The Scandinavian Threesome - Part Two

Fact Two continues and 'Fact Three' is revealed


I took a deep breath, feeling like I had entered some kind of parallel world, one which had previously only existed in my imagination. It was surreal, I was following my naked wife, Tina, up the stairs from our basement who was in turn following my naked and well-hung work colleague, Rolf.

She had just been stroking my cock in the sauna before she left my side and went over to him leaving me to continue to wank. I watched her giving him a blowjob and then I made no protest when he suggested, no, told me that he was taking her upstairs and was going to fuck her … for the second time because I knew that it had they had already fucked in the past hour before I had got home from work.

When he said that my heart gave a jump and I instantly cum over my hand.

She had not hesitated to follow him and, well, here I was, in that parallel world, the one that existed in my head when I often went into the bathroom to masturbate thinking about my wife in this situation and scenario.

I held the towel close to my cock which had not lost a hint of its erection as it continued to dribble my spunk. Although I was filled with anxieties at what was about to happen I was also so excited at witnessing my wife about to make the biggest betrayal.

Rolf had wasted no time and was already seated on the couch waiting for us to come into the sitting room. Although my mind was in a different place I was sufficiently in command of my senses to be a little concerned that his sweaty body might stain the fabric of our new furniture. Tina, bless her, must have shared similar thoughts and to my shock turned and grabbed the towel I was holding against me and tossed it so it was spread out on the seat of the sofa alongside him. He got the message, moved over to sit on it and holding his fat cock he directed a smile toward me.

I was unsure if his smile was in response to her being a practical housewife rather than a slut we knew her to be or if he was amused at the sight of me standing there with my modesty being taken away and for my stubby dribbling dick to be *******. I certainly felt humiliated to have the difference in the size of our cocks so rudely revealed.

Tina paid me no further mind and I looked as she knelt on the floor and moved so that she was between his spread legs. He lay back and she grasped his magnificent stiff cock in her hand and I felt a pang of jealousy when she leaned forward and with no hesitation resumed giving him the blowjob that she had begun in the sauna. From where I was standing it wasn't possible to see if she was having difficulty in taking that obscene fat dick into her sweet mouth. Indeed, her hair had tumbled down to form some kind of curtain but the noises she made with her sucking and slurping and his reaction as her head bobbed up and down left no doubt that she had succeeded. I slumped into the armchair opposite and without a thought that I might also be in danger of staining the furniture, I stroked my own stiff dick and enjoyed the view.

I was uncertain how long she stayed on her knees but I could appreciate that it couldn't have been easy so I was not surprised she tired of being in that position and with no instruction from Rolf stood up to make herself comfortable. Her idea of comfort was to straddle his thighs and to kneel on the couch. I was silently grateful that she had moved for now from my seat I could see everything. She leaned forward and it looked to me that she was offering him a breast. At least that's how it appeared and Rolf certainly had no hesitation in accepting and began to kiss and caress her offering. She squirmed as he attended to her and then she kind of lifted herself up slightly and his penis which had been trapped between them was ******* to me in all its glory. It seemed to pop out from beneath her and came to rest between the cheeks of her butt pointing up toward the ceiling. When I saw how fat and thick it was in comparison to mine my thoughts were just how could such a monster penetrate the sweet tight pussy of my dear wife. I didn't have to wait long to find out.

He continued to suck on her tits which seemed to make her squirm even more. I didn't know where to keep my focus, on his mouth and tongue slavering and making her nipples protrude like buttons or on his cock which with the movement of his hips was now sliding up and down between the swell of her cheeks.. She turned her head to see if I was watching and once satisfied that she had my full attention said something to him that I couldn't hear. I didn't need to hear, his actions told me she had obviously asked him to fuck her.

He grasped her waist and kind of lifted her up so that his cock, all shiny and wet, coated with her juices, found its proper place. I held my breath as I looked and saw the lips of her pussy stretch around the fat knob and for him effortlessly slide inside her. He held her and assisted her to settle down so that slowly, inch by inch, she took the complete length until she was seemingly sitting on him and crushing his hairy balls. I was so amazed at the sight that I momentarily stopped wanking … but not for long!

My trance was broken by the sound of her squeals and sighs as he began to properly fuck her, or rather due to her position, as she began to fuck him. She seemed to have no qualms about what she was doing and it was obvious to me that I was not observing her doing this for the first time in this position with him, they seemed to be very practised and comfortable with each other. Her sighs turned into moans and with each thrust I could hear the distinctive squelch of their juices combining.

My hand moved in unison with their fucking and I could only imagine what joy and pleasure they were feeling as his cock slid and slipped up and down between swollen lips of her pussy and to hear the cries of passion they were both making. I had never before seen such an erotic sight and the picture was made complete when I saw him clench his buttocks and thrust deeply into her. Tina gave a wail that told me she was having yet another orgasm and although he made no sound, I sensed that he was joining her; I swear that I could see his balls pulse as he shot his cum into her and then spill out as he filled her up.

I gave my cock a final squeeze and followed his example as my climax flooded over me and my own sperm spurted and spilled, not in her pussy but over my stomach and hand. Then the world seemed to stop still for a few moments as we all went quiet and each sought to get our breath back.

Tina was the first to move and she kind of rolled off Rolf to lay on her back alongside him. Thankfully the towel extended to where she lay for as soon as she flopped over her gaping pussy leaked a stream of his cum which would have threatened to stain the cushion had the protection of the towel not been there. (I had been so worried about the furniture getting stained that it had never occurred to me that at the same time another man had just had unprotected sex with my fertile wife. Once that thought had taken root I then began to worry about the effectiveness of her birth pills.) She looked over to where I was sitting, still with my sticky cock in hand, and gave me what I hoped was a loving smile; I smiled back, indicating, I hoped, that I was not upset to have witnessed her and her lover having just fucked in front of me. I waited for her to say something.

She did … but not to me. She turned her attention away from me and patting Rolf's cock which was kind of draped on his thigh and said, "Hmm, that was nice, I needed that …." he grunted at her touch, "… but it's given me an appetite; I'm feeling so hungry."

My humiliation was made complete when she turned back to me once more and said, "Do you want to get yourself into the kitchen and warm up the stuff you bought home for dinner?" It wasn't so much a request, more of an order.

Rolf sniggered, took her hand to help up stand up and the pair of them went down the hallway toward the bedroom leaving me alone to find the box of tissues to clean up my mess. As they disappeared from view I heard her call back, "We'll only be a few minutes."


And that's how my descent into being a full-blown (and willing) cuckold began. That evening changed my life and it was all for the better but it was a change that bought its own set of problems.

For starters, there was a set of rules that had to be observed with the most important being that we could not afford for anyone outside of our little lustful trio know anything about what we were now doing. The consequences for my job (and I presumed, Rolf's) if it was found out that I had encouraged him to be fucking my wife didn't bear thinking about given my boss was very straight-laced. Then there was our girls who although they loved having Rolf visit us would have had a hard time understanding why their mummy spent so much time in the bedroom with our guest and not their daddy.

So it was that at work Rolf and I acted out a perfect working relationship with not a mention or hint being made to any of our colleagues of what we did once the working day was over. More significant was the other rule that any time the girls were around that we didn't 'play' beyond the usual friendly banter between friends.

The first rule was easier to observe than the second! Indeed, I was impressed how easily Rolf when we got into work was able to switch his persona from being the debauched bull who fucked my wife on demand the night before into the consummate professional engineer the following day. As we worked together, it was like nothing untoward had occurred … then come the evening, he was a completely different person. I would spend the working day with my head filled with what we were doing and night and hoping that my behaviour at work gave no clue to anyone that I was nothing other than being the perfect husband and parent.

As far as our ********* were concerned, there was a solution to the dilemma. It was soon after Rolf came on the scene that the pair of them were accepted as students at a prestigious girls school and although it was possible for them to be day pupils they were keen to join their friends who were weekly Boarders, so we agreed the arrangement that they would spend their weekdays at school and come home for the term-time weekends; a perfect arrangement that satisfied everyone. As for the weekends, that didn't cause too much upset for, like a lot of Finnish families, we have a cabin on a lakeside where we would often go and spend summer weekends there. Now it served a secondary purpose for there was nothing the girls liked more than to spend time at the lake and using the excuse that 'Mummy was too busy to come' I was able to take the girls away for the weekend leaving Tina and Rolf at home … which introduced another rule, that Tina had to tell me all about what they had been doing in my absence.

So it was that for two days I would be sunbathing, fishing and hiking with our girls knowing (and later having it confirmed) that Rolf and his stiff fat cock would be sleeping and fucking my wife in my bed back home! I used to wait until the girls had gone to their own beds in the cabin before I would get out my own stiff - but not so big - cock and wank at the thought of what was going on back home.

Usually when we did get back home after our weekend away, Tina would be on her own to welcome us just like the loving mum she was. The girls would be full of chatter about the wonderful time and the fun that they had enjoyed out at the lake and I would be looking and listening and marvelling at how my wife could be acting so normally knowing that in all probability she had but a few hours before been on her back with Rolf's cock deep in her pussy. I tried very hard to follow Tina's example of nonchalance but my eyes were working overtime to find any clue that Rolf had been here; thankfully, the girls never detected anything untoward had gone on in our absence and I liked to think that they were ******* that anyone had been staying over and taking their Daddy's place.

That is, until the time when our oldest ******** noticed something I hadn't, Tina was wearing a silver ankle bracelet which dangling a couple of silver charms. The girls thought it to be very pretty (which it was) and complimented their mother on being so 'with it' in wearing something so radical. Tina dismissed their questions as to where she got it as it being 'gift from a friend' in exchange for 'helping out'; she kept up the deception by indicating that it was a present from a girlfriend and that it was kind of a 'badge' that women wore who belonged to a certain sort of club. The girls seemingly accepted this explanation and got on with unpacking their stuff before going to bed.

For my part and from my secret looking at the internet and favourite cuckold sites, I knew exactly what it was, what it signified and I certainly didn't need to ask exactly who had given it to her. My suspicions were confirmed when we got to bed that night and she told me that Rolf had given it to her as soon as he had arrived. (Apparently he had been parked down the street waiting to see me depart with the girls before he ventured to ring our doorbell. Doing a mental count-back I figured he must have been inside Tina's panties before I had even driven the few kilometres to the city limits!)

She told me all about her time with Rolf and how they had spent their weekend fucking around the house; how, unlike me, he never seemed to lose his erection; how he could fuck on demand and would insist that she joined him; how much he cum inside her. In fact, everything she told me was meant to add to my sense of inadequacy and add to my humiliation. I loved to hear it and loved it even more if she let me lay on top of her when, if I was quick enough, I'd be spurting my own cum into her pussy.

Without prompting she confirmed my suspicions where the anklet had come from and how thrilled she was to have it to wear. She said that it was like having a 'badge of honour' and that progressive people who noticed it would be aware that she was making a cuckold of me.

She lifted her foot so that I could examine it closer and I looked at the little charms which revealed themselves to be two ornate letters, an 'H' and a 'W'. I was confused as they equated to no-one's initials that I knew, certainly not Tina, me or Rolf. She laughed at my ignorance and said, "Silly, it stands for 'Hot Wife'. That's what Rolf calls me now."

I blushed at the thought that he regarded her so casually but my blushes turned into something else when she said that in certain circles the letters indicated that she was willing to indulge other men at my expense and that Rolf had told her that he intended to take her to some of the parties that these 'certain circles' held.

I looked at the charms anew and pondered as to where our new relationship might be going next.


Do you remember that I started this account by saying there were three misconceptions about Finns and Finland? I've dealt with the first two but, so far, made no mention of the third which was that there are very few 'people of colour' to be seen in our country.

It would not be long before 'Fact 3' was going to be corrected in more ways than one.

Fact 3

The correction started when Rolf told me that he was bringing extra resources onto our project team. The guy was an experienced specialist engineer who worked with the parent company on off-shore platforms in North West Africa. His name was Lamy; he was Nigerian; he was Black.


….. more to come!
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