“Next candidate please enter,” I entered a small cubicle with cushions everywhere, cameras with sound, and a teleprompter that spoke to me, “Your name?”



"I’m Indian by race."


“I’m... uhh, I’m a sissy femboy."

“I see, what kind of job are you applying for?”

“I’m applying to join the House of Domina as a slave. I can perform any job that is required of me.”

“What makes you think you are qualified for the house of Domina?”

“I have many references, my sister Lila joined the house last year on June 2, 2026.”

“Was your sister a naturally born female?”

“Yes, she is best friends with Eva Quinn, one of the ********* of The Domina.”

“Your sister is a natural-born female and that of a superior breed but that alone doesn’t make you qualified for joining this prestigious ****** household. We have reviewed your background you have no history whatsoever supporting our cause. You applied for a visa to this country under our SBFP program, the SOCIETY of BLACK AND FEMALE POWER as you know very well. You made an application for refugee status and government funding to come to this country as people from your country were against your sexual orientation. You claimed you are a sissy, a woman trapped in a man's body and hoping to transition into a woman at the earliest possible date. Yet since you came here you have not made any effort to make good on your promise. Our refugee program is backed by taxpayer's money and wasting it is a serious offense,” said the metallic female voice through the teleprompter in my secluded cubicle.

I gulped in fear, she was right, "When I was 17 and she was 15 my visa to this country was rejected 3 times while my sister’s was accepted instantly. Three years later, I tried again and it was accepted because I knew this country's social and political climate was changing. People who supported Female domination, black power, gay rights, and transgenders were given the highest priority. They even paid immigrant people who supported these causes to immigrate here so I made a convenient lie to the embassy for approval of entry to this country in a state that was under the major influence of the SBFP organization. I even looked the part, I have a soft feminine voice, no girlfriend until 19, nobody in my home country liked my short height compared to other men and I have a curvy feminine body with natural B-cup boobies. Due to excess fat and a pretty face girls didn’t give me a second look, what was worse as I grew older my penis size remained the same 3 inches which worsened my insecurity when communicating with women, I am shy, a recluse, and have a porn addiction. I am a middle child who wasn’t given much Importance. I was ordered around by my father and older brothers who are tall, buff, and manly. I had average grades in school and college and have no interest in growing up and working an average job in my country I have always wanted to travel abroad.

My sister in comparison life went swimmingly for her. She is beautiful, exotic-looking, has a sweet personality, and easily got boyfriends. Once she turned 15 she traveled abroad, she easily made friends and a lot of connections with rich people, especially through her best friend Eva Quinn. I desperately tried to go where she was but was denied and soon her calls reduced more and more with each passing year. I grew jealous, she had found a cool group of friends she loved more than her ******. At eighteen she looked beautiful among her friends in the images on her social media that I followed, she looked like a supermodel. So I came to the US through suspicious means, I received funding from the SBFP and a refugee’s permanent visa. I wanted to give it time and get used to the culture and the environment that’s all."

“We have doubts regarding your statement. Did you apply for this job to save your skin during the purge?”

“That's correct,” I told her, “I wish to choose a side, I want to support the cause wholeheartedly. I always respected women and treated every woman I met like a queen. I arrived in this country during a time of political instability, it wasn’t the life I imagined. Every woman I met in the US was filled with the current propaganda of female and black superiority since childhood and didn’t care about any man but those who were black. I tracked my sister down and met her at a party she was so gorgeous, she was cute, skinny, and nerdy-looking the difference was unbelievable. I met her and we talked for some time catching up on lost time then I met her best friend, Eva who I dislike, her attitude was unfriendly and after Eva and her group of friends joined us my sister’s demeanor toward me became cold, and distant as if she weren’t thrilled that I came to live here. The five men who accompanied the girls each a genetic marvel, tall, black glistening skin, and big muscular bodies that exhumed an aura of dominance. Lila left with her group and told me to enjoy the party as they went to dance. I was depressed the whole time, no women wanted to dance with me or even talk. Each girl I tried to talk to made small talk or brushed me off with a look of disgust. Eva’s group danced sensually with their partners even Lila their hips grinding, her butt twerking on his crotch. She looked nothing like the teenager that left me back home. She had huge breasts, buxom, tan skin, and a beautiful round ass.

Eva wasn’t dancing with the others she sat on a couch watching them dance until I caught her eye from afar and she made her way to me walking catlike, like a supermodel, “Who invited you here,” she asked, "Did you come here with a girl?"

“I came to meet my sister and no I didn't bring any girls with me,” I answered struggling to talk to such a beautiful girl.

She laughed, “You met her, it’s time to leave.”

"But that's my sister, I haven't seen her in a long time, please let me talk to her."

"You see she is a member of my ****** now, so she is my sister too. This is a private party and you are crashing. I have met incel fucks like you, men who will never get a woman like us. In case you have been living under a rock great things are in the works for this city. All useless weak men like you will be slaves for the African race and beautiful goddesses like us. Useless men like you submit their wives, sisters, mothers, and ********* to strong black men and become slaves to the whims of women. I must warn you of this since you are Lila's brother, it's time for you sissy incels to leave the country or support our cause by becoming slaves to us superior women. As for meeting your sister, I'm sure you will find a way, you will have to join our ****** as a slave to even get close to the dirt beneath your sister's feet."

"Is this boy bothering you?" asked a tall black man behind her, "Yes," said Eva, "He is crashing the party, he needs to be taught a lesson bring him before the others."

"Eva please, I'll leave, please let me go," I begged.

"Think of this as one of our tests to serve our superiority, " the man picked me up like a ragdoll and carried me into a space throwing me on the ground and bringing everyone's attention to me, "Marcel, strip yourself and strip him before the others," he smiled and removed his clothes slowly. Everyone cheered as he revealed his naked body in full glory. His huge arms and muscles terrified me, his cock was massive, and he had the body of a warrior.

He towered over me ripping my clothes off my thin shaved, curvy feminine body and shapely man breasts for all to see and then he removed my underwear. Everyone was silent and then one of the girls started giggling, it was Lila, my sister. Soon the whole room was filled with laughter at my 3-inch shaved cock. One of the men handed us boxing gloves, then a woman so beautiful, she could be a princess or a queen came from the crowd and made her way to Marcel and licked his cock shaft and balls, "He is somewhat pretty, Marcel, don't ruin his face," said Eva as she stepped back disengaged herself from Marcel's cock and looked at me making a hand gesture of cutting my throat as Marcel began to circle me, "This is a game," announced Eva to the others, "This sissy faggot here will fight Marcel if he wants to leave all he needs to do is surrender by kissing the feet of Marcel or ten people in this room then it's up to Marcel to spare him, you may begin,” she announced. Everyone cheered as Marcel took a boxing stance moving toward me with lightning-fast reflexes and punched me hard in my stomach, I crumbled. He waited for me to get up before beating me for a few minutes. I tried to punch him but he was too fast, laughing at my feeble attempts to fight back he punched me harder. I was hurting, I started spitting blood. I knew that the only way I could escape this torture was to kiss his feet. I gave up and dropped to my knees and kissed his feet but he picked me up and kept punching me so I ran toward Eva. I kissed her feet or her high-heeled boots. Marcel kept picking me up and throwing me back into the center of the ring and continued beating me to a pulp. I got up and ran toward any women closest to me and began kissing their feet. Some of them took a step back while some of them enjoyed my mouth on their soles. I felt a cracking hit on my balls one of the women had kicked me in my nuts and soon others followed suit with savage pleasure while screaming insults. I saw my sister standing before me I made my way over to her in tears kissed her feet tearfully looking up at her hoping for her to help me. Then, strangely I remembered all the times I bullied her during our childhood and called her names like skinny and girls are stupid. She made her way behind me and kicked me in the balls. It was at that moment I found out that she didn't care, I wasn't ******, she was Eva's sister and I felt completely numb from the shock. I felt another foot on my ass, "On your knees boy, point your ass at me in submission," I gathered the strength to do as told, and soon after I assumed my submissive position the beatings stopped. I felt his cock at my anal entrance and knew the worst was far from over.

He plunged his cock inside my tight virgin hole without mercy splitting my ass apart. I had surrendered to him, I was his prisoner and he could do whatever pleased him. He kept hammering inside me using me as his toy. Soon the pain numbed with intense pleasure and I started moaning like the women in the porn videos I watched. I had no sensation left in my body, I was defeated when his cock rammed into the deepest part of me and then I saw Eva before me waving her bare feet before me I licked her soles like my life depended on it until I fell unconscious.

I woke up naked on the streets and made my way to the hospital. That was the last time I contacted Lila. My spirit was completely broken and sometimes I wondered if I could track down Eva and kill her for this humiliation. She was right when she told me big things were in motion and at such a pace I couldn't comprehend all that was happening when it happened. The leaders of the city took up arms against the state government there were riots, every white ****** was purged and propaganda of black and female superiority was rampant. Neighboring cities and then states went through the same thing. We were on the brink of having a separate country, African people, transgenders, gays, lesbians, and most importantly women and propagandist rioters were above the law. Black males and female citizens were given the right to claim any white household the women were re-educated or taken as slaves and impregnated. Men were taken as slaves to be re-educated or put in advanced sex change programs. There was not much resistance as many females young and old were integrated into our cause before this happened and surrendered to their black Masters. White men and some foreigners had chosen to leave, there was a mass emigration of white men. However, there was a much higher birth rate and a younger workforce due to women giving birth at an alarming rate since these changes many years ago. Every day I saw white men who resisted being beaten down in the streets. There was a new standing army and a police force controlled by black men, females, and some shemales who were quite efficient and skilled.

Everywhere I went women of all races were being fucked by black men in various street orgies. Fertility, sex change, and STD prevention clinics increased enormously. There were so many centers of the governmental organization called SBFP (SOCIETY OF BLACK AND FEMALE POWER) opened to re-educate the population. I had chosen to stay, unlike many others of my race who fled the country in fear. They had advised me to do the same but I chose to submit to this new movement believing I had found my place in society that was free of many obligations like getting married and living a boring office life. I had no funds to start a new life in another state or country.

When a period of stability finally arrived I went into hiding since I came to this country under false pretenses and was living on government expenses. Now that the purge had happened many others who faked their way by pretending to be transgender were punished through long jail sentences. My neighbors and landlords were conservative and supported me for the time being hiding me successfully. I did odd jobs for them at low wages and they protected me from immigration inspectors until everything went wrong. As more gangs of African men moved to my neighborhood most of my male neighbors left, their housewives and ********* stayed back voluntarily and were converted by new black entrants to the neighborhood. I was terrified when three black men came to the house of the ****** housing me. The ****** had two ********* and one son along with the parents. I quickly hid in the attic, I watched in horror as the men molested the housewife and ********* who didn't complain or resist. The father and son were allowed to pack their bags and flee leaving their women behind. Even after hearing the father and son's pleas the women refused to follow them saying this was their home now.

After a night of those ladies getting roughly fucked I escaped when they were sleeping. I decided it was time for me to come out of hiding and find a job before I was caught. Many females who controlled wealthy households took up the task to train male slaves into sissies and created many prestigious feminization schools for both young men and women. A lot of them were brutal sadists and those slaves were treated like dirt and they never went anywhere in life. But according to rumors the Quinn household called the HOUSE OF DOMINA created the best slaves and those slaves were even one day promoted to be a full woman with high rights in society. They even adopted male and female children to educate them on the norms of high-class female society. There were rumors the matriarch of the ****** Domina, herself was a witch and could magically change a man's gender to match almost 90% of a naturally born woman’s. The school along with a few others was like royalty among such schools of feminization training. Once you were trained there any wealthy household would employ you. Only a few special men were given admittance in the HOUSE OF DOMINA because they hand-picked the boys and girls looking for young and innocent students. I contacted a popular feminization and sissy hiring agency to get a chance to join and that is how I came to be in this interrogation cubicle waiting to complete my interview.

“The House of Domina doesn’t train runaways and delinquents like you. Only high-class males are given entry from a young age, you do not qualify.”

“Please contact Lila Quinn and Eva Quinn, they will vouch for me. I was invited to join the house by Eva herself,” I said desperately my hopes on the brink of being dashed. Eva did say Lila was her sister so she must have shared her last name I patted myself mentally for my genius.

“Is that so,” asked the voice after a moment of silence, “But then again, that alone does not qualify you. You must be fresh and not tainted by male toxicity and sexism to be a high-class female or a sissy slave in the house of Domina. You must be innocent and pure like any woman and able to answer any questions I ask you and if Eva is contacted and denies your claims you will be jailed and punished harshly. You have no résumé or prior sissification experience and haven’t contacted a fertility clinic since you arrived in this country. This could go very badly for you if your answers are not up to our satisfaction.”

“I accept your conditions.”

“Your actual age?”

“I’m 22.”

She made a tsk tsk noise as if she didn’t approve of my age, "How many women have you dated and tricked into fucking an inferior male like you?”

“I haven’t slept with any woman, I’m a virgin.”

“I see, why haven’t you slept with any woman?”

“I always felt inferior to women in general. I didn’t believe I was good enough to satisfy any woman, I am a submissive sissy.”

“I see, you may strip.”

I dared not refuse and stripped naked. Standing before the cameras in the room I received no response and knew I was being scanned head to toe, “Black hair, Smooth skin, feminine curves, and a pair of B-cup breasts. A pretty Innocent face, clitty size is 3 inches absolutely of no use to a superior female. Round plump ass and not a speck of body hair in any part of your body. Tell me have you used gender enhancing drugs?”

“No, I haven’t,” I answered truthfully.

“Well sissy, it seems you are a natural and quite beautiful. Tell me have you ever dated a man or had sexual relations with one?”

“I have had sex with a superior black male, he fucked me in public,” I purposefully withheld any extra information such as him fucking me by force or crashing a party of influential people.

“I see, please give us some time, in the meantime please assume a submissive position.”

I got on my knees and stuck my ass in the camera and waited for hours sweating in this cramped cubicle. The only plus point was that the entire room was cushioned. Then I heard the voice say, “Please make your way into the next room on your hands and knees.”

I was exhilarated, the most humiliating moment of my life, me having gotten fucked by a man who came to my aid when I needed it the most. A door opened behind me and I crawled inside a more spacious room filled with lab equipment. I met the woman who was interviewing me, or I saw her feet and black heels, I dared not look up at her, "Now these are good manners," she said noticing my behavior. She stuck her heel forward and I kissed her foot, "Even without training you are educated to never look up at a woman unless it is asked of you, now look up."

I looked up as ordered, she was a pretty blonde in her 40s, while pretty she had slight wrinkles and heavy makeup, "You are a lucky sissy, you came at the right time and met the right interviewer. If you had come yesterday or would have come tomorrow you would not have met me. You see I have a few direct contacts with the Quinn ****** members, I have had dealings with them in the past. I sent some references of some pretty sissies their way, beginners like you, and all were rejected. You see I have a side gig where I sell femboys, slaves, and servants in exchange for a commission. My name is Mistress Marlene and one day you will thank all the goddesses for me having met you provided you are accepted. After all, there is still the final interview and the exchange, someone is coming to meet you."

"Thank you, Mistress," I said kissing her heels gratefully.

The door opened and another woman entered. She was wearing a black dress with violet high heels which looked luxurious. I had lowered my gaze when she entered, "What do you want Marls, my big sis called me to check on this matter. I was lounging peacefully in a fucking Jacuzzi before I got a rude call. What is the meaning of this interruption it had better be important."

That was Eva, I recognized her voice.

"I have a special deal for you, check his credentials, he is an exotic piece. Completely clean, fresh, and pure, a 22-year-old virgin. Well-mannered, cultured, and naturally disciplined, and a little bird told me you needed a gift for your little sister, how old is she now eighteen?"

“If I wanted to buy my sister a fucking sissy I would go to an art gallery, not some dank interrogation room!”

“But look at him, Mistress Eva. He is so freaking cute, all-natural, no gender hormonal enhancers. Among all those older white sissies he is unique, you will not find another like him. Besides he says he knows you and his sister is Lila. He told me you would vouch for him,” Marlene made a desperate attempt to sell me.

“Look at me Faggot,” Eva commanded.

I looked up at her, she smiled evilly with instant recognition.

“So... you did take my advice, slave.”

She faced Marlene, “The word sister means quite a great deal today. This sissy is a slave with no ****** here, Lila is my sister,” she turned to me and continued, "And from now on, one of your mistresses. Never forget that she is nothing to you, understand,” she brought my face up to hers and slapped me hard.

“Thank you for reminding me, Mistress,” I said kissing her heels, "I will never forget that.”

“So do you want him?”

“I don’t fucking want him, Marls but he has potential. It would be fun to mentally torture him in front of Lila. Besides I’m hard-pressed for time. My stupid overly girly baby sister didn’t like the last gift I brought her. She is quite the sadist, she whipped the last guy so much that he ran away and tried to escape to another country and is now being punished even worse in jail, I hope for your sake she likes you.”

I didn’t know whether to be thrilled about getting selected or fear the worst. The women were haggling over the price of owning me since I was being sold in the most unpresentable area until finally a deal was struck, “I had a feeling I would need to bring this with me,” said Eva taking some objects from her purse. It was a neck collar and a chastity device for males inside a fancy black and gold box. Marlene fastened my tiny cock inside the device and tightened it. It was a comfortable device that looked like a luxury brand that had the letter D engraved on it in calligraphy in black and gold, “Don’t disappoint me sissy, I'm doing you a favor. I wanna see you try and struggle from a slave to becoming an auxiliary representative of women, I hope you have at least an iota of the drive and dependability as Lila."

She had a remote control device that looked like a smartphone. She pressed a button and it zapped my locked penis and collar sending currents of shock throughout my body. I screamed having been caught off-guard, "It's not all bad," she assured me then pressed another button and my chastity device began functioning like a vibrator sending waves of pleasure, I even came hard from the experience without touching myself.

Eva attached a leash to my collar, I crawled on my knees behind her as she led me like a dog, "This is a new invention," she explained it has software and operating systems like SIRI, ALEXA, and Bluetooth. Any device can be connected to this remote control, like a vibrator, buttplug, an electronic asshole cleaner, an inflatable strapon dildo, etc. it even has a tracker to monitor you. This device is like a key and will be owned by your Master or Mistress, if your Mistress allows us to connect to your device anyone can control you remotely. That chastity device should never be removed it is a badge of honor representing our ******, if you remove it you will be treated as a traitor."

I met one of her bodyguards who shoved me inside a cage at the back of her fancy SUV. The drive was long, when we arrived at her house on top of a hill it was a beautiful house and it was massive like a resort. I was kept in the large dog cage carried by her bodyguards. I couldn't see much of her house except the people who passed by. They were the most beautiful women I had ever seen in my life belonging to all races and ages wearing sexy clothes or bikini. Some of them greeted Eva asking what she had bought.

"A gift for Linda for her birthday."

"Oooh, I wonder what you bought her? Hope it's better than last time and costly. You have a lot to make up for last time."

"Fuck you, Diane. So you know I got this at a bargain. It serves her right to be so picky with her gifts, I won't lose much if she breaks it."

The girl named Diane laughed and walked away.

"One more stop sissy, you are going to meet someone very important my mother and our leader. Be respectful and obedient to the letter, act cute, and don't be dumb. She doesn't like dumb bimbos," I knew I could trust Eva and her advice they were never wrong.

I entered a large lavish office it was quiet and eerie. The only sounds were those of Eva and her bodyguard, "Yes girl, what have you brought this time," I heard the voice of a woman, a beautiful commanding voice and accent.

"A sissy, Ma'am, she is kinda a gift for Linda," said Eva speaking in a low soft respectful voice. 'This must have been quite a woman for someone like Eva to speak like this.'

"Has she been approved by the matriarch of this house? Has she gone through the necessary qualifications time and training to be approved here? How dare you bring a creature of inferior birth into my house and before me and for Linda after the last fiasco what makes you think that irresponsible an 18-year-old child can't handle the responsibilities of managing a sissy," her Mother's voice was steadily rising. I did not face the woman directly in the cage I was facing Eva's knees which were shaking slightly and that alone terrified me, who was this woman that even Eva feared?

"Domina Please."

"That is a rare and exotic-looking sissy, trust me, you will like her. She has been trained and has learned her place long ago. You see, she is biologically related to Lila. She came from their home country. I love Lila, she once begged me not to hurt it if something happens to this creature Lila will never forgive me. Please Domina, please take a look at it. It's naturally submissive and hasn't tainted any woman with his useless cock. It wants to become one of us, a superior female. It has always felt inferior to females. It has the innocence of a child. She is ripe for turning into one of us. She is one of a kind. Have I mentioned she is beautiful? Better looking than some of the younger males we have broken."

I immediately fell in love with Eva. She was fighting for me, pleading my case. Was she lying about Lila, did Lila say all those things about me? The last time we met, she didn't care whether I lived or died.

"An exotic piece, are you serious," there was a brief period when our government let foreigners and tourists alike escape this country out of respect for our relations with their home countries. What if both the sibling's parents start investigating? What if the leaders of their country contact us for a hostage situation? Have you thought of the consequences you dumb girl? We are to convert only white and permanent citizens of this country!"

"But Domina, it chose to stay, voluntarily, when it could have left. I had sufficiently broken her the last time we met. Please, I invited her for training, she reminds me of Lila when she was an adolescent. Plain features, nothing interesting but today Lila is a goddess like us and just like her, she is a diamond in the rough. Besides, if things don't go well with Linda it can be discarded, right?"

"For fucks sake, Eva discarding a sissy gives us a bad reputation. Unlock it, I want to see it with my own eyes, I'm curious now," she said finally putting an end to their banter.

Eva's security guard opened my cage and I came out on my knees. Once again I did not dare to look up at the Domina and I didn't speak as she scanned me, "It doesn't look like a sissy," remarked her mother, "There are still traces of her inferior manhood."

"Well, that will be resolved, won't it? It looks like a male and that will make breaking it much easier and she looks naturally cute, no enhancements, no training, a blank slate like any required quality of trainees here."

"It is too old, it lacks the innocence of a younger male, it will be difficult to convert."

"She is kind of innocent, having never been involved in a relationship with a woman and a Virgin," Replied Eva, "She will be perfect for Linda, after all, she likes her dolls."

Her mother came up to me and lifted my locked cock and balls with her foot, "I know so many others had to earn this badge you got so easily," she remarked. I tried to kiss her foot, being up close she smelled heavenly, she almost chuckled, "Now tell me, what makes you think you are fit to lick my boots," that seemed like a rhetorical question, but I chose not to answer, "I asked you a question, you disgusting creature."

My mouth was dry, and parched from not speaking for so long, "You are right Domina. I from the bottom of my soul wanted to give you the due respect you are entitled to," I said choosing my words carefully. She replied with silence and pointed to something on one of the display cases in the room and asked the bodyguard to bring it. It was a huge smooth metallic gold and black dildo.

"I want you to penetrate yourself with this, has it been properly cleaned?" she asked Eva.

"Yes Domina, his hole was clean when I found him, I mean It," It was true I had taken all necessary precautions before arriving for the interview. I did not dare to protest, the bodyguard stuck the dildo on the ground I got up and slowly sat on the huge Dildo slowly lowering myself on it. There was no lube nothing to aid me in the process except the shaft's smoothness. I sank onto it breathing heavily as the metallic monstrosity tore me apart inch by inch. I moaned and whimpered but dared not scream, I could only take half of the dildo. The security guard grabbed my body and forcefully pushed me down. I felt weak and stuck unable to leave this position even if I wanted to. I tried to bounce and ride the black dildo to feel some semblance of pleasure but she had said, penetrate not enjoy. I finally got a good look at the woman in charge of this house. She was gorgeous, like an angel that fell from heaven or a succubus coming up from hell. Her breasts were huge E cups, she was wearing a black silky dress with hourglass curves, her hair was brunette almost black in stark contrast to her ********'s blonde, and had black nearly purple lipstick. Her eyes were grey and menacing that were unsettling like a devil and distinguished her from any other woman in existence. She looked like a mafia gangster, who could have my head blown off any minute on a mere whim. What was even more scary I couldn't tell her age. She looked younger than imagined and had supposedly given birth to a lot of children, Eva included meaning some are even older than Eva, it didn't make any sense. These thoughts kept me occupied while suffering in pain from being penetrated. It seemed like she didn't mind me looking at her, if it was any other woman they would have had me whipped simply for staring.

"Can I have a moment alone with him, Eva hand me his controller," they both did as they were told and left. She kept staring at me her eyes emotionless, hauntingly beautiful.

I dared to speak, I had to know, "What are you," I croaked, "Are you human," it was a dumb question that made no sense. I hadn't even used the words Mistress, Madam, or Domina so at this point she could kill me if she wanted to but I didn't care, I had to know.

"My, my you are brave aren't you," she spoke in my native mother tongue with surprising fluency. I didn't have time to marvel as to how she knew my language because she pressed a finger on the controller without warning and my cock cage began shrinking crushing my balls. I screamed in pain as electric pulses coursed through me, "No one had seen through me before," she continued with brilliant fluency in that silky voice, I loved her accent, "Truth is I hate men with a passion, all men. I have lived longer than you can imagine, I have traveled to many countries including yours, and I learned ancient rituals and pagan traditions. I command the forces of our ancestral spirits, those you call gods and demons. I can do things that you cannot possibly imagine, like living a long life, cursing someone, changing somebody's gender birthing children without a man's help, anything. You see a few centuries ago random women were called witches in this horrible patriarchal society for simply giving in to their base desires. Some were even burned for doing simple mathematical calculations. I too was killed much later but my soul lingered because I discovered the art of body jumping and possessing anything. Somehow I existed through the centuries by possessing female babies and living entire lifetimes. This body I possess is my favorite, I am glad to live in a society where everything is going exactly as I ever wanted and where I am in a position of power."

"Did you cause this political movement, I thought you hated all men," I dared to ask her yet another personal question.

"No, it was a chain of actions by many parties, who I’m aligned with, and many other events," she went back to speaking English, "You see, witches usually gain power by sacrificing their blood, someone’s life, or sheer concentration and dedicating your life and time to your ancestors. I specialized in a branch of magic that honored the worship of The goddess of fertility and sexual pleasure, I'm addicted to sexual acts of all kinds, and I draw energy from it, it makes me stronger. I hate all men but my interests align with Black men and their agenda who were also exploited by racist and white-dominated society and black men are so big, manly, and powerful. They pleasure young impressionable women, impregnating them, teaching inferior men the pleasures of women, and making a beautiful woman cheat on her husband gives me all the pleasure and energy in the world. I have always lived where sexual acts were the most. I was somewhat of a healer, for some time, educating young women on the art of sexual pleasure. We began with a cult providing sexual favors, we prostituted ourselves to honor the goddess, and also during wars, we pleased some men who couldn’t last another day, killed in war. Some men even came to me confused, I cured their affliction by turning them to women. Others didn't want to be indoctrinated into the army as men. Women and their femininity can attain such power men are not able to. If I turn you into a woman you could get a fraction of my power. I have kept my deeds secret for a long time so now do you see what drives me, motivates me? I have become rich in this lifetime by creating a vast porn empire and sex industry. I own a share of many inventions you see, from sexual products to movies, and the current propaganda machine. Every fertility clinic, gender-change facility, medical product, and sex counselor are in my pocket. I am somewhat of a succubus feeding on sexual energy, it feels so nice to share this with someone."

"Why are you telling me all this," I asked.

Her answer felt as ridiculous as I imagined. She may have lied, but I dare not think otherwise, "What's the point of having slaves if your secrets won't go to the graves with them," she answered me, "Now tell me what you desire and why?"

"I wish to serve the goddess of sex, you," I answered, "I wish to become a woman and experience unimaginable pleasures."

"You wish to serve me? Then I suppose you wouldn't object If I killed you right here, sacrificing your life to the goddess,” she asked then she got up picked a fancy knife, and made her way slowly towards me. I trembled in fear. I may die extremely horny while being penetrated by the black toy in my ass, she placed the knife at my throat, “The goddess would be pleased by your sacrifice. You may even be lucky enough to be born a woman in your next life.”

“I don’t wanna die,” I begged.

“You are a coward, you want the best features and advantages of women like unimaginable sexual pleasures when you can’t even experience the pain. To be a woman you must be ready to experience immeasurable pain. Once it is over the pleasurable experience begins. We women are superior because of that. The bonds women share include our painful history. Your kind murdered countless women just to experience better sexual satisfaction. Nothing can bind women, marital constructs, thousands of years of patriarchal rule and abuse, nothing. If you truly appreciate a woman’s sacrifice you should be ready to give your life for all the times your gender killed women just for having a simple affair to satisfy our pleasures with a better man.”

“I’m innocent,” I told her, “I have never looked at or touched a woman inappropriately, I have always respected women!”

“Innocents are always the sacrifice.”

“Well, those women got caught because they were careless in a patriarchal society, I shouldn’t be killed for their carelessness.”

There was a stunned silence and then she burst into laughter, “You are right, I’m not delusional, I don’t want things to get out of hand. Now we have created a society where any sexual need is fulfilled without fear of getting caught. For women who come here from patriarchal countries, this country will be a safe haven. It’s that, we must continue our activities unnoticed as we will face international pressure. Our central government would not dare lift a finger against us our supporters are in every echelon of society, politicians, lawyers, scientists, and even the army itself. We command a private force made up of black super soldiers and powerful arms. We are a few steps from getting a country of our own but right now things are good. Naming a new country will bring a lot of attention to us, right now three states are already fully under our control. I am one of the joint leaders of this state. But politicians come and go, I’m just a silent partner. Getting ownership of this country like any common politician doesn’t interest me. Sexual pleasure does.”

I had talked her out of killing me or maybe she was faking. I was breathing heavily shaking from the pleasure of my filled hole, “What is your name sissy?”

“It’s Maya.”

“That’s a very feminine name,” She answered.

I told her that my parents thought they were getting a ******** and had chosen a name from the get-go and didn’t bother changing it."

“You see,” she said, “My youngest ******** is weird but maybe she will like you so I am giving you this task. I want you to be her babysitter, her doll, her pet whichever she wishes. I want her to be responsible for taking care of you. You see in schools how they tell a student to take care of an egg that is your position in this ******. Sometimes there are accidents and the egg gets broken,” she smiled wickedly, “Also you better be more feminine by the end of this month, better yet if it’s a week. The very sight of your despicable incomplete body repulses me, you are dismissed.”

She called the security guard to stuff me back in the cage. He picked me up as Eva followed. Inside the cage my head was in a whirlwind as I processed what I had just learned, “What the hell did you talk about for so long,” Eva asked.

“We were going over my tasks and duties. She told me her background and how she came to be named Domina. She even spoke my mother tongue better than I ever could, she is so well-traveled, she is amazing.”

“That’s impossible," replied Eva incredulously, "She had never been that talkative with anyone, not even me.”

“I am telling you the truth,”

Eva went back to doing her office work for some time watching me struggle on the dildo the whole time, “It’s incredible, how you handled that black dildo without uttering a sound. I have seen seasoned sissys who struggle with that torture. Have you been practicing since the last time you were sodomized?” she asked smiling knowingly.


“Did you like it?”

“Yes,” I answered I have longed for that experience... except for the getting beat up part.”

“Good, you better hope my sister pegs you till your mind breaks instead of the alternative, Literal torture.”

“Is your sister that bad?”

She slapped me, her friendly demeanor changed quickly as I had offended her. “Listen here you fucking pig, only her ****** can call her bad, don't ever badmouth her, even if you were to die she is worth hundreds of you! You will obey her and call her Mistress or goddess like any member of the ******, got it," I apologized profusely and remained quiet till she calmed down. Eva continued speaking, "She has a large toy collection most of them are the toys she liked as a child but those only make up about 20% of all the toys we have bought her. When she gets a toy she hates she rips it to shreds. We gave her a pet, a puppy she didn’t like it because it barked a lot she never hurt it in front of us but it died within a few days. I sissified her white ex-boyfriend and gave him to her as a birthday gift, he didn’t last a week, she beat him up every day there were bruises and cuts. She beat him in the worst possible ways hitting his balls in parties, whipping him publicly till he ran for his life. She doesn't like girly things even now as an adult so good luck, you will need it.”

She knocked on the door. A thin, short young girl with pink stockings opened the door and jumped into Eva’s arms, “Happy birthday, cutie!” Eva said, "I got something for you."

The room looked girly, it was all in pink and was filled with dolls of lifelike girls and furry animals. Her sister seemed ecstatic to receive a gift from her sister, “Show me!” she yelled enthusiastically.

“Now before I give it to you promise me you will handle it with care,” said Eva warning her, “Otherwise you will never get another sissy ever in your life.”

“Oh my gawd, you got me a sissy! You are the best sister ever,” she jumped on Eva and kissed her, “Is she pretty?”

“That’s up to you, you are the artist and this sissy is a blank slate, you can make her the prettiest girl you have ever seen, open the cage,” she ordered the guard.

“Kiss her feet,” the guard whispered to me silently.

I crawled on my knees kissed Linda’s pretty feet and licked every inch of her toes through her stockings. She asked me to stop and look up at her. She observed me silently, she was dazzlingly beautiful. She reminded me of a Barbie or an anime princess. She had matured beautifully, she was short compared to the other women at barely 5' with C-cup breasts, and a gorgeous petite body with smooth skin, green eyes, and beautiful pink lips but something was unsettling about her eyes, the way she looked at me hungrily, like a wild animal that was unsure whether to eat me, or play with me, “She is beautiful,” said Linda, “She kinda looks like Lila.”

“I agree, She is Lila’s sibling. Can you make her beautiful like Lila, she has always wanted a sister?” Eva handed Linda the remote and wished her a happy birthday and both Eva and the guard left in a hurry leaving me to my fate with my new Mistress.

She stared at me silently for several minutes then decided to break the ice, she giggled gleefully, “We are going to have so much fun, let’s go take a bath.”

I went into the shower with her, she smelled nice. We didn’t speak until we were under the shower naked when she asked me to clean her. I did as I was told after she cleaned me head to toe. When she knelt before me and began washing my asshole she stuck her tongue inside me and my penis became hard causing things to become tighter in my cage all thanks to Domina shrinking the cage considerably, it started to hurt and became red. Soon her pretty angelic face was near my locked dick. Before this, I had never come close to a blowjob and my caged cock hardened even more, it was extremely painful now. She licked the tip of my shrunken penis and began running her tongue under my balls, “Your clitty is so small,” she giggled, Troy’s cock is 10 times your size.”

I didn’t know what to say she looked so much like a cute princess that I had momentarily forgotten she was a grown woman who had already experienced sex with men. She opened her mouth wide and gobbled my entire ‘clitty’ as she called it coating me with her saliva and slurping me as if sucking on a lollipop. The silicone cage provided extra protection due to it being elastic, I wanted to cum so badly. She bit my silicone cage hard crushing my cock and balls with her teeth sinking into the silicone cage as my pleasure turned to horror. She bit me again and then began licking my balls, I grunted in pain and whimpered tearfully moaning as she bit me like a chew toy right after sucking me. I came hard through my cage, she took it all into her mouth and then motioned for me to kneel and open my mouth, she then spat my cum into my mouth and left the bathroom.

I whimpered in pain due to those bite marks on my balls and cock when I left the bathroom I found her on the bed naked staring at me, “You seem like a nice sissy, You don’t complain a lot. I want to play lots of games with you,” she said innocently as she pressed the shock button on the controller and turned it to full force. I quickly lost all sensation, my body froze from the pain in my balls, my knees buckled and I fell moaning and clutching my balls. She laughed wickedly, “You love pain, don’t you?”

“Yes, I love it when my Mistress is happy," I stammered in tears as she kept pushing the button until I was flopping on the floor. The shock of the pain made me cum again, “Aghhhhhh,” I screamed in pleasure.

“You must be tired, let’s go to sleep, doggy.”

I crawled toward her lovingly and licked her feet. They were beautiful feet, smooth and pedicured with pink toenails. She spread her legs revealing her pink wet pussy and ass, “Come here doggy, and lick me here,” I licked her inner leg coming up slowly and for a moment she began getting aroused and started moaning softly. I licked the area around her pussy, she sounded so sweet when she moaned and then she thrust her ass toward my tongue prompting me to lick her pink bleached asshole. It was clean and shiny, she had beautiful bubble butt cheeks, I ate her ass thrusting my tongue inside her. She began moaning loudly, feeling immense pleasure, “Yes doggy, yes lick me harder!” Soon after she told me to lie down on my back and straddled me lowering her pussy covering my mouth with her pussy, I licked furiously. As she sat on me she began thrusting her ass so hard into my face it hurt and I thought I was going to suffocate. She then moved into a sixty-nine position and began licking my caged cock and balls again. My balls were so swollen at that point I didn’t feel any sensation when she bit my balls like she was biting into a delicious mango, “Don’t cum,” she ordered but it was impossible and I exploded into her mouth. She then turned and came up and our lips locked in a passionate kiss. I tasted my salty cum on her lips, she looked at me for a few seconds her eyes hungry and bloodthirsty. Then she slapped me hard and began screaming in rage and kept slapping and punching me mercilessly, “Bad doggy, I told you not to cum,” she scolded me. She took out a furry whip and slashed mercilessly on my back drawing blood. The sadistic bitch then went down on my back and licked the blood.

“I’m sorry mistress,” and just like that, she turned off her rage and the sweet, cute, innocent face I fell in love with reappeared and started kissing my soft body all over arriving around my nipples.

“They are so girly,” she said giggling, and licked one of my nipples before sucking on it hard like she was trying to get milk out of it. Then without warning, she bit down hard drawing blood.


She licked the blood from my wound and then gave me a hickey on my other breasts then proceeded to my stomach and started biting every part of my body hard down to my legs wherever she licked. Once again the sensation made me hard and my cock filled my cage.

She got up and got a pink furry bear costume from the closet, "Wear it,” she ordered.

I did as ordered. the costume covered my entire body except for my nipples and crotch area. She lied down on my body and hugged me hard, “You are so cozy,” she remarked and began grinding her hips on my clitty, “I have a surprise for you,” she said with childlike innocence and pulled out a 9" pink inflatable hard strapon and attached it to my cock cage. It was one of the customizable attachments for my fancy cock cage it fit me perfectly once she had squeezed my cock and balls even further. She then pressed a button and the dildo began vibrating. I moaned hard as waves of pleasure hit me. She sat on the pink dildo and went down on it my clitty was swollen and it hurt. I fucked her doggy style for the entire evening into the night. I dared not pass out I hadn’t had any food since the interrogation center. I kept pounding into my Mistress not as a man but as a pink cartoon or anime bear that she was attracted to, "Fuck me harder, Mono," she screamed, “Yes, fuck me,” she came hard on the pink cock and fell on top of me and we fell asleep cuddling tightly. I was exhausted and passed out.

She woke me during the night, “Hey, wake up, I’m sorry for going wild on you, I hope it wasn't too painful,” she said tearfully her voice full of remorse.

“You don’t have to apologize to me, Mistress,” I said as my heart broke at the sight of her sad innocent face.

“Tonight was the most fun I have ever had, all because of you,” she said staring at me with those big beautiful green eyes.

'What was going on, my Mistress was apologetic and complimenting me... maybe this was a trap?'

“Tell me, do you want to be my doggy, or do you want to be a girlie like me from now on?”

“Either is fine with me as long as you are happy.”

“No, you should be my girlie doll so I won’t hurt you so much. If you were my doggy I’d feel like beating you all the time and you are so pretty, you ate my pussy so well, better than Troy who fucks me much better but still you satisfied one of my fantasies of being fucked by one of my favorite anime characters, Troy won't fuck me in that costume, "Well, do you want to be my girlie?”

“Yes,” I answered, “I want to be a cute girlie like you,” this was the longest day of my life, I felt so exhausted and all I wanted was to get this over with so I could sleep.

“Hold up a moment,” she told me, she took something from her drawer, a box of medicine and syringes, “I knew this would be useful someday," she ******* a vein on my body and injected me with a strange serum she had. She then removed my costume and applied some medicinal cream on all my wounds, 'I may have misjudged her she could be compassionate when she liked something, maybe she's Bipolar,' I thought

“Do you feel better?”

I had started to feel better, I was numb and high either from the healing cream or the serum I was not sure, it felt like the best drug ever, I felt warm and fuzzy and giggled a lot.

She took another item that looked like a toothpick with an insignia and pressed it to my hip. I screamed as I felt a burning sensation, after she removed it I saw a tattoo 'owned by Domina,' “I’ve branded you, now you are my property.”

She took VR goggles and placed them on my eyes and headphones on my head, “Enjoy and sweet dreams,” she said and cuddled with me falling asleep.

All night I watched videos of cute anime girls with soft voices telling me the advantages of being a girl and a princess. There were some hypnosis videos sponsored by famous gender psychologists explaining the pleasures of dressing up as a pretty girl for your man. They explained female orgasms, from being penetrated. The hypnotic voices and the rhythm booming inside my head. I soon dozed off, all night I dreamt of dressing up like a princess, like Linda, and being fucked by black men with the hypnotic voices in my head.

I woke up the next morning with Linda’s pretty face staring at me. She kissed me on the lips and we made out our tongues playing. I felt refreshed, my mind was numb. We took a bath together and we scrubbed and cleaned each other. My penis was hard and I felt aroused out of my mind. My entire body was in heat I felt fuzzy and comfortable like a pretty girl.

I sat in front of her mirror and she combed my short hair into a nice hairstyle. I stared at myself in the mirror. All the bite marks from the previous night were gone with only small red hickeys in their place. She put makeup on me and coated my lips with pink lipstick, "Your hair is so short," she got a blonde wig and fastened it tightly into my hair. She then blindfolded me as she worked on my body for some time powdering me, perfuming me, and having me put on a dress on me that most likely covered every part of my body but my caged clitty before removing the blindfold, "Voilà, surprise,” she yelled. I looked like her, pink dress, blonde curls, pink lipstick, and a cute face. I was wearing a short skirt that made my caged cock seen easily and the black branding tattoo she had placed on me the previous night was visible on my ******* waist. The only difference was our height I was slightly taller than her, “Ooh, you are so freakin cute,” she said and I giggled uncontrollably at her compliment.

“Mistress please, I’m hungry?”

She had breakfast brought to her room, “Eat in small bites," she advised me, "You are a girlie, you can’t eat like a pig.” I ate slowly taking small bites. She deliberately dropped pieces of our breakfast on the floor, “Eat it she motioned to me, don’t waste food.”

I ate some of the food off her feet and cleaned her feet afterward, “Thank you, Mistress, that was yummy.”

“We have the best chef. I was told you need to be sent for training every morning, I will miss you,” She said.

I told her I would miss her as she led me by my collar outside. Her house was vast and beautiful with a beach nearby and a Dock for private cruises like a beach resort hotel. There were artistic and sensual paintings of beautiful naked women on every wall, outside, the gardens looked well-kept. I passed open rooms where yoga classes were going on with children and women of all ages were performing stretches. There was even a room where ballerinas performed. The only way I could tell the difference between the girls and cute sissies was by the sissy’s ******* crotch and cute penises locked in cages like mine. She led me to a classroom outside the class I was going to there were ladies who looked surprised at Linda leading me with a leash, “Linda, you got yourself a sissy! She is so beautiful!”

I felt myself blushing.

“This is where I leave you, she told me. Have a wonderful day in class,” she kissed me and left. Once out of earshot, those ladies began badmouthing her, saying, "How long will it last?" and, “You are the luckiest sissy alive, for someone like her to like you.”

“She is an amazing, Mistress,” I told them with my cutest feminine voice. My Mistress appeared to be misunderstood by everyone and I was angry at these girls for insulting her. I was indebted to my goddess who was a dangerous force of nature. I knew she liked me in her way and would protect me even if she was a bit eccentric. We were similar in that she was misunderstood and a black sheep in her own house just as I was in mine, we were a perfect pair, I was bound to her and would never abandon my goddess. We shared now shared a destiny.

I entered the classroom, it read English class but was divided in two. The farthest one contained all masculine men. The one I entered read, ‘Feminine English.’ This was a new beginning of a new day and a new life. Yesterday was painful but I found a goal, an objective. My aimless life finally had purpose, there were teenage girls and sissy boys everywhere all of them younger than me.

“Welcome," said the instructor, this is our newest addition to our English class. Sure, she is older than all of you but we can all get along can’t we, what is your name sissy?”


The House of Domina Part 2

“I’m Maya,” I said in my cutest voice, “Nice to meet all of you," it was a simple English class where all students were learning to talk like a girl, using the right pronouns. After teaming up with another sissy partner we were told to converse like a proper girl with niceties and pleasantries.

After class was over, ”Not bad,” the teacher told me, "You made some pronoun and grammatical errors but you will certainly do better,” she smiled at me sweetly.

I blushed, “Thank you, Madam,” I replied sweetly.

The next classes included French, Japanese, and Chinese, requiring females to speak in a soft feminine voice. Other courses included mathematics and biology. Every class was taught by a nice teacher who gave personalized attention to each student. There was even a literature class where we had to write a story featuring a female protagonist with a sweet and happy ending. I never had so much fun in school and being in a class where everyone spoke and treated me nicely it felt amazing not to be yelled at by teachers and living as a girl was pleasant and fun.

Our final classes of the day were the BDSM and femdom classes here I sensed a change in the environment. I entered a class that looked like a dungeon, with metallic walls. There were many doors adjoining our class. Sometimes I heard screams of pleasure coming from the doors. In this class sometimes the females and sissies were separated. I immediately noticed the difference in the desks compared to those of the previous classes. Each desk seat had a sizeable metallic dildo attached to it. As if we were to take a seat on the dildos for the entire class. The sissies, one by one kissed the feet of the instructor who was a tall and beautiful woman dressed in black goth clothing then we kissed the feet of every girl in class.

"Very good sissies, you may take a seat," every sissy sat on the metallic dildo at their seat. There was lube on the tables. I applied it to myself and I soon sat without making a sound. The instructor continued, "As you can see, we have a new student in class. I and my assistant teachers will be working with this student to bring her up to speed with the class. The purpose of this class is discipline, a sissy must be more respectful toward women this is done through the application of pain and pleasure to create dependency. Now let's meet Maya, would you come up here, Maya?

With me on display in front of the class, the teacher read off my student profile to the class. "Maya began her sissy training within her ****** at the age of 3 when she showed interest in her sister's clothing and asked to wear them at home. The ****** instantly recognized this and the mother began raising her as a girl. In the school system, she has always been Maya, a girl. Here at this special school set up for the growing sissy population, we have been aware of her from her first day. She is joining the class late because her ****** was not sure they wanted her training to move outside the ****** but after a few meetings and a tour of our facility, they were convinced that even a ******-trained sissy could benefit from our classes."

In this class, we went over many lessons including sissygasm, a powerful orgasm experienced by a sissy without touching her filthy male genitals that after orchiectomy surgery and hormones (which was the first step once a boy was determined to be a sissy) were nothing more than an orifice to relieve oneself from. In this class, we learned about training through pain and pleasure. A sissy, once she experiences pain she must overcome it and that can only be achieved by being truly submissive. We went through many techniques that caused pain and pleasure. We talked about retraining, instilling good habits that worshipped women such as cuckoldry, worshipping their feet, and pleasing women through oral sex like a lesbian all while being penetrated by dildoes.

Being raised female I felt insulted at being lumped in with the sissies that had little to no training. I was raised as a girl equal to the other women in the ****** where it was believed that I had a birth defect that my ****** intended to take care of when I was old enough. My ******, like many others, felt sissies were not a product of society or upbringing and that a sissy is a girl with a birth defect, a penis, and this defect is treatable if caught by the ****** at a young enough age. Many of the things being taught I learned growing up in my ****** as a girl but was looking forward to seeing the new sissies go through the training and the changes that occur when you are trained and how in a school they are achieved.

Soon the instructor paired us up with our female counterparts to test various techniques to apply pain. Those without partners were paired with the instructor herself. My partner was a cute Asian girl. The first exercise was for the sissies to bend over and reveal their bare bottoms to the females who were to slap our asses as hard as they could. The cute Asian girl did, she slapped my ass with her bare hand full force, "AHHh, AHHhh more, Mistress," I moaned along with the other sissies. There were many other tests, our balls getting kicked, the girls whipping us with thin sharp canes, shock therapy on our erect nipples, and finally, the girls wore a large black strapon to fuck us to orgasm. I discovered my ass and breasts had grown bigger since getting injected last night. My nipples were hypersensitive even my lips grew larger. As a woman, I felt pleasure course through my entire body instead of focusing on one tiny organ. Orgasms felt much more powerful especially anal. Whenever I was stuffed with a dildo I felt numb with pleasure.

After class, my partner thanked me for my amazing performance and left. I met some sissies who complimented me on my looks and body. Other classes that followed that evening, were sports. There was a yoga class, where we performed exercises to improve maximum flexibility. I even attended dance classes, such as dancing salsa with a male partner. Others included twerking classes where we learned to jiggle our asses to the rhythm of rap songs. I failed miserably as my butt was smaller than the other girls. The teacher, a beautiful hip-hop dancer assured me even women with big butts didn't get the twerk right the first time, "Keep practicing girl and you will learn to jiggle your ass like a queen, and you will dazzle any man."

I also attended ballet dancing. Since I was inexperienced the beautiful French ballet instructor stretched my legs to the max, breaking something and making me perform a perfect split, "You will get used to the pain, that is the most important step. After you overcome pain, you will find your body is a beautiful temple and you will perform amazing feats," she encouraged me to practice more.

After dinner, all the sissies went back to their respective mistresses. I went back to my room more tired and spent than I had been my entire life. I was never good at sports made to compete with men but as a woman, sports and feminine athletic feats were much more interesting. I was motivated to practice more due to how nice the teachers were and how much they encouraged me. I dozed off from the fatigue. I nearly awoke when Linda injected me with the syringe, "Shhhh, you can sleep princess," she assured me gearing me up for the hypnosis. Once again I saw the hypnotic messages and the visions of beautiful princesses instructing me to be a beautiful woman. I even felt Linda equipping a strapon and shoving it inside my ass and pounding me. This combined with the hypnotic messages and visuals almost broke my mind and I was moaning loudly and writhing uncontrollably, "Yes Mistress, fuck me, fuck me with your hard cock, um yeah," I screamed in passion. After she was done, we cuddled and she sucked and nibbled on my increasingly growing breasts. This time she suckled me softly and sensually, displaying none of her aggression from the previous night.

The next morning, Linda got me ready for the day. I went to Makeup classes, and we worked on our partners, practicing drawing on our partner's faces and mixing colors. The Instructor gave us grades based on our makeup combinations. The girl I was practicing with drew beautifully on my face but she wasn't satisfied by my work. Angrily, she drew out a thin brush whip and gave me five lashes as punishment.

Next was the dating and pleasuring class. Everyone was excited as this appeared to be everyone's favorite class. It took place only once a week. It was also the only time we got to meet the men. The teacher was the most beautiful of all the instructors I had encountered and she looked sort of familiar. The class took place outdoors, under a pavilion close to nature. This time the girls and sissies present were 18 and older and there were men of darker skin present. The instructor Sheila greeted me, "I see my niece owns you now," she said, "It is very unnatural that she has taken a liking to you. She was blacklisted from owning sissies for torturing them. You are an odd one too, we usually take younger males," she was blonde and looked just like Eva and Linda, that's why she was so familiar. She tasked the girls and sissies to apply what we had learned the previous weeks in this dating class. Unfortunately, this was my second day I had no idea how to seduce a man. The other students had a lot of experience, and I felt like a little, growing girl at an adult's party.

"For the new student, I will explain the rules. In Phase One of this class, you will notice there are slightly fewer men compared to the number of women and sissies. Any of the ladies who cannot attract a man or are without partners will stand aside for the remainder of the class. It is time to put your best foot forward and seduce a big strong man to like you using your womanly charms,” everyone got to work looking for potential partners to talk to. Some of them stayed back shy and passively waited for a man to approach them. Everyone was talking in their sweetest charming voice to get their partners.

I stood frozen for some time, ‘What was wrong with me?’

I wondered in my younger days, I couldn't approach a lady, now as a sissy, I couldn't approach a man. I sat and observed how others socialized. I saw some women had scored a man and were flirting with them while other couples had even begun kissing. Even though some of the sissies were successful other females included were just as unprepared as I was. I decided to take a walk around, to explore nature. I appreciated the scenery around me, there was a beautiful garden with tall trees in the distance and lush greenery. I knew there was no way I could end up with a partner. As I was walking a tall black man bumped into me, I apologized and tried to go past him, "Where do you think you are going?"

"Just taking a stroll," I replied, it's beautiful here, I answered casually in a soft voice.

"How long have you been here," he asked, "You look new."

"Two days," I replied.

"You look older than all the sissies here, two days? That's impossible, you look fine as fuck, you're so friggin cute," I instantly giggled naturally, upon hearing his compliment, "Oh my god, you are so cute and sexy. When did you start training and taking hormones?"

I gave him my sweetest smile, "Umm again two days ago," I replied.

"But there is no way you could get an entry like that it's impossible, he said, "You are honestly the most interesting person here. Wanna hang out, my name is Khalif."

"I'm Maya," I told him, "Are you sure, I saw you leaving with a pretty girl earlier."

"Hehe, so you were checking me out, nah baby girl there is no way she is more interesting than you. She will have to look for someone else to date. Besides you got this larger-than-life personality I really wanna get to know you."

I blushed again, I felt my face becoming red and began to feel shy and weak all of a sudden, "Thank you."

"No, it's my honor to talk to a beautiful girl like you," he put his large arms around my waist and led me away somewhere quiet. We sat under a large tree, he sat down and I sat on his lap. This felt so different than the last time I had carnal relations with a man. Khalif's aura felt so comforting like he could protect me.

"So you tell me, before coming here you were a male and you are 22 and you were allowed in, Who is your Mistress?"

"Linda Quinn,” I answered, “The domina's ********, and back when I was living my inferior life, Eva invited me here."

"Wow girl, you got good connections. You have no prior training, taken no hormones before two days ago and you are this sexy and charming, I think I'm falling in love. Is there any other unreal and impossible fact you haven't told me?"

"I'm blood-related to Lila, Eva's adopted sister," I answered.

"Don't tell me you have black hair under those blonde curls," he said surprised motioning to my wig, "Holy shit, Lila the girl you mentioned, I dated her in the past, she is my ex-girlfriend. We trained here in classes together, when we were young and you are almost as cute as she was. Even though you look older I love your sexy feminine and curvy body. When I fucked Lila, a few years ago she was just skin and bones. You have way more meat than she had back then and a bigger ass and boobs, so fucking sexy."

I felt goosebumps and every word of his compliment felt like music to my ears. Is this how girls feel when a strong man, compliments them? Nothing could beat this happy feeling of being validated by this sexy man, "You are very handsome," I spoke softly, "Tell me how was Lila when she was younger," I asked him curiously, wanting to know more about my sister’s private life.

"She was very sweet, innocent, and very beautiful, she had freckles like all adolescent girls do. My friends hung out at the Quinn sister's House and dated them a lot when we were younger. I took your sister's virginity, our relationship was purely sexual. We didn't have time to have a heart-to-heart talk. The only strange one was Linda. She always used to sneak into one of our parties and was always awkward are you sure she is treating you alright?"

"Of course," I said expecting his answer, "She is my Mistress and my savior. I shall dedicate my life to serving her."

"It's just that, I never thought someone like Linda would ever get a loyal sissy by her side. We didn’t speak a lot but I heard disturbing things about her."

"So everyone says," I replied, "But they are wrong, aren't they? She is very nice to me when she wants to be and likes me as much as I like her," he seemed to be moved by my conviction.

"Well, she did raise a beautiful girl like you in two days. That's like a masterpiece and a hell of a record," he kissed me, I gave in to the kiss my heart fluttering. Kissing a man was such a different experience, his lips were big and hard, and his tongue was much bigger than mine our tongues played as we French kissed and I began grinding on his cock. Then I heard a loud bell ringing. We stopped kissing, “Come on, we should go,” said Khalif.

We made our way to where the others sat, I felt so triumphant. The girl whom Khalif had abandoned had found herself another man but she was staring daggers at me. I noticed all the women had a mate, only four sissies were left alone standing. They weren’t much to look at. They must have been on hormones all their lives and still, I beat them even though I felt I got lucky. Me and Khalif were the last ones to enter and everyone’s eyes were on us. Even the instructor looked at me with sheer amusement, I blushed as everyone’s attention was on me.

“Congratulations everyone,” said Sheila. You see now the importance of using your feminine charms. Girls you don’t even have to go and approach a man if you catch his attention and are truly confident in yourself the man will approach you,” everyone clapped, except of course the sissies who didn’t get selected.

She motioned toward them, “Feminine charms should come naturally, it’s not about talking softly or pretending to be feminine. Try as they might some can’t achieve this feat even after spending decades as a girl. That’s the difference between a woman of high value and a common girl. But fret not, this was a simple test. There will be a lot of men to choose from once you go out into the world. Now let’s begin the next phase, I know you are all excited about it.”

I had no idea what was about to happen, Khalif wrapped his arms around me and brought me closer caressing my hips, “The next phase is pleasing your man. An alpha male will leave you for another woman, why? Because she can pleasure him better than you can, it’s as simple as that. Using your mouth is paramount in doing so. A man can cum from foreplay provided you are very good at it. The more you please your man, the better he will reciprocate. Now you will begin with just that, men strip."

Khalif got up, as did all the other men removed their clothes. Khalif was gorgeous, his body was so muscular and his abs were so shapely. He was almost twice my height and built like a tank. I was intimidated when he removed his trunks and his flaccid 9-inch cock came out.

“Ladies what you see before you is a flaccid cock, it can't enter your pleasure holes easily in this state it needs to be hard and kept hard. A woman can be fucked hard whether she is conscious or sleeping, a man however cannot. If the man isn’t hard it is impossible to pleasure you. That is why foreplay is very important, Also, a superior black man can stay hard longer than any inferior male that is why you are lucky. I’ll give you a task, please your partner with your mouth, start with his nipples. They are sensitive whether it’s a man or a woman, kiss him, Lick him, worship him, that's what makes him hard, you may begin.

Everyone got to work, the sexual tension was high and felt electric. I started hearing moans and grunts of men as the women began, I was not nervous to please him, my last encounter with a man wasn’t pleasant and I froze in place. Sheila walked over to me, “Hey sweetie, having trouble? Listen, you are a natural. That you got a man to like you on your first day shows you have talent. When you were an inferior male all black men looked like terrifying monsters to you. The fact you chose womanhood and became submissive means a powerful strong man like him will honor you and protect you. To pleasure your man, you honor the goddess of Fertility and sexual pleasure. Please your man in her name, worship her and she will bless you with special pleasure-making skills and stamina and femininity.”

I was reminded of the Domina when she spoke of the goddess, “Thank you, Mistress.”

She smiled, “You are precious, I appreciate a diligent student with good manners who is thirsty for knowledge, come follow me,” She led Khalif and me to the front of the crowd where I again gained everyone’s attention, “Maya will demonstrate before you if she makes the right moves I want you to follow her example, if not, I will correct her. Before we begin a moment of prayer to the goddess. She then chanted a prayer in a foreign tongue I recognized as an ancient language from my homeland. The other students repeated it by heart. Sheila went slowly so I could follow, "It means, O Goddess Kama, of the earth and all beings feminine, bestow upon me your beauty, charm, grace, and sexuality and I will perform any deed with your blessing," We repeated it a few times, I began feeling a confident aura within me and lost all hesitation, the words chanted in that ancient tongue gave me power.

"When in doubt always remember the the goddess, man or woman, she will bless you every time you pray in her remembrance, you may begin, Maya."

Khalif kissed me hard before the others, we kept making out as he removed my top and kissed my breasts, and I kissed and licked his neck. "Hold a moment," Sheila said. "There will be another time for the man to pleasure the lady. For now, let’s only focus on the females giving pleasure to the males. The ladies may even stay dressed for this." I began kissing his chiseled chest and I proceeded to lick his nipples. I sucked both nipples and stretched them with my teeth pleasing him in the same way Linda licked my nipples on my first day. I heard him moan in a low voice and proceeded to lick his perfect abs circling my tongue around his belly. I kissed his lower stomach moving to his inner legs, kissing every area around his crotch slowly licking him below his penis and testicles a region that is a powerful erogenous zone. I lick his anus using my saliva to lubricate him, "Remember one important fact sissies, when you are eating a superior man or woman's anus it is an act of submission. When a Superior man or woman licks your anus it is meant to conquer you," I licked all areas under his balls and sucked his balls coating them with my saliva then went lower, licking his entire crotch area save for his massive cock, which was beginning to become erect. I buried my face in his anus sticking my tongue into his bud, it was shaved smooth.

“Oh god fuck Maya, that feels so good,” Khalif said as he guided my face at his balls. I licked his balls tenderly, sucking every veiny testicle like ice cream.

“Very good girls, your man is now erect,” try as they might two sissies couldn’t get their partner hard. Sheila got irritated, removed them from the scene, and assigned those men to other ladies who were delighted to receive two men instead of one, “Now the rest of you good job, you shall begin to pleasure his cock now.”

I licked Khalid’s strong and veiny shaft, it was so huge and pulsated like a beating heart, “Every penis has a life of its own. You need to nurture it by giving it life and sustenance.”
I licked his tip and teased him. He seemed to get harder then he tenderly grabbed my hair and guided me to push inward, I deep-throated a man for the first time in my life taking in 5 inches. “Remember ladies, every woman is capable of taking all her man’s cock inside her mouth if you practice so that you know how to avoid gagging and you surrender to him pushing deep into your throat. Let your mouth resemble a vagina and submit to your deep devotion and desire to pleasure his cock will allow you to succeed.” I took him deeper, bobbing my head and slowly pushing his cock deeper down my throat. I took at least 7 inches, looked up at him, and smiled happily. “Very good, Maya, copy her girls, make eye contact with your man. Show him your submission, let your man know nothing matters but his pleasure.”

Khalif smiled back at me as he pushed his cock even deeper. I avoided gagging but it took all the strength I had, Khalif understood and went slowly. He began thrusting his hips as if fucking my mouth, I used my hands to stroke his cock and squeeze his balls. “This is when a man is so aroused and begins pushing in and out of your mouth, fucking your mouth. That is only possible if you manage to take all his cock down to the balls without gagging," Khalif pounded into my mouth, his cock becoming wetter and wetter. I lay on the ground on my back as he rode my mouth displaying a fraction of the strength he was capable of my tongue never stopped moving as he face fucked me for 20 min until he suddenly roared and released his seed inside of my mouth. I was scared for my life, there was so much cum. I gulped quickly and drank his juice, his cock was stuck in my throat and my mouth was overflowing.

He slowly removed his cock, panting, Shiela clapped, "Maya, you made a seasoned man such as this cum before all that others. There might be a reason for that, he likes you.”

Khalif wasn’t done, he turned me around removing my skirt and pink silk panties he buried his mouth in my ass, licking, sucking, and spitting on it shoving his long tongue inside me reaching my prostate. My body was feeling different today probably because of the serum. I hadn’t felt like this before my breasts, lips, and ass had grown and there was also a hunger for receiving cock, my holes had become much more sensitive than before like every nerve in my body had become hypersensitive, is this how women felt?

I moaned loudly as he ate my ass, he had become so horny he was ignoring Shiela’s earlier command that only the ladies would pleasure the men. In his heightened state he didn’t care, he wanted me so bad. He placed his still erect cum soaked cock at the anal entrance. I still felt the trauma of being roughly fucked by Marcel. But I was ready, I had practiced and felt that if my mouth could take such a big cock, why not my anus.

With a roar, he shoved his cock inside my hole sending my whole body into shock, and waves of pleasure hit me as he fucked me relentlessly, I felt unimaginable pleasure. Since Shiela wasn’t complaining the other couples copied us, there was now an orgy of interracial couples fucking.

I whispered the Goddess chant as Khalif was fucking me. I chanted louder and soon everyone was chanting with me. I must have imagined it but I felt a wave of energy hit me everyone’s aura sound brightened with visible energy. I moved my hips to match his rhythm. We fucked for hours, he changed our positions to doggy style mounting me as I moaned like a bitch in heat. We hugged tightly as he exploded inside of me. I lay facedown violated, exhausted, and gasping for dear life. “Now it is time for the sissies to do their job. Clean out every woman who was fucked and creampied. Get a taste of that superior cum this may be your true calling watching and cleaning.”

Every sissy who was standing on the side chose a defeated woman and began cleaning. One sissy chose me and buried her tongue in my asshole and drank the cum that leaked out of it.

I went back to my room, limping and bowlegged. When I entered Linda’s room she was on the bed naked with a black man kissing her. They noticed me enter and took a good look at my sweaty cum soaked body, messed up hair, and makeup, “Welcome back girlie, you had quite a day. My aunt told me good things about you. I’m so proud of my girlie. So looks like you have a boyfriend now and so quickly less than a week, that’s amazing!”

“It’s only because you dressed me to look so beautiful and your amazing makeup skills,” I told her.

“Come closer, I want you to meet my boyfriend, Troy, isn’t he gorgeous?!”

I made my way to her bed standing beside her and took a gander at her boyfriend. He was slim, with toned muscles but the most interesting thing was his massive 13-inch cock.

“Do you like it?” She asked me.

“It’s so big!”

“Who is bigger, your boyfriend or mine?”

"Your boyfriend looked bigger."

“We should double date soon,” she asked me, “You learned to suck cock today, didn’t you? Suck Troy’s cock so that he can enter me easily.”

I didn’t expect to suck another cock so soon but in the House of Domina, nothing was straightforward, there were always unexpected moments. I took his thick veiny cock in my mouth and sucked hard deep-throated it, coating it with my spit. I heard the couple kissing and making slurping noises. I took almost 75 percent of his cock before he started humping my mouth and pushed deeper. She got up and sat on his lap facing me, “Eat my pussy too,” She ordered. I did as she asked his cock was near her pussy and ready to enter so I ate her pink pussy furiously. Troy then pushed my face away with his cock and thrust it deep inside my Mistress. She screamed in her girlish voice as he rammed inside of her with my head resting on his lap with an up-close view of their union. Immediately his cock began leaking pre-cum. Linda pressed a button on my remote and turned it to full the resulting shock to my caged cock and balls were so bad I screamed. He fucked her for two hours in every position while she tortured me. She brought out a thin furry whip and sat on my face with my body laid out in front of her for me to clean her while he fucked her ass. She hit my genitals with the whip hard, lashing me as he fucked her harder and harder until exploding inside of her ass. She then sat on my mouth and fed me his cum riding my face. During the process, she leaned over and punched my cock hard a few times and bit my nipple hard. I had lost all sensation in my cock by this time and exploded in pleasure as she collapsed on top of me.

“Thank you, Troy. Now get the fuck out of here, I am done with you.”

I was shocked at her crude language and dominating personality toward her boyfriend.

“My pleasure, anytime.”

When he left Linda whispered in my ear, "You know your sister has a boyfriend with a bigger cock than your boyfriend, will you eat his cum out of her as well?”

“Yes Mistress, I will watch you, and clean you,” I told her diligently, in truth I didn’t know how to react. I had seen how cruel she could be and was afraid because I didn’t know how she would react.

“Good girl,” Linda was exhausted and injected me before passing out with me holding her snuggly close. All night I dreamed of getting fucked by Khalif, sometimes the dreams changed to my sister getting fucked.