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Chapter 01: Sarah Reveals Her Plan

In a dimly lit room, Sarah, a stunning woman in her thirties with long, wavy brunette hair, lounges across from Claire. Her deep red lipstick and smoky eye makeup accentuate her features, and her curves are shown off perfectly in a form-fitting dress. She exudes confidence and sex appeal, and her giggle is infectious as she sips her wine.

Claire, her long-time friend, sits across from her, her blonde hair pulled back into a sleek ponytail. She has an athletic build, toned arms and legs, and her piercing blue eyes see right through Sarah. She radiates calm and contemplative energy, and her wine glass is cradled in her slender fingers as she listens to Sarah talk.

The atmosphere in the room is electric, with the anticipation of their conversation making the air feel charged. The two women are completely at ease with each other, and their body language is relaxed and open. Sarah leans forward, her ample cleavage on display, as she shares a particularly juicy piece of gossip. Claire throws her head back and laughs, her curves highlighted by her fitted top.

As the night goes on, the wine flows freely, and the conversation becomes more and more explicit. "What's on your mind, Sarah?" Claire inquires, her voice a whispered murmur. "You seem... different."

With a mischievous gleam in her eye, Sarah confesses, "Well, Claire, I've been feeling these irresistible urges lately. Urges that transcend my usual interests."

Perplexed, Claire probes, "Urges? What do you mean?"

Sarah leans in, her eyes sparkling with excitement and a hint of mischief. "You know I've always been super into BDSM, right?" she whispers, her voice barely audible. "But lately, it's just not doing it for me. I need something more intense that will take my playtime to a whole new level."

Claire's eyes widen, her heart racing as she asks, "A new level? What are you thinking?"

Sarah's grin widens, her voice filled with anticipation. "I want to take things further, Claire," she admits. "I want to make John into a total cuckold, to explore all the wild and dirty possibilities."

Claire's eyes widen in shock, her jaw nearly hitting the floor as she takes in Sarah's words. "Whoa, Sarah, that's...that's freaking intense!" she exclaims, her voice laced with disbelief. "I mean, I knew you were into some kinky stuff, but this is on a whole other level. Are you sure about this? I mean, sure?" Claire's mind races with questions and curiosity, trying to wrap her head around the idea of Sarah's newfound desire to turn John into a cuckold.

Sarah, totally confident, says, "Hell yeah, I've thought about it a lot. But I can't do this alone, babe. I need you on board, Claire."

Claire looks taken aback and hesitates. "My help? What do you even want me to do?"

Sarah grins and lays out her plan: "I want you to be John's therapist. Help him get comfortable with being my submissive cuckold. And who knows, maybe you'll get to explore your kinks with him too."

Claire looks freaked out and responds, "Woah, Sarah, I don't know. Getting John involved in this is kinda risky, don't you think?"

Sarah confidently says, "I trust you, Claire. You're good at keeping secrets and you've always been open-minded. Plus, you've had your doubts about John, haven't you?"

Claire looks uneasy and admits, "Well, yeah, but this is a pretty big deal. It could change everything."

Sarah, determined, insists, "I'm willing to take that risk, babe. I need you on this with me."

Claire hesitates, looking unsure. "I don't know, Sarah. It's just so...extreme."

Sarah presses on, "Come on, Claire. I know you can handle it. We'll take it slow, set some boundaries, and make sure everything is cool. But we gotta do this together."

After thinking it over, Claire finally agrees, looking both worried and excited. "Okay, Sarah. I'm in. I'll be John's therapist. But we need to set some ground rules and be on the same page."

Sarah grins. "Claire. We'll set some rules and, most importantly, enjoy the ride."

Taking a deep breath, Claire prepares herself for what's to come. "Alright, Sarah. Let's do this. Let's make John your happy cuckold."

"So, we need to define some ground rules," Sarah says, her tone low and conspiratorial. "We have to make sure that John doesn't suspect anything."

"Right," Claire nods, her agreement punctuated by a nervous swallow. "We need to be very careful about how we approach this. We don't want to do anything that might raise any red flags."

Sarah leans in closer, her voice dropping to a hushed whisper. "I was thinking we could start by planting little seeds of doubt in his mind. You know, make him question his masculinity."

Claire's eyes widen with excitement. "Oh, I love it! Yes, let's do that. And then we can slowly start to push him towards cuckoldry. But we have to be very subtle about it."

"Exactly," Sarah replies, her voice tinged with excitement. "We can start by dropping hints about how other men are more successful or better looking. And we can also start to make him do things for me that he might not normally do. Like cooking, cleaning, or even doing our laundry."

Claire chuckles. "This is going to be so much fun! I can't wait to see the look on his face when he realizes what we've done."

Sarah grins mischievously. "Oh, he's going to be so submissive to me. I can already picture it. Hahaha."

The two women continue to plot and plan, their excitement growing with each passing moment as they anticipate the thrilling adventure that lies ahead of them.

"So, tell me more about John," Claire asks, her tone laced with excitement. "What does he like? What doesn't he like?"

Sarah takes a moment to think before answering. "Well, he's always been into sports. He loves watching football and basketball, and he's a big fan of the local teams. He also enjoys playing video games in his free time."

Claire nods, making mental notes of everything Sarah is sharing. "What about his personality? Is he outgoing or more reserved?"

Sarah pauses for a moment, considering the question. "He's more on the reserved side. He's not very assertive, and he tends to go along with whatever I suggest. I've always thought he could benefit from being a bit more confident."

Claire listens carefully, nodding along as Sarah continues to share details about John. "And what about his weak sides? What can we use to our advantage?"

Sarah smirks, a mischievous glint in her eye. "He's a bit of a pushover, to be honest. Like I said, he'll do just about anything I ask of him. And he's not very good at standing up for himself. I think that's why he'll make the perfect cuckold."

Claire feels a thrill of excitement shoots through her at the mention of the word 'cuckold'. She had always been fascinated by the idea of dominating a man, and the thought of having John at their mercy was incredibly enticing. "And his strong sides?"

Sarah thinks for a moment before responding. "He's a hard worker, and he's good with money. But I don't think those things will come into play much with our plan."

Claire nods, feeling confident that they have everything they need to make this work. "So, how are we going to convince him to start therapy?"

Sarah's face lights up with a wicked grin. "We'll tell him it's for stress management. John has been complaining about feeling overwhelmed lately, so we'll play up that angle. I'll remind him of what a great therapist you are, who by the way, is specialized in stress relief. At least that is what we gonna say to him. Haha. That should be enough for him to give it a try. He won't suspect a thing."

Claire laughs, feeling a sense of excitement building within her. "I can't wait to see the look on his face when he finds out what we have in store for him."

Sarah grins, feeling the same sense of excitement as her friend. "Oh, it's going to be so much fun. John is going to be my little puppet, and we're going to pull all the strings."

Chapter 02: The First Step

It's a typical evening in the suburban home of Sarah and John. The TV plays a rerun of The Sopranos, a popular sitcom in the background, and the aroma of dinner lingers in the air. Sarah sits next to John on the couch, her hand resting on his knee as they chat about their respective days. After a few minutes, Sarah leans in a little closer to John and takes a deep breath before starting the conversation.

"Hey babe, listen. I know you've been feeling stressed lately," she says, "and I want to help you find a way to manage it. I've been talking to my friend Claire, a therapist who specializes in stress relief. Do you remember her, right?"

John hesitates, uncertainty lingering in the air. "I don't know Sarah. I'm not comfortable talking to a stranger about my inner problems," he admits.

Sarah persists, her conviction unwavering. "Claire is not a stranger, she is my friend, and she is amazing. She's helped so many people. I think she could help you too."

"But why can't you help me?" John questions, his gaze searching Sarah's eyes. "We're married, and I trust you more than anyone."

"It's not that I don't want to help you," Sarah explains. "Sometimes, it's good to have an objective person to talk to. Claire is trained for these situations, and she's good at it."

As the weight of the decision settles on him, John sighs, his eyes drifting downward.

"Okay, I'll give it a shot," he finally concedes. "How can I schedule an appointment?"

Sarah's face softens with relief as she responds, "I already scheduled it for next week, on Thursday. It's at her office, not far from here."

"Alright, I'll make sure to take time off from work," John agrees.

"Good," Sarah says, a reassuring smile gracing her lips. "And please, don't be nervous. Claire is a kind and understanding person. Just be honest with her, and I'm sure everything will work out."

John nods, and the conversation shifts to other topics for the rest of the night. Sarah is already feeling excited about how things are progressing and can't wait to see how John will react to the therapy session with Claire.

Later that night, Sarah picks up the phone and dials Claire's number. She can hardly contain her excitement. As soon as Claire answers, Sarah blurts out, "He agreed! John's going to therapy with you!"

Claire lets out a squeal of delight. "That's amazing news, Sarah! I can't wait to get started. We're going to have so much fun with this."

Sarah grins, feeling a rush of adrenaline. "I know, right? I'm so glad you're on board with this. It's going to be amazing. Just remember, we need to take things slow and steady. We don't want John to get suspicious."

Claire nods eagerly. "I'm with you, Sarah. We'll take things one step at a time. So, what's the plan? When's our first session?"

"Perfect," Claire replies. "I'll make sure the session is as relaxing and stress-free as possible. I'll bring some essential oils and calming music. And I'll make sure John is comfortable and at ease."

Sarah grins. "You're amazing, Claire. I'm so lucky to have you as a friend."

Claire chuckles. "Likewise, Sarah. We're going to have so much fun with this. And just think - soon John will be putty in your hands!"

Sarah laughs. "I know, right? I can't wait. This is going to be the start of a whole new chapter in our relationship."

Chapter 03: The first session

The waiting room of Claire's office is small but quite charming, with a few comfortable chairs and some potted plants placed strategically around the room. The walls are painted in a soothing blue color, with a few tasteful paintings hung on them. Soft, instrumental music is playing in the background, creating a peaceful atmosphere.

John sits nervously in one of the chairs, fidgeting with his hands as he waits for Claire. He's wearing a crisp white shirt and black pants, looking somewhat out of place in this serene environment. He checks his phone a few times and then puts it back in his pocket.

John sits impatiently until Claire finally struts into the waiting room, wearing a black number that shows off her figure in all the right ways. It's like the dress was made for her, accentuating her curves and leaving just enough to the imagination.

"Hello, John. Come inside, please." Her face lights up with a radiant smile as she greets John, and he can't help but notice her perfectly plump lips and sparkling eyes. She confidently leads him towards her office, her hips swaying with each step.

Her office is super tidy, with a large desk and comfortable chairs. There's a bookshelf against one wall, filled with books on psychology and self-help. Claire takes a seat behind her desk and gestures for John to take a seat in one of the chairs facing her.

"Hi, John. I'm Claire. It's great to finally meet you," she says warmly, extending her hand to shake his.

John shakes her hand, feeling a little uncomfortable with her sexy and confident style. "Hi, Claire. Nice to meet you too," he replies.

Claire takes out a notepad and a pen and starts jotting down some notes. "So, Sarah tells me you've been dealing with some stress lately. Can you tell me a little bit about that?"

John shifts in his seat, feeling a bit awkward talking about his problems with a stranger. But he knows he needs to get help, so he opens up to her.

"Well, yeah, I've been feeling a bit overwhelmed with work lately. It's been hard to manage everything and I just feel like I can't catch a break," he says.

Claire nods, jotting down more notes. "I see. And how have you been coping with the stress so far?"

John shrugs. "I've been trying to exercise more and eat healthy. But it's not helping."

Claire nods sympathetically. "I understand. Well, let's see what we can do to help you manage your stress better, okay?"

As Claire continues to ask John questions and take notes, she's also subtly observing him, trying to gather information that will help her with her plan. She notices the way he twirls his wedding ring absentmindedly, the way he seems a little unsure of himself and the way he avoids making direct eye contact with her.

All of these details are noted down in her notebook, along with other observations about his behavior and personality.

As they settle into the therapy session, Claire takes a moment to gather her thoughts before beginning her line of questioning. She takes note of John's body language, his posture, and the way he holds himself.

"John, how would you describe your marriage to Sarah?" she asks, her tone gentle and inquisitive.

John takes a deep breath, seemingly caught off guard by the question. "Um, well, I'd say it's good. We have our ups and downs like any couple, but we love each other and we work through things," he answers, a hint of hesitation in his voice.

Claire jotted down some notes in her notebook, making mental notes of the way John's voice wavered when he answered her question. She decides to dig a little deeper, hoping to uncover any underlying issues in their marriage.

"That's great to hear, John. Can you tell me more about the ups and downs you've experienced?" she asks, her tone still gentle but with a hint of curiosity.

John takes another deep breath before launching into a detailed account of the challenges they've faced as a couple. He talks about financial stress, communication breakdowns, and intimacy issues. Claire listens carefully, taking notes as John speaks.

As John finishes speaking, Claire leans forward slightly, a fake look of concern on her face. "It sounds like you and Sarah have been through a lot together. How are you feeling about your marriage right now?" she asks.

John looks down at his hands, fidgeting with his fingers as he tries to formulate a response. "I love Sarah, and I want to make things work and I'm sure she wants to. But it's been tough lately, and I'm not 100% sure how to fix things," he admits.

Claire nods sympathetically, jotting down more notes in her notebook. She can see that John is struggling, and she knows that she'll have to tread carefully as she begins to implement her plan.

Claire leans forward, her eyes fixed on John, as she asks the question, "John, do you think you're the best husband you could be?"

John pauses, considering the question before answering, "Well, I try my best to be a good husband. But I suppose there are a couple of things I could do better."

Claire nods slowly, taking notes on her notepad, as she probes further. "Like what, John? What do you think you could do better?"

John fidgets a little in his seat, feeling a bit uncomfortable under Claire's gaze. "Uh, well, I guess I could be more attentive to Sarah's needs sometimes, you know? Like.. listen to her more, and do more things together, maybe?"

Claire smiles encouragingly, making a mental note of John's responses. "That's a great start, John. I think it's wonderful that you want to be a better husband for Sarah."

Claire nods along thoughtfully as John explains that he believes Sarah's needs should be his priority. She smiles inwardly, feeling excited that this answer is in line with her plan.

"I see," she says, taking a note on her notepad. "That's admirable, John. It's important to put your partner's needs first in a marriage, don't you think?"

John nods. "Definitely. I mean, I know I haven't always been the best at it, but I'm trying to be more aware of Sarah's needs and be there for her."

Claire's smile widens. "That's wonderful to hear, John. It takes a lot of courage to recognize your flaws and work on improving them. I'm sure Sarah appreciates your efforts."

John blushes slightly. "I hope so. I just want her to be happy."

Claire nods in agreement. "I can tell you care about her, John. And that's what makes you a great husband."

She pauses for a moment before continuing, "But I have to ask, do you think there's anything else you could be doing to make Sarah even happier?"

John furrows his brow in thought. "I'm not sure. I mean, I try to do things for her and be there when she needs me. But maybe I could do more?"

Claire smiles encouragingly. "That's a great attitude to have, John. Maybe we can explore that more in our sessions and find some new ways to make Sarah feel appreciated and loved."

John looks at her, a sense of hopefulness in his eyes. "I would like that, Claire. Thank you."

Claire nods, her smile never leaving her face. "Of course, John. That's what I'm here for."

"So, let's dive deeper into Sarah's needs," Claire suggests with a calculated blend of concern and authority. "What do you think she needs the most from you?"

John's response is muddled and hesitant, his words stumbling over themselves in a display of intellectual ineptitude. "Uh, I dunno, maybe I try to do stuff, but work's been insane lately, you know?"

Claire's smile remains poised and polished, masking the cruelty that lurks beneath her professional veneer. "It's understandable, John. But can you pinpoint exactly what Sarah craves from you?"

John's brows furrow in confusion as he struggles to articulate his thoughts. "Well, she's been saying I don't listen enough, I guess. So, maybe she wants me to pay more attention when she talks?"

With a patronizing nod, Claire feigns understanding, her eyes glittering with malice. "That's a start, John. But what about her emotional needs? Do you think you're meeting those as well?"

John's response is predictably dim-witted, his attempts to express himself falling short of coherence. "I try, but it's tough sometimes. Like, I'm not good at knowing what she wants, you know?"

Claire's facade of sympathy cracks for a moment, a fleeting glimpse of contempt flickering across her features. "I see, John. It sounds like you're struggling. But what if I were to propose a different approach to meeting Sarah's needs?"

John's eyes widen with confusion as he leans in, his attention fully captured by Claire's manipulative charm. "Uh, what do you mean, Claire?"

Leaning closer, Claire's voice takes on a honeyed tone, her words dripping with insidious intent. "Have you ever considered exploring Sarah's...desires? You know, in the bedroom?"

John's cheeks flush with embarrassment as he squirms under Claire's penetrating gaze. "Uh, I dunno, Claire. I don't wanna make her uncomfortable or anything."

Claire's smile remains fixed, her tone oozing with false encouragement. "Of course not, John. But sometimes, taking a little risk can lead to...exciting discoveries. Maybe it's time to spice things up a bit, hmm?"

With their conversation drawing to a close, Claire extends a final, disingenuous offer of assistance. "Alright, John, I think we're making some progress today. But before we finish, I have a little assignment for you."

John's response is one of bewildered compliance as he nods eagerly. "Uh, sure, what kind of assignment?"

Claire's smile widens, her eyes gleaming with predatory satisfaction. "Just a little task to help you...practice what we've discussed. I want you to focus on Sarah's needs and desires, and see where it takes you."

John's acquiescence is palpable, his resolve crumbling under Claire's relentless manipulation. "Uh, okay, I guess. Sounds easy enough."

With a final, dismissive wave, John departs, blissfully oblivious of the treacherous path he's embarking upon. As he exits Claire's office, a sense of unease settles in his stomach, but he brushes it aside, captivated by Claire's deceptive allure.

After John leaves the therapy session, Claire waits for a few minutes before picking up her phone to call Sarah. She can't wait to share the details of their conversation and discuss their plan going forward.

As Sarah picks up the phone, Claire's cheerful voice greets her. "Hey, Sarah! How are you?"

"I'm good, Claire. How is the session with John?" Sarah asks excitedly.

Claire replies with a grin, "It's great! We're having a really good conversation. I think he's going to be receptive to our plan."

Sarah's eyes widen with excitement. "That's amazing, Claire! I knew you could get through to him."

Claire then suggests to Sarah that they should continue to test John's attentiveness and willingness to meet Sarah's needs. She explains that they can come up with small tasks for John to complete or pay extra attention to Sarah's wants and needs.

"Exactly," Claire says. "I want to see how he reacts and how his behavior changes as we start to implement our plan. We can analyze the progress and adjust our strategy as needed."

Sarah nods in agreement. "I think that's a great idea, Claire. I'm excited to see where this takes us."

They continue to discuss the plan and the different things they can try to encourage John to be more attentive and proactive with Sarah's needs. They laugh and joke about some of the ideas they come up with, imagining John's reactions to their different requests.

Chapter 04: John is a really good listener

It is after dinner, and Sarah and John have just finished talking about the therapy session. Sarah is curious to see how things will play out and decides to give John a small task to see if he has been paying attention during the session.

"John, could you do me a favor and wash the dishes tonight?" she asks.

"Sure, no problem," John replies, looking slightly surprised.

"And could you also wash my new panties? They need to be hand-washed," she adds, holding up a lacy pink pair of underwear.

John's face turns slightly red at the mention of the panties, but he nods in agreement. "Yeah, I can do that."

Sarah smiles to herself, happy to see that John is willing to take on these small tasks. "Thank you, John. I appreciate it."

As John gets up from the table to start on the dishes, Sarah watches him closely. She notices that he seems a bit hesitant at first, unsure of what to do. But as he starts to wash the dishes, he seems to relax a bit and even hums a little tune to himself.

Sarah makes a mental note of this, thinking that maybe John is starting to get into the swing of things. She hopes that this is a sign of progress and that he will continue to be more attentive to her needs.

As John finishes washing the dishes and moves on to washing the panties, Sarah watches him even more closely. She notices that he is being very careful with them, making sure to use the right kind of soap and water temperature. She smiles to herself, thinking that maybe he is starting to take more pride in his work, and maybe even feeling a sense of satisfaction in doing something for her.

When he is done, he brings the clean dishes and the freshly washed panties to Sarah with a smile. "All done," he says.

Sarah takes the dishes and the panties from him, looking them over carefully. They are both spotless, and she can't find a single flaw in John's work. She smiles at him, feeling grateful that he is willing to help her in this way.

"Thank you, John," she says. "You did a great job."

John smiles back at her, looking pleased with himself. "You're welcome, Sarah. I'm glad I could help."

As Sarah puts away the dishes and the panties, she can't help but feel a sense of excitement. She knows that this is just the beginning and that there is still a long way to go.

After John has finished washing the dishes and her new delicate panties by hand, Sarah decides to initiate the final test of the night to see if John is truly committed to listening to her and being attentive to her needs.

"John, do you mind if I chat with you for a bit longer?" Sarah asks, sitting down on the couch next to him.

"Not at all, honey. What would you like to talk about?" John replies, turning to face her.

Sarah grins, "Just some girly gossip, I guess. You know how us women can be sometimes."

John chuckles, "Sure, let's hear it."

And so Sarah begins to talk about all sorts of things that she knows John wouldn't necessarily be interested in, from the latest celebrity news to a new recipe she has found. John listens intently, asking questions and even offering some opinions of his own.

"That's a really interesting point of view, John. I hadn't thought of it that way," Sarah says, giving him a warm smile.

John smiles back, feeling proud of himself for being able to contribute to the conversation and make Sarah happy.

As Sarah continues to talk, she makes sure to give John positive reinforcement whenever he displays the behaviors she is looking for, such as listening attentively and engaging in the conversation.

"John, you're such a good listener. I love that about you," she says, placing her hand on his knee.

"Thanks, Sarah. I just want to make sure I'm being the best husband I can be," John replies, feeling encouraged by her words.

The conversation continues for a while longer, and Sarah is pleased with how well John is doing. She can tell that he is genuinely interested in what she has to say and is trying his best to be the husband she deserves.

"Okay, John, I think that's enough girly gossip for one night. Thank you for listening to me and being such a great husband," Sarah says, kissing him on the cheek.

John smiles, feeling content and fulfilled knowing that he has made Sarah happy. "Anytime, honey. I'm always here to listen."

Chapter 05: Next session: Flirting is not a bad thing

In the dimly lit room, John sits across from Claire, his therapist, as she leans forward, her gaze penetrating.

"So, John, how was your weekend?" Claire inquires, her tone laced with subtle condescension.

John shifts uncomfortably, feeling the weight of Claire's scrutiny. "It was pretty good, thanks for asking. We had some friends over for a pizza and it was nice to catch up with them."

A faint smirk dances across Claire's lips. "How quaint," she remarks dryly. "Was there anything else on your mind this weekend?"

John hesitates, sensing the underlying challenge in Claire's question. "Well, actually, there was one thing that was bothering me a bit. When we ordered pizza for our friends, the delivery guy was flirty with Sarah. It kind of made me uncomfortable."

Claire leans forward, her eyes gleaming with curiosity. "Tell me, John, spill all the tea. What exactly did you see when the pizza guy was flirting with Sarah?"

John shifts uncomfortably in his seat, feeling a bead of sweat trickle down his forehead. He clears his throat nervously before reluctantly recounting the scene in vivid detail.

"Okay, so, like, the delivery dude... he had this mega cocky grin on his face as he handed Sarah the pizza box," John begins, his voice wavering slightly. "And he... he kept getting all up close to her, invading her space like he owned the whole place."

Claire's lips curl into a sly smirk as she urges him to dish the dirt. "Come on, John, don't hold back. Give me all the deets."

John gulps, his discomfort growing with each word. "He... he was laying it on thick, telling Sarah how hot she looked in her pajamas," he stammered, his cheeks turning crimson. "And then he... he winked at her like he was some kind of smooth operator."

Claire's eyes sparkle with amusement as she eggs him on for more. "And what was Sarah's vibe during all of this?"

John hesitates, his mind replaying the scene of Sarah's flirtatious banter with the delivery guy. "She... she was totally eating it up, laughing and playing along," he admits, his voice tinged with resentment. "It was like she didn't even notice I was there."

A triumphant grin spreads across Claire's face as she savors every juicy detail. "How interesting," she remarks, her voice dripping with satisfaction. "Thanks for spilling the tea, John. You've given me a real insight into your relationship."

John slumps in his chair, feeling exposed and vulnerable under Claire's gaze. But then, he remembers another detail that made his blood boil.

"Oh, and get this," he blurted out, his frustration bubbling over. "Sarah even gave him a fat tip! Like, she handed him a wad of cash and thanked him for the compliments!"

Claire's smirk widens as she absorbs this new piece of information. "Ah, I see. How generous of her," she remarks, her tone laced with sarcasm. "It seems Sarah knows how to reward those who stroke her ego." Her eyebrow arches in amusement as she prods for more details.

"Anyway, can you describe why did that make you uncomfortable?"

John swallows nervously, feeling the sting of Claire's sarcasm. "I don't know, I guess I just don't like the idea of other guys hitting on my wife. It feels like a violation of our relationship."

Claire leans back in her chair, a look of faux sympathy on her face. "How possessive of you, John," she remarks, her tone dripping with disdain. "But let me ask you this - do you think someone can find your wife attractive and still respect your relationship?"

John squirms under Claire's relentless scrutiny, his confidence waning. "I suppose so, but it's still hard to wrap my head around."

"Of course it is," Claire replies, her voice dripping with patronizing sweetness. "After all, it must be quite the challenge for someone as insecure as you to comprehend such concepts."

John bristles at Claire's thinly veiled insult, but he dared not speak out against her. Instead, he lowers his gaze, feeling the weight of Claire's superiority bearing down on him.

"It's okay to have feelings about this," Claire continues, her tone softening slightly. "But I would encourage you to think about why it bothers you so much. Is it because you feel threatened in some way, or is it just a general discomfort with the idea of someone finding your wife attractive?"

John hesitates, unsure of how to respond to Claire's pointed questions. "I'm not sure. I think maybe it's a little bit of both."

Claire smirks a glint of triumph in her eyes. "How fascinating," she remarks, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "It seems we've stumbled upon a breakthrough, John."

As Claire continues to dissect John's insecurities, he feels himself shrinking under her relentless scrutiny. Each word she speaks feels like a dagger to his already fragile ego, and he finds himself powerless to resist her manipulative charm.

"As part of your homework," Claire concludes, her voice tinged with satisfaction, "I want you to practice being okay with other men showing interest in Sarah. When someone hits on her, smiles and does nothing. Trust that she loves you and only you."

John nods obediently, his spirit broken under Claire's merciless gaze. "Yes, Claire. I'll do as you say."

With a smug smile, Claire watches as John leaves the therapy session, knowing that she has once again asserted her dominance over him.

After the therapy session, Claire wastes no time dialing Sarah's number, her voice brimming with excitement and malice.

"Sarah, you won't believe the shitshow that went down in John's therapy session," Claire spat out, her tone dripping with disdain.

Sarah's laughter crackles through the phone, a wicked echo of Claire's venom. "Oh, spill the tea, girl. I'm dying to hear it."

With a smirk playing on her lips, Claire launches into her tale, relishing every cruel detail. "So get this, John's all worked up 'cause some delivery dude dared to lay eyes on you."

Sarah's laughter morphs into a snort of derision. "What a fucking joke, geez!"

Claire chuckles darkly, her voice oozing with contempt. "Exactly, babe. But here's the kicker - I told him he should be grateful he's got a hot piece like you. Like, talk about rubbing salt in the wound."

Sarah's laughter bubbles up again, a wicked symphony of amusement. "Oh, I wish I could've seen his face. Must've been priceless."

Claire's grin widens, her eyes flashing with cruel delight. "And just to twist the knife, I gave him some homework. Next time some guy tries to flirt with you, he's gotta sit there with a dumbass grin on his face like a fucking chump."

Sarah's laughter turns into a wicked cackle, her voice dripping with malice. "Oh, I can't wait to see him squirm. This is gonna be epic."

Claire nods eagerly, her excitement palpable. "Hell yeah, it is. We're gonna make that loser regret ever crossing us."

With a shared smirk, Claire and Sarah plot their next move, reveling in the chaos and cruelty of their twisted game. For John, the humiliation is only just beginning.

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The Cuckold Transformation Pt. 02

Chapter 01: The Supermarket

Sarah and John stroll into the supermarket on a Saturday morning, hand in hand. Sarah is feeling more confident and free than ever before, wearing a short, form-fitting dress that shows off her curves and a pair of high heels that make her legs look incredible. She knows that she looks good, and she isn't worried about showing it off.

He just had a therapy session with Claire, who's been trying to get him to be more chill and less possessive of Sarah. Claire says Sarah's flirting is no big deal, and John should be happy other guys are checking her out. But John's not so sure. He's trying to be cool but isn't always that easy.

As they walk through the aisles, Sarah can't help but notice the admiring glances that she is getting from other men. She feels a sense of power and control that she has never felt before. She knows that John is watching her, and she loves the idea of making him feel a little jealous.

John's trying to keep it together, but he's feeling some type of way. He doesn't want to mess up the progress he's made in therapy, but he also doesn't want to be a total pushover. But even though he's feeling a little uneasy, John's got to admit that Sarah looks amazing. He's proud to be her man, and he doesn't want to do anything to mess that up.

Sarah and John browse the aisles of the supermarket, Sarah stops in front of a shelf stocked with canned goods. She stretches up on her tiptoes to reach a can of black beans on the top shelf, causing her short dress to ride up and expose her thighs. As she reaches for the can, a man walking by does a double take and checks out her ass.

Sarah notices the man's gaze and smirks to herself, enjoying the attention. When the man walks away, she turns to John with a mischievous grin on her face.

"Did you see that guy checking me out, John?" she asks, holding up the can of black beans as if it's a trophy.

John tries to play it cool, pretending he didn't notice anything. "What guy?" he says, feigning ignorance.

Sarah rolls her eyes playfully. "Oh come on, John. The guy who was practically drooling over my ass just now. Don't tell me you didn't notice."

John hesitates for a moment, unsure of how to respond. He doesn't want to admit that he saw the man checking Sarah out, but he also doesn't want to lie to her. Finally, he settles on a noncommittal response.

"I don't know, Sarah. I wasn't paying attention."

Sarah raises an eyebrow, clearly unimpressed with John's answer. "Well, maybe you should start paying more attention, John. After all, I am your wife. You should be proud to show me off."

John's face contorts in confusion. "Proud? Why should I be proud to show you off?"

Sarah's voice takes on a playful, yet slightly dominant tone. "Well, because I'm hot, John. Don't you think I'm hot?" She runs her fingers through her long, wavy hair, accentuating her curves in the tight-fitting dress.

John stammers, trying to find the right words. "Of course, you're hot, Sarah. But that doesn't mean I want other men looking at you like that."

Sarah raises an eyebrow, a smirk playing on her lips. "So you're jealous, then? Is that it?"

John's face flushes with embarrassment. "No, I'm not jealous. I just don't want other men disrespecting you."

Sarah's expression softens, but her eyes still hold a glint of mischief. "John, I can handle myself. I can wear whatever I want and still demand respect. You don't have to be jealous or protective. Just be proud to be with me. And besides, all men check out a woman's ass. It's natural. You should be proud that your wife has an ass that can turn heads."

Her eyes sparkle with mischief as she watches John struggle to come up with an answer. She takes a step closer to him, her body brushing against his. "Come on, John, let me ask one thing. How many men do you think check out my boobs, only today?"

John swallows hard, feeling his face flush with embarrassment. "I don't know, Sarah," he mumbles, avoiding her gaze.

"Then guess!" says Sarah promptly, indicating she wants a specific answer from him.

"I don't know Sarah. Maybe a couple?" asks John, looking at his shoes meekly.

Sarah laughs a low, seductive sound that sends shivers down John's spine. "Oh, John," she says, "you're so cute when you're trying to be modest. But let me tell you, it was at least ten guys. And that's just the ones I noticed."

John's eyes widen in shock, and Sarah can see the gears turning in his head as he tries to process what she's saying. She takes advantage of his momentary distraction to run her fingers lightly down his chest, feeling his heart race beneath her touch. "So, are you going to put up a fight with every one of them?" she asks, her voice low and teasing.

"Or are you going to accept that it's no big deal and let it go?"

John swallows hard again, feeling his resolve crumble under Sarah's confident gaze. "I...I don't know," he stammers, his voice barely above a whisper.

Sarah smiles, a wicked glint in her eye. "Well, let me make it easy for you," she says, leaning in close to whisper in his ear. "You're going to let it go. Because you trust me. And because you don't care when other men look at me, right, John?"

John's breath hitches in his throat, and he can feel his body responding to Sarah's words, his pulse quickening and his cock stirring to life in his pants. He knows he should protest, should tell her that he doesn't like the idea of other men ogling his wife, but the words won't come. Instead, he finds himself nodding weakly, surrendering to Sarah's arguments.

John's voice is barely above a whisper as he finally admits that Sarah is right and that it's not a big deal if other men look at her. "I think you're right Sarah. Men are just like this. They just look and flirt with women all the time, no matter what," he says, trying to sound convincing.

"Wait a minute! I didn't even say anything about flirting," she thinks to herself, a wicked glint in her eye. "That must be Claire's job. Hahaha. Oh my God, men are so clueless."

Sarah listens to him, a sly smile playing on her lips. She knows that this is exactly what Claire has been working on with him. And she can't help but feel a thrill, noticing her plan is running better and faster than she thought.

Her eyes light up as she sees the opening John has given her. She can't believe how easy it is to manipulate him. "Oh my god, John, you're so right! Flirting is harmless and fun. It's like when you play a video game and you have to level up, you know? Flirting is just like leveling up in real life. It's a game, and everyone's playing it. You don't get mad at people for playing Candy Crush, do you? This is the same thing."

"Well, yes I guess, but.." John starts a sentence when Sarah interrupts him.

"I must say, John, I'm impressed. You're finally starting to see things my way, I mean, the right way!" She leans in closer to him, her voice dripping with sarcasm, "I bet this is all thanks to Claire, isn't it? She must be working miracles for you in those therapy sessions.

"Well, the session with Claire has been nice indeed. She gives me a lot of good advice." says John, in the brief time he has to talk without being interrupted."

As they round a corner, Sarah spots a guy in his early twenties heading towards them. She nudges John and whispers, "Watch, he's gonna check me out."

John raises an eyebrow but doesn't say anything. As the guy gets closer, Sarah's prediction comes true. His eyes immediately dart to her chest, taking in the sight of her cleavage spilling out of her low-cut dress. He doesn't even try to be subtle about it. As soon as he's walked past them, he turns his head to get a look at Sarah's round ass.

John rolls his eyes, but Sarah just giggles and elbows him in the ribs. "Told you," she says with a smirk. "Guys are so predictable. At least this one was kinda cute."

John can't believe he's witnessing the guy checking Sarah out, his eyes fixed on her massive tits that are practically bursting out of her dress. He watches as the guy's gaze lingers on her cleavage before moving down to her ass and he does nothing.

"I can't believe he just did that, right in front of me. I mean, did he not see that I'm your husband? Did he not notice that I was standing right here next to you?" John asks, his voice laced with disbelief.

Sarah grins, clearly enjoying the attention. "I know, right? But what can I say? Some guys just can't resist a good pair of tits and a nice ass, I guess. But you did great, by the way: you didn't make a scene, avoided eye contact with him, and spoke in a low tone after he left. That's what a husband who trusts her wife does. If you had a smile on your face right now, your grade would be A+, " Sarah giggles, mixing up a natural tone with a sarcastic one.

Sarah's eyes wander down the aisle, scanning the shelves absentmindedly as she follows John. But then, her gaze catches on a tall, handsome man standing near the produce section, picking through a pile of avocados. Her heart skips a beat and she can't help but bite her lip, checking him out from head to toe.

Without taking her eyes off him, she leans in closer to John and murmurs, "Hey, babe, can you grab me a pack of Diet Coke from that shelf over there?" She points vaguely in the direction of the beverages, but her attention is still fixed on the man.

John looks over at Sarah, slightly confused by her request. "Uh, sure thing babe. Diet Coke got it," he says, heading over to the beverages section. As he walks away, he can't help but notice the way Sarah's eyes are glued to the tall, handsome man. He shakes his head, wondering if he'll ever understand the way her mind works.

Sarah takes the opportunity to sidle closer to the man, positioning herself right next to him. She puffs out her chest and runs her fingers through her hair, subtly adjusting her hair curls.

She turns to him with a coy smile playing at the corners of her mouth. "Excuse me," she says, her voice low and seductive. "I couldn't help but notice you seem to know your way around avocados. Do you have any tips for picking a ripe one?"

The man doesn't look at her at first, and his tone is dismissive. "I'm just a regular customer, lady. I don't work here," he says, not even bothering to glance in her direction.

But then, he turns to face her, and his demeanor instantly changes. He takes in her sexy dress, with her boobs almost popping out, and a grin spreads across his face. "W-Well, for you, I might be able to make an exception," he says, his voice smooth and confident.

He picks up an avocado and holds it gently in his hand, caressing it with his fingers.

"You see, it's all about the touch," he says, his voice low and seductive. "You have to be gentle, but firm. Just like with a woman's...heart." He looks up at Sarah, his eyes twinkling with mischief.

Sarah can't help but laugh at his cheesy line. "Is that so?" she says, raising an eyebrow. "So, what's the deal with the color?" she asks, her voice dripping with sweetness. "Is that important too, right?"

The guy smirks at her, his eyes flicking down to her cleavage before meeting her gaze again. "Well, I'm a sucker for blondes," he says, winking at her.

Sarah giggles and playfully slaps his arm. "Oh, you're terrible," she says, her voice teasing. "But I'll take it as a compliment."

John stands a few feet away from Sarah and the guy she's talking to, trying to look casual as he holds the 6 pack of Diet Coke in his hands. He can tell they're flirting by the way Sarah is laughing at the guy's cheesy puns and the way she's twirling a lock of hair around her finger. John feels a pang of jealousy, but he tries to push it down. He knows Sarah is just being friendly and he trusts her.

He strains his ears to try and hear what they're talking about, but he can only catch snippets of their conversation. Something about firm avocados and the guy preferring blondes.

He stands there for a few more minutes, debating whether or not he should join them. On one hand, he doesn't want to interrupt their conversation and seem like the jealous boyfriend. But on the other hand, he doesn't want to leave Sarah alone with this guy for too long. Finally, after a couple more minutes of internal debate, John decides to join them.

As John approaches Sarah and the guy she's been flirting with, he can hear her say "Hey bro, where have you been?" in a tone that's a little too casual for his liking. He feels a pang of confusion and annoyance. "Did she just call him "bro?", thinks John.

John tries to shake it off and responds with a dumbstruck expression, "Um... I was getting the diet coke." He holds up the 6-pack in his hands as if to prove his point, feeling a little embarrassed.

Sarah turns to the guy again, flipping her hair back and giving him a sultry smile. "This is my brother," she says, gesturing to John. "He gets lost in the supermarket sometimes." She rolls her eyes like it's the most stupid thing in the world.

The guy chuckles, looking John up and down. "I see what you mean," he says, smirking.

Sarah leans in closer to the guy, running a finger down his arm. "Hey bro," she says, her voice dripping with sweetness. "Why don't you go pay for all this stuff while I finish up my little chat here? I'll meet you in the car."

John, completely lost, obeys and says, "Ok...sis." He starts to walk towards the cashier with the Diet Coke and the rest of the groceries.

As Sarah struts towards the car, her hips swaying and her heels clicking against the pavement, she can't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. She had successfully flirted with the tall, handsome man in the supermarket with no major issues in her marriage, after all.

But as she approaches the car, she sees John standing next to it, his arms crossed and a scowl on his face. "What are you doing out here in the sun?" she asks, her voice dripping with sweetness.

"You have the keys," he replies, his tone flat.

Sarah giggles and pulls the keys out of her purse. "Oops, my bad," she says, winking at him. "Anyway, you're welcome!"

But as she approaches the car, she sees John standing next to it, his arms crossed and a scowl on his face. "What are you doing out here in the sun?" she asks, her voice dripping with sweetness.

"You have the keys," he replies, his tone flat.

Sarah giggles and pulls the keys out of her purse. "Oops, my bad," she says, winking at him. "Anyway, you're welcome!"

John's scowl deepens. "What are you talking about?"

Sarah rolls her eyes as if it should be obvious. "I introduced you as my brother, remember? It would have been so much more awkward if I had to introduce you as my husband while I was flirting with that guy."

John's mouth drops open, and he stutters, trying to find the words. "But-but- you called me 'bro' and said I got lost in the supermarket!"

Sarah waves her hand again as if brushing away his concerns. "Oh, please, it was just a little white lie. You played the character perfectly, by the way!"

John's face turns red with shame, but he knows there's no point in arguing with Sarah.

Sarah, feeling more adventurous and wanting to explore her newfound freedom in her relationship with John, turns to him with a mischievous glint in her eye. "Hey, what do you think about us going to a bar tonight?" she asks, twirling a lock of hair around her finger.

John looks at her, a little taken aback by the sudden suggestion. "Um, I don't know, Sarah. We don't go to bars that often," he says, scratching the back of his head nervously.

Sarah pouts, crossing her arms over her chest. "Come on, John. It'll be fun! We can dress up, have some drinks, maybe even dance a little. Don't you want to try something new?" she asks, batting her eyelashes at him.

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Cuckold Transformation Pt. 03


Chapter 01: Warming up for the night

As John and Sarah pull up to their house after their trip to the supermarket, she turns off her phone and looked at her husband, "Hey, do you think you could take care of the groceries? I want to take a long bath and do my nails before we go to the bar," she gives him a pleading look, knowing full well that he won't be able to say n,. "Sure Sarah," John said with a not a big deal tone in his voice. They got out of the car and John started unloading the groceries from the trunk, "Thanks, babe," she said giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. John grunts in response lugging the first bag up the front steps.

On the one hand, she was glad that he was willing to do everything she asked but on the other hand she couldn't help but feel a tiny bit of pity for him being so submissive, she was still getting used to it. She pushed the thought aside she had more important things to worry about like getting ready for their night out and headed inside already planning her outfit and makeup in her head.
As she walks through the front door, she called out, "Hey, don't forget to put the avocados in the fridge, I don't want them to go bad."

John's voice drifts back from the kitchen, "Yeah, yeah, I got it," Sarah couldn't help but smile to herself as she headed upstairs to start getting ready. She was looking forward to their night out and she knew with this new version of John by her side it was going to be funny.

Less than ten minutes later Sarah slowly descends the stairs, her bare feet padding softly on the plush carpet wrapped in a fluffy white robe, her hair still dry and loose around her shoulders. She could hear John moving around in the kitchen, the sound of cabinets opening and closing and the rustle of plastic bags. Silently she entered the kitchen leaning against the doorframe with a mischievous smile on her lips.

John was too busy to notice her at first, his muscles straining against the fabric of his shirt as he lifts a heavy bag onto the counter. When he finally turned around and saw her standing there he did a double-take, his eyes widening in surprise "What happened," he asked his voice laced with confusion.

Sarah played it coy, batting her eyelashes and tilting her head to the side, "Do you like my new dress," gesturing to the robe wrapped around her body.

John chuckled, shaking his head, "What, I mean... you're beautiful but?"

Sarah's laugh was light and musical as it filled the room with its warmth, "I decided to open a bottle of wine and have a glass in the tub. Do you want to join me after you're done in here?"

The invitation is clear in her voice, John's eyes flicker down to the robe, his Adam's apple bobbing as he swallowed, "Is that an invitation," his voice low and husky.

Sarah's smile was sultry, her eyes shining with mischief, "Maybe it is," she said her voice barely above a whisper.

John's eyes darken with desire for a moment it seemed like he might abandon the groceries and join her in the tub right then and there but then he took a deep breath, trying to regain his composure, "Well, I'll finish up in here as fast as I can," his voice still rough with want. Sarah's smiled triumphantly as she knew she had him exactly where she wanted. With a little wave, she turned and headed back upstairs with a red wine bottle in one hand and one glass in the other her hips swaying seductively beneath the robe.

As John puts away the groceries, he reflected on Sarah's behavior, 'What was she thinking? First, she spent the morning flirting with that guy right in front of me,' he thought, 'But then she comes down here looking all sexy and inviting me to drink wine with her in the tub. Maybe Claire was right, maybe I need to focus on making her happy and not worry too much about the whole picture, after all she did come home with me.' He tried to clear his thoughts, 'Still, it's not like I can ignore it. I mean, what if she takes it too far next time, what if she actually does something with one of these guys,' John sighed, running a hand through his hair, 'I don't know, maybe I'm overthinking it. She did say she was joking around or did she? Anyway, she does look happy, I guess I'll have to trust her and if something does happen we'll deal with it then,' with a resigned sigh, John finishes putting away the groceries and goes upstairs to see what awaits him.

As John enters the bathroom, the warm and humid air that enveloped him carried the scent of lavender and roses from Sarah's bubble bath. The room is dimly lit with only a few candles placed strategically around the tub to create a soft and romantic glow. He heard the gentle sound of water sloshing around as Sarah shifts in the tub, her eyes closed and a contented smile on her face. Walking closer to the tub John could see that Sarah was almost completely submerged in the water, with only her head and one arm resting on the edge of the tub her wet hair slicked back, revealing her delicate neck and shoulders. The sight of her like this, so relaxed and at ease, took John's breath away. He felt his heart rate increase as he took in the curves of her body beneath the water, the way the bubbles clung to her skin, and the soft glow of the candlelight reflecting off her wet skin. Her free hand holding a glass of red wine which rose to her lips as her eyes fluttered open to meet John's gaze.
She looks up at him with a mischievous glint in her eyes and in a calm charming tone as if she were asking him about the weather, she asked, "Hey John, let me ask you something how do men prefer their pussies shaved or hairy?" John's face turns bright red as Sarah's question lingers in the air. The once romantic vibe in the room is now replaced with an awkward tension. He feels a pang in his chest as he realizes that Sarah asked about men's preferences and not his, it was like she grouped him with every other guy out there making him feel like a faceless male. His heart races as he tries to come up with a response. He wants to dismiss it as a joke, but he can't shake the feeling that Sarah was testing him, waiting to see how he'd react. He looks into her eyes trying to read her expression, but she gave nothing away.

Taking a deep breath, he tries to answer as calmly as possible, "I, um, I don't know," he stammered feeling like an idiot, "I mean, it's not like I've really thought about it."

Sarah raised an eyebrow as a sly smile played on her lips, "Really, John," she asked her voice dripping with disbelief, "You've never thought about it, not even once?"

John's mind raced as he tries to come up with an answer that will satisfy her. He stammers a bit trying to figure out if she wants him to say that he doesn't care about it or if she's trying to initiate some sort of dirty talk. Finally, he takes a deep breath and says, "I, uh, I guess I prefer shaved."

Sarah laughs and shakes her head, a mischievous glint in her eye, "Oh, I already know your specific taste, John," she says, teasing,"I've noticed that every time you go down on me and I'm not completely shaved, you get all fussy. What I really wanna know is what men in general prefer."

John's cheeks flush even more at the implication that he was not a "real" man, "I... I guess it depends on the guy," he stammered, "B... but probably most men prefer shaved."

Sarah's smile widens as she takes another sip of wine, "So shaved it," she said her voice confident and decisive. Sarah, still lounging in the tub adds another question, "Um... another question, do guys really expect to get in the back door when they're dating a girl or is that just porn bullshit?"

John, still standing in the bathroom feels a little uncomfortable with the question tries to answer as casually as possible, "I don't know, maybe it's propaganda, I mean we've never done it, right?"

Sarah rolls her eyes and sat up a little in the tub her voice getting louder, "C'mon John, don't be a prude, I'm not talking about you, I'm talking about guys in general and you know damn well your dick ain't big enough for my booty."

John blushed a little at the comment but tries to keep his cool, "Yeah, I guess some guys might be into that but it's not a requirement or anything."

Sarah, with a mischievous grin on her face, spoke as if she was thinking out loud, "I mean, if a guy doesn't straight up demand it, but a girl offers to do it... that's like insanely hot, right," she looks up at John, who was still standing there with a raised eyebrow.

John scratched his head, looking confused, "Uh, why are you suddenly asking me all this stuff, babe?"

Sarah rolled her eyes, taking a sip of her wine, "Jeez, John, it's not that big of a deal. I'm curious, you know? Now that we're taking our relationship to the next level, I feel like I can finally ask you these things without you freaking out."

John still looks lost, so Sarah decides to spell it out for him. "Look, I'm not some innocent little girl anymore. I have needs and desires, and I want to make sure we're both on the same page. So, if you can't handle a little bit of dirty talk, then maybe you're not the one for me."

John's eyes widen, and he quickly tries to backtrack. "No, no, babe, I can handle it! I'm just, uh, not used to it, that's all."

Sarah smirks, satisfied with his response. "Good. Now, let's finish up our wine and get ready to go to the bar. I have a feeling tonight is going to be very interesting."

As John frowns and asks Sarah if she's already leaving the hot tub, he sounds a bit disappointed. "I thought we were gonna do something in here, you know since you told me to come up and join you once I was done with the groceries," he says, trying to sound suave but coming off as a bit clueless.

Sarah, who had been toweling off her hair, smirks a little at his question. "Oh don't worry about that, I have a better idea actually, " she says, her voice dripping with suggestion.

John's eyes widen as Sarah slowly emerges from the hot tub, her wet and glistening body on full display. She walks towards him, the water dripping from her skin and leaving a trail on the floor. John's mouth goes dry as she approaches, his heart pounding in his chest.

"What's your better idea?" John manages to ask, his voice barely above a whisper.

Sarah doesn't respond right away, instead, she continues to walk towards him until she's standing just inches away. She then leans her body against his, her wet and naked skin pressing against his clothes. John can feel the warmth of her body, the softness of her curves, and it's all he can do to not lose control right then and there.

Sarah then tilts her head up and gives him a slow, sexy kiss, her tongue flicking against his. John's hands instinctively wrap around her waist, pulling her closer against him.

When they finally break apart, Sarah looks at him with a mischievous smile. "You're going to dress me for the night," she says, her voice sounding bitchy and seductive at the same time.

John's breath hitches in his throat as he feels Sarah's wet, naked body press against him. His clothes are now soaked and clinging to his skin, and he can't ignore the rock-hard erection straining against his pants. He swallows hard, trying to focus on the conversation, but his mind is clouded with lust. "What-what do you mean by dressing you?" he manages to choke out, his voice thick with desire.

Sarah smirks and leans in closer, her lips brushing against his ear. "I want you to pick out every tiny piece of the outfit I'm gonna wear tonight," she whispers, her breath hot and heavy. "And then, I want you to help me put it on, piece by piece." John's cock twitches at the thought, and he can't help but let out a low groan.

Sarah's hand gently grips John's pulsating cock over his pants, feeling the precum already soaking the fabric. "Seems like you're fucking loving the idea, aren't you?"

Sarah then roughly grabs his hand and drags him through their bedroom, her wet and naked body leaving a trail of water behind her. She walks with a dominant, confident stride, her hips swaying seductively and her perky ass cheeks bouncing with each step.

John's eyes are glued to Sarah's wet and naked body as she leads him to the closet. He can't help but stare at her beautiful round ass, which bounces like in a hypnotic trance. The sight of her wet skin glistening in the dim light of the bedroom only adds to his growing desire. He can feel his cock straining against his pants, begging to be released.

As they reach the closet, Sarah turns to face him, her eyes locked onto his. Sarah then grabs John's right hand and brings it to her mouth, slowly sucking on two of his fingers. John's eyes widen as he feels her wet, warm mouth enveloping his fingers.

She then takes his hand and brings it down to her pussy, massaging it with his wet, drooled fingers. John's heart is pounding in his chest as he feels her wetness and heat through his fingers.

Sarah looks up at John, her eyes filled with lust and a hint of dominance. "I want you to pick out everything I'm going to wear tonight. Dress, bra, panties, shoes, everything. And I promise you, I'll wear whatever you pick. But you better not disappoint me, John." She lets go of his hand and stands up, walking towards the bedroom to dry herself off.

John is left standing in the closet, his fingers still wet and sticky from Sarah's saliva and the scent of her pussy lingering on them. His heart is racing and his dick is so hard it's almost painful, straining against the fabric of his pants. He can't believe what just happened, how Sarah took control and made him feel so helpless and turned on at the same time.

He knows very well that she wants him to pick out a slutty outfit for her to wear at the bar, something that will show off her body and attract attention from other guys. It's obvious from the way she talked about it earlier, and from the way she's been acting since they got back.

But if he does what she wants, if he picks out something skimpy and revealing, it will be like admitting that he's okay with it, that he's willing to let her flaunt herself in front of other men.

But how can he say no to her, how can he disobey her, when she's already gotten him so worked up, when she's already shown him that she's in charge? He can still feel the warmth of her pussy on his fingers, can still taste the faint hint of her on his lips. He's never felt so conflicted, so torn between his own desires and his sense of what's right.

John's expression is a total bummer as he struts back into the bedroom, clutching some clothes and high heels. He tried his damn hardest to pick out something that would make Sarah's heart flutter, but he can't shake the feeling that he was just being played.

Sarah, on the other hand, is beaming with excitement as she sees John return with the outfits. She's sitting on the edge of the bed, completely dry now except for her hair, which is still damp and slightly disheveled. The sight of her naked, perky body makes John's dick twitch in his pants.

"Oh my god, I'm like, so excited to see what you picked out for me!" Sarah squeals, her voice oozing with eagerness. John lays the clothes out on the bed next to her.

Sarah's eyes quickly scan over the clothes that John had picked out, but she doesn't say a word. Instead, she fixes him with a stern, bitchy look and says, "Alright, John, I want you to show me what you chose and why you chose it. You can start with the underwear."

John's face turns bright red as he awkwardly rummages through the clothes, trying to find the lingerie he had picked out. He finally pulls out a tiny, black lace thong and holds it up for Sarah to see. "Um, I chose this one because it's, uh, the smallest one you have and it won't, like, show through your clothes or anything," he stammers, avoiding eye contact.

Sarah's face breaks into a wicked grin as she extends her legs and says, "Good choice, John. Now, be a good husband and put it on me."

John slowly approaches Sarah, his hands trembling as he holds the delicate piece of fabric. He tries to be as gentle as possible, but his clumsy fingers fumble with the thong, causing Sarah to let out a giggle. "Oh, John, you're so adorable," she coos, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

Finally, after what feels like an eternity, John manages to slip the thong onto Sarah's slender hips. He can't help but steal a quick glance at her naked, toned body again, his dick twitching in his pants.

Sarah, now with her panties on, looks at John's bulge with a playful smirk. "Damn, babe," she says, her voice dripping with sarcasm, "you seem more excited about dressing me up than undressing me. What's up with that?"

John's face turns a deep shade of red and he stammers, "N-no, it's just... you're so hot and I can't stop thinking about you in these clothes."

Sarah's smirk turns into a full-blown grin and she says, "Well, I'm glad to know I have that effect on you. Now, let's see what else you picked out for me."

John's face is still flushed as he holds up an red and black lace bra, "I thought this would look good on you and it matches the panties."

Sarah's eyes light up and she says, "Ooh, I love it! C'mon, put it on me." She raises her arms, allowing John to slide the bra straps over them. He fumbles with the clasp in the back, his fingers shaking slightly. Sarah giggles at his awkwardness but doesn't say anything. After a few moments of struggling, John finally manages to fasten the bra.

"There, all done," he says, stepping back to admire his handiwork. Sarah turns to face him, her arms still raised, and strikes a playful pose.

"How do I look, babe?" she asks, a mischievous glint in her eyes. John's face flushes with embarrassment, but he can't deny the effect she's having on him.

"You look amazing, as always," he says, his voice barely above a whisper. Sarah's smile widens, and she lowers her arms, giving him a quick wink.

Sarah turns her attention to the rest of the clothes laid out on the bed, her eyes zeroing in on a dress. "Alright, babe, show me what else you picked and why," she says, her tone leaving no room for argument.

John, feeling ashamed but also aroused, obediently picks up the dress and holds it out for Sarah to see. It's a black, short dress that hugs the body and leaves the legs almost completely exposed. The neckline is low, showing off a generous amount of cleavage.

"I-I know you wanted me to pick something more... sexy," John stammers, his face flushing. "So, I thought this would be a good choice."

"I knew you wouldn't disappoint me. You did good, babe. Real good." she says.

"You know, John, I'm really happy with how you've been smarter since you started the sessions with Claire," she says, her voice dripping with sweetness. John's face flushes with embarrassment, but he can't help but feel a sense of pride at the compliment.

Sarah stands up from the bed, her panties and bra now on, and raises her arms again without saying a word. She simply looks at John with a smirk on her face, as if waiting for him to put the dress on her.

He can feel his heart beating in his chest as he gets closer to her, and his dick is still painfully hard in his pants. He eventually manages to slip it over her head and down her body, but not without some struggle. Sarah giggles at his clumsiness but doesn't offer any help.

Once the dress is on, Sarah's smirk turns into a genuine smile. She looks down at herself and then back at John, her eyes shining with excitement. "You did good, babe," she says, her voice dripping with approval. "I can't wait to show off this outfit tonight."

Sarah takes a moment to admire herself in the mirror, sticking her ass out and spinning around to get a full view.

As she's admiring herself, she notices the pair of heels that John brought in with the clothes. "Oh, I almost forgot about these!" she exclaims, her voice dripping with excitement. She grabs the black ankle-strap high stilettos and shows it to John, a mischievous smirk on her lips. "Why'd you pick heels so high and a dress so short, babe? You trying to help all the guys at the bar get a good look at my ass?" she says, giggling at her own joke.

John's face turns a deep shade of red, and he stammers out a response. "N-no, I just thought you'd look good in them, that's all," he says, trying to defend himself.

Sarah's smile softens, and she reaches out to gently touch his cheek. "Aww, you're so sweet, babe. I'm so lucky to have you."

Sarah sits back down on the bed, her legs stretched out in front of her. She looks at John expectantly, once again not saying a word. John picks up the heels and kneels down in front of her, putting them in her feet.

Once the heels are on, John looks up at Sarah, who is now with a more serious expression. "Give each of my feet a kiss," she commands, her voice dripping with authority. John hesitates for a moment, but then leans in and presses a quick kiss to each of her feet.

"Perfect!," Sarah says, her tone softening slightly. "Now babe, go to the bathroom and get my hairbrush. I want you to brush my hair while I explain what's going to happen at the bar tonight."

John nods and stands up, more and more quiet, heading to the bathroom to retrieve the hairbrush. He can't shake the feeling of unease that's been building in the pit of his stomach, but he's also too turned on to disobey Sarah.

When John comes back into the bedroom, Sarah is still sitting on the edge of the bed. She looks up at him as he approaches, her expression more serious than before.

"Good, you're back," she says, her voice dripping with authority. "Now, I want you to brush my hair. And when I say you're done, I want you to go to the closet and pick out an elegant outfit for yourself to wear tonight. Since you don't know how to do it for me, at least not yet, I'll be doing my nails while you get ready. "

"Now, about the bar. You've been great today, but if you want an A+, what happens in the bar will be crucial. I don't want to deal with any whining or childish behavior. I expect you to be a complete gentleman, to open doors for me, to pull out my chair, and to make sure I'm comfortable at all times. Is that clear?" says Sarah with a bossy tone in her voice.

"Um..yeah, sure Sarah. I think I can do that," answers John with an uncertain feeling in his mind.

"Great! I can't wait for the night!"

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