I would like to tell you about something my wife and I did on our last vacation, that has changed our life. You see, I have a friend who is a park ranger about 200 miles from our home. We went to school together and had discussed a lot about fantasies, and women. So he knew about my fantasy of seeing my wife being stripped naked in front of another man. Of course this was all discussed years ago, before we were even married. My wife has never met my friend Pete. We had always kept in touch over the years, so after I had been married to my wife Karen for 5 years, Pete, my park ranger buddy, called me one night and during our conversation he asked me if I still had the same fantasies. I had almost forgotten about him knowing about them. I said, Yea, I do. He said, Great, why don't we do something about it, now that you have a wife. I said, I doubt that Karen would do such a thing, and that it was only a fantasy. The prick was wanting me to bring my wife down there and expose her naked body to him. The more I thought it over the more excited I got thinking that I would actually like to do just that. I told him I'd think about it and call him back sometime. For the next week, that was all I could think about. So I decided on a plan of action, which would leave me in the clear, and called Pete, to let him in on the plan, and that I was game for the idea. Before hanging up, I told Pete, that he was in for a real treat, because my wife has a very nice body, and really looks good naked, with her 38D titties. He said I can't wait.

It was arranged that my wife and I would spend a weekend on the lake, I had booked a cottage, and told my wife that we were going to have a nice weekend. Little did she know what my buddy and I had planned for her. We arrived about 4:00 in the afternoon, unpacked our bags and went out for dinner. Instead of going straight back to the cabin, I told my wife we would drive to a remote place on the lake, with a bottle of wine, and relax a little. She thought that was a grand idea. We were relaxing alone and had the first bottle of wine finished when a park ranger drove up behind us. When the car door opened up I noticed it was my buddy Pete, dressed in his uniform and badge. I was really surprised that he had a partner who got out of the passenger side of the crusier, a black man also dressed in a uniform and badge. I pretended I didn't know Pete, which is what was planned. What wasn't planned was the partner that Pete was with. I almost called it off, but decided to play alittle. You see Pete and I had decided on a fail safe word from me when things were going to far, that word was Tarzan!

When Pete walked up to the car, with his partner walking up to Karens side. He asked what we were doing. I said that we had a cabin along the lake and was just enjoying the view from this location. Pete said, we don't allow drinking in the park. Pete also said, "I need some ID please, my wife and I presented our ID's to Pete. Soon Pete said, please step out of the car Sir. I did as asked. He said, "You too Miss. My wife got out of the car, and came over to where I was standing. Pete, had a flashlight and was looking at our ID's. While his partner was looking through our car. Soon his partner said, "I found something!" He was holding a plastic bag that I had planted under the seat, which was actually powdered sugar, from my wifes kitchen. He brought the bag around to Pete, who tested it and said. "Its's pure, without a doubt." I said, "What the hell is this, I never seen that bag before in my life". Pete said, "It's cocain, Pure as gold, what else are you too hiding?" I said, "I'm not hiding anything, and where did you come up with that bag of Cocain?" Pete soon was handcuffing me and Karen, and reading us our rights about keeping silent. Then Pete said, "we need to search them ," to his partner. Pete had my wife and I up against the car and was patting me down, then he worked on my wife Karen, his hands where going farther than just searching. He was feeling her boobs and pussy. She let out a protest, but that didn't stop him from feeling her up. His partner said, "Anything on thier person?" Pete said, I'm not sure. Maybe we should strip search them." I thought, OH shit, here we go.

The only problem was that there was two of them ,and only Pete was supposed to see her, but I was liking this, and let it continue. Karen looked at me, and said, what is this Bob, what the hell is going on? I said, "It looks to me like they planted that bag of cocain, and are trying to frame us, Just go along with what they want and maybe we can get out of this soon." Pete said, "You two are in for hard time, I don't think you'll be getting out of this." He looked at Karen and said, "take off your blouse mame." She looked at me, for help. I told her to just go along with what they wanted and maybe we could just go home. She didn't want to do any of this I could tell, but she slowly unbuttoned her blouse and handed it to Pete who looked it over good for anything that might be in it. Then Pete said, "okay mame, now your shorts." She again looked at me, before she pulled them off, as well and handed them to Pete, who looked through them like he expected to find something, then he gave them to his partner. Karen was standing there in just her panties and bra, and shoes. Pete said, your bra mame, she said" You've got to be kidding!" Pete said, we are conducting a strip search here mame, so please hand over your bra. Karen looked at me, and I said, "Do it honey, they seem to have the upper hand right now."

She slowly unhooked her bra and pulled it from her body and handed it to Pete. Her tits were now on display to Pete and his partner, and I never felt so proud. The tension soon increased when Pete said, "Now your panties. Karen pleaded that this was going to far, but relented and was soon naked, her bush exposed to these men, and I was loving it. Pete of course couldn't find anything in her clothes so he said, as he was looking her over good. "Maybe you have something inserted inside you."

Karen said, "You've got to be kidding me." Pete said, "I'm sorry mame, but I have to check, please get on the hood of your car and allow me to check you." She again looked over at me, and I said, Do it honey, they won't be satisfied till you do. She gave me a pissed off look, but laid back on the hood, and spread her legs open for Pete to examine her. Pete had the flashlight shining on her bare pussy, and his partner was standing there looking as well. Pete got between her legs, and started probing into her pussy with his fingers. I was going nuts watching all this. Karen just laid back and let them feel around in her. I finally said, come on guys you've got your jollies, let us go will you. Pete shot back and said, that he had enough on us to put us away for a long time. I said," Come on guys, can't we work this out. Pete looked at his partner and grinned, then he said, You want to plea bargain. I said, What do you want? He looked at my wife who was still lying naked on the hood of my car, and said, Your wife or your life. Karen never moved, and I protested that this was blackmail, and I wouldn't stand for it. Karen suprised me when she said, Bob, it's alright, like you said, let's just get this over with. Pete said, you are way to anxious mame, we are going to take you two to your cottage, maybe you have something thier that you don't want us to see. They put my wife and I in the back seat of the park ranger crusier, with my wife still naked, you clothes left at our parked car along the lake.

Karen said to me, why didn't they strip search you? I said, isn't it ovious, they didn't want to see me naked, just you. She said, what are we going to do? I looked her in the eyes,and said, what ever happens Karen, I love you, and we will get through this. She said, what if they want sex from me? I said, it will be alright, dear. She looked straight ahead as we traveled the distance to the cottage. Once there they led Karen and I into the cottage. They did a small search effort, and decided they couldn't find anything else to pin on us. Pete walked up to me and looked me in the eye, and said, well sir, we can either arrest you for possesion of cocain, or we can let you off with a warning, as long as you two cooperate.

I said, we'll cooperate, what do you want. Pete looked over at my wife still naked, and said, she will do fine. I said, alright, but you better let us go after you are through. Pete laughed, and said, so we have your permission to fuck your wife then? I said, I don't have much choice, do I. Yes! you have my permission. Pete said, that's a good husband, let your wife get you off the hook, and fuck a couple of strangers. Karen was laid back on the bed and Pete climbed in between her legs and began eating her pussy, while his black friend was taking off his clothes. His black cock was huge, and I was going to watch him insert it into my wife. I was loving every bit of this. Pete climbed off of my wife and this black bastard climbed between her legs and inserted his hard cock. Karen let out a loud moan, as he sank into her balls deep, I didn't think she could take so much cock into her pussy. The black man looked over at me, and said, your wife's pussy feels mighty fine. Karen looked at me also, and said, Oh, honey, I've never felt so full before. I'm sorry, honey but I'm cumming, Ohhhh. as she went into her first orgasm. Pete laughed, and said, she is enjoying his black monster. He came over to me after he too was undressed, and said, thanks for sharing your wife with us Bob. I looked at him and winked. He released my handcuffs, and I too undressed for sloppy seconds, or thirds. The black ranger filled my wife with his seed, and backed off to let Pete take his place. Pete fucked her real good as well, and brought her to yet another orgasm, before he added his load to her my wife.

They both stood back and started drinking my wine, while I slid my cock into her, she felt so slick and creamy from the other two cocks that were in her before me. I told her how much I loved her and how sexy she was. She seemed happy with what was going on around us and said, I'm glad that I make you happy, by having sex with these other men, I know how much of a fantasy that it has always been for you. That's why I didn't fight it when you gave them your permission to have me." I couldn't hold back any longer and filled her with my cum as well. Well the rest of the weekend went about the same, with Pete and his black friend, stopping by at different times during the weekend and fucking my wife, they both fucked her five times before we packed up to leave on Sunday. I have never felt so much pleasure and love for her as I did on that very weekend vacation.
