The Unwanted Houseguest by Stormbringer

Chapter 1: Poker on Christmas Day

Beth set the beer down in front of her husband, David with a hard thud. She was really pissed off at him. She was pissed, that it was Christmas and her main present had been some sexy new lingerie, which she hated because it objectified women. She had reluctantly agreed to try it on for him tonight and here he was ignoring her, playing poker with his brother. She was pissed off that David had drank a little too much and that he had gotten carried away, betting part of their rent money. She was also pissed that his good-for-nothing brother had been living with them for the last month, rent free.

Beth hated Steve with a passion. He represented everything she found reprehensible about men. Steve always expected her to wait on him hand and foot, bringing him beer while he watched football, doing his laundry for him, and other things that he considered woman's work. Beth always refused which seemed to shock the hell out of her brother-in-law. Beth and David on the other hand shared every household chore, like married people should. She considered herself a liberated woman and loathed Steve as a typical male chauvinist pig.

David and Beth had been married for two years. They had been introduced by their parents at church. David had stared in awe at the beautiful young woman standing before him. She had long curly brown hair that reached down to her firm, oversized, twenty year old breasts. Her thin waist and large hips gave her the perfect hourglass figure. She wore a tasteful, consevative blue dress that reached her ankles. The beautiful young woman's buxom figure seemed to strain at her dress demanding freedom from the confining clothes. Beth may have been a conservative, intellectual, feminist at heart but her body was that of the hottest stripper or porn star and David sensed there was a caged wild animal just waiting to be released underneath those bulky clothes.

David had pursued her and eventually she agreed to go out with him. Beth was taking women's studies at college and they were only able to see each other on weekends. They had been dating a year when she found out he had a brother. David's mother had just rolled her eyes and explained how Steve had always been the black sheep of the ******. He had joined the Merchant Marine and after that spent his time traveling the country on his motorcycle doing odd jobs here and there, never staying in one place long, a typical wanderer.

David and Beth got married two years after meeting each other. Steve had strolled into the church on the day of the wedding, surprising everyone. Beth couldn't believe that Steve was related to her husband. David was 5'6" and really skinny. He didn't have an ounce of fat on his body, but then he didn't have any muscles either. She loved him because he understood that marriage was a partnership and he treated her as an equal in every way. Steve on the other hand was a giant. He rippled with muscles and towered over everyone at the wedding reception. His skin was tan from being outdoors on his motorcycle and her bridesmaids giggled over his rugged good looks. David had introduced her to Steve and her new brother-in-law had openly eyed her body and whistled as he shook her hand. She found his behaviour to be innapropriate, primitive, and offensive. She had immediately disliked him.

David had taken Beth's virginity on their wedding night and ever since then he had been trying to loosen her up in bed. David couldn't get enough of her body and wanted sex constantly, which was a shame because she didn't seem to enjoy sex very much and could take it or leave it. His dreams were of oral and anal sex, but he could never get her beyond plain old intercourse under the sheets with the lights turned out.

David had bought a couple of adult movies, hoping that they would turn her on and give her a few ideas. She had sat through the first complaining about how it treated women as objects and how offensive it was. He noticed she had shut up during a scene in which a stud with a large seven inch penis was getting a blow job from a slutty big breasted blonde. He glanced over at his wife and found her staring at the screen, her mouth hanging open in amazement. She had left for bed after that and David followed later, after finishing the film. He had climbed on top of her and inserted his skinny five and a half inch penis into her vagina finding her to be soaking wet. They had some of the best sex of their marriage that night, but all his hopes of a wilder, kinky wife never materialized.

They had been married a year when Steve made his second visit. He asked to stay with them and though he was typically rude and obnoxious, Beth put up with him because it was only for a couple of days. On his last day in town Steve asked if David had any porns and since Beth was sleeping, David got them out and popped one into the vcr. He hit play and the screen immediately lit up with the image of the large dicked man getting a blowjob from the blonde. Steve laughed and asked if this was David's favorite scene. David blushed and replied that he must not have rewound it all the way. They finished the movie and he put another one in. The screen showed a black man with the largest penis David had ever seen, having anal sex with a well built white girl. His black rod must have been 8" long and extremely thick to boot. Steve had laughed at him again and David blurted out that his wife must be watching them. Much to David's embarassment Steve told him that his wife must have a thing for big cocks, since she wasn't getting one at home. The day before Steve had walked in on David, when he was changing and had laughed at the lttle worm dangling between his brother's legs. David had been so ashamed, that he suppressed his memory of the incident.

Steve showed up again a year later at Thanksgiving and asked to stay through January if he could find a bartending job. Steve wanted to save up enough money to head out to California. Beth was furious but relented when he agreed to pay for his share of the bills. They had been struggling to make ends meat for the past year. David had a fairly decent job as an accountant and Beth had discovered that women's studies hadn't exactly opened up a lot of career opportunities for her and she was waiting tables at a nearby diner, much to her displeasure.


David looked at the pot. There had to have been at least $600 there. He glanced at his cards for the hundredth time, four sevens. His cocky brother had just raised him another fifty bucks, money that David didn't have. The game had gotten out of hand, with each brother throwing in money until the stakes had gotten this serious. David looked up at his brother, Steve was staring back at with a huge grin on his face as he awaited David's bet. David glanced over at his wife Beth. She was holding another beer bottle for him and staring at the money on the table. They could sure use the extra cash as they were a little strapped for the holidays. "I don't have enough," he said.

"Well then," said Steve triumphantly, "I'll just have to take all this cash."

He was reaching out for the money when his brother interupted him. "Maybe, I can offer you something else," David said. David couldn't pass up this much cash just because he was short a little money. He had four-of-a-kind, playing one on one with his brother at poker. What were the odds of Steve having a better hand?

"What you offering?" Steve asked.

David asked, "What do I have that you want?"

Steve's eyes immediately went to Beth standing there with a beer in her hand. "How about a blow job from that sexy wife of yours?"

David stared at his brother in shock and heard Beth gasp and then the sound of the beer bottle shattering as it hit the floor.

"You filthy pervert," she said in disgust and went to get a broom and towel to clean up the beer and broken glass.

"I can't do that Steve," said David. "For one thing I don't own her to bet with and for another thing it's adultery and that's a sin.

Beth returned and stood behind her husband seeing his four sevens.

Steve said, "It's not adultery according to the President, but I'll make you a deal. If you win you keep the money and if I win, I keep half the money and your wife has to jerk me off. You can keep the other half of the cash."

David had opened his mouth to reply, "no way" when Beth interupted and said she'd do it. She saw her husband looking up at her in surprise and she pulled him into the kitchen. Beth told her husband that there was no way that Steve could beat four-of-a-kind and that they couldn't afford to lose half their rent money, even if he did have a better hand. Beth added that they could sure use all the money in the pot and that Steve owed them anyway for letting him live there rent free. They argued for a minute and they returned to Steve, after David reluctantly consented.

"Alright, its a bet," said David holding his cards confidently, while his wife stood behind him.

"Ok," replied Steve with a grin. "On one condition. Beth has to wear that sexy pair of bra and panties you gave her when she does it."

Beth clenched her teeth with rage. She was furious at her husband for putting her in this positon and for showing his big jerk of a brother, the sleezy lingerie David had given her. Decent women simply didn't wear outfits like that in front of their husbands or any man. She gave David a look that told him he would be paying for this later on, after they won the money. "Lets just get this over with," she said, her heart thumping in her chest from nervousness.

Steve smiled and said, "lets see what you got."

David spread his cards out revealing his four sevens and he and Beth both shouted in delight at the look of surprise on Steve's face. David was reachng out to gather up his money when Steve stopped him and spread out his cards, four queens. David was crestfallen and Beth just gasped in shock.

"Steve, your not really planning on making Beth go through with it or you?" David asked.

Steve looked at Beth, she was staring at him hopefully. He openly looked down her incredible figure and felt his cock stir. It looked like her body was straining to be free of her clothes. The only women he had seen with figures like hers were strippers or porn stars and their bodies were usually half fake. "A bets a bet bro," Steve said still staring at Beth. "You were going to keep all the money if you won right? Now Beth you run upstairs and change into that sexy outfit and bring back some vaseline with you."

David looked at his wife. She was looking at his brother with both anger and disgust written all over her face. "Honey, you don't have to do it if you don't want to," he told her. "Steve can keep all the money and I'll pick up some extra hours at work to cover the rent."

She shot her husband a look filled with just as much disgust as she was giving his brother. "No dammit, serves you right for getting me in this mess." Beth turned and angrily stomped off upstairs to change.

David dejectedly watched his brother divide up their money. At least he got to keep half and didn't have to worry about the rent and all Beth had to do was tug on Steve's penis a couple times. David saw his brother breathing heavily with excitement as he waited for Beth and David suddenly remembered something a little unnerving. David was twenty five and Steve was seven years older so they didn't have the same friends in school. Even so, rumors about what a stud his brother was had trickled down to David's class. Steve had a reputation for being extremely well hung and he had nailed dozens of women before leaving for the Merchant Marine. David on the other hand, had only had one blow job and been jerked off once before losing his virginity with Beth. He remembered the girls coming on really strong with him and they had seemed disappointed with his little penis. They never returned his phone calls after the first date. Had his brother's reputation caused them to hit on him? David had completely forgotten the incident with the videos from Steves last visit until now. Beth apparently had a fascination with big penises and if the rumors were true, she was about to see one in person. Surely, Steve had forgotten about that incident also? Hadn't he?


Beth's clothes hit the floor and she sighed in relief as the cool air caressed her body. She always felt so hot and claustrophobic wearing such heavy dresses, but she endured it since intelligent, decent women always covered up their bodies. She was surprised to see her nipples were hard and jutting out about half an inch. She pinched her nipples and moaned softly in pleasure at how sensitive they were. She attributed it to the cold from the air conditioner and went back to changing.

Beth put the christmas box on the bathroom sink and removed the little red panties from it. They were see thru and fringed with white fluff. She slid them on, the thong running up between her butt cheeks. The bra matched the panties and she put it on, noticing how you could see her aureolae through the thin material and how much her nipples stretched the thin material out even further. Surprisingly, the outfit felt really comfortable. It seemed to caress her body and she found herself wishing that she could wear this little all the time so that she wouldn't feel so constrained. There was also a Santa hat in the box to complete the sexy Mrs. Claus look but she ignored it. She looked at herself in the mirror. It was hard not to feel proud for looking this good, despite being so modest. Her looks and figure were better then the sluts in David's porno movies and she shivered as she thought about the big fake penises in his movies, especially the unreal black penis being rammed into that one whores's ass. She had never confessed to liking David's movies as she considered them undignified, but there was no denyng how much they excited her when she secretly watched them.

Beth spun around seeing her bare ass and realized she was about to show off more of her body to her brother-in-law then anyone incuding her husband had ever seen. She grabbed the vaseline, put on her robe and headed down stairs. Beth knew that this was as much her fault as it was David's and felt that the humiliation would be punishment enough for both of them. Besides, it would be all over in a couple minutes.

Steve had a smug, superior look on his face when Beth entered weaing the short robe. "Alright Beth," he said. "Lets see what you've got."

Beth flashed her brother-in-law a nasty look that spoke volumes, and with a resigned shrug, she opened the robe and let it fall to the floor. She braced herself for the whistles and catcalls, but they never came. What did surprise her was the reaction she was getting from the two men. David was staring at her lustfully and she could see the outline of his erect penis beneath his jeans. Steve on the other hand had stood up straight and looked like he was about to **** her right on the spot. She shivered in fear as she looked up at him towering over her. Beth was both surprised and disappointed in herself for finding that the experience was actually arousing her. Here she was a strong, intelligent woman getting turned on by showing off her body before her husband and a man that she despised with a passion.

Merry "fucking" christmas, thought Steve as he eyed Beth dressed as a sexy Mrs. Claus. He knew she had been hiding a hot body under all those clothes, but he never imagined it was this perfect. How did my wimpy little brother score a babe this hot, he thought? "Let's see a little more," said Steve as he made a circling motion with his fingers.

Beth was ready to slap him, but just gritted her teeth and spun around, showing off her bare rear end and the rest of her body. "Come on Steve lets get this over with," she said. "Take it out."

Steve shook his head no. "You get to do the honors," he said as he pulled his shirt off over his head.

She found herself staring at his bare chest and was couldn't help but be impressed with his physique, despite her feelings for him personally. She looked down at his pants and reached out to unbuckle his belt. She was reaching for his buttons, when she felt him put his hands on her shoulders and push her down to her knees. She tried to resist, but he was just to strong and she relented, kneeling before his crotch. His pants were really stretched out in the front and she assumed they must be too big for him. She wanted to get this unpleasant experience over with and quickly unbuttoned his pants pulling the zipper down. She tugged at his jeans and struggled to get his tight pants down over his hips. When she had them down around his ankles he stepped out of them and she reached up to yank off his white briefs and stopped. The bulge contained under his briefs was simply immense. Beth was confused and shook her head in denial. She had always thought that her husband had a nice sized penis and believed that the large ones in the pornos were fake. He must have stuffed a sock or three in there, she reasoned.

She grabbed the waist band of his underwear and jumped back in surprise as his massive penis leaped out at her and rested half erect against her right cheek. His penis must be at least 10" long she thought to herself in shock. His giant penis rubbed against her cheek and then started to rise up the side of her face and it came to rest against her forehead. Beth found hersef looking down the underside of his massive shaft at the big blue vein underneath, pulsing with power. It had grown another inch and she realized that it had to be just short of a foot long at full erection. Steve's penis was close to three times the length of her husband's and twice as thick. Even his testicles are bigger then David's she thought as she stared at his big hairy balls.

She felt Steve pull back a little and his penis slowly slid down her face over the bridge of her nose and the fat head came to rest on her parted lips. She was still staring ahead in a state of shock and as she felt it on her lips she glanced down its length and then up Steve's hard, muscular body and she saw his face grinning down at her. Beth spent the next couple of days wondering why she reacted the way she did, and as she thought of herself kneeling half naked before such a strong, powerful man with his super-sized penis resting against her mouth, without thinking, she pursed her lips and kissed its big head. Beth quickly came to her senses and pulled back so that his penis hovered before her face horrified at what she had done. She briefly worried about David but, he was behind her and probably hadn't seen her do it.

Steve had seen it of course, and he laughed. "What's a matter Beth," he said. "I thought you were in a hurry to jack off my cock."

Beth was offended by his course language. She was in a hurry to get this overwith, but the size of his c..., his penis had shocked her. Never taking her eyes off his incredible co..., .penis she reached up and grabbed the vaseline. She put a a glob on her hand and then thinking that it would take a lot more to cover such a large coc..., penis she scooped up a larger glob. Beth reached out her vaseline covered hand and for the first time in her life grabbed a cock other then her husbands. Steve's cock was so much bigger then her husbands little penis that she gathered up some vaseline on her other hand. She covered the head with vaseline and ran her hand down to the base, lubricating it thoroughly and she measured him with both hands to see how big he was. It took four of her hands to cover the shaft and his cock's fat head was still peaking out at her. Her fingers couldn't touch as they encircled it and she could feel it throbbing in her hands. David's erections were always soft and bendable but Steve's cock was so hard that you could hammer nails with it. Beth was both awed and shocked by Steve's cock. She began tugging on it with both hands and then she began running her hands up and down his foot long shaft, stopping only to put on more vaseline. Beth never took her eyes of Steve's cock as she stroked it. She became memorized by the rhythmic movement of her hands gliding up and down his shaft and entered a strange dreamlike state.

In her dreams, her hands turned into lips and she was impossibly swallowing all twelve inches of his rod down her throat. Then her lips grew hairy and his cock was pounding into her vagina, no her vagina was for her husband. Steve was fucking her pussy. His massive shaft darkened, turned black and then she was the blonde slut in the video taking his black cock up her ass. She dreamed she was Steve's slut and all three of her holes were filled at once by three 12" cocks. She moaned softly at the thought of having all her holes stuffed full of cocks that large.

David moved around to the side to get a better view. He heard his wife moan and realized that his worst fears had come true. She was completely enthralled by his brother's gigantic penis and after seeing it for himself he couldn't blame her. David was both worried, ashamed, and surprisingly, excited at the same time. He realized that if these two had been strangers, he would be observing the most erotic sight of his life. He wasn't used to seeing Beth dressed so sluttily and it was easy to pretend she was some porn goddess stroking off the penis of some well hung stud. David's little penis was so hard it ached under his pants and he yearned to release it.

Beth's tired arms brought her out of her dream state and she hated herself for the thoughts that had gone through her mind. She didn't want to take her eyes off that beautiful cock, but she managed to glance at the clock. Then she glanced back, she must have been confused about the time, because she could swear she had started jerking him off fifty minutes ago. Impossible, she thought, it should have been over in five minutes, but then why were her arms so tired?

She glanced up at her brother-in-law and found he was still staring down at her an arrogant smirk on his face. There was sweat on his brow and he was breathing heavy. She felt his cock throbbing under her hands, and she returned her attention to his shaft. The head was swelling up even bigger and its eye was opening and closing with each stroke of her hand. She started stroking it faster now. The power she felt at knowing she was about to make him orgasm giving her arms the strength to finish. Beth brought her head down to get a better view of the drops of semen that were about to trickle out of the pee slit. The hood just continued swell even bigger and just when she thought Steve was going to last forever, she saw the eye open wide and then his hot white seed was spraying her face. Her mouth opened wide as she pulled back in horror and she saw a long strand of his cum blast from the head of his cock and it flew into her mouth, striking the back of her throat. Beth gulped as she tried to scream and swallowed his hot cum down before she had time to think. More strands of cum hit her face and breasts soiling her red bra. She fell back trying to escape his sperm bath and felt even more of his semen splatter on her belly and abdomen. Beth scurried to her feet and ran up the stairs crying.


She could barely see herself in the bathroom mirror through her tears and wiped her eyes. The beautiful woman she had been proud of an hour ago was gone, replaced by a sperm covered slut out of one of her husband's pornos. She saw her soiled new lingerie, splattered with semen and she stripped, naked throwing the stained bra and panties into the trash. She stood there panting heavily watching her large breasts rising and falliing with each breath.

Beth was very confused. She had read somewhere that the male orgasm normally only filled up a tea spoon, yet Steve's cum could fill up at least three shot glasses. Some sperm was flowing down over her left nipple and she went to wipe it up with her finger but, instead found herself rubbing his semen around her hard nipple, moaning as the pungent aroma of so much cum overwhelmed her sense of smell, intoxicating her with it's pungent aroma. She still could taste him in her mouth as she brought up her cum coated fingers and began to lick them. She found herself scooping up his semen and shoveling it into her mouth trying to taste more. Beth became a ravenous animal and couldn' t get enough, licking around her lips trying to get it all. She then eyed the sperm on her nipple and she bent her neck and pushed her breast up, licking one long nipple clean. Beth was out of control, scooping a glob of his semen out of her belly button and quickly sucking it off her finger.

The only semen left untouched by her was on her abdomen and it was trickling down onto her pubic hair. She scooped it up and was about to bring her finger up to her mouth, when her hand reversed course and pushed her cum covered finger into her vagina, trying to push his seed deep into her womb. Beth's legs grew wobbly as she fingered her hungry pussy. She collapsed to her knees, then she fell forward on her shoulder before the toilet, with her ass thrust up in the air as she rapidly fingered her pussy. Beth was moaning softly and opening her eyes saw the light reflect off another glob of semen resting on her red bra hanging out of the trash can before her. Resting her weight on her shoulder, she reached out her free hand and scooped it off the bra. She stared at it shining on her fingertip for a couple of seconds before bringing her hand up over her rear end. She pushed her cum covered finger into her rectum, pushing his remaining sperm deep into her ass.

Beth was trembling and moaning softly as she moved her fingers in and out of her two holes. It was a strange fulfilling experience and she felt an unfamiliar, but incredible feeling growing deep within her belly and then it erupted spreading waves of pleasure throughout her body. Her ass clenched her finger tight and she felt her pussy expand and contract as the finger in it got soaked by her juices. The powerful feeling frightened her at first, until she realized that she must of had her first orgasm while pushing another mans sperm into a place only her husbands had gone and another place no mans cum had ever been, until now.

Beth felt another one coming and tried to fight it, whispering "I hate him. I don't want that big cock," over and over again, but she shook and almost screamed as the second orgasm overwhelmed her and the pleasure caused her to pass out to dreams of being dominated by her brother-in-law's giant cock.

She awoke soon aftrwards to a pounding on the door and she pushed herself to her hands and knees, her head hanging before the toilet.

David stuck his head in and said "You ok there honey?"

Beth nodded and pointed at the toilet like she was going to throw up.

"Yell, if you need anything," he said. "and Beth I'm sorry about all this." David saw his wife look at him sadly without saying anything and he said, "I'll be waiting for you in the bedroom." David closed the door a little relieved. She wasn't as covered in his brother's cum as he thought. If she was sick to her stomach she probably wouldn't have had time to clean it off. So he reasoned, it must have looked a lot worse then it had been. David felt a little better, as he stripped and got into bed.

Beth threw herself into the shower. The strange urges that had overwhelmed her were gone and she was filled with self loathing as she tried to scrub all traces of his sperm off her body. She spent thirty minutes rubbing soap into everywhere his cum had touched her and she still didn't feel clean. She finally got out of the tub when the hot water turned cold. There were tears in her eyes as she brushed her teeth, at least five times, rinsing out her mouth with mouthwash after each one. She looked at the toothbrush and threw it into the trash on top of her ruined lingerie. She could by a new toothbrush tommorrow.

Beth hated Steve more then ever now. No decent man would ever make her do what he did. Why didn't he warn her about the size of his orgasms? She was disgusted with her husband from not stopping her from going through with it and for not being a man and throwing his brother out of their house, but most of all she hated herself for reacting the way she had.

David lay in bed wating for his wife. He was hornier then he had ever been in his life and was worried she would be too pissed off or sick to her stomach to make love to him. He needn't have worried, Beth practically threw herself on him. She spread her legs and ground her pussy against his pubic hairs trying to get him deep inside her as she rode him up and down. She was trying to kiss him but all he could think of was his brother's semen shooting into her mouth and he kept turning his head away from her.

Beth felt her husband squirming underneath her to avoid kissing her mouth, and she figured he must think she had vomited. She forcefully grabbed his head and kissed him on the lips slipping her tongue in and out of his mouth. He resisted at first and then kissed her back. She needed the familar taste and smell of her husband to cover up her memory of Steve. Typical of David, she felt his penis swell up and ejaculate inside her after five minutes. His small load didn't even penetrate as far as her finger had and did little to stop the invading sperm of his brother. Still, it was the best sex they had ever had and she collapsed beside him, exhausted.

They lay side by side panting and David yawned saying, "Steve sure is well hung, isn't he?"

"I had no idea there were cocks that big," she whispered back, staring at the roof, eye wide open at the memory.

David's eyes narrowed, "What did you say?"

Beth caught her mistake and replied, "I said, I didn't know penises got that large."

"Oh" said David closing his eyes, "I love you Beth,"

"I love you too." she replied thinking about Steve's cock.

Beth laid awake all night thinking of the foot long monster waiting on the couch downstairs. Exhausted, she finally fell asleep about dawn.

Steve slowly stroked his cock all night waiting for Beth to come to him. No woman had ever been able to resist his penis once they had seen it. The sun was coming up, when he realized she probably wasn't coming and he was both surprised and delighted to think that he had a challenge on his hands.