The Lurkers in the Hall by Stormbringer

Author's note: This is an erotic horror story based on the works of HP Lovecraft.

Thomas got out of his bmw and looked up at the old mansion. The large old house stood out against the sky and the sea beyond, surrounded by primevil forests, but alone on this shunned and deserted stretch of coast.The sun was rapidly fading, casting long shadows from the house's turrets out towards the sea. The shadows extended the two hundred feet towards the edge of the cliff. Thomas could see whitecaps on the stormy Atlantic heading towards the shore and he heard the waves breaking against the storm wracked cliff over four hundred feet below the mansion.

"So this is Hollingswood Hall," said his wife, getting out of the car and walking over towards him. "Spooky isn't it?"

Thomas couldn't help but agree. The house haunted him, not with ghosts, but with memories. He never lived here, but he visited his grandfather here many times before the old man went mad.

Hollingswood Hall was built by Caleb and Hester Hollings in 1810 with additions in 1870 and 1911. Thomas's grandfather had the house completely renovated in 1962 and the crazy old coot lived here alone after his wife's disappearance in 1970. It was known that he had abused his wife and everyone thought that he had killed her.

Thomas started choking up as he stared at the old mansion. Beth put her arms around his shoulder and hugged him. It seems that history was repeating itself, thought Thomas, thinking of his brother. Edward had moved into the house last year and his wife had disappeared eight months ago. Edward had almost been convicted for her murder, but no body was ever found. Still, many of his ****** and friends thought he killed her and shunned him. Edward had become a little mentally unbalanced and was now a recluse, ignoring human contact.

"He didn't do it, I know he didn't do it," muttered Thomas.

"I know dear," said Beth holding him tight. "That cliff looks dangerous, she probably wandered to close to the edge... and well you know."

"That's probably what happened," said Thomas, mustering his courage. "I hope you don't believe in curses."

"If I did, I wouldn't be here," said Beth. Truth was, she had always dreamed of living in a house like this. Even if it was on a desolate stretch of coast in the middle of nowhere. Maine was far from Boston, but once they had moved in, she'd have all her girlfriends up to visit. Hand in hand they walked down the long driveway, past the big empty fountain and up to the large oak doors of the mansion. Thomas unlocked the door and opened it. The last rays of the setting sun shining inside the door.

Skrit skrit skrit skrit

"Welcome to our new home." said Thomas flicking on the light. He looked around the floor and cocked his head, listening. He could swear he had heard something just after opening the door.

"Wow," said Beth, looking over his shoulder. It was even more impressive then she had imagined. The entry hall was huge with a large chandelier hanging from the ceiling and a big staircase winding up the far wall.

As they entered the mansion, they both jumped as a loud "dong" echoed throughout the house. A magnificent grandfather clock dominated the Southern wall of the foyer and was chiming eight o'clock. To the left of the old clock hung an old painting of a stern faced young couple in late 18th century clothing.

"That's Caleb and Hester," said Thomas noticing his wifes' interest.

"They're definitely your ancestors," said his wife jokingly. "He has your nose."

Thomas unconsciously rubbed his large hooked nose and pointed at the picture to the right of the clock. "That's Elijah Hollings, their grandson."

Beth looked at the picture. It showed a handsome young man with the ****** nose, wearing a blue civil war uniform.

"Elijah fought with the 20th Maine under Chamberlain. He was killed at Gettysburg. His parents never recovered from his death. His mother went mad and his father, Jacob, confined her to the attic for seven years until she died."

"How tragic," said Beth.

"It gets even weirder. Elijah's father supposedly began sleeping with his younger sister after that and got her pregnant. The rumors of their incestuous affair got back into town and the constable came up here to arrest them, but they had fled before he arrived and no one knows what happened to them. Various ****** members lived here after that, but eventually they all drifted away until my great-grandfather moved back here in the thirties.

"Your ****** is full of secrets and skeletons in the closets," said Beth.

Thomas nodded and led his wife on a tour of the rest of the main house before they headed up the stairs to retire for the evening. He waited for his wife under the covers of the large king-sized bed. Beth came out of bathroom wearing a tight form-fitted negligee that hugged her voluptuous body. Thomas felt his penis hardening under his pajama bottoms. Even after two years of marriage he had trouble believing that a sexy young girl like Elizabeth was his wife. He smiled and moved over to allow his wife to slip under the covers.

Thomas was a full thirty years older then his twenty three year old wife. Beth was the ******** of a business associate and he found himself completely smitten when he first saw her. Lucky for Thomas, it was common for the ********* of Boston high-society to marry older, wealthy men and Thomas's associate consented to the courtship.

Beth was a lusty young girl and it was Thomas's one regret that he rarely could keep up with her in the bed room. All his energy was devoted towards business, with little left over for sex. Tonight, however, he decided they should break in their new house with some serious love-making. Beth snuggled up next to him and he felt her hand slide under his pajamas. Her hand caressed his semi-erect penis and began tugging on it to make it completely erect. Thomas rolled over, reaching for the light switch.

"Why don't you leave it on for a change," said Beth.

Thomas laughed, but switched off the light. It wasn't proper to make love with the lights on. Maybe, if he was younger. He rolled on top of his wife and he felt his penis touch her vagina and bend as he tried to insert it. Beth reached down and squeezed his penis to make him hard enough to enter her. Her hand guided him inside her hot vagina.

Skrit skrit skrit skrit

"What's that noise?" whispered Beth. Thomas rolled off her and flicked the light on.

Skrit skrit skrit skrit

He heard something scurrying across the floor, but didn't see anything. "I think we must have rats," he said.

He was reaching for the light switch again when his wife interrupted him, "Leave it on. I don't want any rats crawling into bed with us and they're pretty big by the sound of them." Thomas did and he rolled over back into his wife's arms. He tried to make love to her, but his erection was gone. Sometimes his penis just wouldn't cooperate. Beth tugged on his penis for a while with no results and then she sighed and rolled over. Thomas rolled over and tried to sleep. The light kept him awake for several hours before he finally drifted off.


Thomas woke early the next morning and reached out for his wife. His hand patted the sheets. Beth wasn't there.

Thomas panicked for a minute, his heart thumped in his chest, and then he relaxed. He was over-reacting. Beth was probably downstairs in the kitchen. He slipped his feet into his slippers and pulled on his robe. Thomas tied the belt on his robe and headed downstairs. He walked through the foyer and into the kitchen. There was no sign of his wife. He felt his throat tighten up with fear and his heart started thumping in his chest. "Beth," he yelled, hearing her name echo back at him. There was no answer.

Thomas ran through the house shouting his wife's name several more times before it hit him. "Oh my god, the cliff," he said aloud. Thomas ran out to the car and grabbed his binoculars. He headed for the cliff's edge. The salty smell of the sea filling his nose as he walked past the house and towards the precipice. It was a chilly, gray morning and a slight breeze was blowing towards the sea. His legs started shaking as he neared the edge and he fell to his knees and crawled towards the crumbling edge of the cliff.

Thomas peered down. The cliff fell straight down for over four hundred feet. A few jagged rocks pierced the water and during low tide there was about a hundred feet of beach stretching out from the cliff wall. He could see the beach now.

Thomas scanned the beach and sighed with relief when all he saw was white sand. Then he saw the dark patch in the water. His hands shaking, Thomas picked up the binoculars and brought them up to his eyes. He trained the binoculars on the dark spot and his heart started beating again. Beth emerged from the water wearing her tiny string bikini. He set the binoculars down and wiped the sweat from his forehead. He chuckled nervously at his fear of a ****** curse. Beth loved to swim, he should have guessed she wouldn't pass up an opportunity like this.

He brought the binoculars back up to his eyes. Now that he had calmed down, he could admire his beautiful wife. She looked like Venus rising from the sea as she waded towards the beach. Her long dark hair was wet and it clung to her back. Droplets of water glistened on her skin and he could see her nipples poking at the thin material of her top. Beth was fit and trim, with a slim waist and firm, rounded hips. Her breasts were large, perfectly rounded, and they seemed to big for her body. Her bikini was way too small for her figure, but then his wife was never ashamed of showing off her body. He smiled as he watched her shiver in the cold air, water droplets flying off her curvaceous figure. Beth walked up the beach, grabbed a towel, and began drying herself off.

About one hundred years ago, one of the Hollings had carved steps into a naturally descending tier in the cliff face. He met his wife at the top. "Enjoy your swim dear?" he said.

"It was exhilarating," she replied kissing him. "Did you enjoy watching me?" Beth said pointing at the binoculars.

"Lets just say it was a lovely view," he replied. The two then walked hand in hand back towards their new home.


That afternoon, Beth unpacked some of their stuff and began the long task of dusting while Thomas drove into town for supplies. Thomas returned late in the afternoon, grocery bags in tow. He set the bags on the kitchen counter and began unpacking. "I thought we'd celebrate our new home," he said to his wife, while pulling out a bottle of champagne.

"Excellent choice dear. Let me go get a shower and I'll fix us a nice dinner," Beth said, kissing her husband and heading upstairs.

Beth had thrown on panties and sweat clothes after her morning swim. She stood by the bed and pulled off her sweat shirt. CREAK. She was reaching for her pants when she heard the sound. Beth froze. "Thomas, Is that you?" There was no reply and she gave a quick look around the bedroom and saw nothing. "Quit being so jumpy," she said to herself. "Old houses make noises." Beth pulled off her sweat pants and threw them on the bed. She slid her panties down her legs, leaving them on the floor, before entering the bathroom.

Beth turned the water on and got in the shower. She saw a dark figure through the steam covered glass door of the shower and smiled. Beth leaned up against the door so that her breasts were pressed against the glass. "Thomas, why don't you join me?" she called. He must not of heard her because when she looked again he was gone. Beth sighed and finished showering.

Beth dried herself and walked naked into the bedroom. She sighed again. Thomas was such a neat freak. He obviously hadn't liked her leaving her panties on the floor because they were now wedged between the closet doors. She really wished he would lighten up.

Beth pulled open the door of the closet and rummaged through her clothes. She selected an attractive sleeveless blouse and a short skirt. After dressing, she headed downstairs, noticing that her husband had set up rat traps in several of the dark corners around the house. That'll show the little critters. She prepared a fine dinner that night and they managed to finish three-quarters of the champagne. Beth stared at her husband during dinner, the champagne had made her horny and she hoped he would come up and finish what he had started last night. She wasn't too optimistic though, he kept talking about an upcoming merger during dinner and once he got on business, he never focused on sex.

"So dear, ready to head upstairs?" she asked after cleaning off the table.

"You go on, I'll be up after Monday night football," he said, grabbing the champagne bottle and heading to the living room. Beth sighed, and walked upstairs to the bedroom. She stripped off her clothes and crawled into bed. She picked up a book and tried to read, but her eyes couldn't focus on the pages. She was too ***** from the champagne, so she rolled over and turned off the light.

Skrit skrit skrit skrit

She was somewhere between being half asleep and half-drunkenly awake, when she felt her husband climb on the bottom of the bed. Thomas began slowly pulling the covers off her body. She smiled in the darkness, maybe she was going to get some after all.

Thomas pulled her legs apart and she felt him moving up between them. What's he waiting for? Then she felt something flicker out and taste the wetness between her legs. Her body jumped at the soft caress. My god, he's licking my vagina. Her husband's tongue was long and prehensile. It seemed to caress her labia, gently teasing her as it flickered between her lips into her vagina. Every nerve ending between her legs was on fire with pleasure and Beth found herself raising and lowering her hips to match the thrusts of his tongue. Her belly was undulating and she was writhing on the bed under Thomas's skillful ministrations.

Why hasn't he done this before? This is better then sex. Something was happening deep inside her, growing in her womb as his tongue flickered in and out. The long tongue suddenly slid up her labia and it wrapped around her engorged clitoris. Beth screamed as she came.

Elizabeth Wordsworth-Hollings had orgasmed. She had never orgasmed before and she only half believed that the stories about it were true. It was the most pleasurable thing she had ever felt. "Oh Thomas thank you," she cried, "I love you."

"Beth," he replied his voice hoarse and muffed by her vagina.

Thomas's tongue gave one last caress of her clit, sending a shudder of pleasure up through her body, before he began working his way up. He licked up along her leg, along the edge of her pubic hair and up her belly, his tongue flickering into her belly button.

Beth felt his wet hair against her belly and he smelled of soap. Thomas, ever the clean freak had showered before getting into bed with her. Not that she was complaining, this was one night she wouldn't have to squeeze his penis to get it in her vagina. His penis was the hardest she'd ever felt it as it rubbed against her thigh and poked at her vagina. It didn't need her help finding it's way inside either. She felt the head push against her labia and she opened wide for her husband, her lips closing back over the head as he entered her.

Thomas's penis felt gigantic tonight. It was thicker then normal and as he worked it inside her, it seemed about an inch longer then it's usual six inches. Her vagina had never felt so full and she loved it. Thomas began slamming his penis into her with an animalistic fury and her hips rose to meet his thrusts. She loved every second of it, but knew from experience that he wouldn't last very long. "Slow down honey," she whispered, trying to make him last longer. His only response was to hunch over and lick her nipples as he continued to quckly ram his penis into her.

Thomas sucked on her nipples a lot harder then he had in the past but it felt incredible and she came again from the relentless pounding of his unyielding penis.

Thomas, what's gotten into you? she wondered. He was long past the point he usually came. Not that she wanted him to stop, this night had become the best sex of their entire marriage. "Oh Thomas," she cried. "Fuck me, fuck my pussy with that big cock." Beth hoped he wouldn't be disgusted with her dirty talk. This night was more like fucking then making love. His response was to pound her even harder.

Beth had several little orgasms as her husband fucked her pussy hard for another ten minutes. She felt another big orgasm building in her pussy as he continued slamming his cock into her. Thomas's cock seemed to grow even bigger and then it jerked. Her husband grunted as he came, his sperm exploding into virgin territory deep in her pussy. "I'm cumming," she screamed as his orgasm triggered her own.

When she had come down from her orgasmic high, Beth was surprised to find Thomas was still cumming as he slowly slid his cock in and out of her pussy grinding his sperm deep into her womb. He had cum more this time then he had in their entire marriage.

Beth felt her husband's body weight get up off the bed. She rolled over onto her stomach, trying to get up the energy to get up and clean herself up. Thomas got back on the bed and he grabbed her hips and pulled her up so that she was kneeling. He needs to clip his nails, she thought wondering what he was up to.

Impossibly, her husband's cock was hard again and he started poking her pussy with it. This is incredible, this is how she imagined sex would be, better even. His cock seemed even thicker then before as it entered her and she swore it was also longer. Just like the last time, he began pounding her pussy hard. She felt his nails again, as his hand grabbed her ass cheek. His thumb rested against her sphincter and started slowly pushing against her ass. Beth came again and again as he fucked her with his big cock while moving his thumb around the rim of her ass. He was fucking her like an animal and she liked it.

After what felt like a half hour, his big cock erupted in her pussy, cumming even more then the last time. If it's the champagne doing this to him, she thought, I need to get him ***** every night.

Skrit skrit skrit skrit

Thomas heard the rats scurry off before he flicked on the light. He noticed his wife was asleep in an odd position. She was on her stomach, her head buried in the pillows and her butt was upthrust a little under the covers. He had finished off the champagne and had fallen asleep on the couch after the football game. He stripped and climbed in bed, reaching out to caress his wife.

Beth woke up. "Jesus," she thought he wants to do it again." The area between her legs felt like Niagara Falls as his sperm still poured out of her pussy from the last two times. Beth pretended to be asleep and rolled over keeping her back to her husband. A part of her wishing he would leave her sore pussy alone and another part wishing he'd throw her down and take her with his big cock again. He left her alone.

Fine, thought Thomas. I wasn't in the mood anyway. Remembering the rats, he drifted off to sleep with the lights on.

Beth woke up late the next morning still exhausted from her and Thomas's marathon sex session last night. She leaned up and looked at Thomas sleeping peacefully. "I love you," she said.

"I love you too," said Thomas a little groggily as he came out of a deep sleep. His wife was staring at him adoringly and it made him feel manly to have such a beautiful young women look at him so worshipfully.

Beth crawled on top her husband. Thomas was normally always on top, but since they had started trying new things last night, she thought she'd show some initiative. Beth climbed on top and started rubbing her crotch against her husband's penis. She was worried that it would hurt her sore pussy as she reached down and guided her husband's limp penis back into her pussy. She needn't have worried, she barely felt anything. Thomas's penis swelled to about five inches long and he came after a couple minutes. Beth was amazed that his penis could change in size so much. She had seen him change after swimming in the cold sea and his penis was only about an inch long. She had also seen him really aroused about twice during their marriage and it was about six inches long. Yet, last night the second time he fucked her, it had felt about eight inches. Oh well, she thought, rolling off him, it can't be as good as last night every time.

"Wow honey, that was great" said Thomas getting up to take a shower. Once in the shower he yelled, "Honey, have you seen the soap?"

"It's in the shower," she called back.

Thomas looked around, but the bar of soap was nowhere to be seen. He got out of the shower and opened a new one.

The next couple of days were a whirlwind of dusting, cleaning, and unpacking. Thomas wasn't interested in sex and she was too tired to care. They never caught any rats, but they both heard noises in the closet. Thomas looked around in there, but couldn't find any holes. They slept with the lights on.

The only thing Beth did for fun was take her morning swim and as summer was quickly drawing to a close, she wouldn't be able to do that much longer.

On the fourth day since moving in, she was swimming South, against the current when she saw the cave. It was a large dark hole in the cliff, open like a gaping maw. It jutted out into the water and the sea rolled inside, even at low tide. Excited and curious at her new discovery, Beth stood up and waded inside.

The water was about two feet deep and the floor was very rocky, hurting her feet. The inside was dark, so she didn't explore very far. As she turned to wade back out, something wrapped around her ankle.

Beth screamed. It was cold and clammy against her skin. She screamed again and shook it lose, off her foot. As she backed away, the bloated carcass of a seal floated to the surface. It was half-eaten and she shivered in revulsion from touching it. Probably attacked by a shark, she thought as she quickly waded back to the cliff stairs.

Beth told her husband about the cave over dinner that night. "I vaguely remember a cousin mentioning it, but I never went down there myself. I'm not to fond of heights if you recall."

Thomas was staying up to do some paperwork and Beth went upstairs to read for a while in bed. She couldn't concentrate on her book as she kept thinking about the cave. When she got a chance, she'd get a flashlight and go explore it.

She awoke when Thomas sat down on the foot of the bed. The light was out and he was pulling the covers off her. Her heart started racing and she was breathing excitedly. Was he going to eat her pussy again? She spasmed with pleasure when his tongue touched her crotch. Soon he had her cumming again and she screamed, "Eat my pussy Thomas. I love it."

He licked her to several more orgasms before crawling up her body. She felt his cock- it seemed big again- rub against her thighs, then up over her pubic hairs. She wondered what he was doing as his big cock left a sticky trail of precum across her belly and up over her breasts.

Something poked at her lips and she pulled back. High society Boston women, didn't suck cock, but he had done her, so why shouldn't she return the favor? Thomas continued to poke his cock against her mouth and she relented.

Beth parted her lips and rested them against the big bulbous head of her husband's cock. Her tongue flickered out and tasted the pre-cum on the end. She wrapped her tongue around the head and licked it in ever increasing circles until his entire head was wet with her saliva. Beth opened her jaw wide and forced her lips down around the head until it was in her mouth, then she began bobbing her head up and down, swallowing a little more as her jaw relaxed. His cock felt huge in her mouth and she guessed it had grown to about eight inches. Thomas slowly pulled his cock out and ran it up her face. Beth licked and kissed the underside of his thick member. Her lips touched a large vein and she could feel it pulsing against her skin. His cock continued to slide up her face until her lips rested against his testicles. His balls had grown with his cock. They felt as big as two large tomatoes in the darkness. She kissed and licked them, finding they tasted salty like the sea.

Thomas moved back so that his cock traveled down her face again and rested on her lips. She quickly opened wide and swallowed the head again. This wasn't so bad, she thought. This was the thing that had given her the first of many orgasms several nights ago. It deserved to be kissed and worshipped by her mouth. Thomas wasn't satisfied with just the head and he kept trying to push more in. Beth adjusted her pillow so that her head was angled better to swallow him whole and he pushed more in. She had to suppress her gag reflex as it entered her throat, but she managed to swallow the entire thing.

Her husband began to fuck her face rapidly and she could do nothing but lie there and take it. His big balls stung her as they slapped against her neck and chin. Eventually, it grew even larger and harder in her throat and it spasmed. Thomas had stopped pumping, leaving his entire cock in her throat. She knew he was cumming, she could feel her belly filling up. She reached up and felt his balls, they were tightening up as they emptied their contents.

Beth felt the big ridge around the head of his cock scaping against her throat as he pulled it out. It was still spitting cum out and sperm slid down her throat. The head entered her mouth still spraying out sperm until her entire mouth filled and she swallowed it to keep from choking. Her mouth filled again and sperm dribbled out the sides, coating her chin. Thomas withdrew his cock completely letting the remaining sperm shoot all over her face.

Beth was dazed. That had been incredible. It felt so natural to show her love for her husband by sucking him off. She had liked it, she even liked the taste of his sperm. Beth's only concern was that it was a waste of one of his rare big erections.

Luckily, he wasn't done yet. Thomas got off the bed and rolled her over. She knew what was required of her and kneeled so that her ass was thrusting up into the air. He kneeled behind her and she moaned as his cock slowly began penetrating her.

His cock felt even bigger then it had in her mouth. It was at least ten inches long, twice as big as one of his normal erections and she loved every additional inch. Thomas grabbed her ass again and she felt his thumb force its way past her sphincter. Instead of just teasing the opening, he pushed his entire thumb into her ass. He just held it there as he relentlessly pounded his monster in and out of her pussy triggering numerous orgasms.

Thomas had never given her an orgasm in their first two years of marriage and now she had cum several dozen times in less then a week. Beth had to see his cock. She had only seen it when it was semi-hard and half as big as it was now. She wanted to see it in all it's glory and she got up on all fours, her hand reaching out for the lamp by the bed. She pressed the switch.

Nothing. She pressed it again, still nothing, then a big orgasm overwhelmed her as his cock exploded in her pussy, filling it once again with gallons of sperm.

Click, the light didn't come on. "Beth, the power seems to be out in this room. I'm going to go check the breaker."

Skrit skrit skrit skrit. Thomas jerked his feet away from the noise. From the sound this rat must be pretty big. He left the bedroom and entered the hall, feeling safe once he was out in the lit hallway again. Beth was relieved that the light still wasn't on. Her face was covered in sperm and his semen was pouring out of her pussy. She didn't want him to see her looking like some common slut, even if it was his own doing, so she got up and felt her way to the bathroom to clean up.

Beth was exhausted from the sex. She limped her way back to bed and crawled in. The lights flickered on and off and then they had remained on. She wanted to ask Thomas what was going on? Why his cock was getting bigger then normal and why he was cumming so much? She yawned and closed her eyes.

Thomas had gone downstairs to check on the breaker and was surprised to see that the one to their room was switched off. Must of blown a fuse and tripped it. Funny, the lights had stayed on in the rest of the house. He had stayed in the den for several hours finishing up his paperwork. He switched fuses and returned up the stairs. He found his wife fast asleep.


Beth woke up feeling like a new woman. She would cook her husband a big breakfast and treat him like a king today. She reached out for him, but he was gone. She sighed, remembering he had to go away on business and wouldn't be back until after midnight. She sighed again and got up, there was still plenty to do to make this place livable, but first, she'd go for a swim.

Beth tied her string bikini on and then mischievously left the top off. Her husband wasn't home and there wasn't anyone else around for miles. Today, she'd swim topless. She grabbed a towel and headed out towards the cliff. She walked down the steps to the beach and ran into the water. Her long nipples immediately grew so erect that they hurt as the cold water hit them. Still it felt exhilirating to be practically nude in the great outdoors.

Beth tired of swimming and emerged from the water. The current had carried her up the beach a ways and she began the short walk back to her towel. She was halfway there when she saw the footprint.

The tide was coming in and waves were lapping at it. The waves had made the footprint look large and mishappen, the toes at odd angles. and it was rapidly disappearing. The rest were already gone. It was a long walk from the nearest town.

Beth suddenly felt the hair stand up on the back of her neck and she felt like she was being watched. Where moments before her near-nudity had her feeling exhilarated, now she felt vulnerable and exposed. She looked around, but saw nothing. Beth ran back to her towel, holding her arms across her breasts to cover them. She didn't relax until she had reached the safety of her house and locked the doors.

Beth was nervous all day and busied herself with various chores. She didn't like the thought of a trespasser on her private little beach and thought about calling the cops, but the phone wasn't hooked up yet and Thomas had taken the cell phone with him. She felt all alone and vulnerable. She started drinking during dinner to calm her nerves and kept drinking in her room until she fell asleep with the lights on.

Beth woke up in the middle of the night when her husband sat down on the bed. The lights were out again. "Your home early," she stated.

Thomas's only reply was to pull the covers off her body. She had fallen asleep in her underwear and she felt her husband's hand hook over the waist of her panties and yank them off. Two nights in a row was more sex then she had ever dreamed possible and her pussy started gushing in anticipation. She eagerly spread her legs as Thomas crawled between her thighs. Beth felt his tongue flicker across her clit and her body spasmed at his touch. Soon he had her screaming in orgasm again as his long tongue ate her to orgasm after orgasm.

She didn't have time to recover from the first series of orgasms when she felt Thomas climb up her body and push his penis into her. All the drinks she had that evening seemed to amplify the feelings in her pussy because his cock felt even thicker then before as he slid in about nine inches. Thomas took it slower then he had the previous times, slowly sliding his fat cock in and out of her. She was raising her hips to match his thrusts, writhing in ecstasy as he pushed in another inch.

Thomas was supporting himself with his arms over her body and she reached up to caress his head. Instead of hair she encountered only cold, clammy skin. She didn't have time to wonder why Thomas had shaved his head because at the same time he pushed another inch in and she came.

When Beth recovered, she felt a tongue twirling around her left nipple and then another on her right nipple. A clawed hand grabbed her chin and turned it so that she was looking off the bed. Something large poked at her lips. The big cock in her pussy shoved it's last inch in and she came again as her pussy stretched out around a fat, foot long cock. Her mouth opened as she orgasmed and she felt another large cock sliding past her lips.

Her eyes opened wide when she realized there was more then one man in the room, but she could see nothing. However, her ears seemed to sense movement all around her. She struggled, but the two men fucking her just held her still with their cocks sliding into her mouth and pussy.

It all made sense now. Some men from town must have spotted her swimming in her bikini and decided to sneak in and fuck her. Judging from the size of their cocks they were probably big, muscular men too. She moaned at the thought of being gang-banged by muscle men and she decided to quit struggling and enjoy it. She felt like a slut and she liked it. The one on top rolled her over and fucked her side to side and then rolled her on top of him, his hands reaching back to spread her ass cheeks. She jerked in pain as a third cock pushed past her sphincter into her ass. Mercifully, it was a smaller eight inch one and the pain quickly faded and she started enjoying having her body stuffed with three large cocks.

The cock in her mouth exploded and she willingly tried to swallow his entire abundant load of sperm. The cock withdrew and was immediately replaced by another big one. She imagined she was a cheerleader being passed around by all the well hung jocks on a football team and she loved the idea. The only problem was the cock in her mouth tasted salty and his crotch stank like he hadn't showered for a while.

One large cock after another was shoved into her bodily orifices. She barely had time to swallow all the semen in her mouth before another cock was forcing its way in. Her pussy was overflowing with sperm and the endless succession of cocks in her ass forced even more sperm into her body. Most of the men's cocks tasted of sweat and salt and they all stank. Beth grew scared, but her body continued responding to the continuos sex and she couldn't help. She was in ecstasy as these big cocks gave her what she wanted, what she needed. She knew her husband would never satisfy her again. Beth was in a sexual haze when she realized she was being lifted up in their arms and carried from the room.


Thomas raced as fast as he could along the dangerous road along the cliff. A powerful storm was coming and he wanted to be home and snug in his bed with Beth before the rain hit. Thomas came on the house faster then he expected and he had to slam on the breaks. He was surprised to see the lights were out again. A light rain was starting to fall as Thomas ran into the house. He flipped the light switch to no avail. "Beth," he yelled, listening for an answer. When none came he yelled her name again. Still there was no response and a chill ran up his spine. Briefly he feared history was repeating itself and she had disappeared just like his sister-in-law, but he rationalized that she was probably fast asleep and hadn't head him.

Skrit skrt skrit

Thomas felt his way to the kitchen, hearing the scratching noises all around him. He fumbled through the the drawer and felt relieved when his hand closed round the flashlight. The sounds stopped just before he turned the light on.

Thomas waved the light before him as he made his way to the circuit breakers. He shined the light on the panel and was surprised to see that they all had been tripped and were off. He hastily closed the circuit box and headed back to the foyer.

The rain was increasing and the thunder was fast approaching as he made his way up the stairs, looking up towards the landing as he climbed. "Beth," he yelled again as he neared the top.

Thomas's hand was shaking as he pushed the partially open door to their room open. He dropped the flashlight and let out a little cry of terror at what he saw. The bed spreads were on the floor and the mattress was covered in wet spots from rapidly liquefying semen. His wife had been ***** and by the amount it had to have been by many men. Her attackers might still be in the house and he might be in danger. Thomas fell to the floor as his knees gave out on him from fear. He felt like he was going to vomit as his hand came down in a puddle of sperm. It was everywhere, even the flashlight had rolled into a puddle. There were sperm trails leading around the room, into the closet, and out into the hall, like the penises had dragged along the ground.

Thomas sat in the fetal position for several minutes as he tried to build up the courage to look for his wife. All his instincts were screaming at him to run for his car, but he pushed his fear down. Thomas slowly got up and wiped the sperm off his hand as he made his way over to the closet. His wife might be on the other side, needing help. Holding the flashlight like a club, Thomas quickly forced the door open and jumped back. It was empty. The trail of sperm entered the closet and disappeared at the wall. He bent over and tapped where it disappeared. It rang hollow. He gulped as his hand reached out and slid the panel open. He shined the light in the revealed hole and saw a passage leading down between the floors. No wonder it looked like the penis had been dragging. The man who left through here had been crawling on all fours!

Thomas never considered crawling in the hole. He never could stand tight places like that. He backed out of the closet and headed to the top of the stairs. He didn't know how he could have missed all the sperm in the hall or on the stairs when he came up, but then he hadn't been staring at his feet either.

A torrential downpour of rain drummed on the roof as he walked down the steps. The amount of semen was shrinking rapidly, but he could tell it led right up to the grandfather clock. Another secret passage must be behind it, he thought as he reached out a trembling hand towards the old clock the stern hawk-nosed visages of his ancestors staring down at him.


He jumped as the clock went off and jumped again at the second bong. The clock rang out twelve times total. It was midnight.

Thomas calmed himself and grabbed the clock. It swung open easily revealing a steps leading down into the darkness. Thomas was not a brave man. He was afraid of heights, thunder storms, dark-enclosed spaces and many other things. Descending into the tunnel would normally not even be an option, but somehow he did it. It was almost as if he was drawn down into the darkness. Thomas turned the flashlight on and put his foot onto the first stair. He could see two or three globs of semen on the stairs as he began his decent.

Thomas tried to count the steps as he descended, but kept losing count. He noticed several smaller tunnels branching off the stairs and wondered if one led to the passage in his bedroom closet. Eventually the stairway ended in a small cavern. Several tunnels split off from the cavern and he took the one on the right. Thomas walked slowly down the passage shining the light before him. He paused just before the passage turned right. He stopped and listened. What sounded like a small child crying was coming from around the bend.

Thomas gulped and shined the light around the corner. The flashlight beam fell on the small white body of a child of about six. He recoiled from the thing before him for it was hideously deformed. It was completely devoid of hair, dirty, and it had rotten teeth. It was naked and it's white, undeveloped penis was already longer then Thomas's, reaching down to the child's knobby knees. The thing's big bulbous eyes looked up at him and it hissed turning and scurrying off on all fours.

Thomas got over his disgust at the child and ran after it. On all fours, it was unbelievably fast and he struggled to keep up with it. Skrit skrit, it's nails scraped on the floor as it scurried away.

Thomas was concentrating on the thing and didn't realize the passage had widened into a large cavern until it was too late. The room stank of feces and dead fish. He sensed movement all around him.

Thomas shined the flashlight around the cave, the light falling on one monstrosity after another. There were about a dozen adults and many more children. All were deformed and many of the adults were engaged in various sex acts. They covered their eyes and backed away from the light beam as it fell on them. Thomas turned and ran down the nearest passage. He passed a small alcove and stopped when he thought he saw his wife. A female with long dirty hair was slurping on a thick, foot long penis. The left side of the things face was shifted about an inch lower then the right. Clumps of hair clung to it's bald, bulbous head.

"Beth," he called shining the light on the woman. It wasn't his wife. This woman was dirty and very pregnant. She looked at him, blinked and then returned to slurping on the big cock. Thomas backed away in disbelief. He recognized the dirty face. The woman was his missing sister-in-law.

Thomas looked at her nude body, her breasts heavy with milk and he was afraid his own wife would meet this fate. He turned and ran calling Beth's name. Thomas saw several more monstrosities as he ran and behind him he heard many beginning to follow him.

Thomas ran until he heard the sound of Beth's voice moaning ahead of him. He entered a large cavern filled with many abominations. Thomas smelled the ocean as he entered the room.

The things were staring at a couple fucking in the center of the cave. He shined his light on the couple. The woman was his wife and she seemed to be in ecstasy as a massive fourteen inch cock slammed in and out of her vagina. Thomas felt a tightness in his stomach as he shined the light up on the monstrosity fucking his wife. It was a blasphemous creature from hell. The giant toglodyte's face looked like decayed flesh. It's large fanged mouth was open and a long thick tongue was dangling out the side of it's mouth. The creature was covered in muscles. It's knuckles dragged on the floor and it's testicles were the size of bowling balls. The testicles began jerking and sperm shot out of his wife's vagina. Beth screamed in orgasm and Thomas bent over and vomited.

When Thomas recovered, the thing was just starting to withdraw it's cock. Beth turned her head and she seemed to come to her senses when she saw her husband. She looked up at the abomination before her and screamed, her cry echoing throughout the cavern.

Thomas shined the light back up at the creature and it covered its eyes. It let out a hideous screech as the light hit it. Thomas heard the hellish panting and grunting of other creatures approaching him and shined his light around him to keep them at bay. Thomas turned and ran. The last thing he saw was his wife reaching out to him for help.

Thomas fled the horror leaving his wife behind. He heard the sounds of pursuit close behind him, but he managed to put distance between himself and his pursuers. Thomas rounded a corner and slammed into one of the creatures. He flailed out with the flashlight and felt it come into contact with flesh. This one seemed frail and he shined the light down on its body.

It was an old crone. Her distended belly marred by the birth scars of many children. Her saggy, ponderous breasts covered with the bite scars from dozens of infants. Her cold eyes looked up at him and it's lips moved. "Thomas, grandson." Thomas reared up and screamed as the light went out. He shook the flashlight, but it was dead. Blindly, he ran, The crone's tittering laughter echoing behind him. He heard the sounds of pursuit again and stumbled, falling roughly against stone.

Thomas felt the steps beneath his body. Hope surged through his body and renewed his strength. Thomas scrambled madly up the steps, clawed hands grabbing at his clothing as he fled the caverns.

Thomas climbed seeing the light above, his salvation. He flung himself at the opening and slid across the floor into the lit foyer of this accursed house. Things glared at him from the darkness on top the stairs.

The storm was raging full force outside as he curled up on the floor in the fetal position and began gibbering at the absurdity of it all. The crazy truth dawned on him as he rocked on the floor.

His incestuous ancestors had never fled the constable, but had hidden themselves in the caverns beneath the mansion. There they had bred a race of monsters, each generation becoming more degenerate, seeking fresh genes from such as his grandmother, sister-in-law, and wife to breed with. He knew this because all the monsters shared one trait. They all had the large hook nose of the Hollings ******.

He gibbered again when the thunder boomed and the power went out, the light flickering off. The darkness enveloping him. His ****** came for him in the darkness. Their nails scraping on the floor.

Skrit skit skrit.