'Fact Three' is revealed

I began my story by recognising the rest of the world has trouble remembering that Finland is counted as being a part of 'Scandinavia'. Indeed, I suspect that the vast majority of the world would have difficulty in finding our country on the world map! It's not something that keeps me awake at night, or makes me (us Finns) feel neglected, it is just one of those things that we are a forgotten corner of the world.

The other thing that I am aware of is that we, the Finns, if we are recognised as being a separate country, are often regarded as being an insular, unfriendly set of people. Well, the behaviour of my wife and my acceptance of what she had been doing this past 6 months has disproven that theory!

Then there's this third thing that I've heard, a piece of misinformation that says 'people of colour', black people, or whatever the politically correct term is these days, are never to be seen or welcomed in our beautiful land. I'm not sure where that came from but I can tell you for a fact that it isn't so and I know so for very good reasons.

I am an Engineer in the Oil Industry and for the past year I have been working on a project together with a colleague from our sister-company in Sweden. I have known the guy for some years and through our working together Rolf has become more of a friend than a co-worker. Our 'friendship' has developed to the stage whereby he now regular fucks my wife.

No, it's more than that. He regularly fucks my wife because the pair of them have made me into some sort of a submissive cuckold and there is nothing they like more than to humiliate me as I sit in the bedroom watching them fuck as I wank my little dick beneath the silk panties they insist I wear.

It really is a crazy situation. Most of the time Tina and me act and carry on like any other 'normal' loving married couple and that's what the world outside of our 'bubble' sees, but whenever Rolf visits and we three are alone, we all turn into quite different characters. Tina becomes completely subservient to Rolf and his big cock; he makes the change from being a trusted work colleague into a dominating fucker of my wife and me, well, as I mentioned, I am now the complete submissive wimp who now has been completely denied the pleasure of putting my somewhat less than impressive dick anywhere the place that a married man should expect to be putting it!

And I have to add that it is very exciting for I am constantly having to arrange our lives so that the secret of our cuckoldry is kept to ourselves. So far we have succeeded for our two girls are away from home in boarding school which means they haven't observed how often Rolf visits our home. At work Rolf and I have a very professional relationship and it was agreed that we would not allow what happened at home to ever be mentioned at the workplace. Tina likewise manages to separate her two personas and to the world outside our front door and the people she interacts with in her part-time job have no idea that the pretty housewife and mother they meet in reality is a cock-hungry cheat who denies and humiliates her husband.

Not only is our situation crazy but, to my mind, it is has also become confusing for I never know from one day to the next what to expect. Sometimes Tina will ignore me completely and I am made to go elsewhere when she and Rolf have gone off to the bedroom. Other times she insists that I do accompany them so I can see 'what a real man can do' and I am made to sit in my chair and observe him fucking her. Recently she added another piece of humiliation to accompany her constant teasing.

It followed her discovery that I had been taking her panties out of the wash basket and had been wanking in the bathroom as I held them to my face sniffing her delicious aroma. She was not pleased when she had found them stained with cum and it didn't take her long to figure out that it was my cum, not Rolf's, for she never wore panties when she was with him and as she says, "It's not something that a 'real' man would do"!

At first she was really upset about it but then she said if I was so keen on women's panties then perhaps it was only fair I had some of my own. My 'punishment' was then to be made wear ladies panties which she took great delight in shopping to find suitable pairs in my size. Thereafter she has told me I have to wear ladies underwear beneath my normal clothes to constantly remind me that what I did was wrong. Rolf also insists that I keep them on whenever we go to the bedroom and undress which makes me feel really embarrassed for him to see me sitting there in frilly underwear.

I thought that the humiliating treatment couldn't get any worse but last night she (they!) took it to a new level. I was in my usual place on the chair in the corner, watching them on the bed both naked and playing and whispering to each other. As usual Rolf's cock was stiff and proud as she stroked and fondled him and my heart gave its usual flip when I saw her lean over and begin the lick at the fat knob. He let his hand trail across her tummy down toward her hairy pussy and I could only imagine what that felt like, to be stroking at that downy soft fur; it had been so long since I had been allowed to do the same. I saw him push his finger between the cleft of her cunt and that caused her to get a little more animated and she opened her mouth to begin sucking at him. I shuddered to think how that must have felt but then he surprised me by looking over at me stroking my dick through the fabric of my panties, and then to push her head away from him. Still looking at me, he whispered something in her ear and she looked over at me, smiled and to my joy called me over to join them on the bed.

Rolf rolled away from her to give me room and took hold of that fat dick of his as she told me to kneel between her open thighs so that for the first time in a long time I could look down on her open pussy seemingly inviting me in. She told me to pull my panties down so that my stiff dicklet (as she's taken to calling it) was pointing at her honey pot (as I call it!) and I made a move to, at last, once again, fuck my wife.

I shuffled closer but had hardly made move before she stopped me and said, "Oh no you don't. I just wanted to see close up just how excited you are!"

I was confused but then my disappointment was forgotten when she reached out, took hold of my erection and began to stroke me; it was just like the old days when she used to do the same before she let me fuck her … and, just like the old days, I quickly felt my climax overtake me and I was cumming profusely into her open palm. There was a lot; if there's one thing that I can do well it is cum in bucket loads!

She looked up at me and said sarcastically, "Good boy, I knew I could rely on you!" and she took the handful of my cum and spread it in and around her open pussy and then told me to go back to my chair.

Rolf laughed out loud and took my place and as I went to sit down said, equally sarcastically, "Thanks, I forgot to pick up a new tube of Lube on our way home!"

As I watched him sliding that big fat cock of his into my wife's pussy slick with my cum, I'm not sure what hurt most, being reminded that my role was all about make their fucking easier or to hear that he now regarded my house as his home!


The oil exploration project Rolf and I were engaged upon progressed to a new stage and the work now required that we employ the expertise of an engineer who had off-shore rig experience. My company is global in its reach and there was no problem in finding and recruiting a suitably qualified person from our West African division. So it was that the third element of 'the Scandinavian Threesome' fell into place.

Lesley flew into Finland from Nigeria and into our lives two years ago and has been with us ever since. He was originally from Cameroon but it made no difference to me where he was from, as far as I was concerned he was just a tall, elegant black man who bought with him the information and experience we need to get the project completed.

When Tina learned that I had employed a black man her awareness in what I did for living took on a new interest and she was insistent that we should try to make him feel 'at home' what with him being so far away from his own ****** in Africa.

I wasn't fooled by her sudden concern for the well-being of a work compatriot for it had previously been a common theme in some of the fantasy games that Rolf and her played (sometimes I was involved) of speculating about having a black cock involved in their fucking. No surprise then that she began to badger me to make arrangements for Lesley to come and visit one weekend and for us to entertain him. Rolf was still on the scene although soon to depart back to his native Sweden as his part in the project was just about complete and it was natural that he would be included in the invite.

I had an inkling where this would all be leading so, for a change, I put my foot down and stipulated that it would have to be a weekend when our girls to be staying away with the grandparents. We certainly didn't need a couple of giggly teenagers to be complicating or getting in the way!

It was about three weeks before the opportunity arose for me to invite him to come to our house and during that time I had found him to be a polite young man (well, younger than me!), seemingly well-built and with impeccably manners. He was grateful for the invite and Tina was charmed by his demeanour when Rolf and I bought him home that Friday night. I think I detected a glint in her eye as I made the introductions!

He was unprepared when Tina said that he must stay for the weekend as he thought that the invite was only for dinner but he was soon made by her to feel at home and she showed him the girl's room where she had prepared a bed for him. She joked that Rolf had already bagged his usual place in the guest room. What she didn't add was that Rolf didn’t use the guest room when he stayed over, that was my place as he always slept with her in the master bedroom. He would discover that later.

Lesley was intrigued by the difference in the way we Finns lived in comparison to his life back in Africa and over dinner we had to explain lots of things about which he never knew. No more so than when we said that in the basement we had a sauna which was common feature in Finnish houses. He said that he had never heard of such a thing and so Tina suggested that rather than try to explain it, "… why don't we clear the dishes away and then we can finish our evening by all taking a relaxing sauna together."

I wasn't fooled, neither was Rolf. I knew what her plan was, I was just surprised that she could be so blatant in making the suggestion so soon.

As I cleared the table I could hear her explain the 'process' to Lesley of how water is poured over hot coals to produce steam which quickly fills the wooden cabin and causes the body to sweat profusely and by doing cleanses the pores and rids the bodies of impurities. She mentioned almost as a by the way that it was important to have as much flesh ******* as possible and therefore it was usual to just wear a towel. I could see that Lesley was a little uncomfortable at that idea but Rolf assured him that it was true what Tina was telling him and that in Finland it was perfectly normal behaviour. I could feel my cock stiffening as I listened to her talking, knowing what was about to start.

She saw that I had finished washing the dishes and told me to go to the basement, switch on the 'grill' in the sauna and then go find Lesley a towel. Already the game had begun and I'm not sure if Lesley noticed but I was acting out my role of being the submissive cuckold.

Tina and Rolf went down to the basement as I waited outside the girl's bedroom for Lesley to change out of his clothes and then to emerge, as I had suggested, with a towel wrapped around him. He had a fine looking body but seemed to be a little self-conscious at the situation of being in a stranger's house in such circumstances but I reassured him that it was fine and that he had nothing to worry about as I led him down the basement steps and over to the wooden cabin with its 3 seats. Already the window was beginning to mist up which indicated that the water had been poured over the hot grill and it was confirmed when I opened the door to let him in and a cloud of steam billowed out. I stepped aside to let him in and he took his seat … there was no place for me so I stood outside.

I really didn't mind that there wasn't enough room for me to join them in the Sauna just as long as I could look through the misted- up window. Tina liked that I knew what to expect and it was no surprise to see her leaning topless against the back wall with sweat already glistening her body. Alongside her was Rolf who, as he always did, had discarded his towel so he was just sitting there naked with his fat cock lolling on his thigh. I moved to the side and even with the subdued lighting inside the cabin I could see that Lesley had already made himself comfortable on the opposite bench and that he had the most interesting bulge growing beneath his towel as he looked upon Tina's bare tits.

I could tell that they were having a conversation but couldn't hear what was being said so I just had to guess. It didn't take much imagination to know where the conversation was going for although the condensation on the window made it a little difficult to see clearly I saw Tina lean over and wrapped her hand around Rolf's cock. He said something to Lesley and all three of them laughed.

Lesley stood up and the towel fell from his waist to reveal that his cock was just as big as Rolf's only, to my mind, more impressive because it was black. He went and although it was tight squeeze he sat on the other side of Tina, his cock already showing signs that he was getting an erection. Who could blame him, sitting alongside an attractive white woman shamelessly baring her tits?!

Tina showed no hesitation once he had slid in alongside her to do to him what she was doing to Rolf and I was wide-eyed as I watched my wife blatantly take hold of his cock in her other hand as if it was the most natural thing in the world for a housewife to be doing. She certainly had their full attention as she continued to talk and I could only guess that she was making some comments about the obvious differences. They certainly had all their concentration focussed on her hands; she had her's directed at the window through which she could see me looking. She smiled to see that she had captured my interest as she stroked both cocks 'to attention'.

Rolf's I had seen before so knew what to expect; Lesley was the first black cock I had seen (other than on porn sites) but, even so, I was impressed at the growing length as Tina continued with her stroking and fondling. It took but a few strokes before he was standing proud and she released her hold to allow this 'thing' to flop and pulse against his stomach. She smiled at him to see the result of her work and to his surprise and evident approval she leaned down to plant a kiss on the fat knob.

Rolf stood up to make space for her to get more comfortable with her leaning and looked as if he was coming toward the door. At first I thought he must be leaving the cabin to let them get on with getting to know each other better but, no, for although he knew that I was looking through the window he didn't indication he knew I was there. Instead, I watched him pick up the water jug and turn toward the grill in the corner of the sauna. The next thing I saw (or then didn't see!) was him begin to pour water over the grill which caused another billow of steam to totally blank out the window. All I could then perceive using my imagination was the shadowy form of Rolf turning around and returning to stand in front of Tina who I guessed must have then been alternating her attention with her mouth from Lesley sitting alongside her to Rolf who's cock was now at just the right height in front of her face.

As I say, this was pure supposition for the glass was completely misted over to obscure my vision but this didn't prevent my own cock from imagining what must have been going on. I undid my belt so that I could put my hand through the fly of my trousers then through the fabric of my silk panties to begin stroking my sticky little stiff cock. As my trousers fell to my ankles I felt pleased that the evening which had started so well was destined to get even better.

I felt a little foolish standing outside the closed door but I shouldn't have felt that way for I had expected events to progress down this path from the moment when Lesley had first accepted the invite. I knew very well how Tina's mind worked and I have to admit that my own expectations had run along the lines of what I guessed was happening inside the sauna. I was entirely comfortable with the situation and as I stroked my cock all I could see in my mind was Tina exploring her first black cock (or rather, I assumed it was her first!) and, because she was a caring person, that she would also be ensuring that Rolf's white cock was at the same time not being ignored.

I could hear sounds like giggling (her) and soft moaning (them) for a few minutes and it didn't require a stretch of my imagination to know what was causing them. Indeed it was when I heard a grunt from (who I believed to be Lesley) that my overworked imagination completed the picture and it was no surprise that my cum began to stream through the silk of my panties as my climax washed over me.

And that was the moment when I did feel more than a little foolish so I quickly pulled up my pants and went upstairs to the bedroom to find myself clean underwear and await them to finish off their session in the sauna.

I was only just in time and had just put on a fresh pair when a naked Tina appeared at the doorway holding Lesley's hand and leading him in. She smiled when she saw me standing there in just my shirt and my 'lady pants' as she called them. What Lesley thought, I couldn't tell, he was too busy looking at Rolf who had pushed past them to go and lie on the big bed. I knew what was expected of me so I went over to the chair in the corner of the bedroom and sat down.

As had been the case when it had just been Tina and Rolf together, time seemed to stand still. I had no idea of the time or how long we were in the bedroom or how many times I saw her being fucked. I do know it was extra exciting to see the contrast of her white skin against the ebony black of our guest. His cock was especially impressive and although it was no bigger than Rolf's there was something about watching that fat black shaft parting the pink lips of her wet cunt that made the scene even more erotic.

I squirmed on my seat trying not to touch myself as I watched first one, then the other take their turn. Tina was the perfect hostess and denied them nothing and indeed anticipated their wishes as she would sometime get to her knees so that she could suck at one whilst the other took her from behind. There wasn't much talking going on but, then again that was mainly due to mouths being otherwise occupied. Still, I didn't need dialogue to understand what was happening, I was just so grateful that on this occasion I was being given my own private porn show. (I think I came two more times that night!)


Over the weekend Lesley was given to understand more what our lifestyle was all about; how and why Tina acted the way she did; how I was complicit and understanding of her needs. He was made aware that this was not the normal behaviour of the Finnish people (or at least, we didn't think it was the case!) but that we were liberally-minded and as long as we were discrete that we would love to have him become part of our dynamic little group.

Lesley for his part was mainly bemused that he had fallen on his feet in such a bizarre manner. I really enjoyed seeing him being reassured by Tina (with the helpful suggestions and advice from Rolf) that we were genuine in our desires to have him become more involved in our little ****** circle. However, it was conditional that whatever we did together in the future that no hint would be given to the world outside. The weekend ended with our new black friend saying that he understood and that he was looking forward to the next time when we could 'entertain' him.

The next week at work was marked by significant changes. Firstly, the project signed off on phase 1 which meant that Rolf's involvement was now at end and that he would soon be leaving Finland to go back home. The second thing that would impact upon me was that as we moved into the second phase of the project Lesley took charge and I was effectively demoted to be working for him rather than the other way around. It was a situation of which he took full advantage and I saw a new side of him for suddenly he was no longer 'Mr. Nice-guy' but became a more dominating character who demanded my attention rather than requesting it.

No more so when times came for him to be entertained at our house. Tina was very much aware of the change in the dynamic and it amused her to think that her new playmate was just as forceful with his attitude toward me at work as he was when he was in her (our) company, despite the agreement that the two aspects of our lives were kept separate. For sure, at work we maintained a professional relationship which I was forever hoping didn't betray anything untoward to my other co-workers but when Lesley visited us at home, that's when he really did show his true colours.

I suppose that the first night when he saw me wanking wearing my panties and being content to watch him fuck my wife and not make any protest must have given him a clue that I had a submissive side to my nature. It impressed him greatly that Tina could behave as she did and for her husband not to expect to be involved. He soon became aware that there was nothing I enjoyed more than to see my wife being pleasured by a stiff cock knowing that my own was incapable of giving her the same level of enjoyment. She made it clear that the fact that he was black made her pleasure even more intense and it became part of our rituals for him to tell me so. As he grunted his way toward filling her womb with his seed he would be saying in his African way things like, "Are you watching, white boy … can you see my black cock filling your wife's pussy .. can you hear how much she's enjoying being fucked by a real man?"

Of course, it was all theatre and I would like to believe it was just being acted out for my benefit as I stroked my stiff little dick. Then again, I have to recognise that Tina squealing through an orgasm was a bit more enthusiastic in her commentary which gave me cause to think that maybe she really meant that she now preferred black cock to the exclusion of others!

Over the course of the first few months of Lesley settling down in his new country we managed to hive off the girls to go stay weekends with the grandparents or agree to them having sleepovers at friends' houses. They were quite taken with Lesley on the occasions when they did see him and I think that having a black man as a ****** friend gave them a certain raise in status with their own friends so they were very happy for him to be around. I also like to believe that at the time they had no suspicion that he was anything other than just a 'work colleague of Daddy's' whom we had befriended. Certainly nothing was said to think otherwise.

So it was that Lesley would come by and stay for the weekend. He loved the whole sauna thing; he delighted in being naked with Tina; he enjoyed having me running around after the pair of them, doing the cooking, clearing up and generally being humiliated. He was especially intrigued that Tina made me wear women's underwear and that she would deny me having sex with her. It was this final observation that set him on the path of turning denial into an impossibility; he suggested that whenever he visited that Tina put me into chastity!

I was horrified at the idea but Tina thought it to be amusing and agreed with Lesley that I 'ought be taught a lesson in controlling my urges'. He said that he was getting tired of seeing me play with myself and it would do us all some good not to have to listen to me in the background wanking as he fucked her. She agreed with him and said that it was a bit off-putting to have me moaning and sighing as I jerked myself to orgasm.

Without asking what I thought, the next week she went on-line and purchased this curious chrome cage thing which when Lesley comes to stay I have been wearing on and off ever since. It consists of a chrome ring which goes around my penis and testicles and has a small bracket at the top upon which a cage that slips over my cock is held by a little padlock. Once in place it cannot be removed unless the lock is undone by a key. The design of the thing is such that I can pee without difficulty but should I get an erection I am constrained so I am unable to touch myself and indeed with my stiffening cock squashed inside it becomes too painful to even think about. To make my distress even more acute is the act of Tina passing over the key of the lock to Lesley. She said it is 'for safekeeping', in case she loses or mislays it, but I suspect the real reason is that they wants to humiliate me further by seeing the key hanging from the gold chain he always wears around his neck.

One might think that if I was unable to pleasure myself in their company that there was little point in me being there at all but that is not the case for they have found another way of of adding to my humiliation. Tina decided that as I could no longer have the pleasure of tasting my own cum (it was something I always used to do after I had ejaculated, lick my hand clean) that I should come and lick her pussy after Lesley had cum in her. She said it would remind me of what I was missing, seeing how my 'silly little white dicklet' was all squashed up inside my cage and not being able to cum myself.

I wasn't fooled by her excuse but knew that it was her new found love of oral sex that was driving her on. Certainly it was an intensely erotic sight for me seeing Lesley when he was 'preparing her' for his long tongue to be lapping up and down her slit. I have to admit that the sight and smell of her laying holding her pussy wide open is exciting beyond belief, knowing that I will be allowed my turn after they have 'finished'. The difference is of course when Lesley licks her, it is before she is filled with cum!

I should feel shame at being treated in such an off-handed manner but the truth is that I have come to love it. To taste her as I lap her wet cunt knowing that the cum that is dribbling out is not mine is exciting beyond belief and, truth be told, it doesn't taste any different from mine, so what's not to like?!

I know that she loves to feel my tongue licking around her clitty so I make special efforts to clean her little button and I am almost grateful to hear her moan and sigh in response, knowing that I'm doing a good job. She is even more pleased with me that now, after they have had sex, that I have extended my clean-up duties to Lesley. She loves to see me licking the slime off of his cock and around his balls and as his cock gets stiff again as I lick, she jokingly says 'that's all I'm good for'… at least I hope she's joking.

After I've done cleaning them up I am usually dismissed so that they can get some rest before the fucking resumes later. I must look a pathetic sight as I leave the bedroom, my face covered in their juices, my scrunched up dick dribbling pre-cum through the cage and my panties but I don't care. I just feel so grateful that we have all found what we have been looking for and that nobody is getting hurt in the process.

As time has gone by the question of keeping our secret lives away from the girl's attention has become more difficult. Certainly, the older one has become more critical of her mother's behaviour and the way she dresses and is forever making comments that suggest she is not as naive as we might hope. I suspect she knew the significance of the anklet that Rolf had given Tina and she is forever making comments and jokes about her mother that 'a woman of her age' shouldn't be wearing such sexy clothes. It's all said in jest but it is a reminder that kids do notice things and we are having to be careful with our arrangements.

The weekdays during school term time is not a problem for the girls are weekday boarders and the house is ours. Weekends are a different matter but we are fortunate that we have parents of our own who live not too far away and they are always delighted at the opportunity for the girls to go and stay. So it works very well that they go off to be spoilt in the way that grandparents do so well whilst we are left 'home alone' to spoil ourselves undisturbed by curious teenagers!

Another ruse is that we have a summer house up by the lakes north of where we live and on occasion I have taken the girls there for a few days rather than send them to their grandparents. They love it there and I have to admit that spending a few days in the fresh air boating, fishing, hiking and all that stuff is a tonic. What adds to my pleasure is knowing that while I am up at the summer house with the girls that Tina is on her own with Lesley back at home. The girls don't know that of course, we usually make the excuse for Tina not coming as being due to her having to prepare for some upcoming event to do with her work. (Tina works part-time as an events co-ordinator for a hospitality company).

To date the reason for their Mum's absence has not been questioned but I'm thinking it will only be a matter of time before we shall have to think of some other way of keeping our affairs secret from our *********. The older one has shown a bit more interest in Lesley's presence at home than is healthy and I am beginning to see that Lesley's interest in her has also become a little more than just being a 'friendly uncle' to her. Tina does nothing to discourage his interest, she says that it is natural for young girls to be curious about such things and that we should encourage growing teenagers having such a healthy interest in sex.

I'm not so sure and it does make me wonder whether with the way she and Lesley have been talking whether there will be another element to be added to our Scandinavian Threesome.
