Ted and Sarah Simmons were an attractive, athletic couple in their mid-thirties with a highly sexual lifestyle. A few days went by, other than when Ted was away working, that the couple didn't have sex. Even when Sarah worked a late night shift at the hospital she was never too tired to enjoy her husband's seven-inch cock. Ted was well over six feet tall and had a muscular rugby player build. Sarah stood five feet eight and had been a competitive swimmer well into her college days. Even though she no longer competed, she regularly swam and worked out to maintain her physique. When she looked at herself naked in the mirror the only thing she ever thought she would like to change was for her firm B-cup breasts to be a C cup.

The couple's sex life ranged from sensual lovemaking to hard, although not rough, raw sex and they were both happy to indulge whenever and wherever the feeling took them. Over the ten years they had been together they'd had sex pretty much everywhere in their house not to mention the garden and several times in more public areas like in the woods when hiking, on the beach, or their hotel balcony late at night when on holidays. Although they didn't seek it there had been occasions when they had been seen having fun and instead of them getting freaked out it had the effect of arousing them even more. It also hadn't been unknown for them to have sex in front of a mirror or to film themselves, both often used the recordings when they were apart to help them masturbate when a live video call hadn't been possible.

One of the most important things regarding Ted and Sarah's sex life was the fact they had always been open and honest with each other regarding what they would like to do, or what they wouldn't do, and when they indulged in something new they were open with each other about how much or not they had enjoyed it. So it was no great surprise when after a about of sex laying in bed Sarah turned to Ted and said, "Honey, there's something I wanna run by you."

Ted looked at his sexy wife and recognized the glint in her eye that usually preceded something sexual, be it an act or discussion, "Go on!"

Sarah explained that she was having a conversation with a colleague some fifteen years older than her who was down about the fact she and her husband were now getting to an age where they didn't consider themselves attractive anymore comparing themselves to when they were in their twenties and thirties. It had been getting them down a little and what had made it worse was that she read an article about a couple who had themselves professionally photographed and filmed making love when they were in their prime so they could remind themselves what they were like in their latter years. The colleague in question then told her it was something she would have liked to do if she had known such a thing could be done. Ted looked at his beautiful wife as she spoke and when she paused and looked at him still with that glint in her eyes he teased her saying, "So what is it you wanna run by me?"

Sarah smiled at Ted and gave him a playful slap on the shoulder before saying, "Well, we've fooled around with filming ourselves, which you have to admit is hot but the outcome isn't really professional, and we've fooled around with a bit of exhibitionism, maybe we could combine the two?"

"Elaborate, Honey?"

"Well, I thought maybe we could find a professional to film us."

Ted's cock twitched as he thought about it and whilst it seemed quite a sexy thing to do he had some doubts and reservations, "You are talking about making couples porn a form of porn that started in the 80s by actor Bob Crane and his wife only not for public consumption. I think that may be a little beyond what your run-of-the-mill photographer would do babe."

"Yes Honey, I agree. However, if I found a way would you be up for it?"

"Well, I wouldn't rule it out, I guess it would depend on the specifics of who, where, and when."

Sarah smiled at her husband and kissed him, "Ok, I'll look into it," Sarah said as she reached out and began to stroke her husband's cock, seconds later the couple was escorted into another bout of sex.

It had been a couple of weeks since Sarah had mentioned the filming thing to her husband and he hadn't asked her about it assuming it had been a dead end or she had changed her mind, the reality couldn't have been more different. The hospital where Sarah worked had clubs where activities were arranged for staff to get away and experience things they were interested in such as Drama, painting, and also photography. Sarah had asked the guy who ran the club, George, if he knew anyone who would be willing to take photographs and video at a ****** event adding that it wasn't a big gathering and as such money was an issue. As commercial photographers were expensive she was hoping she could find someone from the club who would be willing. George had put her onto one of the members, Mike one of the janitors at the hospital. As a janitor, he didn't earn a huge amount of money and George was aware he had done photo work at the wedding of a junior member of staff and by all accounts had done a job as good as any professional for a very good price. Sarah had found Mike and asked him about the shoot, although she didn't go into specifics. Mike was only nineteen and working as a janitor to help fund his college fees. He seemed a very pleasant young man and Sarah felt comfortable talking to him so much that after talking with him for a time she asked him roughly how much he would need and then Sarah went on a little further in discussing the job, "The thing is Mike, there are only two people for the shoot, my husband and I. It would involve photographs and video that one might call risqué at best. It's something we want to do before we both get old and probably fat as a kind of memento. Would you be comfortable taking pictures of my husband and me showing quite a lot of flesh?

Mike had seemed unflustered and casual about the issue when he responded, "Oh sure, no problem. I've done a few photo shoots for some of the girls at college who wanted to get a modeling portfolio together hoping to earn some money to pay their college fees," What Mike didn't give away with his response was the fact that Sarah was one of the most talked about nurses within the male ranks of hospital staff. Almost everyone Mike knew thought the tall athletic blonde was hot and his cock was twitching at the mere thought of being in a situation where he could photograph and video her regardless of the presence of her husband.

Sarah decided that although she was happy with Mike for the job she would call her husband and discuss it whilst she was with Mike. As she talked to Ted with Mike listening he heard Sarah say, "No, he's not an old pervert. He's a nice young man working to pay his way through college, remember what that was like?" A few seconds later Mike heard Sarah say, "Well he might be, we'll have to put on a good show for him then won't we," Followed by a few little giggles. Sarah then turned to Mike and asked if he could make it Friday evening, the deal was done.

Friday came, and Ted and Sarah decided to share a bottle of wine and watch a little porn to get relaxed and aroused before Mike arrived. Mike arrived on time and the couple offered him a drink so they could chat for a while and Ted could get to know him. After about half an hour they all moved to the bedroom where Mike saw that the duvet had been taken off the bed and the mattress was covered with a dark blue cotton sheet. Mike hesitantly suggested he should perhaps direct a little to begin with and an excited Ted and Sarah agreed. Once he had taken out his camera and video recorder mounted on a telescopic tripod, Mike said, "Right... Erm, why don't you start by kissing and undressing each other," As the couple got into it Mike couldn't believe how sexy Sarah was. All the men he knew thought she was stunning but now he was seeing her naked it was unbelievable how hot she looked. Mike could feel his cock throbbing and knew he was going to enjoy this particular job even more than he thought he would. However, as Ted was stripped down to his boxer shorts Mike was thinking about his fantasy of having a threesome with a couple but when he saw the size of the muscles on Ted and added into it the fact that Ted was about six inches taller than him he decided he didn't dare even hint at it for fear of Ted becoming angry and decided to purely focus on doing as professional job as possible, the shoot went well. Mike got the couple to pose in several positions for still photos as well as filming them having great sex, orally pleasuring each other, making love, and also having raw sex in numerous positions. By the time they had finished, Mike told them he had loads of great footage. His huge cock was straining to get out of his pants and he felt uncomfortable sure that the couple would notice. He needed to get out of there quickly so much so he even refused another drink saying he probably shouldn't as he was driving. When Ted offered to pay him the agreed price Mike wouldn't accept, "No, pay me once you're happy with the photos and the final cut of the video, if you have any music you want on the video message me the playlist, I should have it done Monday."

Sarah and Mike chatted about schedules and found they were both working Monday so Mike suggested that after Sarah finished her shift she could watch some short clips of the video and see the photos in the room the photographic club used as it would be free on Monday. If she was happy she could bring it home and once she and Ted had watched it she could bring in the payment. All agreed and Mike left happy and after another quick drink Ted and Sarah were back at it and looking forward to a weekend of sex it had been so arousing.

As Ted and Sarah relaxed in between fucks caressing each other and building up to another round Ted suddenly said, "I'm sure Mike enjoyed doing that little job. Did you see how big and hard his cock was when we'd finished?"

"No," Sarah lied, she had seen the huge bulge in Mike's pants but didn't want to talk about it.

Well! Let me tell you, babe, he was turned on. He would have fucked you given the chance and maybe you should have let him when I was waiting to get hard again," Ted said laughing.

Sarah slapped her husband playfully, "Shut up you silly sod, he's not my type," Laughing herself.

The weekend passed quickly, the subject of the photo, and video shoot came up a lot over the weekend and how aroused they were doing it came up frequently as did the subject of Mike's arousal and his big cock. Although Sarah had noticed it at the time she had lied about seeing it wanting the weekend to be about her and Ted. Monday was soon upon them and Ted had some bad news. He had to go away for a couple of days, maybe all week, so wouldn't be around to see the video that night. He kissed a disappointed Sarah as she left for work and told her he hoped the photos and video were good. Sarah called Mike on her way to work and told him her shift finished at 6 pm and they agreed to meet in the cafeteria. Sarah found it hard to focus on work constantly thinking about the photos and video. Then probably for the first time since the photo shoot it dawned on her that after work she would be alone with Mike, watching effective porn with her in it. Her mind wandered back to the day of the shoot and his big cock that was rock hard, bulging in his pants at the end of the shoot. She thought about her Ted's comments that Mike wanted her and his suggestion that she should have let Mike fuck her in the moments between Ted being hard. Since they had such an open relationship she began to wonder, 'Was he joking or was he serious,' they had talked about a threesome when they were dating and almost had one but Sarah had backed out. Ted had been cool about it and even said it was probably for the best but now she was wondering even more if he had been serious.

Sarah tried to put aside all these thoughts from her mind as she wandered to the hospital cafeteria to meet Mike where he was sitting alone scrolling through something on his phone. As Sarah approached and he saw her he smiled and put his phone away, "Hi, did you want to get something?"

Sarah declined, "No thanks, Mike we don't want people talking," they both laughed, Mike stood up and they headed for the elevators. Once in the elevators, Mike pressed the button for the sub-basement. Sarah had never been down there and she was surprised at what she saw it was far from being the dark and dusty place she had imagined, it was a maze of corridors well-lit and clean. There were rows of doors in the corridors all numbered. Mike explained that most were stored for different departments although nobody ever came down to them except once a year to check inventory. Way down at the end of one corridor Mike stopped at a door, which he unlocked and ushered Sarah inside as Mike followed quickly hitting a light switch.

Once illuminated Sarah looked around in amazement, the room was huge. There was a lounge area and a small kitchenette in one corner. She saw a couple of other doors at the rear which Mike explained were restrooms and a darkroom for developing photos. Also, there were a couple of areas set out for taking photos like a proper photographer studio and some desks loaded with various equipment and a couple of TV monitors. There was one more area Sarah noticed, in a far corner there was a double bed, half hidden by hospital screens next to which were some photographer's lights and tripods. "Hmmm, what's that for," Sarah asked pointing at the area.

"Oh, sometimes we have still life projects and some of the guys use it for that. There is also an art group that uses the room and I think they use it too," Mike responded before saying, "Anyway let me show you what I have done," Mike ushered Sarah over to a couple of chairs at a desk on which sat a TV monitor. Sarah joined him looking and listening intently as Mike took out a laptop connected it to a TV monitor inserted a USB stick into the laptop and loaded a file from it titled SP, he opened it as Sarah looked on she saw the first images of herself and her husband naked and felt a tingle of excitement as she stared at the pictures. Her focus was broken by Mike saying, "I thought what we'd do is select the ones you like and move them into a new file which you can then take home on a USB and keep. If when you and Ted go through them and want any developing or photoshopped not that for one minute I think you need photoshopping I'd be happy to sort that out for you."

Sarah didn't know why but something made her ask, "Why don't you think I'd need any photoshopping done," did she want to know or was she fishing for a compliment she didn't know?

Almost without thinking Mike responded by saying, "Christ, look at the pics, you're frigging hot," as Sarah quickly shot him a stare Mike added, "Erm, I mean both of you as a couple,"

The compliment flattered Sarah and Mike's follow-up relaxed her a little, enough for her to say, "Yes, I guess we do look pretty hot don't we," Together they went through the dozens of photos Sarah couldn't believe Mike had taken so many and after about fifteen minutes Sarah had selected about thirty photos however only about four or five were of her by herself it was something she told Mike she was a little disappointed with as she was hoping to make Ted a calendar as a small Christmas gift. Mike sensed her disappointment and an idea entered his head but he thought he'd keep from suggesting it until later, after the video. Mike quickly saved the selected photos onto a new USB stick and gave Sarah both sticks telling her that if she needed any editing done to bring the original stick to him and that he was giving her both so she had all the copies, he lied but the lie made Sarah feel happy. He then loaded up another USB stick with the files Sarah could see two one titled SV and the other one SVM, "I put music on one, you might like it but anything can be edited!"

Both videos were fifty minutes long and Mike suggested watching a few key segments he'd put a time marker on to make sure she was happy with the quality and key content. As Sarah listened Mike made a point of looking at her and saying, "The key points are the times when you had an orgasm, or a close-up of your face when sucking Ted's cock or of him taking you from behind. I chose the ones that best showed off your bodies and climaxes," seeing Sarah was listening carefully and seemed fairly relaxed Mike decided to take a risk and said, "I made sure I kept the clip in when Ted sprayed your face and amazing tits with cum. You both seemed to enjoy that experience at the time."

As Mike spoke Sarah could feel little tingles going through her pussy and nipples. She recalled the moment Mike had referred to and that she had enjoyed it. What struck her was how Mike made a point of talking about it as if it was his favorite clip. She also noted that before he'd said she was hot and now he was referring to parts of her body in a sexually complimentary way. She wasn't sure she liked him referring to her tits as being amazing but she made no move to stop him, instead saying, "I can't wait to see what you've done," before looking at Mike with a big smile.

Mike played the video with the music first and Sarah liked the quality, the sound and clarity were good. Mike clicked from time marker to time marker letting the video run for about a minute each time before moving on. As Sarah watched Mike looked at her, he was sure he saw her licking her lips and he could see her nipples had hardened and were poking through her tight-fitting top, "Do you like the Music?"

"I'm not sure, I think I do."

"I made sure it fades in and out so it doesn't drown out your moaning, especially when you orgasm. You may like to know you came eight times and I've kept everyone," Mike said as his cock began to throb, Sarah was starting to feel a little hot, and her heart was beating faster as she watched the sexy, attractive couple fucking. She almost couldn't believe it was her and her husband, her pussy was leaking and she was feeling mad that she wouldn't be going home to Ted and having a night of sex. By the time she had watched all the clips Mike knew She was feeling aroused, her face and body language showed it.

Mike noticed but didn't want to push his luck, "Well, I think that's enough for you to get the idea. I'll give you the stick to take home, I'm sure Ted will want to see it later,"

Without thinking Sarah blurted out. "He's away until the weekend!"

Mike now had several pieces of valuable information. He knew Sarah was aroused from watching the video, he knew she was frustrated as her husband was away so he knew she wouldn't be getting any cock at home any time soon. On the subject of cock he knew that he was bigger than her husband's and he knew she didn't have to be anywhere as she had finished work and had no husband to get home to. So he decided to make his move," Ok, we're all done," Mike said as he handed Sarah the USB stick and as Sarah took it Mike slowly said, "Unless... Ah no it doesn't matter."

Sarah quickly asked, "Unless what?"

"Well, you seemed disappointed about how few photographs you had if you like I can take some now on the bed over there. There is even some makeup in the cupboard so models can try different things."

Sarah felt her insides fluttering and replied, "Erm, I'm not sure!"

Well, I've already seen you naked and more, plus you'd be able to make the calendar. It would be a shame to waste the opportunity, Plus, I'll do it for free as I have to practice my still life work anyway," Mike said in a calm and persuasive voice to an attentive Sarah.

Sarah pondered Mike's comments. He was right, he wouldn't see any more than he had and it would be a nice surprise for Ted, "Ok, if you're sure, although I don't have any sexy lingerie with me."

"No problem, we can do the nude poses and see how we get on and then if you want some lingerie shots we can find some time to do them. Why don't you get ready and relax on the bed and I'll sort out my equipment and set up the screens around the bed whilst you get ready."

Sarah felt a little more comfortable as Mike seemed to be nothing but professional and was treating it as a job. He'd told Sarah he'd done several photo shoots for girls at the college so perhaps he was just brazen about it all. Sarah found the makeup and applied a little before brushing her hair and stripping it down. She decided to lay on the bed her front facing the direction Mike would approach from. A couple of minutes later Mike called out asking her if she was ready, Sarah took a deep breath and said, "Yes!"

"Oh wow," said Mike as he walked around the screen and saw Sarah lying on her front propped up slightly on her elbows facing him. Her firm buttocks were on full display and her tits hung slightly below her chest. Mike could see Sarah's nipples were rock hard as he had a similar thing going on with his cock, "Fucking stunning," slipped from his mouth making him cringe. When Sarah laughed he quickly said, "Hold that pose, we'll start with that," Mike quickly got his camera and started snapping away directing Sarah, getting her to prop herself up a little higher and eventually onto all fours. Mike then took several shots from behind, getting Sarah to look over her shoulder and smile or pout. At one point Mike dared put a hand on one of Sarah's firm buttocks and said, "A little to the left," as he nudged her in that direction, Sarah felt a tingle shoot through her body but didn't say anything. Mike then got Sarah to lie on her side and began snapping away and directing her. The fact Sarah hadn't said anything about him touching her buttock earlier emboldened Mike and he got more daring gently touching Sarah on her calves, thighs, shoulders, and arms and at one point the back of his hand brushed against Sarah's breast her hard nipple rubbing against it. Again Sarah said nothing. What Mike didn't know was that his directing and touching were making her get into the shoot and make her feel sexier, something she hoped would come across in the final photos. After a few more minutes Sarah was lying on her back, propped up by a lot of pillows looking at the camera with her legs parted and one hand cupping one of her breasts happily kneading it and playing with her nipple under Mike's direction.

Mike looked between Sarah's parted legs and could see the slit of her pussy glistening with moisture, "Almost done, move your hand down to your pussy," he prompted. Sarah obeyed and ran a hand down to her pussy without being asked she parted her pussy lips ******** the pink entrance to her love hole. Mike's cock was straining so much it hurt and Sarah could see it, it looked huge, bigger than her husband's and she wondered how big and wondered if she wanted to see it, what was getting into her she thought.

Mike knew it was now or never. He slowly reached down and took Sarah's hand. "Up a bit to your clit like this." He said as he nudged Sarah's hand upwards a little.

As Sarah's finger touched her clit one of Mike's fingers slid into the slit of her pussy, "Hhhhhhuuuuùuhhhhhh," Sarah grasped as her hand grabbed Mike's causing it to go in deeper and Sarah again let out a moan.

"Shit, I'm sorry," Mike quickly tried to pull his hand back but Sarah had ahold of it. His finger felt nice in her slit, her soft labia wrapped around it and began to pulsate.

"It's OK, I'm very sensitive so be careful," Sarah said as she pulled her elbow away and sank back into the pillows as her head flopped back a bolt of shock blasted through her, 'Oh fuck! I've just given him the green light,' she thought. She was about to shriek, NO but before she could Mike had seized on her lapse of sense and slid two fingers deep into Sarah's soaking wet love hole and the planned NO came out as a long slow "No," As her pussy embraced the invading digits and Sarah's hips began to gently rock, "Ooh, fuck, Yesssss," Sarah groaned as she heard her pussy juices begin to squelch as Mike fingered her. Sarah lifted her head and briefly looked up at a smiling Mike who was freeing his cock from his pants. As Mike's huge cock sprang free Sarah looked at it and dread ran through her as her eyes took in all throbbing nine inches of its thick veins bulging along the shaft capped with a big purple head. It looked twice as thick as her husband's seven-inch cock and that hurt her when Ted was going for it. She wasn't sure she would be able to take it but despite her fear Sarah knew she was past the point of no return, "Be gentle with me," Sarah groaned as she let her head flopped back and awaited her fate.

There were all sorts of things Mike wanted to do with the sexy mature blonde but some of them would have to wait. He wanted to bury his huge cock into her soft, soaking wet married pussy before she changed her mind. Once he'd done that Mike was sure the hot wife would let him do anything. He quickly got between Sarah's legs lifting her and sliding his thighs under her. He leaned back pushed his massive cock down, gripping it and rubbing the big head up and down Sarah's soaking wet slit. As he rubbed up and down he took his time to find her entrance with the tip of his cock. He teased it several times before pushing the head in, "Oooooooooohhhhh Jesus," Sarah groaned as her pussy lips were parted by Mike's massive cock like a hot knife sliding through butter. Seconds later he felt Sarah's labia clamped around the ridge where his cock head met his shaft. Mike looked down at Sarah, her eyes were closed and she was breathing deeply and slowly. Mike couldn't resist it and gently caressed Sarah's thighs to relax her, then with one hand he reached out and grabbed his camera that he had set down on the bed. He took a few photos both full-length showing Sarah's face, tits, and cunt and close up showing his massive fuck pole wedged in the blonde beauty's cunt, 'The beauty of digital," he mused to himself knowing the blonde beauty had no idea he had silently taken them. Pictures done he placed his camera back on the bed behind him ready for the next time he was going to use it. Mike then focused on the task in hand, to bury his massive cock into the blonde beauty's gushing cunt, she was so wet he knew he could get right in without a struggle.

"Yeow, fucking hell! Aaarrrgggg, your fucking splitting me in two, your too big," Sarah howled as Mike drove his big fuck pole deep into the mature wife's cunt.

"It can't be, it's all in, all nine inches are buried in you," Mike responded with a slight scowl, "Does it feel good," he added as Sarah let out a groan that she couldn't help but make ss her vaginal walls expanded and wrapped around the monster invader she felt a fullness that made her throb deep inside. Her body wanted that big cock and she moaned, "Oh yes, it feels so fucking good, so fucking big, so fucking deep, sooo fucking nice," Mike smiled to himself, he hadn't been with many women who had taken his huge cock balls deep but once they had they had loved it just like the blonde beauty he had it buried in now was and he was going to make the most of what might be a one time gig. Mike reached forward and grasped Sarah's tits needing them and tugging gently on her nipples as he began to fuck her with deep hard thrusts each one almost knocking the breath out of her as she groaned, "Oh fuck, Yessss," over and over Sarah could feel Mike's cock plunging into her deeper than anything she'd ever felt. His big cock head was battering her cervix and her vaginal wall throbbed under the pressure of containing such a beast. She'd never felt so full even when she used her eight-inch dildo. Sarah could feel every swollen vein on Mike's thick shaft as it slid in and out of her rubbing against her soft labia and found herself begging for Mike to fuck her harder and faster.

Mike let go of Sarah's tits and adjusted his angle of entry a little. Now every thrust made his big cock head rub against Sarah's G-spot, driving her closer and closer to an orgasm. Mike's thrusts got faster and harder as Sarah groaned over and over each time Mike's cock went deep into her burning fuck hole. As Mike sped up Sarah's tits bounced back and forth so much it hurt and she raised her hands to cup them. Her rock-hard nipples digging into her palms as they tingled with sexual delight, she couldn't resist pinching them, "Oh, fuck, I'm gonna cum," She squealed just as Mike slid a hand onto her pubic mound and his thumb found her swollen clit, "Eek," Sarah squealed as he pressed it sending her over the edge and shrieking, "Yesssss, Yesssss, I'm cu... Aah, cummmming," as her orgasm erupted.

Sarah lay there, breathing deeply as she slowly came down from her orgasm, her cunt was throbbing and her vaginal walls were squeezing Mike's big cock that was still buried deep inside her. Mike looked down at the blonde beauty with a flushed red face and began gently caressing her tits causing Sarah to gasp and her body shuddered when Mike brushed over her tingling nipples, Sarah opened her eyes and stared at Mike, "Fucking hell!"

Mike smiled and lowered his head toward Sarah's face, "Nice."

"Fucking hell, yes, nice!"

Mike flexed his cock inside Sarah's fuck tunnel making her eyes widen as he said, "Good because I haven't finished yet. I'm gonna fuck you so much as soon as he'd spoken Mike pulled his dripping cock out of Sarah's cunt and flipped her over telling her to get on all fours. Sarah obeyed immediately and felt Mike rubbing his massive cock head against her fuck hole.

"Oh, Jesus," Sarah groaned as Mike rammed his big cock into her and his hips slammed against her buttocks. Mike gripped the blonde beauty's hips and began fucking her hard and deep. Despite the fact it hurt a little Sarah was loving it and she urged Mike on to fuck her harder and deeper. Mike was ready and willing to oblige, however before he got too engrossed he grabbed his camera. Mike pulled his cock back so, again only the head was in Sarah's love tunnel, her swollen labia stretched around it and took a couple of pics before he pushed his cock in and got a couple more, then he had an idea that would make a great photo and hopefully drive the slutty blonde wild.

Mike knew from doing the video with Sarah and Ted that she didn't do anal but he wanted to tease the little pink rosebud nestled between her firm buttocks. He pulled his cock from her briefly and pushed a thumb into her cunt massaging her vaginal walls. When Sarah groaned with joy Mike pulled his thumb out and ran it upwards to her butt hole, "Oooooooooooo," Sarah moaned as he teased her rosebud with his sticky thumb, when Mike repeated the process several more times pushing his thumb in a little each time Sarah became uneasy and said sternly, "Don't even think about putting your cock in there."

Mike was onto a good thing and didn't want to blow it as much as he would love to take Sarah's virgin ass he decided he wouldn't risk it and felt like if things went how he planned he'd soon have that pleasure, "No relax, I know you don't do that," he said to Sarah as he slid his throbbing cock back into her. As Mike began fucking Sarah again he started to tease her rosebud with his thumb each time he pulled his cock back he wiped his thumb along the shaft sticky with Sarah's juices before returning to her butt hole. After several prods, he pressed harder and his thumb popped past Sarah's sphincter into her anal passage.

"Oh, shit, be careful," Sarah groaned as a tremor rumbled up her spine. She initially was going to shout for Mike to pull it out but as he began to gently rub her anal passage she found she liked it. Mike acted quickly before the blonde beauty changed her mind taking a couple of pictures. With that done he put his camera down and focused on getting the blonde beauty off again. Mike started to fuck Sarah harder and faster whilst furiously rubbing her anal walls with his thumb. Every so often he would pull his thumb out and tease Sarah's rosebud before pushing it back in to hear the sexy little whimper she made. After a few more minutes the blonde beauty was on the edge of another orgasm. A few more hard, rapid thrusts and she was screaming, "Ooh, fucking hell, yes! I'm fucking cummmmnning," Sarah wailed as she threw her head back, her back arched and her whole body tensed then shuddered as she came.

Once she had stopped shaking Mike pulled his big cock from Sarah's cum soaked hole and she slumped onto the bed. Her eyes closed breathing rapidly. Again Mike acted quickly to get pictures of the well fucked beauty as Sarah was gathering herself she put a hand down to her gaping pussy and moaned, "Fuck me I'm sore," she looked at Mike standing by the bed his hard cock wet and dripping with her juices shocked he was still rock hard, "Fuck! haven't you cum yet," she whimpered.

Mike smiled because what Sarah didn't know was that he had total control over his cock and could cum on demand or go for an age. Mike grabbed a pillow and dropped it on the floor. As you're sore how about you finish me with that sexy mouth of yours, I saw how you sucked your husband's cock, you're good," Mike commanded.

"Oh shit," Sarah groaned at the mention of her husband, "I... I, Erm, we shouldn't be doing this," she softly moaned. However! Even as she spoke she could feel herself slipping to the floor and kneeling on the pillow as she stared at Mike's massive cum drenched cock. Mike stood in front of Sarah his huge cock swaying. She didn't need asking cock sucking was something she loved and she gripped the throbbing shaft with both hands, marveling at the thickness and weight of it. She could smell her sex on the sticky shaft and it made her heady with arousal. Seconds later Mike let out a little groan as the blonde beauty took the big head of his cock between her soft warm lips.

Sarah slurped away on Mike's huge cock her eyes closed as if to block out the fact it was someone other than her husband. Mike smiled as he looked down at the blonde beauty who was oblivious to the fact he'd taken several pictures and now had his camera set on record mode as she gave him the best oral sex he'd ever had, "Mmm," Sarah moaned as she lapped up her juices from Mike's cock. She circled the big head and teased the pre-cum from his cavernous piss hole with the tip of her tongue. Mike had more than enough footage and laid the camera down so he could focus on enjoying the best blow job of his life amazed at her oral skills.

She licked and sucked every millimeter of his huge cock and balls Mike groaned in sheer ecstasy as Sarah then began to take his cock deeper into her mouth. Sarah's soft lips ran over the thick veins as she sucked the monster's cock deeper and deeper. Mike's cock head hit the back of her throat making her gag, spittle dripping down Mike's thick shaft. Rather than pulling her head back as Mike expected her to Sarah began to force the huge throbbing phallus down her throat. Soon she had the full length of Mike's shaft wedged down her throat, her nose buried in his pubic hairs. Sarah moved her hands to Mike's hips and pushed him backward then pulled him back in after doing this several times Mike realized that she wanted her throat fucked and gripped the slutty blonde wife's head and began slowly fucking her throat. Every time he forced it deep Sarah gagged a little, and when he pulled back her spittle spilled from her mouth all over his shaft and dripped off his big balls and her chin onto her tits. Sarah gripped Mike's hips and tugged on them urging him to go deeper and quicker. As he did Sarah cupped his swinging balls and massaged them. Her muffled moans sent tingles up his shaft to his balls. His cum felt like it was boiling in his sack as Sarah's throat was squeezing his cock, trying to suck the cum from him. Suddenly, for the first time in a couple of years he lost his self-control, he couldn't hold back his balls ached like they were going to explode, "Aargh, fuck! I'm gonna shoot," he growled half expecting Sarah to free his cock but instead, she gripped his buttocks digging her nails into his flesh and held him tight as his legs began to shake and he pumped his cum down the blondes throat.

Sarah savored the hot salty liquid sliding down her throat making its way to her tummy. She was amazed at how much there was and her only sense of disappointment was that it wasn't being sprayed all over her face and tits, something else she loved, 'Maybe next time,' she thought before checking herself and saying in her head 'What the fuck am I thinking, next time, there shouldn't even be this time,' her thoughts were interrupted by Mike pulling his flaccid and well-milked cock from her throat and taking a deep breath before saying, "Fuck me! You sure know how to blow a cock, you are fucking awesome!"

"Glad you think so," Sarah responded. Then to her shock, she asked, "How long before you can go again?"

Mike's cock twitched at the mere thought of getting to fuck Sarah again especially as it was her asking. Before Sarah had time to say, " I wasn't serious, we shouldn't have done this."

Mike responded, "Well, I reckon if we look through the pictures I took that will have me raring to go," Sarah realized she couldn't back out so they did as Mike suggested. By the time she had selected the twelve she wanted for the calendar and Mike had put them on a USB stick they were both ready for more. They fucked, sucked, and licked for another hour or so by which time Mike's cock and balls were shriveled up and Sarah's pussy and jaw ached. After they dressed Sarah told Mike she would get back to him after she and Ted had watched and discussed the video then as she left she said, "We're not doing this again!"


Sarah got home and immediately hit the shower trying to wash away the guilt of what she had just done, having sex with Mike, the young photographer she and her husband Ted had hired to video and photograph them having sex to make a happy momento of when they were both fairly young, athletic and virile. As she ran a soapy hand over her pussy she felt a stinging sensation in her swollen pussy lips. Mike had really fucked her hard, several times and Sarah found herself feeling thankful that Ted was away as if he’d been home and looked through the photographs with her he would surely want sex, something she didn’t feel she could cope with, both mentally and now, she realized how sore and swollen she was down below, physically either. ‘Fuck! What have I done?’ she thought to herself as she finished bathing and toweled herself off. Sarah opened a bottle of wine and as she sat drinking it her phone started to ring, an incoming video call from Ted.

Sarah steeled herself before accepting and greeted Ted with a smile and a “Hi honey.”

“Hey, baby! How are you? Did you get the photographs and video?” I thought you'd have messaged me.” Ted responded.

“Oh yes. All good. It was just a long day on my feet and I felt like I needed a long hot bath and a glass of wine. I had just sat down and was about to call.” Sarah said, feeling even more guilty.

“So? Any good?” Ted asked.

“They look pretty good. I only had a quick zip through everything. I wanted to wait to see everything together. Plus! I didn’t want to be alone with Mike looking at porn, with me as one of the stars.” Sarah replied.

“Did Mike behave himself? I imagine his big cock was throbbing again, going over the video and pics with you, while while there all alone with him. Was it? Did he have a raging hard-on?” Ted asked, sounding very excited.

“Honey I wouldn’t know. We sat at a desk looking at the stuff on a TV monitor and when we were done I left and he was still sitting there closing down his computer and stuff.” Sarah lied.

“Ok!” Well, I’ll be home on Friday afternoon. Can’t wait to go through all the stuff.” Sarah said, trying to hide his disappointment and wishing he had MIke’s number, wondering if he’d have called the young man and asked him to make a move on Sarah anything would have come of it. After ending the call Sarah finished up the bottle of wine and went to bed. As she lay there trying to get to sleep her guilt haunted her and her mind was puzzled about the way Ted had mentioned Mike’s big cock again. He wasn’t wrong! Mike’s cock was huge and her poor pussy was feeling the effects of being pounded by it. She slid a hand down to her pussy and caressed it softly thinking back to what had happened and hoping that she could put it all behind her.

Friday was soon here and although Sarah had worked a couple of shifts, she, thankfully, hadn’t bumped into Mike and as a bonus, Mike hadn’t called her. Maybe he had accepted her telling him that it wouldn’t happen again. The excited couple had a nice dinner and a few drinks before settling down to view the pictures Sarah had chosen from all the ones Mike had taken. Whilst viewing the pictures Ted commented a couple of times that he could understand how Mike had a massive hard-on when taking them, making the point that Sarah was extremely hot and sexy. It was all he could do to hold back from fucking his beautiful wife there and then in the lounge. However, a slightly nervous and guilt-ridden Sarah reminded him that they still had the video to watch. Ted suggested that they watch the video in their bedroom and Sarah agreed, so she set about getting a bottle of wine and some glasses sorted whilst Ted got the USB stick plugged into their bedroom TV and got the video ready to go.

The couple watched the video in awe. It was almost like they were watching a movie with two other people in it, such was the quality of the filming and editing. Even before the video had quite finished the pair couldn’t contain themselves and were busy fucking, the music accompanying the video still playing in the background. After what seemed a marathon session of sex the couple lay there in bed, side by side, cuddling and caressing each other. They both agreed it was a first-class job. Ted suddenly said,” Do you think we should get Mike over to pay him and maybe have a few drinks as a show of our appreciation?”

Sarah felt her blood run cold. Not only was she still in a panic about what she had done with Mike but after their session of sex Mike had told Sarah he wasn’t going to accept any money for his work. “No! I think it will be easier if I meet him at work and sort him out!” Sarah replied.

“I guess so!’ I was just wondering if spending some time here would have his big cock throbbing again, thinking about the last time he was here.” Ted said.

“Oh shut up you silly sod. He is very professional and I’ve told you! He’s not my type!” Sarah scowled back at her husband. As they curled up together to sleep Sarah’s thoughts once again went to wondering why Ted mentioned Mike’s big cock fairly frequently. Those thoughts in turn turned her mind to just how big Mike’s cock was. It had hurt her and made her sore but she had asked him for more that day in the photographic club room. As she closed her eyes she couldn’t get the vision of Mike’s big cock sliding into her, stretching her fuck hole and filling her up. Despite the fact she and Ted had fucked like crazy a short time earlier Sarah felt her pussy tingling and when she slid a hand down between her legs she could feel her juices flowing. Thankfully she fell asleep before she had any more thoughts about her and Mike.

After a weekend of sex, sex, and more sex, mostly fuelled by Ted and Sarah watching their video and looking through all the pictures MIke had taken, it was time for the couple to get back to a normal routine. For Sarah that meant the prospect of having to see Mike as Ted had insisted on calling him and telling him that they were thrilled with the video and pictures and that he would sort out payment for Sarah to bring in sometime during the week. Ted had gone as far as passing the phone over to Sarah and hadn’t left the room whilst she arranged a time to meet Mike. That Monday Sarah was working an early shift which finished at 2 PM. Mike wasn’t working but he chose not to spring that on Sarah, instead telling her he could take a late lunch and meet her in the hospital cafeteria shortly after she finished.

Sarah’s emotions were a mixture of arousal and nervousness. She didn’t know why she felt aroused. Perhaps it had been Ted’s frequent mention of Mike’s big cock, so much so she had found herself thinking about it and about how the hung young man had fucked her and how she had asked him to do it again. Sarah kept asking herself if Ted had a reason to mention Mike’s big cock. Way back when they had made the video he had even suggested she could have let Mike fuck her.’Did he want that?’ Surely not! However, if he did it would help ease her guilt. She wasn’t even sure Mike would want to fuck her with Ted present or even if he wanted to fuck her again. He’d had her. He was a young man and probably had lots of hot young girls he could fuck. After all, he hadn't called her at all after she told him that having sex wouldn’t happen again.

Sarah walked into the cafeteria about ten minutes after 2 PM and saw Mike sitting at a table, with a much older man, wearing a janitor's uniform, presumably a colleague. Sarah stopped dead in her tracks and was momentarily flustered. She composed herself and in a moment of calm and clarity in her head, she had a thought. Sarah approached Mike and his colleague and said, “Hi Mike. I had a little trouble viewing the party video you made for my husband and I. Ted seems to think we weren’t connecting the laptop to the TV properly. Would you be able to show me how to do it sometime? I don’t want to interrupt your lunch.

Mike smiled and replied, “Oh sure. I can come to show you now. I wasn’t eating, just talking to Gary about my shifts. He’s my boss. Before Sarah could reply Mike was up and said, “Thanks, Gary. I’ll see you later.” With that Sarah and Mike headed out of the cafeteria and before Sarah realized it they were standing in one of the elevators, headed to the sub-basement level.

“Where are we going?” Sarah asked.

“To the photographic room. I thought you wanted me to go through setting up the laptop to the TV?” Mike replied.

“No! I just didn’t know what to say when I saw you with someone else. The video and photos are fine. I only met you because my husband told you I’d come in and pay you and I could hardly tell him you weren’t taking any cash on account you fucking me with your big cock!” As Sarah spoke and said the words she had a flashback to Mike fucking her several times and her having several orgasms with his big cock inside her. It sent shivers through her body and her nipples tingled and hardened, something Mike noticed as Sarah was wearing a tight-fitting tank top.

Before Sarah knew it they were at the door of the photographic room and Mike had unlocked the door, ushering her inside. “Oh! I see. Well, I knew you wouldn’t be paying me but I thought I’d use the meeting to show you a few photos and some video footage I forgot to include on the video and other stuff I gave you. I think you’ll like it.” Mike replied.

Once inside the photographic room, Mike began to usher Sarah toward the corner of the room where the bed was. As they passed the desks with the TV monitors on, Sarah said,” I thought you brought me here to show me some videos?”

“Yeah! A couple of guys from the club are doing some projects online and those monitors are out of use as they have all their stuff set up and plugged into them. I set up my laptop at the back. It will do.” Sarah seemed unsure but kind of believed Mike’s lie. In truth he had set his laptop up earlier in such a place that Sarah would have to sit on the bed, next to him, to watch what he was going to show her. He hoped once he had her there and she started viewing the footage he had she would cave in and allow him to fuck her again.

Mike urged Sarah to sit on the bed, exactly where he wanted her, and he sat next to her. He quickly explained that he had some footage he wanted to show her before leaning over her to press the keys on his laptop. As Mike leaned over Sarah he deliberately brushed his elbow against one of her breasts and as it brushed over her nipple she felt a tingle and her mind flashed back to the last time she had been on this bed with Mike and again thoughts of his big cock gave her butterflies in her tummy and she felt her heart beating faster.

Mike started the video footage and almost immediately the screen flickered into life showing footage of a big cock being driven into a well-stretched-out pussy, flanked by a firm set of buttocks. Sarah’s eyes widened and as the camera panned back, bringing into the shot a bare back and the back of a blonde woman's head her jaw dropped. She sat there, unable to speak, her mouth open, heart thumping and insides churning as she realized the blonde was her, the big cock was Mike’s and the scene was happening on the very bed she was sitting on. ‘What the fuck?” She finally managed to shriek as the montage of clips moved on to a close-up of her face as she sucked on Mike’s big cock. “What's the meaning of this? What are you trying to do?”

“Relax! I just thought it was all hot stuff and I wondered if you or your husband might like it?” Mike replied.

“My husband! What are you saying? Are you trying to fucking blackmail me or something?” Sarah shrieked in response.

Mike panicked a little and paused the video. Upsetting the sexy blonde was the last thing he wanted to do. “No! No! No! Nothing like that. I don’t wanna blackmail you. I seriously thought you might like it. Look it's all on that stick plugged into the laptop. Take it out and keep it. There are no copies!” Mike said, lying about the fact there were no copies.

Sarah calmed down a little and said “Well I want to see what else is on it first!”

Mike restarted the video and the scene that appeared was of Sarah on her back, eyes shut, mouth open, moaning “Fuck Me!” as Mike rammed his huge cock into her stretched-out cunt. As the video continued Sarah heard herself shrieking “Oh fucking hell! I’m cumming!” Then watched on as her back arched and her face went bright red as she came hard on Mike’s huge cock. As she watched her mind flashed back to when that happened and she felt herself getting wet down below.

Mike saw Sarah’s nipples harden and stick out even more, through the thin fabric of her tight-fitting top, her mouth was open and she gently bit her bottom lip. He could sense the sexy blonde was aroused and he said, “You have to admit it was a fucking hot session. You even wanted more. You want some more of my big cock now?” As Mike spoke those words he leaned back and started rubbing his groin.

Sarah looked at his groin and she saw the outline of Mike’s massive cock. Her ears were filled with sounds of her having a massive orgasm. Her pussy throbbed, her nipples tingled as she stared at MIke rubbing himself. Mike saw how Sarah was staring, she hadn’t said no, so he pushed his luck. He undid his pants and freed his hard cock. Sarah’s mouth drooled at the sight of it and knew she wanted it. She slowly took it in her hand and looked at Mike. She firmly said “Nobody can ever know!” before lowering her head and wrapping her lips around Mike’s big cock head.

“Mmmmmmmmm!” Sarah groaned as soon as she had Mike’s huge cock in her mouth as she realized how good it was. The huge head, the shaft so thick and lined with thick throbbing veins. Sarah stroked the shaft and gradually worked more of Mike’s thick cock into her mouth. The sounds of the video playing in the background aroused her even more and she took Mike’s cock deeper, cupping his huge balls, rolling each of them in her fingers. Suddenly she stopped and stood up. Mike looked up with slight disappointment, thinking the hot blonde had come to her senses. His disappointment quickly became delight when he saw Sarah stripping off. “Fuck it! If we're gonna do this let’s do it properly!” The hot blonde gasped as she discarded her clothing, ******** her long shapely legs, firm butt, and beautiful B-cup tits, crowned with hard pink nipples.

Mike quickly stood up and stripped off his clothes. The pair stood, face to face, both naked. Sarah grabbed Mike’s face and pressed her lips to his. The pair made out, tongues plunged into each other's mouths and Sarah felt Mike’s big hard cock pressing against her stomach. She gripped it and as she did Mike said “Can you suck it again like last time? I’ll get you a pillow to kneel on.”

“Such a sweet talker!” Sarah said as she began to kneel. Mike quickly grabbed a pillow and tossed it on the floor and Sarah shoved it under her knees just as Mike stood before her, his huge cock swaying around. Sarah gripped it and guided it into her mouth, sucking and slurping on the big head, running her tongue around it, and letting her saliva dribble down Mike’s thick shaft. Inch by inch Sarah took Mike’s cock into her mouth, gagging as the big head hit the back of her throat. Mike pulled back but Sarah gripped his buttocks, her nails digging into his flesh as she pulled him towards her. “Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! Mmmmm!” Sarah gurgled as MIke’s huge cock was pushed down her throat. Sarah pulled her head back before taking his cock deep again and holding it in her throat, her neck muscles massaging Mike’s thick shaft. Sarah then pulled back and let Mike’s cock slip from her mouth, a long strand of spittle ran from the tip of his cock to her soft lips. She looked up at Mike and said “Fuck my throat!”

Mike needed no second invitation and he firmly gripped Sarah’s head before he began fucking her mouth and throat. “Ugg! Uuuuuuggg! Ugh!” Sarah groaned as Mike repeatedly forced his huge cock down the hot, cheating wife’s throat, his big balls bouncing off her chin. Sarah’s eyes watered and spittle spewed from her mouth, dripping off her chin, splashing her tits. Mike fucked the blonde beauty’s face for ages, loving the feel of her throat around his throbbing shaft. Sarah pushed a hand between her legs and fingered her soaking wet cunt. Muffled groans emanated from her mouth, and one of her hands dug into MIke’s buttock as she urged him on and pulled him deep, desperate for the young man’s hot cum. Mike sped up his thrusting and Sarah could hardly breathe as she gagged on the huge pole being stuffed into her throat. Finally, the moment she desired arrived and Mike spurted half a dozen jets of his hot cum into her throat.

Once he had drained his Balls Mike finally pulled his cock from Sarah’s throat and mouth, allowing her to suck in the air she desperately needed. Sarah momentarily slumped onto the floor, panting and looking up at Mike’s semi-hard cock, all sticky from her saliva. “You OK?” Mike asked as he reached out a hand for Sarah to grab so he could help her up off the floor. Once standing Mike manoeuvred Sarah onto the bed so she was lying on her back. Mike parted her legs and climbed in between them and said “My turn to sort you out,” as he nestled in between her legs and his tongue found the soaking wet slit of her pussy. Now it was Mike’s turn to moan “Mmmmmm!,” as he tasted the slutty wife's pussy juice. Mike slurped away for a few minutes, licking up and down Sarah’s slit and flicking her clit with his tongue.

Mike slid his hands under Sarag’s thighs, snaked them around her hips, over her tummy, and finally reached her firm breasts. He kneaded them for a moment until he finally gripped her nipples in between his fingers and thumbs. Mike’s lips found Sarah’s clit and clamped down on it. “Oooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh! Fuck! Aaaahhhhhhhhhh!” Sarah gasped as Mike simultaneously sucked Sarah’s clit hard and pinched her nipples. Sarah’s pelvis began to rock and sexual shockwaves shot through her body as Mike worked over her clit and her nipples with youthful eagerness. “Uuuuuuuuhhhhhh! Fuck! Mmmmmnnnnnn!” Sarah continued to moan as the young man ravaged her body, her orgasm quickly building and her mind not even thinking how wrong all this was. Mike released one of Sarah’s nipples and slid a hand back down to the entrance of her fuck hole. “Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhh! Shit!”Sarah shrieked as Mike pushed two fingers into the opening of her sex, hooking one of them so it rubbed her G spot. “Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeekkkkkkk! Ooooooooooohhhhhhhhhh! Fuck me!” Sarah shrieked as the combined pressure on her nipple, clit, and G spot made her orgasm explode. Her body shuddered and her cum juice spurted, spraying all over Mike’s fingers and face.

Sarah had hardly come down from her orgasm when she looked up to see Mike, shuffling between her legs, his massive cock, now rock hard again, swaying around like a cobra hunting its prey. He gripped her thighs, lifting them so he could slide his thighs underneath them, before grabbing his huge fuck pole and pressing it against Sarah’s entrance. He pushed it in and Sarah groaned,” Ooooofffffffff! Ooooooowwwwweeeee!Aaaaaaahhhh! Gently please!” Sarah's vaginal muscles were still contracted from her orgasm and so it hurt when Mike began to force his huge rod into her. Mike ignored her plea and rammed his cock, balls deep, into her soaking hole. “Uuuuuggggghhhhhhhh! Oh Fuck!” Sarah shrieked as her throbbing cunt was stretched so much she thought she would tear. “Oh! Mike. Please stop! Sarah begged as tears began to roll down her cheeks.

Mike panicked, assuming he had hurt the sexy blonde and that was the last thing he wanted. He pulled his huge cock out of Sarah’s fuck hole and put a hand on the side of her face, his thumb rubbing away the tears. “I’m sorry. Are you hurt? I didn’t mean to.”

Sarah cut him off before he could say anything more and looked up at him. Her eyes were red and watery and her bottom lip quivered as she spoke. “No! I’m not hurt! I’m just having a moment of guilt. I’ve betrayed my husband, twice now and I know I will do it again. You fuck me so well and I love your cock I know I won’t be able to resist it. But I need you to do something for me.”

“Anything!” Mike replied as he rubbed the tears from both Sarah’s cheeks.

Sarah took a deep breath and said, “After today you can fuck me whenever you want but just now will you make love to me. Firmly but gently! I need to know you can be kind to me and not just use me.”

Mike couldn’t believe his luck. He would do anything to be able to fuck the hot slutty blonde whenever he wanted. He already had numerous thoughts flashing through his head, but they would have to wait. “Of course,” Mike said as he looked down at Sarah.

Sarah curled a hand around the back of Mike’s neck pulled his face down towards her and said, “Let me be in control. Just kiss me.”

Mike kissed Sarah and she responded, kissing him back and flickering her tongue into Mike’s mouth. Sarah felt aroused, partly by guilt. She thought her husband would like to see her with another man but the secrecy and cheating were what aroused her. Her whole body tingled as she and Mike made out. Her hands roamed over Mike’s young body. He wasn’t like her husband, he was smooth and soft, unlike Ted who was hard and muscular. Sarah could feel Mike’s hard cock against one of her thighs and she knew she wanted it. She snaked a hand down between their bodies until her fingers touched it. She curled her fingers around Mike’s huge cock and guided the head to the entrance of her soaking-wet sex. She held it there for a few seconds, the big head nestled in her slit. She could feel Mike’s cock throbbing and twitching, eager to be inside her. Sarah pulled Mike’s cock and the head entered her. She broke off her kissing and whispered into Mike’s ear, “Enter me gently darling!”

Mike almost came at the sound of Sarah’s voice, such was the sensuality of her request, and he gently moved his hips forward so his big ten-inch cock slowly slid into the hot blonde’s love canal. As Mike bottomed out Sarah slid her hands over his body and cupped his small buttocks. Her hips began to rock as she ground her pubic mound against Mike’s, stimulating her clit. Sarah held on tightly to Mike’s buttocks, her nails digging into the flesh, pulling him hard against her, loving the feel of his massive cock buried deep inside her. Mike, unable to pull back, flexed his cock inside the hot blonde wife, the head nudging her cervix and the thick veiny shaft pressing on her G spot.

They stayed locked together like this for several minutes, Sarah grinding herself against MIke, squeezing and pulling on his buttocks. They kissed, tongues probing, and Mike managed to prop himself up on one elbow, making a little gap between their bodies on one side. Mike cupped one of Sarah’s tits and gently kneaded it, feeling the hard nipple digging into his palm. Mike felt Sarah’s vaginal passage contract, squeezing his shaft, making it throb. “Ooooooooohhhhhhh! O god! Uuuuuuuhhhhhhh! Aaaaaaaaaaah! Hmmmmmmm! Fuck baby! I’m getting close.” Sarah began to groan over and over, making Mike flex his cock even more. Mmmmmmmmm! Ooooohhhhh! Yes! Yes!Yesssss! Keep doing that!” Sarah wailed. As Mike flexed his cock Sarah planted her feet on the mattress and pushed her hips up allowing Mike to go even deeper. “Oooooooowwwwwwwww! Shit! Yes!” Sarah groaned as Mike’s cock head entered her womb. “Ahhhhhhhh! Fucking hell baby! I’m fucking cumming! Yes!Yes! It’s here! Ohhhhhhhhhh.Fuck! Yessssssssssss!” Sarah shrieked as her orgasm exploded and her whole body shuddered. She gripped Mike tightly as she bucked and shrieked her way through her orgasm until finally, she let out a huge sigh and her body went limp.

Mike was aware his weight was on Sarah making it harder for her to breathe, so he rolled off her, his huge cock springing free from her fuck hole, followed by a gush of orgasm juice. As Sarah recovered she looked to her side and saw Mike laying there, his huge hard cock, all sticky with her cum, laying on his stomach, the headway past his navel and she wondered how on earth the thing had fitted inside her. Sarah rolled onto her side and faced Mike then she put a hand on his chest and said, “Thank you that was very nice.” Sarah leaned forward and kissed Mike and as she did her hand nudged his hard cock. Sarah knew Mike needed to cum and she felt like she owed him. “Do you want me to finish you with my mouth?” Sarah softly asked her young lover.

“I’d rather fuck you again but I guess under the circumstances a nice blow job will do,” Mike responded.

“I know sweetie but I’m sure you will be fucking me lots, I certainly hope so. But just not today”, Sarah said as she gripped Mike’s huge cock, began stroking it, and lowered her head, wrapping her lips around his huge cock head. Mike let out a long groan as Sarah’s lips enveloped his cock head and then sighed as she began to take his cock into her mouth. As Sarah took Mike’s huge cock deeper and deeper she kept thinking how she had given him the green light to fuck her lots and she wondered where, when, how often, and what kind of sex they would be having. Sarah’s mind was focused when Mike let out a slight grunt and a huge gush of pre cum spewed from his cock. Sarah knew her young lover must be close and she gripped his cock hard, squeezing it so the big head swelled in her mouth. Sarah felt Mike tense and his cock throbbed a couple of times before he pushed his hips up and his body trembled as his cock erupted, cum spurting like a geyser into Sarah’s mouth. Sarah had to swallow three times to prevent her mouth from being overfilled and she savored the hot cum as it flowed to her tummy.

Both Sarah and Mike let out a big sigh of sexual satisfaction as they both lay on their backs, next to each other. After a couple of minutes, Sarah sat up and looked at Mike, she smiled when she saw his cock was limp and thought to herself, ‘thank god for that’, knowing deep inside if he had still been hard she would have probably minted him and ridden his big cock again but she needed to go. ‘Ok, lover! I’ll see you around very soon I hope. But don’t start calling me. I’ll call you very soon I promise.” Sarah said to Mike, before kissing him, getting up, dressing, and heading home.


As Sarah got home, she knew she needed to shower immediately to cleanse her body and guilt. She wept briefly in the shower at what she had done with Mike, not once but twice. Her emotions were in turmoil as she felt sure from what her husband had said about Mike, his big cock, and him fucking her whilst sounding excited, and turned on would probably be fine with her telling him. She wanted to do it, perhaps it would spice up their sex life but on the other hand what if it was fantasy talk? Sarah didn’t want to risk it but she didn’t want to stop fucking Mike. There was something about him being half her age, his cocky attitude, and of course his huge cock, which was generally hard, and the fact he could last for hours. As she washed her slightly sore pussy she was glad she hadn’t let Mike fuck her again as it would be ruined her for sex that evening with her husband, which right now was something she needed.

When Ted arrived home Sarah was relaxing in a robe, drinking a glass of wine. As soon as Ted came in Sarah jumped up to greet him with a big kiss and then poured him a glass of wine, “Did everything go well with Mike and the payment?”

Sarah felt a pang of guilt shoot through her but managed to remain composed as she said “Yes fine, he was talking to his boss in the cafeteria so it was all pretty quick. I gave him the money and told him he did a great job and I would recommend him to anyone I knew that was having a ****** event and wanted photos, that was it.”

“Oh, so you didn’t get a chance to be alone with him and see if he got horny and lusted over you,” Ted asked sounding a little disappointed.

“No, I told you he’s not my type,” Sarah responded giving Ted a playful slap. Sarah desperately wanted to get the conversation off Mike and kissed Ted. It wasn’t long before Ted had loosened her robe and was cupping her tits as they kissed. Although Sarah was a little sore she needed to be fucked by her husband if for no other reason than to ease her guilt, she needed to know that MIke fucking her wouldn’t affect her marriage. Sarah reached down and undid Ted’s pants freeing his cock and taking it in her grip she started to stroke it, feeling it growing in her hand the couple kissed passionately their hands exploring each other. After a couple of minutes, Sarah dropped to her knees and took Ted’s cock in her mouth. Ted gasped and groaned as his sexy wife slurped away on his cock, licking and sucking it from his balls to the tip. Sarah had excellent oral skills and after only a few seconds she had all of Ted’s seven inches in her mouth and throat with his balls on her chin and her nose buried in his pubic hair. Ted put his hands on Sarah’s head and pulled his cock back before thrusting it into her mouth. Sarah groaned and let out a muffled moan, a moan that Ted recognized, she wanted her throat and mouth fucked. Ted obliged, furiously thrusting his cock deep into his wife's face and kept on thrusting rapidly his cock muffling her moans, spittle dripping down her tits until he was ready to cum. He thought about pulling out but Sarah sensed his body tense and she gripped her husband's ass cheeks hard pulling his cock deep into her throat and was rewarded with a huge load of Ted’s hot cum.

Over the next couple of days, they had great sex and she didn’t think about Mike until once again Ted brought up his name. Sarah had been to the gym and got home about 7 PM, the couple had agreed to have takeout for dinner, which Ted had ordered, so Sarah could collect it on her way home. Sarah had showered at the gym so the couple could get straight into dinner and also have a few drinks. Ted refreshed their drinks and said, “I had another quick look at the videos Mike made for us this afternoon.”

“Oh, why honey?”

“Well when we watched it together we kept getting distracted so I wanted to watch it carefully,” Ted told his wife as he laughed.

Sarah laughed too as when they had watched the video they seemed to do more fucking than viewing, “Did you enjoy it?”

“Yes, very much. You look very hot, and sexy you could have a future in porn, maybe we could ask Mike back to make a movie with you as the star!”

Sarah’s heart beat faster as Ted spoke, she tried to remain composed and indifferent, “Interesting thought, so if it was just me what would I do?”

“Perhaps play with your big dildo? It was just a random thought probably not a reality. Besides if Mike did it his big cock would be rampant and he’d end up fucking you,” Ted said to his wife as he chuckled. Sarah shot her husband a scowl, “No chance, it’s never going to happen,” even as she spoke Sarah wondered why she hadn’t explored the idea further, maybe Ted wanted her to fuck Mike, that would let her off the hook and she could arrange with Mike to pretend it hadn’t happened. However she realized she had missed her chance and thought that a reversal of attitude now would seem odd but would not be so quick if it came around again, she thought. Sarah now had Mike on the brain and as she was due to work the following day she wondered what Mike would be doing. When Ted went to the bathroom Sarah decided to test the water, she got her phone and sent a text to Mike, ‘working 8 til 4 tomorrow x’.

Almost immediately a reply came back showing a thumbs up and an X. Sarah’s insides tingled, she was horny so she dragged Ted off to the bedroom and the couple fucked for hours before falling asleep. The following day Sarah was excited and a little nervous wondering what would happen with Mike, ’Would he find her, phone her, even though she had told him never to phone her, message her, or wait for her to find him and if so how would she do that,' her mind was wandering around so much she only just heard Ted come into the kitchen where she was clearing up after breakfast and tell her he would be late getting home that evening and would grab something to eat close to work, “OK baby," Sarah said as it wasn’t unusual for Ted to have to work late sometimes just as it wasn’t unusual for him to work at home or take a day off.

Sarah went to work, it was a pretty hectic day with lots of new admissions on her ward. A little after lunch Sarah got word that there would be an urgent patient coming in that evening who required some nongeneral equipment. Even though it would be well after her shift she decided to help out the late shift and set up a bed at one end of the ward with all the required equipment. Once Sarah looked at the checklist she realized several things would have to come from one of the equipment stores in the basement. When she thought about the basement she naturally thought about the photographic room in the lower basement where Mike had fucked her twice. Sarah could feel her pussy moisten at the memory and realized she still hadn’t made contact with him.

Sarah called the head janitor's office and the phone was answered by Gary, Mike’s boss whom Sarah had seen him sitting with in the cafeteria a few days earlier. Sarah wasn’t sure that Gary would remember her so she was a little surprised when after she told him she was Sister Simmons from orthopedics, he said, “Oh, hi Sarah, what can I do for you?” Sarah explained that she needed certain items and asked if she could get some help, “Oh sure, why don’t you come to my office and give me the list, I’ll do a location check and organize a collection for you,” although it wasn’t the usual process Sarah looked around, things had gotten quiet her team had everything well under control so she asked Gary for the room number of his office and told him she would be down in a few minutes.

Sarah told her team what she was doing reminding them that she had her pager if she was needed. On her way to the elevators Sarah decided to stop to use the restroom, whilst washing her hands she took a moment to look at herself in the mirror. Hospital scrubs weren’t the most glamorous items of clothing but she still thought she looked good although she wondered why she cared. She tidied up her hair, her ponytail had come loose, and headed off to Gary’s office. When Sarah arrived Gary was alone and she handed him the list of what she needed. Gary offered Sarah a seat while he tapped away on his keypad, “Looks like we are in luck, everything on that list is in one room.”

As Gary finished speaking Mike arrived, stood in the doorway, and asked, “What's up boss, do you need me to do something?”

Gary quickly wrote something on the piece of paper Sarah had given him and held it out to Mike, “Hi Mike, Sarah needs these things taken up to her unit, that's the location number, can you do that for her,” before Mike could answer Gary said, “The room is on this level not far away, you might as well go along to make sure everything looks OK before Mike takes it up." Sarah thanked Gary and got up to follow Mike all the while trying not to blush. From the way Mike had looked at her, it was clear he was looking forward to getting her alone in a room and Sarah felt like Gary couldn’t have helped but noticed. Also, Gary had been with Mike when Sarah met him in the cafeteria a few days earlier on the pretense of paying him for the photos he had taken. As Mike and she walked towards the store room Sarah couldn’t help but wonder if it was a coincidence or planned for Mike to be the one helping her and why Gary had asked her to bring the list down as opposed to reading it out or emailing it to him.

Mike smiled at Sarah and asked her how she was, Sarah politely told him that she was ok. There was some nervous tension between the two of them as they walked the forty or fifty meters to the room, with Mike grabbing a metal-wheeled trolley table on the way to load the equipment onto. When they got there Mike opened the door and ushered Sarah inside quickly following her and bringing in the trolley which he parked next to some shelving about halfway into the room. Almost as soon as he parked the trolley Mike turned to Sarah, “I’ve kind of missed you but I get you are busy and married.”

Sarah had a quick pang of guilt at the word married that she needed to get over quickly, “I’ve missed you too,” she said as she wrapped a hand around Mike’s neck and kissed him. The pair made out passionately their bodies pressed together. Sarah could feel Mike’s hard cock pressing against her. She ran her hands down to rub it through his trousers, as she rubbed her hand over the massive cock Sarah recalled how good it felt inside her and wondered when that would happen again, ”When are you gonna fuck me again, I miss your big cock, Honey?”

Mike turned Sarah around so she was facing the metal table trolly and stood behind her, grabbing one of Sarah’s tits with one hand and shoving his other hand down the front of her hospital scrubs, “I’m gonna fuck you right now, you horny slut.”

“What, no Mike! We can’t do it here, we’re both working.”

As Sarah spoke MIke got his hand inside Sarah’s panties and his fingers probed into her pussy he felt the warm, wet folds of Sarah’s pussy, “We’ll be quick, you’re soaking, you want it don’t you?”

“Oh god Mike, we can’t, it’s wrong,” Sarah groaned. Mike was unrelenting as Sarah spoke he managed to pull the drawcord of her scrubs trousers, loosening them so they would fall to the ground. Mike also managed to get his other arm up inside Sarah’s top and was cupping one of her firm tits feeling her hard nipple that where now poking through the thin fabric he pinched it, “Ah, Oh, Mike stop please!”

Mike had his hand right inside Sarah’s panties and his middle finger probed into her pussy her juices flowing down his finger. When it was covered he pulled it out and pushed his arm and hand out of the V at the top of Sarah’s scrubs pressing his finger to Sarah’s mouth, “Taste it, you’re dripping. You don’t want me to stop do you, you want me to fuck you, don’t you?”

Once Sarah sucked Mike’s finger and tasted her juices her resistance was gone, “Oh God, what am I doing? Yes, I want you to fuck me, I want your big cock in me, fuck me, Mike,” Sarah groaned. In a flash Mike pulled Sarah’s top off discarding it before removing her bra, freeing her tits. Then he pushed her forward bending her over the trolley table the cold steel top made Sarah’s nipples harden and sting. Mike gripped his big cock lining it up with Sarah’s fuckhole and pressed the head into her opening Sarah moaned as she felt the head of Mike’s cock stretching her pussy lips to allow him entry to her sacred place.

Sarah gasped as Mike drove his cock into her knocking the wind out of her. He began fucking her hard causing Sarah to gasp over and over as Mike drove his huge cock deep into her stretched-out fuck hole. Grabbing Sarah’s ponytail and pulling on it causing her back to arching and lifting her chest off the steel top trolley enough to allow her tits to swing but her nipples to rub against the cold steel making them tingle and throb. Mike knew how to push the slutty blonde’s button and pushed Sarah’s firm buttocks apart before spitting on her anus and pushed his thumb deep inside and began massaging her anal passage as he fucked her harder.

Sarah’s scalp stung, her nipples throbbed, her vaginal muscles contracted and she started to pant, “Oh, I’m cu... Cumming, I'm gonna cum," Sarah shrieked as she came hard.

Sarah lay slumped atop the steel trolley, cool air flowing around her gaping and sore fuck hole as Mike pulled out of her. As Sarah gathered her senses a little she realized she hadn’t felt MIke’s hot seed spurting into her and she couldn’t feel anything dripping down her thighs. What Sarah didn’t know was that Mike had other things planned for Sarah, other than filling her married cunt up with cum. Before Sarah could lift herself she felt a hand in the middle of her back holding her down and what she thought was Mike’s cock head teasing her tender pussy lips was not. Ever since Gary had seen Sarah come into the canteen to see Mike he had suspected something more than party photographs had happened. He had pressured Mike with threats of losing his job and without a job, Mike couldn’t afford college fees so he caved and told Gary he had fucked the sexy blonde. When Gary had interrogated Mike further he had revealed that his and Sarah's fucking was an ongoing thing. Gary had wanted some of the action, he was one of many men, working in the hospital who wanted to fuck Sarah and he now had his chance. Between he and Mike they hatched a plan to get Sarah into a room and for Mike to leave the door unlocked so Gary could enter when he heard the pair fucking. Sarah hadn’t seen the older man enter the room and was watching her being fucked hard, begging for more, she was ******* that whilst Gary watched MIke fucking her Gary had freed his cock and stroked it to hardness. Now fully erect a very thick, much thicker than Mike’s nine inches was primed and ready to be driven into the cheating wife’s hot cunt.

Sarah was, therefore, totally oblivious that the hand in the middle of her back and the cock head teasing her tender hole was Gary’s and not that of Mike, whom she thought must have just had a little break as she bucked and shook her way through her orgasm. Gary began to push his big thick cock into the blonde beauty’s vaginal passage. As his big cock head forced open Sarah’s pussy lips and entered her passage Sarah let out a groan, "Fuck that feels tight, go slow,’ Gary pushed harder, forcing his thick cock into Sarah, his fat rod stretching her as she moaned “Oh, god,” Sarah initially assumed it all felt so tight because her vaginal muscles still hadn’t relaxed after her orgasm but as Gary rammed more of his cock into her she was sure this was not Mike's cock, women can tell one from another without seeing who it is and this was something or someone different. Sarah put her palms on the table and tried to push herself up but the hand in the middle of her back held her down. Gary now had all of his thick cock deep inside her stretching the walls of her passage and he began fucking the hot blonde as Sarah’s juices began to liberally coat Gary’s cock the feeling inside her changed. She still felt stuffed but her body and mind enjoyed the pressure within her as the massive cock glided in and out, the thick veins pulling on her pussy lips as it withdrew and rammed back in, “Oh fuck, Oh, my god, Yes,” Sarah began to moan as Gary increased the pace of his thrusts.

To gain more penetration Gary lifted his hand off Sarah’s back and gripped her hips, holding them tightly as he fucked her pile driving her pussy and making her shriek, ”Oh, Shit,” with no hand on her back Sarah managed to push herself up slightly and turn her head seeing Gary fucking her and Mike was standing to the side stroking himself and smiling as he watched, “Huh, what the fuck,” Sarah managed to exclaim before Gary slammed his cock into her so hard it knocked her forward off her hands and as her chest touched the cold metal of the trolley she softly groaned, ”Uhh, shit!”

Despite Sarah’s shock and horror that she was now being fucked by Gary, thus making her sluttish betrayal of her husband even worse her body was welcoming the new cock that had invaded her. Although Mike’s cock was slightly longer than Gary’s, the thickness of this new fuckpole stretched her cunt so much that it ached with sexual pleasure. Sarah gripped the edge of the cold steel table and began to push her hips back meeting Gary’s thrusts. The loud slapping of his hips against her buttocks with each thrust echoed in her ears. Her mind and body were lost to her love and desire for the huge cock ramming into her and her acceptance brought about the first telltale tremors of her orgasm fast approaching. Gary could feel Sarah’s vaginal passage contracting around his cock making it swell even more, and the big head rubbed on her G-spot as he thrust in and out. Sarah’s whole body tensed as the pressure inside her became painful and pleasurable at the same time. A few more hard thrusts from Gary’s big cock were enough to take her over the edge and her body shook from the orgasmic explosion inside her.

Sarah lay panting on the cold steel trolley top her post orgasmic tremors still rumbling through her body. She had hardly come back down to earth following the explosion inside her when she felt another cock being pushed into her still throbbing cunt. Sarah quickly looked over her shoulder and saw Mike standing behind her smiling, “Uhh, fuck,” Sarah groaned as Mike pushed his cock deep into her and began fucking her for a second time. Sarah felt spent and lay there as Mike fucked her hard and fast. She knew he was going to cum inside her filling her with his usual massive cum load. She would have to go back to work with his cum inside her and she didn’t care. She loved how his big cock felt as it plowed her cunt, deep and hard. It didn’t take long before Sarah was, once again, on the verge of an orgasm. It was only Gary’s big fat cock being stuffed into her mouth that muffled her moans.

Gary and Mike, spit-roasted the slutty, cheating wife, ramming their cocks into her in sync for several minutes as they gradually increased their pace like a well-drilled team. It also wasn’t long before they were both ready to spill their seed. Gary was first to cum gripping Sarah’s head and pushing his cock deep. His first spurts of cum hit the back of Sarah’s throat before he pulled back a little and the last of his load spewed out filling her mouth, as she swallowed Mike exploded inside her his hot cum spurting like a geyser into her womb, Sarah’s body reacted with her orgasm surging through her body. All three of them remained locked together in a trembling, groaning mass for a minute before they all got themselves together.

Gary and Mike pulled their limp cocks from Sarah and between them, they lifted her off the trolley. Sarah’s legs felt weak and her face was flushed to her surprise Gary handed her a small towel, which she quickly pushed between her legs to mop up the waterfall of cum dripping from her gaping cunt, “You’re one hot woman, fucking beautiful,” Gary said to Sarah before quickly dashing out of the room. Sarah grabbed her top and began to dress properly, wondering what she looked like at the same time Mike quickly grabbed the items on Sarah’s list and loaded them onto the trolley.

When they were both done Sarah said, ”What the fuck was all that about, did you plan that you bastard?”

Mike looked a little shocked and embarrassed, “No, not really! Gary suspected something was going on after the day in the cafeteria and he pressured me, talking about letting me go. I kind of caved and told him what had happened and he set today up telling me he wanted a piece of the action. Please don’t be mad, you seemed to enjoy it!”

Sarah felt herself blush as Mike had a point but she still hit back, ”That’s hardly the fucking point, I’m not your property and I decide who I fuck and when.”

Mike looked a little sheepish before he asked,” Will, I still get to fuck you?”

Sarah wanted to say no but she knew she wanted Mike’s cock, so she said,” Yes, if you get this lot to my unit quickly and help me set it all up. I have to go to the restroom and sort myself out, I’ll see you up there, Mike agreed.

Sarah went to the restroom despite having used the towel her panties were soaked in cum. She would have to finish out the day commando and hope her colleagues wouldn’t smell the scent of sex on her. As she cleaned herself up a bit more she also felt how tender and swollen her pussy was and was thankful that her husband wouldn’t be at home when she finished work.

To be continued……