The ?Trophy?

By Sensuous

I am a 29 year old black man, 6?5? and about 230 lbs. I play professional basketball for one of the teams in the Eastern Conference of the NBA that is not in the largest sort of city. We have great fans and even though we're in a smaller town, we draw enough to make money for our owners. . I'm probably what the sportswriters call a ?journeyman,? meaning that I am not the sort that makes a franchise, but I am needed to play defense, score a respectable number of points, and get the ball to the stars and generally not screw up. Nevertheless, I am probably a better physical specimen that 99% of American men. And I know that I am only going to make it if I stay healthy and out of trouble and work like mad.

Don't get me wrong, I am not complaining. Even an NBA ?journeyman? makes more money in a year that nearly anyone else. If a player at my level is smart, he puts away plenty of money with professional investment people and gets himself set up for a life after he is too old or too lame to play. I've done that. Though I live a comparatively low-key life, I can afford all the expensive cars, houses and whatever I could want. I just keep a low profile, have a nice condo, drive a big SUV, and there are always lots of fine women who for some reason just love the idea of being with a professional athlete. But a guy in my position has to be careful who he hangs with, or he ends up being a 'defendant.? So I am generally careful about the women I see and try to stay away from the type that will actually hang around hotels where we stay just for the chance to go upstairs with someone famous. Not that I am always on my best behavior. In my earlier years in the league, I invited lots of those ladies upstairs and had some great times. Now that I know my way around, and because I have not found anyone I want to be with, from time to time I take up with someone who is introduced to me. This story is about one such young lady. I guess I was her 'trophy.?

Last fall, before the start of the season, and while we were still doing ?exhibitions,? I was sitting around a Starbucks in the area where I live, which is sort of a 'suburb? of the medium-sized city where we play. I was wearing jeans and a team t-shirt. I've been here about three years, and know some of the local people, being a minor celebrity, and particularly in my neighborhood where I do some charity work. I am good-looking, being one of those big and handsome black guys? big muscles, tall, dark skinned and with a diamond earring and head I keep shaved.

I was reading the morning newspaper and drinking my coffee, getting ready to head downtown for practice, and noticed a really fine looking young woman. I did not know it then, but I would have correctly bet that she was captain of her high school cheering squad, though she was clearly beyond that age, and her pussy was reserved for the captain of the football team or someone like that. She was wearing short khaki shorts and a white knit halter top that she filled out very well. This girl was drop dead beautiful, and boy was it clear she knew it. She was maybe 5?8? and no more than 115 or 120 lbs, had long light blonde streaked hair that she was wearing in a pony tail and paid a lot of attention to her make-up. She was wearing expensive looking shades, but I could tell that she was looking over everyone there who was sitting outside where we were, and she checked me out, too. But I sort of smirked and just acted like I had not even noticed her. I was also wearing shades, so she could not be sure I'd checked her out.

After a while, she had walked over to where I was sitting and after an ?excuse me,? asked if I had a cigarette for her. I don't smoke and told her so and she moved on. I noticed that she got a cigarette from a young girl who I knew but could not place. She was a cute slender Asian-American girl who while she was talking with the blonde looked over toward me and said my first name out loud. I looked up and realized that she was Nancy, a neighbor in my condo complex, where she lives with her ******. I'd helped her *** out with a fundraiser for a local community center. I waived at her and smiled, then went back to my coffee and newspaper. I think she wanted to ?one-up? the blonde by showing that she knew me. I could see her talking with the blonde and after no more than a minute, I could also see that the blonde had an interest in me that was not there before. The blonde made a show of lighting her cigarette and then picked her shades up so that they were on her head and gave me her best sex-ray look, smiling at me and showing me her big light green eyes.

Then Nancy stood up with the blonde and they both walked over. As I stood up, Nancy, who is maybe 5?4?, made a great show of hugging me, essentially coming up to maybe the upper part of my chest and calling me by my first name. She's a really nice girl, about 22, and I like her ******, so I decided to play to her, asking about her ****** and how she was doing in the local community college, where she was in her second year. I asked her how she was doing with her boyfriend, a very serious Chinese-American guy who was studying to be a doctor. She made kind of a sour face and said that it was 'so over,? that he was too serious and just wanted to settle down, and said her parents were pissed at her, because he was definitely ?a catch.? I laughed with her and tried to not notice that the blonde was looking annoyed. Then Nancy said ?I'm sorry,? and introduced the blonde as ?Angela," who I'll call just that, though her last name is the name of our city's most successful major builders, the guys who build the glass and steel office towers. I assumed that she was related, had lots of money and did not need my cash to get anything she needed.

I learned Angela was also a student and in some of Nancy's classes, and was working toward transferring to the State University, where you can bet will be in the ?right? sorority and land a guy from a rich and probably influential ******. Nancy said she had to go and I did as well. Then Angela said ?Don't be a stranger.? She offered to give me her number, but I told her I had to go and told her to get mine from Nancy. She had that ?Guys don't do that with me? attitude and look that spoiled rotten women sometime have. I walked away, got into my SUV and drove away without looking back. It took three weeks for her to call.

We had just gotten back from a road trip all the hell over the Midwest and I was beat. But we were off the next day and I agreed to meet her at the Starbucks for coffee. I dressed in a very expensive pair of linen slacks and a collared shirt, with a pair of $1200 boots I'd had made in Dallas, on a trip last year. Angela showed up about twenty minutes late and was plainly wearing her hunting clothes, if you know what I mean. She was wearing a short tan skirt with a matching short-sleeved sweater that just molded her body, maybe 4? sandal heels that set off her incredible legs, lots of light-colored lip gloss, had her eyes made up and was really something. Now I am not na've and I know when I am being played, but I could see no reason not to be dining at the lovely Angela's ?Y,? and actually wondered whether she'd shaved her pussy completely or left just a wisp of hair, the way I like it. I pretended to be annoyed at her lateness and after she said she was sorry, I asked what she'd like to do. She wanted to go shopping, she said, and I wondered whether anyone ever said ?No? to this girl. But since I wanted those high heeled sandals riding my back and had not gotten laid in two weeks, I decided to play along.

We went to an area that sports our city's finest and most over-priced stores, where she made a point of showing me off to the sales staffs and two or three of her ?friends? who just happened to be shopping in them. She bought a number of items, including two pair of very expensive shoes. I played ?cool? and after a while, said I was hungry. Of course she said we should go to what is probably our city's most expensive places, called it on her cell and got a table because they knew her ******. She picked at her food and drank two glasses of very expensive wine. We eventually got around to getting to know each other, I told her a bit about my growing up in the ghetto part of Philadelphia, playing in the ACC on an athletic scholarship, until I went onto the NBA. But, she plainly wanted to talk about herself.

Yes, she had been captain of the cheerleaders, had had a high-school boyfriend (wrong, he was a swimmer, not a football player) and dropped him because he was boring and she was bored with school. She'd gone out with lots of guys who could afford her and probably broken more than a couple of hearts. Plainly, I was the entertainment of the day. Not that I cared, because this was not going to be a relationship. I knew she wanted me as one of her accomplishments. I also knew that she was terrific looking and wondered if she was good at using that body to please or was just selfish in bed as well. I liked her well-muscled body and really got into the idea of what it would feel like slowly sinking my 9+? ghetto dick into her and whether she would complain about it. I could care less about what she thought of me. I wanted her.

So I pretended to care about her and invited her to a party that night, which one of my team-mates was throwing at his ridiculously large house, complete with a theater room, huge pool, gym and about five acres of land. He is one of those great big hulking white guys from central Europe (the Balkans, I think) with a near unpronounceable name. He's a great buddy, and a sweet natured guy when he is not trying to tear you to pieces on the court, but let's just say that he is somewhat lacking in charm for the ladies, unless they are into bearded guys who are hairy as bears. I know all about how black guys are supposed to have the biggest dicks, but this white guy was hung like a horse, and was uncut as well. I mean a really ugly package. The first time I saw him in the shower I remember thinking ?Oh shit, what the hell can he do with that.? Angela was plainly thrilled that she was going to a real NBA party. I was glad I was going to find out if Angela shaved her pussy. Before dropping her at her car, I filled her in on how these parties go, and made sure she knew that they were raucous and usually there were no holds barred, sexually. I told her straight out that playing hard to get would likely get her thrown out. She said ?no problem.? What she really wanted to know is how a girl gets to be one of our team's cheerleaders. I told her hanging with the team would help, but did not tell her that many of the girls were professional dancers.

The party was like many I'd been to, lots of big strong and for the most part good looking rich guys, women who were at the level of professional team cheerleaders, starlets and such, the best of wine, beer and food, a live band for only the thirty or so people there in a house that was more palace than residence. And of course, my big (I mean 7? tall) European friend, looking at those women like he was a dog who hadn't eaten in days and they were steaks. I remember being in Chicago at a similar party where he went into a bedroom with three lovely ladies, two black and one red headed and freckled cheerleader and all three went home at least temporarily bowlegged. But he was smiling. I later learned that the three ladies each ?helped? the others by slowing my friend down long enough so that he could get most of his dick in them without hurting them.

Angela knew that in this party she was moving into the big league of beautiful women. She met the challenge in a light blue silk short skirt, a top that covered her breasts, but little else, light blue shimmery stockings and 4? shiny blue high-heeled sandals, that she'd bought on our shopping trip. For some reason, she chose to wear a big gold cross between her breasts, along with big gold hoop earrings. Though I was really into the idea of fucking her silly, I could see that a guy who really cared about her would get lost quickly. All I wanted was her feet in the air with those sexy shoes on, crying my name as I pounded and came in her. It was a plan.

Well, the party progressed as they usually do, lots of booze flowing, beautiful women dancing and showing off their goods, serious flirting and such. I danced with Angela, putting on my best moves and showing off my weight lifter's ripped body. She plainly enjoyed the show, but seemed unhappy when I danced with other women. At some point, though, she was a lot drunker than I was and we were dancing close. She reached up, pulled my head down and gave me a wet opened mouth kiss. I said ?girl, you don't know what you're starting, you do that again, and I have to taste your pussy.? She laughed and this time really tickled my tonsils.

So off we went to one of the many bedrooms. As we walked in, she shucked off her clothes and turned to face me with just a little bra and a thong on, along with her heels, and just gave me that sex ray again. I lifted her up and held her tight, kissing her mouth, her neck and her face, and she just wrapped those legs around me. I could feel the heat of her and she moaned as I continued her kiss and my dick began to get hard. I put her down and bent over, pulling down her thong. There it was and she was a real blonde, with a well trimmed and really pink pussy. He belly was a flat as can be and she had a small flower tattoo above her pussy. I sat down on the floor and pushed her knees far enough apart so I could look right at her pussy. She was surprised, but I just went to work. Ever since I was a 15 year old, with my first woman, who was in her early 20's, I loved eating pussy and making a woman come over and over. It's like a ?power? thing for me. I decided to get Angela really crazy before fucking her.

Without waiting to find out what she wanted, I spread her pussy lips and went to work. She had one of those pussys where the clit is sort of hooded, like a guy who is uncut, as I am. I licked her pussy up and down and after a while I could see it getting a bit redder and her clit popped out. I went to work on that and she was moaning, saying ?Oh you are so good, that's it, lick me.? Well, I did until I could sense that she was approaching an orgasm, and then stopped. I stood up and she had the look of a kid whose candy was just taken away. I gently pushed her toward the king-sized bed and she smiled. She lay down on her back and spread her legs, inviting me to resume eating her. Those big green cat-like eyes were half closed as she smiled at me.

I reached down and took off my pants, revealing an unmistakable erection in my boxers. I pulled them down and she sort of gasped as my dick sprang up. It's a bit over 9? in that state and I guess it was more than she was accustomed to. I asked her if there was a problem. She said, ?No, I heard black guys could be big, but yours is so thick.? I told her not to worry, she'd love it. She held her arms out to me, and I crawled onto the bed. I think she thought I'd want to fuck right away, as she reached down and tried to grab my dick. I pulled away and very quickly got between her legs and started eating her again. She moaned and half-laughed and I began to really enjoy her moans and cries, as she moved toward the orgasm I'd started on. That came quickly and again, I think she figured it was time for the main event. But I lay down on my back and she straddled me. When she reached for my cock, I pushed her hand away and pulled her up to my face, so she could hold on to the headboard and wall. I went back to eating her and she did not object. That went on for about ten minutes and she orgasmed again. I figured that it was time. I pushed her off me and she obviously had no idea what was going to happen. I pushed her onto her belly and lifted her ass up, so that I was between her legs and could see her really fine smooth ass and the tattooed rooster on one cheek.

I reached down and rubbed the head of my dick in her juices and pushed into her. She was not as tight as I'd expected and after about five minutes, I'd worked it all into her and was stroking at a steady pace, watching her now dark pink cunt lips grasping at it on the outstroke. It did not take long for her to start moaning and crying my name as I pistoned in and out of her blonde haired cunt. I could feel what I guessed was her cervix if I pushed in hard and enjoyed her few complaints about that. She said I was so big and thick, that she'd never had anything like it. She came again and I decided that I wanted her on her back. I told her to get that way and she did, this time holding her legs wide with her hands, so that her high heels were flat on the bed. I pushed into her with one stroke and she cried out, letting out a loud ?Oh my god.? Then with her feet on my back and then along side my hips, I began to fuck into her hard and deep and she raise her legs up to get it all. She orgasmed again and I could feel myself getting near, so I picked up the speed and took the ride home. At some point, just before I came, I pushed up on my hands, so that I could see all of her, the flat belly, and the nice sized tits with their hard pink nipples and that face with the big green cat's eyes. I cold see that this was where she felt her power was, and her eyes were filled with heat as I stroked hard and fast, pulling almost all of my dick out and pushing back in. She said, ?Come for me, come for me lover.? I had a thought that I probably should have used a condom, but it was too late. I pushed all of my dick into her and felt myself starting to come. Then she reached down and held my balls, feeling the pulsing as I emptied them into her. She smiled and gave me another of those wet kisses. I lay down between her legs and then we just sort of enjoyed the glow. She may not have been the best choice for a girl friend and certainly not a wife, but the girl could fuck. No doubt.

After a while, I suggested that we go back to the party. She got up quickly and went over to the mirror over a dresser, where she'd put her little purse. She bent over and began putting on her lipstick and fixing her make up. She lit a cigarette and was smoking while she worked. I don't know why that seemed so hot, but my dick began to thicken and I went over to her and nuzzled her back and neck. She moaned and smiled, still holding her cigarette, then bent forward. She had dried a bit, and so my dick would not go right in. But after a few tries, I got the head in and began to stroke into her. It was a good thing she had those 4? heels on, because it was a bit of a hard fit because of the height difference. She began to come and I picked up the pace, but had not come when she did. Then she turned around, put her cigarette in the ash tray and got on her knees. She grabbed my dick in both hands and without any preliminaries took maybe 3-4? inches in her mouth and began to stroke it while she sucked. She was very good and brought me to come in maybe three minutes. As I began to come, she giggled and let my cock come out and spurt on her chest, licking the come off her hands. She just laughed like it was nothing, jumped up and went to the bathroom to clean up.

Well, that night she made a point of getting to know some of the other guys there, and asked a couple of them to put in a word to get her an interview with the woman who runs the cheerleading dancers. I introduced her to my big white hairy friend, though I don't think she was much interested, as he comes off kind of coarse. She and I did spend some time together, mostly at my condo, as I don't think the circle she and her ****** moved in fit well with an ex-ghetto black guy, even if he is worth millions. I enjoyed fucking and eating her and she had a good time too. I was a plaything for her as she was for me. I guess we were both trophies. I learned that she did go out with one of my other team-mates, a big white forward from the Midwest, but that was just once and about a quarter into the season I stopped seeing her. She did get the interview with the cheerleaders, but was clearly too much the ?amateur? to make it with them. I know my big European friend invited her to his house and the story goes that what got her running was an episode with his (I heard) 13? dick. He's not the sort of guy to kiss and tell, so I guess I'll never know whether he actually fucked her with it.