A Darker Ending

This is a darker alternate ending to the reparations act saga. In this story Black Daddy and the Judge colluded to extend the couple’s reparations.

It’s been 6 months since Black Daddy walked in my door and he’s still in my life. I don’t see him as much since he left a few months back with his wife. That was right before he sold me to the Judge. I live with the Judge now and I’m his live in boyfriend. Not that I have a choice or anything. I wish I could see my children but the Judge told me whites aren’t allowed to experience pleasure from reproduction. That I should be grateful to have made them alone.

He also says I’m lucky to have had them before the Bureau changed the rules. The new rules limit the amount of children whites can have to one. Any more than that is going to be punishable by mandatory abortion. When he’s ***** and using me he teases about special clinics opening for white adults down the road too. I’m terrified at the glee in his eyes when he talks about things like involuntary disposal.

Let me tell you about my days. I wake up on the floor next to the bed and service his morning wood orally, lay out his clothes, prepare his meals. When he leaves I clean his house, tend to his yard, and exercise in his home gym. In the evening he sodomizes and I rub his feet until he’s bored and I go to the floor.

As for me, he’s very critical of the way I look and and if I’m not making progress towards his physical ideal I’m punished. While periodically he might give me a little pleasure, he doesn’t have much use for my penis. So when I’m punished, he gives me a crème to masturbate with. I’m not sure what’s in it, but every time I do, my cock shrinks.

Once upon a time I was about 5.5 inches long. After a couple months of this treatment however it’s somewhere around three. It doesn’t even stick out of my fist now. It’s humiliating, but I have no choice but to obey. One more Bureau reported infraction and I’ll be forcibly castrated. They remove your sack and everything. Just a small scar where you used to be a man.

This is all coupled with a hormone regimen designed to soften my body and reduce body hair. The Judge doesn’t like women, but he also doesn’t want masculine competition in the house. Not that I’m much of that any more. Between the drugs he gives me, the endless booty building workouts, and two hours a day of hypno I’m required to watch I’m barely a man.

Still he’s not unbearably cruel to me. Black Daddy was far worse and only saw me as a white orifice to dump his semen in, or clean up after his sexcapades. The Judge cuddles me and talks sweetly to me when he’s inside my asshole. Sometimes when his tongue is in my mouth I almost feel aroused. Sometimes when he’s making out with me I think of the woman that used to be mine and this hell isn’t so bad.

I’m sure you want to know about Black Daddy’s wife. It’s painful to write about but I’ll try. So after he started dosing her he continued selling her almost every night. He took special joy in making me stroke myself to her abuse. After a while I got to the point I couldn’t get hard unless I was looking at a black cock in her. The Judge has continued that, only now it’s minus her. I only get hard for black cock now.

She became his wife officially after about a month and a half. I’m not sure how the test worked but the Bureau gynaecologist tests showed she’d been black bred. Armed with that test, the Judge legally married them. Now I’m her Cuckold Husband, I have an official document that says it and everything. The city clerk snickered when she printed it. After that Black Daddy’s violence and degradation towards us only ever seemed to escalate. He made thousands in the beginning whoring his wife out in a few hours. Between the addiction and the miles he put on her pussy, his profits started to fall off.

As you can imagine this didn’t sit well with him and for a while he tried selling me as well. I’m not femme enough for most of his customers tastes and the novelty of getting a poor blowjob from a whiteboy only lasts so long. In the end he just kept her working longer and longer. She was on so many different drugs to keep her awake and working and addicted that she was getting whored almost 20 hours a day. An endless parade of cock in her and fists hitting her.

You’d think knowing his baby was growing in her would nurture a little care in him. But it seemed to have the opposite effect, he just got meaner and crueler and more demanding. He seemed determined to kill the little partially white life in her, despite it being half him. Black Daddy eventually passed her off to a friend of his to oversee around this time. Maybe he had a new ****** to torment, who knows?

Maybe he was just bored watching her fuck other men 20 hours a day. He gave the friend part of the profits and free use of her holes in exchange for freedom to do other things. That was Jamal. She’s changed hands several since then. I’ve seen her a couple times, the Judge keeps track of her for me. When I’ve been super good I’m allowed to see her and pay for sex with her. I think the Judge does it because it breaks my spirit even more every time. She’s sunk so low.

The first time I saw her was at an adult bookstore on the north side. She was working a gloryhole booth with her pimp charging admission. I got a blowjob through a hole in the wall. She didn’t know it was me, the Judge supervised and wouldn’t allow me to speak to her. When I came she spat it back through the hole and told me she only swallows for blacks.

I fucked the Judge’s *** for that privilege, mostly he just beat me though. If you’ve ever been beaten and fucked by a man 50 yrs your senior it’s humiliating.

The second time was a month later when a man broke into the house and ***** me in revenge for “stealing his Daddy.” As if this was the path I chose! The Judge felt terrible after that and let me see her again. I even got to fuck her this time. She was unconscious the whole time, her pussy was already full of semen before I even began. I didn’t recognize her pimp this time around but it was the same old needle in her arm. I wanted to kiss her and tell her I loved her but cum was leaking from her mouth too. I passed.

The third time was just as bad, the Judge got a tax break from the government for keeping a white boy employed. He rewarded me for a $15,000 tax windfall by letting me see Black Daddy’s wife. This was the same pimp this time but now he was peddling her on the street. The Judge drove and insisted I use a condom this time. He knew she was carrying something but wouldn’t tell me what. She rode me in the backseat but acted like she didn’t know who I was. Even when I told her I was her husband. She told me her husband was black.

The last time was a week ago. It was a reward for getting a jack of spades tattoo on my butt. The Judge fucked me doggystyle since because he liked to look at it. I got to see her again because of that. She was in the homeless shelter now, some enterprising soul was charging the men who wanted to fuck her. She was locked in a small room in the back and chained to a cot. Her arm was more track marks than anything. Her hair had started to fall out too.

I didn’t want to have sex with her and The Judge made me, told me a whiteboy should have memories to pull his pecker to. When I couldn’t get my 3 inch penis erect the Judge pulled his cock out and rubbed it on her face. That did it, and I quickly filled a ridiculously overlarge condom with my tiny load. Her swollen baby belly moved as I climbed off her. It was the only part of her that had. She was breathing atleast, I checked.

I know in time my fate will be something similar. The Judge will tire of me and pass me to someone else. Who’ll use up a part of me and repeat. If I had the guts to do it, I’d have killed myself when Black Daddy stole my wife. I pray she dies before birthing that demon’s spawn. He destroyed the both of us. But I have to go, I broke one of the Judge’s dishes and I have a date with the special crème for the next two nights in a row. I hope I don’t lose my balls over this, wish me luck.
Previous page: Chapter 06