The Unwanted Houseguest by Stormbringer

Chapter 2: Pool on New Years Eve

David finished combing his hair and headed downstairs while Beth was still in the shower. He hadn't slept well as he had disturbing dreams about his wife and brother all night. He kissed his wife good morning and noticed she looked exhausted, like she hadn't slept very well either.

He went down to the kitchen and poured some coffee, Steve was sitting at the table reading the sports section of the morning paper wearing only his sweat pants. Steve's eyes were blood shot, showing that no one had gotten a good nights rest.

David sipped his coffee and looked out the sliding glass door out over the neighbors houses at the Miami skyline in the distance. He adjusted the glasses on his nose and summoned his courage drawing himself up to his full height, which was still a foot shorter then Steve. David turned and looked at his brother quitely reading the paper. "Steve," he said.

His brother just grunted in reply, not taking his eyes off yesterdays scores.

"I want you to know, that I consider your behaviour last night to be disgusting and immoral. If you ever so much as attempt to do anything like that again, I'm going to ask you to leave."

Steve couldn't believe his ears. The wimp had actually stood up to him and for a split second he was proud of his little brother. David was clearly quite nervous and was shaking as he reprimanded his much bigger sibling. Steve never regretted any of his actions and he tried to imagine what being remorseful felt like. When he thought he had it, he got a sad, appologetic look on his face. "I'm sorry David. I know I can be a jerk and last nights behaviour was way out of line. It was just that I was *****, and I hadn't gotten laid in three days, so I was horny as hell.. I know Beth doesn't like me and I promise I'll show her more respect from now on."

David sighed in relief when Steve didn't kill him. He thanked his brother for understanding his position and left for work. He walked out onto the deck and was heading to his car when it hit him. That had been only three days worth of cum, yet it had been more sperm then his own balls produced in a year. What if it had been a week since Steve had gotten off? A year? David briefly pictured Beth swimming in a pool filled with his brother's semen and shuddered in horror at the thought.

Steve watched his brother drive away and promptly removed his sweats, throwing them out into the living room on the couch. He sat there clad only in his tight white briefs from last night and as his dick had a good hard morning erection, it showed off his bulge superbly.

Beth was also trying to drum up the courage to face Steve. Everywhere she looked were reminders of his cock, from her can of hairspray to the curtain rod in the shower. She finished putting on her bulky, pink waitress uniform and went down into the kitchen, knowing Steve would be there.

She suppressed a gasp when she saw him sitting at the table practically naked. His legs were spread wide showing off the enormous bulge beneath his underwear as he sat there quietly reading the paper. She tried to supress the memory of last night as she got a bowl of cereal out of the cupboard. Beth opened the refrigerator and found herself staring at a large fat cucumber. She ran her hand down the hard, rough skin of the cucumber and grabbed the carton of milk behind it. After filling up her bowl, she saw three long bananas sitting on the counter and thought that one would taste pretty good in her cereal, so she grabbed the biggest one and peeled off the skin. She looked at the long white fruit and decided she didn't want to cut it up to put in her bowl for some reason and stared at it lying on the counter as she ate her cereal.

Beth looked up at the cock on the wall and realized she was running late. She grabbed his meat out of the freezer and threw it into their cock pot, to let it slow cock all day. It was David's turn to make dinner that night and he would finish it when he got home. She was relieved to think that it would just be her and her husband as Steve would be bartending until late. She grabbed her purse and the banana and walked out onto the hard wood dick and around the garage to her car.

She sat in her car in the driveway for a couple minutes and thought about Steve. Just thinking about him made her mad and she was growing angrier by the minute. Why had he ignored her? She had braced herself to be humiliated and teased by the man she hated and all she had gotten was silence. Why hadn't he thanked her getting him off? For some reason she hoped he had enjoyed it, but did he throw so much as a kind word in her direction. She even wished he had laughed at her when she came into the kitchen, anything but ignoring her. Oh how she hated that arrogant bastard.

Beth was thinking of Steve's hard body as she looked at herself in the rear view mirror. She brought the bannana up to her mouth to take a bite and rested it on her lips, she had to know what it was like. She watched her mouth open and instead of biting she pushed the banana in deep. She saw her cheeks bulging out as she took the long banana further into her mouth. She thought how natural it looked having something that large in her mouth and pictured how good the slutty blonde in the porno looked stuffing that laughable little seven inch penis down her throat. She was curious as to how much she could take and pushed the bannana in deeper until she gagged, crushing the pulp. Like a starving animal she shoved the rest of the banana into her mouth, swallowing most of it without chewing. Beth was still hungry and thought about running inside for another banana, but then remembering she'd have to pass by Steve to get it, she started the car and left for work.


The rest of the week went by without incident much to David's relief. Steve had announced that he would be leaving by the end of January and Beth seemed a lot happier knowing he'd be out of their house soon. She avoided him whenever possible, but when he was around she seemed to make every effort to get along with him from picking up after him to doing his laundry without complaint. She even seemed to anticipate when he wanted a beer and she would bring it out to the living room for him before he asked. She still complained in private to David, however, telling him she couldn't wait until he was gone.

New Years Eve

The three of them were getting along so well that Steve invitied them to come out to the bar where he was working, to ring in the new year. Steve told his brother that he'd hook them up with drinks as he'd be quitting soon and didn't care if he got fired. Steve fed them free beers and shooters all night and they were quite ***** by the time midnight rolled around. New Year everyone shouted and the noise makers went off as they downed the traditional glass of champagne. Beth turned to her husband and gave him a quick kiss. Then seeing Steve had no one to kiss, she leaned across the bar, smiling and puckered up. She felt Steve grab the back of her head and he held her lips to his as his tongue slipped inside her mouth. She wanted to fight it and resisted at first, but then began kissing him back. Beth could practically hear her nipples pop out under her bra as Steve gave her a kiss that curled her toes. She pulled away from him breathing heavily her face flushed, caught between wanting to slap him or begging him for another kiss. She stared at him for a moment before turning back to her husband, he was out of it and hadn't seen anything. Steve just nonchalantly returned to his bar tending duties like nothing had happened.

Beth told David she was ready to go and realizing that they were both too ***** to drive home, she asked Steve to call them a taxi. He told her that he'd be off soon and would drive them home. They could take him to pick up his bike in the morning. Beth agreed as Steve hadn't been able to drink to much while working and seemed sober.

Beth was really wound up and wide awake. She wanted to keep celebrating as she sat next to Steve in the front seat of their car. David on the other hand had passed out in the back seat. She glanced over at Steve drivng. He was wearing khaki shorts and a tight blue tank top that showed off his biceps well. She couldn't resist glancing down at his crotch and was excited to see the large outline of his cock underneath his shorts. She glanced away before he could catch her staring at him.

Steve pulled into their driveway, shook David awake, and asked, "Anybody up for some pool?"

Both David and Beth said, "yes" and they left the car and went into the garage. David had an old, beat up pool table in there and they grabbed some pool sticks and got ready to play. "Beth go get us three beers," Steve said as he racked the balls.

Beth was half way to the kitchen before she realized he hadn't even said please. Who the hell does he think he think he is? Just cause he's got a big dick and can kiss like Cassanova doesn't mean he can order me around like his servant. Then she paused in thought, he had been ordering her around all week and she had waited on him willingly, craving his attention. He had practically ignored her and she was dying to be acknowledged in some way for jerking him off. She felt flushed again, but this time it was from anger not excitement. She grabbed three beers and stomped back to the garage.

David had done a poor job breaking, in his drunken state and gave up saying he couldn't see the balls as they were moving around too much. He told Beth to play Steve and collapsed heavily on the steps. Beth was a good pool player and easily ran the table. She felt triumphant beating her arrogant brother-in-law at something and laughed at the surprised look on his face.

"What's the matter, Steve," she teased. "Don't you like being beaten by a girl."

"One more game," he growled. "and go get us a couple more beer, while I rack."

"Loser gets the beer," she said grabbing the rack from him." She returned his glare with a smile and flushed with pride at seeing him storm off to the kitchen.

Steve returned and stepped over a comatose David lying uncomfortably across the steps. He said he'd be right back and threw his brother over his shoulder and carried him into the house depositing him on the couch in the living room. Steve returned and Beth easily won the second game. Steve got two more beers and returned to a smug Beth waiting to break the balls.

"You're very good," he told her.

"Thanks, my grandaddy was a proffessional pool player and taught me a lot of tricks."

"Well I know some tricks of my own." he said. "I bet I can win this next game."

"I bet you can't," she replied without thinking.

"Alright, if I win, you have to jack me off again."

She glared at him thinking how much she'd like shove that cocky attitude down his throat. "Steve, I'm never going anywhere near your cock again."

"Oh come on Beth, It felt great the other night and I haven't cum since then. That was the best hand job in my life and besides you only have to do it if you lose."

Beth was prepared to slap him. What she wasn't prepared for was the feeling of satisfaction she got knowing that she had pleased him and that he wanted her to do it again. She felt a strong urge to fall to her knees and jack him off right then, but she resisted the urge. She gave in to his pleas, thinking there was no way he could beat her.

"Alright Steve but, if I win you have to pack your bags and leave my house within two days," she said almost regretting her words at the hurt look on Steve's face.

"Hold on there Beth, that's pretty serious stuff there. Those kind of stakes should be worth a blow job at the very least."

She looked at him in disgust,"There no way I'm putting any thing a man pees from in my mouth and especially not your thing." Beth said shivering at how cold and clammy her soaking wet panties felt against her thighs.

Steve reached into his pants pocket and pulled out a wad of bills. "These are my tips from tonight. Theres about five hundred dollars here. If you win, you get the money and I'm gone tommorow, but if I win you have to strip naked and suck on my cock until I cum."

Beth shivered as she pictured hersef naked sucking on his big cock just like she had the banana earlier in the week. She forced herself to concentrate and thought of all the things she could do with an extra five hundred dollars. Beth also thought how pleasant it would be to have Steve out of her hair a month sooner then expected. She accepted the bet on the condition that he'd give her plenty of warning so she wouldn't have to swallow his cum. She also made him promise that he'd point his cock away from her this time when he ejaculated.

Steve readily agreed. Beth broke and immediately sank three balls.

She was lining up the fourth when Steve said, "I didn't know you hated me so much Beth." "Can't stand you," she replied moving her stick back to shoot.

"You sure seemed to love my cock though" Beth missed her shot and stood up all flustered.

"I don't...It was....Your just..."

"I especially liked that little kiss you planted on its head."

"It was just so big and impressive," she finally blurrted out immediately horrified at what she had said. If he was arrogant now think how full of himself he'd get knowing she thought his cock was impressive.

"Thank you," he said bowing his head at the compliment. "Think how big and impressive it's going to feel stuffed in your mouth."

She resisted an impulse to crack the pool stick over his head.

Steve was studying the pool table. She had left him with no shots. He was worried about losing his money, he needed it to cover his expenses when he took off for California. Beth had turned out to be much better then he had thought and though he had been holding back during the first two games, he realized she still could win. He was saved by the sound of David falling to the floor in the living room.

Beth went to check up on her husband and found him stumbling around the living room. She helped him upstairs to their bedroom and put him to bed.

Steve watched Beth slowly going up the stairs, her husband hanging on her. He noticed David's camcorder was sitting on the desk, attached to the computer. He quickly ran over and pointed it at the couch and pressed record.

When Beth returned to the garage, Steve was holding the pool stick between his legs,chalking the end of it. He looked like he was polishing the head of a skinny four foot long penis and she suppressed a laugh as she imagined herself using his foot long penis to shoot pool. Steve bent over to shoot and easily ran the table winning the game. It was over so fast, her mind didn't even have time to register the consequences of his victory and she felt Steve grab her hand and drag her inside the house to the couch.

Beth stood before Steve staring blankly at his chest still in a state of shock. She felt him untuck her shirt and then his fingers were fumbling to unbutton her blouse. He must have grown impatient because he gave up and just ripped her blouse open revealing her large white breasts contained by a lacy blue bra.

Beth wasn't prepared for the feelings that overwhelmed her when he ripped off her top and started taking off her long denim skirt. She was horrifed to think that she was about to cheat on David, for there was no doubt in her mind that oral sex was sex and what made it worse was that she had always refused to do it to her husband, telling him it was dirty and immoral, though she had wanted to try it ever since watching his pornos. Despite her feelings of guilt for what she was about to do her body was betraying her. Her nipples were so hard she felt they were going to stretch out her bra until the elastic snapped and her panties felt so damp, she thought they would slide down her legs from the extra weight. It was like her body was conspiring against her, trying to force her to appear nude before this dominant male.

Steve kneeled before her and she trembled thinking how close his mouth was to her panty covered crotch. He grabbed her calves and had her step out of her shoes leaving her in only her underwear. She once agan felt relief at being out of her confining clothes, wishing that she could wear this little all the time. He stood up and kicked his shoes off, as he pulled off the tank top.

"St..Steve, please dont make me do this," she begged.

Steve just grinned as he deftly unhooked her bra causing her breasts to jump out as they were freed from their prison. No man but, David had ever seen her bare breasts before and she held her arms across her chest to hide them. "Nnnoo, Steve, please stop now," she cried. She felt Steves hand grab her panties and she moaned as his knuckles ran across her pubic hairs as he reached inside them. She heard him laugh when he felt how wet they were and she blushed with shame. Steve grabbed them tight and she moaned louder as they twisted and slid into her pussy, parting her vaginal lips. He yanked on her panties pulling her into his arms. Beth used her danty little hands to catch herself against his chest and she ran them across the muscular ridges in his chest and abs. His body was as hard as a brick wall, as hard as his cock had been the other night. Her nose took in his strong masculine odor and she inhaled deeply. Her legs went weak, and she would have fallen to the floor at his feet but he still held her up by her panties.

Steve encircled his arm around her and leaned down so that he could push her panties down to her knees. He stood back up and used his foot to push them all the way down to the floor. She was now naked before this handsome giant, ready to suck on his foot long cock. Steve steadied her on her feet and reaching out, he rolled her nipples between his fingers causing her to moan again.

Despite the waves of electricity emanating out from her sensitve nipples she gritted her teeth and said, "Ohhh, your not, ahh llowed to touch."

Steve held her up for a second looking down at her breasts and at her vagina just below a beautiful flat, white belly. He put his hands on her shoulders and met little resistence as he pushed her down to her knees.

Beth knelt before her brother-in-law and stared at his shorts bulging out from the pressure of his mighty cock. She reached out a trembling hand and grasped his zipper pulling it down slowly. Then she brought her other hand up and unbuttoned his shorts. His pubic hairs were visible through the open area on his shorts and she realized he wasn't wearing underwear. Beth reached up and grabbing the waist band of his shorts she slowly began pulling them down, holding her breath in anticipation as his cock slowly revealed itself to her for the second time in a week. She exhaled when the fat head of his cock popped out of his shorts, still in awe over his size. It dangled down about eight inches and she could see the large vein on his cock pulsing with power. With each pulse, it grew a little longer, a little thicker, until it was at full erection pointing directly at her mouth. Her hand reached out and hefted it feeling its weight again. Beth leaned forward and poised her mouth about an inch away from the throbbing head. She looked at the precum oozing from his pee slit, thinking it it was as much as David came in a regular orgasm. It must take an awful lot of lubrication to cover this monster completely she reasoned while watching a drip travel down the head to dangle underneath. She looked up his incredible body and locked eyes with him. Never breaking eye contact she leaned forward and planted a lingering kiss on the head of his cock.

Steve acknowledged her gesture of submission and nodded down at her as Beth kissed his cock again. He nodded again in the direction of the kitchen.

Never taking her lips of his cock, Beth turned her head to look in the direction he was nodding and saw their reflection in the full mirrror on the back of the door. She saw her lips attached to the end of his penis and thought how beautiful and natural it made her look to be worshipping such a large cock. She watched her tongue come out and lick the precum off the tip and she saw herself lick around his fat cock head. She opened her mouth wide and took his cock into her mouth watching its head push out her cheeks in the mirror.

"God Beth, I've wanted this since the day I first saw you in your wedding dress."

The mention of her wedding dress brought her back to reality and reminded her that what she was doing was wrong. She was a strong willed, intelligent woman, not some mindless bimbo at the mercy of a mans desires. She made a half hearted attempt to get him off, taking his cock head into her mouth and bobbing her head up and down rapidly as she stroked his shaft with her hands. She grunted as Steve grabbed the hair on the top of her head and forcing her head back so that she found herself looking up at his angry face.

"You really suck at this you worthless bitch, Your'e gonna do a good job or I'll make you do it again till you get it right."

Beth trembled with fear as she looked up at him, her head at an awkward angle to avoid any pain from him pulling her hair. He released her and she vigorously attacked his cock trying to please him. She began licking it all over and even ran her tongue down its underside and licked his hairy balls. She ran her mouth back up and engulfed his cock swallowing four inches before gagging.

"Damn bitch, you ain't good for nothing."

She tried harder and was able to deep throat another inch. She bobbed her head on his cock rapidly while looking up at him to see if he was pleased with her.

"I guess your just too stupid to do this right so, I'm going to have to show you how its done."

Beth was so ashamed of herself she started to cry around his cock. She was stupid and worthless. She didn't know anything about pleasing a man. When Steve started to teach her she listened attentively following his instructions more intently then she had any of her women's studies professors at college.

He told her to breath through her nose and relax her throat muscles. Steve had her arch her head lining up her throat with her lips and he pushed his cock in as far as her tonsils and he began fucking her face. Thankfully he seemed satisfied with eight inches buried in her mouth.

"Yeah baby, now your doing me right."

If his cock hadn't been so deep in her throat she would have beamed in delight at the compliment. Knowing he was pleased wth her caused her to redouble her efforts. She was proud of herself for being such a good learner. ??

Beth could only handle about seven penetrations before she had to catch her breath and to keep him happy she licked and slurped around his cock head until she was ready to deep throat him again. This develped into a pattern and time lost all meaning to her as she alternated between taking his cock down her throat and licking along the end.

"Tighten up your lips baby," he said, getting into it. He was making little thrusts with his crotch everytime her mouth came down close to the base. This was turning into the best blow job of his life and it really hadn't been that bad to began with, he just needed to keep reminding her who was in control here. This wasn't just a stupid bet, Steve wouldn't be satisfied until she had willingly submitted to him both her body and her mind.

Beth felt his cock swell up in her mouth and the head seemed to grow impossibly large. On her next breather she licked around the charged head and teased his pee slit with her tongue. "Are you getting close," she gasped.

"Not yet, baby, keep going," Steve lied. He was real close. He had no intention of warning her as he wanted his new slut to swallow his cum while it was still hot.

Beth felt his cock grow even bigger and it started to tremble in her mouth. She came up for air again. "Tap me on the shoulder when your ready," she said and buried his cock in her mouth again.

His cock began shaking in her mouth like a volcano getting ready to blow and she instinctively knew he was ready. Beth began to retreat and was almost in the clear, with just the head in her mouth when she felt it jump and his hot semen sprayed the roof of her mouth and quickly filled her mouth. She gulped for air and swallowed most of it, feeling his hot juice slide down her throat. The second stream hit her in the face. "You bastard," she screamed at him. His cock had jumped up against his hard stomach, when she released it and a third blast erupted from the end splattering on Steve's muscular stomach. It really did resemble a volcano she thought quickly. It fell back down aimed at her face, ready to cum again. She could taste his cum on her tongue and the pungent aroma of so much semen filled Beth's nose, intoxicating her with its scent. All rational thought left her brain and she once again became the cum crazy slut she had been in the bathroom after she had given him the hand job.

Beth saw the eye open as she was racing to take his cock back into her mouth, and fearing she might miss tasteing more of his semen, she stuck her tongue out catching it as it flew out again. She engulfed his cock again catching the rest of his load in her mouth. There was another burst that filled her mouth and caused his semen to spill out onto her chin. Then the pressure was gone and there was just a constant stream of sperm filling her mouth and she gulped it down as fast as he came. When he was done cumming, he collapsed back onto the couch weak in the legs and his cock popped out of her mouth as he fell. She scrambled forward and kneeling between his legs, she began cleaning his dick off with her tongue. When she finished,she saw the pool of his semen liquifying on his belly and she moved up to lick it off the hard muscles on his stomach. She pursed her lips over his navel and sucked most of his semen out. Then she licked the rest out with her tongue. Satisfied she had cleaned him up, she turned her attention to her face when Steve stopped her.

"Leave it on," he commanded.

Beth laid at his feet and rested her head on his knees as they caught their breath. The clock indicated she had spent about forty minutes sucking on his dick and they had been the most exciting minutes of her life.??

Steve had stopped panting and looking down at her he asked, "Want to play another game?"

She looked at him with a confused look on her face and replied, "Why not, I'm not the least bit tired."

That's because of all the caffeine pills I put into your drinks tonight, he thought. She was bending over to get dressed when he stopped her.

"Leave 'em," he said as he grabbed her hand and dragged her back to the pool table.

She entered the garage and realizing the garage door was still open she ran naked to the door and pulled it down, shivering with excitement at the thought that if any of her neighbors were looking out their windows they would see her nude body outlined against the light.

She enjoyed playing the next couple of games with Steve, winning a few and losing a few. Steve had tried to get her to bet again, wanting to fuck her this time and though her body screamed yes, her mind made her inform him that David would be the only man to ever penetrate her pussy. Beth had never felt as liberated as she did at that moment playing nude pool with her brother-in-law. She loved the freedom that came from not wearing clothes.

"Maybe we should play strip pool in reverse and put our clothes back on when we lose," he jokingly said.

Beth laughed, thinking that as long as no one else could see her she'd love o stay naked forever. She had noticed his cock rising up again as he watched her bending over to make her shots and she thought that maybe she'd jack him off one last time before saying goodbye to it forever. After tonight her New Years resolution was to stay as far away from Steve as possible until he was gone. She found it hard to concentrate with his cock staring at her over the pool table, but she managed to win anyway, her third game in a row. "I still can't believe you beat me that game," she said shaking her head.

"Actually, I didn't," he said and when she turned to look at him questioningly, he continued, "I lined up the balls when you were helping David upstairs so that I could win."

Beth's face slowly took on an expression of sheer horror as she thought of the sin she had just commited. All the disgust and self loathing she had felt after jacking him off returned. He had cheated to get her to blow him and worse,she had enjoyed it. She felt so cheap and used, that she wanted to crawl under the pool table and hide. Instead, Beth found herself attacking the man who had tricked her to get himself off. She swang the pool stick at him, which he easily side-stepped and disarmed her, pulling her into his arms. Beth felt his hard cock pressing into her stomach as she futily beat her hands against his chest. It was like hitting a cinder block and she was hurting herself more then she was hurting him. "You bastard, I hate you, it's not fair, I should have won and then you'd be gone."

"If you think I would have actually left, you are stupid," he said pushing her back towards the pool table. "I'm not going to leave until I want to leave."

"I wish I could take it back," she said, tears rolling down her cheeks.

"I'll let you take it back,"

She looked up at him confused. How could she take back giving him oral sex? Steve lifted her by the hips and he set her down on the pool table. He moved forward, his cock aimed straight at her pussy and she could swear her vagina was opening up to welcome it when his cock was still a foot away.

Steve stopped his cock from penetrating her at the last minute and grinning evilly he pushed her to her back, after knocking pool balls out of the way. The he was gone. Beth held her head up looking for him and jumped as something flicked along her labia. She looked down between her breats and saw Steve staring up at her, his mouth on her pubic mound. As their eyes held, Steve leaned forward and kissed her pussy causing her whole body to jump. His was not a kiss of submission. but one of power. He chuckled and attacked her pussy again.

Beth's clit was engorged as he nibbled and licked around it. She raised her hips to meet the thrusts of his tongue and she reached out for something to hang on to, her hand came to rest on two pool balls. Here was her salvation. All she had to do was lean up and bang him over the head and he'd stop, but she didn't want him to stop, she thought as the orgasms started coming. His tongue was thrusting in and out of her and she swore it fet bigger and better then her husband's penis. "Aaagh, I'm cuummming," she screamed as her first orgasm with a man erupted from her body. She had four more quick ones before she felt a giant orgasm growing in her belly. Her hips rose up to meet his tongue and they stayed up trying to push him in deeper. Then she felt something squirting and Beth found her whole body flopping around like Steve's cock does when he cums. Beth was in a daze as she recovered from her orgasm. She was completely satisfied but at the same time craving more. Steve had stood back up grinning at her his face was dripping with her juices. "Oh my god, I peed in your face," she said in disgust.

"That's not piss, thats your cum, you stupid bitch,"

Beth knew there was no way her blow job could of felt that good to him and she wanted to reward him. "Steve you can put your cock in me"

Steve rested his penis on her mound so that it was poining at her head as she looked down her body to watch him enter her. "I thought you said your pussy belonged to David."

"Not tonight, tonight I'll let you have sex with me," she moaned as Steve began rubbing the head of his cock up and down her slit. "Steve put it in now."

"Tell me you want me."

"Ooo I want you. I want your big cock inside me."

"What do you want me to do to you."

Beth gritted her teeth from the intense need she felt for his cock. "I want you to Fuck me. Please fuck me with that big cock." She felt his penis enter her for the first time and she had a small orgasm that made her cry out with pleasure. Surprisingly, Steve ddn't feel much bigger then David and she looked down her body and saw that he had only pushed a finger inside her. "Steve quit teasing me, I need you to fuck me right now."

Steve's cock was coveredi n her juices as he ran it along her slit while fingering her. "Tell me you love me, he said"

"No you bastard,"

"Tell me or I won't fuck you."

Her face was red with fury as she said, "I love you."

"Say it agan."

Beth was still angry but her eyes softened. "I love you."

"Would you still love me if I told you I grabbed the fourth queen from the deck when you and David were arguing in the kitchen."

"Just stick it in me you fucking bastard."

"Your pussys mine whenever I want it, slut." Steve said his cock sliding down her pussy as he slowly backed away from her. "And tonight I don't want it."

She looked at him in desperation as he backed out the door.The last thing she saw was his cock, all shiny wth her juices, disappear around the corner She screamed in fury and threw a pool ball after him. It harmlessly bounced off the wall and rolled back into the garage. Beth needed to cum again. She grabbed the first thing at hand. The pool stick was too awkward so she unscrewed it and used the end. "yes, god yes," she moaned as she shoved the pool stick in and out of her, wishing it was fatter. Her orgasm never materialized and after ten minutes she threw the pool stick against the wall in frustration. Beth laid on the pool table crying for awhile before gathering her clothes and heading upstairs. She passed Steve snoring on the couch and she found she hated him more now then she ever had before.

Steve watched her go under his partially closed eyelids, then he jumped up and ran to the kitchen. He was so horny he had almost masturbated for the first time since discovering pussy at age fifteen. He grabbed some ice cubes and held them against his throbbing cock. By the time they had melted his cock had only gone down an inch and he moaned in frustration. It had taken a lot of will power not to shove his cock into her, but Beth needed to realize that her pussy wasn't hers to give anymore, it was Steve's to take.

Beth climbed into bed at dawn and woke David up. He groaned and forced his eyes open. "God, Beth you look as bad as I feel."

"What do you mean?"

"Your cheeks are all puffy and it looks like you drooled all over your chin last night."

She felt like throwing up. She had forgotten she was still covered in Steve's cum.

"Whew your breath smells weird too," said David as he leaned over to kiss her.

"Yours aint so fresh either."

"Happy New Year Beth. I love you"

"Happy New Year," she said turning away from him.
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