The woman was hard to miss. The reporter found her to be one of the most beautiful women he had ever seen. He noticed her the second she got out of her car. He was looking at the back of the car when the door opened and a long perfectly fit leg extended from the seat. She was wearing sandals whose straps extended up her calves. As she stood up from the car, his eyes traveled up her legs. The shorts extended approximately halfway down her long thighs, short yet tasteful. The legs were perfect for a woman. They were very fit, muscular, but not unfeminine. Her ass was also perfect. It had enough fat to fill the khaki shorts, but was firm and round. She was wearing a flower print sleeveless top that hugged her body. Small, pert breasts pushed out the top. Her arms were also fit. Her skin was olive colored, unblemished and smooth. His pulse increased as he looked up into her eyes. They were dark and she used dark eyeliner to make them even darker. She had high cheekbones and full pouty lips. Her hair was a dark raven black and pulled back on her head. It appeared naturally curly and he wished he could see it down, framing her face and cascading down her bare shoulders. She appeared close to thirty and looked to be of Mediterranean stock, Italian, Greek, or possibly Palestinian. She reminded him of a Greek goddess, Aphrodite came to mind, but then given her fit, lithe body, he thought Artemis or Athena might be more appropriate. Her husband also got out of the car. He also seemed fit, decent looking, but he had definitely married up. He to was dark skinned and somewhat hairy. Definitely Greek, thought the reporter. He nodded at them as they passed.

The reporter spotted the Greek goddess the second she left the polling place followed by her husband. "Excuse me," he called. "I'm conducting an exit poll. Can I ask you some questions?"

Nikki nodded. "Go ahead."

The reporter gulped thinking how easily he could get lost in those dark eyes of hers. He straightened up and decided to be professional. "Are you a registered Democrat or Republican?"

"Democrat," said Nikki.

"And who did you vote for, Senator Obama or Mccain?"


"You're a Democrat, yet you voted Republican. May I ask why? Are you a disenfranchised Hillary Clinton supporter?"

"I would have voted for Senator Clinton if she had gotten the nomination. I just don't trust Obama. I know he'll win our state of California, but I doubt if he'll win the heartland."

"We're curious about the so-called Bradley effect. Was race an issue? Did you vote against him because he was a black guy?"

Nikki's opinions sometimes got her in trouble, but since the reporter wasn't asking for names or taking her picture, she told the truth. "I would have voted for him if he were a black man. He's not a black man. He's a product of mixed parents. I believe everyone is equal, but I don't believe the races should mix."

"I see," said the reporter. He guessed the answer to the next question. "And how did you vote on the proposition to ban gay marriage?"

"For it, of course. Homosexuality is a sin. I don't care what they do in the privacy of their own homes, but they shouldn't flaunt it in the streets or try to steal marriage from heterosexuals. Marriage is a sacred bond between a man and a woman."

"Last question. What was the biggest issue that bought you to the polls today?"

"Illegal invaders. Look around you. Southern California is starting to look like Tijuana. Everywhere we go is like a foreign country, speaking Spanish, taco stands. If this country is to be saved, we need to keep illegals out. Both parties have failed us, but Republicans are slightly stronger on the issue. It's another reason I voted Mccain."

"Thank you for your time. How about you sir?" The reporter turned to Nikki's husband.

Alex answered, "I'm also a Democrat. I did vote for Obama. I don't have a problem with his ethnicity. I think it's time for a change and Obama stands for change, hope, and the future. I agree with my wife about banning gay marriage, though I support civil unions. Homosexuality is a sin, but this is a free country and if they want to sin it's their souls at risk."

"And your big issue?"

"The economy."

"Thank you both." The reporter jotted down some notes as the couple walked away.

The Nicastro's left the polling place. Alex Nicastro dropped his wife off at the bookstore. She owned a small used paperback store. She didn't make much money, but it had always been her dream to own a bookstore. He made enough for both of them and covered the bookstores rent. He was a successful doctor and pain specialist. "Fucking gorgeous," he muttered while watching his wife bend to unlock the front door to her store. She wasn't much of a sexual dynamo, but she was sure great to look at and he loved showing her off. He had noticed the reporter's stares at the polling place as he was used to men's stares wherever they went. Theirs had practically been an arranged marriage. Two old Greek families arranging to have their young son and ******** spend time together. They were Greek orthodox and their families insisted on their children marrying other Greek orthodox members. Nikki didn't just think the races shouldn't mix like in Senator Obama's case, she thought nationalities shouldn't mix. Alex had been dating an average looking typical American woman at the time and quickly dumped her when he realized he had a shot at Nikki. No regrets, but his ex hadn't had any qualms sucking his dick and Nikki wouldn't even touch it except to guide it inside her. Nikki was about as exciting in bed as a blow up doll. She'd just lie there, lights off, while he grunted on top of her. Alex sighed. She wouldn't even where a bikini. If their grandparents hadn't immigrated from Greece, she would have grown up going nude or topless on a European beach, but in America she wore a one piece swimsuit. New Years would be their fifth anniversary. They would be spending a week in Jamaica and Alex fantasized about getting her to loosen up and wear a bikini. Maybe, there was hope. They wouldn't know anyone in the Caribbean and he could try getting her *****. Nikki waved bye once she had unlocked her store and Alex drove off...

Alex pulled into the fitness club parking lot. He popped his trunk and retrieved his racquetball equipment. Doctor Moshe Spellman was waiting for him. Moshe was a prominent plastic surgeon and Alex's racquetball partner. They played three games with Moshe winning the tie breaking game. Both men were sweaty and breathing heavy when they hit the showers. "Any luck getting the wife to open up?" asked Moshe running soap under his arms.

"Not yet. I'm hoping our anniversary." Alex lathered up his hairy chest.

"Alex, I don't want to hurt your feelings, but do you think your equipment might be the problem?" Alex bent his face under the water to hide his embarrassment. He also turned away from Moshe to hide his penis. He looked down at his crotch. His penis was barely two inches long right now and looked smaller as it disappeared into a vast mass of pubic hair. When fully erect it strained to break five inches and a floppy four was the norm for him.

Alex turned around. "I've never told anyone, but always wanted to get it off my chest." Alex's eyes fell on Dr. Spellman's penis. Moshe's dick stuck out nearly six inches now, soft and was very plump. Alex caught Moshe smirking a little as he continued. "Yes, it's worried me. My ex called it her cute little worm. Luckily Nikki's never seen another man's penis and doesn't know any better."

"Has Nikki thought anymore about getting her breasts enhanced?"

"She's interested, but doesn't want any scars or implants. So I guess it's not going to happen. When we met, those things were closer to a C-cup. God they were awesome, but they've been shrinking as she exercises more and more. I think the only reason she's considering it is that she's afraid she'll be flat chested in a few years."

Moshe grinned at Alex. "I may be able to help you, my friend. Do you have time to swing by my office? I want to show you something."

An hour later, Alex strolled into Moshe's plush office. He walked up to the receptionist and tried not to stare at her huge breasts. The woman was a light skinned African-American and quite pretty. She was a little plump, but not fat. She wore a white nurse's smock, but it was open revealing a low cut white tee shirt that showed off her ample cleavage. "I'm Dr. Nicastro. Dr. Spellman is expecting me."

"Yes, Dr. Spellman told me to send you right in."

Alex walked through the door and down the hall to Moshe's office. "Great, you're here."

"I must say I'm intrigued."

Moshe tossed a file to Alex. "Read that." He pressed a button on his intercom. "Yolanda, can you come in here please?"

Alex scanned the file. "This is amazing. You use bovine growth hormones."

"All it takes is a couple needles. I can do the procedure in an hour with results in days. Ah, here's Yolanda. Can you take off your top and show Dr. Nicastro your breasts."

Alex watched as the black woman removed her smock. Moshe tossed another file at him. It was Yolanda's and contained a picture of her nude. She was actually a little heavier in the picture then she was now. Her breasts were large, but saggy. "You've lost weight," he said to the black woman.

"Thanks. That picture was right after I had my baby. I gained weight and the little sucker really did a number on my breasts. When Dr. Spellman gave me his treatment, I decided to start working out again. It's done wonders for my self esteem and my husband is thrilled."

Alex watched Yolanda pull off her top. He belly was a little saggy and he could see stretch marks from her pregnancy. Her breasts were huge, probably a D-cup and the bra squeezed them together. There were strange little conical protrusions around her nipples. Yolanda unclasped the bra and her breasts sprang free. Alex gasped. They were perfect. They looked like fake implants, too firm and thrust up to be real. Her areola were dark black as were her nipples. The nipples were freakishly long and as he watched they extended out and hardened until she had inch long protrusions sticking out from her breasts.

Moshe stood up. Without asking for permission, he reached out and hefted her right breast. "As you can see there are no surgery scars or marks on any kind. There's nothing under the skin. Feel them."

Alex hesitated, then reached out to grab Yolanda's breast. He squeezed the soft flesh, then pulled back when she moaned. He tentatively reached out and squeezed it again. "They feel real."

"They are real. The hormone makes them grow naturally. It's real fat in there and there aren't any stretch marks. They'll stay like this too, no matter how much weight she loses. There's also the side benefit."

"What's that?" said Alex reluctantly releasing Yolanda's breasts. Being a pain specialist he didn't get to see many of his patient's breasts.

"Look at the bra."

Alex picked up the bra. "What are these caps?" Round metal cones were sown into the bra where the nipples would go. The cones were filled with a sponge to hold the nipples.

Yolanda answered. "My nipples are super sensitive. They make me horny and I do mean all the time. Those cones hold my nipples still and keep me sane. Just the cool air in here makes me aroused."

Moshe stared lustfully at Yolanda's breasts. "Yolanda lost all interest in sex after the baby was born."

"Now I'm interested all the time. I want it everyday. My husband is one happy man."

Alex stared at the black woman's breasts. "I don't believe it."

"Watch." Moshe reached out and pinched Yolanda's nipple.

"Oh yes," she moaned. Yolanda slid her hand down her belly and was ready to slide it under her skirt when she realized where she was.

"Take my dick out and suck it," ordered the doctor continuing to tease the black woman's nipple.

"But he's watching us, Moshe." Yolanda's hand did finally slide under her skirt and she appeared to be fingering herself. She sucked her lower lip in and looked positively wanton.

Moshe grabbed her other nipple and twirled it while pulling on her other nipple. "Suck it woman."

Yolanda looked at Alex, then dropped to her knees and struggled with Moshe's pants. "There's that big white dick," she cried before taking the tip in her mouth.

Alex stared aghast at the sight. Here was a married black woman sucking on her boss's dick. He stared jealously at them. First, he hadn't had a blow job in seven years and second, Moshe's prick really was around nine inches long and fat as a sausage. "I'd better get going," he said feeling uncomfortable.

Moshe had his hands in Yolanda's hair and was guiding her speed as she sucked his dick in and out of her mouth. "Stay and I'll have her give you one too." Yolanda groaned in protest around Moshe's cock, but kept her rapid sucking. "Shut up woman. I'll fuck you later." Moshe saw Alex shrug and turn to leave. "Think about it Alex. It'll wake that frigid bitch up and she won't care how big your penis is."

Alex closed the door. He didn't appreciate Nikki being called a bitch, though frigid was accurate. However, the thought of a horny, big breasted, aroused wife was already in his head.

Nikki was more receptive to the thought of a boob job then Alex would have thought. He didn't tell her about the side effect. Nikki read the note Moshe had written in the file. "It sounds good," she mumbled. "Let me sleep on it." Nikki laid in bed with her hands under her head and stared up at the ceiling. C-cups were pretty big especially on her lithe frame. Men had ogled her like crazy back when hers were larger. They'd even garnered her some unwanted attention like from Coach Cox back in high school. Men had flirted with her constantly, bought her drinks, and even Moshe had made a pass at her standing under the mistletoe at one Christmas party. She had given him a small peck, but he had tried to make the kiss last longer. She'd never told Alex about his friend hitting on her. She'd never cheat on her husband, especially with a Jew. The thought of Moshe pawing at her breasts when she was under sedation was the biggest negative of the operation. On the plus side, it would make Alex very happy. He was already proud of her looks and he'd be positively ecstatic to show off his wife's new breasts. Not that she'd show off much of them. A little black dress was the sexiest she ever got and she'd only wore that once in three years. Poor Alex had tried. He'd bought her lingerie at least twice a year for the first three years of their marriage before giving up. He'd taken her swimsuit shopping practically begging her to at least try on a bikini. There was another negative side to the operation. Alex would want sex more. He already wanted it every night and all Nikki could muster was once a week under the covers with the lights out. He deserved better. Alex had all the money in the ******. Her bookstore ran at a loss and she couldn't afford to buy him anything for their upcoming fifth anniversary. He was taking her to Jamaica for a week. With no money of her own, there was little she could do for her husband.

The next morning, Nikki woke before Alex. She reached over to her nightstand and took up some k-y jelly. She poured some on her fingers and reached down between her legs. She was careful to only lubricate her labia and not to push her fingers too far inside her. She winced guiltily at the pleasure her fingers gave her touching herself. Nikki didn't believe in masturbation, but she could understand why some people did it. She knew Alex did it from time to time, but she chose to feign ignorance. Besides, if she brought it up with him, he might demand more sex in exchange for him stopping.

Alex grunted when his wife shook him awake. He opened his eyes sleepily when she shook him again, then wider when he realized she was trying to pull him on top of her. Morning sex was not something he got a lot of. He eagerly complied, disappointed that Nikki was pulling the covers up as tight around them as possible so as to avoid his seeing anything of her nude body. Alex groaned when he realized his penis wasn't cooperating. It was a hard floppy four inches. He had a blood flow problem and at least half the time, his penis wouldn't grow fully hard. He reached down to pinch the base and make the end stiffen up some. He guided it in and pushed. Nikki was already wet and he knew it was the jelly, but he liked to pretend it was her own arousal. His dick hardened more once it was inside. Alex thrust and grunted, bucking his hips a dozen times before groaning as he came inside her. He collapsed on top of his wife. "That was a pleasant surprise," he grunted as he gasped for breath.

Nikki felt his penis shrivel and plop out of her. She grimaced. This was another reason she didn't care for sex. It was messy. She'd have to sit on the toilet for ten minutes waiting for the little glob of Alex's semen to leak out of her. "Alex," she whispered in her ear. "I'll do it. I'll get the operation. You've been so good to me and I want to do something for you for our anniversary."

"Honey, you don't have to..."

"Shush. I've made up my mind. One more thing, I can't make any promises, but when we're in the Caribbean, I'll wear a bikini for you."

"Well those beaches will be topless."

"Shut up," she playfully pounded his back with her fists. "Don't press your luck. It'll have to be modest enough, but I'll do my best."

"I know you will, honey." Alex rolled off her and climbed off the bed. He had no qualms about his nudity as he strolled to the bathroom. "Nikki, it's a wonderful anniversary present."

Nikki smiled as she hugged the covers tightly up to her neck. "Bring me a tissue?" she asked. She wiped herself up after Alex threw her a tissue. She waited for him to leave the room before climbing out of bed and quickly pulling her robe on. Nikki headed for the shower blissfully ******* at how much her life would change over the next two months.

Alex watched the anesthesiologist put Nikki under while Moshe prepped himself for the surgery. He had agreed to observe the operation since she didn't trust Dr. Spellman. As for as Nikki was concerned if the Jews were willing to betray Jesus, you couldn't trust any of them. "If it's just needles, couldn't she stay awake?" asked Alex.

"For the growth injections, yes," said Moshe. "The final injection will hurt too much, but the pain will be gone by the time she comes around. Her breasts will ache over the next few days as they grow. Aspirin will help the pain. I'd give her four days until she's as good as new."

Alex watched Moshe approach the prostate sleeping Nikki after the anesthesiologist had left. Moshe pulled her cover down revealing her breasts. Alex felt a tinge of annoyance when he realized this was the best view he'd ever gotten of his wife's breasts and he was sharing it with Moshe. Yolanda carried the tray holding dozens of needles. Moshe grabbed and squeezed Nikki's breasts enough for Alex to frown when he thought his friend might be taking liberties with his sleeping wife.

Moshe held out his hand and Yolanda placed the first needle in it. Over the next hour, Moshe stuck the needles in all over both of Nikki's breasts. Alex understood that every fatty area must be filled with the fluid in order for the breasts to grow perfectly and even. The final two needles were longer. Being a pain specialist, Alex instantly understood the need to sedate Nikki. Moshe brought the first needle down to Nikki's nipple. He squeezed her nipple and tugged at it until it hardened. Then he quickly stuck the needle directly into her nipple and inserted the fluid. Alex watched astounded as her nipple darkened and the color seemed to flow down into her areola. Her areola were light colored and almost blended in with her olive skin. As Alex watched, they darkened and seemed to puff out more just like the brown nipples he had seen on Yolanda. Moshe repeated the procedure on the last nipple. Yolanda then carted Nikki out of the room to recover.

Hours later, Alex pushed the wheelchair containing a still groggy Nikki out to his car. Dr. Spellman left the office carrying a box. "I almost forgot, here's a little present." He held the box out.

Alex took it. "Moshe, you've done enough already." Moshe hadn't charged them for the operation as it was his anniversary present to them. Moshe hadn't even kept a record of the operation. Alex peeked inside the box and saw the large bra with the nipple caps. "Of course, thanks Moshe."

"Call me if you have any questions." Moshe watched them drive off. He turned to wheel the chair back into his office when another car came to a screeching halt behind him. Moshe glanced back at the dark sedan and the two suited men with tinted sunglasses inside. Moshe abandoned the wheelchair and ran into the building.

Yolanda stood as Dr. Spellman fled past her into his office. He tapped frantically at his computer. Two dark suited men strode quickly into the office holding badges out. "FBI, sit down and don't touch anything, Ma'am."

"They're bigger," said Nikki the next day calling from the bathroom.

"Can I see?" asked Alex.

"No." Nikki shook her head and rolled her eyes. She was in the bathroom, door locked as always. She stared at her nude body in the mirror and smiled. Her breasts had grown back to normal in only a day. They were the C-cups she had always had most of her life. They looked good on her and Alex would go nuts when he finally saw her in a bikini. Her nipples didn't look right. They were normally little pencil erasers, but they looked slightly bigger and darker. They ached too, but then her breasts were sore also. It even looked like her areola had spread out beyond their usual quarter coin size. Nikki just shrugged it off.

She started getting concerned the next morning. "Alex, they're even bigger today."

"Can I see?"

"Come in here." Nikki reached down to unlock the door. She wrapped a towel around her nude body.

"I don't know whether to be delighted or concerned." Alex entered the bathroom. "I'm going to go with delighted," he said when Nikki dropped the towel enough to reveal her breasts.

"You don't understand. They're too big. And look at the nipples, they're a half inch long." Nikki touched one and winced as they still ached. "My areola are two inches around now."

"They look great."

"I've never looked like this. I tell you it's not natural. I hate it."

"I'm sorry honey, I'm sure they're just swollen. I'll call Moshe later today to make sure everything is fine. He assured me, you'd grow to just a C-cup."

"Well, I'm telling you these are closer to a D-cup or even a double D."

"I'll talk to him, but they look great."

"They make me look like a tramp."

The following day, Alex woke up as a frantic Nikki scrambled out of bed and fled to the bathroom. Her cry of horror had him running after her. She hadn't locked the bathroom and he walked right in. For the first time in his life, he saw his wife fully naked. She had dropped the robe around her feet. She looked magnificent except that she was crying. Her breasts had continued to grow overnight. "I look like a slut," she cried.

Alex couldn't believe it. Her breasts were at least a EE now. They were up thrust and firm with no sag for their size. Her areola had spread across her breasts. They now appeared as large as a soda can with perfectly centered inch long nipples the diameter of a dime. "I look like a slut," she sobbed. "That Jew bastard did this to me. I'll sue him right after you kill him for me."

"His office was closed yesterday, but I'll try him again." Alex turned to get his cell phone from his pants. His wife did look like a slut. Her body looked like a stripper's or a porn star's. My god, my Nikki looks like a stripper. Alex straightened up and a grin appeared on his face. My Nikki looks like a stripper! He smiled glad his wife couldn't see his delight. He secretly hoped Moshe had made a mistake and Nikki would be stuck like that.

"What if they don't stop growing," yelled Nikki from the bathroom.

That set Alex straight and his grin faded. He quickly dialed both Moshe's office and his cell number. No one answered either. "Nikki, I can't get a hold of him. I'm gonna get dressed and drive by his office."

An hour later, he was standing before Moshe Spellman's office looking at a sign that read closed indefinitely.

The Nicastro's spent a worried sleepless night. They held each other in bed. Nikki was so disgusted by her body, she wore her robe under the covers. The next day, she climbed out of bed and walked slowly to the bathroom. "They didn't grow any bigger," she called.

"Thank god," sighed Alex.

"They're not as sore either." Nikki stared at her nipples, they were puffy and hard. The cool air from the air conditioner seemed to caress then. She watched as they extended their full inch and her entire areola puffed out nearly a quarter inch from the rest of her breasts. Nikki frowned and reached up to touch one of her nipples. "Aaah," she cried as she touched it.

"Are you alright in there," called a worried Alex.

"Fine," Nikki panted. "Nipples are sensitive that's all."

"Want me to examine them?"

"Nikki didn't answer, but smiled for the first time in days. Her breasts weren't that bad. At least they had stopped growing. Better to look like a slut then a freak. "I'm going to get my shower," she called.

At first, Nikki stood frozen. The spray from the shower beat at her nipples and each drop seemed to send a spasm down to her vagina. She had to turn her back to the spray in order to wash herself. She moaned when she rubbed the bar of soap across her breasts. Nikki felt hot between the legs. For awhile, she feared she might be coming down with something. Nikki stepped out of the shower, instantly aware of a tingle in her breasts from the cool air hitting her wet skin. It seemed to make her entire body feel alive and sensitive. It was not an unpleasant feeling.

She toweled herself dry avoiding her sensitive nipples. It'll get better, she convinced herself. She pulled her robe on and left the bathroom. Alex was waiting to use the shower. "You alright? You look a little pale," he asked.

"My nipples are really sensitive." Even her nipples scraping against her terry cloth robe was sending spasms through her body. Her thighs felt damp and she was sure she had dried them.

"I think that's normal after the operation," said Alex. "That's why you need to wear the special bra."

"Special bra?" Nikki took the box and looked at the big bra. "You've got to be kidding me," she said as she looked at the nipple holders on the end. "You'd better not let me get my hands on that Jew bastard." Nikki sneered as she looked at the tag.

"Why?" Alex caught the bra when Nikki tossed it at him. He read the tag. The bra was for a EE cup breast. "Moshe promised me they'd be C cups. I'm sure this is temporary and they'll shrink some."

"He planned this all along. I really am going to sue him."

The sneer actually made Nikki's gorgeous face look ugly. "Wait until I can get a hold of him." Alex trusted Moshe and couldn't believe his friend had screwed him over. If he had betrayed him, then Alex was all for suing the jerk. Alex then remembered that Moshe hadn't charged him nor kept any record of the operation. Alex frowned. "I'm gonna kick his ass first."

Nikki dropped the robe the second Alex entered the bathroom and she heard the shower start. Nervously, she reached up and squeezed her right nipple. It was almost like a shock and she had to stifle another moan. Her vagina had spasmed when she touched her nipple. She felt hot and damp between her legs. She squeezed her nipple again and gasped as fluid actually dripped down her labia. Her brows furrowed in consternation. For the first time in Nikki's life, she was horny.

She felt better when she strapped the special bra on. The caps really did seem to protect her sensitive nipples and her arousal faded, but not before she considered joining Alex in the shower.

Nikki didn't take off the bra until she climbed back into bed that night. Her nipples immediately popped out as the satin sheets on her bed caressed them. Alex as always waited until she had protected her modesty before joining her in bed. "All the soreness gone?" he asked.


"Well then?" and he leaned over to kiss her.

"Not yet. I still don't feel right and I had a hard day."

"Wanna talk about it?"

"Not really. I just felt like everyone was staring at me. Two guys hit on me in the supermarket. It was just too much and I'm still a little scared."

"I understand. Well, goodnight then."

"Goodnight." Nikki reached out and turned the light off. Nikki laid on her back for awhile, but she couldn't sleep. She turned on her side and moaned as the sheet slid along her nipples. She turned on her back again and finally pulled the sheet down under her breasts. That was better, but still the very air seemed to lick at her nipples. Her thighs grew damp again. If this kept up, she'd be forced to wear the bra to bed just to be able to sleep. She pulled the sheet back up over her breasts and finally after several hours, she drifted off to sleep.

Alex woke up around 2:00am. Nikki was talking in her sleep. He glanced over at her. She was moaning and pursing her lips. Sounds of pleasure were coming from the back of her throat. He grinned. Nikki was having a dirty dream. As far as he knew, she'd never had a sex dream in her life or at least had never told him she'd had one. He carefully reached over and pulled the sheet down under her breasts. She moaned and he almost stopped. Her nipples were at maximum hardness and his penis was soon following them in a state of erection. There was enough ambient light to see her quite clearly. He pulled the sheets down further and uncovered her navel. He loved her flat stomach. Her bellybutton and stomach were so sexy, yet she never showed it off and even he had never seen that much of it. Nikki thought she looked like a freak, but she was wrong. She looked like a walking male fantasy. He pulled the sheets down further until he could see the dark hairy patch of her pubic hair. She moaned again and spread her legs open.

Lets see just how sensitive these babies are, he thought. Alex leaned over and took the closest nipple between his lips. Nikki groaned in her sleep and her hips even jerked. He clasped her nipple between his lips and flicked the inch long shaft with his tongue. Nikki writhed beneath him. He could see her hand come up between her legs. Alex began sucking the nipple in his mouth and brought his own hand down to her legs, brushing hers aside. My god, he thought, she's soaked. "Oh Alex," she moaned still half asleep. "Feels so good."

Alex decided to push her further then he ever had before. Reluctantly, he released her nipple and kissed down her breast to her belly. She seemed to groan in protest so he used his fingers to tease her nipple. He kissed down that flat beautiful belly of hers. Finally he pulled himself down and over one leg. He adjusted his arms so that they were under her legs and he could still reach up to tease her nipples. His wife was spread open for him like he'd never seen before. "Oh Alex, what are you doing to me?" His breath was on her vagina. Without further hesitation, Alex pushed his face down and ran his tongue up her labia. "No, it's dirty," she whimpered, but her crotch was raising itself up into his thrusting tongue. Nikki's hand grabbed his hair, but she didn't push him away, she pulled him into her soaking pussy. "Feels good," she murmured. "Disgusting. Need it so bad." Her hand pulled Alex's tongue in deeper while she thrust her hips up into his face. Alex pinched both her nipples and sucked her clit between his lips. He looked up Nikki's belly and he could see her entire face between the huge mounds of her breasts. Nikki's eyes had flown open. She was wide awake now. "Alex, I feel strange!" She looked scared, but her hips were humping at his face. He licked her clit and labia before plunging his tongue as deep as it would go licking as rapidly as he could. "Oh my god! Alex, I think it's an orgas ... Aaahh."

Alex felt her vagina vibrate around his tongue and a trickle of warm fluid slid into his mouth. Victory, he thought as he pulled his head away from her vagina. He had just made his wife orgasm for the first time. He was elated and he was glad she couldn't see his silly grin in the darkness. "What on earth is this?" he asked. when he realized his hands were wet.

"What's wrong, lover?" asked Nikki lazily.

"Your breasts are wet. Turn on the light."

Nikki was still modest and pulled the covers up under her breasts before turning the light on. Alex blinked in the bright light and waited for his eyes to focus. When they did, he noticed her nipples were wet and glistening. White fluid coated the area around her nipples, Alex's fingers, and several lines flowed down her breasts. "It shot out when I came," said Nikki looking concerned. "That isn't normal?"

"No, it's not normal," said Alex bringing his fingers up to sniff and then finally to lick. "It's milk!"

"Milk! Oh my god I'm pregnant!"

"You can't be pregnant, Nikki. You're on the Depo shot and it's the equivalent of female sterility."

"But that explains why my breasts are larger then normal and the milk. It make sense now. You gotta go down to the drugstore and get a pregnancy test."

"Now?" Alex looked down at his erection. It was a good one too. As hard as it ever got, nearly it's full five inches in length.

"Yes now," Nikki practically screamed. "Oh my god pregnant! I'm not ready."

"It'll be fine. Just sooner then we planned."

"Just go."

Alex reluctantly dressed and drove to the all night drugstore. He grinned again as he thought that Nikki had let him go down on her. Now that she liked it, she probably let him do it again and it was just a "I did you, now you did me," away from getting a blow job from her. Wow, maybe he could titty fuck her? Wow, maybe she was pregnant and he'd be a ***. Wow! The thought of a son made his grin even wider. Alex purchased the pregnancy test and the clerk wished him luck when she noticed the grin on his face. When he got back, Nikki was in her robe and still seemed distraught. She snatched the test and disappeared in the bathroom to pee on it. When she returned she looked relieved. "Negative," she sighed.

"The milk must be a weird side effect of the procedure then," mumbled a disappointed Alex.

"Someday, love." Nikki kissed him on the cheek.

Alex was disappointed again when Nikki climbed under the covers before pulling her robe off and then she turned away from his side of the bed to go to sleep. Oh well, he thought, my erection's gone anyway. "Milk," he muttered shaking his head. Moshe, he thought, I really am going to kick your ass when I see you. "Milk."


Moshe looked up at the female FBI agent and shrugged his shoulders. He looked up at her from under his eyebrows and grinned evilly.

"Woman are not cows, Dr. Spellman."

"No, but they could be," whispered Moshe.

The female agent made as if she was going to smack him. "Why I should..."

"Enough Agent Dunham," ordered the male agent. "Dr. Spellman, your own notes say that the augmented breasts give off milk whenever the female orgasms."

"That wasn't the plan," muttered Moshe.

"Dr. Spellman," warned Moshe's lawyer.

Moshe continued, "They were supposed to give off milk daily like a cow."

"Moshe shut up!" The lawyer stood up in alarm.

"They would provide nourishment you see. Feed the masses. The milk is richer then cow's milk. It would help the immune system. Save millions of lives. It's good too. Better then cow's milk. Let Yolanda give you some."

"Oh Moshe," moaned the lawyer sitting back down.

"I don't know why it only comes when they orgasm. I just needed more time."

"You're a sick fuck, Dr. Spellman," growled the female agent. She'd seen all the breast fetish sites on the doctor's computer, but this was too much.

Nikki Nipples Vs. The Paperboy 11/10/08

Monday morning, Nikki's eyes flew open the moment she woke up. The satin sheets were over her bare breasts and the sheets were making two tents over her erect nipples. She stretched and moaned as the sheets slid over her nipples. She had woken horny, but the sheets sliding over her breasts increased her arousal.

It had been a long night and she was still exhausted. First, Alex had performed a disgusting sex act on her and apparently she enjoyed disgusting sex acts. She had orgasmed from Alex's fellatio and her nipples had apparently ejaculated milk. Then there was the pregnancy scare to make things worse. She calculated that she had only gotten three hours of sleep.

Nikki pulled the sheets down under her breasts and stared at the huge globes with the big puffy nipples. She reached up and pinched her own nipple. She gasped with pleasure and her hips writhed with arousal. Nikki looked over at her sleeping husband's back and initiated sex. Nikki grabbed his shoulder and pulled him towards her. Alex grunted in protest and pulled away. Nikki grabbed him again and pulled harder. This time a still sleeping Alex rolled over on his back and a loud snore escaped his lips. "Come on Alex," she begged. "I need it." Nikki reached down under the sheets and grabbed her husband's penis. He tugged and squeezed it until she felt it stiffen in her hand. Nikki then climbed on top of her husband.

Alex's eyes flew open and he stared at his wife in disbelief. She was straddling him. The covers were thrown back. AND IT WAS DAYLIGHT! He could see her magnificent body perfectly clearly. She noticed his wide eyed stare. "Don't get used to it," she grinned. "I just need you in me right now." Nikki held his penis up as she raised herself over him. Alex had a good erection and he watched as her vagina poised over him close enough his penis could feel it's heat. He even swore some fluid dripped on the head. Then Nikki's crotch slammed down and his entire penis slid deep inside her hot, soaked vagina. They both moaned as his penis was buried in her.

Alex was still in shock as his wife rode his penis. This was all new. They never did it in the daytime. She never got on top. She rarely initiated sex. And most importantly, she never fucked him. Alex always did all the work while she laid there. Alex stared at her. Nikki's eyes were closed in concentration and she seemed to be enjoying it. Alex thought about just lying there like she always did, but he couldn't, especially with those huge breasts dangling ponderously in front of his face. Alex reached up and squeezed her nipples. Nikki immediately went crazy. She gasped and ground her crotch into his before bouncing more rapidly in his lap. Alex feared he wouldn't last long at this pace. He leaned up and took her nipple into his mouth and flicked it with his tongue. Nikki wrapped her arms around head and pulled him so hard into her chest, he feared he might suffocate in her big boobs which was exactly how he wanted to die. "Alex, it's happening again. Suck it harder. Harder. I'm cumming!"