Her vagina gripped his penis tightly and seemed to pull at it. Alex felt the sperm well up in his balls and explode from his prick. Hot fluid sprayed his tonsils and out of the corner of his eye he could see a stream of milk shoot from her other breast. His mouth filled and he gulped it. His wife's milk was rich and good, better then any milk he'd ever tasted before. Nikki collapsed on his chest as she recovered from her orgasm.

Alex felt his penis shrivel and flop out of her vagina. Their crotches felt soaked and the bed under his balls was wet. The pillow next to him was also wet where Nikki's other breast had shot milk on it. The stream had looked like someone had pulled the trigger on a squirt gun, but it had only shot out about three inches from the nipple. It was about a mouthful of fluid.

Nikki pulled her head up enough to give him a deep French kiss. "That was amazing," she purred.

"The best ever," he agreed.

Nikki leaned over and whispered in his ear. "Maybe, we can do it again tonight." She sat up on his chest.

"These babies are the best thing to ever happen to us," said Alex, reaching up to squeeze her tits. Nikki moaned as he teased her nipples. She pressed her crotch down into his. She was ready to go again! Alex didn't have it in him to screw again so quickly. "I gotta get to work," he said tapping her side.

Nikki groaned in protest and rolled off him. Alex got up, took a quick shower and dressed. "What are you doing today?" he asked as he wrapped his tie around his neck.

"I think I'm going to skip opening the bookstore today and stay in bed."

"Well you might want to wash the sheets. We made a mess of them." He winked at her. Alex stared a minute and shook his head. Nikki was lying there contentedly with the sheets under her navel. Her entire top half was naked for him to see and she didn't seem concerned. Yep, best thing to ever happen to us, he thought. "See you tonight, dear. Love you."

"Have a good day. Love you too."

Nikki did sleep for another hour, then woke up horny. Her breasts just couldn't take the sheets. She was really going to have to wear the bra to bed. She took a quick shower, holding her breasts under the stream and moaning as the hot water bounced off her nipples. "Hmm, I could go again," she moaned. "If this keeps up, I'm going to wear Alex out." She turned her breasts away from the water and washed the rest of her body.

Nikki got out of the shower and dried her body off before putting her robe on. She pulled the robe tight and bow tied the belt. Her new breasts made the robe look sexy. She stared at herself in the mirror. Her hair was wet and clung to her face. Her bosom pushed the robe out creating an impressive amount of cleavage. Her nipples also poked out of the robe. Her breasts served to stretch the robe out and lift it up so that it barely covered her crotch.

Nikki dried her hair. Her long black hair fell down past her shoulders. It tended towards being curly and wavy. She wore little makeup except around her eyes. Nikki leaned towards the mirror and applied the mascara to her lids, lashes, and underneath the eyes. Darkening her eyes gave her an exotic Arabic or Egyptian look. She could easily have put on a costume and passed for Cleopatra. Of course, Cleopatra was ethnically Greek too. She had just finished checking her makeup to her satisfaction when the doorbell rang. Perplexed as to who it could be, she ran downstairs to answer the door.

Nikki peered through the glass around the front door. She didn't recognize the man standing on her steps. Strangely, there was no car in the driveway, but a bmx bicycle was parked on her lawn. The bike had a newspaper bag strapped across the side. "Who is it?" she asked when the man noticed her peeking through the window.

"I'm the paperboy. Your husband underpaid me two dollars. I want my two dollars."

The man was nearly fifty. He had gray hair around a prominent bald patch. The man was unshaven and had a large pot belly. "You're the paperboy?"

"Newspaper man then. I want my two dollars."

"My husband just left."

"You don't have two dollars?"

"I have it. Come on in." Nikki opened the door and frowned as the man's eyes zoomed right in on her cleavage. The stench of cigar assaulted her nose as he approached. Nikki crinkled her nose. His teeth were also tobacco stained.

"Thanks," he said stepping around her. "We left notice of the two dollar increase, but Mr. Nicastro didn't pay it. I guess he didn't see the notice." The man hunched his shoulders, holding his hands up and out.

The man's hands were still up and out as Nikki shut the door behind her. Her belt caught in the door as it closed. As Nikki stepped forward, the belt unraveled. Nikki stumbled as her robe caught. Her arms flew back as her robe opened. Nikki fell forwards leaving the robe in the door. Her breasts fell right into the man's outstretched hands. "Ohmygod!" She cried in horror.

"Hot damn," yapped the paperboy. He was holding the largest pair of tits he'd ever seen outside of a porno. He squeezed the woman's enormous nipples and was rewarded with a moan from the gorgeous looking slut.

Nikki felt her crotch leaking at the man's molestation of her breasts. This man was unattractive and disgusting yet her body was responding to him. She pulled back, but the man was pinching her nipples which stretched out as she pulled away. The stimulation had arousal dripping from her vagina. She quit pulling back and fell forwards as the man tugged her nipples. She fell into his outstretched arms and before she knew it, he was kissing her, his hands moving down to squeeze her ass. She could feel a large bulge growing under his pants. It pushed against her nude crotch. Her body reacted wantonly, thrusting itself against the hard thing under his pants. His tongue dueled with hers pushing it's way into her mouth. He tasted of beer and tobacco. "Twice in one day," he muttered as he pushed her down.

"What are you doing?" asked a dazed Nikki as she fell to her knees. The paperboy had an unusually large bulge under his jeans.

"I need my dick sucked." He unbuttoned his jeans and unzipped the fly.

"I don't do that," she muttered as his pants fell around his knees and she saw the outline of his penis under yellow-stained underwear. His hairy belly was sticking out above his underwear. A tee shirt covered his chest just to his belly button.

"If you want this thing in your hairy snatch, then you better start sucking." The man yanked down his underwear.

Nikki's eyes bulged out as the big piece of meat fell out of the underwear. It was already several inches bigger then Alex's penis and it was only semi-hard. "I don't want it in my snatc ... down there at all. I'm a married woman." Nikki pulled away from the man's stiffening penis and stood back up.

"A married woman who goes around throwing her big titties into strange men's hands."

"This is a misunderstanding."

Before Nikki could turn to grab her robe, the paperboy reached out and grabbed her tits. "Well if you're not in the mood for a fuck and you don't suck dick. I guess I could titty fuck the girls here." His dirty hands pinched and tugged at her nipples.

"Oh yes," Nikki moaned turning back to face this paperboy who was old enough to be her father. She arched her back and thrust her breasts out to give him easier access. "Hmmm," she moaned, thinking that having his big penis down there might not be such a bad idea after all.

"Get down on your back then," he said, stepping out of his jeans. He left his shirt on as Nikki complied and he sat on her stomach.

Nikki felt dazed. This whole situation was surreal. She was about to tell him to stop, when he grabbed her nipples again. Her hips wanted to thrust upwards in lust, but were held down by his weight. She watched a little disgusted as the paperboy released her breasts and spit in his hand. He stroked his penis which had to be more then seven inches long now. Nikki had never seen one so big and looked on in fascination as he spit again in his hand to coat it more. When he had decided it was lubricated enough, he bent it down between her breasts. He tried to squeeze her breasts together around his shaft, but his penis kept wanting to spring up and her breasts sagged over her sides when he released them to push his penis down. Nikki helped him by hefting her breasts and pushing them together. Once his big penis was snug between her breasts, the man grabbed her nipples again and toyed with them while he began thrusting his hips.

"Ya like showin off them new titties dontcha?" asked the man. Nikki didn't answer and he continued sliding his penis through her cleavage. This may have been the biggest penis she had ever seen, but it still looked small sliding between the canyons of her breasts. The paperboy pushed her breasts up until Nikki found one of her nipples poking her lips. "Suck on that," he ordered examining the underside of her breasts. "I don't see no scars." The man squeezed both her breasts roughly. "I don't feel no implants either. Lady, you is gifted."

Nikki had obeyed him and sucked her long nipple between her lips. She was amazed by the amount of pleasure it was giving her. He pulled her nipple out because it was screwing up his rhythm. Nikki could see her saliva glistening on her long nipple before it disappeared between the paperboy's pinching fingers. She looked up at him, but found the sight disgusting. The man had his tongue hanging out like a slavering dog. She could see his yellow teeth and his face was getting sweaty. Down his body, the exertion had pulled his tee shirt up over his hairy belly. She arched her head to see the only thing that looked good on the man. His seven or eight inch penis thrusting and receding from between her breasts. One powerful thrust had the man's penis pushing against her lips. She opened her mouth in shock and found the head pushing inside her mouth on the next thrust. His penis looked red and angry now. His ministrations on her breasts had her gasping in pleasure and the head of his penis kept entering her mouth despite her attempts to clasp her lips shut.

"Oh fuck, here it cums," grunted the man.

Nikki looked cross eyed down her nose just as the swollen red head shot a strand of sperm right into her mouth. The man's semen had rolled off her tongue and down her throat before she knew what had happened. She watched in disgust as the man yanked his dick from between her breasts and squeezed the shaft until a drop of semen leaked out. He rubbed the sperm off on her nipple and then squeezed one last drop out and wiped it on her other nipple. The paperboy grinned as he released his penis and used his fingers to rub his sperm in around her nipples. The contact was driving her nuts and she was ready to beg him to stick his penis in her. "That was fun tits, but I gotta get going." He stood and pulled his underwear up.

Nikki looked up at him and gasped. "What about me? I need it in me. Please?"

"I ain't made of sperm. I just got done fucking Mrs. Henderson an hour ago. Get yourself off." The man pulled his tee shirt down before pulling his jeans up. Nikki remained on the floor naked in front of this stranger. She was frustrated and needed to cum again. "I'm gonna come back and fuck that pretty pussy of yours Friday when I make my rounds. Get it nice and wet for me," he winked. "I'll make you my steady piece and get rid of Mrs. Henderson."

Nikki slid one hand between her legs and let her finger run along her labia. "Oh yes," she moaned.

"Damn you sure is something." The paperboy shook his head in amazement at the wanton woman who was now slipping a finger inside her pussy. "I'm gonna love fucking you. Is that your purse on the counter?"

"Yes. Feels good. Oh yes," moaned Nikki before answering him. "It's my purse. Hey, get out of it."

"I want my two dollars." The man rifled through her purse. "It looks like all you gots is a five. I'll take the rest as a tip for doing such a good job with you." The paperboy took a last look at her before heading for the door. "Damn!" He said and left.

Nikki's finger was working faster now. She wasn't sure what she was doing. She'd never masturbated. Self gratification was wrong. Horror at what had just happened was mounting in her brain, but she really needed to get off first. Never had an orgasm until last night and now it's like I can't live without one, she thought. Masturbating felt great, but it wasn't helping her. She needed something to put her over the edge. Nikki used her free hand to tweak her nipple and felt her vagina gush around her fingers. It felt great, but she wanted more stimulus. I can't believe I'm going to do this again, she thought as she pushed one breast back up to her mouth. She sucked the nipple between her lips and was instantly rewarded with an increase in pleasure from her vagina. She sucked greedily on the nipple tasting the man's sperm that had been rubbed on it. She crinkled her nose, but kept sucking. Pressure built in her vagina and in her breasts. Her vagina clenched down around her finger and tried to suck it in deeper. She wished it was bigger. Suddenly, her orgasm exploded. Nikki gasped in pleasure and then surprise as milk sprayed the back of her throat. It was good! It also happily wiped out the taste of the nasty man's semen. Milk from her other breast had erupted from the nipple like a volcano exploding and now it ran down her breasts coating the arm that had her finger's in her vagina.

Nikki recovered quickly after her orgasm. She wanted to scream. She wanted to cry. She felt dirty and ran upstairs to take another shower. She ran the bar of soap all over her body, moaning again as she used it to clean her nipples. By the time, she assumed they were clean of her milk and the man's sperm, she was horny again. She fantasized the nasty man had come back and was going to ... to fuck her with his big dick. He's so gross, she thought. He had mentioned fucking Mrs. Henderson. She was a kindly old widow not a day under seventy-five. Nikki brought herself under control and pulled the special bra on immediately after drying herself. She pulled a white blouse on and frowned to see that her breasts held the material up so high it put her navel on display and Nikki never showed off her belly. I need to talk to someone, she thought and ran to get her cell phone.

Nikki Nipples Vs. The BiBFF 11/10/08

Nikki thanked the waiter for the ice tea and tried to ignore his glances down her cleavage. She was used to men's stares, but previously the stares had been more "wow, she's hot!" and now they were "wow, look at those tits!". Men had stared at her legs, her rear end, her face, and figure. They loved her dark eyes. Now they just stared at her breasts.

She had been waiting ten minutes when she spotted Jill. Nikki's best friend was hard to miss. She was every bit as attractive as Nikki and Nikki noted with some satisfaction and a little bit of jealously that men who had been staring at her were now turning their eyes to Jill. Part of the reason Jull got more attention then Nikki was that Jill had no qualms showing off her body. She was wearing a sleeveless top that was held up by straps over her shoulders. The top ended just under her rib cage showing off Jill's flat tanned belly and her diamond pierced navel. She was braless under the top and Nikki found it distasteful that the outline of Jill's nipples were clearly visible underneath the material. They were hard to miss because Jill had large natural DD breasts pushing out the top. Jill also wore shorts like Nikki's, though Jill's was shorter and higher up on the thigh then Nikki's. Nikki was wearing her sandals, but Jill was wearing flip flops. Jill had her long blonde hair tied back and large dark black sunglasses covered her blue eyes. Jill worked as a waitress, but claimed to be an actress and had been an extra in several movies as well as being a bikini clad babe in a national beer commercial. Jill had married a well off movie production assistant several years ago.

"Hi, girlfriend," said Nikki standing to greet her friend.

Jill froze and pulled her glasses down her nose until her sparkling blue eyes appeared. "Oh my god," said Jill staring at Nikki's breasts. "I can't believe you did it."

"You won't believe it when I tell you what happened."

"Had to one up me did you. I didn't realize you were jealous of my girls."

Nikki paused before answering. Jill was still staring in amazement at Nikki's stretched out blouse. Nikki looked down at Jill's breasts. It looked like Jill's nipples had swollen up a little, but Nikki assumed it was her imagination or that the restaurant's air conditioning was affecting them. "You know," said Nikki sitting again. "I think I was a little jealous of them. I didn't realize it until now though."

Jill pulled out her chair and sat down. "I think you went a little overboard." Jill had known Nikki back when Nikki's breasts were a full C-cup and she'd always thought they were perfect on Nikki's body.

"Oh honey, something horrible has happened to me." Nikki put her face in her hands and sobbed.

The waiter approached the table. "I'll have an ice tea too and the soup and salad. Get my friend the soup and salad too." Jill smiled at the waiter and handed him the menu. She reached out and tapped Nikki's shoulder. "There there, honey. Why don't you tell me all about it."

Nikki sat back up and told her friend about the operation. Jill's mouth fell open as Nikki told her about her nipples growing to be an inch long. Jill's mouth stayed hanging open after their food arrived and she absentmindedly shoveled her salad into it while Nikki told her about how sensitive her nipples had become and that they made her horny all the time. "It's not all bad," said Nikki. "I finally had an orgasm with Alex."

"You poor thing," said Jill after Nikki let slip how big Alex was.

"Why do you say that?"

"Honey, you mentioned Alex's blood flow problem, but you never told me he was so little. Such a waste on such a good looking man."

"I thought he was average length."

"Sorry honey, you got short changed. Vinnie is close to eight inches and I've seen bigger before him."

"I've seen bigger too," said Nikki.

"What? I thought Alex was the only man you've ever been with?"

"Let me finish my story." Nikki told how Alex had gone down on her.

"About time you loosened up a bit. Oral can be better then actual sex. Those big titties might be good for you."

"I think they're evil." Nikki watched Jill stare in disbelief when she told her about the milk side effect. Jill wet her lips and sucked her lower lip in her mouth. Then Nikki got to the part about her paperboy and Jill crinkled her nose at her description of the disgusting man. Nikki explained what had happened with the paperboy. "He was the third most disgusting man I'd ever seen. Jill, I think I might be a slut."

"Honey, I've known you nearly ten years and you are not a slut. If anything, you're the anti-slut. What do you mean third most disgusting? I know your landlord is probably the first."

Nikki smiled. This was exactly what she needed to hear and the reason she had called Jill. She needed to be told she wasn't a slut. "Coach Cox from high school is number two. He wasn't bad looking, but he was a pervert. He had a hidden camera in the girl's shower." Nikki shivered at the memory of being shown the picture of her in the shower with the other girls. Cox had even hit on her and was rumored to have had sex with a cheerleader. Nikki had testified against him and gotten him fired. Nikki had another self revelation. That had been about the time she quit showing off her body. She'd even wear a bikini to the beach with her girlfriends before that incident. "Still, I don't know what to do about my breasts."

"Playing with yourself was a good start." There was a crash behind them and the women turned to see that their waiter had dropped a pitcher of water. Jill sneered at him and spoke more quietly this time. "You'll need to learn some self control and when you don't think you can take it anymore, masturbate. I'll get you some toys if you'd like. There's a store on Columbus Ave."

"Yech, no. I couldn't stick anything in me."

"Toys never get soft or let you down." Jill giggled at Nikki's shocked expression. "Are you free this afternoon or are you going to open the bookstore for awhile?"

"I'm free."

"Let's go back to your house. I'd really like to see what we are dealing with here."

"You want to see my breasts?"

"Yes honey. Your story is so far our, I got to see those things for myself. I got the check."

The two friends took separate cars back to Nikki's house. Jill pulled up behind Nikki just minutes after Nikki arrived. They headed upstairs to the bedroom. Jill sat on the bed while Nikki went into her bathroom and stripped. Moments later Nikki came out in her bathrobe. Nikki's lips were parted and her eyes were slightly closed. "Are you horny now?" asked Jill

"Yes, the robe is rubbing against my nipples."


"Here's the bra." Nikki tossed Jill the bra.

Jill examined it closely. The cups were huge and she checked the tag. She had accurately guessed they were EE. The metal caps were hollow and contained a sponge to hold her nipples as still as possible. "Your nipples fit in there?"

"Not well. They grow longer then the caps and tend to push the bra out. It gets a little uncomfortable. There still is some friction when I move, but it's a lot better then going without the bra."

"Lets see them boobs," said Jill putting the bra down. She knew Nikki was not fond of showing off her body to anyone, even her best friend. Nikki wouldn't even shower at the gym unless it was empty of other girls. If Jill joined her, Nikki hastily dried off and left the shower. She knew that this wasn't easy for her friend.

Nikki pulled her robe open and down over her breasts keeping the robe tight around her waist. "What do you think?"

"My god Nikki, they're still too big on you, but they're beautiful. I think they're firmer then mine. Your nipples really are an inch long."

"Told you. Can I pull it up now?"

"Not yet. The whole areola is puffy. Absolutely incredible. You said that all that disgusting paperboy had to do was play with your nipples and you became putty in his hands?"

"Yes, it was horrible."

"Like this." Jill reached out and took both of Nikki's nipples between her fingers.

"Aaah," gasped Nikki at the shock of pleasure. She jerked as her vagina spasmed and Nikki dropped the robe. "Jill what are you doing?" Nikki rasped the question out while breathing heavily.

"Trust me. I can help you with your horniness." Jill twirled and stroked Nikki's long nipples. "Let's just switch places." Jill continued her ministrations on her friends breasts as she got off the bed and maneuvered Nikki around to sit down in her place. Jill kneeled before Nikki's legs and pushed them apart. "Your pussy's beautiful Nikki." Jill could see the lubrication coating her friend's genitals. "We're going to have to do something about trimming this baby down." Nikki had a hairy bush and rarely shaved or trimmed it.

"Jill this is crazy." Nikki could feel her friend's breath on her vagina. This was so wrong. Women didn't have sex with other women. Nikki came to her senses and tried to slide back on the bed, but Jill's arms snaked under her legs and soon they were teasing her nipples again. Instead, of moving away, Nikki opened her legs up wider. Nikki sighed and relaxed when she felt Jill's tongue slide up her labia. Her hips raised up into the tongue.

Jill hadn't eaten pussy in almost ten years, but it was a skill you never lost. Her tongue was busy flickering back and force over Nikki's labia and then twirling around her clitoris. Jill would pause and thrust her tongue in and out of Nikki's pussy.

"Yes. Oh god yes," moaned Nikki. This was better then it had been with Alex. He hadn't seemed to know what he was doing. Nikki groaned when Jill stopped suddenly. "What's wrong? Why'd you stop?"

"Tell me to eat your pussy."

"Do it, Jill. Do it. Finish me off."

"Say the words." Jill leaned down and sucked Nikki's clit between her lips.

"Eat my pussy. Please Jill, eat my pussy," Nikki begged. She needed to have another orgasm and the pressure built both deep within her loins and in both her breasts. Nikki moaned and writhed in pleasure when Jill started licking her again. This time Jill slid two fingers inside and thrust them forwards like they were a penis. Nikki bucked her hips up into Jill's thrusting fingers. "It's happening again. Harder Jill, harder."

Jill felt Nikki's pussy claps and tighten around her fingers. She looked up Nikki's flat belly and looked at Nikki's nipples. Jill still had one nipple in her hand and was stroking it. Nikki had taken up stroking the other. Nikki screamed and Jill's chin suddenly got soaked. At the same time, Jill watched the milk shoot out of Nikki's breasts. They were little white gushers that shot up about three inches from the nipple. The fluid fell and splattered on Jill and Nikki's hands, running down the huge globes of Nikki's breasts.

Jill fell back, gasping for breath. She brought her finger up to her mouth and licked the milk off. It cooled quickly, but tasted good. Someday, I want that squirting in my mouth, she thought. Jill stood and looked down at Nikki. Her friend seemed half passed out. Jill turned and used Nikki's restroom, wiped her chin off, and pulled some pubic hair out of her mouth. "Lets take care of that problem," she said, spitting another pubic hair out. Jill rummaged through the drawers. Nikki and Alex had a lot of shaving cream and razors between them. "Hairy Greeks," she mumbled.

Jill returned to the bed and found Nikki had slid back and was snoring softly. She sat and sprayed shaving cream into her hand and started coating Nikki's hairy crotch with it. Nikki mumbled in her sleep and Jill said, "Baby, I'm gonna make this pussy gorgeous." Jill trimmed and shaved her friend with Nikki almost never moving. She was shaving a sensitive area and Nikki wouldn't open her legs any wider. Jill reached up and tweaked a nipple. Nikki moaned and opened her legs. Grinning, Jill bent down to shave the last little bit.

Jill returned the shaving items to the bathroom and used a wet rag to wipe Nikki down. Her pussy was smooth and as cute as any Jill had ever eaten or shaved before. Jill stripped her clothes off. Her large breasts fell free when she pulled the top off. She let the shorts drop to the floor and pulled her thong off. Jill then climbed in bed next to Nikki. She started stroking Nikki's hair and she leaned down and kissed her lips. Nikki slowly woke up. Her eyes smiled at her friend at first, then she remembered what had happened. Jill watched the tears well up in Nikki's eyes. "There, there honey, it's ok. Everything's fine."

"But we just. I mean you just..."

"I just ate your pussy. You begged me to do it. Remember?"

Nikki cried openly now. "These things are evil. They're an instrument of the devil."

"What are you talking about?"

"They turned you into a lesbian. And the paperboy, they made him do nasty things to me. It's all so clear now."

"I think the paperboy is just a nasty man. As for me, you know the saying about women experimenting in college? Well I didn't have a one time in college experiment, I had an eight times in college experiment. I like being with women. They're softer and you connect on a more intimate level with them."

"But Vinnie? You're a married woman."

"I also like a good hard fucking by a nice stiff cock too." Jill pulled Nikki up on her side and embraced her stunned friend. Nikki realized that Jill was also nude as their large bosoms mashed together. Nikki moaned as her nipples pressed into the soft tit flesh of her friend. Jill kissed her and Nikki kissed back finding her arousal growing again. "I've wanted to kiss those lips for a long time now," whispered Jill, kissing her again.

Jill reached down and grabbed her ass cheeks, pulling her tighter. Nikki giggled. "My crotch tickles."

"I shaved you while you were out."

"You what?" Nikki rolled on her back and looked down at her naked crotch. Her hand slid down over the smooth skin and she shivered. "What will I tell Alex?"

"Tell him you did it to surprise him. He'll love it. Especially when he goes down on you again. Be prepared, he'll want you to return the favor."

"Yech, I don't plan on ever doing that."

"Marriage and sex is give and take, honey." Jill sat up and straddled Nikki's belly. "Speaking of give and take. I need to cum too. It's your turn to do me."

Nikki looked sickened and tried to pull out from under Jill. "I'm sorry Jill, but I'm just not into that sort of thing."

Jill reached down and fondled Nikki's nipples again. Nikki soon quit struggling and started writhing with renewed lust. "Do you want me to eat your pussy again?" This time Jill bent down and took a long nipple between her lips while half straddling her friend.

"Yes, god yes. Eat my pussy again," moaned Nikki.

"Well you gotta eat mine first."


"It's not bad at all." Jill moved up over Nikki's chest and lowered her pussy down over Nikki's mouth.

"It's wrong." Nikki's protests were muffled as Jill's pussy came down over Nikki's open mouth. At first Nikki froze, refusing to do anything. Jill's arms were at her sides and soon they'd found Nikki's nipples again. Nikki's tongue slid out and into her friend's pussy as she moaned in pleasure. Jill was right. It wasn't so bad. Nikki began lapping at her friend's vagina. Her tongue licked up Jill's labia repeatedly, stopping to flicker over her clit. Jill moaned as Nikki looked up at the most erotic sight of her life. Her actress/model best friend was mounted on Nikki's face. Nikki could make out the thin strip of blonde hair Jill had shaved on her crotch and she could look up Jill's undulating belly through the gap between Jill's large breasts. Her friend's head was thrown back and she was moaning in pleasure. Nikki held her tongue straight out and Jill began bouncing on it. It was an amazingly attractive sight and something snapped in Nikki. She began looking at her friend in a sexual light. What an amazing sexual creature Jill was.

"That's it Nikki. Come on keep it up, baby." Jill ground her pussy down into Nikki's extended tongue.

Nikki reached around and slid her hands up Jill's tanned belly and grasped her nipples. Jill humped Nikki's face in response. She was clearly pleased that Nikki was showing some initiative. Nikki found herself fascinated with Jill's breasts. A triangular patch of whiteness around the nipples showed where a scandalously small bikini had covered. The rest of her breasts were a perfectly even tan to match her face, belly and legs. Her breasts were so soft and perfect. Her nipples were puffed up and nearly a quarter inch long, beautiful and normal. Nikki was still jealous of Jill's breasts.

"You're doing it girlfriend. You're hitting all the right spots," moaned Jill. "I'm cumming Nikki. I'm cumming."

Nikki felt her lips and chin get soaked in a fresh wave of fluid as Jill moaned in pleasure. Seconds later, Jill slid her pussy back off Nikki's mouth and Jill collapsed beside her on the bed.

Nikki stood up to go wash her face off. She entered her restroom and cleaned herself off. She looked at her reflection in the mirror. It was like she was staring at a stranger. Her hair was mussed and the expression she wore on her face was one of sexual satisfaction. She immediately tried to make the expression disappear out of guilt. Her breasts still didn't look normal on her and the shaved crotch really added to the impression that she was staring at a stranger. The nude crotch had the effect of making her feel even more naked. She reached down to her pubic region. There was no hairy bush to run her fingers through, just smooth skin. She could even see her clitoris sticking down between the folds of her labia. Even her genitals looked different, they seemed swollen and excited. Her tan lines were faint. Her olive skin made her look like she had a soft tan. Her legs and arms were darker from the sun. She always covered most of her body up when she was outside. She wondered what she'd look like with bikini tan lines like Jill's and realized she might have them soon. She had promised Alex, she'd wear a bikini in Jamaica. It wouldn't be easy for her, but she'd try.

Nikki returned to Jill who was stretched out on the bed with a satisfied look on her face. She bent down and moved some of Jill's blonde hair off her face. "You should get dressed."

"Why?" asked Jill, grabbing Nikki and pulling her down in the bed. She kissed her mildly amused friend on the lips. The kiss lasted nearly a minute.

"Oh! I guess we have time." Nikki gasped as she felt Jill twirling her nipples again.

"Do you want to cum again?"

"Oh god yes."

"Tell me what you want, honey." Jill redoubled her efforts on Nikki's tits.

"I want you to make me cum again." Nikki groaned and hesitated before saying. "I want you to eat my pussy." Nikki suddenly giggled. "It's nice and smooth now."

Jill laughed too. She bent her body around and first sucked one of Nikki's nipples into her mouth. Nikki gasped and moaned. Jill wondered just how sensitive those things were. Jill flickered the nipple with her tongue then kissed down over the breast to Nikki's ribs. She kept one hand teasing her friend's nipples. She wanted to keep Nikki at a heightened state of arousal. Jill half licked and kissed her way down Nikki's stomach. Her friend's belly was so fit and lean. As her muscles tightened with arousal, the lines of her abs grew defined. Jill slipped her tongue into Nikki's bellybutton before kissing down her smooth crotch. Jill had to release her grip on Nikki's nipple as she swung her body on top of her friends. Jill reached down and sucked Nikki's clit between her lips at the same time shoving her pussy back into Nikki's mouth. Nikki hesitated but a moment before starting to lick Jill's pussy. The two women slid their tongues all around and inside each others pussies.

Jill was more skillful and experienced. She finger fucked her friend while teasing her clit with her tongue. Soon Nikki was writhing beneath her and gasping into Jill's pussy. Jill was close, but she was more concerned with keeping Nikki satisfied. She wanted her friend to remember the intense pleasure Jill could give her and hopefully, Nikki would keep coming back for more. Jill was shorter then Nikki and slid her body down further to get more tongue traction in Nikki's pussy. Nikki didn't seem to mind as she was moaning constantly now. Jill slid up until she was nearly sitting on Nikki's cushiony breasts as she bent over to get Nikki off once again.

Jill licked as fast as she could while fingering Nikki's sopping wet pussy with two fingers. Jill felt something rubbery bend against her own clit and slide between her labia. The thing straightened between her folds and entered her pussy. It felt like Nikki had shoved about an inch of a thick pencil up her pussy and Jill realized that it was her friends nipple inside her. This was a new and surprising experience. It was even more surprising when Nikki's pussy contracted around Jill's fingers. Her hand grew soaked and Jill gasped in shock. Her own orgasm hit as milk squirted inside her pussy, like a miniature cock exploding. Jill ground her pussy down into Nikki's soft breast wishing the nipples was bigger and really were a cock. Her lust for women was now satisfied and she was ready for a good cock fucking. Vinnie was sure getting some pussy tonight. Jill sighed and rolled off Nikki.

"You know what's kind of nice?" asked Nikki after several minutes had passed.

"What's that?"

"No messy semen."

"Speak for yourself, honey." Jill felt Nikki's milk leaking out of her well satisfied pussy.

The two women rested a moment before getting up to clean themselves and dress. Jill was pleased to see that Nikki seemed perfectly comfortable with being nude around her. They dressed, Nikki felt better the moment the special bra was on. She felt some guilt, but not as much as she thought she would. It wasn't like she had just cheated on Alex with another man. She walked Jill to the door and was surprised when she was the one who initiated the kiss goodbye. Nikki opened the door and froze. "It's him."

Jill stepped outside. She could see the ridiculous looking man on a teenagers bmx bicycle riding in circles down the street. "Yech. I see what you mean. He's disgusting. That's your paperboy?"

"Yep, probably lives with his mom still."

"He's waiting for you."

"I know. Lets wait until he's out of sight and then I'll just lock the doors." Soon the paperboy was pedaling past them, trying to get Nikki's attention, but not wanting to look suspicious. He turned a corner and was gone.

Jill walked down to her car. "Remember honey, call me if you ever get horny enough to fool around with something like that man again. I'll rush right over and I'll bring a few surprises next time."

Nikki blushed. "Thanks Jill." Nikki shut the door and locked it. She turned and headed upstairs to change the sheets. Jill had been gone ten minutes when the doorbell rang. Nikki froze. The doorbell rang again a minute later and it was followed by a loud knock. Nikki could feel her nipples hardening and growing to fill the sponge inside the caps on her special bra. The bra wasn't perfect and her arousal grew again. Downstairs was a man who wanted to fuck her. He had recharged by now, coming back earlier then he had promised. He wouldn't be satisfied with just sliding his big penis between her tits. He wanted to slide it inside her. He would be deeper and harder then Alex had ever been. Nikki's breathing was heavy. She wasn't a slut and she resisted her desires. Nikki tiptoed to the window and peeked out the blind. Down in her yard the bmx bike was laying on the ground. The paperboy appeared, looked up at the windows, then he mounted the bike and pedaled off.

Nikki sighed with relief.

In her next adventure, Nikki Nipples takes on a teenage geek, her Turkish landlord, and two Latino day laborers.