The English Teacher By Dick Coxxx

Miriam Smith is an English teacher at Lee High School in the beautiful little suburb of Mountain Brook near Birmingham, Alabama. She had actually graduated from Robert E. Lee High School there several years before some liberal Northerners demanded that the school's name be changed to Lee High School. They said the name was racist and oppressive to the many Negroes in the area. The school's Confederate Rebel mascot was replaced with a big black panther much to the dismay of the other white students and parents.

Her husband, Maurice, ran a nice little insurance agency and did rather well for himself. She and Maurice had gotten married shortly after graduation from Birmingham Southern University. They have been married for about twelve years now and have two precious little tow-headed six year old twin boys, Timmy and Tommy.

The twins were just starting first grade now which allowed Miriam the opportunity to return to teaching. She really enjoyed making a difference in young peoples lives.

Maurice was very active with the church and had become one of its lay ministers. He had left earlier in the day for a church retreat and would return on Sunday afternoon. Miriam's mom and *** took the twins camping for the weekend so Miriam was essentially footloose and fancy free. One of the other married teachers in the high school English Department was an attractive dark-haired beauty by the name of Jenna White. Jenna's husband, Sam, went to the same church retreat as Miriam's husband and the two were good friends from childhood.

Normally there would be a football game on Friday evenings and Miriam would be there as the cheerleader sponsor. Tonight was one of the off-weeks and Jenna asked Miriam if she would like to go out to dinner and maybe clubbing afterwards to blow off steam from the pressure of teaching this past week.

Miriam wasn't so sure about the clubbing part but a break from cooking and cleaning house was always a welcome treat. The lovely blonde wife, mother and teacher took a quick shower before dressing for dinner. She didn't need much makeup as she was a natural beauty. Miriam looked in her closet and saw all of the dowdy ?Teacher? clothes staring back at her. Then she remembered an outfit that she had recently bought for herself for her very own thirty-third birthday present. It was a little on the flashy side but it was a very cute outfit. She decided to go ahead and wear it to dinner tonight.

Miriam looked at herself in the full-length mirror on the inside of her bedroom door. Her tan from the summer was beginning to fade but she still had the two paler triangles at her breasts from her bikini top and one at her loins from her little bikini bottom. Miriam kept her silky, blonde pussy hair neatly trimmed into the shape of a 'vee? pointing downward towards her pretty little pussy. The lovely blonde teacher slipped on a pair of frilly white lace panties with a matching white bikini bra. Next she put on the silky French lace blouse with a plunging neckline and French cuffs. She had worn miniskirts in the past but had not worn them so much recently since she had babies. This summer, however, Miriam worked out daily at the gym and swum laps at the pool three times a week after playing tennis at the club. She looked five years younger now and also looked simply marvelous. The beautiful English teacher and mother pulled on a short red miniskirt that really accentuated her fabulous looking legs. The red skirt had a built-in golden chain for a belt. Miriam stepped into a pair of red leather high heels that were trimmed in gold and had gold spike heels. She wore a simple gold chain with a cross as a necklace which hung down to the top of her slightly exposed cleavage as she left the top two buttons undone. A beautiful gold bracelet that her husband had given her for her birthday adorned her right wrist. Golden earrings hung down from her ears. Her lovely face was framed by her cute short blonde haircut.

Miriam sprayed some of her favorite perfume, Simply Red, behind her ears and between her cleavage. Then something wicked got into her mind. The lovely English teacher and mother lifted the hem of her red miniskirt and sprayed some of the perfume between her firm thighs. Wearing the little red miniskirt with the sexy red high heels must have gotten the lovely blonde wife excited as she would ordinarily never have done anything like that before. Maybe it was the glass of wine that she drank when she got home from school before taking her shower. Anyway, Miriam looked terrific and felt more sexy than she had felt in quite some time. ?Its too bad,? she thought to herself, 'that Maurice isn't here to see me tonight. He probably wouldn't let me wear this outfit outside the house because he would say it made me look like a tart.?

Miriam hopped into her minivan to drive over to the cozy little Italian restaurant to meet one of her married teacher friends, Jenna. The restaurant had valet parking and when she opened the car for the black valet, she saw that her skirt had ridden up past mid-thigh showing off most of her beautiful bare legs. The black valet quickly noticed her nice legs and gave her a smile and a wink. ?He probably thought that I was flirting with him by showing so much leg,? Miriam thought to herself.

Miriam walked into the Italian restaurant, called ?Dante's Inferno.? She saw her friend, Jenna, wave to her from a dark booth at the rear of the little restaurant. Miriam was a little confused when she also saw two black men in the same booth.

?Miriam, you know coaches Tyrell and Roderick, don't you?? asked the lovely brunette.

?Ahhh, yes, I know of them. They're assistant football coaches. Right?? replied the lovely blonde English Teacher.

?Yes, we are,? responded Tyrell. ?We see you all the time at practice with the cheerleaders but I've never had the pleasure of meeting you in person. Hell, at first I thought that you were one of the new cheerleaders not their teacher. It's a real pleasure!?

Miriam blushed at the black man's compliment. She did look very young to be their teacher.

?Tyrell and Roderick were at the bar having a drink when I got here. I invited them to have dinner with us. That's okay with you, isn't it?? asked Jenna.

?Ahhh, sure. That's fine with me,? replied the stunned wife.

Tyrell sat next to Miriam while Roderick sat next to Jenna. The two black coaches were drinking beer. A half-glass of white wine was in front of Jenna while a full glass of wine was in front of Miriam.

Dinner was great. Both of the pretty white teachers had another glass of wine with their meal. The guys had Tiramisu for dessert while both Jenna and Miriam turned down dessert. After dinner, the two English teachers excused themselves to go freshen up at the ladies room.

While in the rest room, Jenna says, ?The guys want us to go with them to a little jazz club downtown. I told them that we were up for a little action.?

?Jenna,? Miriam says. ?I can't go clubbing with you tonight. We're both married and the guys are, ahhh ??

?Black? Negroes? Coloreds? Darkies? What's the matter, Miriam? Are you prejudiced? Are you afraid these Negro cannibals are going to eat you alive?? chided Jenna.

?No, that's not it at all, Jenna. You and I are both married and our husbands are out of town. It wouldn't look right to be seen with two men by someone we might know.?

?Oh, come on, Miriam. Just for one little drink. That can't be so bad, can it? Besides, I think Tyrell really likes you. C'mon, you'll see an exciting part of Birmingham that you've never seen before!?

It must have been the wine going to her head because Miriam soon acquiesced and agreed to join her friend at a nightclub with these two black coaches.

Tyrell offered to drive Miriam's minivan to the club since he knew where the club was located. Roderick went with Jenna in her white Ford Mustang convertible with its top down. It must have been quite a sight to see a beautiful white woman with a black man riding in her car. Maybe he was her black pimp!

Tyrell drove to a little club in the basement of one of the older office buildings in the older part of downtown Birmingham. It was dark when they first went inside. It took a moment for Miriam's eyes to adjust to the darkness. The band was already playing some nice soft music when she saw that most of the couples on the dance floor were black men with attractive white women. Several of the tables scattered around the dance floor had white couples with a black man sitting next to the white woman. Miriam also saw that the white couples were both wearing their wedding rings so she guessed they must have been married to each other. Why was the black man at their table?? she thought to herself. The pretty blonde English teacher should have gotten an idea of the type of club that it was when she saw the name of the club, ?Black Cat,? along with the neon lights showing a big black cat chasing after a little white kitty.

Roderick found an empty table near the dance floor. Tyrell bought the first round of drinks. Soon both of the attractive white married English teachers were dancing in the arms of their black 'dates.? Miriam felt the bulge in Roderick's loins rubbing up against her tummy. She knew this was very, very wrong but was powerless to stop it. Miriam loved the father of her children but their sex life hadn't been so great or even so active since the birth of their twin boys six years ago. She closed her blue eyes and rested her blonde head against his strong, broad black shoulders. Miriam's breathing came a little faster as the black hand roamed all over her firm buttocks pulling her even closer to his hot, throbbing loins.

They took a quick breather from dancing. Tyrell ordered another round of drinks for the ladies. Miriam didn't understand what her friend, Jenna, said when she laughingly told Tyrell, ?I just fixed her drink. She's gonna be a hot little mink tonight.?

This time Tyrell danced with Miriam. She all but melted in his strong black arms. He cupped her chin in his muscular black hand as his thick lips found her waiting red lips. Miriam had never been kissed so passionately before.

?Tyrell, it's getting late and I need to go home to my husband and children,? breathed Miriam to the black football coach. Tyrell already knew there wouldn't be anybody at home waiting for her as Jenna had told him that no one would be there at Miriam's house tonight. They were all gone for the weekend.

Miriam turned to her friend, Jenna, but she had already left with Roderick.

?Look, Miriam,? said the black football coach. ?You are too ***** to drive. Why don't I take you home??

Miriam was too tired to argue. She even let the black man help her into the passenger seat of her own car. She knew her skirt was probably up to her hips showing all of her lovely, blonde charms but in this situation, she just didn't care. She had to get home.

Tyrell didn't need directions to Miriam's house as he all ready had them from Jenna. He punched the garage door opener and parked Miriam's minivan in their garage. The black man closed the garage door and helped the drugged white woman out of her car. Miriam fumbled for her house keys and Tyrell unlocked the door for her. He relocked the door after helping her through the door.

The black football coach said, ?Here, let me help you get undressed for bed,? as he began to unbutton the lovely blonde English teacher's blouse. Miriam looked down and saw his black fingers as they worked each button further and further down. She noticed that her taut nipples were showing through the sheer material. Miriam wondered if her nipples had shown all evening. They had.

Miriam felt very funny. She was woozy and dizzy but had a burning sensation between her legs. The black man was still behind her in her own bedroom as he continued to unbutton her blouse. She also felt his big cock pressing against her tight buttocks. He slipped the blouse off her shoulders. The lovely blonde English teacher felt his fingers at her back as he undid her bra letting it fall off of her now bare shoulders. Miriam's hands came up to hide her bare breasts as Tyrell turned her around to kiss her. She was surprised that the black man had already removed his shirt so that her naked breasts beat against his bare black chest. The beautiful blonde English teacher's breathing was coming even faster now as she wrapped her arms around his bare black back.

The black football coach guided the beautiful blonde English teacher over to the edge of the king-sized bed that she normally shared with her husband, Maurice. Tyrell eased the pretty blonde wife back onto the bed into a lying position with her feet still on the floor. His dark hands went up under her short shirt. Miriam lifted her hips slightly so that the black man could easily remove her little panties. Tyrell brought the dampened panties to his broad black nose and took a deep whiff of her feminine fragrances interlaced with the perfume that she had sprayed on her thighs earlier this evening. Never would she have dreamed that a black man would ever smell her perfume like this. Tyrell put the lovely blonde wife's little panties in his back pocket as a souvenir.

Tyrell kissed the insides of her knees before moving towards his intended target. He had left the bedroom lights on so her could see her pretty little blonde pussy. He spread her pussy lips with his thumbs as he began swirling his long tongue around her erect clitoris. Miriam's body jerked at the erotic contact and she experienced her first true orgasm.

Miriam's head was still spinning but she looked up at her black tormenter as he unfastened his trousers. Her eyes opened wide when she first saw his huge black manhood. This black man was more than three times the size of her own husband.

?Oh, please. Please don't! I'm married. I shouldn't be doing this,? pleaded the lovely aroused blonde wife.

?Baby, as much as you've been teasing us niggers tonight with all of that pretty white skin of yours, I thought I'd show you what you've been missing all these years.?

Tyrell hovered over the beautiful white wife. He hissed into her ear, ?Put it in for me, Babe!?

Miriam couldn't believe that she was doing this. What a nightmare she was having. ?Maybe it's only a dream,? she thought almost deliriously to herself.

The lovely blonde English teacher reached between her bare legs and grabbed his big black cock in her manicured fingers. She guided this huge nigger dick to her quivering blonde pussy. The massive black head entered her tight pussy and Miriam gasped as much more entered her tight little pussy. She opened her legs even further and accepted the full length and girth of the monster black cock deep inside her almost virginal pussy. She had never felt so fulfilled in her sweet young life before.

Their lips met again as they kissed hard and deep. Her arms came up around his broad black back scrapping her red-tipped nails across his thick black skin. Her smooth, bare legs came up to grasp his pumping black hips with her knees. They worked in rhythm. This was such a beautiful coupling of the lovely blonde English teacher, mother and wife with the bucking black stud of a football coach. Miriam had multiple orgasms. It seemed like they had been fucking for hours when Tyrell raised up and blasted his dark seed deep into her tight, battered pussy.

Miriam lay exhausted on one side of the bed as her new black lover rested on the 'dark? side of the bed. She got up because she had to go pee so badly. She realized that she was still wearing her short little red miniskirt and her red high heels as she wobbled off to the bathroom. His thick, gooey cum slowly oozed down her bare leg.

Miriam kicked off her high heels and unfastened her red miniskirt. She sat down to pee just a Tyrell walked in on her. She attempted in vain to cover herself but he could still see her little patch of blonde pubic hair pointing towards her pussy and the yellow stream of her urine splashing into the toilet. His thick limp black dick hung almost down to his knees. Miriam thought that it looked like a big radiator hose jutting from his black loins.

Miriam finishing peeing and got up to wipe herself off with a warm, wet washcloth. Tyrell took his turn peeing. It sounded like a cow pissing on a flat rock.

When he finished, the black football coach took the beautiful blonde English teacher's hand and led her back into her bedroom. They continued to fuck the rest of the night.

The next morning, Miriam made breakfast for her new black lover. They stayed in bed the rest of the day leaving it only to eat and pee. Tyrell fucked the blonde wife in every position he could think of and then some. One time, the beautiful blonde English teacher even took the huge black cock and sucked him off to completion, letting some of his thick cum dribble down her cheek. This was something that she never would have done for her own husband!

Tyrell stayed over on Saturday night as well. Miriam experienced her first anal. It hurt tremendously at first, but once she got used to his extra large size, she liked the idea of having a huge black dick up her tight little ass. It was something that her puny little husband would never do.

Finally, Tyrell showered and got back into his clothes. He kissed the beautiful blonde wife and said, ?I would love to stay and meet your husband and kids but I'd better go,? the black coach said with a grin. ?Can I see you again??

?Yes, anytime,? the lovely blonde English teacher said meekly and smiled back at her new black lover. ?Anytime.?

Miriam could hardly walk the next day at school. She seriously considered calling in sick and getting a substitute teacher for herself but she wanted to see the black football coach again after football and cheerleader practice. Another white woman had become addicted to big black cock!
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