Lucy was driving 90 miles and hour, maybe more. Lucky for her she was in a remote part of Montana with very straight roads. She was *****. She had been drinking for most of the past 2 days since she got kicked out of her boyfriend Steve's apartment after a bad argument with him. He didn't care as he was moving back to the East Coast to accept a great job and he didn't want the baggage of a girlfriend, even one as fine as Lucy.

Calling Lucy fine was a gross understatement, she was a goddess. Perfect blonde hair and blue eyes, perfect face, perfect teeth, etc. Her bone structure was perfect too. She seemed like she was chiseled from God's finest materials. She was also a very stuck up bitch. Her hobby was turning guys down for dates or dances. She wouldn't even talk to someone that wasn't lillywhite AND rich.

She hooked up with Steve only because he lied to her and caused her to think he was rich. He actually minded rich people's homes and sometimes drove their cars. That is what the argument was about. Steve was 35 while Lucy was just 25. So Lucy took off in her car and just drove blindly wherever the roads would take her. She stopped for beer and liquor and ate very little. She drank as she drove only stopping for gas and short naps. It was very cold out but at least it hadn't started to snow yet.

Well she was in a very remote part of Montana now driving like a maniac and as luck would have it she passed the only Sheriff in maybe a 200 mile radius. Sheriff Darnell Cox was just passing time driving around as nothing ever happened in his huge area except maybe a deer getting hit or maybe a barfight at the one saloon the nearest town had which was 80 miles away.

Being the only black Sheriff in Montana at the time, Darnell had little if any friends. He was 48 and he resented the way the white Sheriffs treated him and was mad when he was sent to this remote outpost of Montana. He was basically left here to rot. He went to the nearest town for supplies only once per month. He was a loner for the most part. He hadn't even seen another black person in about 5 years. There just was none. The only reason he was here was due to his stint in the Army he fell in love with the hunting and fishing and wanted to be in law enforcement.

When Lucy's car sped by Sheriff Cox he barely saw it go by as it went so fast. Well he floored the gas in his own car and started to gain on the speeder. This went on for about 6 minutes until Lucy noticed him in her mirror. She panicked then hit a small rock on the side of the road. Her tire blew and she couldn't keep her car on the road. It jumped the grassy embankment into a thick cover of trees. Her car came to a quick stop and she was unhurt. Her car was a mess though.

Sheriff Darnell Cox pulled over and went in to the cover of trees to see where the car was. Even knowing where it went in he had a hard time seeing it as the evergreens were so thick there plus there were rocky overhangs and stumps everywhere. When he got to the car Lucy was just struggling to stand up and smelled of liqour and booze. She saw the Sheriff and yelled at him "Why did you chase me you dumb Nigger"?

Sheriff Darnell Cox took a deep breath, went over and slapped Lucy across the face easily knocking her over. He weighed 270 pounds and was still in good shape for a 48 year old thanks to his Army days. Lucy weighed about 110 pounds of pure dainty beauty. He said to her "you were ***** driving in my part of the state AND you were speeding, AND you ran from the law, AND you disrespected an officer of the law. You are in trouble young lady. I don't like ***** drivers and I don't like racists.

Lucy tried to stand up after the slap but couldn't. She heard what the Sheriff said to her but the situation hadn't crept into her head yet as she was still *****. So she called the Sheriff a dumb common cop. He picked her up and slapped her across the face again. She howled. The Sheriff felt a stir in his privates that he hadn't felt in a while. He had to admit this was the cutest lady he ever set eyes on.

He went over to her car and gathered the booze as evidence putting it on his car's trunk. He then grabbed the few personals of hers out of the car and put it in his own. She only had some toiletries and some clothes. He then went back to where she was lying and shivering from the cold and grabbed her and threw her over his shoulder. She tried to fight but it was useless. Again the Sheriff felt a stirring in his loins.

He placed her in the passenger seat and told her to behave or he'd put her in the trunk. He started to drive away and was soon cruising the roads with this fine blonde beside him. He asked her who knew she was here and she said noone as she hadn't told anyone. She had ran out so fast on her boyfriend Steve that she forgot her cellphone and credit cards. She had bought the booze and gas with cash. The Sheriff was happy to hear this. He asked about her parents and she said her father had ran out on them years ago and her mother had disowned her. Again the Sheriff felt happy.

The Sheriff decided since his remote home was closer than the remote station he'd take her there. Also it was getting close to darkness and the first snow of fall. An hour later they pulled into his remote, unpaved driveway. The Sheriff's nearest neighbor was an old lady 20 miles away.

They walked from his unpaved driveway into his small one bedroom log cabin. Lucy was glad to get inside as it was freezing outside. When they walked in the Sheriff told her to strip and get in the shower as she smelled like a brewery. He gave her her toiletries bag. He said he was going outside to his little shed to get firewood and coal for his fireplace.

Lucy thought about running away when he went out for the wood and coal but to WHERE? It was so remote here that she'd be lost in a minute not to mention freezing to death or the wild animals. She was at this guy's mercy! She stripped then went into the shower. She didn't lock the door because it didn't have a lock. "Why would it"? she thought. She heard the door to the bathroom open and she looked through the shower curtains to see the Sheriff taking all her clothes off the floor and out of the bathroom. He closed the door after him.

She figured he was probably going to wash them for her as they stunk of booze and sweat from her not showering for two days. Actually the Sheriff threw them all in the fireplace and watched the white bitches clothes burn. "She won't be needing clothes ever again" he said.

Lucy came out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel looking even hotter than before. The Sheriff felt his cock harden instantly. Lucy asked where her clothes were and he just pointed at the fireplace which had a roaring fire going on. Sure enough she could see some unburned bits around the edges of the fireplace. "WHY"? She yelled. "Because from now on you live here with me naked"! "I will beat you if I ever see you wearing clothes or going outside the front door without my permission". "Nobody knows you are here but me and I am the LAW".

"Someone will come looking for me" she said desperately. "Why would they look here"? he said. Your car is hidden forever, you used cash for the last few days not credit card, you have no cellphone that could put out a signal, plus you broke up with your boyfriend who is probably with another girl already, noone will look and even if they did they wouldn't look here"!

"You are going to spend the rest of your life here with me cleaning my cabin and having my babies"! "Lots of them"!

She felt sick, she KNEW he was right. After a couple of days of boozing, driving, and not eating, she felt weak. She sat down on his little sofa and asked for food. "I'll give you food after you EARN it by satisfying me sexually". He walked over to her and ripped the towel off of her. She was stark naked. She looked like a Goddess he thought.

"Get on all fours at the edge of the sofa so I can break you in to your new life with style". She knew she had no choice so she complied. The sheriff stripped and was soon also stark naked. When Lucy saw the Sheriff's cock she almost screamed, it was over 9 inches and wasn't fully hard yet. He saw the look of horror and he told her not to worry, he'd lube her holes and break her in slowly.

It's a good thing the Sheriff's cabin was located so remotely preventing anyone from hearing the screams of a white girl as all her holes got ***** and ravaged and broken in all night.

-End of part 1

***Check out my other series on this site: The Nasty Black Midget series.
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