The Black Male Blackmail ch. 07

Thankfully after six months or so, they stopped trying to find partners for me. Maybe they just got bored of humiliating me, who knows? That and having the cage off my cock were god sends. I didn’t spend much time in the house anyway. I spent a lot of time at the gym, and at work. This was for a couple reasons.

One, I was now sleeping on a mattress on the floor of the basement. The guest room was being converted to a nursery for Erin and Terrel’s baby.

Two, the men being forced on me had stopped and I didn’t want to be around to remind them.

And three, if I was around when Erin was out Terrel would have me fill in for her. Dressing up in a wig and her clothes so he could fuck me wasn’t my idea of fun.

Despite all the time I spent at the gym I wasn’t making any progress. If anything I was losing muscle and softening a bit. I couldn’t figure it out. One of the rare times Erin was being civil to me I mentioned it and she just laughed.

“Ever since I found out about you spying on my sister I’ve been dosing your food with transgender hormones.” Erin laughed and dug a pill bottle out of the cupboard.

“What?!l” I yelled and stood.

Erin just laughed again, “oh don’t get all aggressive, I’m pretty sure I could kick your ass now. And if you touched me Terrel would pull your nuts off by hand.” She was right I knew.

“You’ve been taking a double dose every day for almost a year.” She shook the bottle at me.

Fuck it all made sense. The muscle loss, the weight gain, my balls were shrinking at an alarming rate and my face had even changed.

“Speaking of my sister, Melanie is coming over tomorrow to speak to you. About watching her.” Erin’s cruel grin was alarming.

Oh no I thought.

When Melanie arrived I was in the living being allowed to masturbate. I was sure this was purposefully timed so she’d see. The only way I was allowed to masturbate these days was by fucking a see-through beach ball in front of my wife and her lover. They called it “making love to Wilson” and always laughed at the show. When I finished like always I had to give Wilson his thank you kisses. Slurping up my cum from the plastic hole in other words.

Melanie seemed amused at the spectacle but surprisingly chill about spying on her. She understood my attraction to her and didn’t seem to hold a grudge. If anything she seemed apologetic for the things her sister had done to me in revenge.

“I’ll make you a deal Mike, since I enjoyed the show” she patted Wilson. “If in the next 10 days you can fuck your beach ball 50 times, I’ll tell my sister to knock it off.”

“Two things, it doesn’t count if they don’t see. And you have to finish and eat it after all of them.” Mel had a cruel streak like her sister apparently.

“That’s not much of a deal,” I muttered.

“Well…” Mel paused, “if you finish all 50 I may let you fuck me. If I can be honest I’ve fantasized about it since Erin told me what you were doing.” Her voice had taken on a flirty quality.

“Holy fuck,” was all I could say.

Over the next 10 days Wilson and I spent a lot of time together. I’m pretty sure that Mel and Erin were in on this together. Erin and Terrel sure seemed unwilling to watch me with Wilson suddenly. Also I was pretty sure Erin had upped the hormones she was feeding me too. It was suddenly harder to get erect. By the skin of my teeth though I made it. 50 times in 10 days. I fucked Wilson 7 times that last day alone!

I didn’t have much faith that she’d actually fuck me. Something about this seemed too good to be true. I was right to be suspicious. She turned up right after I’d managed my 50th! Fuck!

This had to be planned! This was torture of the worst sort. Mel was naked on my bed and I’d fucked a beach ball so many times today I couldn’t get it up any more. Fuck me did I try. I got to about half mast and it wouldn’t go any more. It wouldn’t get hard enough to go in her even. Just a little limp useless whiteboy trying to shove in a noodle. Since I couldn’t do it Terrel had her there on my mattress. Erin made sure I watched even though she was annoyed at sharing her bf.

I cried myself to sleep that night in the wet spot. The next day I resolved to spend even less time at home and maybe find a place of my own. Plus I wasn’t going to eat anything Erin tried to feed me any more.

A couple weeks later I was feeling a little better about myself. My system was stabilizing with all the hormones being stopped. My body seemed to be leaning out again slowly and I was losing the girl butt I’d been developing. All the time at the gym was making a difference. That’s when I met Veronica. I recognized her from somewhere and after nodding to each other a couple of times I finally asked her where I knew her from.

She worked with my wife and we’d met at the Christmas party. Ah it all made sense now. That’s where I’d seen her. She asked after my wife,and rather than divulge everything I told her we were separated. That much was certainly true. I hadn’t touched my wife in months, even platonically.

Over time I saw more and more of Veronica and things started to feel normal again. We would chat, and interact like normal people. I was pretty sure she was flirting with me a couple of times. Honestly after all I’d been through the last year or so it felt amazing. Especially when I mustered the courage to ask for her number and she gave it to me!

As you can imagine the courtship was kind of slow after what had happened with Erin and Terrel. Right around the time my wife was in a hospital giving birth to her first black child, I was seeing Veronica nude for the first time.

As a middle aged gym rat she was very attractive. True she was a little older than me, but she had the most gorgeous auburn hair and green eyes. The kind of curves that drew men’s eyes. She was thicker than Erin in the middle but it suited Veronica. She had the sexiest butt too, one of those mom butts made for smacking. I’d never met her kids but she spoke of them highly, I gathered their father was out of the picture.

Thus it was one evening after the gym Veronica came home with me. Dinner turned to making out, making out turned to touching, touching turned to fucking. And for the first time in a long time this white boy got to fuck a white girl. I was terrified all the hormones and gay sex would interfere with my performance. But in the end little Mike was super eager for some real pussy. The night would’ve been perfect but for the mini heart attack I had when I saw her Queen of Spades tattoo.

I saw it when she walked nude to my bathroom after the sex. High on her right butt cheek. I knew what it meant. Erin had one now in the same place now. I’d had to hold her hand through the tattooing process, all while the artist looked at me with disdain.

When I asked her about it she said, “oh thats just from an old boyfriend.” I promptly forgot about when she took my cock in her hand and we began again.

Two weeks later I’m at her place having dinner with her two children. They weren’t supposed to be there however, baby daddy was supposed to have picked them up already. Anyway that’s how I met her two young mixed race kids. Shanae and Da’rell. They eyed me with suspicion like all kids do strange adults around a parent. They were smart and respectful though so I didn’t count them as a stroke against Veronica.

And then there was a knock at the door and Terrel came in. “Daddy!” Yelled the kids in unison, running from the table.

He grinned at me like he knew I’d be there. “Hey little dick.” His kids would call me nothing else from then on.