"We'll just make an appearance, then leave as soon as we can," I said to my wife. My boss had invited us to his annual New Year's Eve party, and neither of us were very enthusiastic about going.

"Michael has always just been so arrogant around women, and he makes my skin crawl," said Joyce. "Do we really have to go?"

"Yes, we have to go. The truth is that I don't think he ever bought our excuse from last year," I replied. "Remember? We said we had to go to your mother's instead? Lately, he's been making a lot of comments at the office about people who don't come to his parties and saying maybe they're not happy with the company, and should leave or be fired. If we don't go this year, I'm afraid my career at the company may be on thin ice."

"Well, all right then Barry, but just know that I'm going under protest. How long do you think we'll have to stay?" she asked.

"An hour, max. Less, if we can get away with it."

"Well, just make sure you don't leave my side. It gives me the creeps just to be around Michael, especially if you're not around. Every time he looks at me, it makes me feel like he's undressing me with his eyes."

We finished getting ready, and I couldn't help admire Joyce's appearance, but it was almost like she was asking for trouble with that gauzy top showing quite a lot of cleavage and the tight skirt that clung to her ass in a way that would be hard for any man to ignore.

"You're not going to make things any easier by dressing like that, you know" I said.

She arched her eyebrows at me. "I just decided that I might as well make that boss of yours jealous about what you have and what he'll never have," she said, tossing her hair back and smiling.

"You're terrible, but I love you honey," I said, chuckling.

"You know I love you, too." she said.

The drive over to my boss's place took about forty minutes, as we hit some traffic, before arriving at his huge, secluded mansion. He had made a fortune, I knew, in the dot com boom, before he started up the commodities trading business where I had worked for two years. He was the consummate salesman, together with being a top flight financial guy. Usually, he had little trouble getting what he wanted by brains and force of personality. There were rumors, too, about his legendary appeal to most women, but that never seemed to affect Joyce much, though. She clearly didn't like the guy.

I had heard some loose talk here and there at the office that there was nothing Michael liked better than seducing the wives of his employees, especially right in front of the husbands. "I'd like to see him try that with Joyce," I thought, smiling to myself. I was sure, as sure as you can be about these things, that Joyce hadn't been intimate with any other man since we got engaged in our third year of college it certainly seemed like things were good in bed for us so I never worried.

Michael greeted us at the door, a large drink in hand. As we entered a large foyer, someone came up to help us with our coats. Michael said, "Welcome Barry. And Joyce. Wow Joyce, you look good enough to eat," he laughed. "Glad you could get away from those ****** obligations this year," he said, his eyes narrowing just a bit.

"Hello Michael," Joyce said, with some reserve. "I hope you don't mind, but we can't stay too long tonight. We have to get over to my sister's party later."

Michael gazed at my beautiful wife. "Well, I'm hoping that maybe you'll find things so enjoyable here tonight Joyce that you'll have a hard time leaving."

I looked at Michael, trying to figure out just what he meant by that remark, but I couldn't read him if he did. Michael didn't seem like anything special from a physical standpoint. He was maybe 5'10", a bit overweight, with his black hair starting to thin but I did have to admit there was something compelling about his unbounded self-confidence, his steady unwavering gaze, and his low, smooth, insistent voice.

"Let me get you some drinks," he said, as we entered. "I had a very rare liqueur shipped in from Guadeloupe special just for the party tonight and it's rumored to have some real special aphrodisiac effects" he said. Then he leaned toward Joyce and gave her a quick peck on the cheek, before turning and heading further into the house.

Joyce and I followed him through the large living room to the bar on the far side. Behind an assortment of spirits, there was a very large black bartender, whose shaved head glowed underneath the soft track lighting. "Terrell, my friend. Please, a bourbon for the gentleman and myself, and fix up one of our special Dulce Erotique for the lady," said Michael.

Joyce began to object, but I nudged her. "Take it easy, it'll be fine. I'm right here. Besides, those stories about exotic aphrodisiacs are just fantasies."

After Terrell had presented Joyce with her tall, golden colored concoction, and Michael and I with ours, Michael raised his glass. "Let's drink to love tonight" he said as he raised his glass and completely drained the glass. I on the other hand just took a few sips, and was shocked to see that Joyce had also completely drained her glass and after telling Michael how good it was, and to my surprise, asked for another. And, after ten minutes or so of more small talk, she had again drained her glass and asked for another, and then one more. Terrell, smiled widely as he watched the way she was so easily downing the drinks.

"Careful, Babe," I whispered.

"I'm fine Barry" she said, although there was something about her gaze now that looked a little distant, and her eyelids had lowered just a fraction. "If I have to be here, I certainly better be allowed to drink! She said as she looked at me somewhat mad that I had suggested that she slow down.

Michael conducted a quick tour of the first floor for us. We'd never been there before. We passed dozens of other guests, some of whom I knew, but most were unfamiliar. Along the way, Terrell always seemed to find us and brought us a few more drinks. I had to admit, the place was furnished with great taste, including original paintings and sculptures scattered about.

"What's down that hallway?" Joyce asked, as we peered down a dark corridor, lit only by dim red overhead recessed lighting.

"I was hoping you'd ask about that," said Michael. "This is my favorite part of the house."

A faint rhythmic beat, more felt than heard, became noticeable as we proceeded down the hall. At the end was a large octagonal room, furnished only with cushions, arrayed in front of a huge television screen. Burning hookahs seemed to be strategically placed throughout, and the sweet smell of marijuana filled the air.

"Mmmm, I recognize that smell" Joyce said, surprising me a little. We had both smoked a bit in our younger days at college, but never since we'd been married.

"Would you like some?" Michael asked. "It's a special blend from Morocco and very good."

It looked to me like Joyce was already feeling some effects from the exotic drinks, and then I heard her tell Michael "Oh my yes. It's been so long since I've had any of that. Can we really try it?"

Michael led us into the room and he helped Joyce down to a pile of soft cushions, and then each of us sat down on each side of her.

I wondered.....Was it just my imagination, or was there a barely perceptible vibration in the floor underneath us? I couldn't tell for sure.

The three of us took a series of long draws from the hookah, and relaxed to the sound of piano jazz, surrounding us from invisible speakers, with an insistent, thrusting beat behind it.

I watched as Joyce took several more draws on the hookah and then heard her say in a low voice, almost like a moan "Mmmmm, I haven't felt like this since college. I almost feel like I'm floating."

"Barry, do you mind if I have a dance with Joyce?" asked Michael politely.

Joyce looked at me and smiled before she said "It's OK isn't it Barry? This nice man just wants to dance with me." my beautiful wife said.

"Sure. But make sure that you save the last dance for me," I replied jokingly.

The two of them laughed as Michael lifted her from the cushions and guided her to the center of the room, onto a small, rather intimate parquet dance floor. At a distance of only fifteen to twenty feet, my view of them was just a little obscured by the swirling smoke in the room, which somehow seemed to just have gotten a bit thicker. Moving in the reddish light, it seem to form semitransparent crimson curtains which now sometimes obscured, and then sometimes revealed, the couple as Michael took Joyce in his arms.

At that moment, I saw the large television screen light up at the other end of the room, and I squinted to make out what it was displaying. Soon unmistakable images of the highest quality, hard core pornography came into view. The scene before my surprised eyes was of a beautiful blonde with her legs spread wide, a man's head between her legs. Her head moved back and forth with sexual excitement, as her hands were behind the man's head, pressing him tighter to her pussy.

"Ahhh, ohhhh yes Michael, that's it, lick me right there. Right there, ooooooohh" the sound from the video filled the room.

"This is going to be sure trouble," I thought. "As soon as Joyce hears this, we're going to be out of her."

I peered through the dim light at Joyce and Michael dancing. You could tell right away that Michael was a really smooth dancer. They effortlessly moved together, with him holding her quite close. In fact, as I looked harder, I could see that his arm circling her waist had moved lower, so he was caressing the top of her ass. What's more, he was leaning close and whispering in her ear, and as she tilted her head forward to listen, I thought I heard her giggling playfully. Either she wasn't hearing the low moans of sexual ecstasy that filled the room, or, for some reason unbeknownst to me, she just didn't seem to care at that moment.

Slow song followed slow song, and after a short while my eyes started getting heavy. The combination of the alcohol and the pot I had ingested along with the second hand pot smoke that I was exposed to had made me drowsy, and, after a short struggle, I could no longer keep my eyes open and I slipped into unconsciousness. I don't know how long I was out, but when I awoke, the room was still dark, the music had stopped, and as I looked around, I couldn't find any trace of my wife, or Michael and I was completely alone except for the images on the big screen which I couldn't make out very well because of all the smoke.

I moved across the room to see if I could find Joyce, who I was sure would want to go home by now and as I did, I moved closer to the big screen. From the speakers came a man's voice, and I suddenly realized it was Michael's voice. Then, as I looked at the screen, I figured that a professional cameraman was shooting the scene. As the perspective turned and Michael's face came into view, the camera zoomed in for a close up on Michael's face, and I was shocked to hear him speak and quickly realized he was speaking directly to me. "Don't you worry, Barry," he said, "Joyce and I are fine. We're in a secluded and remote portion of the house away from you now and don't bother trying to find us, as all the doors to the room you're in are secured. so you should just relax and enjoy the show."

The camera moved back and panned around, to reveal Joyce sitting on the other side of a dimly lit room. She was seated on a low couch, with another one of those special drinks in her hand. I saw Michael enter the room from somewhere on the left, and sit down beside her and hand her a joint. I saw her take a long draw from it, holding the smoke in her lungs as long as she could, then exhaling slowly the way we both used to do when we were in college.

"Mmmmm, this is some really good stuff," she said. "Thanks for the tour of the rest of the house, Michael, but I think I should really be getting back to Barry now. Where is he anyway?"

"There's no rush," Michael said to Joyce. "I've wanted to be alone with you for a long time." And he leaned in and lightly kissed my wife on the lips.

She pulled back from him at first, but he held her tightly, and then kissed her more deeply.

"Joyce honey, you're one of the sexiest married women that I've seen in a long time," he said, as he broke the kiss. "You must know how much you drive men wild with that come hither look of yours, and those sexy clothes."

Joyce giggled, and said "Thanks Michael, but I bet you've said that to dozens of others before me?"

"That may be true," he said, "but I've never meant it more than I do now. You're a really sexy and good looking wife and Barry is very lucky to have you!"

He leaned in and I watched as their lips met again, and I noticed that this time she didn't seem to be resisting and after several long, silent moments, I heard a low moan that seemed to involuntarily escapefrom my wife, and then I heard her say, "No, Michael, as much as I might want to, I can't."

"Just relax Joyce," said Michael. "I promise you that you're going to enjoy this more than anything that's ever happened in your life."

"But...but my husband..." she said.

Michael interrupted her with another deep kiss, an even longer one this time. I couldn't take my eyes off of the screen as the camera focused on her hands, laying at her side at first, but then I saw them moving. at first imperceptibly, and then watched as they moved up behind his head.

"I feel so, so, strange, I don't know, almost like I'm quivering inside and vibrating all over," Joyce said. "And I have to admit that it feels so good, that I guess another little kiss couldn't hurt, could it?" she asked.

Michael didn't answer, and now I could only watch as she was the one clearly kissing him, the camera focusing on their lips pressed together and then I heard her whisper, seemingly to herself, "I can't believe I'm feeling this way and being so naughty."

I watched them continue kissing, harder this time, and as the camera again zoomed in I saw his mouth opening, and hers too, his tongue entering, moving slowly in, then out again, a simulated coitus. And her tongue was responding, moving inside his open mouth, their tongues swirling and pressing against each other. The camera pulled back a little as he broke their kiss, and he moved his lips to her ear, whispering something softly that I couldn't hear, his red tongue moving wetly on her white earlobe.

"Mmmmm, that feels so good" she said softly.

Now the camera focused on his left hand, sliding down her shoulder over the gauzy blouse, now stroking softly over her breast, and sliding over the nipple, smoothly back and forth.

"Ooohh, that feels so good, but I shouldn't," she said but I could see that her body was saying something differentl, as her nipple hardened under his hand, and her back arched, presenting herself to him. His hand continued to move over her breast, caressing it, moving round and round, softly stimulating her nipple which I could see now thrusting upward under the fabric.

He cut off her comment with another long kiss, this time her mouth opening widely to thrust her tongue into his mouth. He continued stroking her breast, and now, little by little, began sliding her blouse down over her shoulder, exposing her breast before him, surprising me to see she had worn no bra tonight. Apparently lost in her feelings, Joyce made no protest to this, and then, suddenly, he broke the kiss again, and moved his head down to lick hotly, wetly around her hard nipple.

"Ohhhh yessss," she murmured, pulling his head toward her. Her own head tilted back now as he stimulated her nipple, first on her right breast, then pulling her blouse down completely to her waist, moving to her left breast. While licking and sucking there, his hand caressed the other breast, so as to excite both nipples at once to even greater tumescence.

"Michael, I really shouldn't," she said, "my husband...."

Ignoring this, Michael's free hand removed her blouse from the waist of her tight skirt, and tossed the blouse on the floor, leaving her naked before him from the waist up. Then he returned to lick her nipples, as her eyes slowly closed.

"Ohhhhh, ahhhhh, yesssss," she murmured.

Now she moved both of her hands behind Michael's head, and with him continuing to suck and lick her nipples, she pressed him toward her.

The camera panned down to focus on Michael's left hand, which was now softly stroking the inside of Joyce's thigh. Slowly, inch by inch, his left hand moved higher up her leg, squeezing and stroking her there while his tongue on her nipples continued to drive her crazy.

"Oohh, Michael, we have to stop. Please," she moaned, her voice no longer a low murmur. His hand had disappeared under her skirt, and had moved higher and higher up her thigh, then he reached around behind her and more quickly than I could imagine unbuttoned the button at the back of Joyce's skirt and zipped down the zipper. This loosened her skirt, giving him easier access to her pussy, and I could only imagine his hand under her skirt moving her thin panties to one side, as she cried, "Ohhhhhh ahhhhhhh...yessssss, that feels so good.....yes.......touch me there, Michael."

Now her hips began slowly moving rhythmically against Michael's hidden hand, thrusting upward to meet his fingers, which I had to figure must be stroking her wet clit, moving her closer and closer to orgasm.

She looked him in the eyes, then her eyes slowly closed. "Ohhhh yes.......do it, Michael," she said. "Put your fingers in me. Ohhh Yesss, that's it.....it feels so good!."

I was mesmerized by the scene before me on the screen. I could never have imagined Joyce doing this with any other man. Never in a million years. I was jealous, yes, but turned on in a way that was hard to understand. No question, though. There was no denying that my dick was rock hard.

Michael turned and looked straight at the camera and I knew he was doing it for me, as with a smile he reached behind my writhing wife and pulled her skirt down and off. Now Joyce was lying beneath him, panting, looking up at him wearing only those tiny red panties I had bought her from Victoria's Secret, and given to her at Christmas less than a week before.

He leaned forward and kissed heragain, their mouths open and tongues meeting with total abandon. As the kiss seemed to last forever, the camera panned down again, this time focusing on her left hand, lying motionless at his knee. The gold of her wedding band glittered on her ring finger. And then, her hand started to move, tentatively, then more purposefully, up his thigh. After moving upward across his thigh, she began sliding her hand slowly up and down over his pants, stroking what I knew must be his hard cock through the fabric, and now it was Michael's turn to moan softly.

"I've wanted you for so long, Joyce," he said, as she continued to softly stroke his cock. "Go ahead, unzip me now."

I watched as Joyce's fingers moved tentatively up to the top of his pants, and slowly drew down the zipper. Michael was wearing no underwear, and as Joyce moved the zipper down, I saw his fully hard and big thick cock pop free. I couldn't believe my eyes. His cock was easily more than twice as long as me, and much thicker and bigger around, too. After she moved the zipper all the way down, his cock now in full view, Michael quickly slipped out of his pants, whipped off his shirt, then reached under Joyce and pulled off the red panties, my present to her, all seemingly in one smooth motion. Now Michael and my wife were totally naked. Together.

They fell into a close embrace, heavily kissing as her hand found his cock again, while his hand stroked her pussy, with her hips moving up and down under him.

She looked at him and said, "Wait....please, I just can't do this, I can't have actual sex with you and be unfaithful to Barry, but please, let me find some other way to make you cum....I promise you'll like it."

"Sure, Michael," he said. "Whatever you say." But he didn't seem in a rush to get off himself, as he began tonguing wetly down Joyce's hot stomach. Then, lifting his head, he moved down past her pussy and began licking just inside her right thigh. At the same time, both his hands reached up and caressed her breasts.

"Ohhhh, you're teasing me," she said, as he began moving his tongue higher and higher up her inner thigh, leaving a shiny wet track of its progress. Her hips were moving in anticipation, but he didn't rush it. Minutes passed while he continued to lick and suck on Joyce's thigh, then her other thigh, as she placed her hands behind his head, futilely trying to pull him upwards to her burning clit.

By this time I was so horny that I had removed my own clothes. I sat there, unable to take my eyes off of the screen before me, as I stroked my own much smaller dick slowly as I continued to watch them.

I saw Michael stop and look up at the camera like he was also watching something and saw him smile. Now Michael was breathing on Joyce's pussy, and his long tongue lapped out and made electric contact with her clitoris.

"Ohhhh, yesss Michael" she said. "Right there, that's it, aaaahh" as her head began to move back and forth.

Michael cupped both of her ass cheeks from behind, pulling her pussy to his mouth and tongue, staying right with her as her hips thrust repeatedly up to him. Now she was moaning incoherently, and I couldn't make out any actual words. After minutes of his tongue lashing again and again over her hot, wet clit, I thought I could see his finger tracing around her asshole. And she screamed. "You're driving me crazy Michael. Your tongue is soooo hot and wet on me Michael. Please, make me cum. Make me cum now. I've got to cum nowwww."

At that instant, Michael suddenly moved up, kissing Joyce on the mouth, positioning his huge cock right at the entrance to her hot wet and rotating pussy.

"It's right there Joyce....we both know that you want it, so just go ahead and put it in," he murmured, "A sexy and good woman like you deserves to know what that big cock feels like in that married pussy of yours. It will give you more pleasure then you've ever had before!"

"Ohhhhhh Michael......yes...yes....I want it but I can't do that to Barry," she said, even though her hips involuntarily and unconsciously moved upward at him.

"Sure you can Joyce! Look...look over there at that screen on the wall," I heard Michael tell my wife, as he gestured off to their right. "Look at the screen."

Joyce turned her head in that direction and then I heard her say "Oh my God," she said, "it's Barry."

"That's right, Joyce," I heard Vice tell her. "He's still back in that other room and you know what? He has a screen there where he's been watching us all along. He's been watching us, you and me together, Joyce. All along. Look at him, do you really think he minds what is going on? No, way, Joyce. Look at him. He's so turned on by seeing us together that he's taken all his clothes off and he's jacking that little dick of his off. My God Joyce, Barry's dick is so small! A sexy woman like you deserves more, needs more, so much more than that little dick of his!"

And the truth is that even knowing that they were watching me, I couldn't stop. I just couldn't stop myself and I continued to jack my dick off, just thinking about and seeing my wife naked with Michael and thinking about all I had seen and what I was sure was going to happen and it was only a minute after I was aware that they were watching that I felt my balls tighten and then I started to cum and cum and cum, right there as they both watched me, my hot cum spurting up and all over my belly. I'm not sure why, but I was so hot that I reached down with my other hand and began to scoop the cum off of my belly and lick it off of my fingers and I continued to do it until my balls were empty and all the cum was gone.

"Look at him licking that cum up Joyce......he loves it and I'm going to see that he gets all the cum he can swallow from now on!" Michael told her. Joyce said nothing, as she just continued to look at me on the screen. I think in a way, she was in shock, seeing me jack off from watching her with Michael and doing and saying nothing to even try to stop them. Finally, silently without saying a word, she turned her head back to Michael, kissing him fiercely, her tongue fucking his mouth.

The camera focused then on her left hand, the one with the wedding band, that was now moving down his lower back, and sliding down between them while she spread her legs wide and guided his huge cock to the entrance to her pussy.

I heard Michael say "Joyce?"

"Yes, Michael"

"Tell me what you want, Joyce."

"I want you to fuck me. Please Michael, please fuck me. I want to feel your big cock inside of me. I need to feel what it's like to be fucked by a big cock, a real man's cock and I want to feel you shoot your cum inside me."

I saw the smile on Michael's face as he looked at the camera and then Michael's hips began to move. Slowly, rhythmically, totally controlling my wife in an unhurried way. Each thrust was punctuated by his grunting, and her moan of pleasure, in time with him, and it got to the point that it was difficult to tell whose was whose.

"Unh....unh.....unh....unh... unh...unh....," the sound surrounded me, seemingly without end, the rhythmic cadence continuing, their bodies melting together, as she cupped his ass cheeks, as if trying to pull his big cock deeper and deeper inside of her.

I heard fragments of Joyce's voice. "Oohh, God, your cock, Michael....It's soooo big, so much bigger than Barry's .....and you were right....it's sooo good....I....God...I never knew...ohhhh, never knew sex could be like this.....oh God, yes...yes.....give me more Michael....give it to me...give me more." And Michael did just that with his powerful cock, thrusting again and again with incredible stamina, with the two of them moving together in a dance as old as time.

Then without warning Joyce let out a long screaming high cry the likes of which I had never heard before. "Oh my Gawddd aiiiiieeeeeeeee, I'm cummmmminggg Michael. I'm cumming..... just from the feel of your big cock.....Oh shit....shit.....I never cum with Barry's little dick.....You were right....I love the feeling that a big cock gives me....Oh yes,....aiiiieeeeee I'm cumming again..Oh oh.....aiiiiiiieeeeeeeeee again! She was screaming now, cumming again and again and I knew that Michael could do whatever he wanted with her. I knew that Joyce was right. She had never had even one orgasm from my dick, only from my tongue as I would eat her before and after we had sex! Yes, I would eat her after I had cum inside of her and Michael was right. I did like the taste of cum, at least the taste of my own. I had never tasted another man's cum, and never had the desire or thought of trying it, but what did Michael mean...."that he would see that I got all the cum I could swallow from now on?"

He was fucking Joyce harder now and she continued to have orgasm after screaming orgasm. Her eyes were closed and it was obvious that she loved what was happening to her.

She just kept on moaning, telling him again and again...yes Michael...Oh yes....I love the feeling that your big cock is giving me....I love big cocks.....I need big cocks inside of me.......not Barry's little dick.....you were right...I need....deserve a real man's cock in me! Oh Michael.... please ....please cum inside of me now....shoot your cum in me and fill me up with the cum of a real man!" she continued to moan and shove herself against the big cock that was buried deep inside her.

"Oh yes Joyce.....yes! If you like big cocks, you haven't felt anything until you've felt a big black cock in that married white pussy of yours. My black bartender Terrell, he has a really big cock, at least 12 inches long and really thick. It makes mine look small and makes Barry's little dick look like a babies. Would you like to try Terrell's big black cock Joyce? If you like it, I can get you lots of big black cocks to fill that how married pussy of yours, all the time!

Michael continued to pound Joyce's cunt all the while he was talking and she was whimpering with pleasure. Oh Michael...Michael....your big cock feels so good...so damn good! I know that I shouldn't but maybe I would like to try Terrell's big cock too sometime...and then she started to orgasm again as I heard her aiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeee....yes......yes.....Oh I love big cocks and yes, I'll try Terrell's black cock.....but for now, please Michael...please shoot your cum inside of me....I want to feel a real man's cum inside of me!"

Michael ignored her request that he cum in her right then, and just continued to pound her right through her orgasms, never stopping, never slowing his rhythm, just continuing to fuck my lovely wife who was writhing beneath him.

I lost count of the numbers of orgasms or the many more minutes of hard sex that followed, with both of them grunting in time to his thrusts. Gradually I could see the light reflecting brightly off my wife's shining sweat-soaked body, as they moved rhythmically together.

"unh......unh......unh......unh......unh......unh" and then my wife's voice again took over in a crescendo of sexual murmors, "ooohh, ahhhh, yessss.....aaaaauiiiiii........I'm cumming again, Michael....Do it to me, do it, ohhhh goddddd." Joyce's eyes closed as her lips pulled back from her teeth and her head thrashed back and forth as she screamed and pulled hard on Michael's buttocks, pulling his huge cock deeply into her and I heard Michael's voice say "Okay Joyce...here it cums...take my cum...take all my cum in that married cunt of yours!"

At that moment, the screen went blank, and the room went silent. In a couple of minutes, I heard the doors unlock and Terrell appeared saying "Please get your clothes on, Barry. Mr. Michael has asked that I escort you back to the bar. He says he thinks you could probably use a good stiff drink, maybe a double. Says you'll most certainly need it." Terrell had a wide smirk on his face as he looked down at my little dick, still uncovered in front of him.

I did as I was told and hurried and got dressed, and when Terrell guided me back to the bar, I noticed that all of the other guests were gone now.

"Double bourbon, neat," he said, as he passed the glass across the counter. "Now you will have to excuse me sir, Mr. Michael has other plans for me right not, but you have the full use of the bar while I'm gone."

And then he disappeared. So there I sat, nursing my drink and my thoughts. Terrell never came back until almost two and half hours later, and Michael and Joyce were with him. The three of them appeared together, Michael in a silk robe, followed by Terrell who was in a terry robe, and Joyce. I saw that Joyce was walking a bit unsteadily, and she and Terrell were holding hands, her dainty white fingers lost in his huge black paw. She was smiling up at the big black man as they walked back to the room.

Michael handed me a DVD and said "Well Barry, I hope you've enjoyed your time here tonight. I've made you a copy of the nights activities so you can watch it again and also see what you missed when Terrell joined Joyce and me, He had a big grin on his face and there was no doubt in my mind about what had gone on once Terrell joined them. Joyce continued to hold Terrell's hand and smile up at him.

"I know that Joyce enjoyed herself and she has assured me that she won't be a stranger and will be back again soon and often from now on. You see Barry, a sexy woman like Joyce needs a lot more than you can provide, but that's not your fault that you were shortchanged when it comes to that little dick of yours, but Terrell and I are going to see that she gets all the big cock, and by that I mean all the big black cocks for that married white pussy of hers from now on! Terrell has lots of black friends that love white pussy and Joyce has already said that she can't wait to meet two or three of them at a time in the future so that will be arranged, maybe even before the evening is over. Oh, and since we all know how much you like eating cum Barry, Terrell and I've made sure there's plenty left in Joyce's cunt for you to eat when you get home and in the future, we might even let you be right there with us so that you can clean out each load between fucks if you want and agree to behave yourself!"

Joyce's eyes met mine, and I was pretty sure that I saw a look of disgust for me in them at that moment, and then with a flash of defiance, she walked over and kissed first Michael, sliding her hand down and squeezing his big cock through his robe and then moved over to give Terrell a long full tongue kiss as she opened his robe right there in front of me and wrapped her hand around the biggest and blackest cock I had ever seen. He had his hands on her ass and gave it a squeeze before she walked over and said to me, "let's go Barry, you have a lot of cleaning up to do when we get home and I can't wait to feed you what Michael and Terrell left inside of me!"

She turned and said "Thank you both for such a great time tonight. I really enjoyed it and yes, I can guarantee that I'll, I mean we'll be back real soon and real often!

Then she reached out and took my hand and we walked out into the cold night air.

I wasn't sure where this would take us but I knew after tonight things would never be the same.

The end for now but more to cum.....