The Lottery Winner An E&I Enterprises story Copyright 2002 by Stormbringer

"So tell me Lauren, what are you going to do with all that money?"

Lauren sighed, looked at the giant check for 200 million dollars, then back at the reporter. "Well, I plan to get a financial planner, so that I can invest it wisely."


"Are you going to work tomorrow?" yelled another reporter.

"No," said Lauren after a brief pause.


A remote held by a beefy black hand pointed at the television, before switching the press conference off.


Scott watched as Lauren emerged from the water. The twenty year old woman looked great in her bikini. It was a modest, blue and yellow two-piece that graced her curvy body and pushed her breasts up so that they showed a lot of cleavage. Her tits were average-sized, conical ones, capped by small rosy nipples. Here areola were only the size of pennies, but most of that was, thick, long nipple. They were the nicest breasts he had ever seen and the only pair. Lauren and Scott had been dating since eighth grade and neither had ever been with another partner.

Lauren kneeled on the blanket, leaned over and gave him a quick kiss. "I don't ever want to go home," he said to her.

"We can come back any time you'd like honey. Happy birthday."

"This was the best birthday ever," he said watching her comb out her long reddish-brown hair. Her face was as beautiful as her body. The tip of one ear poked out of her wet hair. Sparkling green eyes smiled at him. Her only flaw was a large chicken pox scar to the left of her mouth, but it gave her face character. And speaking of her mouth, her full, pouty lips were one of her best features. She had wrapped them around his penis last night as a birthday present. She was the perfect girlfriend, flying them to Aruba and then giving him his first blowjob.

Lauren hadn't liked it of course, but Scott would never forget it. She hadn't been very enthusiastic, but had impressed him by swallowing the whole thing. He had cum within minutes. Lauren had spit his little wad out into a tissue and then brushed her teeth. He knew it would probably never happen again until his next birthday. Just thinking about it gave him a massive erection, the damn thing extended under his swimsuit and he swore it looked so big it might even measure six inches. Lauren noticed it. "What do we have here? Wanna head back up the the bungalow and put that monster to work?"

"You read my mind," said Scott quickly gathering up their things."


Lauren Packard, read the sign in the big black man's hands. "I didn't order a limo," said Lauren as Scott grabbed their bags off the conveyer.

"Someone paid to have you two picked up," said the black man. Scott tugged and struggled to get her heavy bag over to them and the big black man reached down and effortlessly picked it up for him.

The three walked out of the airport to where a limo waited. The driver opened the door and Scott slid in first, followed by Lauren. Lauren sat, noticing how pale Scott had suddenly gone and he was still sunburnt. Sitting across from them was another huge black man pointing a gun at them. Just as it dawned on her, the locks clicked in the car and it pulled out into traffic. "Who the hell are you," she said. Scott seemed too terrified to speak.

"Little black Sambo," growled the black man, "and that's Aunt Jemima." He nodded back towards the driver.

"Fuck you," said the driver, laughing.

"What do you want?"

"All yo money wired to a bank account in the Canary Islands."

"Never," she said bravely.

The limo was pulling into a warehouse, not far from JFK. The black man smiled at her and said, "then I'll cap whitey heres ass." He held the gun up so that it was touching Scott's temple. The interior of the limo suddenly smelled of urine as Scott wet his pants. "Get the fuck out of the car," said the black man disgusted by the smell of piss as the driver opened the doors once again.

The warehouse was empty execpt for a few crates and some furniture. The two black men pushed them over to a table with two chairs. "First off white bitch, I want you to strip down to yo undies."

Lauren felt a shiver of fear run down her spine. She wasn't one to be pushed around, but these men had an aura about them that made her want to submit. "Why?" she asked shaking, while praying they didn't intend to **** her.

"So I can sees that your not hiding any weapons," said the one with the gun.

Lauren slowly unbuttoned her shirt until the driver yelled, "faster, this ain't a lap dance."

Lauren shivered in shame as she removed her clothes. She was wearing a sexy ensemble from "Hidden Closet" that Scott had bought her. The bra pushed her tits together and upwards making them look bigger and the panties were skimpier then her bikini, a thong sliding up between her ass cheeks. Worse, the material was so sheer, both her big nipples and her reddish-brown pubic hair were visible underneath her outfit.

"Damn baby you look good enough to eat," said the one with the gun licking his lips. "You sure you don't want to try some black snake." He squeezed his trousers revealing what looked like a foot long cucumber running down his leg. He saw her frown and added, "You ain't never seen a real man's cock before have you? You po thang. I bet little whitey here ain't even got a six incher."

"He's got plenty enough for me," she said defiantly.

"No white boy's got enough to satisfy a horny slut like you." The one with the gun stepped back and fumbled with his zipper. He appeared to struggle with something and then pulled his penis out.

Lauren's eye went wide at the sight of it. Scott's was the only penis she had seen and this thing was bigger and thicker soft. "It's fake, it can't be real," she said shaking her head.

"Show her yours Jemima," said the gunman.

The limo driver reached into his pants and pulled out an equally large penis. "They're both fake," she said. "Penises don't get that big."

"These ain't penises, theys is cocks." The gunman yanked on the tip of his a couple times and the monster stiffened. It quit growing at around eleven inches. The driver's cock was stiffening and he wasn't even touching it. It quit growing at around ten inches, but it was thicker then her wrist.

"Not real," she cried staring at both of them.

"Shit, I say we fuck her first, then take her money. That will teach her they're real."

"Yeah, lets fuck her. Slut, come suck this cock."

Lauren looked at the gunman with fear. Her knees were caving almost sending her to her knees before the black man. Before she did it, a door burst open and she heard someone yell, "freeze, drop your weapon."

The black man let go of his cock and brought his gun up. It exploded right by her ear. Her other ear picked up another shot. Her two would be kidnappers ducked behind some crates, firing again as they ran towards the limo, using it for cover. The gunman fired again, then both black men ran towards another door.

Lauren's ears were still ringing as she looked up. Sometime during the shootout she had fallen to the floor to protect herself. She glanced behind her to see if Scott was alright. He was, but he looked scared shitless and the urine stain on his jeans had grown. She looked back up as her rescuer approached and screamed in horror.

"It's ok, maam, they're gone."

Lauren calmed down and pushed herself to her feet. "I'm ok," she said as strong arms helped her up. Her rescuer was another huge black man, decent looking in a brutish way, whose body mass so resembled her kidnappers, she thought they had returned.

"Name's Avery, I was leaving a bar across the street when I saw the limo pull up. I thought it looked suspicious so I called the police and came over here to check it out.

Lauren heard a siren outside the warehouse and two police officers came in, guns drawn. One was a huge black man like Avery, the other was a rather small, but well-built woman, whose uniform failed to hide her large breasts.

"I don't know how to thank you," said Lauren. "Thanks aren't necessary maam."

"No I mean it, I have money. "Helping a beautiful woman in distress is reward enough maam," said Avery. He then turned to the police as they ran up. "They went that way." He pointed at the door through which the kidnappers had fled.

The big black cop ran towards it. The woman approached them. "I'm officer Desabitini, is everyone here all right."

"Yes officer," said Scott speaking up for the first time.

"I'm fine too," said Lauren, "thanks to Avery here."

"Avery knows what he's doing," said the cop. "He''s head of King Security. You couldn't have wished for a more able saviour.

"Thanks Angela," said Avery.

Here," said Angela throwing Lauren her clothes. "Better cover up, your nipples look like they're about to poke holes through that bra."

"Oh," said Lauren remembering she was only clad in her underwear. Her nipples were rock hard and it wasn't that cold in here, hot even and she must have been sweating because her panties were damp.

The black cop returned saying, "No trace of the perps, we'll get a description and put out an APB."

"This is my partner James. Get the boy's statement and I'll get Miss..."

"Packard, Lauren Packard."

"Hey, I know're the woman who won the lottery."

"Yes, that's me," replied Lauren.

"Well there's our motive," said James.

"Come with me Miss Packard," said Angela grabbing Lauren's arm. What did you do to help her Scott?" asked James. after Angela had pulled Lauren asside to get her statement..

Scott looked embarrassed. "Nothing I could of done."

"There's always something boy," said the black man.

"Well er...I mean I didn't get a chance to jump them."

"So you just sat there," said James writing it into his notebook.

"Yes," said Scott not only humiliated, but intimidated by the two powerful black men towering over him.

Surprisingly, the police finisihed their business quickly and they were free to go. Avery, Lauren, and Scott stood on the corner. Scott flagged down a cab. "Here's my card maam" said Avery handing Lauren a business cad. "You should consider having a security system put in and possibly even hiring a bodyguard, at least until the memory of "Lucky Lauren" fades away."

The cabbie frowned at Scott's pants as he grabbed their luggage. "I'll consider it. Once again Avery thanks, if there is ever anything..."

"It was nothing," he called as the car drove off.


Lauren's knees went weak as James had her look in the back seat of his squad car. Even handcuffed, the giant scared her. "It's him," she said, "the limo driver. Did you get the gunman?"

"No, we only caught this one."

"How'd you get here so fast?"

"We've been watching the house. Nothing serious, just regular drive-bys and we saw this scumbag creeping around the bushs. We're watching your house too, but the department is short on manpower and we may have to give it up soon."

Luck, she thought, pure dumb luck caught the thug. Lauren looked up at the nice house she had bought her mother. Angela was taking a statement from the fifty year old divorcee, though she hadn't seen or heard anything. Would she ever be safe? Would Scott or any of her relatives? The business card Avery had given her sat in her purse, she'd call him tonight.


"No Avery, I want you," Lauren said firmly. "Miss Packard, my job is very important to me and I'm paid very well. I'll hand pick your bodyguard if it helps."

"Whatever Mr King is paying you a week, I'll double it. Please Avery, at least until the other guy is captured. There's something about you that makes me feel safe."

"I guess, I could take a leave of absence."

"Oh thank you," she cried resisting an urge to throw herself at his feet. "I'll set you up in one of my guest rooms."

"No, I'll set up a bed in the video monitoring room. That way I can keep an eye on things."


Avery zoomed the camera in with one hand while tugging on the end of his cock with the other. Lauren had just dropped her robe and was testing the pool water with her toe. Scott was already naked and in the pool. It was a heated pool so Lauren quickly joined her boyfriend. The young couple didn't know they were being watched, they didn't know where half the hidden cameras were that King security had set up.

"That's one sexy slut," he said out loud stroking his large cock. The couple fooled around for awhile in the pool before climbing out. Avery looked at Scott as he dried himself. The boy had an erection that Avery had to squint to see. Even the zoom didn't get a good shot of Scott's penis. The thing was small, closer to five inches then six. He switched cameras as the couple moved into the bedroom zooming in on Scott's penis again as an excited Lauren began rolling a condom onto it. She then switched the light off ruining Avery's view.

Avery could of switched to IR, but it wasn't that exciting seeing red blurs fucking. He did hear her say, "ooo baby, that feels good. I'm gonna need to feel your penis deep inside me as much as possible before you go away next month." Avery found that information very interesting.

The large black man hit an internet link over to the E&I website and looked for some live sex feeds to finish jerking off too.


"This the millionaire girl's house ain't it?"

"Yep," said Avery paying the pizza man.

"Thank you sir," said the delivery guy seeing the tip.

Avery waited for the man to drive off, then walked back up to the house. He never let visitors beyond the gate. He carried the pizza and the two liter of coke into the living room where Lauren and Scott were playing a game. "Don't get up," said the black man, "I'll get you some plates and cups."

"Avery, you do enough around here, there's no need..."

"Don't worry about it Miss Packard. Just keep playing your game."

"Well thanks, grab a couple slices for yourself."

"Thanks Miss."

Avery went into the kitchen and unscrewed the two liter. He got two glasses, filled them with ice, and then poured the coke into it. He removed two vials from his pocket and emptied them into the glasses. The first contained Xcite and would make Lauren horny while making Scott impotent. The dose was enough to last the three weeks until Scott went to see his father for a month. The second substance was the date **** drug. Malcom and Hank could concoct anything. It was finally time.

Avery took some pizza and headed to his room after giving the young couple their food and drinks. He sat in front of the video monitors and watched the show. Lauren turned horny pretty quickly. She was starting to squirm a little and her attention to the card game was wavering. She rested her hand on Scott's knee and leaned in to kiss him. Her hand moved up his leg and suddenly grabbed his crotch. "Let's forget the game and fool around?"

"But I'm winning," Scott whined.

"Fine, you won, now lets head upstairs." He still hesitated and she added, "what's wrong, don't you want to do it?"

"Not really, I guess, I'm too tired."

"You're always ready to fool around," she said and Scott just shrugged. "Well can we at least try, I'm horny as hell."

"Sure, it's never let me down before," said Scott. Lauren threw her arms around Scott and kissed him passionately. He squirmed out of her embrace and nodded at the wall. "He might be watching."

Lauren looked over her shoulder at the security camera. "Upstairs then, where it's private."

Avery switched to the hidden camera in the bedroom and waited for the two to arrive. They entered the room almost immediately, Lauren leading Scott by his belt loop over to the bed. She sat down on it and pulled Scott between her legs, hastily undoing his pants. Lauren hadn't bothered to turn off the lights for a change.

The white girl took his penis in her hand and tugged on it a couple times, but the little thing never stirred. In fact, it seemed to retreat from her touch. "Come on," she said sounding perturbed. "I know what will get it going, and don't you dare cum in my mouth, I want this thing in my pussy. Lauren leaned forward and took his entire penis in her mouth. She removed it a minute later, it hadn't budged. "What's the matter, baby?" she asked.

"I don't know, I've been dying for you to put your lips on it since my birthday. "I'm just really tired."

"I'm tired too, but I....Scott? Her boyfriend had leaned back on the bed and was snoring. Lauren climbed up beside him, cupping his penis in her hand before she too fell asleep beside him.

The door opened a few minutes later and Avery slipped in holding up a syringe filled with fluid, Yserum. Without hesitating, he stabbed it into Lauren's ass and injected it.


Lauren sulked for several days after Scott passed out on her. Not that she hadn't fallen right asleep also, but he had absolutely no interest in sex since. As was their habit, she reached out every morning to feel his penis before mounting him and everyday it was as limp as spaghetti. She tugged on it several times and nothing. By the third day, Scott started wearing pajamas to bed and they had always slept together nude.

Lauren got out of bed and went to take her shower, she paused looking at herself in the mirror. Her nipples were puffed up and swollen, she ran her fingers over them wincing a little at their sensitivity. She had never seen them this hard and erect.

Lauren showered and put her underwear on. Her hard nipples scraped against her bra sending spasms to her soaked pussy. She decided to forego the bra, but found her nipples were clearly visible through any of her outfits. She was going shopping with her mom and couldn't go out in public like this. She settled on taping over her nipples and putting the bra on over them.

Avery drove her to her mother's and then took the two of them to the mall. She thought it would be safe to walk around with her mother and told the big black man to meet them in two hours.

They shopped for awhile and Lauren let her mom try on some clothes while she plotted out the next couple of stores. The store next to the one her mom was at, appeared to sell lingerie, some sexy, some sleazy. She stared at the outfits wondering if that would help turn Scott on. She entered the store and gasped, dildoes and vibrators filled the left wall. This wasn't a lingerie was a sex shop?

The dildoes at eye-level were all five and six inch flesh colored plastic ones, some smooth, some shaped like a real penis, some with vibrating settings, some long ones with a penis at both ends. She had no idea what that was for. She looked up and froze.

"You ain't never seen a real man's cock before have you? "No white boy's got enough to satisfy a horny slut like you." "Penises don't get that big." "These ain't penises, theys is cocks."

The memories of her abduction flooded back to her as she stared at the dozens of black dildoes lining the walls. Not one of the dildoes was under ten inches and many appeared as big as fourteen inches long with some the thickness of a coke can. Everyone of them was realistically modeled after a black cock having bumps and veins. Some looked so real, she thought she was looking at the huge cocks of her kidnappers again. The two black men's cocks were always near the surface of her mind. Sometimes she dreamed about them, mostly nightmares, but sometimes it was a good dream.

She looked over the black dildoes. One was of two huge cocks, one right above the other as if it was made to fill two places. Many were packaged in cardboard bearing pictures of giant black musclemen and claiming to be modeled after various men from some website.

"Disgusting filth isn't it?" said her mother beside her.

Lauren jumped a little, startled by her mother's unexpected appearance. "Horrible," she replied.

"These stores have been popping up all over the place, even in respectable areas like this mall and the ones I walk by all have those unbelievable black ones. I was a nurse for thirty years and never saw a penis over seven inches, black or white."

Lauren shivered again thinking of her kidnappers. The black dildoes weren't that unbelievable. She looked back further into the store seeing plenty of magazines and video displays many with an interracial theme. "Come on mom, lets get out of here."

"My thoughts exactly."


Lauren turned around and looked at her ass in the mirror. It had plumped up, but it was also pushing upwards and outwards looking sexy and firm. She could see her pussy lips in the mirror, they were parted and glistening from horniness. Her clit was distended and growing. As she looked at both her ass and her pussy, it suddenly occured to Lauren what the double dildo she had seen in the sex shop was for.

It wasn't just her ass, her whole body was changing. Either her waist had lost an inch or it looked thinner because her hips now flared out excitedly. She had also lost several pounds making her belly flatter and firmer, not that it hadn't already looked good.

The biggest surprise was her breasts. They had gone from a C-cup to a D, growing in just two weeks. Her nipples had grown also, always long, they now extended out an inch and took up her entire areola. Despite the increase in size, her breasts remained pointy and conical.

She quickly dressed and Avery drove her and Scott to the airport. She wanted the big black man there for protection, since her last trip to the airport brought back such bad memories for her.

"You promise?" Lauren asked walking Scott to his gate.

"Yes, I'll see a doctor about my problem."

"Thank you."

"Maybe you should see one too? I've never heard of any woman's body going through the changes yours has in their twenties or in just a few weeks."

"Don't you think I look good?"

"Yeah, but your body looks more like a stripper's or a porn star's now. Before it changed, you had this innocent girl next door thing going that I found very attractive. Not that you aren't still hot honey, just in a different way."

"Thanks Scott." His plane started boarding and she kissed him. "I love you, get that problem fixed and hurry home."

"I love you too," he replied flushing, hIs recent bout with impotence embarrassing him. Scott grabbed his carry on and boarded the plane.

Sad that her boyfriend was going away for a month, Lauren turned away, a tear running down her cheek, but she brightened up at all the stares she was getting from men. They thought she looked good. Few men could avoid checking her out, the bounce of her breasts, the sway of her hips, and it was impossible to keep her nipples from poking out her clothes. She liked the attention. Lauren had Avery drop her off at her mom's so that the two women could go out to dinner. Her mother dropped her off after dinner and Lauren dragged herself into her house. Avery was in his room and Lauren plopped herself on the couch. Dinner hadn't gone well. Her mom accused her of getting a boob job and plastic surgery. Lauren's mom, Linda didn't believe her denials and pointed out that Lauren's pox scar was gone. Lauren took out a compact mirror and looked at her cheek again, it was smooth as a babies bottom. The ugly scar that had marred her face for sixteen years was gone.

Lauren grabbed the remote and turned on the tv. Rap music blared forth from the speakers. Lauren rolled her eyes with distaste, Avery must have been watching raptv before she got home. She watched the screen preparing to turn, but the song playing was so erotic she continued to stare.

The video featured a muscular black man dressed like a repairman, shirtless, but wearing overalls. He was kissing a pretty, young, white woman. Lauren was shocked wen the woman turned away from the black man and into the arms of another black man. The song, judging by the chorus was called, "Honey I'm Home", but which man was her husband and why were they mixed race? The video got dirtier, with the woman stripping down to virtually obscene underwear and the men stripping down to white briefs. The woman kneeled behind one man's tight muscular ass and began bobbing her head, simulating oral sex. The second man came up and Lauren saw the monster bulge under his briefs, before he turned towards the woman and acted as if he were pulling his penis out for her to suck on. It got worse with the two men taking her to bed, sandwiching her between them, fucking them both, sucking one while the other kneeled behind her. The camera kept showing her white hand pressed against muscular black skin, her wedding ring sparkling. The shock came when the camera panned out to a white man in a business suit staring in horror at the threesome. The woman's husband's expression changed from horror to acceptance. He nodded his head and walked away saying, "It's only natural," while his wife's screams of pleasure matched the base in the song.

Lauren squirmed, the video had been virtually pornographic. The end said it was by a group called Black Phallus off their album "Only Natural." The camera switched to a vj interviewing one of the rappers, Lauren recognized him as one of the black men with the woman in the video. The woman vj said into the microphone, "So B-love tell our viewers what drives you as an artist."

"To (beep) as many white bitches as I can and hook them on big black (beep)."

"Well, you heard it here," said the pretty black woman vj, "We'll be back with our special on Black Phallus and a reminder that tonight after midnight we'll be showing the unedited versions of their videos. Keep it real till we get back."

Lauren looked at her watch just as the phone rang. "Hi honey," she said picking it up. "Did you arrive safely? I miss you to." She talked to Scott, but her eyes kept wandering to the tv. The next video was called "White wedding, black (blurred). If possible it was worse then the first and seemed to show white brides marrying white men only to end up with the black best man, janitor, etc, all played by members of the band.

The music combined with the video was very erotic and Lauren felt her arousal growing. She couldn't concentrate on what Scott was saying, so she flipped off the remote. She had just layed back on the couch to to relax while talking to her boyfriend when the alarm system went off.

The alarm made her scream as she dropped the phone and jumped almost out of her pants. The door burst open and one of her would-be-kidnappers black cock's was charging her swinging like a huge black banana attached to incredibly muscular torso. Lauren screamed again then realized that it was Avery running towards her holding a pistol up. "Stay here," he yelled leaving the room.

Lauren sat on the couch shivering for several minutes, before Avery returned. "All clear," he said. She barely heard him. His nude body was magnificent, Averyy's face was brutishly handsome, but it was his body that made him stand out. Every glut, pec, ab, and other muscle on the human body was a hard well-defined ridge on his body, but the biggest muscle of all was his cock. "Sorry, but it was just a short in the wiring. False alarm." Lauren was staring in awe at his cock. It was hard as granite, around a foot long and thicker then her wrist. It could have been the model for one of the black dildoes she had seen at the store. Equally impressive balls hung heavy and low underneath his giant cock. Avery let her stare before adding, "Sorry, I was just getting in the shower when the alarm went off. The adrenaline makes it swell up like this. I'll fix the alarm in the morning. Is there anything else you need?"

Avery was standing just several feet from where she sat on the couch. His huge cock was pointed right at her face hovering in the air. It taunted her with it's superiority, making a mockery of Scott's inadequate little penis. Scott? She had left him hanging after dropping the phone. "No, Avery, there's nothing else I need. Thank you."

The black man nodded and left. "Thank god," said Scott, "I was scared shitless till I heard him say it was just a short. What did he mean about adrenaline?"

"Nothing dear," said Lauren squirming in her seat.

Avery watched her that night in ir mode. She tossed and turned trying to sleep. Finally, Lauren appeared to give up and turned the tv on. It happened to be midnight and as she flipped through the channels, she paused on raptv just as the first "Black Phallus" video came on. He had seen all the videos, even watched one being filmed at the studio. The uncut versions were practically pornographic and certain scenes still had to be blurred out. All the songs told about black male sexual superiority and how it was "only natural" for white woman to submit to them. By the time the fifth video came on, he could make out Lauren fingering herself. The video was "White Wedding, Black Cock" and he could hear the chorus of white women strippers wearing bridal trains singing "I do, I do, black men and only black men". Lauren watched the entire special and appeared to cum several times before turning off the tv and going to sleep.


Lauren slept late the next day, then went over to her mother's. She got back late and bumped into Avery. "Avery, why don't you come with me to get a bite to eat?"

"Me, Miss Packard?"

"Sure, why not? I'm still a little shook up after that false alarm and I don't feel like being alone."

"I'd love too."

"Great, give me fifteen minutes to change and meet me down here."

The restaurant was just across town. It was a little Italian place and the customers stared at the white girl walking in with the giant black man. Lauren frequented the restaurant and knew the waiter, so she was able to get served. She ordered a fairly expensive bottle of wine and was soon feeling quite tipsy as they talked. Dinner arrived just when Avery stood up to go to the bathroom. Lauren could see the outline of his huge dick under his pants as he left. She was still thinking about it when he returned. "Want my black sausage?" he asked.

"What?" She came out of her daydream to see him holding up the long, dark sausage off his pasta.

"No thanks. I have plenty to eat on my own plate. Why don't you tell me about yourself? How long have you been a security guard?"

"Fifteen years now. I worked for various companies before Mr King hired me."

"Solomon King, the philanthropist?"

"That's right. He hired on some security to watch over various interests of his which later grew into a large security for hire company. He made me chief of security two years ago, seperate from the rent-a-cops."

"Is it dangerous?"

"It can be, but mostly it's just stopping reporters from snooping around."

"Doesn't it get in the way?" Lauren blushed. She couldn't believe she had just said that.

"Does what get in the way?"

"Your penis." She shouldn't have ***** so much wine, it had loosened her tongue."

"What about my penis?"

"Well, it's so big and so are your balls. How do you run and dodge bullets and stuff?"

"I'm not big, I'm about average for a black guy. Surely, you've seen bigger?"

"No, though the kidnappers came close." She shivered at the memory.

"What about Scott, doesn't he measure up?"

"He does alright." She finished her plate and they ordered dessert. "One last question, how big is it?"

"Just under twelve inches." Foot long cocks were considered status symbols among the "enhanced" and Avery resented the fact that his only came to 11 3/4".

"That's huge."

Avery shrugged and said, "that's why black men make better lovers." He wiggled his eyebrows and she laughed. "Seriously though, size doesn't matter, ten, eleven, twelve, or even fourteen inches, it's all the same."

Lauren was silent the rest of the dinner. Scott's wasn't even six inches and here this guy was talking like her boyfriend was abnormal or something.

"Thanks for an interesting and fun evening," said Lauren as Avery unlocked her door."

"No, thank you Miss Packard. I can't remember spending time with such delightful or such beautiful company."

Lauren shivered as a fresh wave of lubriction coated her pussy. His compliments seemed to have a far greater effect on her then anyone elses."

Lauren went up to her room and stripped. She turned raptv on hoping to see Black Phallus, but all she got was commercials and fat rappers. She laid on the bed slowly fingering her pussy until after about an hour they played a Black Phallus video. It was appropriately enough, "Size Does Matter". Lauren started moving her finger rapidly over her clit as she looked at the rappers wearing tight briefs showing the outlines of their big cocks. The scenes shifted to views of white women with the singers. One showed B-love in a hospital gown lifting his gown up to show a pretty blonde nurse his penis. The nurse looked down, her expression going from scared to awed as she slowly fell to her knees and B-love pulled the gown out and over her head with her face buried in his crotch. One scene was in a male strip club. Two white men and a black man danced on three stages. As the strippers supposedly ripped off their pants, the crowd of women ran over to the black one, ignoring the white men. They started waving money, licking their lips, and staring at his crotch. That scene ended with the stripper sitting down as the women stripped for him. All the scenes were like that with one humorous one showing a black construction worker break his hammer as he prepared to hit a nail. He looked around seeing no one, then took out his penis and shook it several times. The camera panned down and the nail had been driven in.

Lauren came twice watching the video wishing it was the uncut version she had seen last night. Somewhat satisfied, she drifted off to sleep with the tv on. She dreamed of black men and black cocks all night. She was in all the Black Phallus videos and she wasn't just serving the muscular black rappers, she was also with the fat ones, Avery, and in one dream she gave herself willingly to her kidnappers.


Lauren was shaking as she got home the next day from shopping in the city. In one of her bags was the object that had her so scared. She had made her purchase in a sex shop near Times Square, a twelve inch black vibrator called a "King" cock. This shop hadn't had any white dildoes, not that it mattered to her. In fact, the shop contained almost all interracial products. Once inside, the porno was graphic. Dozens of huge black cocks were on the cover of magazines, all with white women kissing the tips or staring at them lovingly. She hadn't lingered, just bought the vibrator and fled.

As she approached her house, she noticed Avery swimming in the pool, which was fine, though she had never given him permission to use her pool. "Miss Packard," he said, "your back early."

"I left you a note saying when I'd be back."

"Must of missed it."

"It's ok, stay in the pool."

"Good, I was hoping you wouldn't make me leave. I'm not wearing a suit."

Lauren's now much larger nipples hardened when she heard he was naked. "Enjoy your swim Avery."


Avery was still in the water when she returned. He looked up at her staring at her with as much awe as she had stared at his cock. "Holy shit," he said.

"Thank you, I'll take that as a compliment."

"I had no idea your body was that nice." He was only half lying, as her room had been dark while he watched her masturabate.

"Oddly, it seems to have gone through a weird growth spurt over the last two weeks. That's why my bikini doesn't fit too well." Her breasts, now a D-cup stretched out her B-cup sized bikini top, stretching the material so thin, her nipples were clearly visible. Her ass, once slightly bony, had grown so that her panties slid between her butt cheeks. Despite, the size increase, her body remainded smooth and firm. Her conical breasts, still pointed proudly upward, huge, but with no sag whatsoever. She wore dark sunglasses so that she could stare at him without him knowing it.

"You look fantastic."

"Thanks, my mom thinks I've gotten cosmetic surgery." Lauren laid down on her stomach. She had a strong desire to see Avery's cock again and needed an excuse to get the muscle-bound black man out of the pool. "Would you put some lotion on my back?"

"Remember, I'm naked"

"Oh that's alright, we're all adults here. Besides, I saw it last night." Lauren desperately wanted to see it again. Her heart was beating a mile a minute. She wanted to use the image of Avery's cock in her mind when she tried out King cock tonight.

Lauren watched as Avery climbed out of the water. He took his time as if he enjoyed showing off his body. Water poured off his muscles, making him glisten in the sunlight. His cock appeared, dangling halfway to his knees, soft, but still plumper then Scott's penis. He paused and ran his hand through his short afro to get the water off, his biceps swelling as he did so.

Lauren's chin rested on her hands, staring at his cock as it swung when he started walking toward her. "The lotion is there, just my back please."

Avery stood right over her head, so that she could easily stare up at his cock. He bent over and began rubbing her shoulders, his cock extending an inch as soon as he touched her. He rubbed down her back, pushing against her bikini strap. "Better unhook this for now," he said undoing her top. His cock plumped up even more and rose a little as he undid her bikini. Lauren groaned as he moved down her back, he was more massaging her then putting suntan lotion on her and it felt awfully good.

His oil covered hands slid under her bikini bottoms and rubbed her ass. "Don't," she said, though it felt good. His cock had extended another inch and risen even more. Now she could see, the throbbing blue-black veins under it and his huge balls. She could even smell his cock, it smelled musky but enticing.

"You don't want tan lines on that hot ass of yours," he said softly yanking on the top of her panties so that the already straining material disappeared between her ass cheeks.

"Hey," she said startled.

"Relax," he whispered, his hands massaging her ass cheeks and moving down to her thighs. Her pussy dripped as she realized his hands were just inches from her crotch.

"That's good enough," she moaned. His cock was rock hard now, swollen and fully grown.

"Look what you did," he said stepping back.

"Did what?"

"Made my cock look like this. You don't know how hot you look in that bikini. Your body is incredible."

"So's yours."

"You can touch it if you want, get it out of your system before Scott gets back. I know you want to see what a man-sized cock feels like if your only used to touching his little one.

"How do you know Scott's is little?"

"Simple, his lack of bravery during the attempted kidnapping. That's a sign of a wimpy prick, that and the fact that he's white of course."

"You don't mind? I would like to examine it."

"Be my guest."

Lauren pushed herself up and sat in the cot, her top falling off as she had forgotten it was undone. Avery grabbed it and through it asside before she could cover up. "You get to see me, I get to see you." Her thick, fully erect, swollen, inch long nipples embarrassed her, but she wasn't about to pass up this opportunity.

Lauren reached out and touched only the second cock of her life. Scratch that, the first, Scott's did not deserve to be called a cock. Once she touched it, she didn't want to let go. She ran her hand all along the shaft, bringing her other hand up to cup his balls, then both hands were feeling his cock. It was as hard as the dildo, she couldn't bend it and no amount of pressure from her finger would make his skin indent. "I need to see this big cock squirt," she said.

Lauren poured lotion into her palm and began coating his cock with it. This was the most exciting thing she had ever done in her life, more even then winning the lottery. Her hands slid up and down the black shaft. Her first encounter with Scott had been a hand job, but this was so different. Scott had cum in under three minutes, he was so excited. Avery was outlasting her arms.

The head was pointed right at her mouth. If he came, it would cover her face, but she didn't care. The knobby head bobbed hypnotically before her mouth. "May I suck on it?" she asked.

"It's only natural," replied Avery.

Lauren closed her eyes and for some reason planted a kiss right on Avery's pee-slit before opening her mouth wide and taking him inside. She moved her mouth and lips around the head, which alone filled her mouth. She began experimenting seeing how much she could take down her throat before gagging, getting further each time. Strange, but she found herself enjoying this with Avery, where she never had with Scott. Next time, she'd go straight to giving him a blow job. Next time?

She had managed to swallow half his cock while one hand was massaging his balls when he came. HIs huge testicals tensed up as his cock seemed to swell even more. Then it jerked and cum was pouring into her belly. Disgusted, she pulled back only to have his second wad fill her mouth until her cheeks bulged out and she was forced to swallow to keep from choking. It didn't taste bad like she thought it would, good even, addictive. His balls filled her mouth faster then she could swallow and she gagged losing control of his cock-head. His cock flew up hitting his stomach and long strand of cum flew up from the head falling across her hair and eyes. His cock fell over so that it was pointing at her again, his last wad leaving a strand from her eyes to her shoulder.

"Thanks babe, I needed that," said Avery squeezing along his cock to drain the last of his sperm out. "Sorry about the mess, but I haven't gotten off in a couple weeks."

Couple weeks? Avery's one load of cum was more then Scott had ever cum in five years of fucking and the young couple fooled around usually six times a week. The semen Avery was squeezing out now was more then Scott came in a year. It was pooling on the cement at the black man's feet. What a waste, she thought, licking her lips, though her belly was full.

"Ready to try this in your pussy," he asked?

His cock was still hard ready to go again. She could feel her pussy lips opening wide in anticipation and her swollen clit was rubbing her panties. "No, I can't betray Scott," she said needing Avery's cock more then anything. "I have to go." This had gone too far. Lauren had a fall back plan to keep her from betraying her boyfriend.


"Oh Avery, it's so big. Fuck me with your black cock."

Avery squeezed his cock. Damn, he needed to fuck her. He watched her use the dildo on the monitor, recording it to add to the video of Lauren giving him the blow job by the pool. He had already posted that video on the E&I website and it had been downloaded several thousand times making him some money. Not that he'd need any money if this scheme panned out.

He couldn't take it anymore and started masturbating as Lauren continued moving the King cock in and out of her pussy while pretending she was fucking him.


"I wonder what Avery will think of this?" Lauren said out loud to her reflection. She was trying on a new bikini, sized to fit her new buxom figure. Strangely, this bikini had less material then her smaller one. The front of her panties was thinner and she'd need to shave her pussy closer, the back was nonexistant, just a string sliding between her butt cheeks. The bra was just strings in the back and sides, the cup covering less of her breasts then the last bikini. She was buying it for Scott, but it was Avery she wanted to wear it for.

Lauren bought it and asked Avery what he thought of it after trimming her pussy when she went home. He approved of course and she was soon topless, jerking him off again.

The panties were the only thing that saved her from getting fucked. She tugged on his cock as she laid back on the cot. He stood between her knees, her hand kept pulling the head towards her pussy. The head poked against her wet bikini bottoms several times triggering a small orgasm. When he came, he squirted cum all over her tits and belly. Lauren mewled and sat up quickly taking the head in her mouth so that she could taste him again.

Lauren ran to her room to use the dildo as quickly as she could, licking his sperm up with one hand while plunging the dildo into her with the other..

Neither had noticed Lauren's mother standing by her car at the gate to Lauren's house staring at the two by the pool.


The next day the horniness was gone. Lauren was a little ashamed of her behaviour with Avery the last two days and avoided him leaving the house to go for a walk in the park.

Lauren was feeling hot and flushed as she walked as if she was coming down with a fever. Men were staring at her, more so then normal. Granted, she was wearing short shorts and one of her old tee-shirts, one that her new breasts lifted up so far, her entire belly was exposed, but all men were staring. Eighty year old men were staring as they fed the pigeons, teen boys quit throwing a frisbee as she passed them, and one wife smacked her husband for staring as they pushed a stroller past Lauren.

Uncomfortable, Lauren left the park and headed home. She needed to tell Avery it was over, but she didn't know how. He met her at the pool wearing small white speedos, the horniness started returning when she saw his body.

"Lauren, that was stupid leaving the house without telling me. What if the gunman was waiting?"

"Sorry, I needed to think."

"Still it was stupid, suck on this and I'll forgive you." He stepped out of the speedos.

"That's what I wanted to think about. Avery, I love Scott and we can't do this anymore." Lauren stared at his cock, waving her hand before her face to cool off.

"Are you sure, you don't want this cock again? It's only natural for white sluts like you to service black men."

He called her a slut and instead of getting upset, she was getting hotter and hornier. "Maybe one more blow job, but that's it. Jesus, aren't you hot? It's hot out here." Lauren felt sweat drip down both her nipples. She looked down, it wasn't sweat, the fluid was white. Milk? Lauren looked up at Avery, but he was already kneeling on the cement trying to get her shorts off. He looked wild-eyed and his big negroid nostrils were flaring. Lauren helped him by pulling her tee shirt off. Milk was leaking from her nipples!

Avery pulled her down and turned her so that she was kneeling on the cement. She came when his cock slammed into her pussy and again when he pushed his thumb into her ass while gripping her butt cheek. He was growling as he fucked her with wild abandon. "Take that black cock you fucking white slut," he yelled.

"Jesus, you're not wearing a condom," she moaned not caring. "Don't stop fucking me, cum in my pussy, give me a baby. I need your big cock." He had pushed his cock in deeper then the she had gotten the dildo and she was cumming like crazy. He came quickly, flooding her womb with sperm, some primal instinct told her at least one would fertilize an egg and she was happy. His cock stayed hard in her pussy after cumming. Avery caught his breath and started fucking her again. Her knees were scraped by the time he carried her into her bedroom to continue.

They fucked for days. She didn't get the mail, didn't answer the phone, they barely ate, when they weren't fucking they were sleeping.


"You won't fucking believe how good it is," said Avery letting the two black men into the house. "I need to recharge, you two can have her the rest of the day, then I'm back on it before she goes out of heat.

No more, thought Lauren when she heard Avery come back into the room, but her legs were spreading in anticipation. She was in her guest room, her own bed was sweat and cum soaked. She opened her eyes when she heard two voices.

"Slut's fucking mine."

"Fuck you ass hole, I'm on the bitch."

Two black men were arguing, the one lashed out punching the other and decking him. She helped guide the victor's cock into her pussy. She looked up at him lustily, smiling at him. She was dreaming because it was Sambo, the gunman fucking her. It was his lips she was kissing, his cock that was pleasuring her. Sure enough, the other man was Jemima. Sambo growled at the other to stay away. Jemima came around to the side and stuck his stiff cock in her face. Lauren started sucking it while Sambo went back to fucking her, satisfied he wasn't going to have to fight for her pussy.

At some point during the day, Sambo rolled her on top of him and the other black man pushed his cock into her ass. The only thing missing was a black cock down her throat, she thought as she came violently. The limo driver finally got to fuck her pussy when Sambo fell off her exhausted.

Later that night, Jemima was roughly pulled off of her as Avery returned throwing the two black men out. When she awoke from the dream, Avery was sleeping on her, his spent cock still in her pussy.


"Now will you tell me what the big emergency is?"

Linda stopped at the gate and let Scott out. "Save my ******** Scott. I believe she's fucking that ni..."

"What do you mean, Lauren wouldn't cheat on me?"

"I saw her and Avery by the pool. I couldn't be sure through the fence, but it looked like she was sucking his dick."

"Not my Lauren," said Scott shaking his head. "I can't believe I flew back for this."

"Just get in there boy," said Linda driving off.

Scott let himself through the gate looking up at the house with trepidation, his confidence failing him as he remembered the huge cocks on the kidnappers. Did Avery have a similar dick? Was Lauren now hooked on a cock twice his own size? Had his own impotence driven her into the arms of another man? Scott slowly walked up the long driveway, past the pool. His arm was shaking as he let himself into the front door.

Scott found Lauren in the bedroom. The bed sheets were all wadded up in the corner and Lauren was weaing a robe. She was wet like she had just gotten out of the shower. All Scott's worries disappeared as Lauren looked at him and smiled. She dropped her robe and Scott's penis got erect for the first time in a month. Lauren wasn't cheating on him, she loved him. She wanted him. He needed to fuck her.

Scott ripped off his clothes as Lauren got on all fours on the bed. Her pussy was facing him, dripping with arousal as he approached. Her pussy lips were spread apart wider then he'd ever seen them. He stuck his little prick in her and they both moaned, though Scott barely felt anything. She was loose and there was little if any friction. He didn't care though, he started humping his hips like a madman needing to cum, his bony ass a blur as he fucked her, until a chill ran down his spine.

Scott's legs grew weak with fear before he even saw the black man. He turned his head as he heard a low growl, just as Avery's mighty arm wrapped around his neck and pulled him off Lauren.

Avery spun Scott around and the air left the white man's lungs as Avery's ham-like fist slammed into his stomach. Scott felt himself flying, hitting the wall with a loud thump. Tears were in his eyes as he looked up at the black man standing over him. Avery was naked, a foot-long monster cock bobbed before Scott's eyes. Scott heard a whimper and realized it was coming from his own throat. "Put it away," he cried staring at the black man's superior cock.

"That I will," growled Avery. The black man turned and inserted his cock into Lauren's pussy. She hadn't moved, staying on all fours as if waiting for the victor. Avery buried his entire cock and Lauren had a look of pure pleasure on her face. A look Scott had never seen when she was with him. She was loving it, fucking him back, even talking dirty to him. Scott could never compete with Avery. It was only natural for the strong well-hung black man to possess a beautiful creature like Lauren. Scott's dick which had shrunk during the confrontation, grew hard again as he watched them fuck. With a resigned sigh, he backed out of the room and left the house never to return.


"Congratulations on such a big score Avery," said Solomon King. "I accept your resignation of course, but you will be sadly missed. What will you do now?"

A tear rolled down Avery's eyes as he stared at his boss, the man who had made im what he was. "Travel I guess, treat some European women to black cock. Maybe start some businesses, all black run of course."

"Of course," said Solomon smirking.

The CFO of King Enterprises and E&I Enterprises stood beside the two men and opened the envelope. "Fuck," said the black man looking at the check. "Avery you only owe four million."

"I'd also like to buy out the contracts of my two assistants. The other twenty million can go towards the cause. Twenty more enhanced black men to swell our ranks. Try to find some good Harlem brothas, my old neighborhood."

Solomon stood and shook his hand warmly before Avery left. The now independent black man had one more stop to make today.


"What have you done with my ********, you black bastard?" screamed Linda.

"My wife is fine, mom," said Avery.

"Don't call me that boy. Look at you all upptity in that fancy suit. I know you stole her money and I don't know what you did with poor Scott. I'm going to the police.

"Won't do you any good, she's fine and she signed control of her money over to me. We did fly to Vegas to get married. Here's a post card."

Linda snatched it from Avery's hand. It wasn't really a postcard, it was a photo of Lauren on a beach in the Carribbean. Her ******** was wearing a bikini top and a sarong. Her belly was bulging out from her pregnancy. Linda couldn't deny that her ******** looked happy. "Where the hell is Trinibogo?"

Avery ignored the woman and picked up a picture of Linda from the dresser. The back of the frame read "1970" and showed Linda in a bikini with her dead husband. "I had no idea you looked this good, mom."

"I said don't call me that, thief."

"You know Linda, why don't you go see Lauren. I know she misses you. I could get you a ticket as soon as you're ready."

"You mean that?"

"Of course," replied Avery grinning evily at her. "There's just one catch, Trinibogo isn't as developed as the rest of the islands and you'll need an anti-malaria shot."

"That's not a problem Avery."

"Good, I know a doctor who can give you a shot immediately." Avery's dick extended an inch as he thought about fucking the hot bitch in the picture as the Yserum would make her look twentyfive or thirty again, thin her waist, and swell up her boobs, she'd be hotter then her ********. His cock turned completely hard as he thought about knocking up his mother-in-law when she went into heat three weeks after getting the shot. After that the male Trinibogons would use both women as breeding stock.

Avery smiled at the chubby middle-aged woman. "I'll come down as soon as I tie up some loose ends, say three weeks from now."

The End