I have been married to Janet for ten years and all during that time she had never looked at another man. Maybe they were times when she might have been tempted by the flirting of some good-looking blokes with my equally good-looking wife but never once, as far as I knew, did it go beyond talk she has always remained faithful to her wedding vows. I only say that because we have had some 'pillow talk' when after we had been at a party or some gathering, that she made mentions and remarks about 'that guy looked hot' or 'I bet he's a charmer in bed'. Silly things like that, so I guess she might have given the possibility some thought.

However, as far as I was concerned, it was only talk for Janet, who had been a virgin when I took her on our wedding night (or so she claimed), thereafter devoted herself to being my faithful wife and then, after a couple of years, a mother to our ********. Her mother is especially thrilled about that, she just loves being a Grandma and is forever hinting whether we are going to have more. (We would like to have more kids but for whatever reason it hasn't happened yet. Let's just say, we're presently working on it!) If Janet had any faults, other than being a bit silly when she drank too much, then I would be hard pressed to say what they might be.

The breaking of her vows started innocently enough; it was at a poker night in my friend Garry’s place and she wasn't even there to know what was about to happen in her name.

Once a month a group of us old school friends would get together at Garry's place for a night of Texas hold 'em. We didn't play for big stakes, we had a limit of five pounds, but the pot could get quite tasty and everybody had a good night out and nobody got hurt.

Garry was (is) a nice guy but by his own admission, an alcoholic. He lost his driver's license a long time ago and hence it is always his place that me and the gang go to. He and his partner Helen live in a three bedroom semi in a nice part of town so it's not a big deal and they always make us welcome. I never did find out how exactly how he made his money but one thing for sure, he wasn't short of a penny or two and to his credit he was always good for getting stuff, mainly electronics and audio, at a great price. He had a few mates who were in the 'same business' and they were equally vague about how they made a living.

Garry introduced one of them, Steve, into our group one Friday night and being a pretty easy going bunch we welcomed him to sit at the table. The new guy started out quietly enough but as the evening went on and the drinks flowed he became more aggressive and was constantly trying to drive the amount of the pot up. The other guys went along with it but I was a little nervous for I couldn't compete as far as having money to burn, so to speak. No matter, we played on and I really wasn't having much luck at all but I was amused to witness that while Steve won some of the hands he also lost just as many and really didn't gain anything from his loud-mouthing.

It was getting late and I was way over my head and out of pocket. I wasn't sure how I was going to explain to Janet where all my money had gone but I was definitely past my limit, so I started to leave.

“Stay for a few more hands,” Garry said not wanting the game to breakup yet. I protested that I was nearly out of cash but Garry was insistent, “Stay, I’ll cover you!”

Foolishly I sat back down and before long I was down even more and the ante had been raised to twenty pounds which for me was crazy. However, my luck seem to change and with over four hundred pounds on the table and three Queens in my hand I felt I couldn't lose. I borrowed another fifty from Garry and called the hand.

Steve laid down a full house and took the pot!

To say I was disappointed would be an understatement and there was only one thing I could say or do. I said, “I’m outta cash. I'm going home”

To the sound of Steve crowing his good fortune I left the table and Garry saw me to the door. I told him that I would pay him back as soon as I could but he said not to worry about it, he didn’t want to be repaid in cash.

I was bemused for I really didn't have anything else that I could offer in exchange but asked nonetheless, “What do you want? Name it,” I offered my friend.

“I want to fuck Janet.” he answered.

“What?” I said not believing what I heard.

“I want to fuck your wife,” Garry repeated.

I should have been mad with him but I wasn't.

Fuck my wife for a fifty pound debt? Crazy idea that Janet would never agree to anyway; impossible. However, as I calmed down and thought rationally, the idea had merit.

Garry had been a very good friend of mine over the years and often helped us out with his generosity. If sticking his cock into my wife meant so much to him I didn’t want to not want to be unappreciative. What if he did fuck Janet, it wouldn’t cost us anything.

He opened the front door and gave my shoulder a squeeze. I answered and said, “Let me see what I can do?”

As I drove home my mind was in turmoil. On the one hand I knew a sober Janet would never consent to being unfaithful even though I suggested it. On the other, Janet had a weakness, like Garry, but not quite to the same extent, she loved to drink. She couldn't be regarded as alcoholic but my wife could not hold her drink. After a few drinks she lost all control and she was pretty much putty in my hands. I am embarrassed to say that I have in the past used her weakness to my advantage and got her to do things in bed that normally she wouldn't allow like getting her to put my cock in her mouth or let me try fucking her ass. I figured if I set things up right she would open her legs for Garry and my debt would be paid.

It was a few days later and I casually informed Janet, “Garry is coming over tonight to help me set up the new sound system.” I had recently bought from him a top-end sound bar to go with the big-screen TV I had previously got from him and Garry being somewhat of an audiophile knew how to get the best results from it.

“Is Helen coming too?” Janet asked.

“No, she has a meeting to go to,” I lied.

I had no idea if Garry had told his partner what he was going to be doing that night but the plan was for Garry to drop around about ten o’clock hoping that I would have my wife ready for him by then.

Shortly after eight I offered Janet her first drink. She lingered a painfully long time over the gin and tonic sipping miniscule amounts between watching the television. Knowing I was expecting Garry’s visit I imagine she was deliberately trying to pace herself.

It took her almost an hour and a complete episode of her favourite TV Soap to finish the glass. “Let me freshen that up!” I offered.

It was almost nine when I refilled her glass, but this time with more gin than tonic. She made a face when she tasted the strong drink but her first drink had already started to kick in and she made no reaction other than to swallowed a mouthful. Her second glass was empty in twenty minutes so I poured her a third which I knew would finish her off. It was shortly before ten o'clock and my wife was in la-la land.

“Why don’t you get changed into something more comfortable, that white negligee I bought you for a anniversary present?” I suggested.

Janet’s white negligee was a sheer floor length gown perforated every inch or so by quarter inch diamond shape holes. Wearing this gown her entire body would be on display through the transparent material and the numerous openings.

She giggled and protested, “I can’t wear that with Garry coming!”

“Why not, he has seen you nude in the hot tub,” I argued.

She blushed at the memory. It had been the time when we had been a garden party last summer at Garry's place and Janet after having had a few too many drinks had joined us in Garry’s hot tub. She had willingly agreed to remove her bikini once she was safely in the water so that she was naked just like everyone else.

She giggled again and said, “Well if you think it’s OK and Garry won't be offended,” and with that she staggered off upstairs to the bedroom.

Janet was still in the bedroom when a few minutes later Garry arrived. I welcomed him in and explained Janet was getting ready for him and that my debt would be paid.

I was sitting with our guest having a beer when my wife came down the stairs and walked into the living room. She looked stunning. With the light from the open kitchen door behind her she may as well been nude.

“Hi Garry!” she greeted him shamelessly adopting a pose that left nothing to the imagination of how her mind was working.

Garry looked at me to see, I was guessing, that I was OK with my wife acting so provocatively. I gave him a nod and a smile that I hoped conveyed that I was and that she was ready for him to fuck her.

He held out his hand and beckoned, “Why don't you come and sit over here, on my knee."

Janet looked at me for approval for her to do as he suggested. I nodded and she sort of ambled across the room and plopped herself down on his lap. Garry’s hand went straightaway and cupped her breast through the thin material of her negligee. I left them to go into the kitchen to get another round of drinks.

By the time I returned Janet’s gown was up above her knees and Garry’s other hand was hidden between her legs. From his movements and the way she was reacting I guessed he had his hand on her pussy and was likely finger-fucking her; she was clearly enjoying the attention.

I sat next to them on the couch and reached over and slipped the thin straps off her shoulders and the negligee's flimsy material fell down to her waist ******** her naked breasts. I leaned down and could see more clearly that, yes, Garry's fingers were embedded in her cunt and hs thumb was playing with her clitoris. My mouth swallowed her left nipple and Janet gave a moan as I flicked the stiff tip with my tongue, she was ready.

“Let go into the bedroom, you’ll be more comfortable.”

I helped her to her unsteady feet and the gown dropped to the floor when we stood her up. She didn't seem to have noticed that she was now completely naked but seemed grateful for our assistance and giggled and slurred, "Thank you Sirs".

With Garry on one side of her and me on the other we led her up the stairs and into the bedroom where we carefully laid my nude wife across the bed. Garry began to undress and I followed suit (or should that be 'unsuit'?!)

Janet could see what we were doing and had a moment of clarity when she asked, “What are you doing?” She unsuccessfully struggled to sit up and ended up just squirming provocatively on the bed. I sat alongside her and calmed her down by saying, “It's OK, Garry just wants to get to know you better.”

My wife relaxed, looked at me with sleepy eyes and giggled, “Garry, who's Garry?"

"You know, that Garry who you lusted after when we went to his house that time."

She gave a smile as I guess she recalled the fantasy that she had shared after we had returned home following the Hot Tub party. "Oh yeah, that Garry."

"Yeah, that Garry. Do you remember how you said you would love to be fucked by his big cock?"

She giggled again and gave a moan, "Hmm, oh yeah, him. That would be nice wouldn't it?"

She lifted her arms and to give me a hug and a sloppy kiss. I felt the bed yield as Garry climbed on and positioned himself to kneel between her legs. She continued to hold and kiss me and I then felt her legs moving apart as Garry mounted her.

My wife gasped as Garry’s cock slid into her. I half expected her to resist and protest at being held but instead she just lay there looking at me with a contented look on her face as Garry began to claim his debt. Without taking her gaze on my face I watched as my wife instinctively wrap her legs around our friend and draw him further into her pussy. She released me and turned her head toward Garry and with her eyes closed, her hands drew his face to hers and they kissed. In her drunken stupor my wife did not realize it was another man’s cock in her, she clearly thought that she was living out the fantasy and thought she was fucking me!

She began to grind her hips like she did when she was really horny and began to talk dirty like she always does when she wanted to come and I knew Garry was about to get the fuck of his life.

“Oh fuck me, I need to come!” Janet moaned as her hips pushed up against Garry’s cock. Garry obliged and I began to hear their bodies slap together as each time he thrust his length into her.

“Oh yes, yes, more lover,” she pleaded.

Garry was fucking her hard, his cock reaching further into her than I could manage but still she was ******* she was giving herself to another man. Her hips thrashed like an alley cat’s and I knew from experience that she was building up a mega orgasm in her pussy.

I moved to where I could see Garry’s wet shaft sliding in and out of Janet’s stretched vagina and each thrust seemed to make her more sloppy from the intense fucking he was giving her; I could hear the soft squishing noises they made as his cock slid in and out of my wife’s cunt. It was an arousing scene and I couldn't help myself when I gently cupped Garry’s balls in my hand and squeezed them coaxing him to empty his sperm into my wife’s womb.

My touch caused a chain reaction.

Janet screamed as her orgasm hit her and I could feel Garry’s balls throbbing as they emptied into her cunt. His thrusting became more frantic and in his excitement he slipped out and I could see the head of his cock spurting his rich creamy spunk before he pushed himself back in again. My wife’s body trembled with the aftershocks of her orgasm until it seemed that Garry’s cum had put out the fire.

Garry rolled off my wife’s well fucked body and she lay there panting in the afterglow with his cum beginning to leak out of her gaping pussy. I couldn't resist, I just had to feel my cock in her cum filled vagina. I took Garry's place and my cock slid into her with no resistance whatsoever. Still with her eyes closed she moaned softly while I enjoyed her sloppy cunt and within seconds I added my sperm to Garry’s.


The following morning Janet was in a good mood.

“That was really nice last night, you’ll have to invite Garry over again,” she told me as we got ourselves ready for the day. "He really knows how to make a girl laugh."

I wasn't sure if she was teasing me or what, whether she really knew about or remembered much of the previous night’s activities. She didn't make any direct mention but I was just thankful if she did know what had happened that she was not irate with me for setting her up.

It was a few week later that my wife gave me the good news, she was pregnant! Janet went to the phone and began to dial a number.

“Who are you calling?” I asked her expecting her to say her mother.

“Garry!” she smiled, “He’ll want to know.”
