth "It's just really itchy." After experiencing the freedom of wearing next to nothing all day, Beth found her waitress uniform to be a prison, confining her body from the outside world.

Beth kissed her husband goodbye, walked out to her car and drove off. She stopped at the end of the street and got out of the car, tearing at the hated uniform as she stood in the street. She sighed as the cool night air caressed her bare belly and waved at a guy driving by when he whistled at her.

"That's better," she sighed, feeling as if she could breathe again. Beth was wearing one of the outfits Steve had bought her at the mall. A short halter top barely covering her large bra-less breasts and a short skirt that was showing off her lean legs. She got back n the car and drove off to meet Steve. Steve was closing up the bar tonight and she hung out there drinking and flirting with the male patrons, revelling in the attention. None of the men she talked to asked her to come home with them though. It's like they automatically knew she belonged to the giant man behind the bar. After he locked up, she kissed his cock and he fucked her on top one of the tables. She screamed as he pounded nine inches of his cock into her pussy bringing her off dozens of times.

She woke up the next morning, after David had left for work and found Steve's hard cock pointed at her lips. She blew him, managing to swallow all his sperm this time. He fucked her before leaving for work that night feeding ten inches of his cock into her hungry pussy. Each day she felt like a virgin again and her orgasms just got bigger and bigger as his cock explored new territory deep inside her. Two days after loosing her virginity she was taking eleven inches.

The next night, she laid beside her husband listening to him snore. She looked over at the clock. It said 2:30. Beth quietly got out of bed and tiptoed downstairs.

Steve pulled his bike up into the driveway and went up the deck and into the kitchen. He was dropping his keys on the table when Beth spoke up. "You wanted to see me Doctor."

Steve looked up. Beth was wearing the sleazy nurse costume. White nylons attached to a garter belt covered her lean legs. her white panties were thin and you could see her curly pubic hairs beneath the material. The garter belt encircled her trim waist just above her belly button and just above that was a white half shirt covering her chest. A red cross hat topped off the outfit.

"Yes nurse," he said grinning. "You haven't looked so good and I wanted to check you out. Please remove your blouse."

"Yes Doctor,"she said slowly undoing the buttons and letting it swing open revealing her breasts covered in a lacy white bra.

"Let me check your heartbeat," he said grabbing her breasts and caressing them after removing her bra.

Steve pushed nurse Beth to her knees, unzipped his jeans and stepped out of his pants. He pushed is briefs down and stuck his cock in her face. "Open your mouth and say Aaah."

Beth kissed his cock and opened her mouth wide, saying "Aaah" as he slid his cock down her throat. She blew him in the kitchen for about twenty minutes before Steve hauled her out to the couch. He pushed her over the back of the couch so that her ass was arched into the sky and positioned the head of his cock on her pussy. "Let's take your temperature," he said pushing his cock in. "Oh nurse, your burning up inside. Being so hot and wet is the perfect breeding ground for sickness you know."

"Ooh Doctor, I can't help being hot and wet around you," she said leaning forwards over the couch.

"That's ok nurse, I'll just have to keep checking your temperature then." ??

The fantasy was gone as the two got down to some serious fucking. Steve had fed her 11" and was fucking her hard. Beth was just making little grunts every time he plowed it into her. Steve grabbed the blouse that was hanging open around her back. He removed it and twisted it up into a gag, bringing it around to her mouth, surprising her. He held the ends on the blouse like he was riding a horse and controlling her with a bit. Steve pulled his cock out hearing it slurp as it exited her vagina. There was a brief period of silence before he slammed all twelve inches into Beth's pussy.

She screamed into the gag and started bucking trying to throw him off, but he held on like a rodeo star keeping all twelve inches inside her. The pain was fading and Beth could feel her pussy changing shape. It seemed to stretch out and confirm itself to fit it's new owner. Beth new that from that moment on her pussy belonged to her brother-in-law and no one else. "Please fuck me with that big cock," she begged after he removed the gag.

Steve did just that and started fucking her with the entire length of his cock while grabbing onto her hips.

Beth tried to keep talking but her words just came out in grunts and moans as she came around his big dick. He had been fucking her with all twelve inches for a half an hour when she felt it swell up inside her and start to tremble just like it had in her mouth the first time she had given him a blow job.

"Time to take your medicine nurse," he grunted out between breaths. Steve bellowed as his orgasm erupted from within and sprayed his sperm deep into her pussy for thirty seconds.

Beth felt his cum hosing down places so deep that she hadn't even know they existed and it started pouring out of her pussy around his cock. The powerful spray of his cum triggered her to have the biggest orgasm yet and she passed out from the sensations.

Exhausted, Steve left Beth hanging over the couch and walked around to the front, finding her in the way, he pushed her off over the back, hearing her body thump as it struck the ground. He laid down on the couch and promptly fell asleep.

Beth woke up, from the cold floor touching her bare skin, but otherwise she felt completely satisfied for the first time in her life. She got up and cleaned up their mess as she listened to Steve snoring. She wished he was snoring beside her in bed every night. Beth kneeled before him and kissed his cock again before heading upstairs to her husband.