Nikki Nipples Vs. The Lifeguard

Nikki didn't want to do it, but it made Alex so very happy and it helped alleviate her guilt over having sex with the two Mexicans earlier that day. She posed in the baby doll nighty while Alex took another picture. The lingerie was light blue and nearly transparent. Her nipples were perfectly visible through the cups as was her shaved crotch. Folds of transparent material fell off the bra and down to her panties. ?And this place didn't carry any bikinis?? she asked while Alex had her pose with her hands holding her hair up.

?No,? lied Alex, ?Just lingerie. Did you mean what you said??

?Yes honey, I'll wear whatever you buy me.? Nikki's husband had somehow located a store that sold lingerie for women with thin figures, but huge breasts. The poor man had begged her to wear sexy lingerie early in their relationship, but Nikki hated showing off her body. Now, it was the least she could do to make up for her infidelity. Besides, it made her proud the way he felt about her looks and to give him credit, it wasn't just her new breasts either. He had always been proud of her looks and figure.

?Now, lets see what you look like out of that lingerie.?

?Not until you put that camera down,? said Nikki reaching up to pull her bra strap down. Nikki stripped and posed for Alex nude, while he quickly undressed. Just weeks ago, she hadn't even let him see her nude. Alex made like he wanted to go down on her again, but Nikki wasn't about to let that happen after having two Mexican's deposit loads of sperm in her pussy. She kneeled before Alex and sucked his dick to it's full unimpressive glory. Her husband was probably a foot taller then the Mexicans, but his prick was three inches smaller. Still, his blood flow problem wasn't bothering him today. Nikki sucked him for a few minutes, then pushed him back on the bed. She straddled him, sinking his dick into her pussy. He came before she did, but she kept grinding their crotches together while he sucked on one of her nipples until she finally came also. She fell by his side and the two fell asleep.

Alex was already gone when she woke up the next morning. Nikki climbed out of bed and stretched nude. She showered and applied her eye make up. Nikki put her bikini on and peeked out the back window. The Mexicans were back and it looked like there were more of them. Damn it! If she wanted to get a strong base tan before Jamaica, she was going to have to drive to the beach and she did not want to wear the scandalous bikini in public.

Nikki retrieved the bag Alex had hidden the lingerie in. She only half believed him that this place didn't carry bikinis. He desperately wanted her wearing the bikini or nothing at all on their anniversary trip to the Caribbean. The bag was from a store called Pole Dancer's Boutique that she had never heard of and it was all the way in Los Angeles. Too bad.

Nikki decided to go to the beach after all. She'd just wear something over her bikini and not take it off until she was relaxed in her chair or lying on her towel. Maybe, the beach wouldn't be crowded.

The beach was crowded.

Nikki was wearing a short sun dress over her bikini and flip flops. She carried a folding chair under her arm and a tote bag over her shoulder as she struggled through the sand. She was sweating by the time she found a spot that suited her. Southern California was warm all year, but right now it was unusually hot for November. Nikki set her chair up and sat down in it. She was wearing her dark sunglasses. She scanned the area around her. Men were surreptitiously or openly watching her. They were waiting for the unveiling. The moment when a female sunbather pulled her clothes off and they could check her body out. She didn't want to give anyone a show, so she waited. Nikki took her paperback out. She was still reading the Herotica book. She opened it and pretended to read. The men watching her quickly lost interest and moved on to the next attractive woman marching down the beach. Nikki quickly raised her ass off the chair and pulled the dress up past her hips and over her head. She sat back down trying to sink deeper into the chair. Nikki frowned with anger. She had been chased out of her own backyard by a couple of Mexicans and here she was trying to look inconspicuous on a public beach. It was hard to look inconspicuous when you had size EE breasts and a bikini that barely covered the nipples. She was satisfied that she had angled the chair away from any male prying eyes.

The next story in her book was about a wife on vacation that got ***** and stumbled into the wrong hotel room. She slept with the man in the bed who felt bigger and lasted longer then her husband normally did. The story after that was about a woman who desperately needed money and turned to stripping. She developed an exhibitionist streak and found that stripping reinvigorated her sex life with her husband. Nikki put the book down. She could feel the dampness in her bikini bottoms. Her nipples were at their hardest raising the bikini top off her breasts. She felt hot and was breathing heavily. She needed to cool off. Nikki stood and waked down to the water. Every male eye in the vicinity immediately zoomed in on her. This is so embarrassing, she thought. I've become nothing but a sex object. Nikki put her toe in the cool water. Some of the men watching her had objects in their hands. They were cameras. The world is full of perverts, she thought and it saddened her.

Nikki was an excellent swimmer, but still the water was rougher then she liked. There was a large storm system lurking off the coast and the waves were large and the surf rough. Still, she didn't like the thought of having men sneaking pictures of her to show their friends or worse, jerk off to. Nikki waded deeper trying to cover her bare ass. The water was cold and her nipples hardened until the little bumps around them swelled up. For once, her nipples were so hard, it wasn't sexual. It was even a little painful as they rubbed against her bikini. Nikki lowered herself in the water to cover her ass. Her body shuddered as a large wave broke nearby. She had to get past the break and out of the surf. She stood and hurried through the water, trying to get deeper between waves. She succeeded, but a big wave was approaching. It was starting to turn white at the crest. The wave was going to break early. Nikki knew what to do when a wave was about to break on you. She dived into it. Nikki felt the power of the wave roll over her body as she cut through the water. She burst through the surface and gasped for air. It felt exhilarating! She stood and wiped her long dark hair from her eyes. Her feet left the sand several times as smaller waves rolled past her. Nikki looked back at the beach. There were more cameras now. More men. They weren't trying to be sneaky anymore. They were openly taking pictures of the wet ocean nymph. An object floated closer to shore, just beside the break. It was a small blue and white piece of cloth. Nikki looked down and saw her bare breasts, the focal point of so many zoom lenses right now. Nikki was topless!

Nikki screamed. Her arms covered her breasts and she squatted down to hide them under the water. She was inexperienced wearing bikinis and her knot hadn't held. She scrambled towards the break, arm stretched out for her bikini top. She was barely aware of the roar in her ears until it was too late. She turned to dive, but the wave caught her. Nikki held her breath as the wave pushed her down and under. Fear gripped her as she rolled on the ocean bottom. Sand and rocks scraped her skin. Her head came clear of the water, but then the surf started trying to suck her back deeper again. Nikki pushed herself to her feet and fell to her knees. Her breasts dangled down ponderously. She rose to her feet still dazed, but noticed her crotch was bare now. She'd lost her bottoms too. Men were still taking pictures of her as she stood swaying on her feet. Why weren't the jerks helping her? One man did come to help her. Nikki looked up as a hunky, muscular lifeguard jogged up to her. He held an open towel. He wrapped the towel around her body as she fell into his arms.

The lifeguard helped her towards his stand. ?Are you alright, Mrs.? Do you need medical attention??

?I'm ok. Just stunned,? gasped Nikki. The lifeguard was typical of his breed. He was fit and muscular. His skin was bronzed by the sun. His hair look to be brown normally, but it was sun bleached. He looked barely out of high school. ?Thank you.?

The lifeguard winked at her. His white chair held a radio which crackled. ?Bring her in to the station to get checked out, Luke.?

The lifeguard, Luke, looked over at Nikki and sighed. He actually looked a little sad as he picked the radio back up. ?Roger that. I'm bringing her in to station. Cover this section of the beach until I return.? Luke put the radio down. ?Let me try to find your bikini.? He ran down to the surf and looked around. Nikki watched another lifeguard running down the beach towards them. Probably Luke's replacement. ?No luck on the bikini,? said Luke returning. ?I need to escort you up to the station.?

?No need, I'm feeling fine.? Nikki smiled at him. ?I have a dress back at my spot. Let me go get it.?

?No time now. My replacement only has a shirt window of time to cover this section of beach. I'm sure you're aware of how dangerous surf like this can be.?

?Yes, I'm aware, but I mean it, I feel fine. It just shook me up, that's all.?

?Sorry Miss. It's our policy to make sure you're alright. It's required by the city's insurance and keeps us from getting sued. We won't take long and you can shower the sand off your body.? Luke took Nikki's arm and escorted her towards the lifeguard station. It was only a block away, but Nikki found herself struggling through the sand. Being wiped out by the wave had exhausted her.

They entered the lifeguard station which appeared deserted. There was a radio room with a long view of the beach. The building also held a small medical room. ?Why don't you shower and I'll patch you up,? said Luke. ?You're bleeding on your left knee.?

Nikki looked down and noticed that he was right, blood was trickling down her leg. Luke led her toward the showers. The lifeguard showers resembled the public showers several blocks away except here they were unisex. One wall was covered with lockers and the other had small individual showers with pull curtains. A long bench ran before the showers. The showers were connected to the bathroom which held a mirror. Nikki could see herself in the mirror. She looked awful. Her eye makeup had run down her cheeks. Her hair was caked with sea salt and sand, as well as bits of seaweed. She saw some minor scrapes and bruises, but the one on her knee was the only one bleeding. ?Maybe I do need a shower,? she said.

Luke noticed her looking at her reflection and laughed. ?Go ahead and hop in.? Luke watched her enter the shower and toss the towel out. He sighed and walked over to the sink. He pulled her sandy, bunched up bikini top and bottom out of his shorts? pocket and rinsed them off in the sink. He heard the gorgeous women groan in pleasure as the hot shower water hit her body. He wrung the bikini out, then placed it on the bench near the shower. He glanced guiltily at the man who had appeared in the doorway of the locker room. Luke then dropped his shorts. He may have felt guilty, but his dick was looking forward to what was about to happen.

Nikki washed her face until she felt she'd gotten the makeup off. She was also pleased to see, that the cut on her knee was small and would require nothing but a simple bandaid. The shower curtain suddenly flung open. ?Luke!? Nikki eyes were wide open as the young lifeguard squeezed into the shower with her. He didn't close the curtain. His penis was sticking straight out as he joined her. ?Nice cock.?

?Thanks,? he grinned at her.

Nikki blushed. She hadn't meant to say that out loud. ?Luke, I'm married.? Their bodies were rubbing against each other in the tight shower. Her breasts were scraping his chest. Nikki was becoming aroused quickly.

Luke reached around her and grabbed her ass cheeks. ?It's traditional for a damsel to reward the lifeguard who helped her.? He pulled her into his arms and leaned down to kiss her.

Nikki kissed him back. His penis was sticking straight up, crushed between their bodies. It pressed against her bare crotch. Nikki found herself humping against it. ?I can't,? she said, breaking the kiss. I'm married. I'll suck you though.?

?I'll take that,? said Luke grinning.

?I thought you might.? Nikki kneeled and stared in awe at Luke's big cock. It wasn't the biggest she'd seen lately. It was maybe eight inches or a little more, but it was gorgeous, cut, straight as an arrow, and very thick. His crotch looked a little funny, being a pale white where his shorts covered while the rest of his body was a golden bronze. Nikki found herself eager. She hefted and squeezed his balls. They hung low, big and full, and would probably fill her mouth several times with semen. She squeezed them as she took Luke's big cock head in her mouth. Nikki felt her nipples ache. Maybe I will let him fuck me, she thought as she bobbed her head over the tip of Luke's cock. Why was she so eager? Was it because he was the only man who had raced to help her why all the other men had just taken pictures of her? Nikki couldn't stop looking up his body as she swallowed his cock down her throat. She knew why she was eager. Luke was a hunk!

Luke was a bronzed muscular beach god. He was covered in muscles. The fittest man she'd seen. This was the kind of man a wife would commit adultery with. Finally, her breasts had gotten her into trouble with a hunky stud. This was not an ugly little Mexican with bad teeth covered in dirt and sweat. This was not a foul old paperboy or a big obnoxious Turk. This was a young stud! Alex was fit, but Luke had a larger torso and better defined muscles. Alex! Thinking about her husband had Nikki feeling guilty again. She vowed to control herself. She'd suck Luke off and that would be all. This would be her last adventure if she had to lock herself up in her home the rest of her life.

Luke groaned as Nikki took the large cock down her throat. It was thick and difficult, but she managed. ?Too confined in here,? growled Luke, throwing the curtain open. Nikki paused, with just his cock head in her mouth, but he grabbed her head and guided her up and down his shaft again. She glanced into the room out of the corner of her eye, but couldn't see anyone. If Luke wasn't worried about getting caught, then neither was she. Luke groaned again and Nikki felt a thrill go through her body. It made her feel good to know she was pleasing the young man. She was getting pleasure sucking his cock! Nikki was shocked, but also turned on. She made the mistake of removing her hand from the base of his shaft and reaching down to pinch one of her sensitive nipples. Now it was her turn to moan around his thick shaft even as his pubic hair teased her lips and nose. Nikki removed her other hand from his cock and used only her mouth and back to control her rapid sucking. Her free hand found it's way to her pussy. Nikki found herself rapidly frigging her pussy while she squeezed and pinched her nipples. Luke's cock was thicker now and she almost gagged. Soon it was jerking in her throat and hot cum sprayed her tonsils. She was right! His balls were full of sperm. Semen filled her mouth and flowed down her throat. She thrilled at the taste, realizing that at some point she had grown to love the taste of a man's sperm. Her own pussy clenched up around her fingers and she had a small orgasm that left her wanting more just as Luke's cock shot one last wad of semen across her tongue.

Luke fell back against the wall of the shower gasping for breath. Nikki licked her lips and leaned back, she still had fingers in her pussy and teasing her nipples. ?I need you to fuck me,? she pleaded, still horny. She was ready to break her vow to herself just minutes after making it.

?Let me recharge, baby.? Luke stepped out of the tight shower and stretched.

Nikki stood and held her head under the flowing water one last time before turning the shower off. When she had wiped the water from her eyes, she stepped out from the shower, but couldn't find a towel. Luke had left the room and she was alone. Nikki walked over to the mirror and looked at her nude body. ?I look sexy,? she said aloud, looking at her wet body and hair clinging to her body. Nikki noticed her bikini drying on the counter. ?Bastard,? she said while smiling. Luke had found her bikini after all.

Nikki walked over to the bench and sat down. She heard Luke enter the room and looked up as he stepped before her. His cock was rock hard again. She reached up and grabbed it. ?My god this is a monster. It looks even bigger?? It was bigger. The cock she was holding was truly massive and close to a foot long. Nikki stroked her hands along the thickening shaft as it hardened even more in her hands. This cock too was gorgeous and cut. The root ended in a thick patch of pubic hair that ran up to the man's belly button. The hair grayed as it approached his navel. This man was big and muscular too, but his abs looked tighter from age. Nikki looked up his broad torso to his face.

?Well, well, Nikki Papadopoulos. Not so high and mighty now.?

Nikki released his huge shaft and fell back. Her eyes looked at the man in horror. The man was Mitch Badenhoff, her high school football coach. The man she had gotten fired. She hadn't seen him in ten years and he looked older. He was about sixty, balder, but still had the muscular body of a much younger man. ?No,? she murmured.

Coach Badenhoff was a lecherous pervert. It was common knowledge that he was fucking at least two cheerleaders during Nikki's senior year. He had tried to get her to sleep with him too. Nikki and some other girls had filed a complaint against him. During the investigation, it was discovered that Coach Badenhoff had wired a camera into the girls locker room. He had nude pictures of nearly every girl in school in his collection and the pictures went back years. Nikki now credited that nightmare with her dislike of showing off her body.

?When did you turn into such a slut, Papadopoulos? You stripping now? Your tits were nice, but not that nice back in high school. I see you're married. Hubby buy you those big titties? Does he know what a slut you are?? Mitch threw his head back and laughed.

?Where's Luke??

?I sent him back out. I gotta feel them tittes.? Mitch bent down and grabbed both of Nikki's breasts before she could move away. The angle had the tip of his huge cock dangling before Nikki's mouth. ?I get my boys to bring me some of the hotter bitches I see on the beach with my binoculars. I spotted you the moment that sundress came off.?

Nikki's cursed breasts were betraying her. The man was roughly mauling them, but it was driving her pussy crazy. A huge cock head the size of a golf ball was dangling right before her mouth. ?No not him,? she whispered as her lips pursed and reached out to his pee slit. She kissed it, then ran her tongue along the cock head.

?I see you are a slut!?

Nikki caught herself. She grabbed Badenhoff's hips and pushed him away from her. ?Get off me you pig.?

Mitch laughed and it was an evil laugh. ?Treat me nice or pay the price.?

?Fuck you!?

?Tsk tsk,? said Mitch. He walked over to his shorts and shirt which were piled near the door. ?You're not being nice, Papadopoulos.? He pulled out his cell phone. ?Young bitches like you don't want an old man like me. I get my boys to set them up so I can take pictures. Wanna see them??

?I'm not falling for that again. Just get out before I call the cops.? Nikki had stood now and was unsuccessfully trying to cover her massive boobs and bare crotch with her hands and arms.

?Have a look then, whydoncha??

Nikki looked at the cell and felt a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach. Coach Badenhoff wasn't trying to trick her like Yarali had. He really had taken pictures of Nikki. He had snuck some pictures after Luke had opened the shower curtain. Nikki felt betrayed by the young lifeguard she had just sucked off.

?Now I don't know your husband, Nikki P, but I'm sure with a little research on the internet, I can find out where you live now. Ready to treat me nice? Good,? he said as Nikki nodded. ?I been wanting this for a long time. You and those other bitches ratted me out. I had a good thing going until you ruined it for me. Now suck this.?

?Mmmph,? grunted Nikki as the Coach grabbed the sides of her head and thrust his cock in her mouth. He had her over a barrel and she had no choice, but to relax her throat and suck him. His cock was the biggest she'd seen yet and as hard as steel. A man thirty years younger would have been proud to have a cock that rampant.

?Get it good and wet, Papadopoulos,? said Mitch who added after Nikki gagged a little, ?I know it's hard to suck one this big, but don't worry. You're just priming it for that pussy. I been waiting ten years to sink my dick in your pussy and I ain't wasting time with a blow job.? Mitch thrust his cock in and out several times before pushing her head away from his cock. ?It's time, lay down on the bench.?

The bench was typical of those found in locker rooms. It was small and easily straddled. Nikki sat on it and laid back with her legs hanging over opposite sides. Badenhoff stepped over the bench straddling it. He stroked his giant cock while greedily staring at her pussy. Nikki looked up at the hated man. Mitch was actually quite good looking for a man his age and his baldness made him look potent. He was stooping to line his cock up with her pussy. Nikki glanced down his muscular chest to the huge rod nearly a foot long. ?Oh god,? she moaned with trepidation.

?Not quite, but once I get my prick in you, you'll think you've gone to heaven.? Mitch laughed. He sat on the bench and scooted forward. Nikki automatically spread her legs wider for him. ?You're gonna love this cock, Papadopoulos.? Mitch bent his shaft down towards her pussy and let the head slide up and down her wet slit.

?No,? moaned Nikki fighting the urge to push against the hard knob stimulating her labia. ?Oh,? she moaned as the head pressed against her slit which parted wider and wider around the knob. She heard the coach grunt at the head of his cock slipped inside her.

?That's one tight pussy you got there, Papadopoulos.? Mitch wedged his cock in a little deeper before releasing the shaft. ?Nice and wet too.? Badenhoff reached down and grabbed Nikki's legs. He cupped her knees over his arms and pulled her legs wider apart. He slowly stood off the bench, lifting Nikki's ass up with him. When he was happy with the position, he started working the end of his cock around, letting it lubricate before sliding it in deeper.

Nikki reached under her and grabbed the bench's legs for support. The entire lower half of her body starting with the small of her back was raised off the bench as the coach started fucking her. His cock was stretching her like never before and he wasn't even half way in. He started fucking her a little faster working several more inches inside her. Nikki felt her pussy clenching down around his shaft, squeezing it and tugging, trying to pull it in deeper. Her breasts were jiggling from his thrusts. Since the operation, her nipples had always seemed hard, but now they looked even bigger like little volcanoes ready to explode. Her pussy felt like it was about to explode too. It was quivering around his thrusting cock. The cock head was banging on her cervix now, hurting her a little. His precum softened her cervix and his cock head pushed through into her womb. Nikki was getting the complete fucking only a truly massive cock can give a woman. Her pussy was spasming around the shaft now and she could feel his big balls slapping her thighs. No, no, this can't be happening. Not with him. Don't let him make you cum. Fight it, Nikki, but it was no use. ?I'm cumming,? she screamed. Nikki bucked her hips into Mitch's thrusting cock as her pussy finally exploded in orgasm. So did her breasts. The elongated nipples shot milk several inches up in the air. The nipples were aimed at her face when the ejaculated. Milk shot across Nikki's chin and into her open mouth. More splattered on her nose and cheeks. Her breasts bounced back down and shot some more milk on her belly and ribs while milk still trickled down her nipples coating her breasts.

?That explains why those big jugs felt so real,? grunted Mitch assuming Nikki must have had a baby recently. ?You look good for a bitch that just had a kid.?

Nikki was moaning now and trying to pretend she wasn't loving the fucking she was getting. Her orgasm had been huge. Plus, she had never known her breasts to shoot so much milk before. Worse, and the thought horrified her, she hadn't been touching her breasts when she came. He'd given her an orgasm without the assist of her sensitive nipples. Already her pussy was responding again to his relentless thrusts. ?Oh god, keep fucking me,? she groaned, loving his big cock.

?I knew you'd like it.?

?Cumming again.? Nikki felt her pussy clamp down around Badenhoff's prick. Her nipples were aching again. This time, she released her grip on the bench legs and reached up to grab her nipples. She squeezed both nipples just as the orgasm overtook her. Her touch enhanced the experience and prolonged the orgasm. Her hands were able to keep her breasts from jiggling and this time the milk shot straight up. Several streams ejaculated from her nipples lasting as long as her orgasm. Nikki was gasping for air as she recovered. The coach was grunting now and his brow was sweaty. His head was thrown back. He was getting close. His big cock was about to spray it's hot seed into Nikki's womb. The thought excited Nikki. She twirled her wet nipples between her fingers. Nikki came a third time the second the first strand of hot sperm sprayed her womb. Her nipples ejaculated the second Badenhoff's cock did. This orgasm lasted as long as Badenhoff's did. Each jet of his seed prolonging her own orgasm. Nikki gasped as he pulled his spent cock out of her pussy and let her lower torso drop down onto the bench with a thud.

The coach sat down gasping for air as he straddled the bench. ?Go get yourself cleaned up,? he ordered. Nikki struggled to her feet. She had always hated how messy sex was and now her lactating breasts made it even messier. Her upper torso was wet and sticky where the milk had hit it. Her pussy wasn't even as messy as most of his sperm was trapped behind her cervix. Only a small trickle of semen was leaking out. ?Leave the shower curtain open,? he said when Nikki went to close it.

Nikki let the water rinse her off and lathered her breasts with a bar of soap. She fought off a fresh wave of arousal as the soap slid over her nipples. Nikki glanced outside the shower and was disgusted to see the old pervert stroking his cock while watching her. To her amazement, the shaft was stiffening up in his hands. Her pussy quivered at the sight remembering how great it had felt fucking her. Badenhoff's cock was completely hard again when she stepped out of the shower. She didn't grab a towel or walk over to retrieve her bikini, she just stood staring at it.

?Come over here and straddle the bench,? said Mitch standing up.

Nikki did as she was told. He walked behind her and pressed against her back. Nikki leaned down and grabbed the top of the bench, bracing herself. She felt his cockhead press against her pussy again. This time it slid in a lot easier. The both moaned as he worked it in deeper. ?I love those big breasts of yours, Papadopoulos and some day I'm gonna fuck them, but I'm not really a breast man. I've always been more of an ass man.?

Nikki felt the coach's finger press against her tight little sphincter. Her Turkish landlord had done this and Nikki's body had responded to the anal stimulation. Her body was responding now. His finger slipped deep in her ass just as his cock head pushed past her cervix again. Nikki grunted as another orgasm swept through her body. Milk splattered, coating the bench beneath her swinging breasts. ?Ow,? growled Nikki barely recovered from the orgasm. Badenhoff had pulled his finger back and was now pushing two fingers into her anus. ?Yes,? moaned Nikki loudly as more milk covered the bench. The orgasm had been quick and intense. Her cum had shot from her pussy soaking Mitch's slapping balls and fluid covered her thighs.

?That should about do it,? said Badenhoff pulling his cock out.

?No,? begged Nikki. ?Please, put it back in.? She sobbed suddenly and tears rolled down her cheeks. She was ashamed that she had just begged him to keep fucking her.

Mitch pulled his fingers out of her anus. ?Don't worry, I aint done with you. I told you I was an ass man. Now normally I use some lubrication for this??

Nikki felt the gigantic cock head slide down her crack and press against her anus. ?Oh god, please don't,? she begged in horror.

?Your pussy is so good at juicing up my cock I don't even have to use lotion.? Mitch pushed down on the head of his cock and her anus started pushing inward and opening.

?Ow! Ugh, no. Please Coach. It hurts.? Nikki gritted her teeth and held her eyes shut to fight the pain. What kind of monster stuck his cock in someone's ass? She had thought sodomy was something only gays did. ?Ah ah ow.? Nikki could feel her spincter stretching wide around the head and she felt like her ass was about to rip open. ?Stop. I beg you.? And he stopped.

Mitch Badenhoff hated women. They were all sluts and he especially hated the ones who didn't admit to being a slut. Anal sex was one of the ways he punished women. Most women he blackmailed or fucked came back to him for seconds, but most gave up when he insisted they give up their ass to him. Nikki's cries for mercy were music to his ears. Still, she had said no and he didn't want to face a **** charge. ?Either I fuck your ass or show your husband what a slut he has for a wife. The decision is yours Papadopoulos.?

?Do it,? she growled.

?Do what??

?Do it. Fuck my ass.?

?Gladly.? Mitch started pushing again feeling good about himself as she cried in pain. Finally, the head was in and her sphincter closed around the crown. He pushed deeper.

Nikki's eyes were glued shut and tears were leaking around them. This was too much. She'd rather tell Alex then take this kind of pain. It was all Alex's stupid fault anyway. Nikki opened her eyes and looked down. Her long dark hair was resting in a pool of her breast milk on the bench. Her breasts were hanging down practically in her face. They might be her only chance of making it through this. Nikki lowered her body until her cheek rested in a pool of cold milk on the bench. She spread her legs wider which helped open her ass a little. Mitch seemed to like it and pushed his cock in a little deeper. Nikki winced. Her breasts were now dangling on each side of the bench and her hands were free. She reached up and twirled both her nipples before tugging on them. The change was almost instantaneous.

Mitch wet his lips and licked them as he stared at his cock disappearing in her anus. Her sphincter was bright red around his cock. He had dreamed of shoving his dick up this prissy stuck up bitch for ten years.

He started fucking her ass, pushing a little more of his cock in each time her ass loosened up a little.

Nikki could feel her pussy lubricating and jumping. She could also feel the big throbbing cock against the walls of her pussy. She groaned and squeezed her nipples harder. The pain seemed to vanish from her ass. Nikki grew horny. She momentarily released her nipples and placed her palms on the cold floor of the locker room. She pushed back trying to push her ass into his thrusting cock. She quickly returned her hands to her nipples. Her arousal transferred to her anus and Nikki moaned as a wave of pleasure swept her body. ?Fuck my ass,? she cried.

Badenhoff paused in shock. His brow lowered in anger. How dare she enjoy this! He started fucking her harder. He pushed more of his cock in until it couldn't go any further. She was moaning and whimpering in pleasure. He could feel her ass cheeks clenching his cock trying to pull it in deeper. His balls were slapping her slit surely stinging her, but with a loud groan, her pussy squirted fluid on them. The bitch was cumming from having her ass fucked. His toes felt wet and he glanced down to see a stream of milk running across the floor. He fucked her harder. ?Take it all bitch,? he growled.

?Harder. That's it fuck my ass. I'm cumming again!?

Mitch felt her ass clench his cock as she came. He couldn't hold back and his semen shot up out of his cock to flood her ass. The both groaned together while his balls drained. ?Take that slut,? he groaned.

?Yes. Yes. Fuck my ass. Don't stop. I love it. Do it again,? she whimpered and moaned.

Nikki's cries were barley whispers, but he could hear her clearly over his gasps for air. He felt his cock shrivel and recede as he fell back and it plopped out of her ass. ?Get out of my sight, slut,? he ordered in disgust.

Nikki was weak and exhausted, but she wanted to get out of there as quickly as possible too. She pushed herself to her feet. She moved over to her crinkled up bikini and dressed as quickly as possible.

Mitch stood and entered the shower. For the first time in his life, he felt dirty. He had finally been bested. He had met a true slut. How do you punish a true slut? Maybe, he could arrange a gang bang? It wouldn't be the first time all the lifeguards banged one whore. Mitch grinned again. He stepped out of his shower and noticed that his cell phone was missing.


Nikki ignored the stares as she walked along the short boardwalk. Dried flakes of milk were in her hair, on

Her face, breasts, and belly. Worse, her ass was squishing with each step she took. The thong did little to contain all the sperm filling her anus. She could feel it oozing out around the thin material. Anyone glancing at her ass would notice and considering her ass was bare, every man she passed glanced at it.

Nikki was busy flipping through the pictures on the Coach's cell phone. There were over fifty pictures and at least ten different women. Many were of women with Luke or other lifeguards. Some were clearly a woman sucking on the coach's cock. Nikki erased all the pictures of herself. Then she dialed 911.

?911 emergency. How may I assist??

?I'm making an anonymous tip. I'm calling from a cell phone I found on the beach. This phone contains nude picture of women performing sex acts. It doesn't look like they are aware they were being photographed. I also believe that some of the men in the pictures are lifeguards employed by the city. I'm leaving the phone at Pizza Roma on the board walk in North beach.? Nikki hung up the phone.

The Italian bakers stared at the bikini clad woman as she approached the front counter. One wouldn't take his eyes off her breasts. Nikki was aware that her nipples had leaked a little and the fabric of her bikini was wet around them. ?How can I help such a beautiful woman today?? asked one.

?I'm just turning in this cell phone I found on one of your tables. Thank you.? Nikki turned and heard the men gasp as their eyes no doubt went to her ass. She headed down the beach to retrieve her stuff and didn't feel comfortable again until she'd pulled the sundress over her head. She glanced at the lifeguard, but it wasn't Luke. He must have moved to a different location. There would undoubtedly be a scandal. She almost hoped Luke wouldn't get into to much trouble. He had looked a little sad. Badenhoff may have been blackmailing him to, for all she knew.

A police car was already at Pizza Roma as she headed to her car. The police would easily discover who owned the phone and if they were thorough, they would go through Badenhoff's computer files at home. If she knew him, they were loaded with evidence. The bastard wouldn't get off this time.

Nikki smirked as she drove home.

Note: In Chapter 1, I mentioned the Coach's name as Cox. I changed it for this story, preferring Mitch Badenhoff as a spoof of David Hasselhoff. I'll correct the name at my repository site at asstr.

Nikki Nipples Vs. The Garbage Men


Nikki awoke early Friday morning and stretched. She reached down to pull up the strap of her baby doll nighty. It was a sheer light and very skimpy. The bra cups were pulled down and she adjusted them back up over her enormous bosom. Her panties were also bunched up on the base of the bed. Alex had bought her this and she had gladly worn it for him last night. She felt the dampness between her legs and realized she was quite horny. It was getting harder for Alex to please her. She needed more then he had to offer to feel satisfied. Plus, his erection troubles had returned lately. Nikki had forced Alex to remain inside her long after he had cum while she teased her nipples. Her orgasm had been small and unsatisfying.

Nikki reached down and opened the drawer next to her bed. She grabbed the dildo inside and crinkled her nose that it was sticky to the touch. It wasn't her juices that made it sticky. It was Jill's. Her friend had stopped by yesterday and easily seduced Nikki back into bed. The dildo had been a gift to keep Nikki satisfied when Jill or Alex weren't around. Nikki kept mum about all her recent sexual encounters. Jill didn't need to know about them.

Nikki climbed out of bed and took the dildo to the bathroom. She washed it in the sink. Nikki found she wasn't that impressed with it. The thing was hard plastic and molded like a real penis. It was only about seven inches long and Nikki wished it were bigger. Now, if it had been molded after Badenhoff or Yarali's big cocks, then she might have been satisfied. Nikki had been resistant at first. What kind of person shoved plastic in their pussy for sexual pleasure? Jill had convinced her though. Her friend had laid on her side, sucking one of Nikki's nipples while slowly sliding the dildo in and out of Nikki's pussy. Nikki had orgasmed several times from her friend's skillful ministrations. Later, Nikki had held the base of the dildo between her legs, with the head sticking up and Jill had ridden it to her own orgasm. After Jill had cum, they looked at the time and realized Alex would be home any moment. Nikki gave Jill the plastic container the dildo had come in to throw in her trash and Nikki had taken the still sticky dildo to hide in her drawer. Jill had passed Alex in the driveway. He waved at his wife's best friend.

Nikki laid back in bed and positioned the dildo at the entrance to her pussy. She heard a garbage truck compacting up the street as she worked the head inside her. Nikki moaned. This might work. If the dildo were just a little bigger it might solve her need for big cocks. No more adultery.


Ares jumped off the back of the garbage truck. His eyes, hidden by reflective sunglasses, fell on the trash can. There was a old bicycle, missing a tire next to the can. Ares waited for it.

?Hey boy, throw that bike in the cab for me,? said the man driving the truck.

He sighed. ?Alright Uncle Mack.? Ares grabbed the bike and carried it up to the truck's cab where he struggled to fit it in next to his uncle. Mack couldn't turn down anything free, even beat up old bicycles. Last week, it had been a television stand.

Ares then emptied the smelly trash into the back of the truck. Not for the first time, he thought about going back to selling drugs. After a three year stint in jail though, he had promised his mama that he'd go legit. Ares was a black man, with pure African dark black skin. He kept his head shaved in a military looking flat top. He had always been a big man, but three years in jail lifting weights had his muscles bulging. Ares had blue tribal tattoos running along the biceps of both arms and some on his chest. One of his front teeth was gold. Half the people he met thought he looked handsome, the other half found him scary and intimidating. He was 22 years old.

The dark African skin ran in the ****** because Uncle Mack was the same dark black. Mack was old, approaching sixty and nearing retirement. He had long wavy white hair. Mack didn't have any muscles to speak off. He was slightly overweight and his arms were flabby. He had a larger beer gut hanging over his jeans. Mack was a decent man. He had never gotten into trouble with the law. He had held this job for nearly thirty years and he had never cheated on his wife up until the day she died ten months ago. Ares thought he hid his grief well, but the younger black man knew his Uncle was still grieving and lonely.

?Bag is open, Mack.? Ares stepped back from the trash can.

Mack leaned out the cab. This was a game they played. Mack would tell things about the people based on their trash. He was amazingly accurate. ?Three children, one older ******** possibly by a previous marriage. Husband's a smoker and a Republican.

Ares laughed. ?Ok, Teen Cosmo suggests an older ********. I get that.?

?The diapers are two different sizes. Two children under three.?

?Wait. I get it. I see cigarette butts around the can. Since the husband usually carries the trash out, we can assume he's the smoker and lights up every time he takes out the trash.?

?Elementary Watson.?

?Who?? asked Ares.

?Never mind.?

?Why Republicans??

?Plastic, paper, and a can. Plus, disposable diapers. They don't recycle or care about the environment. Just a hunch.?

?I guess you didn't even need to look at the Mccain sticker on their car for that hunch,? said Ares and his Uncle laughed. Ares walked alongside the truck to the next house. ?Let me take the next one.? He opened the trashcan. ?All bagged up except for this.? He held up the plastic.

?Well dump the trash then,? yelled Mack impatiently.

?Wait. I'm guessing this house holds a frustrated white wife whose husband doesn't satisfy her.?

Uncle Mack laughed. ?I wish. The woman that lives here is fucking hot. She's Arabic or something and I think she just got a boob job. She looks like a fucking porn star. Why do you say she's frustrated??

?Just a hunch,? said Ares handing Mack the plastic that had contained the dildo.

?Look at the little thing. I don't see how seven inches going satisfy any frustrated woman.?

?You got that right.? Ares looked at the house. ?Is that her car??

?Yep. Hubby's a doctor or something. Nice fella. He works all day long.?

?I gotta see what this chick looks like.? Ares took the plastic container back and headed for the front door.

?Ares, don't you be doing nothing stupid, boy. What you gonna say to her??

?I'll tell he she needs to start recycling or something.?


?Fuck me. Deeper,? whispered Nikki as the dildo bottomed out. Nikki was ready to start moving the dildo in and out of her when the doorbell rang. ?Who can that be?? she said, then froze in fear. It could be the disgusting old paperboy or the Mexicans. Nikki pulled the dildo out and walked over to the window. The garbage truck was parked at the end of her driveway. ?Damn! Did Alex forget to pay the bill or maybe it's Christmas bonus time,? she whispered. The bell rang again. The man was obviously impatient.

Nikki jumped up and pulled her panties on. The bell rang again as she raced down the stairs. Her hand was reaching for the door when she realized what she was wearing. The nighty consisted of a light blue bra and panty, both sheer and left little to the imagination. Alex had gotten it at the Pole Dancer store and surprisingly, the bra fit her enormous bosom. The thin material did grip her nipples and did nothing to protect them from the cool air. As a result, they were fully erect and kept her horny. More sheer fabric fell off the top of her bra down past her panties. It was one of the sexiest things she'd ever worn. Nikki was getting used to wearing sexy outfits. The bell rang again. ?Hold on,? yelled Nikki. There was nothing to wear near the door, so she settled for just opening it a crack and peeking through the gap. ?Yes.?

Ares breath caught in his throat at the sight of the woman's face. She was stunning. Mack was wrong about her ethnicity. She wasn't Arabic, but probably Greek or Italian. Her hair had that sexily mussed look of someone who had just woken up. She looke