Chapter 06

I woke to the sound of the bed creaking and crying. I sat up and climbed onto the bed, took my position holding her legs. Black Daddy didn’t acknowledge me at all, he was watching her cry and beg for whatever drug it was he was dosing her with.

“I dunno, bitch…. last time you shot up, you tried to sell your wedding ring for more. Whiteboy about cried himself to death, the Judge would be heartbroken if that happened.” We both knew that wasn't what happened exactly but she didn’t.

“I what!?” She jolted and sat up, tried to push him off her. I barely managed to hang onto her legs.

Black Daddy leaned over me smacked her across the face. “Baby dick, hold this bitch down and tell her.”

I knew what he wanted me to say, “you were out of it you offered it to anyone who’d listen, the men inside you especially.” I felt terrible lying like this. I planned to kill Black Daddy today and I need to keep him *******. That meant convincing my wife she was drugged out junkie. She stopped fighting and just cried.

Black Daddy kept pumping her pussy, and took up the narrative. “Yeah wifey, couldn’t believe the way you came. Moaning like a whore with that shit inside you. I knew you were a slut but damn.”

Black Daddy shot her up and she started orgasming almost immediately. I don’t know what he was giving her but I suspect it more than just heroin. She lost all inhibitions immediately but nodded out fast.

Black Daddy filled her womb and climbed off her. “I’m gonna have a shower before we get on the road, go make my breakfast baby dick. Can’t wait to dick twins, I’m gonna have so much fun.” He looked excited, like a kid about to open presents.

“Yes Sir, I will.” I scurried out the door and waited for the shower to start. When it did I shook my wife awake, trying to tell her my plan. She just had to go along with it. The truth is my wife wasn’t a twin. She’s an only child and the cabin is ours. More hers, it’d been her parents’ and they gave it to us for the kids to enjoy. The kids. I hadn’t thought of them in days. I hoped they were ok. God, so much was riding on this plan.

I don’t know how much of the plan she got, doped as she was. I couldn’t stay longer, I needed to run off and prepare food. I checked his phone still wasn’t charging and ran off.

My wife took his cock two more times before we got on the road. She was starting to beg more and more for her drug injections. I could see how pimps controlled prostitutes this way. It’s all she could focus on, all she thought about. This habit was only a day or two old at this point, imagine how bad it could get!

The last time he was fucking her, he tried to make her watch herself lying limp and taking dick. He noticed his phone wasn’t working. Luckily he assumed it broken, not dead. “Fucking piece of shit phone,” throwing it across the room.

“When we get back baby dick I’m trading a day with wifey here for a new phone. She can pay for it with her holes.” Black Daddy blew his load in her and stood, “dress the bitch and let’s go. I want some of the sister too and soon.”

He insisted on driving, my wife beside him providing occasional oral assistance. I gave directions from the back. I feigned car sickness and slid down in the back. With my wife’s face near his cock, it looked like he was alone in the car.

I sat up briefly, “Sir, just keep going north and take the turn on highway 4 east. We’ll be there in about an hour.”

Black Daddy grinned in the rear view at me. “Betcha don’t like callin a nigger Sir.”

“Respectfully, that’s what crazy about the Reparations Act. Neither the wife or I are racist. But we still got assessed.”

He looked in the mirror again, “you ain’t racist?” He just chuckled. “We’ll see what you think when you raising my black babies.”

Before long we were closing in on the cabin. It was a very secluded area deep in the wood, not a lot of traffic or neighbours. As the city expanded a lot of the closer lakes had been intensely developed. Luckily not this one. There was a chance this could work. Not a big one mind you, but anything was better than a lifetime of sexual servitude to this man.

Everything depended on him, how suspicious he was. If we could get him with his guard down a little this would work, otherwise it was going to be a disaster and I would probably die. My wife was keeping him relaxed thankfully, her oral skills had always been mediocre at best. But perhaps the week so far had taught her a few things. She’s sucked more cock this week than some women do in lifetimes.

Slobbering and sucking sounds told me she was at work as we neared. Good, better he was in that post nut cheerful place. Hopefully this is the last time his dick is in my wife, I thought to myself. Almost there I kept thinking, almost there. My wife was listening to my directions and timing her oral accordingly. As I turned us onto the last stretch of road before the cabin, she started bobbing rapidly on him. Good girl, I thought with an internal devious smile.

Weird to be calling your wife a good girl for blowing another dude. Just then Black Daddy started coming in her mouth. Over his groaning I could hear her gulping. He always came so much. She had just finished cleaning his cock when we arrived.

I was suddenly incredibly nervous. What if he noticed the place was unoccupied, the absence of another car. Being dropped off here might not be convincing. I tried to casually hurry from car to unlock the door padlock before he noticed.

I made a big show of announcing our arrival to wifeys non existent twin. “Jane? Are you in there? Hello?” I hurried in the door and set some dishes on the table and threw our spare backpack on the little bed. I was no master spy but it’d do at a glance if he looked in.

My wife had bought time by begging him for a shot and making out with him. I called over and told them Jane must be at the dock, “want to come?” Black Daddy almost balked but my wife sold it by inventing a luxurious boat he just had to check out. Turning on full flirt mode, she hinted at a bit comfy bed below deck.

He chuckled, “want some more black snake do ya? Show me this bed, slut.”

She led the way down the path to the shore. The trees were thick and old through there and you couldn’t see more than 30 ft in any direction. Black Daddy stared at her ass hanging out the bottom of the slut skirt. No panties to hide anything. It was a marvellous sight, I trailed back with Black Daddy. My heart hammered, closer, closer, just a little more.

This was the part of the plan that terrified me. Here everything could go suddenly wrong. As I passed the spot where I knew the old well was I pushed. What could have happened is he landed on the old boards and nothing happened, or he missed slightly maybe. If either of those happened I’d be dead very shortly, his fists and boots would bash the life out of me.

What really happened though is he fell in the right place and the boards broke with a rapid crackle. One after another so fast you couldn’t hear them separately. He fell through, “ooooh” is what he said on the way down, just that. He was a little unlucky there was water at the bottom. Not a lot but enough to stop a sudden fall death. It was a deep well, probably 50 feet or so. For being so close to the lake the water table was quite deep there.

My wife came and stood by me, holding my hand. We looked at the well speechless, unable to believe it was over. We’d done the hard parts and there was one bit left.

“You motherfucker when I get out of here I will kill you and everyone you ever knew.” The words echoed a bit from the bottom of the well. I could hear him splashing angrily.

That was probably the wrong tactic to take in his position, threats. But then I’d already made up my mind what his fate would be days before. Nothing he said could change the next few minutes. I kissed my wife on the mouth tasting cum for the last time, and walked to the cabin. I came back with the gas can we used for the cabin mower.

He was still yelling and cursing us when I started pouring the contents down the well. His tune changed quickly when he realized what I was doing, you could hear the panic in his voice. “Listen white boy, I’m sorry ok. I’ll talk to the Bureau, confess. I’ll tell ‘em about the Judge too. How he helped and what he did to you. Please not like this.” He was begging and crying, not gonna lie I was excited for the next part.

My wife stripped off the slut clothes and I drizzled them with gas, they lit easily. Then they went into the hole too. The flat whump as the vapours caught was a surprise. So was how long the screaming lasted. Worse was the smell, I still can’t eat pork.

After the full week had elapsed, as promised the cage chimed and released. My wife had been detoxing for a couple days by then. The drugs went in the well too. Couple that with all the plan B she took just in case. Let’s just say that first fuck wasn’t our finest.

The police eventually came around and questioned us about Black Daddy. Who it turned out was named Milton of all things. Our story was he left after some sex a few days before and that was last we heard of him. No idea where he went and frankly we’d been glad he left. We were never charged with anything.

They never investigated the cabin at all. Maybe because it was still in her maiden name? We filled in the well with stone and dirt after dumping a fuck load of lye in. Whatever was left down there, it wouldn’t be much. Once filled the last thing I did was fuck my wife where he was buried. Right atop where he lay, 50 ft below. After I came in her I pissed on the spot for good measure. Fuck you Milton, I hope you know our littlest child was conceived atop the hole you died in.

We were preparing to move to another country when we heard the news the Reparations Act had been repealed. We didn’t have to leave any more. Thousands of terrible things had been done in the name of racial justice via the act. There was even more rioting in the streets when documents leaked detailing the accusations made by the assessed. The Judge was heavily implicated and served time afterwards. He didn’t live long in prison though, it wasn’t just white men he’d been fucking.

We did move to the coast after that, though. Rarely went back to the old town. I couldn’t stand wondering if every black guy I saw had had a piece of my wife. We put that terrible time behind us and moved on with our lives.

I’m only thinking about all of this now because just today I noticed all my wife’s dildos are black. I wonder what that means.
Next: A Darker Ending
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