Chapter Six – The Homecoming

Our flight from the Caribbean landed at a ridiculously early hour into Gatwick and as we emerged from the Arrivals Hall it felt like a huge anticlimax to come back to a cold wet miserable England after having had an amazing two weeks holiday in the most agreeable climate of Barbados.

Our taxi awaited us and as we drove back in the driving rain to our house in South London, despite feeling tired and jetlagged, my head was filled with images of the things we had done; the things we had seen and the people we had met. With Helen’s head resting on my shoulder and being so close to her charms and smelling her scent my little cock gave away my thoughts as it was began reacting to the mental pictures of our adventures. She patted my groin and said, “Later, you naughty boy.”

The house was just as we had left it and we were pleased to be able to shut the front door behind us and enjoy the warmth from the heating that had turned on as programmed. Helen picked up the mail from the doormat and we went through to the kitchen to reacquaint ourselves with a ‘proper’ cup of tea. The answer machine blinking caught our attention and reminded us that the college was desperate for us to get in touch once we returned home. Helen picked up the phone and called her contact.

“Hi, it’s Helen; we’re home.”

I could hear the distant voice, “Hello Helen, welcome home. Did you have a lovely time; have you got a nice tan?”

She gestured for me to put the kettle on and I could no longer listen to the chit-chat which then went for a few minutes as whomever Helen was talking to was bought up to date with a general overview of our holiday. Diplomatically, no mention was made of the finer details of what we had most enjoyed. With the niceties dispensed with I could hear the conversation had been steered toward the reason for the urgency of the messages. I looked on as she nodded and looked thoughtful but couldn’t catch what was being said so awaited the call to finish to be let into the secret.

Helen replaced the receiver, “Phew. That was a bit intense. Hmm, here’s the deal; the college has invited some visiting professor to lead a 3 week seminar but he’s a bit fussy, apparently, and won’t commit unless he can bring his wife along. He’s German, by the way. Anyway, he’s said that they need somewhere comfortable to stay and he doesn’t like hotels. The college thought of us and they wanted to know if we can accommodate them for the period.”

I pondered the request but before I could give my opinion she said, “I told them, yes, of course we could so now they are going to get back to him to say that the arrangements have been put in place.” So much for asking for my point of view, I thought.

We unpacked the bags; sorted out the laundry; made a few calls to let ‘our world’ know we were back and then left the house to go and run a few errands which now included going by the college to get a few details about our guests. We learned that the professor was a lecturer in Computer Science with a special interest in electronics. (I was ‘underwhelmed’ given I hadn’t a clue what any of that meant); that he was renown in his field as a stickler for correct procedures and discipline; that he and his wife were about our age. They told us that he had lectured at the college a few years ago – before our time – and that he was used to taking his wife with him whenever or wherever he went. He liked to have her around to provide him with some stability; she liked to take advantage of visiting new places. If rumour was to be believed, she was just as fussy and frusty as him.

I was a little nervous at the mental picture that this information formed in my mind. Helen didn’t seem at all fazed at the prospect.

Two weeks later and on the appointed evening with all the arrangements in place we nervously awaited their arrival.

As usual it was Helen who answered the doorbell with me standing deferently in the background. She opened the door and was confronted by a dapper gentleman with a goatee beard on an expressionless face. He was formally dressed with an expensive looking Camel overcoat covering a suit, tie and crisp white shirt. He didn’t wait for any invitation but walked straight into the house and turned to await his wife who was similarly neatly turned out to follow his example. Only after a slightly shocked and bemused Helen had shut the door did he speak.

“Guten Tag, ich bin Doktor Hofmeier; und das ist meine Frau, Gisela Hofmeier,” he said stiffly holding out his hand to Helen. I have never seen her look so wrong-footed or lost for words as she took his hand and he pumped a single handshake.

“Ach, I think you do not speak German,” he said as he continued his introduction in accented English. Helen shook her head. “Typish,” he muttered.

He released his grip and turned to his gaze to me. I stuttered as I shook his hand, “Welcome; I’m Gordon and this is my wife Helen.”

They both gave a cursory nod of their heads in our direction. “Oh dear,” I thought, “This doesn’t seem to have started well. What have we let ourselves in for?”

Helen recovered her poise and led them upstairs to show them the room that had been readied for their 3 week stay. It was to be three weeks that I’ll never forget and one, dare I say, remembered for all the right reasons.


That first night set the pattern for the rest of their stay. We didn’t see any more of them after Helen had led them to their room and done her usual tour. Supposedly satisfied, the bedroom door had been firmly closed after she had completed her introduction to the facilities with a curt ‘thank you and goodnight’. However, when a little afterwards we went to bed ourselves we heard them. Clearly they were making love, or something like it, for the noises emitted through the walls left no doubts that they were an energetic couple who seemingly didn’t care that their grunts, moans and cries of passion were being overheard. Helen found it to be a little disturbing; I found it to be a complete turn-on and with my cock straining at the thoughts of what they were doing my mind went into overtime figuring out how in the next few weeks I could best position myself to watch through my various peepholes and observe.

The following morning we were both up early in order to give ourselves plenty of time to prepare breakfast for our guests. We could hear them moving about for some time before they eventually appeared in the dining room both fully dressed for their day ahead. Little comment was made about the spread of continental breakfast on the table that Helen had gone to some trouble to provide (other than, ‘was the coffee filtered as they never drank instant’) and certainly no apologies were made about the commotion that they knew we must have heard.

Breakfast was taken in relative silence with Helen and me in attendance to top-up coffee cups and clear plates and such. The only real conversation going on was between the two of them and that was conducted heads together and in whispered German. Our presence was pretty much ignored other than us seemingly being regarded as waiting staff. All very odd.

Eventually they were done and, hopefully, satisfied with our offering. The ‘Herr Doktor’ stood up and announced that they would be out for the day and would be returning later in the evening. There would be no need for us to provide a meal; they would be eating out. This was delivered in the manner of a master instructing his servants. He concluded by saying that there was something needed to be discussed when they returned. With that he picked up his briefcase and they left the house. Helen and I looked at each other in disbelief as the front door shut behind them.

It was 9 o’clock when the doorbell rang and our lodgers returned. Herr Doktor was carrying his briefcase and she had a couple of carrier bags bearing logos of well-known fashion stores. As before there was a cursory response to our greeting and the pair entered the house. Helen asked if they would like a drink, “.. a cup of tea, maybe?” He answered with a polite thank you and said that they would be down in a few minutes. With that they went straight up the stairs to their room.

I was in still in the kitchen preparing the tea when I heard them come down and to hear them going through into the lounge. I’m not sure what Helen’s reaction had been to their entry but I almost dropped the tea tray in surprise when I saw them both dressed for, well, I’m guessing, for bed. They were sitting on the sofa, him now dressed with what appeared to be silk pyjamas beneath a silk dressing gown; she was wearing a silky diaphanous white robe which didn’t hide the delightful sight (to me) of an ensemble of a black corset, bra, panties and stockings. They both wore sensible slippers on their feet, which seemed a little incongruous, and superior smiles upon their faces.

I passed the tea cups but being transfixed by the sight I was unsure if I heard any acknowledgement or thanks. Helen gave a cough which bought me out of my daze. “Well, how was your day?” she asked brightly.

Gisela answered in her clipped English, “It was fine, thank you. After accompanying Roland to his work I went into town to sightsee but it was raining so I went shopping instead.”

“Good ... ah, not good about the weather, but I hope you found some nice things to buy. Now, what was it you wanted to discuss; you said there was something. I hope it’s not a complaint,” Helen replied jokingly.

Roland – ‘Herr Doktor’ as I had already come to regard him – didn’t return her smile, “Ah yes, we must change bedrooms. The one you have given us is too small.” It was said without any sign of embarrassment or qualification; it was stated as a matter-of-fact. “We have looked at the other rooms and we think that your bedroom is much more suitable.”

‘Suitable; suitable for what?’ was my immediate thought. I was taken aback but said nothing which, given my subservient nature, was no surprise. Helen who didn’t share my trait made no immediate comment either rather, she like me, sat fixed by the icy gaze of our inappropriately dressed guests. I could tell her mind was working overtime as she struggled with how to respond.

“Oh dear, I’m sorry to hear that ...” her voice trailed off giving lie to her sincerity as I knew she wasn’t apologetic in the least.

“We shall sleep in that room you gave us for tonight but tomorrow we shall ... mach eine Veränderung ... how you say, make a change.” He looked at us both as he sipped his tea and then sensing no objections he nodded toward his deliciously clad wife and the pair of them stood up, gave a curt ‘goodnight’ and left us. As he climbed the stairs he called out, “We shall be sleeping late tomorrow. Please don’t wake us.”

Helen, I could tell, was furious and she said little as we tidied up before going to bed ourselves. She grumbled, “We shall see about that” as we settled down to sleep but I had already resigned myself to the fact that for the next few weeks we would be relinquishing our bedroom to these bossy German guests and be sleeping in the bed next door. The bed from where I could hear the unmistakable soundtrack of Gisela being fucked by ‘Herr Doktor’. One didn’t need to understand German to know what was happening. With Helen softly snoring beside me I pulled down my pyjamas and with my little dick at full mast I had the most delightful wank listening to the grunts and sounds seeping through the wall. As I climaxed and my spunk dribbled over my hand I thought that maybe the next few weeks might not be such a pain after all.


The following day we again rose early but we saw nothing of our lodgers before we both had to go out on errands. Helen was off to do her twice-weekly little admin job at the local library; I had to pay a visit to the college where I had been asked to call in to discuss something, they said, to do with the accommodation we were offering.

I was a little nervous when I entered the office of the co-ordinator thinking that maybe, for whatever reason, our permission to rent might be at risk. As it turned out my fears were not entirely unfounded for I was to learn that the last inspection by their assessor had noted that we had an insufficient number of smoke detectors and, he reported, we had a gas boiler and there was not one carbon-monoxide detector to be seen. I was informed in no uncertain terms that unless I rectified the situation that we would be struck from the recommended accommodation list.

Horror! The thought of being denied my secret pleasures was something I didn’t want to contemplate and I committed to rectify the situation as soon as possible, certainly before the 30 day notice period had passed.

It was later in the afternoon before I was able to relate to Helen the reason for being called to the college as she had needed to go food shopping before coming home. I was a bag of nerves by the time she did return and as I put away the groceries I shared the news. Her reaction was more circumspect than me and whilst I had, as usual in my unsure fashion, been imagining all sorts of complications she simply said, “Well, why don’t you just draw up a list and go and buy the detector things or whatever is needed? I’m sure we can get someone to fit them.”

Gisela and ‘Herr Doktor’ who were sitting reading newspapers in the lounge showed no outward sign of hearing what we were discussing but I sensed his ‘antenna’ was twitching. I returned my attention to preparing the evening meal that I had committed (no, been commanded by Helen) to feed our guests. They had graciously accepted her invitation to eat in and who could blame them for the weather outside was quite foul.

On my advice as to the time we should be eating they put aside their newspapers and declared that they would go upstairs to rest and change before the meal. Helen nodded in response to the declaration and with a cup of tea in hand she went through to take their vacated place on the sofa to absorb herself in her favourite soap on TV. Perfect; with everything simmering nicely on the cooker top I allowed them a few minutes to settle before I followed their path up the stairs and tip-toeing past their bedroom door silently made my way to the loft and the spot where I could lay on the floor and peer through the gap in the ceiling above their bed. My suspicions were correct for beneath me I could see Gisela stripped to her underwear, sitting on the edge of their bed with her legs parted allowing Roland who was kneeling on the floor to bury his face between her open thighs. I thrilled to the sight of her wearing the same black corset as the night before and from my aspect could see how effectively it pushed up her ample tits and emphasised her cleavage. My cock gave an agreeable twitch in appreciation.

I had to hazard a guess what Roland might be doing but I didn’t speculate too much for the movement of his head and the slurping noises that drifted up toward left little doubt that his tongue was giving her a lesson in cunnilingus. From their demeanour it was clearly not the first time for she was encouraging him with a stream of German and running her fingers through his hair in a display of ecstasy. He continued to lap at her vagina as she leaned back on her hands and pushed her crotch even more toward him. She threw her head back and began mewling as his tongue probed deeper then after a few seconds with her eyes closed she suddenly gave a shudder and it was clear that she was enjoying an intense climax as the tongue of her husband continued to thrust and lap at her wet pussy. As her orgasm subsided I focussed on the sight of his wet face as he detached himself from the matted hairs of her hairy cunt. I was thrilled that I had ‘caught them’ and my little cock which I was grasping through my trouser front showed its appreciation.

I’m not sure how long it was before I became aware that Gisela was staring intently in my direction. She said something to Roland who turned his head to look upward. I moved my face away from the spyhole in panic and scrabbled to my feet with as much care as possible so as not to totally give the game away by making noise. Had she seen me or was it just coincidence that her focus was on the spot around the light-fitting through which I had been peering?

I stood still and held my breath and listened for sounds that might indicate they were going to investigate. Nothing was heard other than the soft mumbled conversation. A few more minutes passed and still with nothing untoward being heard I made my escape back down the stairs once again tip-toeing like a cat burglar. As I passed by their door I could hear the unmistakeable sounds of them rutting; clearly I had nothing to worry about and I continued my return to the kitchen. As I passed by the open door I glanced into the lounge to see that Helen was still curled up on the sofa, her attention totally held by the TV.

“Phew, got away with it,” was my thought and with my heart still pounding I stirred the pot on the stove like the dutiful ‘servant’ as I resumed acting out my part in the ‘game’ that Helen and I played.

With everything coming together nicely I called through to the lounge and suggested that Helen might like to give our guests a call to the table. I didn’t want run any risks or embarrassment to myself by going up. She condescended to do so but her agreement was conditional and more out of her need to visit the bathroom now her programme had finished rather than acceding to my request. Her reaction left me no doubt that she was still the one in-charge.

Gisela and Roland replied to her knock on their door with a muffled, “We’ll be down shortly” and, accurately enough, they did appear ‘shortly’ both looking very flushed in the face and both dressed in the garb that we witnessed the night before; her in black corset and underwear covered by a wrap-round silk dressing gown; him in his silk very similar in shape and style to hers. They looked really odd to my eyes (albeit I appreciated seeing the swell of her breasts barely covered by the gown) but neither Helen nor I made any comment as they took their places at the table.

I had prepared favourite dish of mine, Hungarian Goulash with pasta, which I thought that with them being a little closer to that country than ours they might appreciate. Indeed, I seemed to have hit the mark with an accompanying Green salad and they made all the right noises of approval as they emptied their plates as, between us, we emptied a bottle of Red wine which was a perfect combination. Helen, who doesn’t handle alcohol well, let her guard down by drinking too much for her own good and as the evening went on she was becoming less her controlling self which I found to be a welcome relief.

We dallied sitting around the table and for the first time since they arrived I began to relax in their company. Whether that came from my relief that no mention had been of my spying or that Gisela was making no effort to hide the sight of her perfect tits spilling over the top of her bustier was a mute point.

My frequent glances didn’t go unnoticed by the Hofmeiers and I began to feel a little uneasy as we seemed to begin some kind of ‘staring-game’ of me being caught in the act and then having to quickly turn my attention elsewhere when I saw them both looking at me! Unfortunately for me, the draw of looking at her became overwhelming and I gave up any pretence of not being interested in what she was so brazenly displaying.

It was Roland who was first to speak, “So, you like to look do you?”

I tore my eyes away from looking at Gisela’s tits as Helen simultaneously gave me a kick under the table. She glowered at me and I hung my head and blushed.

“Hmm, don’t act so shocked Mrs. Smyth, I think that you must be very aware of your husband’s interests. Indeed, I have heard a few whispers down at the college that you can be very accommodating in this house.”

Now it was Helen’s turn to blush as in her tipsy state she assimilated what Roland had just said. “I’m not sure what you are referring to,” she said hesitantly.

“I think you know very well. I understand from some the students I have spoken to that there is more on offer in your house than just Bed and Breakfast. It is also said that you like to have lodgers from Caribbean countries ... something to do with your preference for Black men, is that not so?”

Helen sat frozen in her seat not knowing where to look or what to say. She looked like the proverbial rabbit caught in the headlights.

Roland continued speaking in his clipped English, “Don’t be concerned Mrs Smyth. I find it rather endearing that you have such concerns for your guests that you feel the need to make them as comfortable as possible during their stay; very commendable.”

Listening to him speak I was put in mind of him being the stereotyped German officer as portrayed in war films about to turn off the charm and to turn the screw on some hapless prisoner. I was not far off in my assessment for he said, “Mrs. Smyth, I also have needs and so does my wife and you will provide.” He added with a menacing tone in his voice,

Helen regained her composure, “I haven’t the slightest idea what you are talking about. I have never ...” He cut her short.

“Mrs. Smyth, you know exactly what I’m talking about. I have evidence that you have a preference for Black students to stay so that you can indulge in fantasies of having black cock; I know that you like to humiliate your husband and that he seems to like your treatment of him. Please don’t play the innocent, I knew most of this before we came here which is why we chose to stay with you.”

Helen opened her mouth and quickly shut it again knowing she had nothing to say in her defence. Her dilemma got worse as Roland continued, “I also know that he likes to spy on what is going on in the house. I have seen his little spy holes in the ceilings. I’m sure the authorities would be very interested to learn of these things.”

Gisela looked on with a smile on her face as she listened to her husband exposure of our little secrets, her breasts rising and falling as her obvious excitement began to show.

“Now Mrs. Smyth we can all benefit from this situation for my wife and I also like to play our little fantasy games and I have decided to, how you say, expand your repertoire. Now finish your drink and let us all repair to the bedroom, your bedroom. I have moved our things in there already.” With that he stood up, left the table and led his wife up the stairs.

Helen looked at me, dumbstruck. I returned the look for I was completely taken aback by what had just occurred over the past five minutes. A voice called down the stairs, “We are waiting.”

We obediently stood up and I followed Helen up the stairs.

Helen seemed to be in some kind of trance as we entered the room. She hadn’t said a word to me and I wondered if this reaction was the shock of her being made to be the compliant one rather than her ruling the roost and telling everyone else what to do. Whatever, she was very downcast as we both stood at the foot of our big bed.

“Mrs Smyth, you will please get yourself undressed; Mr Smyth, you will go take off your trousers and Unterwäsche and sit on that chair,” said Roland who was untying his silk dressing gown. Gisela had already dispensed with her robe and was standing there in all her lingerie-clad glory, her bustier, garter belt and stockings and, oh my god, as I sat my bare butt on the low chair and focussed in the gloom, she was wearing a pair of lace crotchless panties. From that moment on any fears I had for what was about to happen were dispelled, she looked gorgeous.

Helen was acting like a robot as she fumbled with her buttons, zips and such. Roland moved behind her to assist unclipping her bra and as he turned I could see that beneath his now opened dressing gown that his cock was swelling at half-mast and, no surprise, it was already bigger than mine.

Gisela likewise moved behind me and I turned my head to follow her. She bent her head which gave me a closer look at her gorgeous tits spilling over the cups of her bustier and whispered in my ear, “Now you naughty man, I want you to put your hands behind the chair.” I was confused but in my present state of arousal I would have done anything she asked and so I complied. In an instant I felt something being wrapped around my wrists and pulled tight and I quickly realised that I had been tied. She moved back in front of me and smiling knelt down and repeated the exercise by tieing my ankles to the front legs of the chair. She stood up and surveyed her handiwork and was seemingly satisfied that she had rendered me completely immobile.

Roland glanced over, “Good, now you will be able to watch in comfort.”

Helen also turned and looked at me and I could see the tears coursing down her cheeks as she struggled to comprehend what was happening. Gisela left my side and went over to Helen and assisted her in removing her last item of clothing, her panties, before giving her a gentle push towards the bed. Helen stumbled and half-fell onto the bed to end up sitting, almost slumped, on the edge.

“Ach, Mrs Smyth, don’t be so concerned. We are all going to have a little fun and I’m sure we shall all enjoy ourselves, especially this husband of yours. I have been observing him quite closely these past few days and I think I am understanding what he likes to do.”

I blushed but it wouldn’t have been noticed given that the lights hadn’t been turned on and the bedroom was in relative darkness but perhaps they might have seen my squirming with embarrassment of hearing that my little secret wasn’t such a secret after all.

Roland removed his robe to reveal that he had lost the silk pyjamas albeit the sight of his stiffening, circumcised cock was rendered a little less erotic by the fact that he was still wearing his woollen socks! Gisela didn’t let that feature detract from her intention for she went and stood beside her husband and took his cock in her hand and said to Helen, “Hmm, it’s getting to be very nice and big. I think that you are looking forward to receiving this Deutscher Schwanz in your English pussy, huh?”

Helen gave no such reaction; indeed, she looked a picture of misery as she lay there with a look of total incomprehension on her face. For myself, I had already figured that I was destined to be a spectator to the humiliation of my wife and I was feeling a rising excitement. Usually our ‘game rules’ had always been about her being pleasured at my expense with her calling the shots, (no pun intended.) Now the scene before me suggested that the tables were being turned and although I was firmly restrained and in no position to participate my chair was a grandstand seat giving me a perfect view of witnessing my dominating wife receiving her comeuppance.

Gisela gave Roland’s cock a few more leisurely strokes before moving over to kneel on the bed alongside Helen. Roland continued to wank himself as we watched Gisela firstly reach out to touch and softly massage Helen’s tits. Helen whimpered in response to the touch but I noted that the longer Gisela caressed my wife the more relaxed she became and the whimpers turned into a sort of soft moaning; oh my, was she actually beginning to enjoy the attention?

Roland looked across at me and smirked. He didn’t say a word but in my mind I was convinced he was making a comparison to the now impressive stiff cock he held in his hand to my pathetic little nubbin which in my scrunched up state was just about visible buried as it was in the folds of my seated thighs. I dropped my gaze and could see that despite my uncomfortable posture my stubby cock was beginning to leak pre-cum from the piss hole.

On the bed Gisela had widened her attention and was alternating between squeezing and softly massaging Helen’s pert breasts and then slipping a hand down to her now open thighs to slip and slide her fingers along the ******* slit. The attention she was receiving soon had the trick of allaying any fears she had that she was going to be mistreated and she gave herself up to the expert ministrations of our female house guest. A few more minutes passed of watching the Sapphic performance in front of me and with my cock straining I tried to move and make myself more comfortable but I discovered that not only was Gisela an accomplished bisexual but she was also an expert in tieing knots for I was completely immobile. My discomfort then became even more intense when she moved down the bed and with her back towards me she knelt down and began to eat out my now totally compliant supine wife. The sight of her head bobbing up and down as she dipped and pushed her tongue into Helen’s cunt combined with my view of her upturned butt displaying her own hairy pussy peeking out between the lacy gap of her crotchless panties was almost too much to bear and I felt my breath catching in my throat.

Helen was now groaning with delight as she abandoned herself to Gisela and then added to her vocal acceptance by placing her hands on her assailant’s head to stroke her blonde hair. I thought I would pass out such was my bewilderment at being present at such an intimate erotic scene. It was the stuff of dreams which up until this moment I had only fleetingly glimpsed when I caught two of our previous female lodgers having a quick fumble beneath my gaze from the loft.

Gisela lifted her head and turned to Roland. I could see her mouth and chin was glistening, she said, “She’s ready for you,” and then she stood up. Roland swiftly took her place between Helen’s spread thighs but before he blocked my view I saw that her pussy was wide open with her labia and fuzz-covered mound slick with juices. I squirmed even more in my seat as I attempted to lean my head to get a better view but it was to no avail and I was left with having to use my imagination as to what was about to occur.

My imagination was confirmed when without any ceremony Roland thrust his hips forward and Helen gave a loud gasp. Her legs rose from the bed as he thrust into her and as he leaned further forward to grasp and pin her arms I momentarily saw his hairy balls pushed against her butt. It was so frustrating to be so close to the action but at the same time being denied. My spectating became even more restricted when Gisela took up position behind him and placed her hand on his back saying, “Jetzt Schatzen, ficken ihr.” I didn’t need to be a German student to understand he was being commanded to fuck, no, **** my wife.

He held her in this position for a few moments and then began to violently fuck her. Thankfully for me Gisela moved to one side and once again I had a less restricted view and could see his clenched cheeks thrusting back and forth. He turned to look at his wife with a blissful expression on his face and gave what I took to be a nod of appreciation. Gisela smiled and bent down to pick up my discarded trousers. “How odd,” I thought, “One moment to be encouraging her husband to violate my wife and now to be tidying up the bedroom! They truly are an odd couple.”

Such thoughts were quickly dispelled when she deftly slid my leather belt from the loops and then stepped back and with practised ease began to lash at the white cheeks of her husband’s arse. He cried out with each stroke and the punishment spurred him on to thrust even harder into my wife’s violated cunt. This went on for I don’t know how long; time for me seemed to have stood still. The more he cried out in passion, the harder she lashed at his reddened cheeks. Poor Helen, God knows what she must have been feeling or thinking; I’m sure she could see what was occurring as she lay pinned to the bed by her ‘******’. Above the sound of the leather belt I began to hear her whimpers turning to moans and sighs of someone who was enjoying being fucked in such a violent fashion. Each slap of the leather strap on his arse caused him to push hard into her with an animalistic grunt; each thrust made Helen squeal out a hissed, “Yes, yes....” Each slap of the strap was delivered with such force that Gisela’s ******* tits shook and heaved as she raised her hands. Her eyes and laughing face conveyed her enjoyment of orchestrating the punishment she was dealing to her husband. It was a sight of the utmost depravity and I was loving it; loving the very idea that we had been forced into indulging in someone else’s games.

My little cock was straining and I was beside myself with the frustration of being held so helplessly not even being able to touch or wank to bring me some relief. My irritation increased when I realised that the shagging couple were both reaching their climax. Gisela stepped to one side and dropped the belt to the floor. Her fingers plunged to her pussy and she started to stroke and frig herself as at the same time Helen began gasping and gabbling incoherently, a sure sign that her orgasm was about to overtake her; Roland must have felt her cunt muscles begin to squeeze him as they always do when she is starting to cum and with a final thrust and grunt I could see he was emptying his spunk deep into her.

I was in despair that everyone except me was being satisfied and vocally announced it to be so. Gisela heard my pathetic whimpering and pleading to be released and turned her attention toward me and I thought that maybe, just maybe it might be my turn. It was not to be. As I sat pined in my low chair she came and straddled me pushing her pantie covered cunt to my face. “Lick me, kiss it, use your tongue,” she ordered. I was in no position to disobey and I eagerly stuck out my tongue and through the gap in her crotchless panties began to slavishly lap at her musky soaking wet slit. It was heavenly.

I stuck out my tongue as much as I was capable and probed in between the sopping wet folds of her cunt. She assisted my quest by pushing herself hard against my face so that my nose prodded against her erect clit. I glanced upward to see that she had fully released her glorious tits from the ineffective confines of the half-cups of her bustier and was frantically squeezing and pinching her nipples. Clearly she enjoyed receiving pain just as much as she did dealing it out.

I felt as if I was being suffocated in the most wonderful fashion as she leaned over me even further until I could see nothing other than the lacy fabric of her panties and the escaping black pubic bush that spread up to her tummy. It was a few seconds later that she suddenly gave a final groan of ecstasy and as her climax peaked I gagged as she squirted her cum juices into my mouth. She half collapsed and stumbled to one side releasing her delicious hold of me. My head dropped down as I gasped for breath and then on opening my eyes I focussed on my lap and saw that my thighs and stubby cock were covered in my cum; somewhere along the way I had obviously ejaculated with the excitement of what had occurred; I hadn’t even noticed!

I sat there feeling both embarrassed and a little miserable that once again I had demonstrated that I had been unable to control myself. My shame was compounded when I realised that the three of them had noticed and my head dropped once more to avoid seeing the Germans laughing at my distress. They said something to each other and Gisela came over to me and untied the cords that were holding me. I gingerly stood up easing myself into a standing position and rubbed my arms to encourage a return of my circulation as she bent down and undid the ties around my ankles. There were red welts around my wrists which testified to the tightness of my bonds and I winced as I rubbed away the hurt (honest, it did really really hurt.) Nobody seemed to take much notice of my distress other than Helen who said witheringly, “Be careful, you’re just about to drip on the carpet.” I looked down at my shrinking cock and she was right, a great glob of cum was dripping down my leg.

Gisela undid the cords holding my ankles and finally I was able to move. I successfully caught the string of cum just before it detached and cleaned my hand on my shirt tail. All three were looking at me with amusement and I felt so self-conscious standing there feeling just like a scolded schoolboy who had just been caught wanking ... which, I supposed, wasn’t far from the truth. My only shred of comfort was that I noticed that Roland who was laying naked alongside Helen was still wearing his woolly socks and I thought how ridiculous that looked.

Roland stood up and gestured to his wife to come to his side. “Well, that was much fun, wasn’t it?” he said to no one in particular as he gave her a caress. She purred her agreement and put her arms around him. They began to kiss and peck at each other then he turned his head to look around to Helen and then me and said, “You can go now. We have finished playing with you for tonight.”

Helen’s spirit was totally broken and without a word she got up from the bed to listlessly pick up her scattered clothing. I did likewise and followed her out of the door. We went into the adjacent bedroom which our ‘guests’ had vacated in preference for ours and Helen straightaway lay on the bed and began to softly sob. “I’ve never felt so humiliated,” was just one of the things I heard through her sobbing. “How could I let them do that to me?”

I took off my cum soaked shirt and went and laying beside her put my arms as best I could around her. She rolled over and we joined in a proper embrace and I cuddled and smoothed the tears away from her cheeks. “You know quite well,” I said. “You know that if we hadn’t gone along with what he said that the consequences would have been dreadful. We couldn’t let the college know anything about what we do and I’m sure that his threat would have been carried out if we hadn’t have agreed to play along with them.” I gave her a while to calm down and to let my words sink in. She snuggled in closer and I felt the warmth of her body pressing against me. “Anyway, I didn’t see you objecting too much once you were laid out on our bed. In fact, seems to me that you were really getting into it.”

She gave a little giggle and said, “Well, it was quite nice and it was good to feel a proper cock inside me again but, Gordon, for heaven’s sake, this is awful. I feel like we are being blackmailed.”

I calmed her fears. “I don’t think so. I’m thinking they are just as much into their games as we are and just as excited at the idea of doing this for the rest of their stay. Nope, I don’t think they will be doing anything of the sort to spoil their fun. So don’t worry; let’s just relax and enjoy it.”

I think she was surprised by my rare display of confidence; it’s usually her who lays out the rules and makes the big decisions. She gave me another squeeze and mouthed a ‘thank you’. My cock also reacted to my assertiveness during my little speech and had become quite hard and erect to its full 4 inches. I decided to take advantage of her seeming submissive nakedness and got to my knees to position myself and get what I was hoping to be sloppy seconds. I was bought back to earth with a bump when she clamped her legs together and said, “For heaven’s sake. What do you think you are doing? I’m far too sore after that fucking I’ve just had to have you poking your little thing in me. Get off.”

I was devastated and fell back onto the bed thinking, “Well, that didn’t last long; Helen is back and I’m put in my place once more.” I may have even given a pathetic sob.

She saw my reaction and realised she may have just overstepped the line. “Oh Gordy, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be so mean. It’s just that they have got me so confused and upset. Come on, I meant it when I said I was sore but you can get down and clean me up if you want. That would be nice and I know you like doing it.” She added with a giggle, “He shot so much into me that I’m sure you’ll be busy for quite a while.”

I needed no further encouragement and I scooted down the bed to take up the position. To the sounds of the Germans next door who were loudly fucking we spent the next forever with my head buried between her thighs and my stiff cock rubbing against the bed covers beneath.


The remainder of their stay was spent with each evening and weekends playing ever more imaginative games. Helen soon became used to the schedule of us all having a dinner which I had prepared during the day and then for us to retreat to the bedrooms or, sometimes, just to the lounge where the ‘game’ would play out. They were a very inventive couple and I was witness to all manner of variations on the Karma Sutra with Helen becoming a more enthusiastic participant as time went by. The only common theme that was maintained night after night was that I was excluded from physically joining in albeit that my presence either in the room or somewhere nearby was considered to be part of the game. I was always made to be a spectator, sometimes tied, other times banished to the loft where I was ‘allowed’ to act the voyeur peeping through my spy-holes. Other times I was made to be the deferential servant and to attend to everybody’s’ needs. (I have to confess that I really liked it when they made me do that.)

Helen learned the delights of being serviced by an aggressive white male, something that she had never previously considered given her preference for black cock and she definitely loved being involved in a threesome with another woman. As time went by her anxieties of our ‘house of ill repute’ being ******* to the authorities had been allayed when Roland had confessed that he was enjoying all aspects of his stay with us and that he would be definitely be requesting the college that he would be lodged with us on his future visits. Could things get any better we asked ourselves as the day approached when our Teutonic friends would be leaving?

Well, actually, yes they did. Roland (by now, my new best friend) asked what was I doing regarding getting the improvements being made to the house which would satisfy the deficiencies that the safety inspection had identified. I was taken aback when he mentioned it for not only had I completely forgotten about being summoned to the college and being told of the problem but I hadn’t realised that he had overheard the conversation that I had with Helen to discuss it. I confessed that it had slipped my mind but now he mentioned it that I would indeed be making inquiries as to how to get the required smoke detectors and other measures installed. He then made a proposal that quite surprised me.

“Mr Smyth, I am thinking that you can afford to have the best equipment to do this job for you, heh?” I nodded and told him that money was not a problem.

“Good. I am thinking that we can buy devices that will not only serve their primary purpose but will also have additional features that will serve your special interests very well.”

I was unsure what he was referring to and where this conversation was going and my expression must have conveyed that. He continued, “I know of your little spying games and frankly I find it quite pathetic that you think it acceptable to be lying on the floor and looking through those little holes you have made in the ceiling.” I blushed for whilst it had become common knowledge over the past couple of weeks of my activities it still hurt to hear it expressed in such a blunt manner.

“Tomorrow,” he said, “we shall go shopping at a specialist shop I know and we shall purchase a variety of devices that will not only satisfy your safety inspectors but will also give you a more comfortable view of what is happening in your house.” I was still none the wiser what he was talking about but decided that if I was to get the college off my back and he had an answer then, what the heck, let’s go along with whatever he was proposing.

The following day we all took the train and went into central London. The ladies went off to shop in Oxford Street but Roland and me went in the opposite direction and in a street off Tottenham Court Road found a shop with a non-descript storefront that advertised itself as being ‘Surveillance Central’. I followed him inside and saw a jumble of counters and display stands holding all manner of innocuous everyday objects such as pens, telephones, ornaments, flower vases, clocks and such. A salesman appeared and recognised Roland straightaway. “Ah, Herr Doktor, good to see you again; what can we do for you this time?”

Roland shook the proffered hand and gesturing to me said, “My friend is interested in purchasing a few household items. He is needing to replace some light fittings and also I am hoping that you may have Smoke Detectors and maybe a few other things that have cameras fitted inside.” He handed him a piece of paper.

The salesman made no comment or showed any reaction as he glanced at the neat writing other than, “Certainly, I think I know just the things you are looking for.” He disappeared with Roland’s list in hand and a few minutes later returned with a number of boxes. He unpacked one containing an innocuous looking ceiling light fitting and pointed out a button that was part of the decoration. “That is the camera,” he said matter-of-factly before opening another box which enclosed a smoke detector. “This can be fitted to a ceiling or wall. The video camera like all our devices can be linked through WiFi to a computer so there is no need for any wiring. Installation is very easy and straightforward.”

I was thrilled as I realised the implications and possibilities of what Roland was proposing. Who knew such things existed?

A couple of hours later we met up with the ladies and whilst they were delighted with their purchases made in the many designer stores and clothing shops their satisfaction and excitement was nothing when compared to mine as I clutched two large carrier bags and the thought of what I was about to have installed in my house.


It was two days later that we bid our guests goodbye. They had become real friends through our shared interests and we made all the right noises and said all the expected things as we shook hands and saw them into a taxi that would start their journey to take them home to Germany. They were certainly an odd couple. Her with her insistence on wearing the most provocative underwear and Lingerie whenever we played (I liked that very much); him with his preference for always keeping his socks on which I found to be very strange (Helen claimed not have noticed). Then there was the German thing of always addressing us as ‘Mr. and Mrs.’ despite the depth of intimacy to which we had descended.

However, all this was overlooked when I reviewed the results of Roland’s project of installing all these surveillance devices that were now strategically placed in bedrooms and the lounge. I was so grateful for his knowledge and expertise and had told him so when on our last night of fun he banished me from the bedroom just after I had served them drinks and told me to ‘go to your room’. I played the part and quickly went up into the loft to sit

in front of my newly purchased computer. I slipped off my pants and for the next two hours I watched an energetic performance on the screen as the three of them below played up to the cameras. My little dick showed my excitement and I lost count of the number of orgasms that were enjoyed as the squeals and grunts and moans of delight were relayed to me via the concealed microphones. For sure, I spurted my spunk at least twice and would have, I’m sure, cum again had I not been summoned to return to their company and to clean up the room, Helen and, for the first time Gisela. As I buried my face into her hairy bush I could not help thinking what a lovely leaving party we are having.

The following day I went to the college and reported that the required work had been completed and we made arrangements for an inspector to come and confirm that we were now compliant and that our licence to rent was safe.

I was thanked for my prompt response and in turn was asked if we had availability next month to take three students from Barbados. They had specifically asked to stay with us as we had been recommended by their friends who had last year attended a similar course.

I agreed without making any discussion with Helen for I know that she will be very pleased to accommodate them.

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